Yes yes, I know there was so much more I could have done with that, but I just thought that Yoga/ strike that, reverse it... Anyway that seemed a perfect bit to do... though a touch of Dark Helmet wouldn't have gone amiss perhaps :)
As someone who's been writing omakes in this quest for literally years (I just checked, first one was at least two years ago)...yours was hilarious and delightful. I still don't get everything done in mine that I would have wanted to. All that means is there's more to write if you want.
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As someone who's been writing omakes in this quest for literally years (I just checked, first one was at least two years ago)...yours was hilarious and delightful. I still don't get everything done in mine that I would have wanted to. All that means is there's more to write if you want.
Oh trust me, I get that. I've an ongoing story over on Spacebattles that started out as a little story/timeline thing, just a short time filler.... now is a 200+ chapter monster with a serious amount of detail in the background (half of which I have to keep looking up when I forget stuff)

I am reasonably certain that the Omake Army made likebombing all of this about three times as long.
As in, it took me a bit shy of an hour to Like merely the threadmarked stuff, and I know there is more.

Anyway, hello. I finally made it here after scouring the entirety of both Threads for a full two weeks.

Edit: Scratch that, forgot a few.
Now more than an hour.

One of us!! One of us!! One of us!!
Because it's too unstable to function and there's inevitably going to be succession wars. Look at the Warring States period in Japan or the fall of the Han dynasty in China, there is legitimate IRL historical precedent for situations like this.
The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.
Still getting things sorted, but I can comment on both of these non-canon omakes.

The appropriately snarky comments about Kygeetu's involvement in this what-if have already been make, so I'm just going to point out that yes, this is in fact what Ciaran really really doesn't want to happen. +10.

You are a scholar and a gentleperson for making this happen. +10.
The Chiss are extremely isolationist and Hapes are not much better, but its downright guranteed that the Hutt would try to increase their sphere of influence (not where they do business, but the actuall area of space they de-facto control).

It could be a problem but I don't think it will be a major problem; if Palpatine isn't taken completely by surprise we die and the empire forms. If Palpatine is taken by surprise theirs no way that the Huts will be able to find out before hand which means in any end that we care about the only hut that will have any advance notice of the complete restructuring of the galaxy will be uncle Borvo. Without that notice they won't exactly be eager to move quickly enough to cause major problems and our good relationship with the huts mean that any problems they do make will happen to someone else.
Still getting things sorted, but I can comment on both of these non-canon omakes.

The appropriately snarky comments about Kygeetu's involvement in this what-if have already been make, so I'm just going to point out that yes, this is in fact what Ciaran really really doesn't want to happen. +10.

You are a scholar and a gentleperson for making this happen. +10.
*Bows* You honor me sir! Pleased I could be of some assistance.

Realistically I'm just glad I had some inspiration. I don't have a huge background knowledge of Starwars. Stargate is more my thing normally, but I know most of the movies (except Episode One, only saw that once) and have a reasonable memory of the Clone Wars series.
Anyone know when that got there?

You remember how there was a droid army attacking the Watcher base on Kalee?

Let's just say that after several tons of buried explosives went off...there wasn't an army anymore. Think of it like several MOABs going off right under the feet of that army and...uh...yeah, now there's a neat new crater by the facility.
Other names for the Abyss Watcher Impromptu Terraforming Test Sites AKA 'Explosion-Com' during the battle of Kalee were:
2. Epskens' Gambit - "Hey, it worked out end the end!" "You and your squad still have two weeks of babysitting duty for the Ersos'" Sigh "Duly noted, Boss Lady."
3. Ordo Exterminatus - #1 Vote for the Mandalorian contingent of the Watchers, with Mand'alor himself voicing his approval.
4. Huk's Folly - Or in the Kallesh Tongue 'Monument to the Hubris of Cowards'
5. Skyfall Oasis - "Honestly, we're lucky those pyromaniacs didn't crack into the mantle. Instead they manage to penetrate the Estus Aquifer and managed to made a lake by accident."
6. Bothamurd - According to Thrawn it was the name of a legendary Bothan hidden fortress-city that utilized geothermal power until it was sabotaged, killing all the inhabitants.

It is unknown who won the in-house competition, but Commander Epsken was noted to be looking forward to be spending a recent windfall on a short vacation.

Edit: Apparently, I was mistaken and Mayhem Squad caused a crater elsewhere with the improvised orbital KKV from my omake!
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Edit: Apparently, I was mistaken and Mayhem Squad caused a crater elsewhere with the improvised orbital KKV from my omake!

Yep, that was a crater created by "massive amounts of buried explosives going off at once" as opposed to one created by a good old-fashioned Colony Drop.

(For the record, the Kaleesh in general aren't quite sure how to feel about both events; on the one hand they greatly approve of the massive amounts of casualties and destruction caused by both, but on the other hand most if not all of them would have preferred to have had the chance to murder said armies in glorious Kaleesh-to-Droid combat.)

(That, or they're secretly envious of Piebald's and Epsken's kill counts. In fact it's probably envy more than anything else :V)
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Yep, that was a crater created by "massive amounts of buried explosives going off at once" as opposed to one created by a good old-fashioned Colony Drop.

(For the record, the Kaleesh in general aren't quite sure how to feel about both events; on the one hand they greatly approve of the massive amounts of casualties and destruction caused by both, but on the other hand most if not all of them would have preferred to have had the chance to murder said armies in glorious Kaleesh-to-Droid combat.)

(That, or they're secretly envious of Piebald's and Epsken's kill counts. In fact it's probably envy more than anything else :V)
Honestly, they'd probably greatly like how the Colony Drop happened. After all, the commando team boarded the satellite after their transport's engines were destroyed, hacked the flight controls, modified the reactor with their stocks of explosives for extra boom, and then rode said falling bomb down (most of the way) from orbit before jumping out and almost certainly proceeded in making any CIS troops that survived said Colony Drop deeply regret said state of affairs.

You know, if it hadn't been master-minded by that honour-less viper, this clearly making it impossible for it to be praiseworthy. (No, we aren't jealous, you are...)
You remember how there was a droid army attacking the Watcher base on Kalee?

Let's just say that after several tons of buried explosives went off...there wasn't an army anymore. Think of it like several MOABs going off right under the feet of that army and...uh...yeah, now there's a neat new crater by the facility.
Pretty sure my question was more about when it got added to the base features.
I thing of a idea that maybe the solution for the Father, Son and Daughter problem but it may not work. Have them go to a family road trip. That way the Son can get out and enjoy being out side and the Father and Daughter could keep a eye on him.
I thing of a idea that maybe the solution for the Father, Son and Daughter problem but it may not work. Have them go to a family road trip. That way the Son can get out and enjoy being out side and the Father and Daughter could keep a eye on him.
I'm just imagining Son in the backseat of a rather small speeder, knees jammed nearly to his chin, sulking and occasionally uttering 'Are we there yet Father?"
I wrote a thing, because I don't like seeing this thread going dormant, but can't think of anything interesting to discuss.

A man warned, is halfway saved.

Working as a promintent figure for a secret organization the calibre of the Abyss Watchers had many advantages, of which having access to classified information from most of the known Galaxy and invitations to even the most elitist and obscure art exhibits were merely Mitth'raw'nuruodo's most appreciated examples. To name another, the operations he oversaw were quite often stimulating, it didn't matter whether because of scale or very peculiar operative parameters, and made his work actively pleasant for the Chiss, at times even making him wonder if the Ascendacy would have ever given him anything comparable.
Then he quickly shook himself and tried to evict from his mind the subtle effects of his employer's social manipulations to ensure loyalty in her subordinates; it was somewhat startling, at first, to realise he was only relatively more resistant to the positive reinforcement techniques he had identified than those who hadn't realised the depth of their employer forethought in setting up the Watchers' virtually perfect working enviroment, nor the legths she would go to maintain its spirit.

Maybe he should have felt more shaken by the realisation than he had been, but working in the Abyss Watchers' high echelons had a tendency to cure one's perspective from egotism anyway, so in the end Thrawn had simply acknowledged what an old Wookie poet had described as "the condition of the mind enshrouded in flesh" ("wrooshoonnr 'r'rrwolow'aaur" in the original Shyriiwook, if his memory didn't fail him) and doubled his mental excercises and deprogramming routines, at times adding more light reading on the difficulties of operations deep undercover.

Still, even such lofty position had its downsides, especially when working in the field of intergalactic espionage, and some where more worrisome than others. Personally, Thrawn put receiving an urgent summon from Lady Ciaran on a private datapad he had gone to some lengths to keep secret on the "severe" side, as these things went, but that didn't mean he had any excuse not to follow her commands; for all her carefully constructed eccentricities, in the time he had known her Ciaran had always shown a very grounded perspective when assessing the urgency of military matters. Thus, he followed her instructions in all haste and arrived on Lordran with twelve chosen Seekers, as specified, on the very same evening.

Surprisingly, he was directed to a landing pad nearly a klick away from his objective, but he could easily see all other landing points were already occupied, so he figured he would simply walk to the Ariandel Administrative Center by foot, with his guards following him. As he closed in, though, something didn't to add up, from the request of comm silence to the building new coat of paint in red and white (in clear imitation of Pau'an decorations, of all things). The strangeness of the situation set Thrawn on edge and he couldn't help but slow his pace as he followed a chattering protocol droid, painted in blue, to the largest conference room in the complex.

"Your guards are dismissed and will be given quarters in the barracks, Admiral." The droid droned on as it opened the door and the sound of conversation coming from inside stopped abruptly. "You may continue on to the next room, the Lady Ciaran is waiting for you."

Thrawn nodded and entered, frowning. The room was dimly lit and covered in large curtains, obscuring the walls almost completely; the drapes were weaved in intricate patterns of purple and black, shimmering in a peculiar way he knew from experience indicated the art on them could be seen only in the ultraviolet spectrum. Except for the two doors, only five small alcoves were along the walls were not veiled by the drapery, each with a waist-high effigy of a different being inside; it took a few seconds for him to identify them as original statues of the five Umbaran psychopomps, the Nessta. It made sense in a way, given the hangings, but the Chiss couldn't help but wonder why the his employer had furnished the room as an alien place of worship.

As he took the first steps towards the door which would hopefully lead him to his employer, the conversations around him started up again and the Admiral received many nods of acknowledgement from the people in the room. Looking at them, Thrawn was not surprised he could recognize them all by sight, and most of them by name: they were all Watchers, naturally, but from disparate branches of the organization and were all dressed in formal civilian wear. Warily, his mind tried to solve the mystery of this strange gathering; it obviously wasn't an emergency strategic council like the message he received had suggested, but unless Ciaran had an improbable religious awakening, he simply had no idea of what exactly was happening around him, and this unnerved him beyond measure.

He found a common element soon enough, though it wasn't a promising one: again and again, as he walked through the crowd, he was stopped by this or that Watcher, who was just discussing the time spent under Thrawn's command with another guest and wanted him to corroborate their story, desisting only when he said Lady CIaran was waiting for him.
Finally arriving at the door, the Admiral felt much less uncertain, but if anything much grimmer: all the people present in the room had been his subordinates at one point or the another, and all were telling stories of his service with them, which didn't promise anything good for his upcoming meeting. Inconspicuously palming his holdout blaster, the Chiss quickly opened the door before him and stepped inside.

The sound of a fire and a soft thumph were the first impression of the new room, as the bright light inside blinded him for a moment. Next, he heard the door behind him close and a soft greeting come from the front.

"Mitth'raw'nuruodo." The voice was Ciaran's, but Thrawn had to stop for a second at the sound. He hadn't know she could speak his actual name with such ease.

Squinting slightly, he took in the scene as his employer had undoubtably arranged it up for him. She was walking out from behind an exquisitely crafted brazier; it was about two meters in length and one in height, entirely made out of light metals and crystal in such way that the fire almost seemed suspended mid-air; she wore a rich green dress with a golden shawl covered with carefully stitched black figures performing a complex dance, while elaborate light games projected complex shadow plays on the white walls. All Sephi art, he recognized, she was dressed as a traditional Sephi matriarch and her soft smile reassured him not one bit, nor did the Watcher uniform now burning in the fire.

"Lady Ciaran" he greeted her Back, "I arrived as fast as I could."

"And not a second late," she answered walking towards a pair of armchairs in white and gold. "Come, sit. I have a mission for you."

To exacerbate his nerves, what followed was a completely mundane briefing for a long range patrol of CNS space; Ciaran detailed every step of the operation, accepting a circumspect Thrawn's own suggestions in the details but keeping the overall route very close to her initial plan. Eventually, after a couple of hours, the Chiss was dismissed and went for the door, but stopped just before leaving to ask the question which had burned in his mind up to that point.

"May I know the reason for this meeting's peculiar... features?"

"I thought it would have been clear to you, Thrawn," the Miraluka's smile didn't outwardly change, but was suddently much more predatory. "But I guess sometimes I can outsmart myself... maybe I was trying to learn your own tricks, or just wanted to mess with you. I am well known for doing it, after all."

"Somehow, I doubt it was something as simple as that" responded the Admiral, who had realised long before anything Ciaran was publicly well known for was almost always a trap for the unwary, to her retreating form as she walked unhurriedly towards a seemingly empty wall.

"Well, I'm certain it'll come to you eventually." The woman walked through the wall, briefly disrupting the hologram hiding a long corridor where Abysswalker Torgh waited for her, leaving behind only an echoing "good night, Mitth'raw'nuruodo."

Said Chiss started retracing his way out of the building, deeeply in thought and halfway convinced the spymistress had crafted an elaborate rouse to confuse him and keep him in one place while something he would have objected to took place, when a particular junction brought back to him forgotten memories of another corridor in white and red. He stopped as his breath caught in his throat and gooseflesh rippled down his body, while his mind finally put together the puzzle all around him.

Taking a deep breath, Thrawn started marching down the aisle, rapidly formulating his next plan of action, all the while damning himself for taking so long to find the solution. From the kilometre long march with twelve honor guards, to the hall full of colleagues remembering his deeds and the "old" matron burning an empty uniform, Ciaran had stitched together from pieces all around the Galaxy a functional parallel to a traditional Chiss wake for the dead, and he had not even noticed.

Considering his discussion with said Miraluka and how he had been invited to the ceremony, Mitth'raw'nuruodo decided he would follow scrupolously his orders for the coming patrol. Fruthermore, he would edit his next report to the Ascendancy to be significantly less detailed on the Abyss Watchers' operations in the Unknown Regions, not even bother to verify the viability of his various exfiltration plans and very pointedly not organise new ones for a while.

After all, no man was let walk away from his own funeral twice.
So who is going to be invited to the wedding of Anakin and Padme.

Edit: I wonder what kind of General CIS would still have and would there be any new once that be replacing from the one we have that join us (Grievous and Asaji) and kill a famous one how will the war go. Since a part of Palpatine plan was using evil 'monster' of general as the face of the CIS army to discredit the CIS from the Republic. Also since this Clone War has WAY less civilian casualty from canon meaning less fear to make him the emperor more legit able.
I wonder how will thing go once the current war is over since the problem with the Republic corruption would still exist ( if it survive the war) and main problem with the CIS with them is because of that. What would happen with CNS after the war. Would it be splinter and mayor part become a new CIS. Since it those make to better work then the Republic and the current CIS. Would Ciara become a elective leader of the new CIS that may come or a good empress of the galaxy by buying it and with connection.
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I wrote a thing, because I don't like seeing this thread going dormant, but can't think of anything interesting to discuss.

A man warned, is halfway saved.

Working as a promintent figure for a secret organization the calibre of the Abyss Watchers had many advantages, of which having access to classified information from most of the known Galaxy and invitations to even the most elitist and obscure art exhibits were merely Mitth'raw'nuruodo's most appreciated examples. To name another, the operations he oversaw were quite often stimulating, it didn't matter whether because of scale or very peculiar operative parameters, and made his work actively pleasant for the Chiss, at times even making him wonder if the Ascendacy would have ever given him anything comparable.
Then he quickly shook himself and tried to evict from his mind the subtle effects of his employer's social manipulations to ensure loyalty in her subordinates; it was somewhat startling, at first, to realise he was only relatively more resistant to the positive reinforcement techniques he had identified than those who hadn't realised the depth of their employer forethought in setting up the Watchers' virtually perfect working enviroment, nor the legths she would go to maintain its spirit.

Maybe he should have felt more shaken by the realisation than he had been, but working in the Abyss Watchers' high echelons had a tendency to cure one's perspective from egotism anyway, so in the end Thrawn had simply acknowledged what an old Wookie poet had described as "the condition of the mind enshrouded in flesh" ("wrooshoonnr 'r'rrwolow'aaur" in the original Shyriiwook, if his memory didn't fail him) and doubled his mental excercises and deprogramming routines, at times adding more light reading on the difficulties of operations deep undercover.

Still, even such lofty position had its downsides, especially when working in the field of intergalactic espionage, and some where more worrisome than others. Personally, Thrawn put receiving an urgent summon from Lady Ciaran on a private datapad he had gone to some lengths to keep secret on the "severe" side, as these things went, but that didn't mean he had any excuse not to follow her commands; for all her carefully constructed eccentricities, in the time he had known her Ciaran had always shown a very grounded perspective when assessing the urgency of military matters. Thus, he followed her instructions in all haste and arrived on Lordran with twelve chosen Seekers, as specified, on the very same evening.

Surprisingly, he was directed to a landing pad nearly a klick away from his objective, but he could easily see all other landing points were already occupied, so he figured he would simply walk to the Ariandel Administrative Center by foot, with his guards following him. As he closed in, though, something didn't to add up, from the request of comm silence to the building new coat of paint in red and white (in clear imitation of Pau'an decorations, of all things). The strangeness of the situation set Thrawn on edge and he couldn't help but slow his pace as he followed a chattering protocol droid, painted in blue, to the largest conference room in the complex.

"Your guards are dismissed and will be given quarters in the barracks, Admiral." The droid droned on as it opened the door and the sound of conversation coming from inside stopped abruptly. "You may continue on to the next room, the Lady Ciaran is waiting for you."

Thrawn nodded and entered, frowning. The room was dimly lit and covered in large curtains, obscuring the walls almost completely; the drapes were weaved in intricate patterns of purple and black, shimmering in a peculiar way he knew from experience indicated the art on them could be seen only in the ultraviolet spectrum. Except for the two doors, only five small alcoves were along the walls were not veiled by the drapery, each with a waist-high effigy of a different being inside; it took a few seconds for him to identify them as original statues of the five Umbaran psychopomps, the Nessta. It made sense in a way, given the hangings, but the Chiss couldn't help but wonder why the his employer had furnished the room as an alien place of worship.

As he took the first steps towards the door which would hopefully lead him to his employer, the conversations around him started up again and the Admiral received many nods of acknowledgement from the people in the room. Looking at them, Thrawn was not surprised he could recognize them all by sight, and most of them by name: they were all Watchers, naturally, but from disparate branches of the organization and were all dressed in formal civilian wear. Warily, his mind tried to solve the mystery of this strange gathering; it obviously wasn't an emergency strategic council like the message he received had suggested, but unless Ciaran had an improbable religious awakening, he simply had no idea of what exactly was happening around him, and this unnerved him beyond measure.

He found a common element soon enough, though it wasn't a promising one: again and again, as he walked through the crowd, he was stopped by this or that Watcher, who was just discussing the time spent under Thrawn's command with another guest and wanted him to corroborate their story, desisting only when he said Lady CIaran was waiting for him.
Finally arriving at the door, the Admiral felt much less uncertain, but if anything much grimmer: all the people present in the room had been his subordinates at one point or the another, and all were telling stories of his service with them, which didn't promise anything good for his upcoming meeting. Inconspicuously palming his holdout blaster, the Chiss quickly opened the door before him and stepped inside.

The sound of a fire and a soft thumph were the first impression of the new room, as the bright light inside blinded him for a moment. Next, he heard the door behind him close and a soft greeting come from the front.

"Mitth'raw'nuruodo." The voice was Ciaran's, but Thrawn had to stop for a second at the sound. He hadn't know she could speak his actual name with such ease.

Squinting slightly, he took in the scene as his employer had undoubtably arranged it up for him. She was walking out from behind an exquisitely crafted brazier; it was about two meters in length and one in height, entirely made out of light metals and crystal in such way that the fire almost seemed suspended mid-air; she wore a rich green dress with a golden shawl covered with carefully stitched black figures performing a complex dance, while elaborate light games projected complex shadow plays on the white walls. All Sephi art, he recognized, she was dressed as a traditional Sephi matriarch and her soft smile reassured him not one bit, nor did the Watcher uniform now burning in the fire.

"Lady Ciaran" he greeted her Back, "I arrived as fast as I could."

"And not a second late," she answered walking towards a pair of armchairs in white and gold. "Come, sit. I have a mission for you."

To exacerbate his nerves, what followed was a completely mundane briefing for a long range patrol of CNS space; Ciaran detailed every step of the operation, accepting a circumspect Thrawn's own suggestions in the details but keeping the overall route very close to her initial plan. Eventually, after a couple of hours, the Chiss was dismissed and went for the door, but stopped just before leaving to ask the question which had burned in his mind up to that point.

"May I know the reason for this meeting's peculiar... features?"

"I thought it would have been clear to you, Thrawn," the Miraluka's smile didn't outwardly change, but was suddently much more predatory. "But I guess sometimes I can outsmart myself... maybe I was trying to learn your own tricks, or just wanted to mess with you. I am well known for doing it, after all."

"Somehow, I doubt it was something as simple as that" responded the Admiral, who had realised long before anything Ciaran was publicly well known for was almost always a trap for the unwary, to her retreating form as she walked unhurriedly towards a seemingly empty wall.

"Well, I'm certain it'll come to you eventually." The woman walked through the wall, briefly disrupting the hologram hiding a long corridor where Abysswalker Torgh waited for her, leaving behind only an echoing "good night, Mitth'raw'nuruodo."

Said Chiss started retracing his way out of the building, deeeply in thought and halfway convinced the spymistress had crafted an elaborate rouse to confuse him and keep him in one place while something he would have objected to took place, when a particular junction brought back to him forgotten memories of another corridor in white and red. He stopped as his breath caught in his throat and gooseflesh rippled down his body, while his mind finally put together the puzzle all around him.

Taking a deep breath, Thrawn started marching down the aisle, rapidly formulating his next plan of action, all the while damning himself for taking so long to find the solution. From the kilometre long march with twelve honor guards, to the hall full of colleagues remembering his deeds and the "old" matron burning an empty uniform, Ciaran had stitched together from pieces all around the Galaxy a functional parallel to a traditional Chiss wake for the dead, and he had not even noticed.

Considering his discussion with said Miraluka and how he had been invited to the ceremony, Mitth'raw'nuruodo decided he would follow scrupolously his orders for the coming patrol. Fruthermore, he would edit his next report to the Ascendancy to be significantly less detailed on the Abyss Watchers' operations in the Unknown Regions, not even bother to verify the viability of his various exfiltration plans and very pointedly not organise new ones for a while.

After all, no man was let walk away from his own funeral twice.
Surprised you got funnies here. This is a pretty dark take on Ciaran, although not an unreasonable one.
Yesss... I have a definite hunger for more world building on just how terrifying Ciaran has got to be in the minds of anybody who has some idea of what she actually is.