As for the heavier vehicles, it's more of the fact that there's really not a good way to get them off of Nemodia without raising a lot of questions. You might need a better presence to figure that out. (Hint, hint.)
...Subtle hint is subtle...:D
Oooh, that's a thing. In that case, I'll retcon the cost of the base to being only 100 since you have those assets on planet, and in general the Castell base upgrades will be cheaper because of it.
Would we receive a similar discount for purchasing a Kashyyyk base, given our Alaris Prime assets?
Why do you think Ciaran specifically chose the Hall of the Preserver to talk to Anakin?
Good point. Would Anakin have been aware of the subtext, though? (Do the Jedi teach about Revan, or his ties to Canderous Ordo?)

Perhaps next turn, we should have the Silencer train. He needs to increase his Martial score, hopefully to become the highest of the hero units again, and with it, the bonus of Grievous' Martial score increasing to match. Perhaps we can spare Grievous next turn to go on that hunting expedition.
At first I was inclined to agree, but I did a bit of reading on the Thrysians, and now I'm not sure. A major point is that for the past several centuries, the Sith have manipulated the population (especially the mercenary unit called 'the Sun Guards') into Sith cultists who act as their agents. Darth Plagueis used them often (which is why he used a Thrysian as the template when cloning The Silencer), as did Palpatine. Later on, Palpatine had Dooku 'cull' the Thrysian ranks (actually, they had Asajj do it) and selected the most fanatical survivors to serve Palpatine personally on his becoming Emperor -- as Red Guards, royal guards, and Force-wielding Shadow Guards.

Basically, we'd be sending The Silencer to train with a planet full of Sith cultists. That concerns me on so many levels...
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Good point. Would Anakin have been aware of the subtext, though? (Do the Jedi teach about Revan, or his ties to Canderous Ordo?
I doubt the order still remembers Revan or Meetra Surik or anyone associated with them.

The whole thing was exactly the kind of fuckup on their parts that they would want lost to the mists of time.
Well, it might help the Silencer to know at least something about the fighting methods of his origins. If not that, however, we will need to think of an alternative for the Silencer to increase his martial prowess.
IIRC Darth Vader does plenty of brooding in his spare time.

According to Rogue One dude's got a fortress on Mustafar that is pitch black and ominously lit where he sits in a bacta tank bemoaning his fate and how EDGEDGEDGEDGE sorry I lost track of myself what was I talking about

Would we receive a similar discount for purchasing a Kashyyyk base, given our Alaris Prime assets?

Sure. And for that matter, you'd also get one for Nemodia under the same logic, albeit a smaller one.

Good point. Would Anakin have been aware of the subtext, though? (Do the Jedi teach about Revan, or his ties to Canderous Ordo?

I doubt the order still remembers Revan or Meetra Surik or anyone associated with them.

The whole thing was exactly the kind of fuckup on their parts that they would want lost to the mists of time.

Basically this. The Jedi really really don't like talking about the Jedi Civil War, or the fact that they were nearly wiped out by a Sith abomination because one of their members went maximum zealot. The latter is rather tragic really given that by Episode III a lot of their members start to act a lot like Atris...

They do have some records and talk about it on occasion if people ask, but even then they're very cagey with the details. For instance, the official line from them on Revan's actions should you ask is that Revan turned back to the Light Side and fought Malak of his own free will during the Jedi Civil War. Brainwashing? Why, Jedi don't do that!

As for Meetra, Stroth's got it right in that a lot of information related to her has been "lost" by the Jedi. For some reason, they don't like talking about how the basically Grey Jedi was right, the fact that most of the Jedi she trained were also Grey for all intents and purposes, etc, etc...
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Basically this. The Jedi really really don't like talking about the Jedi Civil War
Or Master Atris. Or Master Kea. Or the Revanchists. The whole Mandalorian War actually. And the Dark War. Plus that "Sith Triumvirate" thing*. In fact if you could just stop asking about that entire century all together that would be great, thanks.

*The Miraluka probably still have a lot to say about Darth Nihilus though.
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You can't go around letting hutts think they can get you to do things by enslaving your relatives. It's just too much hassle for everyone. Far better to make a statement that people will remember. Probably by pointing The Silencer at him and then waiting for it to show up on the news.

If they know she is our relative? Yes.

As is it is much more likely this particular hutt simply did not know, Given how large the the galaxy is and the fact that it he did know, he likely would have sought payment from us befor enslaving her.. Plus the fact that she is in this mess due to a debt to said hut. well, a reasonable offer to simply buy out her debt plus a small fee for his trouble, well, Is perfectly reasonable.

now If he refuses or already knew she was our relative, we bring the entire hammer of our organization down on him, crushing him entirely. and as long as we don't kill him personaly, it's not likely to sour our relationship.

of course, if we do manage to go the peacefull route, well, what silias dose on his own time is not our issue.
Or Master Atris. Or Master Kea. Or the Revanchists. The whole Mandalorian War actually. In fact if you could just stop asking about that entire century all together that would be great, thanks.

I doubt they're okay with controversial topics like those people who espouse differing philosophies compared to the orthodox one.
Thinking back on those guys, the Sith really have a talent for finding the worst ways to become immortal, don't they?

They should make a contest on that.
Darth Nihilus wins on account of being a wound in the Force and a hungry force of destruction.
Thinking back on those guys, the Sith really have a talent for finding the worst ways to become immortal, don't they?

They should make a contest on that.
They've got pretty much all the ways to become immortal really. And to be fair It's not like Nihilus or Sion did it deliberately. It was more "Get in a horrible accident, use the Force to sustain yourself until you can heal, whoops can't heal that, okay how do I turn this off, the fuck do you mean I can't turn it off?"
They've got pretty much all the ways to become immortal really. And to be fair It's not like Nihilus or Sion did it deliberately. It was more "Get in a horrible accident, use the Force to sustain yourself until you can heal, whoops can't heal that, okay how do I turn this off, the fuck do you mean I can't turn it off?"

Honestly by the point they realized that their Force powers were keeping them alive in the worst ways they were...preoccupied.

They probably purged Kreia from the records entirely, given her habit of tearing Jedi philosophy to shreds. (And Sith philosophy as well. She didn't have time for those edgelords.)
Ah, I do miss Kreia, such a wonderfully complex character. I most enjoyed how she made us think hard about our beliefs and positions, offering no easy answers to difficult questions. I think Anakin could have benefitted immensely if his teacher had been more like Kreia instead of orthodox like Obi-Wan. I do not suppose there is any holocron of Kreia? If so, we could study it and then pass it on to Anakin. If nothing else, philosophical discussions and debates with Kreia would force Anakin to question and think hard about orthodox Jedi doctrine and its validity, along with making him question typical Sith doctrine as well.
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Ah, I do miss Kreia, such a wonderfully complex character. I most enjoyed how she made us think hard about our beliefs and positions, offering no easy answers to difficult questions. I think Anakin could have benefitted immensely if his teacher had been more like Kreia instead of orthodox like Obi-Wan. I do not suppose there is any holocron of Kreia? If so, we could study it and then pass it on to Anakin. If nothing else, philosophical discussions and debates with Kreia would force Anakin to question and think hard about orthodox Jedi doctrine and its validity, along with making him question typical Sith doctrine as well.
Oh Force no why?!!

Do you really want Anakin on a quest to eradicate the Force? Because Kreia will have him wrapped around her holographic finger in a week and get him on that mad quest.

While Kreia is definitely one of the greatest Force scholars and philosophers of the Star Wars universe, that doesn't mean she is not a fruitcake with an endgame involving the extinction of life as we know it and a manipulative streak best measured in astronomical units.
Would the Star Maps from KOTOR still exist? If we found them, it could lead us to the Rakatan Homeworld, which would have some tasty lore and stuff for us to learn.. plus, hey, another secret base..

Furthermore, I wonder if we could try and find out about the Je'daii and the lore around them.. plus Tython would be useful.. I think it's been abandoned for a while, and it's not really that well-known, so y'know, we might be able to get some decent stuff.. plus it might give us some ammo in helping prevent Anakin from going full Dark Side evil, as well as trying to bring balance between the various Force Sects..

On another note, we could try and find the Telos Holocron.. it's got loads of knowledge from various Sith Lords over thousands of years, and it's just sat on Telos...

There's also this holocron called the "Great Holocron" in the Jedi Archives with a lot of information.. if we were super sneaky, we could try and get some knowledge out of it.
Would the Star Maps from KOTOR still exist? If we found them, it could lead us to the Rakatan Homeworld, which would have some tasty lore and stuff for us to learn.. plus, hey, another secret base..

Furthermore, I wonder if we could try and find out about the Je'daii and the lore around them.. plus Tython would be useful.. I think it's been abandoned for a while, and it's not really that well-known, so y'know, we might be able to get some decent stuff.. plus it might give us some ammo in helping prevent Anakin from going full Dark Side evil, as well as trying to bring balance between the various Force Sects..

On another note, we could try and find the Telos Holocron.. it's got loads of knowledge from various Sith Lords over thousands of years, and it's just sat on Telos...

There's also this holocron called the "Great Holocron" in the Jedi Archives with a lot of information.. if we were super sneaky, we could try and get some knowledge out of it.
i.... don't think you can sneak past a bunch of jedi.
oh wait we know how to hide our force presence they are literally blind without there crutch
Let's just start looking for the Valley of the Jedi, while we're at it. We'll release the ghosts and get the single greatest Force Nexus in the galaxy in return. The perfect personal hideout for us. We might even find something Kyle missed.
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Basically this. The Jedi really really don't like talking about the Jedi Civil War, or the fact that they were nearly wiped out by a Sith abomination because one of their members went maximum zealot. The latter is rather tragic really given that by Episode III a lot of their members start to act a lot like Atris...

They do have some records and talk about it on occasion if people ask, but even then they're very cagey with the details. For instance, the official line from them on Revan's actions should you ask is that Revan turned back to the Light Side and fought Malak of his own free will during the Jedi Civil War. Brainwashing? Why, Jedi don't do that!

As for Meetra, Stroth's got it right in that a lot of information related to her has been "lost" by the Jedi. For some reason, they don't like talking about how the basically Grey Jedi was right, the fact that most of the Jedi she trained were also Grey for all intents and purposes, etc, etc...
This sounds like the sort of History Ciaran would just love to dig up. Surely the Jedi aren't the only ones with records of that time?
When judging the Jedi remember that they are an entirely different beast from the KotOR era. They were changed fundamentally by the role they took in the Thousand Years of Darkness as the Jedi Lords but also their near annihilation at Ruusan.

The Jedi are as they are because only the monkish recluses survived, the go get 'em heroes got murderised by Bane's Thought Bomb.
When judging the Jedi remember that they are an entirely different beast from the KotOR era. They were changed fundamentally by the role they took in the Thousand Years of Darkness as the Jedi Lords but also their near annihilation at Ruusan.

The Jedi are as they are because only the monkish recluses survived, the go get 'em heroes got murderised by Bane's Thought Bomb.
You also forgot the monkish recluses also edited their archives and the republics and all the ones they could get their hands on to insure that there was no information to contrast their point of view, marginlized all non Coruscant jedi order force users and restricted them to their sectors and homeworlds on pain of death, and created a group dedicated to destroying information they deemed dangerous.

The death of the Conruscant jedi order one of the few good things to come out of the purge. It meant force users no longer had to fear them deciding to come in and force people to follow their ways or worry about them deciding you needed to die.
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