On the subject of lightsabers taking years of training, there is also Finn vs the other stormtrooper.
Now, I've only seen this in a clip on YouTube, but I think Finn took the one he killed by surprise, and I know he then promptly lost to Nines (AKA TR-8R) immediately afterwards.

Or Ren not killing Finn in seconds, since Finn isn't precognitive and has no resistance to being force choked.
Ren had just been shot by Chewie, and on top of that he was mentally off-balance (and not in the way he normally is) after killing his father.

Also, suddenly stun batons have energy fields that can block a lightsaber? Why don't they use that stuff for everything?
Could be new tech that they're still working on incorporating into things. Could also be that it's just not practical to incorporate into other things.

It's just a less-lethal version of the staff weapons that the Magnaguards use.
Or that. That works too.
I don't think of Rey as a Mary Sue because the term is so misused. What she is is inconsistent with the established lore. Specifically, she gets too good too quickly. Jedi training, or any kind of force use, takes years to learn. Even Luke, who is absurdly strong in the force, takes 4 years between episodes 4 and 6 to be able to defeat Vader.

Rey is able to use the force actively with no training whatsoever and then, upon picking up a lightsaber for the first time ever, can fight fairly evenly with a sith apprentice.

Then she trains with Luke for a few days and is suddenly an incredibly capable force user.

And to make things worse, there isn't really an explanation for this: she explicitly has no powerful lineage, etc. It is quite frustrating.
If you watch Empire, the time scale makes no sense. Luke was only training with Yoda for about as long as it took for the Falcon to get to Bespin and the crew to get captured by Vader, and that all clearly can't take place over much more than maybe a week since even Han can only get so much mileage out of his ship's explicitly busted engines. And Luke manages to acquit himself reasonably well against Vader at the Cloud City duel, considering how little time he actually spent training; Vader's been built up as extremely dangerous and powerful up to this point, surviving against him is something only Luke's seen doing. He doesn't seem to have trained any more by the time Return of the Jedi happens, since his visit to Yoda is framed as keeping the promise he made in Empire to come back and finish his training, and there he actually beats Vader. So Luke has all of a week's training with Yoda and however long of searching for Han before he can beat Darth Vader in a fight, and that's a perfectly good story. And yet when Rey can use the Force and a lightsaber with at most a couple days' training under Luke, then it's bad storytelling. I see how it is.
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If you watch Empire, the time scale makes no sense. Luke was only training with Yoda for about as long as it took for the Falcon to get to Bespin and the crew to get captured by Vader, and that all clearly can't take place over much more than maybe a week since even Han can only get so much mileage out of his ship's explicitly busted engines. And Luke manages to acquit himself reasonably well against Vader at the Cloud City duel, considering how little time he actually spent training. He doesn't seem to have trained any more by the time Return of the Jedi happens, since his visit to Yoda is framed as keeping the promise he made in Empire to come back and finish his training, and there he actually beats Vader. So Luke has all of a week's training with Yoda and however long of searching for Han before he can beat Darth Vader in a fight, and that's a perfectly good story. And yet when Rey can use the Force and a lightsaber with at most a couple days' training under Luke, then it's bad storytelling. I see how it is.
Tripe argument is tripe. He spent months under Yoda and he still got his ass beat by Darth Vader as he well should have. Rey according to the creators somehow stole the ability to fight and use the force through her Force-bond with Kylo which is one of the weakest and outright insulting things I have ever heard. Anakin who was the so-called chosen one did not immediately pick up a lightsaber and start using it. He spent years learning how to use it as any martial-artist should. One does not pick up a weapon and get magical knowledge of how to use it.
If you watch Empire, the time scale makes no sense. Luke was only training with Yoda for about as long as it took for the Falcon to get to Bespin and the crew to get captured by Vader, and that all clearly can't take place over much more than maybe a week since even Han can only get so much mileage out of his ship's explicitly busted engines. And Luke manages to acquit himself reasonably well against Vader at the Cloud City duel, considering how little time he actually spent training; Vader's been built up as extremely dangerous and powerful up to this point, surviving against him is something only Luke's seen doing. He doesn't seem to have trained any more by the time Return of the Jedi happens, since his visit to Yoda is framed as keeping the promise he made in Empire to come back and finish his training, and there he actually beats Vader. So Luke has all of a week's training with Yoda and however long of searching for Han before he can beat Darth Vader in a fight, and that's a perfectly good story. And yet when Rey can use the Force and a lightsaber with at most a couple days' training under Luke, then it's bad storytelling. I see how it is.
Keep in mind that self study is a thing. Its generally assumed by most fans that Luke's been hitting the sparring mat constantly over the 9 months or so that pass between episodes 5 and 6, and in the 2ish years between 4 and 5.
He spent months under Yoda
Where is it stated that he spent months on Dagobah? Seriously, where?

Remember, Luke's plotline is happening at the exact same time as the Falcon's crew are trying to escape the Empire, and Luke left for Bespin as soon as he sensed they were in trouble, and got there minutes before Boba finished loading Han onto his ship. Unless you mean to tell me that it took the Falcon months to reach Bespin (which would also require the Falcon to have sufficient provisions to provide for two humans and a wookiee for months), Luke didn't have months to train while he was there.
Where is it stated that he spent months on Dagobah? Seriously, where?

Remember, Luke's plotline is happening at the exact same time as the Falcon's crew are trying to escape the Empire, and Luke left for Bespin as soon as he sensed they were in trouble, and got there minutes before Boba finished loading Han onto his ship. Unless you mean to tell me that it took the Falcon months to reach Bespin (which would also require the Falcon to have sufficient provisions to provide for two humans and a wookiee for months), Luke didn't have months to train while he was there.
Read the book.
Aside from the fact that I don't have it, from what I've heard, the novelizations aren't exactly reliable (A New Hope's claiming the Emperor was a figurehead (somewhat excusable since, from what I understand, it was ghostwritten and based on an earlier script), Revenge of the Sith's claiming that Dooku is a human supremacist despite this being contradicted even by previous EU works, nevermind later ones, being what I can think of off the top of my head).
Can we take this to a general star wars thread and keep this for the game as here we only take the best bits of each movie, book, comic and other sources for an amazing quest.
*Crawls in, looks around, uses his non-existant authority*

GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! ... TOASTY TERON! *Is still being cooked, because WHY is it still so hot around here even at night?*

Can we take this to a general star wars thread and keep this for the game as here we only take the best bits of each movie, book, comic and other sources for an amazing quest.

This guy. I agree with him. Please, stop the discussion about how this is terrible, that is terrible, EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE TO SOMEONE. Drag it to a dedicated thread for Star Wars discussion.

I mean, around here we are cherry picking sources of things to use. Always have been. ALSO, we are so far off the rails, the rails have been removed and sold for Credits.
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Can we take this to a general star wars thread and keep this for the game as here we only take the best bits of each movie, book, comic and other sources for an amazing quest.

Seconded. This is not the place to rehash everything right or wrong with TLJ. This is the place to figure out how in space I'm going to set up Thrawn and Anakin playing a combination of Battlefront 2 (2005) and Empire At War against each other over the holonet. Because I may have put myself in over my head trying to find a way for a hyperspace microjump to make sense and be something that can be set up ahead of time on a tactical and strategic scale.

On the other hand, maybe I'm getting a handle on it.

Thrawn's screen name was cake to come up with. Any suggestions for Anakin?
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Aside from the fact that I don't have it, from what I've heard, the novelizations aren't exactly reliable (A New Hope's claiming the Emperor was a figurehead (somewhat excusable since, from what I understand, it was ghostwritten and based on an earlier script), Revenge of the Sith's claiming that Dooku is a human supremacist despite this being contradicted even by previous EU works, nevermind later ones, being what I can think of off the top of my head).
*Shrugs* Canon is really up to the eye of the beholder, so I suppose you can believe what you want. Do you want to continue this elsewhere or no?
Seconded. This is not the place to rehash everything right or wrong with TLJ. This is the place to figure out how in space I'm going to set up Thrawn and Anakin playing a combination of Battlefront 2 (2005) and Empire At War against each other over the holonet. Because I may have put myself in over my head trying to find a way for a hyperspace microjump to make sense and be something that can be set up ahead of time on a tactical and strategic scale.

On the other hand, maybe I'm getting a handle on it.

Thrawn's screen name was cake to come up with. Any suggestions for Anakin?
Would Skyguy work?

*Shrugs* Canon is really up to the eye of the beholder, so I suppose you can believe what you want. Do you want to continue this elsewhere or no?
Not particularly. Doesn't feel like there's anything to continue to.


This is the place to figure out how in space I'm going to set up Thrawn and Anakin playing a combination of Battlefront 2 (2005) and Empire At War against each other over the holonet.

Its worse. Its not just a combination of Battlefront 2 and Empire At War. Its a combination of Battlefront 2 and Empire at War: Thrawns Revenge.
A Blind Jump

The workday had ended. I left my office and went back home.

Well, as much as anywhere was home these days. I wasn't going back to the Ascendancy. Not with so much going on in the wider galaxy. This was a place to sleep near where I work, and that is enough.

I'd scheduled a sample of Kubaz cuisine to gain further insight into their culture, their antipathy with the Verpine, and thus the continued insistence of the Verpine for their displays to be in red or yellow, as these colors were irritating to Kubaz eyes. It was, thus, no surprise to see chocolate-covered ants in a transpariplast package. Satisfied that I'd learned something, I picked up my personal datapad and logged onto the Holonet. Specifically, the Holonet-connected version of Quadrant.

Welcome, TheMitthTheLegend,

Story (100% clear)

Vs Computer (Grandmaster difficulty)

Vs Player (Casual)

Vs Player (Arena Elite Ladder Rank 1)

Submit A Unit

Give Feedback

I checked my list of challengers. Having been at the top of the Arena Elite ladder for months meant I tended to not have them. When you can't be challenged outside of the top 100 and you've beaten each member of the top 100 several times, that happens. There seemed to be some pretty strong competition for the other four spots in the top 5, and around the top 100. The thing was, the combination of screen names and strategies each had an appropriate response. For example, when LetMeKelpYou played, I picked up Mon Calamari battle tactics and responded accordingly. They valued life too much to be effective strategists. Sometimes you need to sacrifice a pawn, or a frigate, to win the greater game. Kelp tended to hang out in the top 10 and occasionally developed new maneuvers which surprised me, but which I could then adapt to and use myself later.

Also making this my game of choice was the "submit a unit" feature, which allowed for any number of different variant units to exist. I had something akin to Riphath's Equus speeder zipping around causing problems for enemy infantry on any planet that made sense; I developed some other units also. One of the units I developed that saw extensive use was a gravity-well-projecting frigate. Kelp was an absolute devil to play on water worlds.

When I saw on my list of challengers a new screenname, I was surprised and pleased. Someone new. Another opportunity to learn.

Peerless And Fearless
had rocketed to the top of the leaderboard and was challenging me from the #99 spot.

The early game went fine. We both developed strong foundations. The one thing that seemed out of place was that Fearless had placed a fairly strong emphasis on Tatooine. He seemed to be using it as a staging ground.

Our forces met properly in the space around Ambria. Neither of us had managed to touch down but we were both looking to. I wanted the planet. He wanted the planet.

The maneuver game went my way over Ambria and I was between his ships and Ambria. I only had a cruiser, a few frigates, and a gravity-well projector frigate on site, though. Most of my other cruisers were nearby but not immediately on hand. The only question was how much he wanted to commit.

I saw a yellow-painted starfighter leave one of the cruisers Peerless and Fearless was commanding. There weren't any default units that used that sort of paint scheme, so this must be a custom.

Wings of fighters boiled out from my cruiser to screen it. This was going to be interesting--

My cruiser had sustained heavy damage to the bridge...no capships in range, fighter screen would have picked up a cloaked ship--

That one yellow fighter had somehow jumped past my wings of fighters and frigates and was tearing up my cruiser all on its own.

I began to respond as quickly as possible and saw the single yellow fighter shredding through the fighters I'd ordered to attack it.

TheMitthTheLegend: A hyperspace jump within the same star system? Fascinating.
Peerless And Fearless: Done it once or twice myself. Difficult but doable with the Force. Nice for being able to go where people don't expect you. ;)

Normally the calculations required for a stable hyperspace jump were too long to be practical in combat, but if you either planned it out ahead of time or had superlative ability, you could do it, at least in theory. I'd heard of a Jedi Master or two suggesting that they could do it with the Force, but I wasn't sure how much of that was shop talk and how much was statements of belief. Apparently my opponent had made it happen, which in conjunction with his Tatooine obsession, told me exactly who he was.

I set the gravity well generator frigate running and called in my other cruiser-led battlegroups.

Peerless and Fearless wanted a big fight, did he? Well, I'd give him one.

Two more battlegroups emerged from hyperspace in flanking positions against the enemy's cruiser and attacked.

His bright yellow fighter found the edge of the gravity well and fled along the same line his cruiser took.

Peerless And Fearless: Gravity well projectors to bring your own ships in out of hyperspace exactly where you want them. Brilliant!
TheMitthTheLegend: I aim to please. =)
Peerless And Fearless: And to kill, apparently. ^_^''
TheMitthTheLegend: Now that you've attacked, yes. How's the weather out there, Anakin?
Peerless And Fearless: Not your worry, Thrawn. Just tugging on a few loose ends to see how much of the weave I can unravel.
Peerless And Fearless: Got to head out for now. This was fun, we should do it again sometime.

The game saved its state and closed.

I began to compile my report of the game. Maybe one of the techs would be able to pull something from his Holonet Connection Protocol or ping time to figure out where Anakin was playing from.

Or maybe I'd just get a chance to harmlessly match wits against one of the strongest Jedi later. Just another reason to keep playing Quadrant Online, I guess.

A/N: Thrawn and Anakin are two of the only individuals to have used hyperspace jumps as a tactical tool. I thought it fitting that they both deployed their signature trick against each other.
Seconded. This is not the place to rehash everything right or wrong with TLJ. This is the place to figure out how in space I'm going to set up Thrawn and Anakin playing a combination of Battlefront 2 (2005) and Empire At War against each other over the holonet.
Thrawn vs Ciaran RTS when? Because however superior Thrawn's macro and large scale micro is, conceptual shatterpoint will permit Ciaran to hit right where it hurts the most. Could be a very even, if asymmetric, matchup.