Ciaran: "Might as well be, it's not like you stop me."
Windu: "The Jedi Order has faced far worse threats than you. We shall stand our ground and..."
*One Gilligan Cut Later*
Windu: Eviction Notice?
Plo Koon: The Supreme Court ruled that because of a lack of worship, adoration or reverence to The Force as a Diety or Spiritual Force and inefficient evidence to prove that moral improvement was central to The Jedi Code, we don't technically qualify as a religious organisation.
Kenobi: I'm fairly sure morality is a part of the Jedi Code.
Plo Koon: Unfortunately the Court viewed it as self-improvement rather than improving society as a whole like a religious organisation would set out to accomplish. With the addition that Light Side and Dark Side were not moral viewpoints, but... lifestyle choices. Hence the eviction notice, the Order cannot afford the Temple's Bills.