Then it's a good thing he's a detective.Be realistic. Silencer would be a terrible Attorney.
How would he tell everyone he had an objection if he's silent?

Then it's a good thing he's a detective.Be realistic. Silencer would be a terrible Attorney.
How would he tell everyone he had an objection if he's silent?
Thanks.4 times total, and 3 of them were at the maximum amount. The other one got 3 out of 4 booms.
I'm not going to lie - he was a major force in ensuring there were no real casualties.
At one point, there was a line about how Ciaran mostly sits in her office and reads things, but I couldn't segue out of it well, so it got cut.I don't think Kygeetu really understands what being her de facto bodyguard for the next couple of months will actually entail.
THIS is what happens when a spy gets fired:Some how, I don't think getting fired from being a super assassin space wizard is as mundane or safe as being fired from anything else. Abyss Watcher's HR must be terrifying.
This Is What Happens When A Spy Gets Fired said:My name is Kygeetu san Torgh. I used to be an Abyss Walker until.....
"We've got a Burn Notice on you, you're blacklisted." <Dammit.>
When you're burned you've got nothing. No cash, no credit, no job history. You're stuck on whatever planet they decide to dump you in.
<Where am I?>..."Kalee."
You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
A trigger happy ex-boyfriend.
"Should we shoot them?"
An old friend who used to inform on you to the Republic Judiciary.
"You know spies: bunch of bitchy little girls."
Family too, "Hey is that your mom again?"... if you're desperate. "Someone needs your help Kygeetu."
Bottom line as long as you're burned you're not going anywhere.
It's bad policy (aka stupid) to simply kill employees wanting to become ex-employees. That just encourages them to become awol. And if they are going that far, why not take some insurance, too?Or they bodily heave you into some furnace to never be seen or heard from again. I'm not sure which "Burned" they'd go for here.
A lot more nothing and coffee fetching than anyone wants to endure and enough somethings to make you wish you were still doing nothing?Oh man. Oh man. I don't think Kygeetu really understands what being her de facto bodyguard for the next couple of months will actually entail. It's gonna be fuuuun. Canon, +10.
They keep Grevious more or less in line.Some how, I don't think getting fired from being a super assassin space wizard is as mundane or safe as being fired from anything else. Abyss Watcher's HR must be terrifying.
There are several. Getting the ability to use the Force improves it, but even without the Force there's still the Iktotchi, Anzat, Umbaran and Draethos. Interestingly, of those four, only the Draethos are not Near-Human.So, I thought of something a day or two ago and never got around to bringing it up with the thread before now. Is there a species that we can genemod someone with to give them (improved?) telepathy?
The reason I ask is because it was argued that Force Visions wouldn't be useful to Thrawn because he's already pretty much psychic when it comes to figuring out what his enemies will do, so why not give him something that will improve his ability to direct his troops in carrying out his plans?
So, I thought of something a day or two ago and never got around to bringing it up with the thread before now. Is there a species that we can genemod someone with to give them (improved?) telepathy?
The reason I ask is because it was argued that Force Visions wouldn't be useful to Thrawn because he's already pretty much psychic when it comes to figuring out what his enemies will do, so why not give him something that will improve his ability to direct his troops in carrying out his plans?
At least she'll probably get to hang out with her friend Ashoka. I'm sure that won't be awkward at all.A lot more nothing and coffee fetching than anyone wants to endure and enough somethings to make you wish you were still doing nothing?
It would probably be less awkward if she could remember her name correctly.At least she'll probably get to hang out with her friend Ashoka. I'm sure that won't be awkward at all.
Fun fact, Nikkos Tyris was an Anzati Jedi and was to all accounts a decent bloke before being corrupted by Sith artifacts. Also his wife and kid are explicitly lightsiders. Yay consistency!Riphath's Guide to Telepathic Species
I was approached by some of Cheriss' workforce about possible telepathic species for genemodding. I told them I'd get back to them and after scrounging through my textbooks (you wouldn't believe the trickiness of Quermian psych meds) as requested, here is a copy of the message I sent:
Quermians (example: Yarael Poof)--limited to others of same species. Two brains. Twice the possibility of psych stuff going weird. Better to try counseling, I'd think, instead of some form of psych meds.
Umbarans (example: Sly Moore)--reputation for being manipulative. May not be true telepathy. Listed on the index of telepathic species, telepathy neither reported nor detailed.
Zeltrons (example: many)--project, read, and feel others' emotions. Also comes with pheromones to influence said emotions. Also lots of fun at parties and possessed of two livers, so good luck drinking one under the table.
Iktotchi (example: Saesee Tinn)--precognition (weakens with distance from home planet Iktotch; barred from gambling in any casino); cranial horns which may regrow; tougher skin. Telepathy reported but not detailed. A lot of neat biology here. The skin toughness is likely due to frequent violent sand-and-gravel windstorms on Iktotch. The precognition may or may not be true precognition but a sort of subconscious ability to observe and analyze, an evolutionary-biology leftover from the aforementioned windstorms.
Draethos (example: Odan-Urr)--long natural lifespans (~800 years without benefit of the Force); telepathy (communication only) to 500 meters; enthralled with learning; low light vision. Warrior culture on-planet; non-warriors left their planet and traveled the galaxy. I've never seen a Draethos orthodontist, presumably because they're so ludicrously rich they only ever go to paradise planets. Alternatively, because a species-wide overbite that big gives an orthodontist nightmares.
Hortek (example: no noted examples)--reptilian, predatory species covered in bony plates. Telepathy likely developed for pursuit of prey. Said to have unblinking eyes. Excellent interrogators.
Anzat (example: Volfe Karkko)--retractable cheek-tentacles which go through a victim's nose and eat their brains. Strong regenerative capability. Telepathy (includes domination). Long-lived (950+ years). Add Force Sensitivity of their victims to their own. Left to their own devices, will feed on approximately a dozen sentients per day. NO. Do not. They will kill your genemodding team. There are stories that they even prey upon Jedi. Sadly, no chance we can turn them on politicians who neither need nor use their brains. Possible interesting hunt for HK-47, whose willingness for overkill and making utterly sure his targets are dead should be sufficient. Additionally, as a droid he cannot be preyed upon by them. They pretend at civilization, but this is merely a hobby. They only care about stealth and the kill. Eliminating every last one from the galaxy would be a boon to sentients everywhere.
Starweird (example: none)--incorporeal space-dwellers adapted to hard vacuum. Said to be able to enter ships in hyperspace. Capable of a telepathic scream causing fear in the affected. Look, this is a nonsense spacer's tale from some events thousands of years old, but if you really want to pursue every option...
Shi'ido (example: Mammon Hoole)--strong shapeshifting capability which improves with age, superior to Clawdites (may shapeshift and impersonate Rodians, Humans, and even Hutts or Whaladons--size changes may lead to being stuck in a form for weeks or months). Long natural lifespan (500+ years). Telepathy said to be limited to helping round out their shapeshifting to cover inconsistencies. Strange beings. Like something I'd have come up with when I was 8 or 12.
Iktotchi recommended. Saesee Tinn might even be reachable to get a Force-Sensitive sample.
Draethos recommended. Communication and long life and a warrior culture all compatible with Thrawn.
Again: DO NOT attempt to collect an Anzat sample. If you already possess an Anzat sample, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use it or I will kill each and every last one of you. I am normally willing to listen to reason, but Anzat are truly evil beings that should all be destroyed, regardless of what they might say, as literally every history involving Anzat ends in many murders and tragedies. Including yours at my hands if you use an Anzat sample.
--Riphath Althean, M.D.
Before being corrupted by Sith artifacts and falling to the Dark Side. Given to him by Dooku, including the holocron of an Anzati ex-Jedi who died around 30 BBY shortly after trying to eat/seduce to the dark side Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos.Fun fact, Nikkos Tyris was an Anzati Jedi and was to all accounts a decent bloke before being corrupted by Sith artifacts. Also his wife and kid are explicitly lightsiders. Yay consistency!![]()
Ok, we know what to mod Riphath with now.Again: DO NOT attempt to collect an Anzat sample. If you already possess an Anzat sample, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use it or I will kill each and every last one of you.
Huh. The Anzati page lead to an article about Jedi Master Zao, who seems to be an...interesting person. I wonder what his cooking would taste like to Ciaran.
And then Lord Cerulian murders him for crimes against Tea."Umm...this is good? I think? It's definitely an acquired taste, whatever it is. What did you put in this again?"
The Chosen One Dances by Barondoctor
Recent Past (Turn 25): on Mortis, Ciaran tells The Ones to "Go to your room!"
This mystery had been chewing at me. I realized I named it in an omake I'd actually only partially written and never released. Expect that to finish sometime today or tomorrow.He's from some nowhere agriworld (which I named in one of my omakes but I now can't find it), though, so farming is about the last thing he'd actually want to do.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was 'it does now'.I leave it up to our illustrious GM on what he wants to do with this. Or if this even remotely fits what the 'saber in question looks like![]()