@Publicola , here is everything that's not Canon Story from Pages 545-606. Will do more in the afternoon, don't have time now.
You rock! Of course, after pg. 606 is a stretch of thirty pages with forty omakes, so good luck! :o

Damn Thrawn.
41 Martial for strategising and 35.875 for combat.
Compare to Asajj:
Martial: 30+4+3+2=39 (You do not want to fight her head on unless you have an advantage or several.)
Average Commander: While Asajj is certainly a fearsome fighter she is less skilled as a commander. She can do a serviceable job but there is certainly room for improvement. Martial at 2/3 when in a command position.
39 for combat and 23 for command/strategizing.

Their stat lines look similar (41 vs. 39), but Thrawn is turning into even more of a beast than he was originally. Of course, that's before we see what havoc Asajj has wrecked on the Devastation; given the Over 100 Crit she scores, she'll probably see a Martial boost this turn as well.
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Getting the color of the blade is...fun. I'm not much of a Dark Souls kind of guy, so I can't promise I got the right shade. Thankfully I have a template for these things, so it shouldn't be hard to adjust if needed.

...a template for the light effect, rather, not the lightsaber itself. In that regard I took what was described here, namely the gold bits and based the general hilt off of Assaj and Dooku's 'sabers.

I leave it up to our illustrious GM on what he wants to do with this. Or if this even remotely fits what the 'saber in question looks like :V

The curve looks a bit extreme. I thought the curve was more slight, but this looks like a flacid ****.

It looks nice, just saying what I thought while looking at it...
Their stat lines look similar (41 vs. 39), but Thrawn is turning into even more of a beast than he was originally. Of course, that's before we see what havoc Asajj has wrecked on the Devastation; given the Over 100 Crit she scores, she'll probably see a Martial boost this turn as well.
Hopefully after Ciaran finishes her Soresu training so that Rival kicks in.
Everything up to Page 634

Mandalore - Situation, by Teron
Info Post : Breakdown of the three major factions in Mandalorian politics

Ciaran Relatives - Updated, by Teron
Info Post : List of all known relatives of Ciaran

Awkward Conversations, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Some very awkward conservations

From the Supreme Chancellor's Office, by Dovahsith
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Sidious ponders his schemes

From the Counts Palace, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Tyrannus contemplates his mistakes

From the Lady's Retreat, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Traya takes a break

From the Grand Admirals Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Mitth'raw'nuruodo considers his situation

From the Warlords Hunt, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Grievous contemplates his people's savior

From the Masters Chamber, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Obi-Wan meditates on Ciaran

From the Hutts Palace, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Borvo eats dinner

From the Senators Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Padme ponders her life

From the Mand'alors Fortress, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Jango thinks about his people

From the Duchess' Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Satine contemplates Ciaran and the CNS

From the Grand Master's Chambers, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Yoda reflects on the failings of the Jedi

Small Manipulations, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran pulls some strings

The Grand Fleet, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : A pilot is lectured on the workings of the Grand Fleet

Droids in the Abyss Watchers, by Teron
Info Post : Information on the many droids the Abyss Watchers use

Excentric Droids, by Teron
Recent Past : Choice quotes from some of the droids employed by the Abyss Watchers

Rip's Scientist Candidates, by Barondoctor
Info Post : List of known skilled biologists that may be useful

Abyss Watchers Organization Function, by Teron
Info Post : Further explanation of the functions of different parts of the Abyss Watchers.

Training Days, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran visits the Coruscant sports teams she sponsors

The Tailor, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran meets an intimidating tailor

The Chosen One... doubts, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Anakin begins to question his path

Typical day with the Cousins, by Teron
Recent Past : The many grandchildren of Silas Cata play around

Lava-Blaster - Experimental Report
, by Teron
Near Future : A weapons engineer reports on the current progress of the Lava Crystal experiment

Experimental Equipment - Report, by Teron
Near Future : A weapons engineer reports on several ideas for new equipment

A letter to Ciaran
, by prince84
Recent Past : Agent 2FY93 sends an urgent message to Ciaran
This omake was for some reason not responded to by Dr. Snark.

Three Crowns of Twisted Starlight: Imperial Ciaran, by Whumbly
Far Future : The galaxy splits into three empires after the death of Palpatine

Negaverse, by Killerflood
Alternate Universe : Dookuquest reacts to Ciaran's madness

From the Exile's Chamber, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Asajj thinks about her life

Bureaucracy, by Teron
Near Future : Palpatine is trolled

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Rebooted, Written-Directed-Narrated and Starring... Samuel L. Jackson! With special guest Director Quentin Tarantino!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace Windu and Yoda get drunk and go to kill Palpatine

The Return of... HANS AND HERR DOKTOR!, by Teron
Recent Past : Asajj begins to regret agreeing to the genemods

Alternate Universe : Ciaran, Asajj and others have their pasts switched around
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Oh, the growth the characters have seen. Ciaran was once a two-bit gang leader with delusions of grandeur, and Asajj was some nobody, a pawn of a pawn. Now they are some of the most skilled Force Users in the galaxy, and working together the number of enemies they couldn't beat probably fit on one hand.
Everything done!

Experimental Equipment - Report No. 2, by Teron
Recent Past : More experiments from the Weapons Engineer.

Cultured, by Panory
Recent Past : HK-47 lectures Thrawn on the culture of the Tusken

Xruk meets a Jedi, by Habstab
Recent Past : Xruk is stopped by a Jedi while attacking the Tusken


A Brief History of the Order of the Sith Lords, by VNodosaurus
Near Future : Vectivus reveals the history of the Baneite Sith to Ciaran

Darkness and Light, by Barondoctor
Near Future : Riphath studies Force techniques from the Disciples of Twilight

A Grievous Omission, by Barondoctor
Near Future : Riphath is sent on a walk

Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, by Panory
Near Future : Ciaran reveals the Sith lord to Obi-Wan


Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Rebooted, Starring and Written by Samuel L. Jackson and Directed/Produced by Quentin Tarantino! New Teaser!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Anakin becomes part of the Jedi Council.

Premonition, by Barondoctor
Alternate Universe : Riphath lives through hundreds of lifetimes

The Gutter Apprentice| The Invisible Hand | The Empress, by Satsuma Red
Alternate Universe : Ciaran becomes the apprentice of Darth Plagueis

The Thoughts of Grandmaster OG of the Wu-Tang Clan Samuel L. Jackson.., by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace WIndu shares his music taste with the Council

Naval Contemplation, by Barondoctor
Recent Past : Ahsoka and Thrawn discuss Gilad Pellaeon and roleplaying games

Statement: I am the Game Master, Master., by Barondoctor
Recent Past : HK-47 takes the role as GM for a gaming session

Inglorious Basterds, the Reboot, starring HK-47, Anakin Skywalker, Jango Fett and Cirian!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace Windu sends people to hunt for the Sith

Inglorious Basterds, continued, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace leads the Jedi to finally capture Sidious

The Late Show with Triko Manchu: Alter Egos, by Whumbly
Unknown : Talk show host Triko Manchu presents famous individuals.

Return to the Foundry, by Barondoctor
Recent Past ( Turn 28) : Riphath returns to the Foundry

Additionally, this thing should be noted somewhere easy to get to
Abyss Watcher Accounting Book, by Stealthy
(Omake) Grip It and Rip It (Canon)
This mystery had been chewing at me. I realized I named it in an omake I'd actually only partially written and never released. Expect that to finish sometime today or tomorrow.

Grip It and Rip It

When I heard they were starting a grav-ball league on Kalee, I knew I had to go check it out. I'd played, during my time at Byblos Medical Academy. We played Corellian Rules. I mean, of course we did, Corellia itself wasn't more than a few systems over and if there was ever a planet with an oversized cultural footprint...I mean, look, I'm from a boring agriworld people fly past without giving it a second thought. The only people who care about Ertegas live there, or they're from there. When I got the chance to adopt Byblos as my new home, I embraced it with open arms. There was nothing left for me on Ertegas anyway. My parents sold the farm to pay for school and became traveling traders. I never forgot that. I'd like to find them sometime, pull that chunk out of my money so I can help them find somewhere nice to settle down, get them a place on Belazura.

If I live through it. I know the Watchers have 'spy wills' arranged, I should probably make sure mine's in order.

Why don't I just retire? I'd love to. Except there's two little problems. Three if you're really pulling for straws.

Problem 1: Sid Vicious still wants to tear apart the galaxy and then bend it over for his own twisted delight. I can do something to stop him, long as I'm working with the Watchers. I wouldn't care about what's going on in the galaxy...except I'm one of the idiots who lives in it. Also, I'm probably just Force-sensitive enough that any of that Order 66 stuff Gulan told me about would probably come for me too, eventually.

Problem 2: Where could I go that Ciaran couldn't find me if she really wanted to? Nowhere. Not even if I managed to run the Black Nebula or pick my way through the Maw. So I can't retire without having to look over my shoulder for Ciaran or hers looking to drag me back in.

Problem 3: Even if I managed to hide from both Sid and Ciaran, there's still the matter of three or four dozen years of crushing boredom and not living up to my potential, never knowing what I could do or could have done.

So it seems the only choice is to stick it out and see how deep the rabbit-hole goes, hopefully without ending up dead before my time. Look, if you'd lived through all the crazy stuff I had, you'd have neuroses too. I cope.

Largely, I cope by doing the lightsaber katas Masha showed me and the Alchaka meditations Darra showed me. Get stronger, have fewer "how am I still alive" moments per year, and eventually I'll get to a point where I stop being scared because nothing in my pay grade is scary any more--and I just have to hope the transparisteel ceiling remains intact.

Ironic, that the path I started on to be less scared with the Kaleesh led to me being more scared and expected to stand on my own.

Kaleesh. Gravball. Focus. Right.

I landed on Kalee with the next supply drop, wearing my Kaleesh mask. Within a few hours I was on one of the outdoor gravball practice fields, curious to see how the Kaleesh played.

They were, in fact, playing by Corellian rules. At least, it looked compatible with Corellian rules. They seemed to be playing based on smashball rules--old-school, three meters and a cloud of dust, before the invention of the forward pass smashball.

I smiled to myself. Gravball on Kalee was about to go through a major innovation and start looking more like limmie than smashball. Oh, don't get me wrong, defenders would still have plenty of reason to take the body, but I was going to introduce catch-and-shoot strikers to a game that had been all about blocking wedges and pitch-out sweeps.

I won't bore you with more sports details. I know that not everybody goes in for this sort of thing.

For those of you who do care? Well, I'm pretty sure their sports news crews are still talking about Team Izvoshra, the human striker who replaced their injured striker, and whether or not the traditional favorites would be altering their strategy to account for the new individualistic tactics demonstrated by Team Izvoshra.

Okay, okay, fine, the real reason I don't want to talk about it is that because I hadn't played gravball in at least a decade, my play was atrocious, and we mostly won for the same reason the first guy to invent an air force won a battle. Not because they fought well but because they brought an overwhelming technological advantage. Look, I shot 40%, including an abysmal 20% from the edge of the scoring zone. Back when I was playing on Byblos they had a play called Grip It And Rip It, where they'd get the ball to me once I'd gotten open for a clean shot. I just could not get open. I wasn't very good on defense either. I'm going to stick to coaching, if I ever get involved in Gravball again.

At least that's what I said until I found out the Abyss Watchers had an intramural league.

A/N: An omake entirely focused on the play of gravball could be done, but I know not everybody goes for sports.
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He's done it again! You're definitely getting credit on the Index posts directly, @Jakobstj, for putting so much effort into these updates. It'll take me a bit to go through and add everything, but thanks so much for leading the charge!

@Dr. Snark: any chance we could give Jakobstj another 'omake bonus' for secretarial awesomeness?

A letter to Ciaran, by prince84
Recent Past : Agent 2FY93 sends an urgent message to Ciaran
This omake was for some reason not responded to by Dr. Snark.
Also, @Dr. Snark, wanted to make sure you caught this. I counted it toward the omake bonus, but I'm not sure you saw this to determine whether it should be canon or non-canon. Let me know where I should put it!

Bloody hell Jakobstj!!! I had a plan tonight you know, go to bed at 10:30, read my kindle for 20 mins and then go to sleep and wake up bright and early in the morning. It's now gone midnight and I am placing the blame entirely on your shoulders and not in the slightest on me thinking "go on, read just one more, just one more." Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Grip It and Rip It

I do appreciate how much more subdued this is. Canon, +10.

He's done it again! You're definitely getting credit on the Index posts directly, @Jakobstj, for putting so much effort into these updates. It'll take me a bit to go through and add everything, but thanks so much for leading the charge!

@Dr. Snark: any chance we could give Jakobstj another 'omake bonus' for secretarial awesomeness?

Sure, why not.

Abyss Watchers probably cheat like there's not tomorrow in Gravball in their league and call it training.

Probably count as training too.

Abyss Watchers gravball games do have rules, but they're more along the lines of "if you can't prove that you used the Force to make that pass then it isn't illegal." It's like Blood Bowl, only with less casualties and severed limbs. ...Usually. :V

(No one wants to talk about the one time Grievous decided to join in)
I've seen Rip mention not being able to retire a few times now. Towards the end of the quest (Sheev is dead) I kinda wanna see him blow up in frustration at Ciaran about how he wants to retire (in a more comedic fashion than serious), and Ciaran goes '...ok, no big deal, make sure you get your benefits package before you leave.'