Overachiever (Canon)
Omake for Droideka upgrade and giving us the possibility to raid Colla IV!
At least I hope it can count as one.
Edit: it did! And it's canon!


Ciaran stared at the datapad's display. She left just for a short time and Cheriss managed to do this?

Droid Upgrade Report (Droideka)

Cheriss Frame Droideka model (AKA the Mk-II) comparison with standard-issue (With annotations)

-Modified Design (I needed to do that to account for all the upgrades) (See the Droideka Mark II on wookieepedia)
-Bigger frame to house the additional systems and modifications
-Much sturdier frame (Seriously, it was nearly as fragile as a standard B1 droid without its shield, only the mass helped protect it better than a B1)
-Much studier limbs (I also added an emergency servomotor to each just in case, and the upgrade is needed)
-Better armor (It desperately needed it, I added plates, enlarged others and used better materials or more efficient forms)
-Enhanced starship-class fusion generator (While the original one was good, this one is much better and needed. I took inspiration from the special ships we bought from Mr. Sienar to design this generator.)
-Improved circuitry (Sturdier and with several redundancies, needed for new programming)
-Improved programming (Needed to deal with the additional data, programs and systems, along with making it better like the rest of the droids. It includes the same programming that is shared by all the droids we made.)
-Added Photoreceptors to the usual sensors (Just in case someone devise a way to disrupt the Droideka's sensors just like one can with the regular photoreptors. This way, our Droidekas won't be as easily blinded as it could be.)
-Added discreet photoreceptors and sensors to the back, top and sides of the Droideka (Due to its low turn speed, though greater than the original thanks to the fourth leg, it would be easily blindsided without those additions. I corrected that issue.)
-Added a leg (It improves the stability and reduce the ease with which it can be pushed to the side. It also help them moving without rolling and climb up stairs.)
-Added electromagnets (may come useful if want to climb or move on metallic surfaces, can be turned on and off), much better servomotors (also see the part about the limbs further above and now can climb surfaces like the original could) and integrated spikes (to keep anchor the Droideka on a rocky surface, no matter the position) to the legs.
-A small tractor beam projector (It is to help the Droideka ascend/move on non-floor surfaces by 'attracting' the main body, mostly the top, toward the legs (and slightly toward the "sky" (depending on what this "sky" is)), reducing the strain on the legs, the climbing surface and the whole frame during a climb. Or you could simply add ascension grapple launchers, but those cannot be used in as many situations as Droideka could need the climbing help, like in small caves or non-climbing movements. It may help against Force telekinesis, but one would need to test.)
-Improved weaponry (I increased the firepower of the weapons without compromising the rate of fire, both can be adjusted (to a point) by the Droideka if the unit is ordered to (or chooses to if the situation demands it). The standard setting is at "full" power without affecting other systems or lowering the rate of fire.)
-Vertical angled Twin Blaster Cannons (Needed to allow the addition of armor plates there. The last servomotor to the cannons provides the Droideka with a vertical firing angle 180o​ from top to down (but not behind) and some lateral alignment, but still better than the original.)
-Additional Triple Blaster Cannon (Anyone trying to use the original's issue of not being able to hit enemies to close in front of them will have a bad surprise with this. This is can only move up and down to a degree.)
-Twin Ion cannons (Useful if you want to disable vehicles and droids for looting or another reason or take down shields. These have not much movement capacity, only a little vertically, so keep that in mind when you want those used.)
-Improved deflector shield generator (I resolved the issues with the shields. Thanks to the additional sensors and photoreceptors and the modified programming, the system now recognizes walls and other structures and objects that it doesn't need to actively shield against. The shield will then stop on the object instead of pushing/fighting against it. This modification can be used against the Droideka if the object isn't sturdy enough to protect it or is a disguised explosive, but it's better than the shield generator overloading due to extended contact with something that doesn't threaten it. I also closed the hole on the top of the shield, since it is a flaw that Jedi used with their lightsabers. You know, just in case it is needed or someone with a vantage point try to use it.)
-Higher Cost to produce (The upgrades aren't that cheap, but they are more than worth it and the cost isn't that big, I promise.)
-Longer time of production (It's not much if the facility is well made, but without it would be problematic. I have a design for another version of their production facility that much larger, but would reduce the production time to mere minutes if it has all the materials. Maybe I could make a facility that I could easily modify as to add droid schematics and is able to manufacture in great number all our military droids in good numbers.)

Regarding weaponry: It is relatively easy to change the arm weapons for melee ones like it was done for some Droidekas according to a few reports, but I would discourage it since it is mostly useless. It is easy to swap the current weaponry for an ion-based one if so wanted. I suggest that weapons using ammunition, such as grenade launchers, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and slugthrowers for examples, are not given to the Droidekas since they can't reload those weapons or cannot use them as well as other droids or people could.

Final Notes: I left the 'easy' deactivation method with electro-magnetic grenades and ion weaponry, but it is needed in case something happens and our forces have to face them. If you really want me to "remove" (I can only diminish it) this flaw, then I will add the protection against EMP (not perfect, since enough power would overload this defence), but it will be on your head if anything happens. Do your want me to add a hard-wired self-destruction system as well? I designed it just in case you wanted to keep the Droideka models we have to us due to how different and powerful they are.

Also, HK-47 wanted me to replace the blasters with disruptors. I refused, of course. This would make the Droidekas much more costly than they already are, but also greatly lesser their efficiency and would bring a lot of unwanted attention on us. If he wanted to replace the metal plating with Cortosis, I would not be as annoyed. Now I wonder if we could make one made of Beskar, since it is better than Cortosis. Do you think we could build you a set as bodyguards? Wait, there is the Force to take into account since we could deploy them against Palpatine, or they may be used against Force-using assassins. Maybe if I design a version able to house and protect an Ysalamiri... I will get you on that later.

Additional sub-models:
-Droideka Opressor:
Artillery unit (can also be used as anti-vehicle to a point)
The two Twin Blasters Cannons were replaced with two Heavy Blaster Cannons firing artillery ordinance with integrated power source.
The arms were modified to better support the new weapons and their recoil.
The sensors, photoreceptors and programming were modified to fit the new role.
Note: I kept the Triple Blaster Cannon for defence or use where the artillery is unwanted or too dangerous.
The Twin Ion Cannons are kept as insurance against shielded targets, or to disable droids at the front while the main weapons take care of other targets.

-Droideka Suppressor:
Anti-infantry and suppression unit
The two Twin Blasters Cannons were replaced with two Blaster Cannon Chainguns.
The sensors, photoreptors and programming were modified to fit the new role.
Note: the Triple Blaster Cannon can also be replaced by a specially designed double Blaster Cannon Chaingun. (They need to be able to shift to fit the space they have, hence the special design.)
The Twin Ion Cannons are kept as insurance against shielded targets, or to disable droids at the front while the main weapons take care of other targets.

End of Report

"Force save me from overachievers... this is awesome. Wait, there's a note."

P.S. If possible, can we get the schematics for the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid? Here's what we got about it so far.

She read the file about said droid once, twice and finally thrice. A large grin appeared on her face. She had one thought in her mind: I must have it.

"PR-1! Add this to my notes! Mission to Colla IV: theft of Colicoid droids schematics! I want that thing! And see if we can have some Hutt Cartel support in this, since they must still want some revenge for the loss of their facilities on Kessel." She looked at the remaining post-scriptum.

P.S. 2: I am working on integrating the Droideka's sensors to all our droids schematics without removing the photoreceptors. See the annotation about them in main report.
P.S. 3: Don't forget to answer my questions.
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[X] Arla, Dani, and Riphath. Between the three of them and their various talents tracking down Ahsoka will be easy. The only question is if they can get her to safety...

[X] The Diamond Deception cantina. No one would think to look there of all places given that it's just one cantina in the sprawling Undercity, and it's noticeably closer to Ahsoka's location. It's not exactly as defensible though if anything happens.

I hope the team can be smart enough to check for bugs on Ahsoka before getting her to safety.
There's a reason why the most common (and thus 'boring') type of planet in Star Wars is the Agriworld, an entire planet composed of farms, and the most common (and thus, also 'boring') type of ship is the bulk freighter, a vehicle designed to carry large quantities of cargo from one place to another.

It's all to fix the big massive plot hole that is Coruscant needing to get food.

Now, my question is, how the heck do they handle water and waste on Coruscant?

In Star Wars, they have energy sources that can fit in inside the Death Star (which was only 100 miles in diameter - that's TINY compared to a planet) that can power a weapon that packs more punch in a single shot than a star going nova. With that sort of compact power generation (and most importantly, that sort of efficiency - for the Death Star to not blow itself up with waste heat from the superlaser, it needs to be so close to 100% efficient as makes no difference) you could probably fit 40 or 50 times the canon population of Coruscant on the planet (and the only reason for that limit is that more than that the heat generated by human bodies starts getting to be a serious problem).

With Star Wars tech, it's darn easy to use cheap energy to brute force solutions to the food problem, the water problem AND the mile high building problem.

Suddenly I realise that Palpatine, should he succeed in becoming Emperor, no longer needs to make up an elaborate story to explain destroying the Jedi Order. The Abyss Watchers serve as a perfect enemy for his narrative, an invisible force with agents of corruption everywhere, that seek to destroy the Republic/Imperial way of life and you can never be completely sure that they're gone.

It would basically be the Empire's version of the War on Terror.

Even worse, Palpatine can show that the Jedi have had a very close relationship with Ciaran, even as they were suspicious of her and even knowing that Ciaran was a rogue force sensitive.

I'm kinda surprised that Palpatine already hasn't already started using Ciaran this way.

While I do believe that Thrawn needs an aside to aid (knowingly or unknowingly) in his planning, I don't think that it needs to be Paelleon... mostly because it would be nigh impossible to recruit him. Paelleon has dedicated his life to serving the navy as an institution and through that his loyalty to the Republic (and later Empire) is unwavering.

Remember, I'm saying contact and not recruit him. We want to integrate Thrawn into any Navy we can find because he is THRAWN.
Also, good choice in picture. Its the exact same one I suggested to Dr. Snark.
Why use blackmail when Palpatine can just tell the truth about Ciaran and what she does to make people afraid of her?


I think he tried that and our organisation decided to do a mixture of discrediting the sources, tampering with the evidence to make it look fake and drowning them out in a wave of even more absurd accusations. It ended up looking like a botched smear campaign and since Ciaran is super popular with everyone (barring the Huk) nobody followed up on it.

It also helped that the Hutt Clans (since we're their valuable partners) decided to arrange some accidents for those who wouldn't shut up.

Remember, I'm saying contact and not recruit him. We want to integrate Thrawn into any Navy we can find because he is THRAWN.
Also, good choice in picture. Its the exact same one I suggested to Dr. Snark.

If you're planning on subverting the Republic Navy for Operation Daybreak (its what I call our plan [read putsch] to overthrow Palpatine), I think we should start with Admiral Yularen. They got on well in the Thrawn audiobook.
I am sad and disappointed in you SV, Not one mention of obviously sending the BEST group consisting of HK-47 Grievous and The Silencer? For SHAME.
You should have used HK-47's speech on how to kill Jedi in KOTOR II.
"If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I will kill them myself."
So I found this and I thought that we'd probably have a similar video as part of our Orientation package.

1: Anything that starts with "Throw ysalamiri at them" is not a list of simple goddamn techniques.
2: Same for "Use cortosis alloys"
3: "Use explosives". Okay, useful, sure.
4: "Orbital bombardment." Fucking really?
5: You really didn't start with "Use their morality against them"?

3/10 cannot recommend purchase.
Well to steer away from the subject of Jedi killing (which there are many options), I have a proposal for our new anti-Palpatine News Outlet.

The IRIS Network (Intergalactic Reporting of Integral Stories).

Yes, I did get the idea when last talking with Snark and it fits with the Abyss Watchers with the all-seeing-eye of our logo.
Killing Jedi isn't that different from killing Sith, technically.
So I watched the video of Kreia's philosophy which has been linked to previously. I then saw a follow up where the weaknesses of the Grey Jedi are also explored. From this, I became worried for Ciaran's current stability.

I mostly agree with it. I think we all believe that the Dark side of the Force (even those who subscribe to a Yin/Yang interpretation instead of a Good/Evil one) to be influential for a person using it. Mentally, that is. Unlike real life, where there isn't a supernatural force/entity that actively influences a person either by small nudges or via interacting with it, the Force does both. Especially the Dark side. One must always be in control of oneself.

In my opinion, that's just not possible. At least, not for enough people to affect the galaxy to break the cycle.

This is where Ciaran will fall. I don't see her as strong enough not to lose control and you only need to lose control once. Right now the temptations aren't strong enough, she hasn't pulled from the Force deep enough, and her control hasn't weakened enough for her to slip. And I fear when that time comes. I also fear for those who have been taught her ways who don't have the strength of character enough not to fall.

I have no doubt that there have been agents and apprentices who have slipped and been forced to be killed. No matter Vectivus' and the Jedi Orders' teachings, that will only help the majority and a little bit more.

The Abyss Watchers pose a legitimate threat to galactic stability in the long run with the addition of the Agents. Right now, the threat of Sidious and Ciaran's laissez-faire personality has allowed and then forced us and the Council to be strange bed fellows. Once Palpatine is dealt with and galactic order restored, it is quite possible that (unless @Whumbly's AU comes to be) we will become the next possible threat to stability. Either from Ciaran slipping, or the Agents slipping and tearing the Watchers in two. As much as this being an AU might allow for the Watchers not to succumb to true Evil, it's still quite possible that a future White vs. Grey conflict (if by some fluke Black is eliminated ... see my opinion on that -> :rolleyes:) would push the Grey to become Black or join the Black.
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