- Location
Honestly just consider the upkeep as also applying to the wookie warriors as well as the facility and it is not that much in the end.
What happened: someone flipped an old journalist collaborator of Ciaran in a major news network trying to smear her name by actually revealing how much money she makes out of her "charities", probably to see her amendment bill fall. The Watchers were on ball as usual and shut it down under a flood of "evidence" and contacts. Ciaran's response is going to another major channel that rode the scandal suspiciously hard to give an interview with a journalist that recently had to eat her own words after the "diffamatory attempt" failed.The Interview
*Music plays as a camera pans over a full studio and zeroes in on a middle aged woman*
"Welcome back to Real News with Rhia Nyu. Our guest tonight is someone well known to you all, and who has been at the center of Galactic events and gossip with her many endeavours. Here to chat with us is the Galaxy's darling herself- Lady Ciaran!" The host swept her arm as she stood up.
*Ciaran enters the studio to the audience applause as the band switches to a different song; she's wearing an exquisitely decorated metal blindfold made to look almost like a tiara, but doesn't seem to have any problem walking about. She smiles and waves at the public, but the musicians can almost swear she smirks at them for their choice. She shakes hands with the host and sits at ease in her seat; courtesies are exchanged and then the older woman starts the discussion.*
"Lady Ciaran, it's a pleasure having you here with us on Coruscant Channel 66. Now, there's much to discuss about the Galaxy at large, but first I have to ask you: Barr Barr's report last week on the Republic Public Broadcast 1 about the alleged profiteering made by your Silver Cross Organization has been completely debunked in the last few days, but it's still gonna be used to have you come to testify in front of the Senate. What can you say about that?" The story had exploded on the holonet like a supernova causing outrage from all parts and could have made Barr Barr's career if it hadn't been completely decontructed by the meticulous book keeping of the Silver Cross and various leaks from the intelligence services that implied the Twi'lek had received support and illegal informations from "external sources" to make his piece.
"Well Nyu, the first thing I want to say is that this was totally unexpected; I have known and respected Barr Barr as a friend and upstanding journalist for years and even invited him personally when we announced the creation of the Silver Cross. I can't imagine what pressure they must have put on him to have him do this; honestly, in my experience, after getting caught in such a web I would be afraid for my loved ones and my private matters." The Miraluka became immediately more serious, but didn't show anything but assurance in her response.
"Who're "they"? Are you implying Barr Barr has actually been blackmailed? And what do you mean with private matters?" The journalist leaned forward with an open expression.
"Oh, I'm not implying anything, it's just that- as I said- I've known Barr Barr for years and simply can't imagine him writing such a thing without being forced by someone. As for the private matters... well, everybody has some things they would prefer never become public and, in my experience, this is usually what people trying to force your hand go for." Ciaran answered immediately, the little flicker of emotion making her sound even more trustworthy.
"So you have experience in blackmail?" Rhia's face took a polite smile, but her eyes became hard.
"Only in people trying to made me go against my morals and, as a businesswoman, against my interests. This is Coruscant, after all: there's a reason they say privacy is the most expensive commodity on the planet." The younger woman remained unperturbed.
"Be it as it may, do you have anything to say about the actual claims in the story?"
"Oh sure, just ask my protocol droid, he was with me when the news came out." The crowd just heard her chuckle softly "honestly, the bare description of our operations wasn't entirely incorrect, especially about our employment programs, but the sheer maliciousness of the commentary! And those horrid implications! Really, by hearing that piece I would be some sort of maniac trying to overthrow the republic by semi-legal means." Ciaran clearly gots worked up as she was speaking and leaned forward on her seat.
"I can't say I wouldn't react the same way in front of those accusations if they involved me, but, just for the record, you just said his descriptions of you refugee factory town are correct. Since you own many of the factories privately, this implies you actually make a profit out of it." The host leaned back with an interested expression belying the seriousness of her question.
"No. Absolutely not. I own those factories only insomuch as I have built and financed them and they're now properties of the Silver Cross, which I preside. The vast majority of the factories are rented by local businesses employing refugee manpower and all the revenue from the leases, just as that from the little service industry I do manage in the towns are reinvested to pay for the costs of the Town itself and in part to keep the Silver Cross afloat." The younger woman spoke with conviction and the audience was evidently taken by it.
"Well, there you have it, straight from the source; I would discuss more on this, but now that I've seen what your acountants do when their integrity is in question I'm a little scared of 'em." The host's smile was open and unless you looked in her eyes would have seemed sincere.
"Oh, I am too: that's why I hired them." The humanitarian relaxed and a tension no one noticed ebbed from the studio.
"Changing the subject to something lighter: enraged mobs. You are a Miraluka, yes?"
"I'm raising my eyebrow right now. You can't see it because I have a blindfold because I am a Miraluka. Has this anything to do with the protests in front of the Jedi temple?" Ciaran's tone was light.
"Well spotted. Now, even if you aren't a Jedi you as a Miraluka are a Force sensitive; what do you make of the protests and the Jedi's response, or lack of it?"
"Sincerely, they concern me." Her honest and serious tone seemed to take the host by surprise.
"Uh, which of the two?"
"Both. All of the matter worries me a lot: the Jedi have always been a shield for the Republic and have defended it for millennia and it worries me seeing them attacked while they are doing it; it also worries me that the Order hasn't officialy responded to the protests and I'm even more worried that some of the protesters' argument may be right."
"Oh? So you are worried because a group you don't agree with may be in the right?" Rhia seemed to try and put Ciaran back on the back foot.
"No, no, I'm worried about what them being right implies. Let me explain: as I said, the Jedi have been given the role of defenders of the Republic since time immemorial; the thought that the Order of today may not be up to the task makes me shiver, especially when one considers an ex Jedi is at the head of the Separatists and has reportedly been training a slew of apprentices of his own." The younger woman assured tone was that of an expert talking to a neophite.
"So you think they should relinquish their military grades and turn to diplomacy and peace keeping."
"On the contrary, I think after the Ruusan Reformation the Order may have been overzealous in thinking peace would never end, and that the Galaxy feels a void for a peace force capable of defending the Republic from anything that puts it in danger. I hope the Jedi are still that force."
"Very well, now -after a little break- we'll return to talk about more real news." The journalist was clearly taken aback by her guest's positions.
*The audience claps as the camera pans out. An advert for the latest Silver Cross recruitment campaign roll by, followed by one for the Karada Corporation, Incom Corporation and the first Space Curling arena in the system. The camera returns to the studio while the band sounds a little jingle, the host seems to have been laughing stiffly and Ciaran is smiling*
"Welcome back to Real News everybody, we're still here with our lovely guest, Lady Ciaran" the audience claps "who has been entertaining us with rumors from her time as a young debutante on the Coruscant scene." The woman's voice seemed to tremble a little.
"But only off camera, Rhia,some of the people in question would never be able to show their face in public if I revealed about their mishaps on the holonet." The Miraluka smile was honeyed and she reached forward to pat her host's hand on her desk.
"And the world of comedy is the poorer for it. Now, you ar-were here on Coruscant before the whole report scandal as a representative for a new bill in the Senate that would amend the recent Neutrality Acts. Now, you have deep ties with the CNS to say the least and many senators have decried your personal intervention as a way for the Neutrals to skive off their commitments with the Republic they say are still a part of; this is especially serious since, as the leader of a humanitarian organization, you are also one of the Acts beneficiaries." Rhia looked calm, but less enthused than before for her line of inquiry.
"It's exactly because I'm one of the beneficiaries I would hope people won't believe I'm here to reduce the amount of help given to the victims of this tragic war. The bill wouldn't diminish the amount of funds but rather raise it and simplify the whole process created by what's commonly known as Palpatine Tax: as it is the funds are given to the already overstretched Republic bureaucracy and then filtered down drop by drop to those who need it and not entirely. By letting the planets in cause finance directly the deserving organizations and afflicted planets, the middle man is cut entirely."
"But who would oversee this process and, besides that, why do you think our bureaucracy wouldn't be able to deal with this in the first place? And what do you mean when you say the money is not entirely given to its intended recipients?"
"Well, the entire proceedings would be registered like all other taxes paid by every planet, open to investigation like every other tax and exchanged telematically as every other tax. As for the state of our administrative structure, I simply say the war has stretched them thin and it shows: my own finances and those of the Silver Cross have been briefly under review because they thought we had evaded some tax and it took quite a while to show the administration we had paid their due in full."
"I imagine we shall see. Well, this has been and exciting interview but -as they say- the show must go on, I hope we can do it again." Rhia's eyes told an entirely different story.
"Oh, I'm sure we will: I'm not going anywhere."
It depends. Is there anyone named 'Gihren' on the payroll?wha
no, i was talking about the foundry obviously its not even something im trying to hide
i mean odds are the seps have 20 morebiosuperweapons waiting in the wings anyway but that doesnt make for an interesting story does it
P.s. Dr. Snark, if for some strange reason you want to make this piece of crap semi-canon or even non "canon for now", please ask for a consultation from the voters: it expresses various opinions on things and actions we haven't voted for yet.
But there -are- the proper amount of mile-long-cock-cannons.
Could we do something similar for other bases where we don't yet have a Defense Grid? Currently Mandalore is our only other planetary base without one, but this idea could apply to any future bases we purchase or acquire.
-[] Hutt Space: the Hutts are ruthless amoral gangsters who own most of the galactic east. However, they're on fairly good terms with the CNS, and have officially declared their neutrality in the Clone Wars. Perhaps Ciaran can persuade them to tie themselves more closely with the CNS?
That seems like it could have PR issues if we're not subtle about it (also, it'd probably be counterproductive to our trying to convince Anakin to join us).
EDIT: To clarify, I'm pretty sure that right now our dealings with the Hutts are basically low key and mostly hidden. If we start actively trying to make them allies, I suspect there will be blowback.
I really like this idea, but I suspect it would qualify as 'flavor' or part of the existing reward for the CNS Martial action that's already available:Reward: A proper Admiral Board is developed. Increased competence among Admirals and bad ones are either demoted or removed. Fleets are better organized?
[] CNS Defense Taskforce: The Council of Neutral System already has a Joint Forces Command that you basically controls. Now that the CNS spans the galaxy, expand the JFC's role and integrate the new members' armies and fleets, to secure all CNS territory and ensure local stability and security. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
I just want to point out that it's been about four months since Turn 26 started and now we can start debating what to vote on for Turn 27. Maybe if we're lucky we can get to Turn 30 before 2020.
I haven't actually had the chance to join in on any of these yearly votes yet, but I think this one might be a good idea. IIRC it's been there for at least a few years, so I figure we can spare an action to at least make sure it's nothing too bad?[] Investigate Anomalies: The maps gained from the expedition into the Unknown Regions you funded noted several unusual anomalies nobody could make any sense of. Perhaps your researchers can figure something out...or you could send a scout team to poke at them. Whatever works. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 60 Reward: ???
[] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
@Dr. Snark, these upgrades should have some income attached. News media organisations make money and so would these ones.[] Ojoster Intelligencer: The CNS does not have its own propaganda machine to counteract Palpatine's own. Fix that. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris
<fist pump> YES! New turn!
[X] "Helping" Old "Friends": Apparently the Techno Union has recently been in the market for cortosis, and is paying people to ship considerable amounts of them undetected. This sounds like it could be the beginnings of a new TU project...and given your relationship with them it also sounds like the chance to begin setting up a heist. Send some fake transports their way and see what information you can come back with. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Techno Union project discovered
-[X] 1 Watcher Team
Rolled: 68 + 16 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) = 94 (Critical Success)
Oh...oh this is niiiiice.
Turns out that the Techno Union has been working on Super Battle Droid variants that are made with cortosis alloys, making them specifically designed to counter any Jedi in combat. Naturally given the nature of this project the Techno Union wanted as little trace of this as possible, so they hired on several smugglers to transport cortosis to their production facilities. It was a perfectly viable idea, and would have probably gone off without a hitch...
Then you showed up. The Watcher team took on false identities as the crew of the "Hard Luck," moving a shipment of cortosis and managed to track said shipment to the planet of Metalorn. Once they learned that the team launched a cursory investigation of the planet, confirming the existence of the "CB-3" droids as well as causing a few supply line issues to slow down the project slightly.
There is one other...interesting detail about the facility your teams learned: namely that the project is being headed by Wat Tambor, the head of the Techno Union himself. And he'll be on Metalorn for the near future to make sure that the project is successful...
Rewards: CB-3 battle droid production discovered and sabotaged, discovered Wat Tambor's current location
Anyone think we won't be picking this this turn?[] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
...I can't help but notice that there is no distinct action for 'keep your eye on the Jedi Temple protests' besides this one, to 'help out the Jedi younglings, just in case'. @Dr. Snark: did you intend for the 'youngling' action to take care of any other preparations we might make?[] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
...I'm inclined to favor one of the Thyferra Intrigue actions instead, but depending on how busy our Intrigue category is, we might need to pick this of necessity.[] The Plight Of The Thyferran Worker (CNS): Fact: The average worker on Thyferra suffers from horrific working conditions. Kicking of a series of Council broadcasts about how it abhors slavery, poor working conditions, and so on might be enough for Thyferra to get the hint that they aren't wanted. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Thyferra diplomatically deterred from joining CNS
We're doing it. Though the fact that is says 'continued' rather than 'concluded' is bothersome...-[] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Raith's made himself clear: unless the Chu'unthor gets a stealth drive it's not going anywhere lest it get picked up by the Jedi. Not to mention that the training rooms and such need repairs in and of themselves. Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
We're doing it, pt. 2. We need a Stewardship hero, and this is our guy.[] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Fry is a paranoid man who is now of the belief that both the Republic and CIS are out to get him...the thing is while his reasoning is wrong his conclusions are entirely correct in a sense. Why not point this out to him and get one of the most talented inventors in the galaxy fully on your side? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Taelsan Fry formally recruited
...For our other Stewardship action, I'm torn between these three. My gut says we should go with Baobab, hope to increase our 'Palpatine Tax' discount and/or gain a Hero recruit, then do the Swoop Bikes and Galactic Games next turn(s). Thoughts?[] Deepen The Baobab Partnership: Fact of the matter is that working with the Baobabs has already resulted in a considerable influx of credits into your accounts. Why not try and deepen the partership further, see if you can gain more from it? Besides, you're curious about this "Mungo" character Ebenn mentioned before... Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Partnership with Baobabs deepened
[] Bring The Games To Taris: Taris is a neutral ecumenopolis that is a symbol of rebirth and now home to a number of sporting arenas. If ever there was a planet to host the Galactic Games at a time like now, Taris would be it. All you need is enough marketing and bribery and you're off to the races as it were. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 200 Reward: Galactic Games brought to Taris
[] The Swoop Bikes Will Fly Again: Now that you have the racetrack and the swoop bikes for it, it's time to reopen one of Taris' most prized sporting events: the Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit. Send invitations far and wide for the grand reopening and help put it back on the map. And hey, you never know who might end up signing up for it... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: GSRC reopened, potential for other rewards
I don't like either of these, per se, but it's better than the shitstorm that would ensue if we let them in. One idea: we might pair either of these with the "steal bacta" action, which would really piss them off...[] Giving Thyferra A Subtle Nudge: You've been in the game long enough to know how to deal with Thyferra: intimidation, blackmail, unfortunate accidents, and the like. Just make absolutely sure that the planet and more specifically the corporations running it get the memo that they aren't wanted in the CNS. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Thyferra subtly discouraged from joining CNS
[] Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?: There hasn't been enough to go on given the draconian security measures on the planet, but it's an unspoken truth that the average bacta worker suffers under conditions that are effectively slavery. Get enough evidence, stir up some scandals, and you'll have all the justification you need to deny them entry to the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Scandal created to justify not allowing Thyferra into the CNS
...I like Jerec, and this seems like a straightforward path to gaining a Lore hero unit. Plus plot hooks for post-Palpatine storyline...[] A "Blind" Explorer: After five years of no contact, you've finally managed to reunite with Jerec in the middle of his expedition into the Unknown Regions. While it would be difficult to maintain contact with him, he's mentioned that he'd be more than willing to renew the old agreement the two of you had given the chance, and it would be nice to better understand the mysteries of the Unknown Regions. What he needs from you is the ability to analyze data from his expeditions that he can't do on his own within the cramped quarters of his shuttle. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Renewed association with Jerec, information on Unknown Regions
On the other hand, I really want to build our Blazing Chain grenade launcher (aka 'lava crystal Force-imbued blaster') and this also boosts our Force Users to new and ridiculous heights.[] No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side: Cheriss has pointed out that the kyber traditionally used for lightsabers could also go into particularly powerful blasters that might even be more in-tune with the Force, making Blazing Chains techniques easier. That being said it'd be slightly more difficult to design these, but only slightly. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Customized blasters designed for Force users
...Just out of curiosity, shouldn't Grievous be on this list as well? Or are Kalee incompatible with Arkanian genemods?-[] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[] Silencer: No response as usual.
--[] Thrawn: Ambivalent to the idea, but if you want him to go through with it he will.
--[] Ventress: Leery of the Arkanians, it might be a bit difficult to get her to go through with it.
--[] Jango: A bit suspicious of the Arkanians but he acknowledges the benefits of the mods.
My question for @Dr. Snark: does this require using that Hero Unit for this and nothing else (so we can't also pick Silas' "Hero Action" or use his Hero Support for something else)?
Honestly I though about it, and given that the Arkanians do this all the time and would have a more uh, "complete" body to work with as opposed to the first time and this is Sci-Fi medical tech it wouldn't take the whole three months so they'd be available for other things. And scoundrels don't really care about appearances, so his actions wouldn't be affected.
This is for the PR-1 upgrade. As nice as it would be, I don't think a boost to Diplomacy and Martial is especially necessary for this turn.greater familiarity for diplomacy and enhanced mobility for combat
Mostly we've been too busy to think about the Unknown Regions. Also, we did pick this action much earlier in the quest, and it was basically 'roll the dice to discover something cool' rather than 'this action takes care of a particular event or issue'. We have so much on our plate, I'm not sure it's worth it (though working with Jerec is a real possibility this turn, which should give us insight into the Unknown Regions anyway).I haven't actually had the chance to join in on any of these yearly votes yet, but I think this one might be a good idea. IIRC it's been there for at least a few years, so I figure we can spare an action to at least make sure it's nothing too bad?
@Dr. Snark: We seem to be missing any follow-up action to our Techno Union action from last turn -- we found out about their 'cortosis battle droid' production on Metalorn, and learned that Wat Tambor will be on site overseeing production.
...I can't help but notice that there is no distinct action for 'keep your eye on the Jedi Temple protests' besides this one, to 'help out the Jedi younglings, just in case'. @Dr. Snark: did you intend for the 'youngling' action to take care of any other preparations we might make?
...Just out of curiosity, shouldn't Grievous be on this list as well? Or are Kalee incompatible with Arkanian genemods?
Good to know. (Welp, looks like the 'Youngling' action is locked in this turn...).
Ah. So we'd need the 'Non-Human Genemods' (Learning action) to unlock a bonus for Grievous.
Also, should there be a 'Chance of Success' indicator for this, or something to indicate how many Hero Units or Guardian squads or Abyss Walkers to assign to this? Do we even need to assign Hero Units -- if we don't, and put our Martial Heroes on other actions, will they be unavailable for this Raid?[] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
How much do you estimate our actions will cost? I want to put together some ideas on base upgrades and would like to know about how much I have to play with.Also, should there be a 'Chance of Success' indicator for this, or something to indicate how many Hero Units or Guardian squads or Abyss Walkers to assign to this? Do we even need to assign Hero Units -- if we don't, and put our Martial Heroes on other actions, will they be unavailable for this Raid?