All told, I'm inclined to give Ventress the Miraluka genemod this turn, but I'm willing to be persuaded. Thoughts?

Nobody is really interested in that kind of stuff despite the benefits, even most of the Hero Units themselves. It might be better just to give them to our agents or someone else.

I wonder if there is anyone in the canon cast that wouldn't mind some Genemod?
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Hidden Defenses: The usual protections, better safe than sorry and all. Cost: 50 Reward: Mansion defended against possible attacks
@Dr. Snark, what did you think of turning the Mandalore 'Hidden Defenses' into an 'Aegis Security Expansion' upgrade?
I like the idea of folding Aegis together with Defense Grid.
Could we do something similar for other bases where we don't yet have a Defense Grid? Currently Mandalore is our only other planetary base without one

I'd be up for it but I'd first be interested in how she feels about the prospect. Both generally about gene modding and if she'd have a preference.
Same. @Dr. Snark: is this information you can give us?

I kinda like the idea of Asajj becoming part-Miraluka, since it'd give Ciaran the excuse to start acting like her big sister.... Omake fodder, anyone?

Nobody is really interested in that kind of stuff despite the benefits, even most of the Hero Units themselves. It might be better just to give them to our agents or someone else.
Well, it is a free action. Giving the genemods to our agents would require a separate Learning action.
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Finally binged all of this. geez this took longer than I thought.

Mainly cuz all of the omakes Im sure.

Im still trying to internalize all the crazy shit thats happened really.

Anyway. This is such an amazing quest, I literally do not have the words to praise this enough.
Anyone have strong feelings about what Genemod we should pick this turn?

We have four human or near-human Heroes, so I'm going to go over each one in turn:

Silencer has very strong Martial and fairly strong Intrigue, but is useless at everything else. Chiss would help him with both categories, Zabrak would make him even more specialized in Martial, while Firrerreo and Pau'an would increase his health while boosting one or the other skill. I'd be inclined to upgrade his Intrigue stat, since his Martial is already so high.

Thrawn has exceptional Martial and Diplomacy stats, as well as fairly strong Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning. Frankly, we could give him just about any Genemod between one of the Lore ones, and it'd help him out. On the other hand, even Lore might work, given the 'mystery box' with the Miraluka genemod -- could we make him Force sensitive? I'm tempted to wait on his genemod until we can test it on...

Ventress has phenomenal Martial and Lore stats, with very strong Intrigue and decent Diplomacy skills. Either Echani or Miraluka genemods would fit her specialty, though I'm very much inclined to check out the Miraluka mystery box.

Jango has a very strong Martial stat, and fairly strong Intrigue and Diplomacy skills. Most of these genemods would work for him (again, except for the Lore or Learning ones). We could specialize him further with a Martial-heavy build, or make him more useful for Intrigue and Diplomacy hero support...

All told, I'm inclined to give Ventress the Miraluka genemod this turn, but I'm willing to be persuaded. Thoughts?

Ventress needs to be sent to talk with the Jensaarai which will cover for both higher stats and opening up training for us.
The Silencer needs to be on the Foundry raid.
I would like for Jango to be sent to gather up the old trainers. I feel that a palpatine asset is more important than a stat buff.
Thrawn? Hmm ... If not using him to buff up one of the 60% chance actions maybe either Balosar or Zeltron for better intrigue or diplomacy. Also, those credits could be better used for base upgrades.

For Martial: I'm torn between CNS Defense Taskforce and Preying Mantises. Mantises seem so very nice to have for the boosted income and piracy security, but Taskforce helps with the "tax" . Foundry is an obvious choice.
I would say Younglings and Jedi Sentinels for Diplomacy, because I think getting in touch with the Sentinels would allow us to help more with the situation at the temple when it happens.
For Stewardship: Fry, Chu'unthor, and Baobab.
Intrigue: So many things, so little time. Hell, Thyferra for getting that mess dealt with, Operation Ultra because Palpatine, Rust and Metalorn to crush the TU. Free Action so we can get Bacta too.
Lore: No clue about Archeology action, but for our normal action here I would like either contacting Jerec or giving our Agents Luka Sene tricks.
Learning: Commando Gear and Non-Human Genemods. Genemod upgrade because that means when we get Mass Genemods, our Kaleesh forces will benefit too.
Personal: Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine. Other actions I'm not sure if I want Personal Attention or Force Training.
Ventress gets genemod, not sure what Hero Actions we should go for. PR-1 maybe, he needs buffs.

Martial: CNS Defense takes priority over Mantises and it also provides Piracy security.
Lore: Completely disagree with you here but don't care enough to argue.
Learning: We need to finish up Ysalamari research.
Personal: We can do all three. We have 3 personal actions.
Ventriss: See above in Publicola response as to why I disagree here.
Ventress needs to be sent to talk with the Jensaarai which will cover for both higher stats and opening up training for us.
The Silencer needs to be on the Foundry raid.
I would like for Jango to be sent to gather up the old trainers. I feel that a palpatine asset is more important than a stat buff.
Thrawn? Hmm ... If not using him to buff up one of the 60% chance actions maybe either Balosar or Zeltron for better intrigue or diplomacy. Also, those credits could be better used for base upgrades.
Genemods are a free action that don't cost us the use of that Hero for the turn:
Separately, 'Genemod' actions do not mean the Hero Unit we pick is unavailable for support for the turn:
Dr. Snark clarified that back when Genemods first became available. We just haven't done many genemods because we had other priorities for our Learning then Hero actions. Now that they're free...

Learning: We need to finish up Ysalamari research.
Ysalamiri will finish up this turn, and it won't cost a Learning Action (thanks to doubling-up last turn, the 'lock' expired at the same time).
Ysalamiri will finish up this turn, and it won't cost a Learning Action (thanks to doubling-up last turn, the 'lock' expired at the same time).

Just because the lock expired doesn't mean it will still be finished. All that means is that we can change what we research. we still only have 2 actions there and 1 will be taken up by the Ysalamiri .

As for genemods ... Okay, but they're still using up credits which can be used for base purchases.
Just because the lock expired doesn't mean it will still be finished. All that means is that we can change what we research. we still only have 2 actions there and 1 will be taken up by the Ysalamiri .

As for genemods ... Okay, but they're still using up credits which can be used for base purchases.
Pretty sure that's not how research options have worked in the past. If it's not locking an action, we can start new research and the ongoing research will keep going until it's finished. Is that correct @Dr. Snark ?
So here are my suggestions for base purchases:

Kuat: The Kuat Drive Yards have mentioned that they're willing to help finance a Karada facility on Kuat itself if you're interested in deepening ties with them. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Kuat

Tibannopolis: An abandoned Tibanna platform floating among the clouds of Besipin once meant to be an equivalent of Cloud City, it's just begging you to move in and exploit it yourself. Cost: 200 Reward: Tibannopolis reoccupied

Lianna: Raith has pointed out that if you want to truly give a sign of partnership with him you could always establish a Karada corporation branch on Lianna. He's even pointed out a good facility for you to move into. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Lianna

[] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant

[] Undercity Healthcare: You know damn well the people of the Undercity are in dire need of healthcare. Setting up a network of Silver Cross-affiliated clinics would go a long way towards making things a bit better down there and making you some money that can't be taxed by the Neutrality Acts. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income

[] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
-[] Karada Laboratories: set up a public-facing research laboratory to develop more medicine and pharmaceuticals for general use. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
-[] Karada Academy: expand the training programs, to offer conferences and collaborative projects between other major medcenters in the galaxy, and cross-training for doctors who specialize in different skill sets (surgeon vs. pediatrician) and different species. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income

[] All Planets Market: This massive marketplace showcasing the products of the galaxy would be an ideal venue for promoting the CNS. Purchase enough space and rent it out to member-systems of the CNS to give them a place to sell some of their more unique goods. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income

[] Tradeport: Now that Kalee is coming into its own with the help of the Muuns, it's definitely worth building up a proper tradeport to capitalize on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[] Megafauna Museum: If Grievous is any indication, the Kalee would be honored to host a zoo/museum of the biggest and baddest animals in the galaxy. Especially since he already dumped a exogorth carcass as the first exhibit. Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed Cost: 200 Reward: Megafauna museum opened, +50 investment income, potential to study contained fauna in more detail

Oracle (Lucrehulk)
[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade

[] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata

[] C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways: Building C-9979 Landers over Cato Nemodia would raise a lot of questions. Building them over Kiln would raise none, and you do have plenty of space in the Oracle for them. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: +1 C-9979 Landers per turn

[] Baktoid Vehicle factories: It might be worthwhile to have these set up on Kiln so you can deploy these elsewhere with no questions asked.
-[] Armored Assault Tanks: Heavy tanks capable of both anti-infantry and anti-vehicle missions. You can't go wrong here. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 group of AATs per turn
-[] Vulture-class droid starfighter: The fighter of choice for the CIS, this fighter has a droid brain in the place of a pilot, though its combat abilities slightly suffer for it. Maybe have Cheriss look into that at some point. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn

[] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else. In comparison to the proposed megafauna facility on Kalee, these would contain (relatively) small predators. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed

[] Svivreni Material Research Facilities: The isolated nature of the facility and the already present research equipment make La'Sombra a prime location for setting up facilities dedicated to researching anomalous or rare materials in the galaxy. With the addtion of the Svivreni to the CNS, the facilty would now be even more effective with some of the galaxy's greatest material experts on staff. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Significantly Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research

Nar Shaddaa
[] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units

[] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income

[] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income

[] Karada Medcenters: The Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income

[] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades

[] Muun Auditors: Incorporate a new financial business as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also helps get inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy

[] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: The Naboo Moon Mining Guild is an organization that legitimately sells spices on the market, not to mention that they are in competition with a slaver organization of some kind. It certainly sounds like a useful investment. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers

[] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Borvo and his Nal Raka Criminal Empire have a much broader reach now than they did when he was still operating in a single sector. Borvo has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with Naboo, not when they still remember him for his actions during the Naboo invasion. Suggest to him that the Abyss Watchers should take over the local black market; your reputation is spotless, and now that you have a base on the planet, it should be easy to coordinate things. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

[] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): Orbiting Naboo is the swamp moon Rori, best known for its kassoti spice mines -- a very mild narcotic with less severe addictive effects, which is why it's legal to trade and distribute. Borvo owns a trade port on the planet, to help facilitate transportation throughout the system. More importantly, Borvo's operation utilizes a private hyperlane, the Old Trade Federation Route, to transport goods on and off world. Invest in the tradeport, and in the black market surrounding it, to gain full access to those smuggling lanes. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

Cato Nemodia
[] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Granted it's nice that this factory has been making you credits but you'd really like to be able to properly get the vehicles off-planet for your own ends. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet

[] Trade Port: The Trade Federation is based off of this planet. Getting in on the trade here is only logical. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[] Orbital Drydocks: Expanding on the shipyards in orbit, help set up drydocks for repairs and refueling. Plenty of ships are moving through the system anyway, so it would easily make a killing. Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs

[] Planetary Shield: Vectivus is right; you need something to properly defend Taris now, as any damage to the planet would be nigh-on catastrophic for both you and the CNS as a whole. Set up a planetary shield to deter any would-be assaults from orbit. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris

[] Aegis Security Expansion: Fry Industries may provide electronic security, but that does little for physical security. Fortunately, you own a security company with its own training compound. Expand it to a facility on Taris, and offer bodyguard and escort services for the rich and famous. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income

[] Black Market: Even if the planet is doing well and discouraging people from criminality through sheer success, there's always a market for illegal goods. Get in on it, not only to make a profit but to make sure that no one tries anything through it. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 black market income

[] Mercy Medcenter Expansion: Fact of the matter is that having Karada's HQ on Coruscant is a baaaad idea given that Palpatine is right there. As such running an expansion on the Mercy Medcenter and making it an equally viable headquarters would hardly be the worst idea, especially since it would also mean more money. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Karada income, ability to operate from Taris

[] Bureau of Ships and Services: The Bureau is an organization that helps organize the various transponder codes on ships and tracks civilian traffic. Wouldn't it help if they were on a nice, safe planet that you had so many wiretaps on as it is? Of course you're going to omit that latter detail... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Bureau relocated to Taris, increased ability to track ships registered to the Bureau

[] Ojoster Intelligencer: The CNS does not have its own propaganda machine to counteract Palpatine's own. Fix that. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investement income, Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris

[] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia: In spite of Corellia's open neutrality Senator Garm Bel Iblis has formed a sort of private fleet to look after the space around Corellia since the Republic has declined to do so. Fund his fleet, and help incorporate it into the CNS joint forces structure. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Bel Iblis' militia integrated into CNS fleet, increased security for Corellian space

Based on this:
Cost (per planet / total) (with discounts): 570+600+300+250+125+450+135+375+595+250+450+200+1200+195 = 5695
Income (per planet / subtotal + global bonus / total) (with bonuses): 352.5+135+50+232.5+150+185+612.5 = 1717.5 + 85.875 = 1803.375
Total Cost: 3891.625
Okay, base upgrades are updated and I have used most of the available funding. If actions cost less than we can add more. I have 82 left over (and the 1400 set aside for actions). 5 new bases are opening up, mainly to tie into other companies (Incom, Kuat, Raith, Sorosub) and the 5th gives us a supply of Tibanna Gas which is used for Turbolasers amongst other things (unless they changed that).

Income is to grow by 2248 (more if investment penalty goes down and the natural growth from two of Kalee upgrade from last turn) with 435 more upkeep for a net of +1813 income, we are also gaining another salvage roll each turn so more income there.

Coruscant- I only left out Droid Marketing (too risky of a PR attack angle) and underworld takeover, all the rest were grabbed, we have a 10% penalty to investment income which makes the investment opportunities still a solid choice. There were also three income upgrades that were not investment one which basically pays itself off this turn, and the last was a way to counter Palpatine's control of the local media.

Kalee-Megafauna Museum just not worth it until we get some free learning actions as we have a backlog there and the ROI was not high enough, I did grab the other two as thanks to the income boost we have on Kalee they are quite profitable

Oracle- Grabbed the fleet upgrade to make sure we are ready

Mandalorian Mansion- Just the Karada facility since it also should strengthen Clan Skirata with additional medical supplies, ROI is a bit over 2 turns but I had grabbed all of those with better ROI as well, so more income is not remiss

Lordran, Kiln- Grabbed the C-9979 Landing Craft since we can build them up on the quiet, once again we have to wait on the personal hideout (but it is coming soon)

La'Sombra- Grabbed Defenses (it's cheap) and Material Research since that will reduce research time for some of our learning actions

Nar Shadda- All of the Income including the one that gives a 30% boost, also grabbed boltholes in case we need to bug out or need to hide people (like Jedi), Blacksite- we are maxed on recruits I believe so I did not see a point.

Castell-Militia gives us more support for when we move and adds to possible Rumors and more info is always good, Academy has an upkeep but also increases our promotion rate so our people are more effective oh and gives more support as well

Muunilist- Just the Auditors who have a very good ROI (less than 2 turns) and helps us keep track of financial news (and information is power)

Vectivus' Home- Hidden Defenses just to be on the safe side

Kashykk- No income boost on planet meant the ROI is 3 turns, I grabbed Sienar to help tie Rath to us more and move him away from Tarkin and his lot, and KDY, well for Empire Strikes Back fans that Ion Cannon on Hoth was made by them so access to that seemed like a good idea. Incom already has a facility over Taris so passed on them this turn. The Cost 50 we could fit two more in and exhaust the funds I have left for a bit more income if need be.

Taris- It is our income center with the +100% income booster only Muunilist (+80%) comes close so I grabbed all the income upgrades as they all pay off or come close this turn except Ojoster Intelligencer which is useful for the PR for CNS, Planetary Shield is to help keep our Golden Goose in one piece, Promised Land to integrate the neghouls and Bureau of Ships and Services just promises to be fun by having access to a database on civilian shipping

Naboo- Only doing the mining guild this turn for the PR boost, 4 turn ROI would not have been worth it but just something to make us look good, I want to avoid too much shady stuff on Naboo to avoid any potential PR embarrassments.

Nemodia- Just the Karada upgrade, ROI is 2 turns so solid, the other ones are potential embarrassing entanglements or just not worth it.

Ord Mantell- the two smuggling have an ROI of 2 turns, the other two are not so good thanks to the investment penalty, the Fort provides additional opportunities, with the income being a nice bonus to defray the action cost (ROI 3)

Dantooine- AgriCorps has the potential for Artifacts which are potentially useful, Agriculture Investment is to control a supply of food in case we need to send aid to a starving world, or feed troops if it comes to open conflict

Corellia- Wiretaps do not have the investment penalty nor does Karada Medcenter, the other income upgrades all provide additional benefits that make them worthwhile (more security, salvage and access to new designs) also support Garm's Militia as he is an effective commander and it will strengthen the CNS military, unfortunately could not afford additional military upgrades this turn.

Edit: So security income counts as military, which added 24 more to the available fund list and income. That will help.

Edit2: Added Aegis Security on Mandalorian Mansion (defense plus income without investment penalty). I went back and added everything to double check and realized I had spent too much so I dropped the new bases down to three. Lianna, Fresia and Tibannopolis
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@Dr. Snark, what did you think of turning the Mandalore 'Hidden Defenses' into an 'Aegis Security Expansion' upgrade?

That got eaten up at some point, because I know I wrote that in at some point. One sec.

Same. @Dr. Snark: is this information you can give us?

I kinda like the idea of Asajj becoming part-Miraluka, since it'd give Ciaran the excuse to start acting like her big sister.... Omake fodder, anyone?

For obvious reasons most of the people in question are at least somewhat put off by the fact that the Arkanian's hat is Mad Biological Science, but Silas has been walking around with a mod and he's doing fine, to say nothing of Ciaran herself. That's pretty good reassurance right there.

None of them are really against the idea, it's more that they don't really see a need for it themselves.

Pretty sure that's not how research options have worked in the past. If it's not locking an action, we can start new research and the ongoing research will keep going until it's finished. Is that correct @Dr. Snark ?

That it is.

Hey @Dr. Snark a question if you please. Are the Galactic Games and the Wat Tambor actions on a time limit considering they're realistically time sensitive objectives?

Galactic Games isn't as time sensitive, but Wat definitely is.
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Ysalamiri will finish up this turn, and it won't cost a Learning Action (thanks to doubling-up last turn, the 'lock' expired at the same time).

Pretty sure that's not how research options have worked in the past. If it's not locking an action, we can start new research and the ongoing research will keep going until it's finished. Is that correct @Dr. Snark ?

Due to Dr. Snark's clarification, I will say that I was wrong. May I suggest either Ionite or Personal-Shields? Ionite seems like a great way to improve anti-shield weaponry.
All right, I just finished my initial pass for our Actions and Bases, so I'm going to start calculating the initial Balance Sheet. For the record, here's how much our Actions cost this turn

One-Off Costs -- Actions: 150+100+200+50+150+150+100+100 = 1000

...Huh. That was cheaper than expected. I suppose a big savings was that none of our Intrigue actions cost credits -- it was everything else that was expensive. :D
All right, I just finished my initial pass for our Actions and Bases, so I'm going to start calculating the initial Balance Sheet. For the record, here's how much our Actions cost this turn

One-Off Costs -- Actions: 150+100+200+50+150+150+100+100 = 1000

...Huh. That was cheaper than expected. I suppose a big savings was that none of our Intrigue actions cost credits -- it was everything else that was expensive. :D

Who are you genemodding?
All right, I just finished my initial pass for our Actions and Bases, so I'm going to start calculating the initial Balance Sheet. For the record, here's how much our Actions cost this turn

One-Off Costs -- Actions: 150+100+200+50+150+150+100+100 = 1000

...Huh. That was cheaper than expected. I suppose a big savings was that none of our Intrigue actions cost credits -- it was everything else that was expensive. :D
So you are saying I have 400 more credits to spend on base upgrades... are there any that you may change to a more expensive action? Also with the balance sheet, I calculated at a per upgrade level, so there may be round off errors depending on how it is calculated, plus additional income if we can reduce the investment penalty. Also I figure we should not rely on the reduction or salvage rolls to keep us in the positive balance, instead any gains there can be put in our treasury to spend next turn.
Galactic Games isn't as time sensitive
...So the action isn't locked out this turn, but might be locked out next turn...? Good to know.

May I suggest either Ionite or Personal-Shields?
My current plan has Personal Shields + Mass Genemodding as our two Learning actions.

Who are you genemodding?
I decided to go with Asajj, to 'test-drive' the Miraluka genetics and see what the "???" mystery box does for us.

So you are saying I have 400 more credits to spend on base upgrades... are there any that you may change to a more expensive action?

Yes and no? I'm sure there are more expensive actions, but I tried to pick the best (most useful/necessary/time-sensitive) ones regardless of cost. I am willing to be persuaded, but even so the Action costs won't increase by much.

Also I figure we should not rely on the reduction or salvage rolls to keep us in the positive balance, instead any gains there can be put in our treasury to spend next turn.
Agreed. I also don't assume we'll gain any specific income from our Stewardship Actions, even if (taking an example from last turn) it's a guaranteed success with a stated reward of 'Decreased investment penalty'. That's why I'm comfortable spending pretty much every credit in our Treasury, because I know our actual end-of-turn Treasury will pretty easily reach a few hundred credits.
[] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.
-[] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned

Reasoning- Primarily because it has a better chance than Organic Shatterpoint which might need personal attention.
This makes me happy.
Mainly cuz all of the omakes Im sure.
My inbox has noticed

Galactic Games isn't as time sensitive
I assume because until we volunteer Taris as a host, they don't really have a good place to hold the games?
[X] Amuse ourselves with Padme, Anakin, and Ashoka
[X] Investigate rumors concerning the illusive Dropbear, as a potential weapon against Palpatine.
...So the action isn't locked out this turn, but might be locked out next turn...? Good to know.

My current plan has Personal Shields + Mass Genemodding as our two Learning actions.

I decided to go with Asajj, to 'test-drive' the Miraluka genetics and see what the "???" mystery box does for us.


Yes and no? I'm sure there are more expensive actions, but I tried to pick the best (most useful/necessary/time-sensitive) ones regardless of cost. I am willing to be persuaded, but even so the Action costs won't increase by much.

Agreed. I also don't assume we'll gain any specific income from our Stewardship Actions, even if (taking an example from last turn) it's a guaranteed success with a stated reward of 'Decreased investment penalty'. That's why I'm comfortable spending pretty much every credit in our Treasury, because I know our actual end-of-turn Treasury will pretty easily reach a few hundred credits.
Are you going after Shu Mai this turn? If so then all three of the Castell Actions will be taken (have two right now, the last is under potential). I think otherwise I have a good mix of income increases along with upgrades that give additional effects though and our net income is still jumping up by 1.8k at least.

If going after Shu Mai add:
Castell- Commando Gear-Cost: 50 (47.5) Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to survive, and more likely to support you
New Base- Arkania- Cost: 100 (95) Reward: Facility on Arkania
Kashyyyk- CEC Expansion- Cost: 50 (47.5) Reward: +25 (18.375) investment income

That gives us 5 bases, Arkania ties us into their sciences more and we are likely to have Karada expansions at most of the new bases. The CEC Expansion is just spending the last bit of funds.

Finally binged all of this. geez this took longer than I thought.

Mainly cuz all of the omakes Im sure.

Im still trying to internalize all the crazy shit thats happened really.

Anyway. This is such an amazing quest, I literally do not have the words to praise this enough.

One of us... One of us... ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!