Briefing the Boss, Force Orders Part 2
"The Next notable Order is the Blackguard. They are a relatively recent order as such things go, being around 1000 years old."
"You know, its comments like that that bring a sense of perspective to this whole thing. Its absurd how long lasting Force orders are."
Vectivus nods "Agreed they are quite stagnant, the Blackguard are more dynamic then most orders, but that brings with it its own share of problems."
"How so?"
Vectivus responds "Well, they were originally founded by a Sith Lord around the last Battle Of Russan, although the Jedi never managed to prove that. Furthermore, they have a tendency to seek out and learn from other orders. This has naturally led to an organizational structure designed to prevent people from simply defecting to other orders. Primarily by offering material rewards and a chance for advancement that few other orders offer."
Ciaran raised one eyebrow "And this is a problem how?"
"Well, there is the constant jockeying for position, and the people who are in power are generally interested in keeping it."
"That could be a problem."
"Indeed, though the bigger issue is philosophical. First, they're tendency to explore the other force orders is quire different from your own. They search for answers regarding the force from others whereas the Abyssal Walkers learn techniques and then forge our own answers."
"Our answers. Vectivus, I didn't know you cared."
At this the long dead Sith Lord smiles "What can I say, I'm getting a bit invested in this process myself. Anyway, they also have some silly idea that there is no light and dark side and that everything is internal. While I don't ascribe to the traditional definitions of such, they're categorical rejection is somewhat worrying."
Ciaran responds dryly "Well, Mortiss proves them wrong anyway. Plus, there's always the tendency for people to use the supposed lack external morality to justify being assholes."
"Indeed, there isn't much else of note to them beyond their rank structure. The leader is called the Kursk and they have a bewildering variety of ranks, including one actually called minion."
"I'm afraid so. Moving on to the next force order, we come to the Ember of Vahl, an ancient order of somewhat primitive matriarchal force users."
Ciaran smirks "You know, what is it with the primitive matriarchal orders. I don't think we've ever run into a patriarchal one.
Vectivus shrugs "No idea really. They were originally another human offshoot that lost their ancient homeworld when the Jedi attacked them for the usual reasons."
Ciaran interjects dryly "Death Destruction and cartoonish villainy?"
"Pretty much. Now they wander the stars, supposedly seeking to find their lost homeworld. Of course at this point they've interbred with humans so extensively that they probably don't count as a separate species anymore. That's what tends to happen when a refugee population wanders around for several thousand years, although I believe they have a colony somewhere. More to the point, their abilities with the force revolve around creating and controlling Fire. This more flashy than effective or other force orders would use it more often. It does have uses when there is already a lot of fire and heat present though."
Ciaran smiles as she leans back in her chair "I wonder if we could combine that with incendiaries for increased effectiveness."
Vectivus smirks "I can hear the purists yelling already. Such a beautiful sound. They do have one notable ability though, the ability to redirect lightning, including the infamous sith lightning technique."
"Really? Now that sounds useful."
"Yes, I think its a more refined version of what Grand Master Yoda is capable of performing, although the actual practitioners are less skilled. Actually learning from them would be tricky given that their isolationist nature and Dark Side tendencies. Though if any of your archaeological digs offered a hint to their homeworld..."
Ciaran smiled "Interesting. Who's next?"
"The next are the Fallanassi, or the Adepts of the White Current. They are a primarily female force order-"
"Seriously? Again?"
"Sadly, yes. They are a troublesome order. They have unique abilities that strongly diverge from the Jedi norm, and yet their philosophy is even more backwards than the Jedi. And they are completely insufferable."
Ciaran raises an eyebrow "Really? That sounds personal somehow."
He shrugs "Well, this one Fallanassi tried to convince me to help her by claiming that she was family. It led to a very unsatisfying and annoying journey."
Ciaran winced "Well, um… You were talking about their philosophy?"
"Ah that. The real issue is that they're pacifists, with an anti-authoritarian bent and are so damn smug about it."
"Oh, they know better than anyone else I take it?"
"Yes, they isolate themselves from the rest of the galaxy abdicating any responsibility for the results and proclaim themselves virtuous because of it. They consider the Jedi to be violent brutes, whatever my many, many issues with Jedi philosophy, brutishness is not a crime you can fairly accuse most of them of. They are ivory towered philosophers of the worst sort, and worse their abilities save them from the worst results of their foolishness."
"And what are these powers?"
"They see the force through a prism they call the White Current. It involves immersing yourself in the ripples and flows of the force instead of the force itself. It's a way of seeing the force, in some ways similar to your shatterpoint's ability to see what other's cannot, though its effects are very different. Instead of effecting the physical it effects the mental, with the Fallanassi being unparalleled in mental illusions and misdirection's, at the cost of effective inability to change the physical world."
"They sound potentially very useful, and a total pain."
"Yes, the next order is the Order of Sasha is an old order based on Manaan. They rarely leave their homeworld as they see their protection to be one of their highest duties. Additionally, unlike most force orders, they have a fairly good relationship with the Jedi."
Ciaran twirls a pen as she cocks her head "Really? That's fairly unusual. Why"
"Interjection: Though the glorious actions of my creator Revan of course."
Ciaran whips her head around in surprise "How did you get here HK?"
"Amused Statement: I was always here. Anyway, Revan and his meatbag friends uncovered a plot by the Sith to kidnap and train Selkath children as sith. Clarification: While I did not see anything wrong with this, Master Revan foiled the Sith."
"So they like the Jedi because of this?"
Vectivus nods "Yes. And the Jedi were smart enough not to ruin a good thing by trying to recruit infants. They've also had positive dealings with the Jal Shey."
"And their abilities?"
"They use cortosis alloy blades called Fira. Apparently the creation process is needlessly dangerous. Still, they do have cortosis supplies. They have several interesting force abilities that rely on assuming the mindset of a native beast and channeling the force in order to achieve various effects. The Progenitor's Call is a mental attack that distracts and weakens your enemy, allowing an advantage in combat. The Waveform is a state of mind that apparently increases the potency of telekinetic attacks, in a way somewhat similar to the mental disciplines involved in a proper lightsaber form."
"That sounds very useful."
"Statement: For a meatbag perhaps."
"HK? Get out of my office."
A/N: Well that was a pain to make. Anyway, the Ember of Vahl are evil fire benders, the Black Fleet Trilogy are terrible books, and I should have the final part out as soon as I can.