i wonder if the mantle is going to talk to us, given that its probly sentient by now.
also just how strong will this make us? im betting a +5 in something
ok, so what do we wear when we go out to be a badass?
i would like something similar to the maria from bloodborne, only with the kalee mask.
Personally I sort of, very vaguely, want to give it to Anakin purely to see what happens.

Like, he's supposed to be the Chosen of the Force, right? What happens if you stick a Force amplifier on top of that, does he just become God or what.

Also my phone kept trying to correct "purely" in "purely to see what happens" to "poorly" but I'm sure that doesn't mean anything :V

Well, Jerec believed that fully taking on the Valley of the Jedi would give someone enough strength in the force to eliminate star systems with just a thought.

So in this case, the Mantle of the Force would probably boost Anakin to SWTOR Emperor levels of kill entire planet except for one guy force strength.
Not that impressive, Nihilus did that all the time. It's kinda what he was famous for. Well, infamous. Same difference.

The problem is that Anakin's shown force strength isn't anywhere near what we're told it is.

Besides, the control to leave one guy alive probably was harder than killing the entire planet.

And Nihilus wasn't powerful enough to kill entire planets with the force. He was merely a hole in the force that absorbed and consumed all life. He wasn't using the force to do that. His mere existence was enough.
Weren't we aiming for a blaster/saber combo or are we totally abandoning that?

I'm fine with either. The point about using the extra strength to offset the disadvantage of dual wielding in melee is a good one and Asajj could train us in it since it's her primary style. It does negate using the off hand for our holdout blasters and force techniques though, so single saber is probably better.
screw it
i was going to post a image of the revan reborn armor from kotor, because its pretty cool
any way's if that's what our outfit looks like id be cool with it.
Duel wielding works great for Droids or species that are significantly stronger than the human baseline, but when fighting someone wielding one weapon with two, you are essentially forced to fight as if you are wielding only one because otherwise your lightsaber will just be consistently batted away. You need to use both to block one.

Dual wielding's main advantage for most of the galaxy then is blocking blaster shots.

Now, dual wielding with significantly greater strength on the other hand? You block with one and cut them in half with the other.
Well good we learned Makutai aka super strength force technique
Well good we learned Makutai aka super strength force technique
Don't most force-users already have that? Remember that we aren't necessarily that great at Matukai since a lot of what the crit did was spread it amongst our disciples. We just happen to be stronger that almost anybody would expect, not stronger than any Jedi or Sith in our way.
Don't most force-users already have that? Remember that we aren't necessarily that great at Matukai since a lot of what the crit did was spread it amongst our disciples. We just happen to be stronger that almost anybody would expect, not stronger than any Jedi or Sith in our way.
hahahaha no your wrong
we fucking MASTERED the fucking thing, while most barly realize it even exists in the first plase
Remember that we aren't necessarily that great at Matukai
She's a Master of it. It's specifically described as one of the things she's most skilled with.

On a related note: am I the only one that's noticed that for all her knowledge of esoteric force techniques and infiltrator/saboteur style combat, Ciaran's natural talents are apparently that of a Jedi Guardian/Sith Warrior? Learning delicate intellectual techniques? Takes massive dedicated effort to make any advances at all. Learning to lightsaber duel against one of the galaxy's greatest masters or how to punch someone hard enough that armor cannot protect them? That shit's easy.
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Eh, dual-wielding is handled kind of poorly. It shouldn't be a guaranteed path to superior ability, otherwise everyone would do it. It should take specific training to be able to use it well.
Read the context of my suggestion. My post wasn't meant to mean "We should dual wielding because dual wielding is superior", it was meant to mean "We should dual wield so we can use two stat-boosting lightsabers in combat", with emphasis on the "stat-boosting" part.

On a related note: am I the only one that's noticed that for all her knowledge of esoteric force techniques and infiltrator/saboteur style combat, Ciaran's natural talents are apparently that of a Jedi Guardian/Sith Marauder? Learning delicate intellectual techniques? Takes massive dedicated effort to make any advances at all. Learning to lightsaber duel or how to punch someone hard enough that armor cannot protect them? That shit's easy.
I think it's hilarious.
She's a Master of it. It's specifically described as one of the things she's most skilled with.

On a related note: am I the only one that's noticed that for all her knowledge of esoteric force techniques and infiltrator/saboteur style combat, Ciaran's natural talents are apparently that of a Jedi Guardian/Sith Warrior? Learning delicate intellectual techniques? Takes massive dedicated effort to make any advances at all. Learning to lightsaber duel or how to punch someone hard enough that armor cannot protect them? That shit's easy.
she started out so weak as well, now she's just about due the name of darth traya, all she has to do (in my mind) is completely learn the laser bending, and get a apprentice to teach. (she is just about to a jedi master right? i think she is but i dont know.)