yes for your first question, though this is low level clearance stuff for the most part. to the point that some of the people reading it likely don't even know about the abyss watcher. no for you second. 'Anomalous Materials' sounds more like a technical term and that's the tone I'm going for with this report.
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I love how the main debate after the interlude was not over me bringing in Zinnerman, but over the politics of Taris expanding its military production-which I only put in there to demonstrate the differences between him and Satine.

This quest is weird, yo.

Anyway, things have been brought up while I was writing/unavaiable.

I do approve of Serious Ciaran here. Non-canon, +10.

My question for @Dr. Snark: can we re-add that +5 Intrigue bonus this turn? Perhaps you could tie it in with the anti-Palpatine meeting -- Senator Fang Zar (leader of the Republic Group) might stick around afterward, to communicate his gratitude for our earlier help, and offer the aid of his Republic Group to give us access to Republic intelligence sources. Or perhaps he's willing to put us back in contact with the Jedi Sentinels via his ally J'oopi She. (At which point we realize, huh, we've been providing them with information for the past two years, but haven't received any intel or taken advantage of the 'exchange' we had agreed, and perhaps now is a good time to start treating their intel as a major asset for our own operations...).

Hmm...Okay, given the whole Darra fiasco and other things happening I think I have a plan for that. Details will become relevant with that interlude/next turn.

My question for @Dr. Snark: is that 'possibility of unrequested aid' from the Jedi still part of the quest? Is it a 'behind the scenes' roll, like our CNS Integration Bureau 'recruitment rolls', or our salvage rolls in previous turns? If it isn't, can you make this reward fit within your current big-picture plans and re-add it as a quest mechanic?

Given the recent trend of events...I can still make it plot-relevant but I'm going to significantly rework how that interacts with the story mechanically. Details pending.

Do we know what happened to Jenna Van Arbor? She was responsible for attacking the Senate, but wasn't mentioned in the follow-up action or the Interlude where we pursued Granta Omega to Korriban. Van Arbor is a pretty stereotypical 'mad scientist' with a passion for bioweapons, so I can think of lots of plot potential here. Perhaps she was responsible for the THX 1138 bioweapon that spilled on Honoghr? Or perhaps we could search for her like we're searching for the Kaminoan scientist Ko Sai -- someone to capture for the sake of improved medical research. Again, lots of plot hooks. Or we could just decide to end her like we did for Granta Omega.

...Okay, I'm going to be a jerk and say that given the crit from the event in question way back when, Van Arbor was offed by the Sentinels shortly afterwards. Mainly because I'm fairly certain there's another bioweapon creator from the Skirata plotline that's a thing. She'd honestly be redundant, especially after the whole RESI thing.

Oh, I see how it is. You can bring in Gundam characters, but my DBZ and Jojo crossover omakes were deemed non-canon. This is blatant favoritism.

It's because of things like "matching tone" and "plausibility" and "ease of transfer." But I admit that it's mostly because I needed to get back at you for being mostly responsible for the Omakes everywhere that are breaking the game somehow. :V

Speaking of which...

I do appreciate the idea of Jedi Ninjas. Canon, +10.

Also: @Dr. Snark I'd like to point out it took people more than 8 minutes and one post to guess my obscure lore reference.

Look, I've realized that the posters around here are far better at finding things on the wiki than I thought.

also shut up you electric squirrel thing :V
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Mechu-deru is part of what I'm referring to. It's an awesome set of Force techniques that would be really useful for general tech knowledge as well as upgrading our two droid hero units.
Yeah, I can imagine. I mean, it's a "Sith technique," but at worst it seems to be a slightly darker shade of gray. How much 'rage' is necessary to gain an intuitive understanding of how a computer or droid works? Definitely up our alley!
More specifically, I was referring to Darth Maul's use of mechu-deru to turn his protocol droid, C-3PX , into an assassin droid. An assassin droid that was confiscated by the Republic in canon, alongside the Scimitar. Meaning we have C-3PO's badass lookalike somewhere on our stolen stealth ship and never noticed.
Holy moly, you're right!
Wookiepedia said:
The Sith apprentice also reprogrammed the droid to only bother Maul when an important matter came up, or if an issue was reported in one of the starship's systems; as such, the droid stayed mainly silent under the Sith apprentice. During his missions, Maul would leave the droid aboard his heavily modified starship Scimitar, confident in C-3PX's abilities in guarding the transport.
Daaaang. I'm kinda wondering -- would our agents have deactivated C-3PX when we first seized the Scimitar, or would he have still been 'hiding'? (Does anyone know the book where how Obi-Wan seized the ship, and whether he had to fight the droid to do so?)

Perhaps we could hand-wave the backstory to explain why we're only meeting C-3PX now. "C-3PX was deactivated for routine upgrades when we came across & stole the ship on Naboo. Our agents didn't realize the droid was armed to the gills, and decided to just kept the droid offline while delivering the ship back to Coruscant. Ciaran didn't need another protocol droid, so our agents stuck the (still-deactivated) droid in some storage bay somewhere in our Coruscant base. Many years later, one of our employee goes searching for some misfiled equipment, stumbles upon the still-inactive droid, and accidentally turns him on..."

(Of course, this is just after one of our teams had returned from capturing HK-47 with ion weapons, so our security teams are well prepared for capturing a damage-resistant droid that takes a few ion blasts to be shut down. And our research teams already know how to reprogram such droids and turn them back on, so... hey! HK-47 gets a little brother).
Daaaang. I'm kinda wondering -- would our agents have deactivated C-3PX when we first seized the Scimitar, or would he have still been 'hiding'? (Does anyone know the book where how Obi-Wan seized the ship, and whether he had to fight the droid to do so?)

Remember that Borvo's men were basically the first to find the Scimitar way back when.

As for the droid himself...I think I have an idea of what can be done there. Heh heh heh.
Hmm...Okay, given the whole Darra fiasco and other things happening I think I have a plan for that. Details will become relevant with that interlude/next turn.
Given the recent trend of events...I can still make it plot-relevant but I'm going to significantly rework how that interacts with the story mechanically. Details pending.
That does sound promising.
As for the droid himself...I think I have an idea of what can be done there. Heh heh heh.
...And that sounds ominous. Thanks for pulling all of these plot strands together, though; I'm looking forward to it.

...Okay, I'm going to be a jerk and say that given the crit from the event in question way back when, Van Arbor was offed by the Sentinels shortly afterwards. Mainly because I'm fairly certain there's another bioweapon creator from the Skirata plotline that's a thing. She'd honestly be redundant, especially after the whole RESI thing.
...Yeah, that's fair. There are already too many bioweapon-tinkers floating around the galaxy, and given your reference to the 'Skirata plotline', it sounds like we'll be meeting at least one of them in the future....
Mainly because I'm fairly certain there's another bioweapon creator from the Skirata plotline that's a thing. She'd honestly be redundant, especially after the whole RESI thing.
She could provide a excuse for Mace Windu to discuss the fact that he has had it with these mother-forcing bio weapons in this mother-forcing galaxy?
...Okay, I'm going to be a jerk and say that given the crit from the event in question way back when, Van Arbor was offed by the Sentinels shortly afterwards. Mainly because I'm fairly certain there's another bioweapon creator from the Skirata plotline that's a thing. She'd honestly be redundant, especially after the whole RESI thing.
So that's four now. That woman who got ganked by the Sentinels, Wesker, the mad scientist bioweapon guy from The Clone Wars, and now a new one in the Skirata plotline.
So that's four now. That woman who got ganked by the Sentinels, Wesker, the mad scientist bioweapon guy from The Clone Wars, and now a new one in the Skirata plotline.

Yeah, the Blue Shadow Virus never became a thing for the record. Ciaran keeps a close eye on Naboo for obvious reasons, and funnily enough the scientist in question "mysteriously disappeared" shortly after he arrived on the planet.

oh look another way for me to easily tie up loose ends fancy that
Yeah, the Blue Shadow Virus never became a thing for the record. Ciaran keeps a close eye on Naboo for obvious reasons, and funnily enough the scientist in question "mysteriously disappeared" shortly after he arrived on the planet.

oh look another way for me to easily tie up loose ends fancy that

Hey, wasn't there a plot line where the first Gungan colony to Naboo's moon got eaten and turned into zombies?

It was a comic book story line, I recall. Anyone remember it better?
Ahsoka is going to be seriously badass when she grows older, even moreso than one might think. I mean, getting tutored by Thrawn in the art of war is one thing, but the Clone Wars means she has countless opportunities to put what she learns from him into practice, refining her skills even further than what might otherwise be possible. Combined with her master's own unorthdox but undeniably effective strategies and her own rather impressive fighting talents (she held off Grievous in a one-on-match for a while) and it's possible to see how hilariously OP she'll be once she becomes a full Jedi Knight.
Yeah, the Blue Shadow Virus never became a thing for the record. Ciaran keeps a close eye on Naboo for obvious reasons, and funnily enough the scientist in question "mysteriously disappeared" shortly after he arrived on the planet.

oh look another way for me to easily tie up loose ends fancy that

honestly, I suspect a lot of low level one-off villains are just quietly dying in dark alleys. I think any villain who's plan could be described as step 1, covertly gather resources in the underworld, step 2 commit nefarious deeds, step 3, profit. actually ended up having things to go step 1, covertly gather resources in the underworld, step 2, die, step 3, the abyss watcher profit.

the existence of a galaxy-spanning criminal organization that strongly believes stability and standards means a lot of small to medium villains are going to be quietly eliminated before their plans are anything but mad ravings.
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Yeah, the Blue Shadow Virus never became a thing for the record. Ciaran keeps a close eye on Naboo for obvious reasons, and funnily enough the scientist in question "mysteriously disappeared" shortly after he arrived on the planet.

oh look another way for me to easily tie up loose ends fancy that
By "disappeared", do you mean we simply murdered him or that we milked him for all the scientific knowledge he was worth and then murdered him?
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By "disappeared", do you mean we simply murdered him or that we milked him for all the scientific knowledge he was worth and then murdered him?

The latter of course, although 90% of that scientific knowledge ended up only covering "how to create absurdly dangerous bioweapons" and was promptly erased for security reasons. After that, the last 10% really wasn't that interesting :V
The latter of course, although 90% of that scientific knowledge ended up only covering "how to create absurdly dangerous bioweapons" and was promptly erased for security reasons. After that, the last 10% really wasn't that interesting :V
I would think that knowing how to manufacture a virus is important for it to be possible to create vaccines for said virus. I mean, aren't most vaccines just weakened forms of the virus? Would that make knowing how to create the virus in question invaluable information?
I would think that knowing how to manufacture a virus is important for it to be possible to create vaccines for said virus. I mean, aren't most vaccines just weakened forms of the virus? Would that make knowing how to create the virus in question invaluable information?

Instead of continuing this argument I'm just simply going to say this: He was an uninteresting one-off villain from the TV show, who gives a shit?

I sure as hell don't, especially when there are far more interesting things from the series that I can pull from. :V
Hey so the Senate is corrupt and rotten to the core, correct? Well why don't we take advantage of that for maximum profit? All we have to do is pay them enough and they'll support/propose bills which can make us quite rich indeed. To my knowledge, this may in fact even be legal.
I have come up with a plan to flip Dooku, or rather, to make Dooku flip us. Credit goes to Rashid for the idea.

1. We sneak into Dooku's bedroom while he's asleep. Special note: we should do it on his birthday.
2. We leave behind a cake (missing a slice, because cake is delicious), a knife for him to cut his own slices, a birthday present, and a note.
3. The note wishes him a happy birthday and a rather late "thank you" for saving our life way back when in the Omega incident. Regret the current position that politics and life has put us in, as we were fond of our lessons with him. Wish him well.

The point of all this is to both strike fear into him, the idea that we can kill him at any time we want and the only reason he still breathes is because that's what we desire. He follows Sidious now not because of loyalty, but because of fear of the man, and redirecting that fear to us (i.e. the greater, more immediate threat) will shift his "loyalty" somewhat. However, Dooku is a smart man, and though he will interpret our actions as threatening, he will interpret the content (the cake, the present, and the letter) as proof that peace with us is possible, should he just reach out to us. He doesn't know that Ventress is with us or even that she's alive, so for now he still thinks of us as that nice girl from way back who he has to consider as a liability because Sidious says so.

Carrot and stick, basically.

4. Dooku wants Sidious to die, he has no personal issues with us, and he has greater things to fear than Sidious (us, if he keeps antagonising us). He will contact us and ask us for a meeting.
5. At the meeting, he will patch things up with us, catch up on lost time, and attempt to enlist our aid with some "personal" matters. During this meeting, we should express sympathy for the loss of his apprentice. We enjoyed our training with her and though Dooku and us might've had our differences, it's always sad to lose people to war. This is supposed to remind him of why he lost his favourite apprentice (Sidious ordered her death) without implicating us and in fact making us look better.
6. While we're doing these non-war related, secretly anti-Sidious jobs for Dooku (in exchange for cash, because it would be suspicious if we just did all this for free), he will curry favour with us and slowly draw us in so that we begin to trust him and develop loyalty to him (as a partner, not a subordinate). He will then reveal Sidious to us and enlist our aid in defeating him.
7. Sidious loses control of the CIS, he becomes easier to defeat, and after his death, we deliver Dooku to Ventress on a silver platter, assuming she still cares about petty revenge by that point. If she doesn't, we kill Dooku anyway because having Sith Lords running around is bad for business and this way we can loot all his stuff.
8. "Just as planned."

This might seem like it's too elaborate and complex to some, but is it really that much compared to anything Palpatine's done?

EDIT: Sneaking into his room is also very possible. The Nightsisters did it in The Clone Wars pretty easily and Dooku only woke up when he was shot by one of their blowdarts. And guess who we're now allied with?
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What ever became of Saboath Squadron? They had some nice stuff we should steal.