I wouldn't worry too much. I mean, we do call them the Teron Dice.

Didn't one of those rolls result in Ciaran needing to be rebuilt from nearly the ground up via radical genetic manipulation and coming so close to death she actually had a soul to soul experience with a dead Sith Lord?

I'm pretty sure the only reason she retained her good looks is because she was melted by deadly neurotoxins rather than burned by lava ala Vader.

So, um, yeah.
Yeah, but aside from that there was a whole lot of nothing, even with Teron putting more modifiers on the disaster roll than anything else. And outside of that, Teron's rolls were so naturally good that they were on par with what we've got now, and there were like half the hero units, bonuses, upgrades, and certainly less omakes back then. I think on one of Publicola's dice stats he showed that the average Teron roll was 20ish points better than Snark's without bonuses.
Honestly, I look forward to the disaster rolls. Things have been getting too easy lately. Was starting to get boring. Besides, a kite rises against the wind, not with it. I have no doubt in my mind that we shall rise to the challenge again and again. Summon forth all your demons, your horrors and misfortune. I've no fear. Too you Teron I have but one thing to say: Let's dance.
Because constant success without any challenge is boring and not befitting someone new to the title Darth Traya. Which is why I have a feeling that a certain spoopy goast woman might make some adjustments to give her protege some real challenges down the line.
better this then the constantly failing at any choices in some quest on the net.
Failing=/=fun no matter what few will say.
Because constant success without any challenge is boring and not befitting someone new to the title Darth Traya. Which is why I have a feeling that a certain spoopy goast woman might make some adjustments to give her protege some real challenges down the line.
There's a very big difference between not having any challenge and being good at overcoming challenge. If you're scrambling to fix something by the skin of your teeth then it means you fucked up, not that you're being challenged.
There's a very big difference between not having any challenge and being good at overcoming challenge. If you're scrambling to fix something by the skin of your teeth then it means you fucked up, not that you're being challenged.

Thats true, i somewhat enjoy the disaster roll, but only when is not just us that is rushing to respond, i prefer them as a natural disaster type of thing, like saying on a natural disaster on a planetary level nation quest, a sunami hit not only us but also our neighbor nation or a terrorist group sudenly apper out notwhere and hit not only us but also our rivals, allies and enemies so everyone has to deal with them not only us.
There's a very big difference between not having any challenge and being good at overcoming challenge. If you're scrambling to fix something by the skin of your teeth then it means you fucked up, not that you're being challenged.

Not quite. Scrambling to fix things by the skin of your teeth can mean you've fucked up, or that you're being really challenged. If you just breeze through it with barely a problem it's not much of a challenge.
Operation Snake Eater - Dust to Dust
Ouroboros System

As it turned out, Thrawn was able to return to the Oracle shortly after the operation's conclusion and clearly explained why you had to thoroughly check for Mnggal-Mnggal infestations and reduce Ouroboros to ash. And so you did, ordering a quarantine on the spot and having the Oracle's gunners begin bombing Wesker's base into oblivion before spreading out their fire, reducing the world's surface to ash as best they could. It would take some time, possibly even a few weeks, but Thrawn had made it clear that such extreme measures were perfectly justified, and Tyro supported his claims.

"I can't speak for fighting against that black ooze as much as the Chiss have, but the Blazing Chains definitely knew about it," he had said. "For a liquid, that monster is much smarter than it has any right to be and knows way too much about the galaxy as a whole. As for stopping it, we've had infestations get into our ships once or twice and the best counter we found was just to blow the damn thing up and make sure there was absolutely nothing left."

The data from the base on the other hand had far more promising results. Thanks to Cheriss managing to reach some of the internal servers she was able to prevent the base's scientists from destroying their data, allowing her and the Seeker team with her to recover a considerable amount of useful information and research data. Because of them you were able to put together the rest of the story behind this mess.

Apparently Wesker had first fled into the Unknown Regions where he and a team of other nobodies he had brought on encountered Mnggal-Mnggal. After some casualties, Wesker was able to safely (at least in theory) acquire a sample of the creature which he could use to study and perfect his synth viruses. From there, he ended up returning to the main galaxy, freelancing at first but eventually ending up funded by a cabal of Separatists who were more than willing to support his mad science. While they had supported him for the first plague, after its failure and the capture of La'Sombra Wesker's backing was cut off, though it was irrelevant given that the project was entirely under his control at that point and was based out of self-sufficient locations like Ouroboros.

The good news was that Wesker never took Mnggal-Mnggal off of Ouroboros, and the data indicated that none of the other bases including La'Sombra never once contained it (a quick quarantine and thorough scans of the base confirmed it). Still, Thrawn was already planning on personally reporting this to the Chiss Ascendancy at the earliest opportunity, and as he put it they would likely intensify surveillance on any transit in or out of the Unknown Regions for a long while to be sure.

As for the rest of the data, Niner had been extremely thorough in looking over the data with his team, wiping everything that could be used to research new viruses. That being said there was still a considerable amount of medical and genetic data left over despite all of that, which could not only be used to create powerful vaccines for various diseases instead but could also be used to counteract bioweapons in general to an extent. There was a beautiful irony in that but no one wanted to comment on it.

Once Omega Squad had left, three days passed, the Oracle Fleet continuing its bombardment. Then Ciaran received a message to meet with Skirata at a location that ended up surprising her.


Enceri, Mandalore

Out of all the planets in the galaxy, Mandalore itself was not where she was expecting to meet Skirata again. The man was Mandalorian, sure, but the planet itself was the heart of the CNS and had become even more prominent after Jango's return. Still, Ciaran was willing to wait at the small trading post for Skriata, who arrived with Ordo in tow. Quickly finding an out-of-the-way location to meet, the sergeant quickly got down to business.

"We got your data, and...I'm no fan of the Jetiise, but from what I understand this is no time for petty grudges," Kal said grimly as Ordo clenched his fists. "So. I suppose we should come slightly cleaner with each other. You first or me?"

"I'll start," Ciaran replied. "I need all of the support I can get, and from my understanding you have an in with the entirety of the GAR's commando divisions. What I need from you is to get the word out about this to as many commandos as you can trust with this information so I can get a better grasp of the GAR's movements in general, and in return I have clandestine medical facilities that I can use to dechip them. I can't save the entire army for obvious reasons, but I can do that much."

"...Well that's simple compared to what I'm asking then," Kal said as he leaned back. "The army has apparently been affected with accelerated aging genes of some kind that we want cured. We're working on that now by recruiting some people, though your help would be appreciated since you have an entire medical corporation at your beck and call..." Kal glanced at Ordo, who nodded as Kal faced Ciaran head on. "But just as importantly, I've been working to help some of my boys escape from the army, and as it turns out they have other aruetii terminate them for 'lack of trustworthiness' should they try. You want talented people who can work off the books against the Supreme Chancellor, you help me get my boys out."

Ciaran nodded. "That sounds reasonable. Anything else?"

"Knowing how you seem to operate we do have something else: 'Dhannut Logistics.' It's a Palpatine shell company that has been doing something on a moon of Coruscant," Kal explained. "Given recent revelations, we're planning on looking into it ASAP unless you do first."

Suddenly a thought occurred to Ciaran. "How did you find that out so quickly? It took my teams years to figure out what Damask Holdings was about and we still don't know where the money for it finally ended up."

Kal shared a look with Ordo again before responding. "...We had an in at the Treasury."

Ciaran barely managed to suppress the urge to begin drooling as she digested the implications of that statement. "The Republic Treasury? As in, the Treasury that contains financial records for the entire galaxy?"

"...Yes." Kal cautiously responded as Ordo tilted his head in confusion.

Tax fraud, money laundering, shell corporations, insider information, backdoors into Republic systems, all of the fucking money

Ciaran managed to maintain external composure and smiled while internally fantasizing about what she could do with an 'in' like that. "I see," she said flatly even as her mind was going into overdrive. "Is that backdoor still viable? Being able to track Palpatine's financial dealings would certainly come in handy."

"You want that access, don't you," Kal flatly said.


"It would certainly be useful for the reasons I described just now," Ciaran calmly responded. Kal's response was to frown, then shake his head.


"We've already been pushing our luck with the Treasury as a whole and while I don't doubt your skills I'd rather not take that kind of risk again right now. Give it some time, then ask me about it again. Sound fair?"

No, it's not fair, I want that access soooooo badly, give it to me now you bastard!

"Yes," Ciaran replied before extending her hand. "May our partnership help us both survive these troubling times."

Kal took Ciaran's hand and shook it. "I hear that."

Results: Wesker terminated along with Mnggal-Mnggal offshoot, significant bio-research data recovered from base due to Cheriss' efforts, information about Order 66 given to Kal Skirata, partnership with Clan Skirata gained, Cheriss gains ''Novice Strategist" trait

AN: Well that's done. Fairly cut and dry on the results front; while you did get a lot of data with the crit that will help with future research getting Skirata firmly on your side is an added bonus. Aside from teasing Ciaran about fulfilling her dreams of committing galaxy-wide fraud and getting all of the money.

Soon. Just not right now.

Anyway, with this I'm off to go roll for the end of turn things since we finally made it to the end. If @Teron is around, you know what to do.
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*is now imagining an anime version of that cutscene, especially Ciaran's thoughts and reactions*
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*is now imagining an anime version of that cutscene, escpecially Ciaran's thoughts and reactions*

Ciaran would have sprouted cat ears, Skirata would be talking about his in with the treasury with a gleam in his eye, and Ordo would look on confused until later, when Kal explains how much pleasure he takes in dangling string in front of cats. Or the equivalent, anyway.
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Looks like Turn 23 has wrapped up with no further territorial changes, so here's the updated map. Nope, turns out there were a bunch of changes. None of this is accurate; please see the actual Map + Index on the next page.
Map: Abyss Watcher Assets & CNS Space

The Abyss Watchers purchased new bases on Kashyyyk and on Taris, and thanks to Lady Ciaran's cease-fire, three named systems have joined the Council of Neutral Systems. For 'Maridun', I added the sector around it, which has been ravaged by war and is sparsely populated anyway. For 'Mygeeto' and 'Muunilist', the challenge was to connect both of them with Kalee without giving away too much for the CNS. I chose to cut a few sectors in halves or quarters to tie the rest together cleanly. Given the number of Muun client worlds nearby, and Ciaran's reputation in the Outer Rim, I suspect we'll consolidate the rest of the area in the next turn or two, especially if we spend an action on recruiting the IGBC as a CNS member. For the Index, new information (sectors or individual systems) will be marked by underlined italics.
Searchable galaxy map, plus Sector Maps (from Star Wars: The Essential Atlas) for the Expansion Regions, Mid Rim, and Outer Rim.

Index: Council of Neutral Systems
Sorted by Region: Sector: System

Deep Core

Core Worlds

Torranix sector (under-the-table support)
- Fresia: home of Seti Ashgad, headquarters of Incom Corporation (starfighters, e.g. 'Z-95 Headhunter')


Inner Rim
Japrael sector (government-in-exile)
- Onderon: childhood home of Saw Gerrera, trade hub on Lesser Lantillian Route, site of 'Ov Taraba' (university) and 'Unifar Temple' (palace)
- Dxun: jungle moon of Onderon, site of 'Mandalorian Outpost' (former HQ of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders) and 'Tomb of Freedon Nadd' (Sith nexus)

Myrkr sector
- Myrkr: homeworld of ysalamiri species (negate Force), haven for smugglers due to Jedi keeping their distance

Expansion Regions
Sumitra sector
- Alk'Lellish III: homeworld of Lellish race (advertising specialists), 'game planet' known for hunting tourism
- Thustra: homeworld of Sephi race, ruled by King Alaric (friend of Yoda)

Dentari sector

Farstey sector
- Alpheridies: homeworld of Miraluka race, home of Ciaran's parents, center of 'Luka Sene' Force sect, site of Culu Memorial Center (Jedi Academy)

Mid Rim
Transvulta sector
- Nyriaan: rich in madilon (rare metal for hyperdrives), mineral rights contested between Mining Guild, Corporate Sector Authority, and Navigators' Guild

Outer Rim
Ojoster sector
- Taris: revitalized ecumenopolis on Hydian Way, site of Abyss Watcher base and major refugee settlements, known for legendary kelp farms
- Suurja: breadbasket 'resource world' for Taris, site of major refugee settlements
- Jebble: snowball 'resource world' for Taris, minimal population, site of discovery of Jebble Box (contains Muur Talisman, source of rakghoul plague)
- Denova: rich in baradium (explosive compound used for thermal detonators), mining camps date from the Old Republic
- Wayland: site of Old Republic fort under Mount Tantiss [NB: later used by Palpatine for private storehouse of tech and Force artifacts]

Noonian sector
- Ord Sigatt: rich in carvanium (alloy used for durasteel), mining facilities run by 'Denon-Ardru Mutual'
- Storinal: resort world known for tourism, site of Scohar Xenohealth Institute (medical research center)

Weneen sector
- Barpine: industrial world, site of Barpine Shipyards (orbital station), ground-side prison facility [NB: later converted for Imperial use]
- G'wenee: major trade hub along Braxant Run, thriving black market

Meerian sector
- Bandomeer: rich in ionite (rare compound that neutralizes energy fields), mineral rights owned by Arcona Mineral Harvest Corp./Commerce Guild
- Marca: homeworld of Sekct race, rich in hyperbaride (for turbolasers), processing plants operated by Dynamic Synergetics/IGBC

Mandalore sector
- Mandalore: desert world with bio-cube cities, headquarters of MandalMotors (vehicles) and 'Guardian Corps', site of Kyrimorut (Clan Skirata base)
- Concordia: forest moon of Mandalore, rich in beskar (rare metal that is lightsaber-resistant/nigh-indestructible)
- Concord Dawn: childhood home of Jango Fett, headquarters of 'Journeyman Protectors' (Mandalorian cowboys)
- Gargon: rich in phobium (rare hyper-dense metal, used for Death Star power core), thriving black market
- Hrthging: rich in Hrthgingian firegems (rare gemstone, used to sabotage hyperdrive reactors), thriving black market
- Kalevala: childhood home of Satine Kryze, headquarters of 'Kalevala Spaceworks' (luxury starliners, e.g. Coronet)

Demetras sector
- Belthu: mineral-rich industrial world, major durasteel foundry (import metals from nearby Todirium III), controlled by mining corporations
- Fenel: abandoned industrial world (shipyards once produced Mandalorian Empire's fleet of Kandosii-class dreadnoughts)
- Phindar: homeworld of Phindian race, major trade hub on Salin Corridor, site of Phindar Station spaceport and refueling center

Rollion sector
- Atraken: rich in Doonium (rare, used for capital-ship hulls), mining colony & refugee settlement on moon Trilos (controlled by Atrakenite Guild of Miners)
- Maridun: major refugee world settled by Lurmen fleeing the war-ravaged Mygeeto [NB: in canon, targeted by CIS 'Defoliator' superweapon]

Thrasybule sector
-Malrev IV: homeworld of Irrukiine race, site of Sith Temple and dark-side Force nexus

- Belsmuth II: sector capital, site of a major technical university [NB: in canon, later converted for Imperial use]
- Botajef: headquarters of 'Botajef Shipyards' (produces AA-9 Coruscant Freighter widely used by refugee groups), space elevators to orbital shipyards

Thesme sector
- Feriae Junction: major trade hub on Hydian Way, site of Hutt banking/money laundering operation, Grand Terminal spaceport
- Thesme: childhood home of Silya Shessaun (senator & friend of Padme), sector capital and major industrial center
- Ventrux: childhood home of Jenna Zan Arbor (mad scientist), headquarters of Arbor Industries (science/medical research)

D'Astan sub-sector
- Axxila: ecumenopolis [NB: described as 'inside out'], headquarters of Axxila Anti-Piracy Fleet funded by Lady Ciaran
- Celanon: homeworld of Nalroni race, major agri-world & trade hub on Hydian Way, city-sized 'Diplomatic' and 'Trade Consortium' districts
- Isen: isolated gas giant with three asteroid belts, moon Isen IV is headquarters of Void Demons pirate gang
- Nez Peron: sector capital and major agri-world controlled by farming collectives
- Ord Cestus: homeworld of X'Ting race, headquarters of Clandes Industrial and Cestus Cybernetics/Techno Union (droids, e.g. JK-13 'Jedi Killers')
- Valahari: headquarters of Valahari Shipworks (starfighters, e.g. 'Tempest Zero'), Harko Station (production facility & starport)

Quelii sector
- Cathar: homeworld of Cathar race (cat people), steppe world with thriving city-trees
- Dathomir: homeworld of Dathomiri race and Rancor species, center of 'Witches' and 'Nightsister' Force sects, site of 'Star Temple' ruins, Aurilia (village)
- Koratas: fourth moon of Dathomir, rich in neutronium, lomnite, and zersium (metals, used for durasteel), major mining facilities
- Halmad: trade hub known for 'Halmad Prime' beer, site of 'Free Axxilan' refugee settlement, Vahaba asteroid belt mined by Tonheld Mining Corp.
- Vinsoth: homeworld of Chevin and Chev races, slave-based & mostly nomadic society, starship production , thriving black market

Albarrio sector
- Aris: rainforest world, sector capital and trade hub on junction of Braxant Run and Relgim Run hyperlanes
- Mygeeto: childhood home of Hego Damask, rich in nova crystals (currency) and relacite (lightsabers), site of Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank vaults

Velcar sector
- Entralla: major trade hub on Entralla Route, headquarters of Guild of Interstellar Merchants, site of Overhang industrial district

Clacis sector

Obtrexta sector
- Muunilist: Muun colony world, headquarters of InterGalactic Banking Clans and Damask Holdings, site of Abyss Watcher base and 'Aborah' vault-spire

Carrion sector
- Sojourn: Muun outpost (Hunters' Moon) populated by near-extinct cloned game animals, site of ancient Sith fortress (Damask Holdings)

Wild Space
Kalee sector
- Kalee: childhood home of Grievous, site of 'Shupak Temple' (Kaleesh holy site), CNS Military Academy and Abyss Watcher outpost, thriving black market

Unknown Regions
Abyss sector
- Kiln: private planet operated by Abyss Watchers, farming & industrial center, site of the Kalameet Decimator Factory
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Ciaran would not need to touch the data to get all the money. Just knowing the financial state of everything would allow her to make all the money seemingly legally.
Would there be a difference?

Also came back from rolling the rank-up things, and as it turns out they were along perfectly reasonable statistical averages. Weird, right?
well ciaran would most likely get a geyser of blood coming out of her nose.
also about the shiping, from what i gather is that she's either not wanting a relationship or is asexual which is cool, haven't had wanna those before
Okay so when I said I did all of the end-turn rolls, I lied because I forgot about the CNS ones.

For the record, you guys got three systems that flipped to the CNS: Ithor, Garqui and Lucazec. So, @Publicola you might want to update the map.