He could give it to the Agents to have them reverse-engineer it and improve their own lightsaber designs.
If we wanted to reverse engineer lightsabers, we've had Ventress for a while now. And Grievous wouldn't want Abyss Watcher brand lightsabers anyway. If he doesn't take them from someone he's beaten the shit out of, then what's the point?
For the record: by my count we currently have 21 Omake bonuses for the upcoming turn.

The final omake for Turn 23 was "A Link To The Past"
The first omake for next turn (Turn 24) is "Employment Benefits."

Everything posted from that point forward counts for the next round.

Last time we had 14 actions; however, that was doubling-up on our Learning action, and using a Personal Attention for the Malachor trip. So we should end up with 16 Actions for next turn, which means the cap will be 32.

EDIT: forgot our new 'Lore' action (h/t @Panory), so our cap will be 34.

Don't forget, we still have the Order 66 interlude, then the entire Wesker mini-arc left to go. :o
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For the record: by my count we currently have 21 Omake bonuses for the upcoming turn.

The final omake for Turn 23 was "A Link To The Past"

The first omake for next turn (Turn 24) is "Employment Benefits."

Everything posted from that point forward counts for the next round.

Last time we had 14 actions; however, that was doubling-up on our Learning action, and using a Personal Attention for the Malachor trip. So we should end up with 16 Actions for next turn, which means the cap will be 32.

Don't forget, we still have the Order 66 interlude, then the entire Wesker mini-arc left to go. :o
i love this quest
Last time we had 14 actions; however, that was doubling-up on our Learning action, and using a Personal Attention for the Malachor trip. So we should end up with 16 Actions for next turn, which means the cap will be 32.

Don't forget, we still have the Order 66 interlude, then the entire Wesker mini-arc left to go. :o
Don't we have another Lore action from setting up the archeological teams last turn too? So 34 would be the cap, assuming no personal attention or doubling up.
Haha that was awesome. Poor Rahm criminally underestimated Grievous. Maybe he will learn to be not so arrogant in future.

Also, Ciaran can teach Grievous Makshi style but I have a feeling he would favor Ataru (which would be hard due to absence of force powers) or Djem So.
Grievous would go well with Juyo. Something aggressive and unpredictable which would benefit from his agility and strength.
Something I don't think has been brought up or mentioned yet about Kreia: She's not only blind and effectively crippled in her connection to the Force, but she's also missing an arm. She is so goddamn dangerous that she can kill multiple hardcore Old Jedi Grandmasters alone, arrange the Republic of her era to enter Three wars, exterminate both Sith and Jedi orders , and corrupt several Chosen all while blind , force deaf, and missing an arm.

We have much to live up to.
Hmm this talk of Juyo reminds of Sora Bulq. Has Dooku gotten his hands on him yet? Bulq was a master of all lightsaber forms including Vaapad.
He was enamored by Vaapad and flirted a bit with the dark side due to it.

He fell completely after the battle of Geonosis. Many of the dead jedi were his students.

Can we save him ? He was a legit badass and wanted to create a separate order of jedi.
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Something I don't think has been brought up or mentioned yet about Kreia: She's not only blind and effectively crippled in her connection to the Force, but she's also missing an arm. She is so goddamn dangerous that she can kill multiple hardcore Old Jedi Grandmasters alone, arrange the Republic of her era to enter Three wars, exterminate both Sith and Jedi orders , and corrupt several Chosen all while blind , force deaf, and missing an arm.

We have much to live up to.
That is exaggerating a little. She's only as blind as a miraluka, and that was a deliberate choice on her part. There's nothing actually wrong with her eyes, they just atrophied because she only uses force sight.

And those wars were arranged before she was severed from the force and before she lost her hand. Her left hand mind you, she is right handed.

She did personally kill what was left of the Jedi Council in a brutally one sided slaughter, arrange the destruction of the Sith Triumvirate along with all of their resources and followers, and come within a hairsbreadth of destroying the force while partly force-blind and short a hand though, credit where it's due.
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Hmm this talk of Juyo reminds of Sora Bulq. Has Dooku gotten his hands on him yet? Bulq was a master of all lightsaber forms including Vaapad.
He was enamored by Vaapad and flirted a bit with the dark side due to it.

He fell completely after the battle of Geonosis. Many of the dead jedi were his students.

Can we save him ? He was a legit badass and wanted to create a separate order of jedi.

Yeah....according to the wiki, Vaapad is technically closer to something that a Grey Jedi would use...

Something about compressing hostility/desire to kill into expotential power for a series of rapid, heavy blows that abandon defense for overwhelming offensive strikes.

There is Mace Windu as well, but he pretty much refuses to teach it to anyone.
Of course it is. just like the second Darth Traya's was.

She failed that test by the way. Pussed out like a bitch and went back to being a Jedi.

But, then, Atris was never really that impressive. Had ideals, but not the courage to pursue them. She was only named Darth Traya as a way of fucking with Meetra.

I'm sorry what? Since when did that happen?

Unless you're on about the cut content that never made it into KOTOR 2 about there being a second Traya, and that it was actually down to the choices the player made during the game whether it'd be Atris or the Exile that became Darth Traya. And there's nothing about her pussying about and going back to being a Jedi..

Unless one of the QMs mentioned something a while ago?
That is exaggerating a little. She's only as blind as a miraluka, and that was a deliberate choice on her part. There's nothing actually wrong with her eyes, they just atrophied because she only uses force sight.

And those wars were arranged before she was severed from the force and before she lost her hand. Her left hand mind you, she is right handed.

She did personally kill what was left of the Jedi Council in a brutally one sided slaughter, arrange the destruction of the Sith Triumvirate along with all of their resources and followers, and come within a hairsbreadth of destroying the force while partly force-blind and short a hand though, credit where it's due.
Ah, I didn't remember the specifics as it's been more than a few years since I last played KOTOR II . So thanks for clearing it up.
Hmm this talk of Juyo reminds of Sora Bulq. Has Dooku gotten his hands on him yet? Bulq was a master of all lightsaber forms including Vaapad.
He was enamored by Vaapad and flirted a bit with the dark side due to it.

He fell completely after the battle of Geonosis. Many of the dead jedi were his students.

Can we save him ? He was a legit badass and wanted to create a separate order of jedi.

Hm, are you remembering that there was no battle of Geonosis?

Dooku may have Bulq, but he couldn't have gotten ahold of Bulq at Geonosis as per canon, since no Jedi (so far as we know) were at Geonosis.

And if people keep up this fondness for recruiting fallen Jedi, we'll need to build "Lady Ciaran's house for wayward Victorian Jedi" to house them all.

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Hmm this talk of Juyo reminds of Sora Bulq. Has Dooku gotten his hands on him yet? Bulq was a master of all lightsaber forms including Vaapad.
He was enamored by Vaapad and flirted a bit with the dark side due to it.

He fell completely after the battle of Geonosis. Many of the dead jedi were his students.

Can we save him ? He was a legit badass and wanted to create a separate order of jedi.

Sounds unlikely. He's nowhere near the fall that canon events left him in.
Bulq was a master of Vapaad?
I thought he got repeatedly roasted by force-lightning because he never really mastered the part if Vapaad that would allow him to turn his opponents Darkside-powers against him, as Windu could.
Mini Omake Video Trolling

Ciaran: Did you get everything gramps?
Silas: I believe so. One Lute playing Jawa in a colorful outfit, the band Thrawn choose, your personal film crew and an idealistic country road closed for filming.
Ciaran: And I have the face covering Sith robes. Let's do this.

Several weeks later.

"This is Frayeia Nurani Reporting for Galactic News reporting on the video that has caused chaos throughout known space. Earlier this week every government agency as well as the jedi council received the same data file from someone claiming to be Darth Traya. Yes you heard me right Darth the Sith title and not only that but the file contains a challenge to the Jedi for them to stop her plan as well as a video which she claims to contain her plans. The Jedi council has yet to make a public reply but our sources say that their is divided opinions among their members.

For those interested we have link the video of "The Plan" below.
{Replace the main singer with Ciaran in Sith robes and the dwarf with the Jawa.}
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So for an Omake idea how about one involving our tomb raider team runs into a sith tomb who decided to replace all their possession with fine fragile China of equal worth. Their money? China. their secret tricks? Engraved into china. Here's a picture it would be based on.
Basically this; using extreme emotions in and of themselves will not instantly make you a Sith. What it does do is make you more and more unstable as you become more reliant on that passion to access your power, those emotions beginning to control you more than you would control them. And of course a lot of people love the rush of power that something like that would give, and start trying to get more and more power from it...

Things like love in and of themselves do not lead to the dark side on their own, that's a terrible misconception. It's when the emotions of love become distorted, when you're willing to do anything for the sake of that love regardless of who or what gets hurt in the process...

Then you fall. And that fall is terrifying, as so many people are caught in its wake. Look at what happened when Anakin fell.

I love this.
There is always so much talk in Star Wars fandom about Light/Dark but so many people forget to make the simple acknowledgment that power corrupts, and power based on unchecked emotion corrupts even faster.
Have there been any Sith that powered the force with greed or avarice? You know orange lantern style.
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Omake - The New Ciaran

Hmm...non-canon, +10, but for your efforts and on a related note I'll point out that Ciaran is about to get really angry in the near future and leave it at that. Look forward to it.

Relatedly, @Dr. Snark, did you see my suggestion a few pages back, for where & what our 'Muunilist Facility' turns out to be?

Yes, and no that's not the case. Mainly because it's still stupidly expensive. You can certainly run actions on the old properties though...

Also I'll try to sort the canon omakes like the list you had. Might come in handy.

Once again, Tyro continues to be awesome. +10, canon.

If only Ciaran could use the Force to create a pocket dimension to store all the guns (and turbolasers) for telekinetic use...

Much like Nasuverse references, once I start making PMMM references I will never ever stop. Don't tempt me, it's hard enough restraining myself on that as it is.

Kota is a lucky man, in another life Grievous would have murdered his ass on the spot. +10, though I don't think I can declare it canon sadly.
Hmm...non-canon, +10, but for your efforts and on a related note I'll point out that Ciaran is about to get really angry in the near future and leave it at that. Look forward to it.

Yes, and no that's not the case. Mainly because it's still stupidly expensive. You can certainly run actions on the old properties though...

Also I'll try to sort the canon omakes like the list you had. Might come in handy.

Once again, Tyro continues to be awesome. +10, canon.

Much like Nasuverse references, once I start making PMMM references I will never ever stop. Don't tempt me, it's hard enough restraining myself on that as it is.

Kota is a lucky man, in another life Grievous would have murdered his ass on the spot. +10, though I don't think I can declare it canon sadly.
ooh that sound bad.
also, hey is it possible to make our own fighting style? combining all of our skills to make something great?
ooh that sound bad.
also, hey is it possible to make our own fighting style? combining all of our skills to make something great?

If you're talking about your own lightsaber style than no; mainly because Ciaran's got Form II so ingrained in her at this point that it would be nigh-on impossible to create a new, self-taught style. She can certainly learn other styles but creating her own would be insanely difficult since she'd have to "unlearn" everything she was taught and has been using for the past several years. For that matter, she would have no idea where to even start with that kind of thing.

If you're talking about "hybrid" powers, well I did just canonize that omake with Tyro soooo...
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