If I remember rightly, the Jedi purposefully scrubbed records of 'grey' abilities like 'persuade' (although it's real easy to get it back by using Mind Trick as a base) and considered 'battle meditation' to be one of them, due to the mental manipulation of 'persuade' and the hive mind + military aspect of 'battle meditation'.

The only Jedi who probably knew about it is Yoda, but he has more or less zero experience with it and has probably forgotten that it even existed.
If I remember rightly, the Jedi purposefully scrubbed records of 'grey' abilities like 'persuade' (although it's real easy to get it back by using Mind Trick as a base) and considered 'battle meditation' to be one of them, due to the mental manipulation of 'persuade' and the hive mind + military aspect of 'battle meditation'.

The only Jedi who probably knew about it is Yoda, but he has more or less zero experience with it and has probably forgotten that it even existed.
well it's a good thing we have a literal sith phantom under our employ isnt it?
Snark you are amazing man. Great job with this interlude.

Also I was just wondering if maybe turning Anakin, Ashoka, Luka Scena, and the Night Sisters into an Order of Grey Jedi. That will throw Palps and the Jedi Council a huge monkey wrench in there daily life styles.
Problem is, it might be the full on Dark Side version, which eats into the victims natural tactical ability.

One of the reasons the Empire fell after Palpatine died was that he was propping up his military via his own tactical ability.
actually it was because he made it so only incompetents, liars and sociopaths who didn't care how many soldiers died were allowed up top.
If you haven't noticed this quest is EU based. Old EU. And even disney thinks the whole dark side is unnatural is stupid.

Weeeeeeeelllllll kind of. I'm basically taking bits from the new canon and bits from the old EU and ramming them together where I think they'd be interesting. That's why you have people and events from the Clone Wars TV show being a thing while still having old EU characters like Kal Skirata around for instance. It's more of its own beast at this point especially given the different plot points I've been using.
Weeeeeeeelllllll kind of. I'm basically taking bits from the new canon and bits from the old EU and ramming them together where I think they'd be interesting. That's why you have people and events from the Clone Wars TV show being a thing while still having old EU characters like Kal Skirata around for instance. It's more of its own beast at this point especially given the different plot points I've been using.
what's your opinion on useing thing besides anger and fear for the dark side?
what's your opinion on useing thing besides anger and fear for the dark side?

the sith go on and on about passion. Love is just about the strongest source of passion around, it makes perfect sense for a force user to be able to draw on love for power.

Basically this; using extreme emotions in and of themselves will not instantly make you a Sith. What it does do is make you more and more unstable as you become more reliant on that passion to access your power, those emotions beginning to control you more than you would control them. And of course a lot of people love the rush of power that something like that would give, and start trying to get more and more power from it...

Things like love in and of themselves do not lead to the dark side on their own, that's a terrible misconception. It's when the emotions of love become distorted, when you're willing to do anything for the sake of that love regardless of who or what gets hurt in the process...

Then you fall. And that fall is terrifying, as so many people are caught in its wake. Look at what happened when Anakin fell.
Don't forget that the Force is...kinda weird...when it comes to 'clap your hands if you believe'.

If you believe you can draw on the Force via love, you probably could.

It's a question of how many of the techniques and which ones that is the question.
I have this idea for an Omake of Clarian teaching a class, but I just can't finish it or give it a proper framing device. Can anyone help?

"The force is vast and powerful so much so that many worship it and use all sorts of mystical terms for it. Don't fall into this trap. Stars are vast and powerful, but only the most primitive cultures worship them. No the reason people worship the force is because it is poorly understood and in doing so they worship their own ignorance. I don't fully understand the force not even close. However when I don't know something I admit it if only to myself and I expect all of you to do the same. Also on the note you should look at another class 'bullshit: a powerful influence upon the weak minded or delusional learn how to use it'. "

"The force bends itself to our will. This is very useful however it makes learning about it difficult. The force will change itself to confirm your beliefs. For this reason if you think you have found some new understanding of the force then you are the worst person to study it. Report it in and force users not told about your theory will do experiments.

'Huh, that explains all those exercises that didn't seem to go anywhere'. "
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Plus it seems like it should be more of a shades of grey thing. Like you can probably draw power from just about anything, from faith and will to rage and pain. And, naturally, that's a self reinforcing cycle, rage breeding rage, love breeding love, faith breeding faith. And too much of anything is a bad thing.
I have this idea for an Omake of Claria teaching a class, but I just can't finish it or give it a proper framing device. Can anyone help?
Old (but still fabulous) Ciaran giving grandchildren (hers, Padme's, both?) an actual education because their parents insisted in sending them to the Jedi and so they lack practical advice on the Force.