Basically how I see it is that the CNS gives the Abysss Watchers a 'safe zone' away from the CIS and the Republic and this away from each sides shadow rulers (Palpatine really... not that we know that IC). Also controlling the levers of the CNS gives us the ability to influence the use of forces larger then anything Ciaran could muster on her own (IE fleets and armies) should we ever need to. Ciaran has a LOT more pull with the CNS then the other factions afterall.

The investments into the CIS and Republic/Jedi give us more levers to pull to influence their actions.

We should come up with an agenda at least. Priorities - even if we leave the 'how' up in the air.

I assume our overall end goal is to re-establish the Republic as the galactic power or otherwise restablize everything. Unified and/or ready to deal with extra-galactic threats. Because of course Ciaran cares about the galaxy - she lives in it! And the Republic more then an empire since its easier to operator in a republic with its more divided politics.
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C: Padme is seriously considering taking a stronger stand against the Supreme Chancellor.

Well. Time to take this action and pile all the bonuses on.

Beyond that it looks like we have a pretty straightforward turn for the important things.

Marital Actions: Senate Protection Detail stymies Palpatine, and protects Padme. Then we are finally gonna finish that damned Wesker sidequest.

Diplomacy: Why hello there Muunilist welcome to the CNS please standby as we use your planet to make so much profit rebuilding your planet that Naboo is gonna get jealous. Then we've got Peacekeeping, Shadow Meeting, and the Mandalorian PR Campaign. Pick 2. Peacekeeping and Mandalorian PR both work to deal with the whole Boogeyman Jango fiasco, while Shadow Meeting gives the unique benefit of tapping into an anti-Palps infrastructure. So definitely take that one and pick your poison on PR.

Stewardship: Muunilist Reconstruction and Taris Resettlement. Easy choices, for reasons that have been talked about ad nauseum.

Intrigue: A refreshing lack of must-do options here. So obviously spy on Dooku again. Was always an attractive option. It's our clearest path towards finding Sidious, or at the very least learning his plans. Then there's HK-47, or How I Learned to Stop Arguing and Embrace the Hype.

Lore: Discovery Corp is the most efficient option.

Learning: Force Friendly Cybernetics. All y'all talking about Darra, the bridge we already burned. But did you know that Anakin Skywalker also has cybernetic parts? Doubling on that's not a bad call. I wish that these actions weren't so time consuming.

Personal Actions: As always, Personal Focus is a good way to get a crit. So let's throw it on the Dooku roll. Then please ignore the mystery box that has danger and "Sith Poison" written all over it. I think Accelerating Research on Force Friendly Cybernetics is good synergy and will let us finish it this turn.

Hero Actions: Silas is an obvious must. Then I think it's time for PR-1 to finally get his upgrade. If you're not convinced, go read that omake again.

Free Action: As said, we should throw it at Diplomacy.

Bases: Alright I'm just gonna list things I think are useful and describe how much.
  • We are buying the Taris base
  • We are buying all four income upgrades on Castell and Muunilist
  • I'm really considering the improved training facilities at Vectivus' mansion and especially on Kalee.
  • After Taris, Scipio and Fresia are the next two most logical places to put a base.
  • The Nar Shaddaa income upgrades would pay for themselves quickly
  • The Carnivore Containment Facilites Grievous' Petting Zoo on La'Sombra may seem odd and useless. But see, that's how we get a rancor pit.

Hero Support: As Needed.
Incidentally, will we be allowed to invite Darra Thel-Tanis or other Jedi along for the Wesker mission?

Should you so choose, yes. I plan on that being a mini-arc as you might have guessed.

@Dr. Snark: could we try to recruit the Caamas system as part of our PR campaign? I mentioned them earlier as being one of the most peaceful & moral species in the entire galaxy, a universally recognized paragon of goodness. They've stayed in the Republic despite their loathing for war and the Republic's ramping-up war machine -- would they be willing to join our Council of Neutral Systems in order to stay out of it?

Not sure about the recruitment, but I could certainly tie it into the Peacekeeper action as the site for a treaty or something.

@Dr. Snark, is there any reason these actions are still listed? They're incredibly costly, take a long time, and provide a 'reward' that does nothing for us (there are no 'actions to increase Karada profits' listed...).

Hm...I'll rework the rewards then. Having them be a more general increase to income might be a better idea.

Note that we only have two actions total, so one of those is definitely assigned for the Inhibitor Chips.

Nono, that X is just marking that it's already in progress. You don't have to spend any actions on the chips at this point.

(@Dr. Snark, will this replace the 80 credits/turn we're spending in upkeep for 'Tyro drags our troops out of bars'?)

Yup. You're much more professional than that now, after all.

All y'all talking about Darra, the bridge we already burned. But did you know that Anakin Skywalker also has cybernetic parts? he doesn't. He never lost a hand to Dooku since he never went to Geonosis.
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To be fair though, he's a Skywalker. He'll lose his hand one of these days. It's tradition.

Alas it shall be due a freak hiking accident... his hand will be under a boulder. Ciaran will have to slice it off with her light-foil. Mind you she only followed along because well.. Anakin and Padame... got to tease them and all.
The problem is that when Palpatine is dead, it will still cause a lot of problems. Everything won't necessarily go back to what it was before.

If he is exposed to the public, the chaos that will occur could shake the entire galaxy. Many planets from the mid and outer rims are going to be pissed at both the Republic and CIS since the war affected them the most.

Even if we somehow get the Sith dead and have the Senator die of 'natural causes', the potential cracks without Palpatine's manipulations could cause all the problem elements to do their own things. Probably lead to a new age of terrorism and criminal activity that will be much harder to stomp since the fighting won't be typical battlegrounds. Several places might have a bad case of paranoia, and we all know what that can do.

So the CNS might still exist after the war in one form or another. Possibly go through a few changes depending on how the shoe drops.
Didn't see this earlier:
You get the sense that this is the calm before a storm. Hopefully you'll be able to weather it...
AN: This is going to be a breather turn before Shit Gets Real next year. Don't waste it.
:o That's not ominous at all.

Seriously, great work man, and I'd love to have an action (several?) to make this happen as you outlined!
Thanks. For an initial write-in, I'm thinking a Stewardship action to make contact with Sullust and the SoroSuub corporation through our Incom partners. @Dr. Snark, would that be acceptable as a first step? (Or would it need to be a Diplomacy action and/or would we need to start by reaching out to Seti Asghad about it?)

even more so as It is likely to make several of the other corporate investors consider similar ploys to withdraw their support. depose and elect new leaders to get them out of the quagmire that the war is quickly becoming.
Now there's an idea. Especially if/when we sway IGBC, that should make our Commerce Guild ploy more likely to succeed.... (I do like @Stealthy's description of this plan as "Littlefingering..." :D

I wonder if we could convince Shu Mai to flip sides, given her prior relations with Ciaran.
Doubtful. Shu Mai started off by promising to free Castell from the tribute burden imposed by Commerce Guild. Once she got in power, she promptly increased the tribute. According to Wookiepedia, she's also killed or kidnapped any number of competitors and rivals to her power within the Commerce Guild (so she shouldn't be all that popular with the few that remain...). She's worked closely with Dooku, and apparently knows about Darth Sidious. In canon, whenever she has to flee a planet, she always makes sure to sabotage it when she leaves, just as a 'fuck you' to the good guys. So yeah, let's get rid of her.

Alpherides? The home planet we abandoned that does nothing for us.
And in three years Alpherides will have provided nothing for us.
It was not immediately apparent, but claiming Alpheridies gives us access to Myrkr, which gives us access to ysalamiri, which (as fasquardon describes it) is the galaxy's only source of kyptonite in a setting full of Kryptonians. Yes, Alpheridies was worth it.

Bringing in the Mand'alor? Mandalore hype led to a huge controversy that will be used against us. And it's only useful if we manage to keep Jango in our pocket.
The rise of Mandalore legitimizes our status as a third power in the galaxy. Yes, it caused a scandal, but so would anything else that legitimized us as a viable third power in the galaxy.

So about spying on Count Dooku...anyone up for it?
Oh look! We can get both of them!
I am much more inclined to recruit HK-47 as a Hero Unit (who specializes in taking down Force users like Dooku or Sidious...) than going after Sevrance Tann. I agree that Dooku should be a target this turn, though.

Interesting idea, but sadly I don't think it'd really work in canon. Still have the +10 for all of the effort you put into it.
...Hey @Dr. Snark? Do I get any omake bonuses for the updated map, or the index, or the fast-and-furious Littlefingering going on behind the scenes? I know we don't need it for this turn, but... it's nice to be appreciated.
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Well one of my end goals is to push exploration and economic goals so we can unite the entire Galaxy(Not just the known areas) and uplift as many of them we can to something that's more impressive and stable. Maybe we can see what's up with Droids and why most of the Galaxy use Robots that have a personality when their not needed.
@Dr. Snark, would that be acceptable as a first step? (Or would it need to be a Diplomacy action and/or would we need to start by reaching out to Seti Asghad about it?)

Hmm...How about that comes up as a Stewardship action given the nature of what you're trying to do.

...Hey @Dr. Snark? Do I get any omake bonuses for the updated map, or the index, or the fast-and-furious Littlefingering going on behind the scenes? I know we don't need it for this turn, but... it's nice to be appreciated.

I'm inclined to agree with Stealthy on this one; as far as I can tell you're just trying to get more bonuses. :V

Of course, I'm joking. Given the everything, I'm prepared to throw out a +10 for generally making my life a lot easier with this. I'd give you another one under normal circumstances, but I honestly think you're close to hitting the bonus limit at this point between Panoply and everyone else.
So here's my proposal for a plan. It's very much a rough outline.


[] Senatorial Protection Detail: It's clear from the events related to Seti and Bail that Palpatine is going to try and eliminate his political rivals by any means necessary. Setting up a protection detail for anti-Palpatine senators would not only stymie his influence but make you some money on the side. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Security for anti-Palpatine Senators established, additional income

[] An End To The Nightmare: You know where Wesker is. You know what he can throw at you. You've stopped his latest plague. It's time to end him once and for all so that he can never bring ruin to the Northern Rim again. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Assault on Wesker's base planned and launched

I don't think there's any argument here, right? These two just have to happen.


[] Peacemaker (CNS): Use your position to convince reasonable people on either side that the war is a terrible idea and economically as well as for the galactic society a complete disaster. Considering the details behind the war you are quite sure that its not going to do anything useful, BUT it's likely to bog down minor conflicts here and there and improve your reputation once again. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: ???

[] CNS Integration Bureau: You and Satine can only visit so many planets at once, and the CNS is becoming increasingly popular. It might be a good idea to formalize a system of application to the CNS that could handle those requests themselves. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Application system formalized, per-turn roll for sympathetic systems to join CNS

[] The New Mandalore (CNS): A lot of people around the galaxy are frightened of the idea of Mandalore returning to the expansionist state it was in the days of old after Jango was declared Mandalore by the Guardian Corps. You might want to work with Satine on a PR campaign that shows Jango is not interested returning to that era. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: PR campaign to ease tensions with CNS/Mandalore initiated

As I've said before, I think "peacemaker" is the best spanner we have to undermine Palpatine's plans. And we've been warned that things are going to blow up next turn. Let's see about disrupting that. I want to put Ciaran's PA on "peacemaker" too, so that both the CNS and Lady Ciaran are PERSONALLY associated with this peace effort. "CNS integration bureau" synergizes well with "peacemaker" I think, the actions are basically about showing the Galaxy there is an alternative to war and chaos and offering them two ways out of the morass. "The New Mandalore" is kinda necessary, since we know Palps will try to use Jango to drag the CNS into the war.


[] Muunilist Reconstruction Efforts: Muunilist has been badly devastated by the war, which is concerning given that it's home to the Intergalactic Banking Clan, one of the most important financial groups in the galaxy. Helping the planet recover would not only make you look good but let you get more ownership of it and the gratitude of the IGBC. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Muunilist is given funding to reconstruct damage inflicted by the war, other potential benefits

[] Taris Refugee Initiative: Taris was once a thriving city-planet much like Coruscant before it was devastated during the Jedi Civil War. While the planet has begun to recover, it has remained mostly empty in comparison to your present state. This provides you with an opportunity to use it as a center for refugees to live on while the war plays out, and rebuilding Taris can only help you and the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Taris designated as refugee-friendly planet, other potential benefits

I am suspicious of Sienar, so no surprise, I don't have any custom ships on order from him. I could be convinced to replace the Taris Refugee Initiative with ordering a ship design from Sienar though. If we do order a Sienar ship, then which one? As to Muunilist, well, I think this is a no-brainer.


[] The Count of Sereno: You know Dooku is a Dark Sider. You know that he's working for Sidious, the man behind this war. So the best way to find Sidious is to get as much information from his actions as possible. Given how thorough he was with your blackmail probably won't be easy. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 100 Reward: Count Dooku's actions tracked

[] Explosions From The Past: Some of your teams have gotten word that a Nemodian excavation team has inadvertently activated what sounds like some kind of assassin droid that was stored in an ancient Hammerhead cruiser, and despite its age it's proven to be very effective at blasting its way through the Nemoidian outpost. If you could capture it before the Nemodians do, you might have a very valuable piece of technology available to you... Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced assassin droid recovered

We're getting HK-47. Of course. I'm torn on whether to track Dooku or Sev'rance, but we should certainly target one.


[] Form "Discovery Corps:" It's clear that you really don't have the time to go to all of these fascinating sites yourself, so it might be a good idea to form a branch of the Abyss Watchers dedicated to "exploration" and "archaeology." Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Additonal Lore action for archaeology

I think this is pretty darn useful.


[] Develop Virus Library: With the galaxy being as big as it is and its population being as varied as it is there are bound to exist countless diseases, viruses and other even more unpleasant things. Develop a library holding various samples for further research. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Virus research for vaccines or bioweapons [Takes 2 turns, locks actions for 1 turn]

[X] Research Inhibitor Chips: Highly encrypted, extremely advanced, and definitely dangerous, the inhibitor chips you recovered from Kamino are one of the biggest mysteries in the entire war. It's an important project, but it will take a considerable amount of time and effort to break through engineering like this. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 150 Reward: Learn details about inhibitor chips (1 Turn Remaining)

[] Force-Friendly Cybernetics: Cheriss' research into her own frame has brought up the potential of applying similar technology to cybernetics to make it more compatible with Force users. The concept is already there, but it will need refinement for cybernetics. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Cybernetics developed for Force users [Takes 4 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

So many options here... These two seem to be the best picks to me. The CIS likes biowarfare, so the virus library should be useful. The cybernetics will help when dealing with any number of force users, not just shards.


[] Force Training: At this point from what you can tell your own personal training isn't going to be enough if you really want to get better at Force manipulation. You're either going to need outside help or in-depth recordings to really get anywhere new. Chance of Success: 70%
-[] Blazing Chains (Basic): Tyro's been around for what seems like ages now but you've never actually learned the Blazing Chains techniques from him. It might be about time to fix that. Reward: Lore Increase, Blazing Chains Style Learned

[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[] Personal: Peacemaker (CNS)

Ciaran really needs to learn more force powers. She may end up in a serious fight soon.


[] Silas Cata: Hell Hath No Fury: Silas has gotten a message from one of his many other grandchildren indicating that she has been enslaved by a Hutt, though he doesn't have a precise lead on her location. He's made it very clear that you're either helping him or he's going to start tearing a warpath through Hutt Space until he finds her-an option you're not keen on given your current relationship with the Hutts. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Silas' grandchild located/rescued without causing an incident, ???

[] The Silencer: Legacy of the Sun: While the revelation of the Silencer's heritage hasn't affected the man that much, Grievous is convinced that if he were to learn from his people he would become an even fiercer fighter. You're not entirely sure if that's the case but having him train with the Thrysians might be worthwhile given their martial prowess. (Uses Martial Bonuses, The Silencer must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: The Silencer trains with the Thrysians, ???

Silas' action is a no-brainer. The Silencer going into a den of Sith cultists is high risk, but could also be high reward. Also, the Silencer gaining martial will boost Grevious too. Could also work on Cheris Sair's body more instead.


New bases:

If we have the money, we should get 1 new base, but I'm not sure which one.

Coruscant Base:

[] Underworld Takeover: Your presence may have expanded across the galaxy but in your experience consolidation always pays. Use your new might and start acquiring new territory in the Coruscant Underworld and consolidate. Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas

I want to control Coruscant's undercity.

Kaleesh Outpost:

[] Kalee Development Program: Thanks to your stellar relationship with the Kaleesh and the fact that you have Grievous himself in your organization, you have the opportunity to solidify your alliance with the Kaleesh people by setting aside some funds for everything they could ever want from weapons to supplies to prefab buildings. Not only will this generally improve the quality of life on Kalee, but it will allow their people to send even more warriors to you, permanently solidifying your alliance with them. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Cap on Kaleesh warriors removed, Kalee begins improving economically, continued hatred of the Huk (like you care)

[] High-Grade Training Facilities: With the amount of people you've been bringing into the Abyss Watchers as of late, it's become clear that 'battlefield' experience simply won't cut it anymore if you want to keep your soldiers in peak condition. As such, Xruk has requested new facilities and staff to help train up your current soldiers on Kalee, where you can centralize your training programs. You tried to ignore how excited he was at the thought... Cost: 50 Reward: Normal troops automatically upgrade over time

So I really like both of these options. The training facilities are certainly the more important though.

Oracle (Lucrehulk):

[] Incom Fighter Customization: The Oracle's starfighters are currently a hodge-podge of ships you could buy or "borrow," but with Incom's support you could get some top-of-the-line fighters for the ship. Cost: 50 Reward: Starfighters based on Oracle more effective

We need more military power, and I trust Incom more than Sienar.

Mandalorian Mansion:


Lordran, Kiln:


La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):


Nar Shaddaa Property:

[] Wiretaps: Your casino is home to a lot of loose-lipped drunkards most of the time, it might be worthwhile to establish some wiretaps to see if they say anything interesting. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income

Cheap and gets more income. We need this.

Castell Facility:

[] Defense Grid: Always be prepared. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for facility established

[] Trading Port: Castell is a major center of trade, and it would definitely be worthwhile to get in on that action. Cost: 75 Reward: +75 trade income

[] Centralize Assets: You already have a significant number of assets on the planet, and with proper funding and planning you're sure you could centralize them and make even more money from them. Cost: 50 Reward: +50 Income

Yeah, these are all great. Definite no-brainers.

Muunilist Mansion:

[] Hidden Defenses: This planet has gotten a lot rougher in recent years, so... Cost: 50 Reward: Hidden defenses established

[] Bank Investment: Given that this planet is home to the IGBC it would definitely be worth it to invest in some of their banks. Besides, you always did want to own one for yourself. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from bank, further expansion options

[] Local Infrastructure Improvements: Fact of the matter is that the neighborhood-and most of the planet for that matter-is in bad shape. Investing in the local area would not only make it look better, but bring you some profit as well. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +50 investment income, increases income for other Muunilist properties

Local infrastructure is pretty pricey - we may not be able to afford it. We should at least take the Bank Investment though.

Vectivus' Home:

[] Defense Grid: Much like La'Sombra, it would be worthwhile to make sure that the Home is properly guarded given its value. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established

[] Archaeological Facility: The Home is old, and according to Vectivus it was home to another Force-using group long before he ever arrived. It seems like it might be a good place for your Force-sensitive employees to be able to launch missions from and store artifacts at. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls

[] Agent Training Facility: You're hard-pressed to find a more clandestine location to train up your agents than the Home especially considering that they would have Vectivus himself to assist them. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: Agents improve over time

We may only be able to afford the defense grid this turn.

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(Omake) At Least We're Not Related (Canon)
What are you talking about? How else are we gonna hit our max omake bonus of +20 on every action? @Panory can only write so much.

At Least We're Not Related​

Despite Galvin defining his first mission for the Abyss Watchers as a fiasco, his cousin Ciaran had actually been serious about paying him. And as she had confessed over bowling, she'd be more than happy to funnel some jobs his way when he asked, on the condition he not attempt to murder their grandfather while on Coruscant or Abyss Watcher business. Considering the prices Ciaran attached to her jobs, Galvin certainly wasn't about to rat out the galaxy's greatest humanitarian for nepotism.

He had spent a solid month on Zeltron blowing off steam though, as was his custom when finding one of his female cousins by accident like that. Finding a male cousin like that warranted a several month binge on his homeworld, but he had only been that unfortunate once before. In his defense, Wookies looked remarkably androgynous to the untrained eye.

Once Galvin had finished his pilgrimage, he sent out a call to his cousin to see what she had for him. A lot of it was stuff he could do on the way back to Coruscant anyway. Apparently some information leak needed plugged before he could scurry off to CIS space. His worst mistake was trying to betray Ciaran. His second was making a bee line for his destination in the fastest ship as if Ciaran didn't have any agents between Coruscant and Separatist space. Like him. Or the entirety of the CNS. Apparently hiring him had eliminated any need for the CNS to explain why they'd shot him down though, and Galvin wasn't about to say no to more credits in his bank account.

Then she had him pick up and experimental ship from Sienar Systems for delivery to Coruscant so she could look it over and provide feedback about future designs. At first Galvin was a bit worried, what with the ship being experimental and all, but his doubts were washed away as soon as he started flying the thing. The ship handled like a dream, had more systems than he could reasonably fiddle with on the way to Coruscant, and goddamn if it wasn't comfortable.

He almost felt sad when he touched down on the planet since it meant he wouldn't be able to keep using the thing. As he was exiting the ship, a Tortuga woman sprinted into the hanger and began climbing on the ship.

"Hey hey! What do you think you're doing?" shouted Galvin.

"Huh?" she started, turning to identify the speaker. "Oh, you must be the pilot. I'm Cheriss, the one Lady Ciaran sent to look over the ship. And oh my Force does it look nice."

"Not as nice looking as you." said Galvin. Unlike most Zeltron his first instinct was violent passion, but romantic passion was still a close second.

Despite the compliment being incredibly basic (Galvin wasn't really trying since he wouldn't put it past Ciaran to find another one of their cousins and recruit her just to torment him), Cheriss still became incredibly flustered.

"Oh um… do you really think so?" she managed to stutter out.

"Of course. I'll have to thank Ciaran for sending such a radiant beauty for me to behold." Cheriss was actually giggling now. "What say you and I get to know each other a little bit better over some drinks later tonight, huh?"

"Okay. Where should we meet?" Fuck. Galvin hadn't thought he'd get this far. He hadn't even had to play the 'I'm a mercenary/bounty hunter, look how dangerous and mysterious I am' card.

"How about I pick you up here later? It can be our special place." Galvin could have kicked himself. He had been saving that line for somewhere a tad more romantic than a fucking hanger.

Apparently some random hanger was romantic enough for her though. "Okay! I'll go get ready." said Cheriss as she ran off, presumably to get ready.


It wasn't that Cheriss was unused to people hitting on her. She was aware that her body was conventionally attractive, and while the bare midriff was for the emergency ejection of her actual body, it certainly didn't drive men away. But she was always aware that the attraction was purely for a physical form that wasn't her own. But Galvin was Lady Ciaran's cousin, which meant he likely knew she was a Shard. It was her first real chance at an actual romance.

"Cheriss, did you manage to finish those- oh." started Ciaran as she entered Cheriss's room and saw the shard picking out fancier clothes than usual. "Ohhohohohoho. What's the occasion dear Cheriss?"

"I… have a date." said Cheriss carefully. Ciaran's antics were humorous, but Cheriss had a distinct impression they were less enjoyable on the receiving end.

"Well you have fun." said Ciaran, backing out of the room with a disturbingly large grin on her face. "But afterwards… we will talk."

Cheriss shuddered and hurried to where she was meeting Galvin. The hanger was far from romantic, but just the gesture of having a special place was exciting to her. Galvin had managed to beat her there, wearing a pair of bantha leather pants that looked too tight to be comfortable and going topless save for an open vest that ended just past his chest.

"M'lady." He said with an extravagant bow. Cheriss laughed at the absurdity.

"So where are we going? I don't see a transport." Which made sense, since he had taken the experimental ship to Coruscant, leaving his personal one with Sienar Systems.

"Luckily for you, I happen to know the best bar on the planet. And as I was planning to spend my downtime there anyways, this hanger happens to be within walking distance." said Galvin, offering her an arm.

The drinking was fun, both for the stories Galvin had aplenty and the discovery that a Shard's body did in fact absorb alcohol through contact. Shards were also apparently lightweights who couldn't hold their liquor, and the two had to leave a bit earlier than Cheriss would have preferred. Then again, she was so drunk Galvin had to practically carry her home, so her judgement probably wasn't the best in retrospect.

"Well, here we are." said Galvin. "Home sweet home I guess." He didn't remark on the fact that Cheriss's home was in fact just her lab at the Abyss Watcher's headquarters.

"Psst. Galvin." Cheriss whispered, despite the fact that there was no one else in the halls. "Want to see something secret?"

"My lips are sealed." Galvin played along and whispered back. He had been around the block enough times to know that girls did crazy, sexual things when they were drunk, and he knew that Cheriss was completely wasted.

Cheriss reached down slowly, hands gliding over her stomach. Galvin knew exactly what happened after that from experience, and it wasn't for the woman's stomach to open up, revealing a bunch of gently glowing crystals. "Tada!" said Cheriss loudly, apparently not caring that this was a secret. "It's my real body. I don't show it to just anyone you know, so you'd better appreciate it."

Galvin blinked. And again. Out of habit, he defaulted to the question he always asked when what he had expected happened. "Are you in anyway related to Silas Cata?"

"Nope. I don't think Shards and Humans even can reproduce. How would that work?" said Cheriss, giggling at first before getting contemplative about the reproductive capabilities of her species.

"I wouldn't put it past the bastard. He'd find a way." grumbled Galvin. "Still, I suppose that's more than I usually get." Galvin squatted down and kissed the rock in Cheriss that apparently was Cheriss before standing back up and walking to the quarters Ciaran had put aside for her family, stopping only for a second to wish Cheriss farewell.


AN: One last omake for double digits and good luck. I can now turn an impossibility into a guaranteed success. Or I could if it weren't for this glass ceiling imposed by the good doctor to bring balance to the quest. General idea for this one came from @ConfusedPotato so thanks for that.
Duel (Canon)
Omake - Duel

Light sabers buzz and clash as Asajj goes after Ciaran with all of the aggression she has..while Ciaran just dodges out of the way and hits her with a stunning device. In fact, this was a very familiar dance by these two some time ago much to the chagrin of Asajj.

"Won't you get serious about training?! You need to LEARN MORE THAN THAT!" Asajj said diving back into combat.

"Only if you can catch-" Ciaran is interrupted and thrown back with a force push and jumped on by Asajj.

"This is why you need to train harder. The enemies we face can do this much better than I can and you need to have skills to fight back or.." she says raising her light saber up to Ciarans face "you die. Violently.".

Ventress gets up and allows Ciaran a break after the 20 whole minutes of their spar.

"Ventress can I ask what's wrong now?"

"We are being hunted and your too stupid to see it. It's in the force and you refuse to feel it."

Ciarans looks on "Death comes at a slow pace for everyone. I'm not afraid of failure Ventress but I am afraid of not going all out when whoever Darth Sidious is shows up."

"Stupid girl. Do you think this is a game?"

"No. I know this is real but I just refuse to let myself be taken in by the force like let it.

Unlike you and the Sith and the Jedi. I have no strings be they this metaphysical 'Force' or anyone."

The spars continued from that point this time with Ciaran actually attacking and making use of well timed counters to Ventress overextending her reach. They trained hard but in the end it was Ventress who came out on top if only because of her being so much more experienced in lengthy combat than Ciaran who was use to running away or having a fire team close by. It was definitely a weakness but could Ciaran cover up that weakness in time? Well only the fates could tell now.
I assume our overall end goal is to re-establish the Republic as the galactic power or otherwise restablize everything. Unified and/or ready to deal with extra-galactic threats. Because of course Ciaran cares about the galaxy - she lives in it! And the Republic more then an empire since its easier to operator in a republic with its more divided politics.

You think we want the galaxy to be a unified orderly system? What have you been smoking? Such a galaxy would result in our destruction more likely than not, and even if we would be able to live in such a galaxy, we would be unable to grow or expand in any way, shape or form! Look at our situation when we first started, if it wasn't for the chaos that resulted from the preludes to this war, we would most likely still be nothing but a small time crook, instead of one of the major players in the galactic stage. Chaos results in both risk and opportunity in equal measure, while the order that you seem to desire is freezing things, so that no decline or improvement is possible. To Ciaran, I suspect this would be akin to a fate worse than death.
At Least We're Not Related

...Another +10. I don't know if we've hit the omake limit now, but we have to be close. Also Cheriss is fucking adorable.

I promise all of these will be canon after the Silas hero action. Honest.

Short, but I like it. Canon, +10.

Okay in all sincerity this post is now a PSA that we're probably reaching the mythical Omake Limit. Please confer with yourselves to determine the amount of omake bonuses currently in play, I'm too gobsmacked to try to do it myself at this point...
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Should you so choose, yes. I plan on that being a mini-arc as you might have guessed.
Ahh. Thanks for the heads-up, and looking forward to it.

Hm...I'll rework the rewards then. Having them be a more general increase to income might be a better idea.
These look a lot more appealing now -- I'm actually considering them.
[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

I also note that we don't need to pick two different research actions this turn; thanks to Versuch Labs, we can 'double up' on one. That's probably be more effective, since we'll be on a fairly tight budget.

Yup. You're much more professional than that now, after all.
Sorry, still a bit unclear. Are you saying we'd still be paying 80 credits per turn for the training, just based out of Kalee instead? Or would there be no upkeep at all, since we'd be simply building more advanced facilities on a military outpost we already use? Or would there be decreased upkeep (down to the -50 per turn you'd included last turn)?

Diplomacy: Why hello there Muunilist welcome to the CNS please standby as we use your planet to make so much profit rebuilding your planet that Naboo is gonna get jealous.
I definitely agree with you that we should spend our Free Action on a diplomacy this turn. For the specifics, I'm actually somewhat torn between recruiting Muunilist directly, or going for the 'integration bureau' that would roll for it.
[] CNS Recruitment: There are a number of systems nearby that don't particularly lean one way or the other in the war; maybe you could persuade them to join the CNS instead? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Selected planet and nearby systems join the CNS
-[] Muunilist: The home of the IGBC and recently devastated by the war, the planet's leaders would certainly appreciate the chance to declare neutrality.

[] CNS Integration Bureau: You and Satine can only visit so many planets at once, and the CNS is becoming increasingly popular. It might be a good idea to formalize a system of application to the CNS that could handle those requests themselves. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Application system formalized, per-turn roll for sympathetic systems to join CNS
Given our presence and given our past, Muunilist would be a very "sympathetic system to join", but it wouldn't be guaranteed. Probably better to build the bureau now than later, though...

Given how expensive both the Muunilist rebuilding & Taris refugee actions are, reaching out to make contact with SoroSuub might be a good low-cost option to push forward our plans to take over the Commerce Guild.
[] Meetings with Soro-Suub: The Sullustan company of Soro-Suub may make for valuable partners given their presence in multiple fields and you have a lead in with them through your associates at Incom. It might be worth looking into deepening ties with them. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Contact with Soro-Suub gained
OTOH, if we can afford both Muunilist and Taris, we should hold off on SoroSuub until next turn.

As I've said before, I think "peacemaker" is the best spanner we have to undermine Palpatine's plans. And we've been warned that things are going to blow up next turn. Let's see about disrupting that. I want to put Ciaran's PA on "peacemaker" too, so that both the CNS and Lady Ciaran are PERSONALLY associated with this peace effort. "CNS integration bureau" synergizes well with "peacemaker" I think, the actions are basically about showing the Galaxy there is an alternative to war and chaos and offering them two ways out of the morass. "The New Mandalore" is kinda necessary, since we know Palps will try to use Jango to drag the CNS into the war.
...I know you've made this argument before, but I really don't see why "Peacemaker" is the best anti-Palpatine option on offer. Why not reach out to the anti-Palpatine faction in the Senate instead?

On the other hand, you might be right that Palpatine intends to draw the CNS into the war, and so we should go 'all hands on deck' to pre-emptively foil his plans. But again, making contacts and allies within the Senate (and aligning ourselves with the anti-war, anti-militarism party) would go a long way to relieve people's fears....
Sorry, still a bit unclear. Are you saying we'd still be paying 80 credits per turn for the training, just based out of Kalee instead? Or would there be no upkeep at all, since we'd be simply building more advanced facilities on a military outpost we already use? Or would there be decreased upkeep (down to the -50 per turn you'd included last turn)?

The first one.

+1 for each of Silas Cata's descendants.

If I gave you that bonus I'm fairly certain it would be impossible to fail on anything.
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