Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Normally I don't like to call votes this early, but with how dead the thread's been and past experience, I doubt any new votes will be forthcoming. Very light turnout this time around.

[x] Stay back and watch. They aren't hurting anyone at the moment, so best to see what they can do.
No. of Votes: 37

-[X]Remember Samantha's comments after the Tattletale debacle. Acknowledge that there may be more to be learned from a subtle approach this time.
--[X]Use WAS to gather information. Attempt to use your searchers without attracting the notice of the slime creatures.
--[X]Notify Vista and Bouncer of your intent to fight if you're noticed or human lives become endangered so they can make their decisions accordingly.
No. of Votes: 25
---[x]If no interruptions or altercations ensue by the time the PRT arrives, ask Bouncer about other independents in the city.
No. of Votes: 11

-[X] And seriously, robbing a grocery store? Maybe you could offer them some help. (various phrasings)
No. of Votes: 4

--[X] If things look like they'll escalate, or they try to flee the PRT, be ready to drop a Temporal Sludge on them, and pursue with a Wide Area Search.
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] Use all available resources to discretely gather information
--[x] Be ready to engage or retreat if needed
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Nibble at their flanks. Take them out stealthily, starting at the edge and working inwards.
No. of Votes: 2

-[x]Notify Vista and Bouncer of your intent to take a stealthy approach and fight, Vista could certainly be useful when it comes to crowd control.
--[x]When discovered by the majority, use Temporal Sludge to divide and conquer so they can't gang up on Taylor, or flee while she whittles them down.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 39

I'll get to work on this… sometime this weekend. Don't know exactly when.
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I couldn't find any outright quotes about it, but this was answered here:

Not sure where green looked it up though, but... *Shrug* I can't find anything else really and this implies the information is out there... somewhere.

Little late to the party (already posted that), thanks though.
Might be a little late response since it didn't show i had been quoted for some reason the info is stated in the series episodes it should be somewhere in episodes 10-12.

Which still doesn't explain why Uminari wasn't on high alert for repeats of the "terror attack" that resulted from the fights in Season 1. And we're supposed to believe that the TSAB fixed the entirety of the damaged city in 1-2 days after the Nachtwal fight? And while I suppose the city-smashing Starlight Breaker can be dismissed as special effects, there's a reason you don't see movies blowing up a city and then having it all back to normal the next day. No one would believe it, which is especially important since the first movie was propaganda and needs to be believed to do its job. Or—
Atreidestooper has actually translated some dictionary entries recently that explains that some of that. Oh and the City in the movie 1st was something the Arthra prepared. No explanations for terror attack alarms though but some of the incidents did make the news if i remember correctly.

My actual question is, do normal people see the delineation of the edge of the barrier shell? If you aren't affected by it, do you notice that you walked through a magic wall at all? We see it from the magic perspective so we see a huge domed field where the barrier is, but do ordinary people see that?

If you are able to be affected, but are not included in the field, do you see it then? Does the barrier keep you outside it's perimeter, or do you pass through to the "un-barrier-ed" section of Spacetime?
You pass through it and if you have strong a enough magical capability you might hear a loud sound if you're in the area it's being set up
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Emigration 4.4
[ ] Stay back and watch. They aren't hurting anyone at the moment, so best to see what they can do.
-[ ] Remember Samantha's comments after the Tattletale debacle. Acknowledge that there may be more to be learned from a subtle approach this time.
-[ ] Use WAS to gather information. Attempt to use your searchers without attracting the notice of the slime creatures.
-[ ] Notify Vista and Bouncer of your intent to fight if you're noticed or human lives become endangered so they can make their decisions accordingly.

Emigration 4.4

"I think you both might be getting just a little ahead of yourselves," you tell the Wards after a moment's thought. "We know nothing about them, and while they are committing a crime, it looks like they're just stealing food. If they're that hard up, I have a hard time accepting we need to blast them from the word 'go'. We should at least see what they're actually up to before we make any moves."

Bouncer glares at you. "Weren't you listening? We're leaving. This is not your precious gang land. Fighting is not our job."

You look him up and down, your expression proof of just how little you think of him. "If Chevalier really told you to ignore a crime going on right in front of you, I will eat my hat." Bouncer is either a coward or an asshole or both if he really thinks he can get away with something like that. And for him to order you around? Oh, hell no. It's time to make your older appearance work for you. "Besides, kid, I'm not part of your little club. I'm sticking around. I'll smooth things out with Militia if you want to join me, Vista."

"There's no way I'm leaving now."

Facing a united front, you expect Bouncer to fold. What he does instead surprises you. "Your funerals." He turns away and slings himself into the air, crossing several rooftops in a single bound.

"This is what you've had to deal with since you got here?" you ask the younger heroine. "You have my sympathies."

She shrugs. "It's not that bad. Bouncer is… Bouncer, but Cherry Bomb and Flambé have both been really nice. They're the same age as me, too, and they've been capes for a lot less time. It's nice not having the entire team treat me like the baby of the group."

You shrug at that and look down to make sure the Slimes hadn't heard your whispered argument. They don't seem to be paying any attention, to your great relief. "Just so you know, if they wind up posing a threat to anybody—"

"I'll be right behind you."

Giving Vista a small smile, you settle in to watch and wait.

«Being more cautious, are we?» Samantha asks in your head. «Not that I disapprove, but what made you decide to take a wait and see approach?»

«A bit of this, a bit of that.
» Your Guardian Beast shoots you a raised eyebrow. «We don't know exactly what they're doing or what they're thinking. If they're villains, we can't leave them be, but if they're just trying to survive, it wouldn't be right to shoot first and ask questions later. It's like the thing with Tattletale,» you add with a sheepish expression. «A little bit of restraint goes a long way.»

She nods in understanding and returns her attention to the Case 53s. The Rats seem to be wrapping things up, several of them climbing out the broken window with distended bellies and arms full of food. They will probably head towards their lair soon, wherever that may be.

Thinking for a moment, you hold your staff out and cast Wide Area Search. You don't know for sure that the lair will be close by, but if it is, you'd like to know who and what is hanging around before you wander in and get caught by any guards.

The sparks zip off in all directions, and the glowing streaks catch the Rats' attention. Several of them snarl at the spell, but to your surprise, they are more focused on where the sparks are going, not where they came from. That should be common sense any time powers are concerned. "You've been a cape for a while," you say to Vista. "Do Case 53s normally act this… animal-ish?"

"…No. All the ones I've met are normal people, just with weird bodies. They don't act like this."

Before you can think too hard on that, a holographic screen pops up to your left. Vista watches with undisguised curiosity while you tap part of the display to take a closer look at just what it is that's rapidly approaching you. You groan when you see the white car and the flashing blue lights on top. "Cops incoming. I guess the window had a silent alarm on it or something."

"That could be a problem." You look at Vista in confusion, and she explains, "Depending on how trigger-happy the cops are, they might set these guys off or they might not. There's no way to tell."

The police car swerves around a corner and slows to a stop, and the two officers inside step out. Both have their hands on their guns, but neither has drawn it yet. That's a good sign. "Everyone stop and stay where you are! Nice and easy now—"

The car vanishes, and in its place are the Rats. Clawed arms swing out, and even with the cops' screams drowned out by the car landing heavily on the asphalt, the sprays of blood are still far too visible.

Your view of the scene distorts, and your Flare Shooters cross the space in an instant to slam into the Rats' chests. Samantha jumps through the warped space and slams her fist into bellies and heads, and then you're there yourself. A Rat snarls and catches a blast of fire in his mouth. You shoot upwards, fireballs forming in a circle around you—

The ground is suddenly right below you again, and a set of claws slices at your face. Your Barrier Jacket withstands the attack. You fire two of the Flare bullets, and they swing to the sides when Samantha replaces the Rat. She jumps up and kicks you in the stomach, but your feelings of betrayal are cut off when you slam into something big and broad. The remaining Flare Shooters hammer whatever it is. Even without sight, the smell of burnt hair gives you a clue.

A nearby Rat jumps at you and is replaced by one of the injured cops, and you catch him before he can hit the ground only to wrap your arms around matted black fur. Sharp teeth clamp around your head, and you gag at the foul breath that washes over your face. Being so close, you hit it again and again with Flare Shooters. The heat from the blasts do nothing to you, but after the fifth or sixth one, the Rat rears back with a screech that gives you the perfect chance to shove a brace of bullets into its mouth. They don't blow up until they reach where you expect the Rat's stomach to be.

Swinging your staff like a club, you divert it upwards when the next Rat you aim at turns into Vista. Samantha reaches out and tosses the Ward away from the fray, and then the raccoon woman vanishes in a flash of golden light that is echoed from farther up the street. You are too concerned with flying up to catch Vista to wonder how many hits Samantha had to withstand to cast that spell in the middle of a fight.

You and Vista go high above the battle and, finally getting a minute to breathe, look around. Samantha has teleported behind the Slimes, and now she is a blur of motion as she hits them hard enough to throw them into each other and the brick wall nearby. The Rats stop jumping up to try to grab you when one of the Slimes lets out a warbling screech, but none of them are fast enough to reach Samantha before she swings the last one around and splatters its head against the wall.

You grimace at the violent and lethal display. Samantha made it clear after your chat with Tattletale that she would kill if she thought it necessary to protect you, but knowing that doesn't make it any easier or less disturbing to watch.

Motion on your search screen finally catches your attention, and then one of the Rats staggers backwards with blood spurting from its chest. It falls, followed by the one to its left. A black SUV, the PRT's emblem pained on its hood and Miss Militia standing halfway out the sunroof, squeals to a stop. The assault rifle in the heroine's hands barks in a harsh staccato, and another Rat dies. This would be the best time for the rest of the duplicates to run, but that isn't what they do. Like rabid animals, they rush the car.

And like rabid animals, they are put down without mercy.

Miss Militia's rifle collapses into a black and green smear that reforms as a large hunting knife. She wiggles out of the roof and waves you and Vista over. "Are you two okay?"

"We're okay," Vista says when you land. She is quiet, though, and you catch her giving the older hero a few cautious glances. It looks like she is just as unnerved by the unexpected viciousness as you are. "How did you know where to find us?"

"Bouncer called the console and told us. Where is he?" she asks with a puzzled look around.

You scoff. Bouncer calling this in helped you, no mistake about that, but it sounds like he hadn't told them the whole story. "He's gone. As soon as we said we were staying here and keeping an eye on things, he hopped off without looking back."

A deep breath through her nose is the only hint you get of Miss Militia's anger. "I see. Thank you for keeping Vista safe. If you'll excuse us, though, we need to get back to base."

"What about the bodies?"

"Uh, Calamity?" Samantha says. "You might want to look again."

Wondering what in the world she's talking about, you do just that and stare at what you find. The bodies of the Slimes are little more than puddles of yellow goop, a bubble popping here and there as their flesh keeps melting. Moving your eyes to the Rats, you see more or less the same thing happening there. The bodies are deflating like balloons, and in some cases the skin of their bellies has sloughed off to reveal partially chewed foodstuffs.

Samantha smiles slightly. "How convenient. They're self-cleaning."

You cancel Wide Area Search with a sigh even as you see more cars enter your field of surveillance, undoubtedly additional PRT agents come to secure the scene. "Are you going to want us to give a statement or something?"

Miss Militia grimaces briefly, the motion so quick that you have to prompt Perfect Storm to replay it in an unobtrusive window to make sure you didn't imagine it. "You can if you want to, but it won't be necessary. We just appreciate the help."

When the pair walk back to the SUV, you and Samantha take to the air. "I don't like this," you say once you're out of earshot. "Something about this doesn't feel right. I think… I think she's hiding something."

Something small and fluffy lands on your hip, and you pick up the raccoon and cradle her to your chest. Whatever this secret is, you know you won't like the truth.

Ouch. That didn't end well, did it? On the plus side, while a couple of cops just died brutal, messy deaths, you get a new spell, so yay? Like I said in the 4.3 vote post, we are still holding a moratorium for this chapter, so talk to each other about what you want to learn but DO NOT VOTE YET.
Last edited:'s the Travelers...this has something to do with them. That swap teleport has trickster written all over it...but does that mean the monsters are genesis, still how can they be when there are multiple...oh god Noelle.
"There's no way I'm leaving now."

Facing a united front, you expect Bouncer to fold. What he does instead surprises you. "Your funerals." He turns away and slings himself into the air, crossing several rooftops in a single bound.
She shrugs. "It's not that bad. Bouncer is… Bouncer, but Cherry Bomb and Flambé have both been really nice. They're the same age as me, too, and they've been capes for a lot less time. It's nice not having the entire team treat me like the baby of the group."
Note to group: Be nice to other wards. Give them sympathy cards.
Be dick to Bouncer.
Thinking for a moment, you hold your staff out and cast Wide Area Search. You don't know for sure that the lair will be close by, but if it is, you'd like to know who and what is hanging around before you wander in and get caught by any guards.

The sparks zip off in all directions, and the glowing streaks catch the Rats' attention. Several of them snarl at the spell, but to your surprise, they are more focused on where the sparks are going, not where they came from. That should be common sense any time powers are concerned. "You've been a cape for a while," you say to Vista. "Do Case 53s normally act this… animal-ish?"
Again, Echidna or fresh triggers...
"…No. All the ones I've met are normal people, just with weird bodies. They don't act like this."
Not conclusive one way or the other.
The car vanishes, and in its place are the Rats. Clawed arms swing out, and even with the cops' screams drowned out by the car landing heavily on the asphalt, the sprays of blood are still far too visible.
... we know that power.
Your view of the scene distorts, and your Flare Shooters cross the space in an instant to slam into the Rats' chests. Samantha jumps through the warped space and slams her fist into bellies and heads, and then you're there yourself. A Rat snarls and catches a blast of fire in his mouth. You shoot upwards, fireballs forming in a circle around you—

The ground is suddenly right below you again, and a set of claws slices at your face.
You fire two of the Flare bullets, and they swing to the sides when Samantha replaces the Rat.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! There is a Trickster, a Krouse trickster to be precise, on the scene.
And where there is Krouse, there must also be his unfortunate girlfriend, the mother of monsters, NOELLE MEINHARDT!
I can now conclusively say that the source of the Case-53s in this city is Echidna!
But what is her plan? No matter whether it's the Noelle or Echidna personality in control, she's actually quite a cunning strategist.
How long has this city been suffering C-53 problems? Depending on how long, we can tell if things are building up to the critical mass we know from canon or if there's some alternate plan in the works. Never the less, we must assume the other Travelers are in the area and assisting Krouse, unless we get confirmation they're dead.

"What about the bodies?"

"Uh, Calamity?" Samantha says. "You might want to look again."

Wondering what in the world she's talking about, you do just that and stare at what you find. The bodies of the Slimes are little more than puddles of yellow goop, a bubble popping here and there as their flesh keeps melting. Moving your eyes to the Rats, you see more or less the same thing happening there. The bodies are deflating like balloons, and in some cases the skin of their bellies has sloughed off to reveal partially chewed foodstuffs.
This is also consistent with Noelle clones.
"Bouncer called the console and told us. Where is he?" she asks with a puzzled look around.

You scoff. Bouncer calling this in helped you, no mistake about that, but it sounds like he hadn't told them the whole story. "He's gone. As soon as we said we were staying here and keeping an eye on things, he hopped off without looking back."

A deep breath through her nose is the only hint you get of Miss Militia's anger. "I see. Thank you for keeping Vista safe. If you'll excuse us, though, we need to get back to base."
Bouncer's in trouble. Karma has been satisfied, let's see if that learns him before giving him more of a heard time.
Miss Militia grimaces briefly, the motion so quick that you have to prompt Perfect Storm to replay it in an unobtrusive window to make sure you didn't imagine it. "You can if you want to, but it won't be necessary. We just appreciate the help."

When the pair walk back to the SUV, you and Samantha take to the air. "I don't like this," you say once you're out of earshot. "Something about this doesn't feel right. I think… I think she's hiding something."
Ok, this is something I did not suspect.
The PRT knows what's up with Noelle. Or they at least have an educated guess on the source of the problem and are trying to keep it under wraps.

That said, what do we want to learn/ask about? I'd be fine with asking MM what's on her mind, because we know she's hiding something and we can indeed help her/the PRT.
I'm also up for asking for more on what the Cape groups/history of the area look like. That would be the route which tells us whether or not the Travelers are/were here.
I do think we should also ask MM if the C-53s have demonstrated the switching power we saw.
Ouch. That didn't end well, did it? On the plus side, while a couple of cops just died brutal, messy deaths, you get a new spell, so yay? Like I said in the 4.3 vote post, we are still holding a moratorium for this chapter, so talk to each other about what you want to learn but DO NOT VOTE YET.

What are our choices for voting though? I would at least like to see them.
What are our choices for voting though? I would at least like to see them.
See the first post.
Flare skill tree

Flare Shooter (2/2 Master) – Basic shooting spell. Genetically engineered flame Mana Conversion Affinity installed. Currently programmed to be non-lethal by default. Can be cast simultaneously with any other spell.

  • Homing Bullet – Upgrade for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets now self-correct their trajectories to chase targets.
    • Burst (0/1 Adept) – Modification for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets may be set to explode upon contact or remotely.
  • Telekinesis (0/2 Novice) – Move things with your mind. Affects only inanimate objects of up to the mass as the caster.
  • Solar Wrath (3/6 Adept) – Powerful bombardment spell. Unleash a beam of fiery destruction that is capable of destroying several barriers or walls before being stopped. Currently programmed to be non-lethal by default.
Void skill tree
Aerial Combat (6/6 Master) – Ability to fly. You are fully maneuverable in the air and can dogfight at full speed.

  • Strong Shield (4/4 Master) – Create a shield of magical energy. Shield can resist five times as much damage as your Barrier Jacket.
    • Shell Barrier (0/4 Novice) – Create a translucent shield over yourself and those nearby in a circle with a 10ft diameter. Shield can resist five times as much damage as your Barrier Jacket, but it is immobile once cast.
  • Frost Beam (0/2 Novice) – Magical laser traps multiple opponents under a layer of ice that lasts for 1 minute. Beware of friendly fire.
    • Temporal Sludge (2/4 Adept) – Slow the flow of time within an circle of a 20 meter diameter to a third of its normal rate. Spell currently lasts 40 seconds per casting.
  • Recursion Field – Create a dimensional barrier around yourself and nearby mages. Not all parahumans are similarly affected. 4 mile radius.
Entropy skill tree
Rust Shooter (2/2 Master) – Shooting spell. Bullet melts through metal upon contact. Currently programmed not to destroy mechanical life-support systems. Can be cast simultaneously with any other spell.

  • Homing Bullet – Upgrade for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets now self-correct their trajectories to chase targets.
    • Burst (0/1 Adept) – Modification for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets may be set to explode upon contact or remotely.
  • Wide Area Search (2/2 Master) – Send out non-damaging homing 'bullets' that map out the surroundings or search for a specified target. Can search within an 8 block radius in 20 seconds.
    • Ring Bind (0/2 Novice) – Conjure rings of magic that wrap around target's limbs to lock them in place. The binds last one hour unless broken or dismissed. Currently, only one target can be affected at a time.
  • Guardian Beast – Uplift an animal's consciousness and give it combat and human forms. Like Mid-Childan Familiars, Guardian Beasts are totally loyal to their masters unless a truly unforgivable act is committed. Take note that though it has its own Linker Core, it still fills it from yours.
    • Divide Energy (0/2 Novice) – Transfer mana to target. Currently has a 25% conversion efficiency.
Well in terms of spells i'd suggest grabbing Recursion Field since if Noelle is in town we need to be able to drop something that keeps people out of the blast zone as we vaporize her.
Assuming we can even drag her in one.
Affected: Breakers, Strikers, Blasters, Shakers, Changers, Trumps, some Masters, some Strangers, regenerators, teleporters, pre-cogs.
Unaffected: Tinkers, some Masters, some Strangers, super-strong or -hard Brutes, "present" Thinkers, fliers, speedsters.
That's three in the 'affected' category: striker, changer, regenerator. One in the unaffected category: Brute. And two which I'm not sure to place: Master, and Mass. Is Noelle like an Endbringer and can't be brought into a RF due to the dimensional shenanigans/mass? Is she the type of Master affected by RF?
She probably can be, but I wouldn't put any money on anything.
Assuming we can even drag her in one.

That's three in the 'affected' category: striker, changer, regenerator. One in the unaffected category: Brute. And two which I'm not sure to place: Master, and Mass. Is Noelle like an Endbringer and can't be brought into a RF due to the dimensional shenanigans/mass? Is she the type of Master affected by RF?
She probably can be, but I wouldn't put any money on anything.
Noelle from canon could be pulled into a dimensional barrier since she is primarily a Trump.
Noelle from canon could be pulled into a dimensional barrier since she is primarily a Trump.
I see that. I SEE YOUR WORD CHOICE!:evil:
We are indeed NOT dealing with the Echidna/Noelle from canon! Her being here, presumably for quite some time, and this slow trickle of clones indicate a change in her mind and power, to say nothing of Krouse and the Travelers. What's more, the Noelle we face could very well not be affected by RF due to said difference in her power.
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I see that. I SEE YOUR WORD CHOICE!:evil:
We are indeed NOT dealing with the Echidna/Noelle from canon! Her being here, presumably for quite some time, and this slow trickle of clones indicate a change in her mind and power, to say nothing of Krouse and the Travelers. What's more, the Noelle we face could very well not be affected by RF due to said difference in her power.

...If Noelle is still being tortured by her powers, can we just turn her into a Magical Girl? If she has a Linker Core, of course.

Who knows, maybe it'll help. It does get rid of powers after all.
...If Noelle is still being tortured by her powers, can we just turn her into a Magical Girl? If she has a Linker Core, of course.

Who knows, maybe it'll help.
I like the way you think! It's a shame to lose someone who can mass-produce loyal parahuman armies, but with the cost of her mind and said armies being loosed with the intent of destroying civilization, it is well-worth the price!
We will need a device to give her though...
I like the way you think! It's a shame to lose someone who can mass-produce loyal parahuman armies, but with the cost of her mind and said armies being loosed with the intent of destroying civilization, it is well-worth the price!
We will need a device to give her though...

Good thing we're possibly working on that with the current questline.
Facing a united front, you expect Bouncer to fold. What he does instead surprises you. "Your funerals." He turns away and slings himself into the air, crossing several rooftops in a single bound.
Wat. What kind of asshat leaves behind comrades? Geez.

The car vanishes, and in its place are the Rats. Clawed arms swing out, and even with the cops' screams drowned out by the car landing heavily on the asphalt, the sprays of blood are still far too visible.
What the-? I know that power...looks awfully similar to Trickster's. Oh boy.

You scoff. Bouncer calling this in helped you, no mistake about that, but it sounds like he hadn't told them the whole story. "He's gone. As soon as we said we were staying here and keeping an eye on things, he hopped off without looking back."

A deep breath through her nose is the only hint you get of Miss Militia's anger. "I see. Thank you for keeping Vista safe. If you'll excuse us, though, we need to get back to base."
Hoo boy, Bouncer's going to have a bad month after Miss Militia is done tearing strips out of him for abandoning us and Missy.

Miss Militia grimaces briefly, the motion so quick that you have to prompt Perfect Storm to replay it in an unobtrusive window to make sure you didn't imagine it. "You can if you want to, but it won't be necessary. We just appreciate the help."

When the pair walk back to the SUV, you and Samantha take to the air. "I don't like this," you say once you're out of earshot. "Something about this doesn't feel right. I think… I think she's hiding something."
Oh? Very curious, isn't it? I am wondering what the thing/task she may be hiding is.

Nice update.
I see that. I SEE YOUR WORD CHOICE!:evil:
We are indeed NOT dealing with the Echidna/Noelle from canon! Her being here, presumably for quite some time, and this slow trickle of clones indicate a change in her mind and power, to say nothing of Krouse and the Travelers. What's more, the Noelle we face could very well not be affected by RF due to said difference in her power.
Do you really think I'd do something so conniving and cruel to you, my dear players? :D