Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Realign 14.26
[] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

Realign 14.26

Sunday, September 4

The sun beating down on the back of your neck is less oppressive than you would have expected in Philadelphia or even Brockton Bay. Most of your time here in Canada has been with you staying in a factory with your various allies, but if Vancouver's summers and autumns are anything like Toronto's weather today, you might have to spend more time out in the fresh air.

Winter, on the other hand? You will be perfectly fine indoors back home, thank you very much.

The Toronto PRT director continues to drone on, and it is only the sea of cameras flashing in front of you that keeps you from rolling your eyes. Dragon, just as she said she would, started off this press conference with the announcement that several of Grey Boy's bubbles had been disrupted and their prisoners freed, an announcement that you know is redundant if the flurry of thread updates on PHO is anything to go by. That Dragon and Tim were the ones responsible, however, is not as well-known.

Her explanation about the partnership between Dragontech and the PRT led in turn to her handing off of the bubble-popper to the director, which in its own turn led to his long and still lengthening speech for something that should have been a simple thank-you followed by questions. Hence your boredom. Your eyes flick from him and the silvery sphere floating next to him that is projecting Dragon's digital avatar towards the Toronto Protectorate capes and agents standing on the other side of the steps that lead into the local PRT office, their members flanking their man in charge just as your team stand behind Dragon. Their faces are frozen in perfectly bland masks that scream their own disinterest.

You bring your gaze back to the Arcana. Kayleigh is the only one who wears a smile, but her attention is on the crowd as a whole. Sarah must have received the same training as her Canadian counterparts while she was in New York, and Laura…

Something about her looks different, and you narrow your eyes until you realize with a shock what the reason is. She is sound asleep and just still standing upright!

«Can you believe the nerve of her?» you ask Missy.

«Huh? What are you talking about?»

You nod your head in Laura's direction, and you see Missy's mouth quirk in a smile when she sees the posture of the white-clad knight. Now that your attention is focused on her, however, your own smile falls as you realize something is also off about your resident summoner-ninja. Her armored prosthetic arm hangs straight downwards, and when her body turned slightly so she could better look at Laura her arm remained in the same rigid position instead of shifting like it normally would. «What's up with your arm?»

Her head whips back towards you. «My arm? Uh, nothing. Nothing at all. Don't worry about it.» You do not even bother challenging her on her obvious lie, and your silence is prodding enough. Her eyes shift downwards, unable to stay locked with yours. «It's not actually there. This is just my Barrier Jacket making a copy to look good

«Missy! You should have told me you got in a fight or something!» She squirms in the face of your sudden burst of worry, and you sigh long through your nose. «Does Tim know at least, so he can fix it?»

Her embarrassment does not lessen any, which makes you even more worried. «Oh yeah, he knows. I didn't get in a fight or anything. I, uh, finally talked him into taking off the last little bit of my arm on Friday?» You blink, not sure what to say to that, so she hastily continues, «He said he was working on getting my civilian arm ready tonight so I can get back to school tomorrow.» She frowns. «I'm not sure how confident I am about that, to be entirely honest. Have you talked to him lately?»


Missy shrugs her right shoulder a little. «Something's going on with him. When I was telling him what I wanted, he seemed almost… absent minded, I guess? He didn't even question or argue against any of the modifications I suggested, which was odd all on its own. I asked him what else he was working on, and he just grinned like a crazy person and didn't answer me

That only makes you more concerned rather than less, but your conversation is interrupted when you realize that the director has finally stopped talking and opened the floor to questions. "—responsible for opening up the other bubbles that have been disrupted over the last month?" asks someone you do not recognize.

"Shipwright and his companions are some of the Tinkers I mentioned earlier," Dragon replies easily. "As I said, they have been instrumental in developing this technology."

"Kristen Hill, from Wired," another of the reporters says at the same time as she is raising her hand above her head. "Does your reasoning for giving up this 'bubble-popper' have anything to do with needing to prioritize the final development of the computer system you demonstrated?"

"I have many irons in many different fires," comes Dragon's answer. "This exchange with the PRT has less to do with not having time or interest and more to do with them being better set up to both free and provide support to all the victims Grey Boy left behind."

Another man raises his own hand. "Randolph Willingham, the Inquirer. The capes of the Toronto Protectorate I can understand being here." His hand falls to point a single finger at you and your team. "I might as well be the person to ask the question we're all thinking. Who are they?"

Dragon's projection sphere turns towards you, and you take a breath in and out to steady your nerves. You both knew someone would ask, and Dragon had talked you through a number of situations that might arise. Now it is time to put them to the test.

"I wondered who would ask first," Dragon says before turning back towards the clustered reporters. "I would like to introduce you to the Arcana. They are a team of independent heroines. Some of you may or may not recognize them as the team that eliminated the Simurgh family of the Fallen."

It is clear that nobody had put two and two together on that score, but as soon as those words leave her mouth all the cameras are pointed in your direction and flashing nonstop.

"Calamity Witch, their leader, and I have been communicating for the last several months. We have run a few joint operations in that time, the assault on the Fallen compound being one of them. After further discussion, we agreed that continued collaboration is in both of our interests. They will therefore be working alongside me for the foreseeable future."

"So they're new members of the Guild?" somebody shouts from the back of the room.

Dragon shakes her head, and you can see her small smirk through the holographic screen. "Not exactly. The Arcana have taken a contract to work under me directly as a corporate team in the employ of Dragontech, LLC. Further information will be forthcoming as it becomes worthwhile to reveal to the public."

Her smirk expands into a full-grown grin. "But to be honest? I think the results will speak for themselves."

"Grey Boy bubble-popper" removed from Tim's Inventory.

And that's that. We'll see if my muse decides to help with the PHO interlude I had previously planned. You'll know when I know because there will either be another chapter or I'll jump straight to the AAR. Even in the latter case, I will likely still write a PHO post eventually and just post it as more of a side-story.
How did they miss that?
Calamity Witch's costume is, how to say, kind of memorable :D and so was her team's first official appearance.
What this guy said:
Because they are Canadian?
There are a lot of Capes in the world, and Arcana are from the USA, not Canada. Sure, they did some big things, but still, would you expect a foreign Independent team to appear in a press conference hosted by your government's team?
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There are a lot of Capes in the world, and Arcana are from the USA, not Canada. Sure, they did some big things, but still, would you expect a foreign Independent team to appear in a press conference hosted by your government's team?
You probably wouldn't expect them to show up, no. But I can understand the confusion that a neighbouring country didn't recognize the people who took down one of the biggest and most infamous groups of villainous Masters on the continent, if not the world. One would figure that newspaper articles and accompanying pictures would have reached them, and as stated our costumes are quite distinct.
You probably wouldn't expect them to show up, no. But I can understand the confusion that a neighbouring country didn't recognize the people who took down one of the biggest and most infamous groups of villainous Masters on the continent, if not the world. One would figure that newspaper articles and accompanying pictures would have reached them, and as stated our costumes are quite distinct.

Also, the press are, by definition of them being in the job they are, the sort who stay up to date with nearby major news.
Especially considering how important the USA's stability/cape scene is to Canada.
«Something's going on with him. When I was telling him what I wanted, he seemed almost… absent minded, I guess? He didn't even question or argue against any of the modifications I suggested, which was odd all on its own. I asked him what else he was working on, and he just grinned like a crazy person and didn't answer me

I'm left wondering how much longer you're going to tease us about the results of analyzing Sparky's cannon. There's nothing else that I can think of that would be at all relevant right now for him being distracted. I concede that you may be foreshadowing something completely new, and are instead holding out on that info to keep us guessing in the wrong direction, but that doesn't feel likely.
but if Vancouver's summers and autumns are anything like Toronto's weather today, you might have to spend more time out in the fresh air.

Winter, on the other hand? You will be perfectly fine indoors back home, thank you very much.
Just based on location, Vancouver's weather should be quite similar to Seattle's. Mild year-round for the latitude, overcast for most of the winter half of the year, and drizzling on most of those days.

*Looks up*

As it turns out, Vancouver, BC, and Philadelphia, PA have roughly the same (both winter and summer) average high temperatures, average low temperatures, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperatures, total annual precipitation, and annual snowfall. Hottest day of the year is in the 90s F / low-mid 30s C for both cities, and coldest night of the year is about 0 F / -18 C for both cities. Vancouver is slightly cloudier than Philly.

Average low for the winter months (yes, all of them) is just above freezing.
@Silently Watches does Arcana have an official emblem or symbol? I skimmed through the previous ten chapters, but I couldn't find anything like that. If so, can I get a description? Its for some fanart I'm drawing.
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This is literally the first thing that came to mind:

(I mean, if you're gonna call yourself the Cards of Fate, might as well own it all the way, right?)
Something about her looks different, and you narrow your eyes until you realize with a shock what the reason is. She is sound asleep and just still standing upright!
Her armored prosthetic arm hangs straight downwards, and when her body turned slightly so she could better look at Laura her arm remained in the same rigid position instead of shifting like it normally would. «What's up with your arm?»

Her head whips back towards you. «My arm? Uh, nothing. Nothing at all. Don't worry about it.» You do not even bother challenging her on her obvious lie, and your silence is prodding enough. Her eyes shift downwards, unable to stay locked with yours. «It's not actually there. This is just my Barrier Jacket making a copy to look good
Missy hiding the fact she is currently without one arm via barrier jacket configuration (and I assume Laura has "frozen" her barrier jacket to keep her upright as she sleeps) made me contemplate some things about the Jackets.
If I'm correct about Laura's usage of the Jacket, then that allows the possibility of some medical usages, specifically creating a makeshift cast for broken bones by immobilizing the portion of the Jacket that covers the damaged area. Potentially a tourniquet could be a possibility as well by programming the Jacket to apply pressure on a wounded area.
From the description in Missy's part, it sounds as if solid projections of the Jacket (like Missy's fake arm was) are rigid and unmovable once generated. If they retain the forcefield-like nature despite the lack of a limb beneath them, then they would make decent if awkward bludgeons to be used in close-combat.

It also made me think about a previous comment from Silently.
Nanoha simply has such a higher power ceiling, and power FLOOR for that matter, than Worm does that it's kind of ludicrous.
So, merely having a Device in standby mode gives a person ratings in Thinker (enhanced senses, hacking), Shaker (storage dimension), and Trump (no-sells telepathy based Master/Stranger). Combined with some training, these could be leveraged into an effective powerset. And that's the Floor. Add in the combat form, which is a Changer shift that grants Brute and Stranger ratings (Barrier Jacket and how it can be modified), and any mage with a Device can be a significant threat even before casting a single spell. It's completely understandable how effective Taylor and her mages are on Earth Bet and why writing fights that aren't completely one-sided, especially this far into the quest, can be a challenge.
"Grey Boy bubble-popper" removed from Tim's Inventory.

And that's that. We'll see if my muse decides to help with the PHO interlude I had previously planned. You'll know when I know because there will either be another chapter or I'll jump straight to the AAR. Even in the latter case, I will likely still write a PHO post eventually and just post it as more of a side-story.
I'm really looking forward to it, IIRC we haven't really had a view from the average people about the changes that happened due to Taylor and co. The latest being the destruction of the Fallen.

Thinking on it, I wonder if the fact that Calamity Witch killed off Empire 88's escape attempt from Brockton Bay's quarantine zone is widely known? Or was that basically held close to the PRT's chest?

Some other events that is connected to the Fallen's destruction which would come up in the conversation would be the 'death' of the Simurgh. Plus it wouldn't take a genius to realize that the group that killed off or captured the bulk of the Fallen's attacking forces at the resort was Calamity Witch and co.
So each member chooses a tarot card as a symbol?
I like it!
Hm ...
Scarlet Grimoire - Justice
Scáthach - Tower
Shining Shot - Star
Calamity Witch - Empress
Cassiel - Fortune
Samantha - Chariot

Note this me just going initial impressions I am not all familiar with Tarot and their meanings
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Hm ...
Scarlet Grimoire - Justice
Scáthach - Tower
Shining Shot - Star
Calamity Witch - Empress
Cassiel - Fortune
Samantha - Chariot

Note this me just going initial impressions I am not all familiar with Tarot and their meanings
Shipwright - Hermit.
Thirteenth Hour - Moon? Death? Temperance?
Cat Sith - Sun? Strength? Devil?
Scarlet Grimoire - Justice? Hanged Man?
Scáthach - Tower.
Shining Shot - Star.
Calamity Witch - High Priestess? Fool?
Cassiel - Fortune.
Samantha - Chariot? Empress?
Shipwright - Hermit.
Thirteenth Hour - Moon? Death? Temperance?
Cat Sith - Sun? Strength? Devil?
Scarlet Grimoire - Justice? Hanged Man?
Scáthach - Tower.
Shining Shot - Star.
Calamity Witch - High Priestess? Fool?
Cassiel - Fortune.
Samantha - Chariot? Empress?
I didn't include Tim because he isn't officially part of Arcana but Hermit is a good call. If that is the case then

Dragon - Hierophant
Lacy - Priestess
Danny - Hanged Man
Kurt - Moon
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Alright, my artist friend has cleared her plate and given me the next draft of Laura, now with weapon, mask, and corrections from the previous one. Other than adjusting the size of the halberd, any comments or thoughts @Silently Watches?

Alright, my artist friend has cleared her plate and given me the next draft of Laura, now with weapon, mask, and corrections from the previous one. Other than adjusting the size of the halberd, any comments or thoughts @Silently Watches?

During the half-second it took for my eyes and mind to focus properly on the image, I thought this picture had grotesque anime tits, then saw that that was hair and a hauberk....

One of the few advantages to my mind slowing down is I have the time to notice the bloopers thrown out by the first round of processing, before the middle parts of my mind have had time to edit and send the information on. It can make for the occasional amusing ping. :p