Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Without Ziz, would Leviathan even know how Behemoth was taken out? I was under the impression that the EBs coordination (and what little we see of them communicating with each other inc anon), was that Ziz was the one doing all of that.
Maybe so, but the behaviors and abilities of the Endbringers regardless of any communication between them make certain tactics against them either more or less effective, so different options are useful to have available.
For Behemoth the teleport plan would be best given its comparative slowness to Leviathan.

For Leviathan what we can do is (once we bring Epoch and Mac into Arcana and all the mages are appropriately skilled up and we've got a stock of Breaker tier magitech weapons) we can have Epoch time freeze him, have Laura Unison with Cassiel and set up the Breaker tier telekinetic spell and the moment Leviathan unfreeze punt the bastard high into the sky away from whatever city we are fighting at and hopefully to a designated kill zone and then go ham with Breakers to kill it.
We don't even need Epoch (although am definitely not saying no to recruiting him) as Tim has the Temporal Manipulation skill so he can build timestop weapons. One of several things on my "Future things to build" list is a collaboration between Tim and Dragon where they build a Dragonsuit/ship with a Large Timestop weapon (currently picked the Akatosh as the name) to use for Endbringers fights (and other appropriate opponents). Even just being able to delay the Endbringers until evacuations are done or plans can be made would be a huge bonus, and that's before we finalize our mages for Endbringers combat.
I'm actually surprised that the active shield didnt get the win. Being able to have a move you can pull to reliably tank nearly literally anything? Awesome. We hardly know a thing about the details of the Ray.
I'm actually surprised that the active shield didnt get the win. Being able to have a move you can pull to reliably tank nearly literally anything? Awesome. We hardly know a thing about the details of the Ray.
We're already fairly tanky as it is. Not quite to the same level as Laura but so close the difference is probably splitting hairs, since we started with a Barrier Jacket base rather than getting pure Knight Armor straight out of the gate. Lion's Pelt's "Moar Tankiness" would be for those instances where we're going up against Alexandria-level opponents who could pulp our innards in a base-line barrier jacket and might be able to take out the Knight Armor in a couple of hits, and might?... be able to take a glancing hit from an Endbringer. We may be gunning for S-Class threats now, but I think we'll have a few more fights before we go up against anyone/thing that would put us in the former situation, while if we're in the latter situation we've done something wrong and will probably have other problems pretty soon...
I'm actually surprised that the active shield didnt get the win. Being able to have a move you can pull to reliably tank nearly literally anything? Awesome. We hardly know a thing about the details of the Ray.
Ehhh, for all that the Defensive "Undaunted" cross-training was chosen, there hasn't exactly been too much drive towards purchasing the components of it. I'm voting for Lion's Pelt every time because I'm stubborn and desire to see what will be revealed with its purchase, but we really haven't had much that can really hit us hard enough since we got Knight Armor. I'm surprised that Sabotage Shift didn't win, as it likely would have been useful against the Leviathan Fallen, with their replicators being neutralized by a mass of bullets.
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So I commissioned an artist friend of mine to do some art for this fic, so here's her first draft of Scathach! Please note, she intentionally didn't do the "knotwork designs" on the shoulders because she wanted to do some research before focusing on it. She also skipped the mask and weapon until the next draft. @Silently Watches, any obvious issues in the design that would be corrected for the final draft?

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So I commissioned an artist friend of mine to do some art for this fic, so here's her first draft of Scathach! Please note, she intentionally didn't do the "knotwork designs" on the shoulders because she wanted to do some research before focusing on it. @Silently Watches, any obvious issues in the design that would be corrected for the final draft?

Well, if nothing else your friend managed to capture Laura's perpetual "you've gotta be fucking kidding" expression. So, you know, major brownie points for that. :D
So I commissioned an artist friend of mine to do some art for this fic, so here's her first draft of Scathach! Please note, she intentionally didn't do the "knotwork designs" on the shoulders because she wanted to do some research before focusing on it. She also skipped the mask and weapon until the next draft. @Silently Watches, any obvious issues in the design that would be corrected for the final draft?
The chainmail hauberk should be entirely white with grey fur coming out from around the neck. Otherwise it's pretty close.
Well, if nothing else your friend managed to capture Laura's perpetual "you've gotta be fucking kidding" expression. So, you know, major brownie points for that. :D
True dat! :rofl:
The chainmail hauberk should be entirely white with grey fur coming out from around the neck. Otherwise it's pretty close.
Okay. I think I see what happened.
It was not from below but behind that the next piece of clothing came, and she was using that term loosely. A wide strip of animal hide of all things wrapped around her torso, the grey and black fur tickling slightly as it moved but radiating an unbelievable feeling of warmth. It finally stopped at her neck, and frost spread out on the hairless side only for the patches to join together and expand into a pure white chain mail shirt. It was no boob plate, she would give Fragarach that, but it certainly fit and flattered her figure
I think she mixed up which way the "hairless side" was facing, picturing it with the fur facing outwards and the chainmail forming beneath it. Thanks for the correction. Also to be pedantic, a hauberk is a chainmail shirt that goes to the knees. One that only goes to the waist is a byrnie.
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Read through the entire thread while in self-isolation. Found some great hidden gems between threadmarks, pondered over how I would've voted had I been participating, and generated some new ideas and questions.
And Standstill, who's already used to running a supporting power (and has a hyper-protective Guardian Beast) is a good shout for the support template that is Infinite Enhancement.
This would be hilarious for reasons you don't understand. :rofl:
@Silently Watches, since Sarah is now locked into the Extinction Knight template, would you be willing to share exactly why it would be so hilarious for her to have been given the Infinite Enhancement instead? I know that since Sarah wanted to be more combative if we had given her the IE template she probably would've been more pissy at us, but is there more to it than that?

Cage of various magical lab mice
When I reread the chapter featuring "the Zoo" (and all subsequent chapters), lab mice weren't mentioned or shown, only gerbils. Are these metaphorical mice that are referring to the gerbils, or are they actual creatures like Zeus and Ralph in that they have Linker Cores (+ assorted mutations)? Did they come from when Missy was shadowing Tim to see what mutations were like?
"What, making Missy help out with his mutagen experiments so she can see firsthand what the gerbils go through?"
Even after spending the weekend in Canada working with Tim as his assistant and seeing firsthand what undergoing mutation involves
And if they are real, will they be similar to the example you used here, where if they are made into Familiars (and GB's), they'll have a free spell?
The advantage of an animal with a Linker Core is that it might have a trait or an innate ability that carries over to the GB. Zeus has an innate Lightning MCA, for instance, so he would have lightning invulnerability and lightning attacks even if turned into a GB by a mage who doesn't have that MCA. An animal with telekinesis would know that spell for free. The flying squirrel gerbil would have the Basic Flight spell even if made by a mage who can't fly.
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Read through the entire thread while in self-isolation.
Even as the author/GM, I have to ask: are you sure there wasn't a more productive use of your time? :lol:
@Silently Watches, since Sarah is now locked into the Extinction Knight template, would you be willing to share exactly why it would be so hilarious for her to have been given the Infinite Enhancement instead? I know that since Sarah wanted to be more combative if we had given her the IE template she probably would've been more pissy at us, but is there more to it than that?
It's two things. First, IE does in fact have a sleep spell. Second, that template is also a summer, and it would have been funny for both capes you poached from the Protectorate to have similar Rare Skills, particularly when they wind up summoning their giant summons during an Endbringer fight.
Are these metaphorical mice that are referring to the gerbils, or are they actual creatures like Zeus and Ralph in that they have Linker Cores (+ assorted mutations)?
I don't remember if it was metaphorical out of I changed my mind while writing the chapter to use gerbils instead of mice. I'll just change it to make it more clear.
It's two things. First, IE does in fact have a sleep spell. Second, that template is also a summer, and it would have been funny for both capes you poached from the Protectorate to have similar Rare Skills, particularly when they wind up summoning their giant summons during an Endbringer fight.

I think you meant summoner, rather than summer, there. For a moment, I was wondering how which colors would look best on her would be relevant.
Lol, I just binged the entire story in about three days and was slightly worried that it may have died before I got here. I'm glad to see that the op is still involved in this story.:)
Lol, I just binged the entire story in about three days and was slightly worried that it may have died before I got here. I'm glad to see that the op is still involved in this story.:)

If you didn't read the entire forums, you should know that SW is a doctor,* meaning s/he has been really, really busy, slowing down updates. We're still getting them occasionally, and I hope s/he doesn't wind up losing interest simply through being forced to let it lie.

*I think. I knows/he's in the healthcare industry, and I think commented about finishing their residency a year or two ago, but what her/his current job is is something I'm less confident about.
Lol, I just binged the entire story in about three days and was slightly worried that it may have died before I got here. I'm glad to see that the op is still involved in this story.:)
If you didn't read the entire forums, you should know that SW is a doctor,* meaning s/he has been really, really busy, slowing down updates. We're still getting them occasionally, and I hope s/he doesn't wind up losing interest simply through being forced to let it lie.

*I think. I knows/he's in the healthcare industry, and I think commented about finishing their residency a year or two ago, but what her/his current job is is something I'm less confident about.
Yep, still alive and kicking despite my hospital's best attempts to make it otherwise. I decided to take the last couple of weeks off from writing, in part because I was hitting writer's block with this story and in part because I made the mistake of buying Bravely Default 2. :oops: I'll get back to this in the next week or three most likely.
Lol, I just binged the entire story in about three days and was slightly worried that it may have died before I got here. I'm glad to see that the op is still involved in this story.:)
If you didn't read the entire forums, you should know that SW is a doctor,* meaning s/he has been really, really busy, slowing down updates. We're still getting them occasionally, and I hope s/he doesn't wind up losing interest simply through being forced to let it lie.
It's why I like asking questions in the slow periods between story posts and voting segments. It brings Silently back to the thread and makes them think about the story, it's a bit politer than asking for more updates (provided the questions are reasonable), and if you ask the right question, you can have some influence on the story going forward.
And on that note.
Using Tim's Neural Stimulation skill, could a motion-capture suit be built to allow someone to control a human-like drone (Iron Man!) to use as a proxy in the field?

Is it possible to build a mana collector/generator that "leaks" mana into the environment so we could give it to Teana to assist in casting Starlight Breaker? Possibly from one of the other Tech Enhancement branches?

If we give someone a mutation Boost serum (so it's permanent) and then we supply them with some temporary Boost serums, will the temporary serums raise their speed/strength/blastyness based upon their new mutated baseline?
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So, I was doing a re-read, and I noticed that you said in the Arc 5 AAR that we could have learned the secret of flare spells if we chose to take on Lung. Was that a one-time opportunity, or is it something we can still learn later?
Using Tim's Neural Stimulation skill, could a motion-capture suit be built to allow someone to control a human-like drone (Iron Man!) to use as a proxy in the field?
Probably ;)
Is it possible to build a mana collector/generator that "leaks" mana into the environment so we could give it to Teana to assist in casting Starlight Breaker? Possibly from one of the other Tech Enhancement branches?
Huh. I hadn't thought about that. I don't have an answer for you right now.
If we give someone a mutation Boost serum (so it's permanent) and then we supply them with some temporary Boost serums, will the temporary serums raise their speed/strength/blastyness based upon their new mutated baseline?
No, the mutation and serum won't stack because they are the same thing except one is temporary and the other is permanent.
So, I was doing a re-read, and I noticed that you said in the Arc 5 AAR that we could have learned the secret of flare spells if we chose to take on Lung. Was that a one-time opportunity, or is it something we can still learn later?
You could learn it later, but you probably won't. The Flare MCA was engineered by Galean geneticists specifically to impede regeneration and magical healing.
You could learn it later, but you probably won't. The Flare MCA was engineered by Galean geneticists specifically to impede regeneration and magical healing.

Huh, interesting and potentially useful, even if not quite suited to the Endbringers particular flavor of durability.

And here I was thinking (recently re-reading the story myself) it might be something like "Flare mana absorbs energy from other nearby fires to empower itself" , much like starlight breaker/starfield harvest draw on external mana.
You could learn it later, but you probably won't. The Flare MCA was engineered by Galean geneticists specifically to impede regeneration and magical healing.
Interesting, so it's like a fusion between the Rare Skills of "Fire Mana Conversion Affinity" and "Inflicted wounds do not respond to magical healing." Which I guess does equal radiation as you can't really "heal" radiation, you have to wait for it to be neutralized first.

No, the mutation and serum won't stack because they are the same thing except one is temporary and the other is permanent.
Okay, so if we wanted Missy to have maximum speed, the combination of speed buffs would be; Barrier Jacket Haste Mode, Boost Serum (temp or perm), Boost Artifact, Boost spell cast by another, and Sprint. Would a self-buff speed spell not stack with Haste Mode due to it being the same concept again?
Hey guys, it's update time. Update ABOUT the quest, not update FOR the quest.

I keep looking at my plans for the next chapter, which was supposed to be the intro to the fight against the remaining but splintering Leviathan family of the Fallen, and the more I look at it, the more I'm just not feeling it. I've honestly been "not feeling it" for the last… two weeks? Thereabouts, anyway. I think a good part of that has to do with the fact that this arc has lasted for more than a year all on its own, and this quest has been going on for over 5 years now. My author instincts are screaming for a resolution, which is nowhere close.

So here's what's going to happen. We're skipping the Fallen fight because it's just becoming more and more of a millstone around my neck. Next chapter will be the press conference, and then I'm going to try to write that PHO interlude. It may or may not happen, again depending on how my muse is feeling. Arc 15 is a social arc, which have been the parts over the last year or two that have become the easiest and most enjoyable to write. When 15.1 comes out, I am not going to forecast or promise.

My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to the Fallen fight, but it's either throw it out, or I have even less idea when the next update will come out.