Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Corvids in general will teach future generations to target a specific person as an enemy if they had cause. Some researchers (in Vancouver I think), did animal testing on some. When they were let back into the wild the birds would follow and target the scientists if they came across them in the city.
edit: lets get really out there. Hummingbird. On the other hand hummingbirds give no fucks and will happily attack something 17000 times their size, probably not a gear type.
That would be a thing to see.
Nah, that just means if they end up as a Gear they have a wide variety of knives prepped for any number of massive targets.
... Good grief, now I'm imagining a Guardian Beast version of Jack the Ripper mixed with Shirou. Glad I already killed off Jack Slash.
With Guardian Beasts, I know that you don't like animals above a certain size because it makes the war form redundant. Can I ask, for an animal that would normally be in this category, if we converted said animal as a baby, would it then retain that form for Pet and have its adult body for War? Examples I thought of would be a boar or an alligator.
Also, is it possible to convert an animal-level AI that has a physical body into a Guardian Beast? Just turn the Roomba into your helpful companion.
With Guardian Beasts, I know that you don't like animals above a certain size because it makes the war form redundant. Can I ask, for an animal that would normally be in this category, if we converted said animal as a baby, would it then retain that form for Pet and have its adult body for War? Examples I thought of would be a boar or an alligator.
It isn't that I dislike large animal GBs. IIRC I said that when someone suggested a horse GB because I didn't want anyone thinking you'd get a mega horse out of it. GBs/Familiars can shrink down to a baby-animal size anyway (see Arf), so when you grab said animal doesn't matter. Well, doesn't matter unless you want to make an alligator a GB, though half the fun would be making you figure out how to wrestle one long enough to cast the ritual on it. :D
Also, is it possible to convert an animal-level AI that has a physical body into a Guardian Beast? Just turn the Roomba into your helpful companion.
That seems like a terrible--


... ...

... ... Eeeeeaaaaaaayoooooh.

That would be... different. It wouldn't be a Guardian Beast PER SE, and the spell would need to be custom-made. If anything it would probably fit more along the lines of a Familiar.

Actually, I take that back. It would be more like a strange mix of a Familiar (put together their spell lists rather than coming as part of a set) and a Champion Summon (in that it will have an innate skill). I'll even make the innate skill an advanced tier so long as it is in some way related to the function of the original machine; since this is so strange to wrap my head around, I'll probably give you guys a decent amount of latitude in just how related it is. E.g., in your example you said use a Roomba. Singularity has a suck function, so that would be an option.

If anyone BESIDES kamkong is interested in this idea, tell me and I'll work on an Informational post for both Familiars and the Iron Defender (name stolen shamelessly from D&D because Critical Role is rotting my brain).
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If anyone BESIDES kamkong is interested in this idea, tell me and I'll work on an Informational post for both Familiar

Dragon would probably make one I guess?

She could give an AI to one of her more advanced Dragonsuits now that she doesn't have a lot of her limitations anymore. Then try to turn that into a familiar and power it with one of her mana batteries. There is enough space for a person inside so a mana battery would fit.
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If anyone BESIDES kamkong is interested in this idea, tell me and I'll work on an Informational post for both Familiars and the Iron Defender (name stolen shamelessly from D&D because Critical Role is rotting my brain).
Dragon would probably make one I guess?

Like she could give an AI to one of her more advanced Dragonsuits now that she doesn't have a lot of her limitations anymore. Then try to turn that into q familiar and power it with one of her mana batteries. There is enough space for a person inside so a mana battery would fit.
Sure, lets try that! A magic machine/Guardian Beast sounds awesome.
If anyone BESIDES kamkong is interested in this idea, tell me and I'll work on an Informational post for both Familiars and the Iron Defender (name stolen shamelessly from D&D because Critical Role is rotting my brain).
I'm super duper interested in this as well! (I'm fully caught up on campaign two, and am skipping campaign one. Once you catch up, may I recommend The Unexpectables?)
... is it bad that we might now get a bunch of D/C rank mages to try and recreate this with their familiars?

Making a Dragonsuit into a "Iron Defender" would be a super cool idea, since they already come equipped with many useful features like flight and weaponry. If we take the Sybaris as an example, the drone-deploying suit, then its innate skill would likely be along the lines of Golemancy or Swarm summons.
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Dragon would probably make one I guess?
Dragon doesn't have that skill. As a Unison Device, her list is set in stone.
I'm super duper interested in this as well! (I'm fully caught up on campaign two, and am skipping campaign one. Once you catch up, may I recommend The Unexpectables?)
Finished campaign 2 a few days ago.

Also, some relevant rules now that ideas are tumbling in my brain.
  1. Size limitations, just like a Guardian Beast. I don't let you have insect or whale GBs, so no micromachines or Dragonsuits. If it's roughly the size of a pet mammal, it's okay.
  2. Forms. The more I thought about it, the more this made sense. There will be two levels of this spell, a Basic and an Advanced. The Basic version gives you a machine that has a "war form". The Advanced version does that plus gives the Defender an android form. It's more expensive than a GB because you're doing something so weird.
  3. Exclusivity. Guardian Beast, Familiar, and this are all mutually exclusive.
  4. Power. This abomination sounds like something Kayleigh would come up with, though maybe one of the other girls will surprise us. If a D-rank mage uses this, the max number of spells it knows will drop by 1 unless it focuses on tech skills. The same rule will apply to Familiars, just FYI.
  5. Independence. The machine used for this has to be independent. No computer attached to a processing plant, no prosthetics.
  6. Prerequisites. While this will be listed as a tech skill, it does not require any other tech skills to learn.
Keep all these in mind as you consider whether to pursue this idea.
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It isn't that I dislike large animal GBs. IIRC I said that when someone suggested a horse GB because I didn't want anyone thinking you'd get a mega horse out of it. GBs/Familiars can shrink down to a baby-animal size anyway (see Arf), so when you grab said animal doesn't matter. Well, doesn't matter unless you want to make an alligator a GB, though half the fun would be making you figure out how to wrestle one long enough to cast the ritual on it.

Screw Alligators, I am still salty that no one has thought to see if they can GB a T-Rex, they have access to a dino world for gods sake! I dont even care how the transformation effects them because its still a T-Rex with fricken magic that you can ride into battle with.
Just read the updated spell list with the Familiar Spell. Question, since the animal uplifted learns spells gradually like a mage, I assume part of the spell provides it with a Linker Core. Would an animal like Ralph or Zeus who already possesses a Linker Core get a boost since the spell doesn't need to create one? Or, since I assume the Familiar would draw from the mages core, can the Familiar Animal eventually become independent and no longer require to siphon off mana from the original mage?
I would assume the rules for Familiars are a hybrid between Guardian Beasts and what you posted for Iron Defenders, correct?
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Just read the updated spell list with the Familiar Spell. Question, since the animal uplifted learns spells gradually like a mage, I assume part of the spell provides it with a Linker Core. Would an animal like Ralph or Zeus who already possesses a Linker Core get a boost since the spell doesn't need to create one? Or, since I assume the Familiar would draw from the mages core, can the Familiar Animal eventually become independent and no longer require to siphon off mana from the original mage?
The advantage of an animal with a Linker Core is that it might have a trait or an innate ability that carries over to the GB. Zeus has an innate Lightning MCA, for instance, so he would have lightning invulnerability and lightning attacks even if turned into a GB by a mage who doesn't have that MCA. An animal with telekinesis would know that spell for free. The flying squirrel gerbil would have the Basic Flight spell even if made by a mage who can't fly.
...How many of those exist where you live?🤨
Considering I don't live in a world where you can mutate animals into having magic?

You seem to have forgotten that the rules about animals with Linker Cores were for animals that either 1) a mage found on a world that was not Earth Aleph or Earth Bet and naturally had magic or 2) Tim mutated into having magic.