Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Too bad the Chinese snacc bot is too big for Iron Defender to apply. She´d be prime game for a Gear-ish ID.
Something that size would be okay. A lot of its overall volume is empty space, so its true mass isn't that much.

And honestly I'm thinking the overall size for the Defender could be bigger than for GBs because it would definitely be easier to find something that fits the smart requirement.
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Feel free to blow me off, but what is Dragon's relationship with Armsmaster like now that she has a (fairy) body. Especially since she already showed off that gynoid for the vacation.
He has seen her gynoid chassis. He hasn't yet seen her true form. I've been struggling to figure out how to fit that into the story and decided to just do it off-screen. Maybe I'll mention it in the next chapter.
It'd be interesting to know how their first face to face meeting went.
I'd expect Armsmaster to eventually start stopping by the base every now and again at some point in the future.
Wonder how Missy would react...
Now that we have rules for the new companions, I'm doing a comparison.
Guardian Beast
Our tried-and-true aspect from the very start, Guardian Beasts are Familiars who over generations of war have been optimized for combat by mages. A Beast is uplifted with a full set of spells that all work well for the Beast's class, as well as special benefits if we make it at random. However, a Beast can only effectively act within its class, and is likely programmed with hindrances to keep it from attempting the other classes (Samantha can't shoot with any degree of accuracy, Olivia likely has a pacifistic attitude, Gears are uncomfortable outside of a workshop, etc).
Has all the same physical properties of an average Guardian Beast, but without the pigeonholing of assigned roles. Can be as specialized or generalized as the mage wants, and therefore can cover a wider range of scenarios depending on the spells as well as allowing for thought-out plans for spell synergy with the mage. It also allows a work around for the "D-rank can only have Gears" restriction as the only drawback for a D-rank Familiar is the loss of one spell slot. However, a Familiar only begins its existence with a single spell, and must gradually build up its options over time. A Familiar is unlikely to outperform a Guardian Beast in its given class unless fully specialized, and even then the Familiar will be lacking in the specific strength that GB can bring.
Iron Defender
The crazy one. Defenders have one less spell slot due to their unnaturalness, but can have one spell related to their function be extremely powerful. They also retain any additional mechanical advantages their original form possessed. Being inorganic, they are immune to asphyxiation, starvation, or fatigue; and can resist a larger range of temperatures without damage. However, they would be weaker against electric-based attacks, they also must work their way up to a larger range of spells, and depending on the original form may have limited stealth ability.

My opinion on the remaining girls is as follows. Kayleigh should go for a Guardian Beast of the Gear since it covers her manatech requirements immediately. I'm still voting for the gliding gerbil, but that's just me.
Missy can convert Zeus into a Familiar. Her Guardian Summon is extremely similar to a Guardian Beast, and once we find out its abilities, we can build our Familiar's spell sheet in a way that compliments and covers for both Missy and her summon.
With Laura...I'll admit, I'm still wanting to do a random Guardian Beast for her. Seeing the bonuses Cat Sith and Olivia received are very enticing, and I originally asked about robot Beasts as a joke, so while it is growing on me, I can't envision it just yet. Might change my mind later, we'll see.
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Immediate Iron Defender considerations:
A fancy programmable quadcopter
Half the contestants on Robot Wars - wait, no, they're remote controlled, that doesn't count, right? Still, if anything's going to make a metallic dog-golem like an actual Iron Defender...
Boston Dynamics' Spot robot
... oh god. @Silently Watches , do Furbies count as sufficiently intelligent? There's a nightmare scenario...
Half the contestants on Robot Wars - wait, no, they're remote controlled, that doesn't count, right? Still, if anything's going to make a metallic dog-golem like an actual Iron Defender...
I would count them. Some of those robots were quite advanced.
So some light Power Armour would probably be okay since you can subtract the fleshy core from the overall mass. And then you can save some XP since it's already technically an android form.
The power armor would get reformed into an animal form.
... oh god. @Silently Watches , do Furbies count as sufficiently intelligent? There's a nightmare scenario...
Fuck it. Sure they are.
Since we're building the Familiar and Iron Defender spell list up over time, does the refund system that we have for mages work for them as well?
Then whatever is the point of her learning things and her experiments then?

How about the rest of Dragontech then?

She can learn all sorts of things, just not spells. My thought on the matter is that mana responds to a Mage's will, not just the equations. The simulated will of an artificial being isn't enough to give them the variation an organic mage can achieve, despite the raw processing power available to the UD.

Thinking about this did make me wonder if you could design a UD with a removable module for their spells, letting them swap out which mana usage configurations were equipped for whatever the situation warranted.

It'd be interesting to know how their first face to face meeting went.
I'd expect Armsmaster to eventually start stopping by the base every now and again at some point in the future.
Wonder how Missy would react...

Well, Dragon does have teleport pads, and enough room to have space dedicated to Halbeard time.

If Armsmaster IS a Mage, it's gotta be his bike that becomes his Iron Defender. Nothing else would suit him quite so well, IMO. He could even learn the ritual to change it as a Deviceless Mage, letting him keep all his Tinker skills.

... oh god. @Silently Watches , do Furbies count as sufficiently intelligent? There's a nightmare scenario...

Ever read Mauling Snarks? One of the running gags is a rubber duck that is also a bluetooth speaker, modified a bit to look evil, that led to a prank war convincing people it was a member of an entire family of Tinker-tech robot ducks. Bonesaw was really disappointed, as it trumped her own plans for pulling pranks with the same model of duck. She just couldn't manage anything that perfectly creepy =P
We absolutely need to have someone make an Iron Defender furby. WE MUST.

Just not sure if its a villain who stole the Guardian Beast ritual, or which friend would be twisty enough to do it by accident.

On talk of references for creatures like it, any of the Chacha-models from Mahou Sensei Negima seem obvious comparisons for what it'd look like post-spell? Take pretty much any kids doll (they used wind-up keys with presumably a music box style set of speech lines, but Furbies are basically the more techy version) to do it.

In any case, I'm largely on the side of those worried we're getting too crowded a cast-list as it is..... but thats more a concern for recruiting new team mates for the sake of numbers (say, grabbing that Jujak guy or the E-88 survivor). Added sidekicks who are inherently attached to main characters, like Guardian Beasts tend to be, probably just gives more sources of dialogue that could lead to padded out social scenes rather than any extra demands on our time and attention. Anything to make those more interesting to SW to focus on ^___^ (I would've liked to see the Japan trip take a few updates, like the Beach or the party we met Laura at, even if it meant having to deal with random muggers or the rare Aleph-cape or somesuch.)
In any case, I'm largely on the side of those worried we're getting too crowded a cast-list as it is..... but thats more a concern for recruiting new team mates for the sake of numbers (say, grabbing that Jujak guy or the E-88 survivor). Added sidekicks who are inherently attached to main characters, like Guardian Beasts tend to be, probably just gives more sources of dialogue that could lead to padded out social scenes rather than any extra demands on our time and attention. Anything to make those more interesting to SW to focus on ^___^ (I would've liked to see the Japan trip take a few updates, like the Beach or the party we met Laura at, even if it meant having to deal with random muggers or the rare Aleph-cape or somesuch.)

I like the potential of Jujak. I'm not really invested in him yet, as a character, but I'd like to at least give him a chance. Of course, I'll admit that my OCD is demanding we give out both of the remaining Templates, and we only have one viable candidate at the moment, so recruiting somebody we can give that to is going to appeal heavily to me. If he rolled poorly on the LCM check, we have the back-up of a Cauldron vial, and we already have Tim's gear that could let him contribute as an unpowered individual. We'd need to keep him tied more closely to us, so we don't get a Privateers melt-down again, though. SW may have made him be in a different faction, but giving him Tinker-tech/Mana-tech and forgetting about him, again, is the kind of thing that I doubt SW could resist making it come back to bite us.
From a stance of pure curiosity, not even one of the Case-53 causing vials ?
You generally don't cure mutations by piling even more horrific mutations on them. I imagine that a heavily mutated person who drinks a Cauldron vial would simply die because of incompatiblity issues.