Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

So I am entirely out of line in thinking that the PRT would be less than thrilled to have someone who has significant similarities to Teacher continually interacting with their personnel without ever having a chance to put him through any kind of testing. Only his power is slightly more direct even than Teacher's in that it also has aspects of a direct master and heartbreaker because purportedly people like being under his power, and when so apparently cooperatively work under his command. Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.

No clearly this is a completely benevolent and limited master who's powers are definitely safe to use on and around PRT personnel.
So I am entirely out of line in thinking that the PRT would be less than thrilled to have someone who has significant similarities to Teacher continually interacting with their personnel without ever having a chance to put him through any kind of testing. Only his power is slightly more direct even than Teacher's in that it also has aspects of a direct master and heartbreaker because purportedly people like being under his power, and when so apparently cooperatively work under his command. Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.

No clearly this is a completely benevolent and limited master who's powers are definitely safe to use on and around PRT personnel.
Or Legend just goes "Hey blackjack, is this "Captain" fellow going to be an issue if we trust him?" and Blackjack says something that translates to "Nah."
Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.
You're ignoring the fact that pretty much all of the Privateers' members atm are people that have known each other for years, well before Danny Triggered. Also, you massively insult him by your comparison of him to a prolific, unrepentant rapist and child abuser. That's not cool.
So I am entirely out of line in thinking that the PRT would be less than thrilled to have someone who has significant similarities to Teacher continually interacting with their personnel without ever having a chance to put him through any kind of testing. Only his power is slightly more direct even than Teacher's in that it also has aspects of a direct master and heartbreaker because purportedly people like being under his power, and when so apparently cooperatively work under his command. Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.

No clearly this is a completely benevolent and limited master who's powers are definitely safe to use on and around PRT personnel.
Your petulant sarcasm is completely unwarranted and out of line. You're rather insistent on wearing out your welcome, aren't you?
So I am entirely out of line in thinking that the PRT would be less than thrilled to have someone who has significant similarities to Teacher continually interacting with their personnel without ever having a chance to put him through any kind of testing. Only his power is slightly more direct even than Teacher's in that it also has aspects of a direct master and heartbreaker because purportedly people like being under his power, and when so apparently cooperatively work under his command. Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.

No clearly this is a completely benevolent and limited master who's powers are definitely safe to use on and around PRT personnel.
In Las Vegas they had Pretender, the guy who could and did body-jack people. Just saying.
You're ignoring the fact that pretty much all of the Privateers' members atm are people that have known each other for years, well before Danny Triggered. Also, you massively insult him by your comparison of him to a prolific, unrepentant rapist and child abuser. That's not cool.
The public does not know who the privateers members are, or who Danny is. They cannot therefore assume the best. As for Danny he's a fictional character and I am making a statement about what people in that piece of fiction may think about him given what they can outwardly observe.

Your petulant sarcasm is completely unwarranted and out of line. You're rather insistent on wearing out your welcome, aren't you?
Thank you. Though it would be nice if you were to respond to the actual post. It is an honest concern I had after reading the story. I was and am attempting to highlight that we as readers have no reason to know why or understand why the PRT is currently so accepting. I have now several times pointed out one problem that I feel remains large. However while my point has been torn to shreds and myself personally under attack for that viewpoint no one has addressed why they feel that that particular comparison is unfair, misleading, or not likely to be made in this story.

In Las Vegas they had Pretender, the guy who could and did body-jack people. Just saying.
I agree he's an issue. However he is also a member of the Protectorate a group liked more than rogues or independants and whom has presumably been through power testing.

edit 2:
Or Legend just goes "Hey blackjack, is this "Captain" fellow going to be an issue if we trust him?" and Blackjack says something that translates to "Nah."
Thats one solution to the issue. But I don't think we've been given any reason to think this ever happened. It's just that in story it all seems to have been glossed over after initially it being a substantial issue.
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Thank you. Though it would be nice if you were to respond to the actual post.
Considering you threw a mini-temper tantrum when people responded to your post and disagreed with you, can you understand why people would be disinclined to do so?
myself personally under attack for that viewpoint
No such thing has been done before you made your 'sarcastic' post. If you find being told an opinion you hold is wrong constitutes a personal attack, then you've got problems you need to sort out before you spend any kind of time in an online environment.
no one has addressed why they feel that that particular comparison is unfair, misleading, or not likely to be made in this story.
If you spend less time making a shitfit and more time reading what people are and have been saying, you would have noticed that those have been done.
I'm going to do you a favor and let you figure it out, do your own research. You won't learn otherwise.
Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication Hokay. @Always Late, @Skychan? Enough.

The rules apply to the both of y'all. All this passive-aggressive sniping and bickering or whatever is accomplishing nothing, and it's not exactly conducive to the thread's health.

I'm going to leave you both with three options. The both of you can step away from the keyboard for a while to chill, y'all could take it to PMs, or y'all could escalate and force me to kick you both out of this thread.

Please don't pick option 3.

Aight, GG out. The rest of you all, stay calm and carry on, you're free to go about your business as you so desire.
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@Silently Watches - Can Devices be used to burn out the powers of parahumans without a Linker Core? It would be a good alternative to the Birdcage.
No. People need Linker Cores to bind to a Device.
So I am entirely out of line in thinking that the PRT would be less than thrilled to have someone who has significant similarities to Teacher continually interacting with their personnel without ever having a chance to put him through any kind of testing. Only his power is slightly more direct even than Teacher's in that it also has aspects of a direct master and heartbreaker because purportedly people like being under his power, and when so apparently cooperatively work under his command. Then they come back to him, time and again giving up any kind of normal life to function as his gang.

No clearly this is a completely benevolent and limited master who's powers are definitely safe to use on and around PRT personnel.
Welllll… Thanks to how everybody voted in Arc 2, no one got to see the Protectorate and PRT talking to the Privateers. I believe I implied, though didn't directly state, in 2.x that the PRT had decided the Privateers' loyalty had more to do with their drive and Captain's charisma. After all, most groups don't have a Master leading them, but they still have a sense of purpose.
Welllll… Thanks to how everybody voted in Arc 2, no one got to see the Protectorate and PRT talking to the Privateers. I believe I implied, though didn't directly state, in 2.x that the PRT had decided the Privateers' loyalty had more to do with their drive and Captain's charisma. After all, most groups don't have a Master leading them, but they still have a sense of purpose.
There is also a more direct statement that does roughly the same thing from the other direction in 2.7:
"Only Director Piggot's general displeasure with a team of normals operating in the area, but that was to be expected once you told us what Captain's power is." She shrugs and pulls out a chair for herself. "Power-granting capes are always a headache like that. We finally rated the team as a whole as Thinker 0 for expediency, which technically puts the Privateers under the Protectorate's authority and should keep anyone from looking too closely unless something serious happens."
The wide pool of bubbling, boiling water still sits there. So does the little lump of dry land in the middle. And so does the little blonde girl who was there last time. She looks up at the sound of the door, and her bright blue eyes widen. "You… You came back?"

"I guess I did," you tell her, feeling bad for your slightly dismissive tone when you see how bright and hopeful her watery smile has become. "You never told me your name."

"Cassiel. If that's okay." She looks down and whispers, "My parents didn't think I deserved a name."

Her parents? Stepping closer, you take a better look at her chains. Thick steel links come out from deeper in the pool than you can make out through the bubbles, but they end in heavy manacles that are clapped onto her wrists. A little bit of red is visible where they rest, her pale skin beneath them undoubtedly rubbed raw. More chains wrap around her forearms to bind them together. You doubt being stuck that position is anything but torturous. "Are they the ones who put you here?"

If this is the case, I am going to rub my calling that the Simurgh would subvert PS's protection in everyone's face, while giving fair credit, so goddamn hard.:V

As for the merits of the argument itself... the only issue is the rebelling=punishment angle. In canon, Simurgh had varying levels of control over the other Endbringers, having near-total control during Golden Morning and Eidolon's death. I do not think there's any system for 'punishing' rebellious Endbringers beyond the now-dead Eden and Zion. Assuming this is indeed the Simurgh, that detail's probably more a reference to her own programming shackles of the cycle and Eidolon's 'worthy adversary', or a sympathy play. Simurgh may not be able to see Taylor's future actions, but she can look at Taylor's past and others' perception of Taylor to form an up-to-date model of her personality.

To add on to the principle of 'this is the Smurgh connecting to us', she can do low-level psychic scans of the planet, and even prevent her brute-force psychic attacks from being detected all together. The song is just to make people scared. Put together the modeling, the low-intensity scans, and the ability to hide what she's even doing, and there is a valid possibility that this is the Simurgh finding the weakness in PS's protection and exploiting it.

That said, PS obviously was able to detect any changes in Taylor's mind and sever even the low-level connection, so I would guess this is a more... human form of manipulation. No Rube-Goldberg mindfuckery, just talking to and socially manipulating Taylor like a normal person could.
See the quote from Maskless 6.8 I made? Bubbling boiling pool of water, from depths of which the chains rise to bind Cassiel?
The imagery of a large boiling water pool? It's reminiscent of cauldron, the witches' brew. Yeah, sorry for being dramatic. But the point stands. With the chains rising up from the pool as well, it's another decent circumstantial evidence/red herring (underline the option you choose) indicating this is indeed Simurgh, bound by chains emerging from Cauldron.

"If Typhon can throw away monsters just to set off an alarm, he has more than we thought he did! This is too big a job for just the three of us!"
... oh shit. Noelle might not have herself as a production bottleneck.
And speaking of Typhon. So far we've been guessing it's Echidna slipping her leash and nomming her friends.

BUT! The fact the Beasts are so uniform once presented, that they have clear breeds as opposed to randomization of Echidna clones... Made me think. And reminded me of Seed, the Blasto!Taylor AU fic.

Canonically, the Travelers were driven to Brockton Bay from the Boston, both to escape the enraged Accord, and to seek cure for Noelle's condition. But, let's assume things happened differently back then. They found... a different option, with a different Boston native. Blasto is a biotinker of some renown. He makes monsters, made-to-order pegasi (or is that fanon?), and has a pre-approved killing order in case he creates anything self-replicating. That last indicates that such an event, is a distinct possibility. He is, for Travelers, a possible source of assistance. Adding Noelle to the mix, we get:

Typhon is Echidna clone of Blasto. He cares little for anyone other than Noelle, he's a decent enough source of hope, and he's more than capable enough to make the Beasts with oh-so-Traveler-like powers, and in significant numbers.

What else did I forget? Right. Two things. Vote. And a question.

@Silently Watches can you please tell me: Is there an equivalent of a "mincemeat/blade shield" spell that serves as an active destructive short-range defense, like several blades circling the mage and cutting down anyone who approaches to closely? Something like sharpened helicopter blades moving in three mutually orthogonal orbits, or the old atom/nuclear science imagery...

Right. The Vote.

[X] Learn: Charge Cartridge
[X] Plan: Sorry About That!
The PRT had nothing to do with Paige's trial. That was nothing more than a prosecution and judge allowed to trample constitutional rights in the name of making an example.
Nor does your point have much merit on a single instance of erroneous evidence.
Worm has plenty of examples of the PRT doing the same thing.

I'd say the most obvious example is Tagg's rating of Skitter as "master:6 everything else: 2" (or whatever the exact rating was), so he could take measures like putting her in anti-brute restraints, while Alexandria (who's also secretly the HEAD of the PRT) psychologically tortured her to try to extract info... All after Skitter turned herself in, and asked to join the Wards.

And Piggot's name isn't 1 letter off from Biggot by chance, it's pretty much her main character trait.

I actually has similar thoughts to Skychan when I read this, but just assumed it was handled off-screen.
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I'd say the most obvious example is Tagg's rating of Skitter as "master:6 everything else: 2" (or whatever the exact rating was), so he could take measures like putting her in anti-brute restraints, while Alexandria (who's also secretly the HEAD of the PRT) psychologically tortured her to try to extract info... All after Skitter turned herself in, and asked to join the Wards.
While those do nvolve the PRT, it's the back half of my first quote you bring up which makes it not applicable. Both of those have the same motive as Paige's trail: Establishing government control over a wild element that can destabilize the system before it becomes beyond their ability to do so.
Danny presented no such thing, so they didn't throw him under the bus back in Brockton. He hasn't reached that point in subsequent time, so there's been no reason

Now mind you, there's that back half of the motive: the ability to do something. It's capes like Butcher!Lung and Calamity Witch that the PRT/Protectorate can't hit without, at best, a pyrrhic victory.
And Piggot's name isn't 1 letter off from Biggot by chance, it's pretty much her main character trait.
But not her only main one, despite what many fanon interpretations of her are.
16.3 said:
Tattletale's eyes narrowed. "I could turn the tables on you, pick you apart."
"Please do. Waste time. You won't accomplish much. Look at me. You know as well as I do that I wear my shame and disappointment on the outside, for the world to see. I had the muscles of my legs torn apart years ago on the job, lost the ability to keep up exercise, coupled with hours behind a desk, hours of the dialysis and recovery from surgeries, no time to take care of myself with work. I know I'm ugly, I know I'm fat. There's nothing you could say to me that I haven't said to myself a hundred times over."
"You sound almost proud," Trickster said, a hint of disgust in his voice.
"I have no powers, Trickster. I'm lowly, a mere mortal compared to you. I admit it, I admitI'm weaker, slower, my options are pretty limited in a fight. But I'm tenacious. I'm shameless, if I have to be, because I refuse to lose to you." Her voice bordered on a growl as she uttered the word 'refuse'.
She also pragmatically uses Shadow Stalker due to her usefulness as a cape, despite having every reason to throw SS in the hole.
See the quote from Maskless 6.8 I made? Bubbling boiling pool of water, from depths of which the chains rise to bind Cassiel?
The imagery of a large boiling water pool? It's reminiscent of cauldron, the witches' brew. Yeah, sorry for being dramatic. But the point stands. With the chains rising up from the pool as well, it's another decent circumstantial evidence/red herring (underline the option you choose) indicating this is indeed Simurgh, bound by chains emerging from Cauldron.
I'd take more stock in this if Cauldron was still around. But they're dead.
Alexandria, Legend, and Eidolon are not Cauldron. The organization could survive without them. It couldn't survive the loss of Dr. Mother, Contessa, and their Eden base.
I think this is more a Red Herring. If the Simurgh is using this to unlock herself, then it'd make more sense to set it up as her being imprisoned unjustly by Eidolon. Taylor's got a real hate-boner for authority abuse. So a ghost or something ethereal maybe.
BUT! The fact the Beasts are so uniform once presented, that they have clear breeds as opposed to randomization of Echidna clones... Made me think. And reminded me of Seed, the Blasto!Taylor AU fic.

Canonically, the Travelers were driven to Brockton Bay from the Boston, both to escape the enraged Accord, and to seek cure for Noelle's condition. But, let's assume things happened differently back then. They found... a different option, with a different Boston native. Blasto is a biotinker of some renown. He makes monsters, made-to-order pegasi (or is that fanon?), and has a pre-approved killing order in case he creates anything self-replicating. That last indicates that such an event, is a distinct possibility. He is, for Travelers, a possible source of assistance. Adding Noelle to the mix, we get:

Typhon is Echidna clone of Blasto. He cares little for anyone other than Noelle, he's a decent enough source of hope, and he's more than capable enough to make the Beasts with oh-so-Traveler-like powers, and in significant numbers.
Blasto's creations are primarily plant-based. Given the vine-monsters we previously saw in the sewers, I do regard this as a slightly stronger possibility. Or at least Blasto involvement is part of what's going on.
Let's tally this sucker up.

[X] Plan: Sorry About That!
-[X] BUILD Power Armor
-[X] BUILD Prosthesis for Vista (natural look)
-[X] BUY Mobility
No. of Votes: 15
Always Late
Archeo Lumiere
Captain Hunt
Musical Blue

[X] Plan: Quality of Life
-[X] BUILD Power Armor (light, flying, mobility focused)
-[X] BUILD Prosthesis for Vista (natural look)
-[X] BUY Guardian Beast
-[X] BUY Mobility
No. of Votes: 6
Stone Mason

[X] Plan: Empower Friends
-[X] BUILD Power Armor
-[X] BUILD Prosthesis for Vista (natural look)
-[X] BUY Carbon Fiber Plating
-[X] SPEND remaining into Mass Weapons
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Plan Whoops, My Bad.
-[X] BUILD Prosthesis for Vista (natural look)
-[X] BUILD Prosthesis for Vista (battle oriented, better shielding, strength, ect.)
-[X] BUILD A second 3D printer
-[X] BUY Carbon Fiber Plating
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Plan Improvement
-[X] BUILD a mana generator
-[X] BUILD a set of power armor
-[X] BUY Carbon Fiber Plating
-[X] BUY Guardian Beast
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Charge Cartridge
No. of Votes: 17
Archeo Lumiere
Musical Blue
Stone Mason

[X] Blitz Action
No. of Votes: 10
Always Late
Captain Hunt

[X] Telekinesis
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Burst
No. of Votes: 1

[X] LEARN Frost Beam
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 31

Alrighty. Character sheets, inventory, and FAQ are updated, and from now on Tim's building period will start in the middle of the week while Taylor's starts in the beginning of the week. Easier to keep everything organized that way.

Also, just having an arm for Vista doesn't mean you can just stick it on with duct tape and super glue. Tim still needs a surgical suite if he wants to do any operations.
Aren't Blasto's creations plant looking because he doesn't know his specialty is actually artificial organisms or something like that?
BSWK ground-based power armor x1
1. What's BSWK stand for?
2. Can you describe what this looks like.
    • Knight Armor – Full-body forcefield that greatly reduces damage received. This will replace your Barrier Jacket.
This is what we got for unlocking Charge Cartridge. Woot-woot, time to look up some sweet female/spiky armor schemes everybody!
  • Spend 10 cartridges. You will not pass out after casting Ragnarök, but you are guaranteed to develop mana poisoning.
2. It's unfortunately one that again tests the veracity of the label, 'safe usage'.
Like anything else, too much energy is usually not good. Too much light, you get a sunburn. Too much electricity, your heart stops. Too much radiation, you turn into a glow-in-the-dark mutant zombie. This is true for magic, as well. Your Linker Core can only handle so much mana moving through it at once, and if you exceed that (say, by using cartridges), the extra energy will damage your body. Go outside the safe zone, and you're going to feel more and more sick. Really pushing the envelope can become rapidly fatal.

Thankfully, you won't do something stupid like consume cartridges like candy the way Nanoha does, right? …Right?
We're Taylor Mother-Escalation-Fucking Hebert.
Watch us beat her in a Cartridge-eating contest!:p
    • Integration (5 points) – Neural modules connect to wireless signals for infiltration purposes. Specific senses may be enhanced, and telepathic radios can be implanted.
This is what we got for buying Mobility on Tim. Telepathic radio and boosting senses. Interesting...
2. It's unfortunately one that again tests the veracity of the label, 'safe usage'.
It would definitely sideline us for however long it would take for the dangerous excess mana levels to subside.

We're Taylor Mother-Escalation-Fucking Hebert.
Watch us beat her in a Cartridge-eating contest!:p
Eh, not something we the thread should be too proud about if that happens, considering we'd likely die doing so.
1. What's BSWK stand for?
2. Can you describe what this looks like.
1. Don't worry about it. It's just something for me to amuse myself with.
2. Think of the Mk 2 Iron Man suit (the silver one from the first movie), and make it a matte grey and a little bulkier and without the repulsers.
2. It's unfortunately one that again tests the veracity of the label, 'safe usage'.
In exchange for unleashing a 30 kiloton nuclear blast at will and without (much) warning? I think you can forgive me for playing a little fast and loose with the term "safe usage".