You can thank
@kamkong for this nonsense.

We've talked about Guardian Beasts. Let's fall farther down that particular rabbit hole.
While Guardian Beasts are literally created to participate in war, they are not the sole means of uplifting animals into companions. They are instead a specific subset of Familiars.
The creation process for a Familiar is all but identical to that for a Guardian Beast, but after that things are different. A Familiar will only know one spell to start, and it will accumulate XP and learn spells just as a mage would.
Familiars can know 5 skills, all of them from the Modification or Basic tier unless they choose to specialize in tech skills or rituals.
This will either go well or impossibly bad.
By some horrible quirk of miscast magic or just a poor understanding of the principles of Familiars, it is possible for a similar ritual to be used on an autonomous "smart" gadget. Like a Roomba. This will transform it into an animalistic manatech machine with its own spell list. There are restrictions about what kinds of machines can be used for this experiment: it has to be completely autonomous, not permanently affixed to another machine or a person (which means prothetics are off the table because I apparently have to make that clear

), and it has to be roughly the size of a pet mammal. No nanites or Dragonsuits need apply.
Defenders start with one spell and learn more through XP accruement to a maximum of 4 spells. It
cannot learn tech skills or rituals. As a bonus, if the first spell is in some way related to its original function, that spell can be an Advanced tier spell rather than a Basic spell. All other spells must be of Modification or Basic tier.
Considering the prevalence of Tinkertech and Tinker-based technology, there are likely more of such gadgets on Earth Bet than in the real world. Manatech is also an option. Just don't go nuts, okay? Please?
After the Iron Defender is created, the original spell can be upgraded to the Advanced tier Silver Defender spell. This gives the Iron Defender an android form. While lifelike, do not expect it to pass for a human except under the most casual inspection.
D-rank mages can learn both of these spells, but due to their weaker Linker Cores, the maximum number of spells their Familiar or Defender knows will be reduced by 1.
INCREDIBLY MEGA IMPORTANT: Guardian Beasts, Familiars, and Defenders all serve the same niche. There are therefore mutually exclusive, and a given character can only know
one of these spells.