Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

True, but this is a non-lethal spell, so if her guns are destroyed or stolen from her, she can still cast it. And she and the girls are heroes, so having too many non-lethal options isn't exactly a bad thing.
Don't her guns have a recall feature to keep from being stolen in combat? (Or can Tim / his GBs build her gloves with that?) I mean, her device stores them 9/10ths of the time anyway, so unless she's disarmed in combat it won't come up.
Don't her guns have a recall feature to keep from being stolen in combat? (Or can Tim / his GBs build her gloves with that?) I mean, her device stores them 9/10ths of the time anyway, so unless she's disarmed in combat it won't come up.
The guns do not have a recall feature, but telekinesis or gravity manipulating gloves could fix that.
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Huh, this brings to mind two question I asked earlier. One was whether Cast Fist could be used to hold a gun (essentially use it as Mage Hand) and the answer was yes. The second was whether Maclibuin could do a ritual with another mage and turn one of their support spells into an artifact, and the answer was maybe (ie. we have to do it in-story to find out). So Telekinesis gloves may potentially be a possibility in the future.
Wanted to post this just to get it out there. Was doing some thinking about magiengineers and Tech Skills since Silently corrected my assumptions on just how interconnected they are if you want something useful. Their statement reveals you would need three skills to cover all the possible handheld weapons manatech has available (Mass + Energy Weapons and Supplemental Capacitance) which for spell slots is half of a D-rank, a third of a C-rank, and a quarter of a B-rank. Significant investment indeed.
Mechanical Intuition and the Maintenance categories are the Tech skills best suited to be bought individually, and that is only if the mage is paired with an actual Tinker or relies on a large variety of varying magitech tools/weapons.

Until a new magiengineer is trained up, Tim is the major bottleneck for gaining new equipment, undertaking major projects like Devices or larger weapons, and giving allies either superpowers, magic, or both. Since death is a possibility due to our choices or the events that would always have occurred, there is a chance of losing him and all the knowledge/skills he has acquired. Dragon is extremely busy and works differently than Tim with her magiengineering, so we would be restricted in what we could gain from her. All the current mages personalities and capabilities are unsuitable to fulfill the role of a new magiengineer. At most, Kayleigh could get Maintenance I to maintain all of the team's equipment (her guns, Samantha's sword, Missy's lightsaber), but we would get nothing new from her. For potential Gears we could get a non-random Gear from Kayleigh (that can't maintain the lightsaber but the other weapons are valid) and two possible randomized Gears from Laura and Missy (with more capabilities such as Device building and other things). For new magiengineers other than D-ranks, we'll have to find the balance between the number of required skills to reach the higher levels and what to specialize in once we reach the Advanced Tier.

This also had me thinking about how Tech skills and Masteries might interact. I see a Mastery as the Device using it's telepathic connection with its mage to tweak their brain into better understanding the concept the mastery entails, which improves spell casting efficiency allowing for greater power and control. Under that logic, could Infusion Mastery serve to improve a magiengineer's skills with (probably represented by lowering the XP cost) Supplementary Capacitance, Internal Reactor, and Off-Site Power; given that these three Tech skills involve the creation, movement, and storage of mana? Would Teleport Mastery or Movement Mastery affect the Tech Skills of Spatial Teleporter/Dimensional Teleporter and Mobility respectively? Similarly, if we manage to find a Tinker who has a Linker Core, and they don't want to lose their powers, would this deviceless Tinker mage get a bonus towards Mechanical Intuition, Digital Blueprints, and maybe Exotic Physics?

While I'm at it, ideas for things that Tim can build.
Is it possible to construct a Hardlight Weapon that behaves in a similar manner to Flash Forge constructs? Where they can cut and pierce non-living manner, but living flesh gets "simulated" pain and brain attacks cause unconsciousness with no obvious after-effects.
Can Tim build an invisibility device currently, or would he need another Exotic Physics class or to study the effects of the Cover spell?
This also had me thinking about how Tech skills and Masteries might interact
They don't, unfortunately.
Is it possible to construct a Hardlight Weapon that behaves in a similar manner to Flash Forge constructs? Where they can cut and pierce non-living manner, but living flesh gets "simulated" pain and brain attacks cause unconsciousness with no obvious after-effects.
It's… possible, but you would need to know either both the spell and the skill or get a modification for the skill. Regardless, not something Tim can do.
Can Tim build an invisibility device currently
Not currently.
Wanted to post this just to get it out there. Was doing some thinking about magiengineers and Tech Skills since Silently corrected my assumptions on just how interconnected they are if you want something useful. Their statement reveals you would need three skills to cover all the possible handheld weapons manatech has available (Mass + Energy Weapons and Supplemental Capacitance) which for spell slots is half of a D-rank, a third of a C-rank, and a quarter of a B-rank. Significant investment indeed.
One other thing that came to mind that I realized I want to address. You are correct that for a mage to become a self-sufficient engineer, it will require a large investment in their skills. What you've assumed is that they HAVE to be self-sufficient. Going back to my previous statement:
While giving Kayleigh just those two tech skills is… doable, I suppose, without the Supplementary Capacitance tech skill she would be unable to build power supplies for her weapons and will be reliant on Tim or a Gear to provide batteries and mana collectors for her. Also, she would need the Heavy Plate or Reinforcement skill to integrate weapons into power armor.
two options come to mind.

Option 1: Get a Gear, even non-random. You asked about Kayleigh building weapons and integrating them into power armor, and I said she couldn't build the batteries necessary. A Gear could, and thanks to the Heavy Plate skill, they can integrate the weapons into the armor. Essentially four tech skills for the low price of one spell slot. The Gear could also just build the weapons themselves, freeing up slots for Kayleigh to go after an advanced tech skill (assuming she had just one basic skill for it to branch off of).

Option 2: Collaborate with another tech-minded mage. If two mages have different skills, they can work together to build something that requires their combined skill set even if they couldn't build that thing independently.

I realize that it's easy to fall into the Worm mindset of "I have to do this alone", but one of the core principles of Nanoha is that cooperation is always better. If you can't do something yourself, ask for help.
Yes. If anything, maybe she'd go for on of the other gerbils in the Zoo. Flying squirrel gerbil or one of the ones with horns, perhaps.
EDIT: Although, Kayleigh's interests have been unexpected before. Fairly confident no one predicted she would be interested and skilled in guns. So I might as well ask, @Silently Watches, does Kayleigh have any unexpected tastes in pets that you can reveal that just hasn't come up in-story?
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If we don't link a Gear up with Tim's group, how many build slots do they get per week? I think I read that it was two, but I can't be sure.
You're remembering right.
Actually, I also wanted to ask, what are the prerequisites for a Basic Device? Supplementary Capacitance is obvious, but what else is essential to the construction of a Device?
Devices need the Internal Reactor skill to build their power supply. That is an advanced tier skill, however, so Kayleigh can't go straight into Devices building.
Yes. If anything, maybe she'd go for on of the other gerbils in the Zoo. Flying squirrel gerbil or one of the ones with horns, perhaps.
EDIT: Although, Kayleigh's interests have been unexpected before. Fairly confident no one predicted she would be interested and skilled in guns. So I might as well ask, @Silently Watches, does Kayleigh have any unexpected tastes in pets that you can reveal that just hasn't come up in-story?
She doesn't have any unexpected pet preferences that I'M aware of, but she has surprised me before. She would probably go for one of the other gerbils before Ralph because Ralph isn't as cuddly.
The primary reason I like getting Kayleigh a GB is that I think she'd really enjoy having a friend like that. Since she can't use the random version of the ritual, such a GB could easily be tailored to best suit her personality. Personally, I think a rabbit would be her best fit. Yes, that takes up one of her very few spell slots, but as SW pointed out, you're getting a number of skills from that one slot. GBs are simply the most bang for your buck with the current rules for ordinary Device Mages.

I won't be all that disappointed if she doesn't get one. I certainly see the many factors we have to balance to pick her best spell list. I like it more for the story elements that could derive from them than the raw practicality of the numbers, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the realities of meeting practical needs.
I admit this is probably a minority opinion, but from a storytelling perspective I feel like adding more Guardian Beasts to the core cast is just throwing more characters into the mix that frankly I don't get a sense anybody cares about beyond their mechanical utility.
Personally, I think a rabbit would be her best fit.
While I do like the idea of a rabbit, know that I've started thinking about it, I've become more and more convinced that I want Kayleigh to convert that one gerbil with flaps of skin. My reasons...
A.) We have a tank of mutant gerbils right there. We might as well use them
B.) Extra skin means more surface area for cuddling. As per Silently's post above, that's one thing she wants
C.) It's small enough to ride around in Kayleigh's pocket, or to hide in her room if her parents aren't keen on pets.
D.) Gliding Guardian Gerbil of the Gear, Gigi! I love me some alliteration. Yes, that will be my vote if we go this way.

While I am aware that we'll likely do a randomized animal/class for Laura if she gets a Beast (whereas with Missy I believe the general opinion is random class with Zeus), if we had to pick, my first choice would be a crow. Urbanization of these birds means that it can remain around Laura's house without raising any suspicion. Jotun's comments sounds like someone who would disdain the idea of a pet, so it lessens the stress between Laura and Jotun. Finally, I like the imagery of it.
I admit this is probably a minority opinion, but from a storytelling perspective I feel like adding more Guardian Beasts to the core cast is just throwing more characters into the mix that frankly I don't get a sense anybody cares about beyond their mechanical utility.
Yeah, while there certainly a mechanical benefit adding several more characters to an already crowded cast seems like it's getting to a saturation point
I admit this is probably a minority opinion, but from a storytelling perspective I feel like adding more Guardian Beasts to the core cast is just throwing more characters into the mix that frankly I don't get a sense anybody cares about beyond their mechanical utility.
Which is remarkably similar to how D&D players often are about their mage's familiar.
Ravens aren't city birds, it would stand out.
I've seen them in cities. They manage just fine.

Lets be honest, there are a hell of a lot of people who can't tell what bird belongs where, or tell a raven from a crow. You could probably get away with some pretty exotic choices.

Pick a corvid, any corvid, any available random bird even. Robins Bluejays and cardinals live in the suburbs for that matter. Just gotta get them to sit still for a couple minutes.

edit: lets get really out there. Hummingbird. On the other hand hummingbirds give no fucks and will happily attack something 17000 times their size, probably not a gear type.
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