Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

It'll be able to assist her by making bullets and guns for her as well as maintenance, which is kinda her whole thing. Plus it could act as a pack mule for her equipment, and keep her company.
The magic drain is negligible because her main thing won't be spells but shooting things.
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True, but that will be one less other spell that she can use in the field, and with only 6 available, that could be a fair bit of utility gone. She can make the bullets and perform maintenance herself, Firefly seems quite happy to supply guns and special equipment, and her Storage Device makes carrying things quite simple. As for company, Kayleigh is the most socially well-adjusted and has a family with no obvious faults, so she's probably alright on that front.
In any case, let's shelve this for now until there's an actual vote for Kayleigh's spell.
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We have two more suits of armor currently not in use.
Thinking about power armors, there is several people who're useful for our anti-Endbringers efforts, but vulnerable and/or too slow to keep up with us.

Breakdown has an awesome offensive powers, but can't fly and as far as I remember has no defense.

Epoch can fly, but has no defense beyond simple shield spell.

Teana meanwhile has a Barrier Jacket, but she can't fly and apparently too proud to ask for a lift. She'll benefit from having a flight harness.

It'll be able to assist her by making bullets and guns for her as well as maintenance, which is kinda her whole thing. Plus it could act as a pack mule for her equipment, and keep her company.
As Silently explained, the Gear won't be good at ammo producing, and Kayleigh's arsenal is not that complex to demand an additional Gear to build and maintain. Also she doesn't need a pack mule, because she can store her arsenal in her Device.
Since Kayleigh's skill is narrower, she produces 50% more per time period and has shorter time periods. She can make 105 elemental bullets in a week compared to a Gear's 20,
Yes, it would increase Gun Nut to 20 elemental or 10 non-elemental bullets daily.
Okay, so if we picked Infusion Mastery first, she could produce 140 elemental bullets in a week (or 70 non-elemental).
We haven't seen them in an update, so I may be misconstruing comments SW has made, but it certainly seemed heavily implied that the guns and ammo press we made for her were pistols. I'm thinking we should expand her arsenal in a couple of weeks, but want the Devices to sacrifice for Standstill's Template first.
Maybe we can have her duel pistols combine and shift into a sniper format all RWBY style
Does anyone have a list of what counts as an Element? Fire, Ice, Lightning, sure. What else is a definite "element" that can be made into a bullet?
Pretty sure that such elemental powers are an addition by our QM, because Nanoha itself mostly deals with pure mana spells and pretty much nothing else.
Nope. Mana Conversion Affinity is a thing in Nanohaverse. Though the only ones shown in the shows are fire and lightning. Though ice/freezing is mentioned as a rare MCA in background material.

Agito the unison device grants fire MCA to her mage for example when unisoned.

There's also freaks of nature like Rio Wesley who has *both* fire and lightning mana conversion affinity.

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It'll be able to assist her by making bullets and guns for her as well as maintenance
As has been mentioned, Kayleigh is far better at making her ammo than a Gear could even dream of, and that's without something like Infusion Mastery. Her guns themselves, at least the ones Firefly will be giving her to start, are not manatech or Tinkertech. They're just normal guns, so Kayleigh can do maintenance on them herself with her mundane knowledge. No spell slot needed.

If she gets mechashift weapons or something, THAT she would need a skill to maintain, but if we wanted her to be mostly independent she could learn the mechashift skill herself to make and maintain her own weapons or a dedicated maintenance skill to apply to most of her gear.
Does anyone have a list of what counts as an Element? Fire, Ice, Lightning, sure. What else is a definite "element" that can be made into a bullet?
As far as this quest is concerned, there are only three elements in Nanoha-verse, all of which you mentioned.
There's also freaks of nature like Rio Wesley who has *both* fire and lightning mana conversion affinity.
Actually, I'm ruling that she doesn't have EITHER mana conversion affinity, mostly because a mage can only have one Rare Skill. We've seen that mages without an MCA can still use elemental attacks, and even a mage with one can still use other elements just with effort (e.g., Taylor with Flare MCA casting Frost Beam). Rio just focused all her effort on learning fire and lightning spells despite having no inherent advantage for either one.
It's been said many times that getting her a Gear is a waste of a spell slot.

It has been argued, true, but since it's an opinion, statements like this are not really appropriate. I like the idea of her having a Gear so she can get a lot of utility items without spending Tim's build slots, but most likely won't be voting for it. As a result, I don't see it as a wasted spell slot, as there are reasons both for and against it, just not enough for to win, currently. My opinion on the matter may change as time changes the characters.

As Silently explained, the Gear won't be good at ammo producing, and Kayleigh's arsenal is not that complex to demand an additional Gear to build and maintain. Also she doesn't need a pack mule, because she can store her arsenal in her Device.

There are a number of items that have been proposed for Tim to build that a Gear could make that would add smaller benefits to her while Tim focuses on the big things. Magic ammo isn't on that list, true, or, rather, this specific application of magic ammo. Grenades, explosive bullets, tranquilizers... there are many ways a Gear could be useful.
there are only three elements in Nanoha-verse
Thanks for that, keeps us from asking about that later. So Non-elemental is just any exotic effect that isn't those three? What I've got right now are Timestop and Kinetic Force (maybe Sound, as Tzardok) mentioned, are you willing to list other and/or will Kayleigh be able to be "inspired" to create her own bullet variants?
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Thanks for that, keeps us from asking about that later. So Non-elemental is just any exotic effect that isn't those three? What I've got right now are Timestop and Kinetic Force (maybe Sound, as Tzardok) mentioned, are you willing to list other and/or will Kayleigh be able to be "inspired" to create her own bullet variants?
Correct, any exotic effect that isn't those three is considered non-elemental. A pure kinetic blast is NOT sound; if you tell me you want a "sound bullet", I'm going to make it a burst of sound and that's it. Sound as an "element" in video games is a dumb name in the first place.

Getting off my soapbox now. Since Kayleigh technically got her bullet press on Sunday, the same day as MM's interlude, she'll start off with some lightning bullets as well as explosive, gravity, and tracking bullets.
"Guns?" Firefly perks up at that, her eyes alight with interest. "Now you have my interest. Between me and my twin, I am the one with the greater interest in weapon-crafting. There were some ideas I have had for exotic ammunition based on Sir's historical records. They should work with modified firearms."
Especially as one has already expressed interest in working with Kayleigh.
Correct, any exotic effect that isn't those three is considered non-elemental. A pure kinetic blast is NOT sound; if you tell me you want a "sound bullet", I'm going to make it a burst of sound and that's it. Sound as an "element" in video games is a dumb name in the first place.
Sound in D&D at least usually refers to oscillating sound, not just a single loud sound, so whatever the target is has to deal with resonant waves, not just a single large burst. (Except Knock, which is a magical thump on the side of the lock to jostle it open)

This is why things like Shatter do massive damage to crystalline creatures or solid objects to which a resonant frequency could be determined while it does fuck all to non crystal creatures. Shout and Greater Shout are not just Fus-Ro-Dah, they're a primal scream for 6 seconds and create waves of pressure.
Warning: Don't be jerks guys. It's not worth it.
why we gotta be jerks to each other?
Like, I'm pretty certain that it's not that hard to be civil with each other. Regardless of whether or not you're the QM or a player, you're expected to behave according to the rules of the site while while participating in the thread. Daedwartin, if you wish to actually participate in the thread in the future, I advise you to familiarize yourself with SV's rules - specifically Rule 3: Be Civil, which you have violated for your heated and unnecessary comments against the QM - and keep them in mind in the future.

We want people to enjoy themselves on this site, not try to rip each other's throats out. Please keep that in mind everybody.
Pretty sure that such elemental powers are an addition by our QM, because Nanoha itself mostly deals with pure mana spells and pretty much nothing else.
Not quite. When Riot Force 6 starts going against people that no-sell magic-based attacks they develop mass-based weaponry that can take advantage of their elemental affinity; namely, Signum's Fire Affinity and Fate's Lightning Affinity.

The problem with Force is that there's so much cool stuff in it, but it gets screwed due to being in Force.
Not quite. When Riot Force 6 starts going against people that no-sell magic-based attacks they develop mass-based weaponry that can take advantage of their elemental affinity; namely, Signum's Fire Affinity and Fate's Lightning Affinity.

The problem with Force is that there's so much cool stuff in it, but it gets screwed due to being in Force.
Agreed. I maybe got a dozen chapters into Force before getting fed up with it.

By the way, I just added another modification to the list that I KNOW I'm going to regret in the future. Probably sooner than later.