Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Another thing to consider for Missy is upgrading her battle arm and/or power armour. Right now, it has a good defence with the hardlight buckler shield and the auto-repair nanomachines, and increased strength and the particle cannon for offense. Unless I am misunderstanding what the "Free Power Slots: 0/5" means and we actually can't add anything else to the arm, can anyone confirm what this means?
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Another thing to consider for Missy is upgrading her battle arm and/or power armour. Right now, it has a good defence with the hardlight buckler shield and the auto-repair nanomachines, and increased strength and the particle cannon for offense. Unless I am misunderstanding what the "Free Power Slots: 0/5" means and we actually can't add anything else to the arm, can anyone confirm what this means?

That's saying there are 0 free slots out of five possible. A couple of different combat arms with weapons for different circumstances might be worthwhile now that she can store them, provided we don't abuse that enough to bring on SW's wrath.

Of course, we could also give her weapons she can hold, so the advantages of making them arms would need to provide a benefit beyond what a held weapon can offer. For example, the hardlight shield built into her arm doesn't require that she actually hold anything, meaning that hand can hold something while the shield is active.
That's saying there are 0 free slots out of five possible.
Ahh. Thank you for explaining, the format was a little weird to me. For weapons she's been given a Khopesh, and if she's using her particle cannon she needs that hand clear. If we had any free slots I would have suggested the time dilation weapons, the taser fingers, or the mechashift syringes.
But Hey! We've got 2 free slots on her power armour. The gravity grapple seems like a good choice for that, any other ideas?
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@Silently Watches, since Zeus and Ralph have functional Linker Cores, what differences does that make if we use them as the base of a Guardian Beast instead of a non-Linker Core animal? Also, would Zeus's Lightning MCA be shared with his mage if he was a Guardian Beast or would it only be on him?
With Missy as a Double A Battery Speed Demon Energizer Bunny, maybe we could repurpose her suit for Kayleigh's use to save some Tech slots?
Double A Battery Speed Demon Energizer Bunny
Add Cyborg with her legion of [insert summons here] to that description. Why would she want to give up her power armour, especially when her Haste Mode reduces her Barrier Jacket's defence? Blitz Action will possibly make her armour a high-speed wrecking ball to decimate enemies and buildings which get in her way. Also, it's possible repurposing the suit would also take up tech slots, since it would need to be re-fitted to Kayleigh's size and have an arm installed since Missy's skips her combat arm. Better to just build an armour specifically for Keyleigh.
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Add Cyborg with her legion of [insert summons here] to that description. Why would she want to give up her power armour, especially when her Haste Mode reduces her Barrier Jacket's defence? Blitz Action will possibly make her armour a high-speed wrecking ball to decimate enemies and buildings which get in her way. Also, it's possible repurposing the suit would also take up tech slots, since it would need to be re-fitted to Kayleigh's size and have an arm installed since Missy's skips her combat arm. Better to just build an armour specifically for Keyleigh.
Should we add a scouter for Kayleigh that doubles with a zoom function to skip on adding scopes to some of her longer range guns
@Silently Watches, since Zeus and Ralph have functional Linker Cores, what differences does that make if we use them as the base of a Guardian Beast instead of a non-Linker Core animal? Also, would Zeus's Lightning MCA be shared with his mage if he was a Guardian Beast or would it only be on him?
First, only Zeus has a functional Linker Core. Ralph is what happens on a critical failure for the serum. As for using them compared to a standard animal, Silently hasn't fully decided for Ralph, while Zeus would keep his Lightning MCA. However, Zeus' MCA would not be shared with his mage.
@Silently Watches, since Zeus and Ralph have functional Linker Cores, what differences does that make if we use them as the base of a Guardian Beast instead of a non-Linker Core animal? Also, would Zeus's Lightning MCA be shared with his mage if he was a Guardian Beast or would it only be on him?
First, only Zeus has a functional Linker Core. Ralph is what happens on a critical failure for the serum. As for using them compared to a standard animal, Silently hasn't fully decided for Ralph, while Zeus would keep his Lightning MCA. However, Zeus' MCA would not be shared with his mage.
Both Ralph and Zeus have Linker Cores. Ralph IS an example of a critical failure, but that hasn't come with the risk of no LC for a while.

As for what the difference would be, most of the time there isn't one. Zeus has a lightning MCA, so he would get invulnerability to lightning attacks and would add lightning to any attack spells he gets should he get one. A Tome, for instance, doesn't have any attacks, so it wouldn't come into play. Ralph would remain aquatic in his pet and war forms, but that's because of the mutation itself. His LC is nothing special.
Scouter would probably be great, since I doubt that Kayleigh's Storage Device has this available like Perfect Storm does.
Kayleigh's Device can zoom in on things.
Add Cyborg with her legion of [insert summons here] to that description. Why would she want to give up her power armour, especially when her Haste Mode reduces her Barrier Jacket's defence? Blitz Action will possibly make her armour a high-speed wrecking ball to decimate enemies and buildings which get in her way. Also, it's possible repurposing the suit would also take up tech slots, since it would need to be re-fitted to Kayleigh's size and have an arm installed since Missy's skips her combat arm. Better to just build an armour specifically for Keyleigh.

We have two more suits of armor currently not in use. Converting either of those would not lose Missy the use of her existing armor. Even if we do convert a suit for Kayleigh, we'd still have one more for Paul to use while we're deciding whether we like him enough to risk a mutagen and template on him. We just need to include him in subvotes because SW has said that even if a character shows up for a scene and participates in some fashion, if we don't explicitly include their presence in a sub vote, it doesn't count as part of the counter to improve the odds of a beneficial result from the LCM. Any vote where his presence is appropriate, which in this last vote only Bone of the Father was appropriate of the winning choices, that we do not include a subvote is sacrificing a point for his counter.

I'm not driven by the mechanical aspects, but I do keep them in mind. I'm interested in how the character Paul develops, and want him participating in these updates, but it is leaving him out and sacrificing those points when the only reason is that people aren't committed to the eventual recruitment that gets under my skin.
We just need to include him in subvotes because SW has said that even if a character shows up for a scene and participates in some fashion, if we don't explicitly include their presence in a sub vote, it doesn't count as part of the counter to improve the odds of a beneficial result from the LCM.
I explicitly said in my vote to invite him to punch Nazis, because it's a good American pastime.
SW has said that even if a character shows up for a scene and participates in some fashion, if we don't explicitly include their presence in a sub vote, it doesn't count as part of the counter to improve the odds of a beneficial result from the LCM
Not quite. If I decide to make a character just show up out of nowhere, then it doesn't count as a social activity for them. If you vote on an activity that includes them, either because you're intentionally socialing them or because that is an activity vote that includes them, it will still count. For instance, Bone of the Father pt 1 was meant to include Paul, so that counted for him. Going on Final Frontier to Cauldron's base will include Legend, so that counts for him.

The issue is stuff like with Kayleigh, where I kept throwing her at for multiple chapters. THAT doesn't count because it was my doing, not yours.
You want something like Deadshot's monocle scouter right?

Because the first thing that comes to my mind when someone says "Scouter" is DBZ and... yea...
Was thinking Scouter cause it also acts like a radar and stuff maybe other visual assistance and tagging targets also dont know much of Deadshot so yea (also might have been cause i just finished rewatching Freezer Saga of DBZA)
Was thinking Scouter cause it also acts like a radar and stuff maybe other visual assistance and tagging targets also dont know much of Deadshot so yea (also might have been cause i just finished rewatching Freezer Saga of DBZA)
Most of what I know of him can be summed up as "He's DC's version of Bullseye, but not a mutant / mutate, less of a dick in general and more mercenary"

Here's his intro in Suicide Squad Linky. You can see the target prediction stuff going on in the first half of the clip.

The radar and such would probably be tied into the same HUD.
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Not quite. If I decide to make a character just show up out of nowhere, then it doesn't count as a social activity for them. If you vote on an activity that includes them, either because you're intentionally socialing them or because that is an activity vote that includes them, it will still count. For instance, Bone of the Father pt 1 was meant to include Paul, so that counted for him. Going on Final Frontier to Cauldron's base will include Legend, so that counts for him.

The issue is stuff like with Kayleigh, where I kept throwing her at for multiple chapters. THAT doesn't count because it was my doing, not yours.

That's better. It's why I was pushing for him to be in the subvote in the first place, as it seemed perfectly suited for him, giving us a better understanding of the character, so not including the subvote was a waste of potential.

I explicitly said in my vote to invite him to punch Nazis, because it's a good American pastime.

Many people voted for Bone. Very few included the sub-vote. Generally, less than 50% including that sub vote means the sub vote doesn't happen. SW's post just now relieves a good deal of my concern on the matter.

Was thinking Scouter cause it also acts like a radar and stuff maybe other visual assistance and tagging targets also dont know much of Deadshot so yea (also might have been cause i just finished rewatching Freezer Saga of DBZA)

Devices explicitly have some degree of sensors even when not paired with something like Wide Area Search. Details on exactly what that means are sparse, though, so we need SW to weigh in on the matter if we want to know enough to know whether building her some sensor gear would be of any benefit. Since her currently built equipment appears to be a pair of pistols, I think we might want to build her a sniper rifle as well so she has a number of options to deal with whatever she faces. A shotgun/grenade launcher/warhammer might be another good option for her; not three separate weapons, one mechashift weapon. :)
A shotgun/grenade launcher/warhammer might be another good option for her; not three separate weapons, one mechashift weapon.
Definitely agree about the mechashift weapon, but Kayleigh's doesn't seem like close-combat will ever be something she chooses, so I'd go with a gun that morphs into something for defence or mobility. My personal idea would be a rifle where the barrel splits open to form projectors for a hardlight tower shield with a kinetic or timestop shotgun in the centre.
That's better. It's why I was pushing for him to be in the subvote in the first place, as it seemed perfectly suited for him, giving us a better understanding of the character, so not including the subvote was a waste of potential.

Many people voted for Bone. Very few included the sub-vote. Generally, less than 50% including that sub vote means the sub vote doesn't happen. SW's post just now relieves a good deal of my concern on the matter.

Devices explicitly have some degree of sensors even when not paired with something like Wide Area Search. Details on exactly what that means are sparse, though, so we need SW to weigh in on the matter if we want to know enough to know whether building her some sensor gear would be of any benefit. Since her currently built equipment appears to be a pair of pistols, I think we might want to build her a sniper rifle as well so she has a number of options to deal with whatever she faces. A shotgun/grenade launcher/warhammer might be another good option for her; not three separate weapons, one mechashift weapon. :)
Considering she got second on a state sharpshooting tournament (not sure if I remember that right) id assume she would get a sniper at least
Definitely agree about the mechashift weapon, but Kayleigh's doesn't seem like close-combat will ever be something she chooses, so I'd go with a gun that morphs into something for defence or mobility. My personal idea would be a rifle where the barrel splits open to form projectors for a hardlight tower shield with a kinetic or timestop shotgun in the centre.

A shotgun mode provides a number of benefits. While I think she would prefer handguns for close range fighting, a shotgun has loads of applications in the kind of cape shenanigans she's going to be getting into. For instance, if you're fighting a swarm of things, whether bugs, animals, animated boogers, whatever, the area blast is more useful for clearing large chunks of whatever it is. Magitech grenades have been on Tim's build ideas list for a couple of years at this point; giving her a grenade launcher would make those more useful and less risky for her use. Shotguns and grenade launchers have enough in common that mechashift isn't unreasonable even with our tech, out here in meat space, much less Tim's.

Considering she got second on a state sharpshooting tournament (not sure if I remember that right) id assume she would get a sniper at least

We haven't seen them in an update, so I may be misconstruing comments SW has made, but it certainly seemed heavily implied that the guns and ammo press we made for her were pistols. I'm thinking we should expand her arsenal in a couple of weeks, but want the Devices to sacrifice for Standstill's Template first.
Details on exactly what that means are sparse, though, so we need SW to weigh in on the matter if we want to know enough to know whether building her some sensor gear would be of any benefit.
Most of the HUD stuff Taylor has used in story is available to Storage Devices
Considering she got second on a state sharpshooting tournament (not sure if I remember that right) id assume she would get a sniper at least
You remember right
We haven't seen them in an update, so I may be misconstruing comments SW has made, but it certainly seemed heavily implied that the guns and ammo press we made for her were pistols. I'm thinking we should expand her arsenal in a couple of weeks, but want the Devices to sacrifice for Standstill's Template first.
The guns Kayleigh has (or will get, technically) are both pistols. The bullet press can be reconfigured for other rounds.
We'll need to get Kayleigh Infusion Mastery and her own GB of the Gear.
Maybe some kind of long range x-ray scanner and Bullet Time Spell too.
Character-wise, it's also a bit weird since Kayleigh has parents and friends who would notice the addition of a brand new person in her life who lacks a background and some social norms.
But yes, first spell for Kayleigh should either be Infusion Mastery or Sprint.