Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] (Boost Device) Summoner

Don't think Missy would appreciate full summoner. I just hope we can raise her defense later on somehow.

Edit: Changed my vote. I think Missy would enjoy being a walking WMD, and it's not like she's just going to sit around and do nothing while her summons are out. We gave her the particle cannon, after all.

Just feels like a waste of her extremely rare and powerful rare skill to do otherwise, and I doubt we're getting any more summoners, aside from the IE template.
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'Speed is armor' has never actually been true, regardless of what the French Navy would have had you believe.
it works for martialartists and airplanes. It's also the entire design philosophy of japanese mechs, which given this is an anime crossover is relevant. It doesn'twork for the Navy because, seriously, they only go a few dozen miles an hour in the first place.
[X] (Boost Device) Full Naruto

Mostly a lurker who is rarely around in time for the votes, but Missy in this story wants to fight, summoner is awesome, this is best of both worlds. And given Silently said that there is the option getting the jacket swap only on the starting loadout, that will be a must along with flight.

Flight because Missy wants freedom, jacket because we want to keep Missy alive.
[X] (Boost Device) Summoner

For a Summoner I believe its a hell lot more optimal to have the defenses to endure anything that gets past their summons. They get AoE AND Single Target Boost spells, so they'd have a Guardian Beast(Knight) to melee for them while they get the time and space to call up their Buster summons.

...THEN they drop buffs on the Buster summon.
Unlike the Busters and Breakers of other types, while a summoner takes a bit longer to deploy their summons, they can receive buffs, and they generally stick around for the duration of the remaining battle. And its an utterly expendable combatant.

The main reason for a summoner to go melee is their personal satisfaction, without diverting half their spells to it they won't really be very damaging in melee, at least, no more than Taylor using Flare Blade is good(they'd roll anything street level easily, but for anything A class parahuman and above you really want to double down on your Busters/Breakers instead).

...keeping in mind you don't NEED to give her a direct attack weapon. We built a particle beam into her arm already.
They get AoE AND Single Target Boost spells
I went looking through the wiki because I can't remember this ever being shown in canon, and I can't find it there either. I won't say we CAN'T do it, but AoE Boosts would be advanced tier spells rather than the basic tier. Likewise, just as Enchant spells are already advanced tier by default, making them AoE would turn them into WTF tier.
And its an utterly expendable combatant.
This part I'm not sure about. Apparently there's a spell that Lutecia uses to send Garyu off the battlefield to protect him from getting hurt, so I might make summons, or at least the Champion and Giant summons, similar to Barrier Jackets in that when damaged, they need time to recover. Not entirely sure how I'll play that, but any further information anyone can find on what the wiki calls "Repatriation" I'd appreciate.
Spell Tiers
In fact, just to make it easier on me later let me start up a list of spells and their appropriate tiers so we have something to reference from here on out.

  • General
    • Homing Bullet – Upgrade for Shooting spells. Bullets now self-correct their trajectories to chase targets.
    • Burst – Modification for Shooting spells. Bullets can be set to explode upon contact or remotely.
    • Trick Shot – Upgrade for Shooting spells. Bullets will bounce on solid surfaces until they hit a living target.
    • Modifications for weapon-enhancing spells that add additional properties, like splash damage or damage over time. Name based on caster's preference.
    • Shatter – Upgrade for Flash Forge. With a mental command, constructs can explode rather than simply dissipate.
    • Alternate Barrier Jacket/Knight Armor forms that diminish defense in exchange for a self-directed buff.
    • Triggers that automatically cast another prespecified spell when the spell the trigger modifies connects or some other condition is met.
    • Reactive Armor – When hit by an attack, the part of the Barrier Jacket that was damaged explodes outward to hit the attacker.
    • Distant Caster – Champion summons can cast spells that their mage knows. The mana to do this comes from the summoner's Linker Core.
  • Masteries
    • Animation Mastery – Increases mage's capability with golemancy and related animation spells.
    • Attack Mastery – Increases mage's capability with directly damaging spells, allowing them to cast these spells while focusing on something else entirely.
    • Boost Mastery – Increases mage's capability with increase-type spells that improve the recipient's abilities like Strike Boost, Barret Boost, and Cape Boost.
    • Break Mastery – Increases mage's capability with decrease-type spells that diminish the recipient's abilities like Strike Break, Shell Break, and Focus Break.
    • Enchant Mastery – Increases mage's capability with enchant spells that give the recipient new abilities like Defense Gain, Soul Wings, and Recovery.
    • Kinetic Mastery – Increases mage's capability with spells that manipulate kinetic forces like Telekinesis, Singularity, and Heavenfall.
    • Infusion Mastery – Increases mage's capability with spells that store or transfer mana like Divide Energy, Vampire Ray, or Charge Cartridge.
    • Medical Mastery – Increases mage's capability with healing spells like Physical Heal, System Purge, and Fortify Spirit.
    • Movement Mastery – Increases mage's capability with movement spells like Blitz Action and Aerial Combat.
    • Teleport Mastery – Increases mage's capability with teleportation spells like Spatial Translocation, Dimensional Transfer, and Forced Displacement.
  • Tech skills
    • Carbon Fiber Plating – Improved coverings reduce the damage armor receives from physical blows.
    • Subdermal Voltaic Lattice – A superficial layer of wiring reduces the damage armor receives from energy attacks.
    • Potion Master – Make drinkable versions of serums.
  • Offensive
    • Shooting spells to attack enemies at a distance. Name based on caster's preference.
    • Spells that increase a weapon's attack power. Name based on caster's preference.
    • Sniper Stun – Shooter with higher flight speed and barrier-breaking effect. Only one bullet can be fired at a time.
    • Force Blast – Short range kinetic semi-bombardment spell.
    • Cast Fist – Project a hand that can attack people at a distance.
    • Flash Forge – Create small mana constructs.
    • Ring Bind – Conjure rings of magic that wrap around target's limbs to lock them in place.
    • Chain Bind – Capture target in conjured chains.
    • Cover – Turns the caster invisible.
    • Blitz Action – Move at high speeds that are difficult to follow with the naked eye.
    • Purple Haze – Distorts target's senses.
    • Entangle – Slow down the flow of time for the target.
    • Strike Break – Decrease force or speed of the target's physical attacks.
    • Shell Break – Decrease target's physical resilience.
    • Focus Break – Decrease target's mental acuity.
    • Thorns – Create a damaging aura around the caster.
  • Defensive/Supportive
    • Protective magic shields.
    • Spells that enhance some attribute of the caster, such as strength or speed.
    • Mirage – Create short-lived illusionary "alter-images" that distract the caster's opponents.
    • Sprint – Speed up the flow of time for the caster.
    • Strike Boost – Increase force or speed of the recipient's physical attacks.
    • Barret Boost – Increase force of the recipient's energy attacks.
    • Physical Heal – Heal mild to severe injuries.
    • System Purge – Remove toxins and debilitating parahuman effects.
    • Fortify Spirit – Transfer mana to cure physical and mental fatigue for a time.
    • Create Boosted Artifact – Enchant an item so that it will grant a milder version of a support spell to whomever uses the item. The caster must know the support spell in question.
      • Alternatively, a more specific version (e.g., Create Strike Boost Artifact) can be used without knowing the support spell itself, but this cannot be expanded to cover other support spells if they are learned later.
  • Utility
    • Telekinesis – Move objects with only the power of the mind. The maximal force that can be applied is enough to lift and move other people.
    • Area Search – Send out non-damaging 'bullets' or drones to map out the immediate area. The area is smaller than Wide Area Search, but it takes less time to examine. Useful for melee mages.
    • Wide Area Search – Send out non-damaging 'bullets' or drones to map out the nearby area. The area is larger than Area Search, but it takes more time to examine. Useful for bombardment mages.
    • Dimensional barriers to isolate a battlefield and prevent damage from slipping into the real world.
    • Charge Cartridge – Store mana in bullet casings for later use.
    • Swarm level summons. RARE SKILL REQUIRED.
    • Lesser Golemancy – Create/summon a small golem.
    • Guardian Beast – Uplift a single animal's consciousness and give it combat and human forms. It has an innately known spell list.
      • Familiar – Uplift a single animal's consciousness, but instead of using innate spells it gradually learns spells much like a mage would.
      • Iron Defender – Create an abomination of magic by trying to transform a "smart" machine into a Guardian Beast/Familiar.
    • Divide Energy – Transfer mana to target.
    • Blink – Line of sight teleport.
  • Tech skills
    • Heavy Plate – Suits of power armor can be built.
    • Mass Weapons – Construct physical weapons capable of shifting forms.
    • Energy Weapons – Construct laser and hard light weapons.
    • Supplementary Capacitance – Build mana batteries and collection panels, and adapt non-Tinker technology to run off mana.
    • Mechanical Intuition – Understand Tinkertech enough to perform field repair.
    • Strike Boost Serum – Brew serums that increase strength and/or speed.
    • Maintenance I – Repair manatech built with a basic tier tech skill despite not being able to build it.
Spells past this point are restricted to certain Device types. "A" means it can be cast by Armed Devices, "B" by Boost Devices, and "I" by Intelligent Devices. Tech skills can be used with any Device type.

  • Offensive
    • Buster spells to deal incredible damage to enemies. Name based on caster's preference. (AI)
    • Gigant Fist – Project a massive fist to inflict incredible damage to enemies. (BI)
    • Singularity – Create a gravity well to pull in targets to a single point. (AI)
    • Temporal Sludge – Slow the flow of time within an area to a third of its normal rate. (AI)
    • Crescendo – Speed up the flow of time time within an area to three times its normal rate. (I)
    • Mass Strike Break – Strike Break applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Mass Shell Break – Shell Break applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Mass Focus Break – Focus Break applied to everyone in an area. (B)
  • Defensive/Supportive
    • Shell Barrier – Creates a translucent shield over the caster and those nearby. (A)
    • Lion's Pelt – Coats the mage in an additional defensive forcefield for a brief time. (A)
    • Mass Strike Boost – Strike Boost applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Mass Barret Boost – Barret Boost applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Grand Resuscitation – Stabilize critical injuries so the victim can be evacuated for definitive care. (B)
    • Defense Gain – Enchant spell that grants temporary damage resistance to an ally. (B)
    • Soul Wings – Enchant spell that grants temporary flight to an ally. (B)
    • Healing Factor – Enchant spell that grants temporary regeneration to an ally. (B)
    • Quicksand – Liquify solid surfaces and manipulate the liquid. (AI)
  • Utility/Mobility
    • Basic Flight – Ability to fly, though not while fighting. It can be cast without a Device.
    • Aerial Combat – Ability to fly while engaged in combat. It is so refined that it can be cast by any Device.
    • Greater Telekinesis – A more advanced and more powerful version of basic telekinesis. The maximal force that can be applied is enough to lift and move small vehicles. (ABI)
    • Champion level summons. RARE SKILL REQUIRED. (B)
    • Siege level summons. RARE SKILL REQUIRED. (B)
    • Greater Golemancy – Create/summon a large golem. (ABI)
    • Silver Defender – This skill can NOT be learned directly. It must be upgraded from the Iron Defender skill for 2 XP. It can be cast by Storage Devices.
    • Spatial Translocation – Teleport to somewhere else in the same dimension the mage is already in. (ABI)
    • Forced Displacement – Teleport targets to somewhere else in the same dimension without accompanying them. (B)
  • Tech skills
    • Reinforcement – Both prosthetics and power armor can be built.
      • If the Heavy Plate skill is already known, it can upgraded to this skill for an additional 2 XP.
    • Mobility – New joint designs allow for faster movement, and thruster assemblies permit basic flight.
    • Internal Reactor – Build mana generators that are small enough to be installed in devices.
    • Basic Device – Build Storage Devices that supplement spellcasting.
    • Advanced Device – Build Intelligent, Armed, and Boost Devices that advise and support their mages in addition to assisting spellcasting.
    • Large Weapons – Construct weapons that are so large they must be mounted on a solid surface or carried by power armor to fire effectively.
    • Digital Blueprints – With repeated exposure, the overall design of a piece of Tinkertech can be adapted to magic and replicated.
    • Spatial Teleporter – Build teleportation pads or portals that reach anywhere on the planet.
    • Maintenance II – Repair manatech built with an advanced tier tech skill despite not being able to build it.
  • Offensive
    • Breaker spells that cause enough destruction they can kill entire cities. Name based on caster's preference. (AI)
    • Mistilteinn – Drop spikes that turn any living thing they hit into stone. (A)
    • Diabolic Emission – Area of effect attack that injures or outright kills all living things it touches. (A)
  • Defensive/Supportive
    • Heavenfall – The pinnacle of telekinetic might. The maximal force that can be applied is enough to move even buildings. (ABI)
    • Dead Calm – Create a field of stopped time around the caster in a 20 foot radius that stops all incoming attacks. The field lasts for 3 real-time seconds, though for the caster it feels like everything suddenly jumped forwards in time. (AI)
    • Giant level summons. RARE SKILL REQUIRED. (B)
    • Breath of the Soul – Restore the normal function of someone's heart and lungs after cardiopulmonary arrest. (B)
    • Mass Defense Gain – Defense Gain applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Mass Soul Wings – Soul Wings applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Mass Healing Factor – Healing Factor applied to everyone in an area. (B)
    • Dimensional Transfer – Teleport across dimensions. (B)
  • Tech skills
    • Massive Weapons – Construct weapons with destructive capabilities that rival Breaker spells.
    • Off-Site Power – Build room-sized power plants and associated distribution systems.
    • Exotic Physics – With even more exposure, the underlying principles of Tinkertech are understood and can be used in new designs.
    • Unison Device – Build Unison Devices that act independently of their mages.
    • Dimensional Teleporter – Build teleportation pads or portals that bridge dimensions.
    • Maintenance III – Repair manatech built with a WTF tier tech skill despite not being able to build it.
This will be yet ANOTHER thing I constantly keep updated that nobody will ever look at, won't it?
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I opened five tabs for informational posts and the character sheets when making my plan for Device and Spells! I read and check them!

... I am probably in the extreme minority, but your effort is appreciated.
Glad somebody does.
Depends on how much we can play with it/see it in story.
Considering the new Device system means Missy, Laura, and Kayleigh will continue to grow more powerful, I sure hope you'll play with it a lot in story.
I went looking through the wiki because I can't remember this ever being shown in canon, and I can't find it there either. I won't say we CAN'T do it, but AoE Boosts would be advanced tier spells rather than the basic tier. Likewise, just as Enchant spells are already advanced tier by default, making them AoE would turn them into WTF tier.

This part I'm not sure about. Apparently there's a spell that Lutecia uses to send Garyu off the battlefield to protect him from getting hurt, so I might make summons, or at least the Champion and Giant summons, similar to Barrier Jackets in that when damaged, they need time to recover. Not entirely sure how I'll play that, but any further information anyone can find on what the wiki calls "Repatriation" I'd appreciate.
I have Garyu pegged as the same as Friedrich, they're a special case Familiar as primary Boost recipients rather than summons, since they are persistent.

When you say Buster tier summon I think of Lutecia's Siege Beetle instead. Damage it enough and it just unsummons.