Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

So what you are saying is we need to introduce Shipwright to the Protectorate so his tech can be tested and approved before they will let him install the arm on Vista? Even then I'm sure the surgery would be under observation.

I think I know one of the activities we will be planning to do in the future.
That, in fact, is not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is good fucking luck at getting this hare-brained scheme approved.
In fact, let me explain just why this will never happen.
  1. The PRT knows nothing about Shipwright. Remember how they closed ranks around Vista when she was injured? That mentality was not a one-off. Well-meaning independent or not, performing surgery on a Ward is not something they'll sign off on without a great deal of assurance. Assurance they won't get because
  2. Bio-Tinkers aren't trusted in Earth Bet. Let's name the bio-Tinkers mentioned in the series: Bonesaw, Nilbog, Blasto. Not the best representatives, and from Blasto's interlude, it's clear there is little leeway given to them. And your first request would be to let them see the insides of one of their Wards. Sure, that will make them trust you.
  3. You mentioned the PRT testing his tech. That's yet another rub. Tinkers of all stripes, at least all those shown in the series, use electricity to power their inventions. Magitech does not rely on electricity at all. They have no way to verify that it is what you say it is and that it will do everything and only what you promise it will do.
  4. Part of the tech you're talking about implanting is a miniature reactor. Do you know what you call a reactor that fails? A bomb. You want to stick a bomb in a little girl?
  5. You're asking to implant Tinkertech into a thirteen-year-old's body. Tinkertech that is well known to be difficult to maintain when it's out in the open. And you want to have it put inside someone, where to perform any kind of maintenance he would have to open her up again?
  6. A. Bomb.
  7. How much can he really trust his inventions? He's been a Tinker for all of a few weeks, and he hasn't built much. A few production tools, a single suit of power armor. None of this stuff has been field tested. He's never tried to repair it. How long does it last before it develops problems? How long before it risks critical failure? He doesn't have the slightest clue.
tl;dr: The PRT won't give Shipwright permission or assistance in performing surgery on Vista for what in their eyes are very good reasons not to trust his tech.
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Pertinent image?

Yep! But keep our jacket and make it a little longer, put some plates in her forearms, and a light gauntled in our dominant hand (it was the left, i think?) and maaaaybe a little on the sides of the jacket itself.

Also, upgrade the Zettai Ryouiki to at least an B+/A. It's important. Trust me.
tl;dr: The PRT won't give Shipwright permission or assistance in performing surgery on Vista for what in their eyes are very good reasons not to trust his tech.
Seems like we kind of squandered a build slot then. Disappointing, but live and learn I guess.

Also, upgrade the Zettai Ryouiki to at least an B+/A. It's important. Trust me.
Not too keen on going too far towards "fanservice" for something that is supposed to protect us.
Do you know what you call a reactor that fails? A bomb.
Your other reasons make sense but this right here is kinda wrong in real life. Failing reactors can certainly cause problems but they never explode on their own unless they've been deliberately tampered with (i.e. replace everything inside with actual bomb components) or literally built completely wrong in the first place (i.e. Chernobyl). Even fusion reactors don't explode at all in real life, they just putter out if containment is ever breached. It's not like it's safe if any kind of reactor fails, there's obviously radiation to worry about, as well as heat/coolant release and such, but never explosions. Granted this is fiction, so you can do whatever but I wanted to mention.

Now battery/capacitor tech can definitely explode under the right conditions....

So... we just voted to build an arm that we'd need to kidnap Vista to install? Or rather, do it while intentionally keeping it a secret from the PRT?
Our best bet might be to just show up with the arm and go "I GOT A PRESENT FOR VISTA". Naturally they won't let us put it on her, but it would allow them to run tests on it. Given that an Endbringer Attack is coming up soonish, they might fast track the analysis of it, especially if we go and answer any questions they may have.
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So... we just voted to build an arm that we'd need to kidnap Vista to install? Or rather, do it while intentionally keeping it a secret from the PRT?
Seems like we kind of squandered a build slot then. Disappointing, but live and learn I guess.
Kidnap? No. Vista would let you do this in a heartbeat. She really wants two hands again. And the PRT/Protectorate will have a much harder time saying no to a fait accompli.

However, Gadgeteer is probably the hardest template to play with because of what it entails and the setting of the quest. I'm kind of glad this template didn't win because trying to write that kind of quest as my first would be a bigger task than I could have handled.
So... we just voted to build an arm that we'd need to kidnap Vista to install? Or rather, do it while intentionally keeping it a secret from the PRT?
...I think our only option is to offer it like a token of good will and leave at that.
Not too keen on going too far towards "fanservice" for something that is supposed to protect us.
Ha! If I didn't know better, I'd think what you're saying is dangerously close to heresy. ZR is nothing as crass as this "fanservice" you're speaking of.
Kidnap? No. Vista would let you do this in a heartbeat. She really wants two hands again. And the PRT/Protectorate will have a much harder time saying no to a fait accompli.
...I think our only option is to offer it like a token of good will and leave at that.
Ooooooor, get Vista away from the PRT, ask her, then shuffle her over to Tim for an appointment.
The trick is that first step.
Our best bet might be to just show up with the arm and go "I GOT A PRESENT FOR VISTA". Naturally they won't let us put it on her, but it would allow them to run tests on it. Given that an Endbringer Attack is coming up soonish, they might fast track the analysis of it, especially if we go and answer any questions they may have.
You know, if we did this, we would almost be black mailing the PRT. Vista would know we know a Tinker who build an arm for her and the only reason she is stuck with one arm is because the PRT won't approve the the new Tinker doing surgery on their Ward.

Too bad the Armsmaster, Dragon, or some other Protectorate Tinker could build an adapter for her to use the arm. It would likely be easier for them to build their own version of a prosthetic then it would to come up with a tinker tech adapter between human flesh and magic tech.

Ooooooor, get Vista away from the PRT, ask her, then shuffle her over to Tim for an appointment.
The trick is that first step.
As long as we are aware this will piss off the PRT as we would be going behind their back and implanting untested tinker tech in their Ward. Sure they might forgive us later, but they would be pissed for a while, and we would lose a bit of trust with them too.

Edit 2:
I've got a question about the new tech we unveiled:
Integration (5 points) – Neural modules connect to wireless signals for infiltration purposes. Specific senses may be enhanced, and telepathic radios can be implanted.

Do the Nerual modules need to be implanted or can it be made into the form of a headset? If he can build something like the headset used to control the micro bots in Big Hero Six, it might be possible to have the prosthetic arm held in place by a harness and let Vista control it via the headset. It might be a bit awkward, but at least it wouldn't require surgery and it would be more likely to pass PRT testing.
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Do the Nerual modules need to be implanted or can it be made into the form of a headset? If he can build something like the headset used to control the micro bots in Big Hero Six, it might be possible to have the prosthetic arm held in place by a harness and let Vista control it via the headset. It might be a bit awkward, but at least it wouldn't require surgery and it would be more likely to pass PRT testing.
Those need to be implanted.
Too bad the Armsmaster, Dragon, or some other Protectorate Tinker could build an adapter for her to use the arm. It would likely be easier for them to build their own version of a prosthetic then it would to come up with a tinker tech adapter between human flesh and magic tech.
As long as we are aware this will piss off the PRT as we would be going behind their back and implanting untested tinker tech in their Ward. Sure they might forgive us later, but they would be pissed for a while, and we would lose a bit of trust with them too.
Our version is better than theirs. They want to get pissy we did their job better than them, we have the moral high ground./semi-kidding
Tvtropes disagrees with you.

All joking aside, whether the GM decides it's too fanservice-y or not, I'm not going to be too bothered by it. I wasn't suggesting to go all Kill la Kill. I mean, in terms of fanservice Zettai Ryouiki is pretty mild? I see it on the streets relativily often, and I may have seen enough that I'm kind of inured to it. I dunno, I just don't think it rates that high when compared to other things.

That said, heresy will be punished.

@Silently Watches. Which skill tree would lead us to telepathy-blocking technology? How much range could we give it, on a personal scale? On a radius?

This isn't going to end with us metaphorically chopping off the PRT's legs, is it?

Of course not, silly. We'll break their legs!
Actually now that I think about it, does anyone outside of Us and the Pirateers know about Shipwright yet?

Cause I was Thinking Dragon might like to talk to Shipwright sometime, as she has expressed interest in the technology behind Perfect Storm. While Tim can't build anything on Perfect Storms level, he does at least have a basic understanding of magitech now and he might be able to answer some of the questions Dragon originally had for us.
She also pragmatically uses Shadow Stalker due to her usefulness as a cape, despite having every reason to throw SS in the hole.
you can be a bigot and a pragmatist at the same time, they're not mutually exclusive.

Also, that bit you quoted does show Piggot being a bigot...
merriam-webster said:
Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Also, just having an arm for Vista doesn't mean you can just stick it on with duct tape and super glue. Tim still needs a surgical suite if he wants to do any operations.
And of course you failed to mention this while we were still
Of course, I'm not willing to test that theory - who knows what bad things would happen if we get ourselves killed - but still...
My money's on PS hijacking some poor sod's body, and re-writing them into us, with all the issues that entails.

Also, for the record, I'm in favor of going behind the PRT's back to get the prosthetic installed in Vista.
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My money's on PS hijacking some poor sod's body, and re-writing them into us, with all the issues that entails.
That's pretty much been my impression as well.
Also, for the record, I'm in favor of going behind the PRT's back to get the prosthetic installed in Vista.
I'm against it. TSAB will be here in a matter of weeks, at most a few months. They can verify weather it's safe or not, which to be fair isn't something we know either.
With regards to the seemingly potentially useless paperweight of a prosthetic arm we made for Vista, it seems like we might be able to go with a kind of "It's the thought that counts" route with it. In a way, at least.

In character, Taylor probably doesn't know this so she'd probably give it to the Protectorate anyways, not knowing they'd not let Vista use it. Depending on how she delivers it to the Protectorate, or Vista, this could mend, or even build some bridges. Especially if we introduce them to a friendly tinker who can build levels of bullshit no one else really can, or can use. Remember, it's all powered by magic(Or is it Magicka? I can't honestly remember what magic-derived word for that thing is this time).

Depending on how we approach that this could either be a great thing or a bad thing. If we do it well, likely with Dragon's help considering all her work with us contacting the space wizards (I honestly can't remember what they're called, I know nothing of Nanoha(Is that what it's even called?)). Since it's powered by Magicka (you know what I mean) that should mean that no one else who isn't actually a mage could even use it. At least, not for long. Not if we build it with the right failsafe. That would mean that whatever we build it would always have some kind of innate fabrication protection tech in it, making us the exclusive producers of whatever the hell Tim cooks up and with the ability to actually control our own stuff through remote deactivation (We could do that, right? Just stop the flow of Magika or deactivate the magic battery.)

Vista's robot arm could be our "in" for the Protectorate, we could give it to them earnestly, probably through a sympathetic(or at least reasonable) ear, and while the may say no to the whole, "Lets stick on the 13-year-old girl" idea, they might be interested in the quality of the cybernetics as well as the fact that the first piece of hardware we've given them isn't some kind of magi-tech death ray, or something equally terrifying for them. Sure, it might not be the first thing we made, but it's about the introductions.

If we introduce Tim as our magical Tinker of useful tools and defensive tech then they might take the idea of him working with us, and with them, better than if the first they saw him make was a magical nuke.

And considering all out conversations with Dragon and the space wizards, along with our own growth, it seems like it'd be a better idea to introduce them to Tim(Or is it Shipwright?) than later. Especially if we could get the Protectorate's help (and resources) with Tim's tinkering. We're all on the same side here, and we all know the pant-shitting terror of an Endbringer taking off the kid gloves.

These are just my thoughts on the matter of the "Vista Magical Automail the Protectorate will not let us put on her" problem
In character, Taylor probably doesn't know this so she'd probably give it to the Protectorate anyways, not knowing they'd not let Vista use it. Depending on how she delivers it to the Protectorate, or Vista, this could mend, or even build some bridges. Especially if we introduce them to a friendly tinker who can build levels of bullshit no one else really can, or can use. Remember, it's all powered by magic(Or is it Magicka? I can't honestly remember what magic-derived word for that thing is this time).
Given @Silently Watches exhaustive list of reasons the PRT would say no, I don't think there's any wiggle room on that issue.
Vista's robot arm could be our "in" for the Protectorate, we could give it to them earnestly, probably through a sympathetic(or at least reasonable) ear, and while the may say no to the whole, "Lets stick on the 13-year-old girl" idea, they might be interested in the quality of the cybernetics as well as the fact that the first piece of hardware we've given them isn't some kind of magi-tech death ray, or something equally terrifying for them. Sure, it might not be the first thing we made, but it's about the introductions.
One of which was the inability of the PRT to evaluate the 'tinkertech', partially since it uses no electricity. Thus, there's no real introduction, only a repeat of what we had with Dragon.

You've clearly put alot of thought into this, but I unfortunately have to tell you it's not going to work out like that. The only IC or OOC options for us is to get VIsta away from the PRT to make the surgery. That the PRT would be skeptical of the magitech and try to prevent Missy from getting it is an easy conclusion given Taylor's had the PRT/Protectorate push her away before and Dragon was skeptical of magic before the Adept reveal.
(I honestly can't remember what they're called, I know nothing of Nanoha(Is that what it's even called?))
You've seen it mentioned in the story: Time-Space Administration Bureau. Think UN mixed with the FBI in multiple dimensions/universes.
And yes, the common shorthand for Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is, well, Nanoha.
Not too keen on going too far towards "fanservice" for something that is supposed to protect us.
The appearance has nothing to do with the level of protection, so why not? Plus looking at that armored skirt, the 'level' of Zettai Ryouiki he is talking about would actually provide more coverage.

On the topic of the prosthetic, give Dragon a mana generator, the math side of things , the arm, whatever else she needs and let her do all the work.

Though we need to buy some of the Tinkertech related things from the Gadgeteer skill tree before we send Tim over so he can actually benefit from this.
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The only IC or OOC options for us is to get VIsta away from the PRT to make the surgery.
Just give it to her let the PRT deal with testing(yes, we know ooc that it won't pass for pretty much ever) and wait.

It'd put pressure on the PRT to find SOME solution for her injury if nothing else because everyone else and Vista herself will be adding pressure.

That it makes Vista happier with us and less so with the PRT is sort of a bonus.