Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I keep looking at my plans for the next chapter, which was supposed to be the intro to the fight against the remaining but splintering Leviathan family of the Fallen, and the more I look at it, the more I'm just not feeling it.
For the same reason Arcana didn't participate in Kansas City fight against Behemoth family.

Can we really be sure that Mama Mathers is dead and Silently is not under her thrall? 🤔
For the same reason Arcana didn't participate in Kansas City fight against Behemoth family.

Can we really be sure that Mama Mathers is dead and Silently is not under her thrall? 🤔

Nah, it's more that trying to balance fights with just Taylor and Sam has been a pain in the ass since Arc 4 or 5, and adding Missy and Laura and Kayleigh and now Sarah – while great for character interaction and social scenes – adds even more firepower to the side that already had more than enough. Writing curb stomp after curb stomp gets very boring after a while. I would need fights with either near-Triumvirate-level opponents or literal armies to match them, and justifying either is tough.

Nanoha simply has such a higher power ceiling, and power FLOOR for that matter, than Worm does that it's kind of ludicrous.
You're a nurse in the US, right? Is your workload still through the roof, or have things normalized on that front?

Vaccine rollout is making excellent progress, after all and should be starting to influence infection rates.
I'm good with skipping Arcana vs. the Fallen and just riding straight to the cleanup. We've got bigger fish to fry on both a personal level (Kayleigh and the shipping gods demand more awkwardness!), a local level (the velociraptors have yet to come home to roost with Winter Hill) and on a big plot level (we need to finish Dragon's collection of Endbringer heads. That fireplace is looking awfully spare) to worry overmuch about a bunch of cultists now that their plot armor is ash in the wind.
You're a nurse in the US, right? Is your workload still through the roof, or have things normalized on that front?

Vaccine rollout is making excellent progress, after all and should be starting to influence infection rates.
Physician, actually. And interestingly enough, even though the number of COVID patients is going down, the total number is staying higher than it should be this time of year. My colleagues and I have to wonder if it's because telemedicine, while better than nothing, is that much inferior to in-person visits that people's chronic diseases are flaring up more than normal, or if this is just the inevitable aftermath of people spending the last year locked in their homes.
You won't hear complaints from me on skipping the battle. Character interactions are always great and we already had a huge fight recently anyway (resort) plus another smaller skirmish (helping the PRT mage squad). I'd be fine with shifting the focus for a bit.
Honestly, I personally would prefer Taylor and co. doing stuff other than stomping on the Fallen.

After all, we've already slaughtered the most dangerous part of the Fallen and the portion that allowed the Fallen to be as untouchable as they were before Arcana was a thing.

What's left is clean up. Something the PRT and the Protectorate can damn well do. Unless they are so incompetent that they can't even do that after Arcana has exterminated the Simurgh branch of the Fallen for them.
I far prefer you throwing that out than losing the quest, and understand what it's like to have your interest in something suddenly desert you. Do what you need to do. We'll most likely survive any disappointment.

I'm always an enthusiastic fan of your fight scenes, they really are some of your best work for me behind the much rarer to find anywhere "detailed research/ritual magic" moments that non-tinker Escalation can't really get into. But I also certainly understand the urge to speed up and prioritize with how current events have slowed progress, and the difficulties of balancing these late-game characters. A small part of why I'm hoping to see Taylor and friends join up with the TSAB for more adventures rather than stick around to manage Earth's uplifting and reform :V

Maybe following a classic route and going hunting for any S-class types that remain (obviously S9 and some are gone) would help there, now we're with Dragon Tech?

Alternately, you could try something of a reverse to the Wolfhead fights lately, and make any of the fight-scenes an interlude focused more on how Kayleigh or the other new people fight while Taylor is present but off-camera , for something different without impacting plot? Just Suggestions <3

After all :V I am an Admiral and founding shipwright for the HMS Fire&Ice shipping fleet, I will hardly complain about more focus on social events!!! Doing a recent re-read of threadmarks (moments like the gun range and the mall with K&L ) , I've wondered what exactly Taylor's hobbies are that she might share with Laura.

Considering Laura's thought-out philosophical moments at the birthday party and (averted or not) Florida, and Taylor's history as something of a nerd with a Lit-Professor mama, maybe theres something to be found there discussing old classics book club style? (With a side of Kayleigh and Missy bonding over aleph-import Mahou Shoujo manga and snickering that the powerhouse blasters are bookworms) ?
I'm always an enthusiastic fan of your fight scenes, they really are some of your best work
It's never become not weird to have people say this. My fight scenes are actually my least favorite things to write or re-read, with very few exceptions such as the Taylor-saving-Missy-from-the-Fallen massacre, and that has less to do with the "fight" and more to do with her mental state falling apart. Certainly my fights aren't as good as a lot of other authors'.
the much rarer to find anywhere "detailed research/ritual magic" moments
You'd probably enjoy Spells in Silence, then. Hazel has already had several "How does spell work" moments, and will have many many more in the future.
Maybe following a classic route and going hunting for any S-class types that remain (obviously S9 and some are gone) would help there, now we're with Dragon Tech?
Just don't go hunting Sleeper. Since his power was never explained in canon (or at least not in Worm, I don't know about Ward), it gives me free rein to come up with whatever I want. That is NEVER a good idea! :rofl:
Just don't go hunting Sleeper. Since his power was never explained in canon (or at least not in Worm, I don't know about Ward), it gives me free rein to come up with whatever I want. That is NEVER a good idea! :rofl:

He actually got some screen time in Ward, though I only know it second hand. I think he maybe killed Ziz or kept her unable to leave his area of influence, not sure. It was something like there's an area of unstable reality in a huge area around him. Like, a massive rainbow storm of matter annihilation, with broken physics.
He actually got some screen time in Ward, though I only know it second hand. I think he maybe killed Ziz or kept her unable to leave his area of influence, not sure. It was something like there's an area of unstable reality in a huge area around him. Like, a massive rainbow storm of matter annihilation, with broken physics.
Yeah, no. That's too tame for me to use. :D
The only thing we actually know for certain about it from Ward is "From the outside it looks like a large rainbow bubble thing of impossible colors" and "Once something goes in there you can write it off, even if the thing in question is an Endbringer".

Actually, no, there was that one line where they were recruiting people to hold off the Sleeper... Here, found it:

"I don't suppose any of you feel brave enough to go up against Sleeper? Absolute invulnerability better than Alexandria's, special brains, absolute annihilation powers?"

There has been a lot of speculation on how those three things in particular could be useful against Sleeper, and a lot of possible interpretations have cropped up. There's plenty of room to play around with the information we do know though.
It's never become not weird to have people say this. My fight scenes are actually my least favorite things to write or re-read, with very few exceptions such as the Taylor-saving-Missy-from-the-Fallen massacre, and that has less to do with the "fight" and more to do with her mental state falling apart. Certainly my fights aren't as good as a lot of other authors'.
Ah, another case where the author of a story believes their writing to not be good while the fans disagree. Sure, you probably wouldn't get an award for the quality of your writing, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I quite like it myself.
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Hey guys, it's update time. Update ABOUT the quest, not update FOR the quest.
If I'm reading this correctly, this means that Arcana would still be there at the fight, but we would only see the Aftermath?

If so, then I'd be fine with it so long as we still get the XP points for all of the participating characters.
My fight scenes are actually my least favorite things to write or re-read
See, this I get - it's the stuff you spend time agonising over than you hate to go back to, not the stuff you get right straight away, and you specifically have never been quiet about hating writing fight scenes. My only advice would be that if you hate rereading them so much, you should do so when you can in order to see what you got right, what you didn't, what you'd change and what you'd keep the same. That way, next time you need a fight scene, you can refer back to those ideas and use them to speed up and/or lessen the pain of writing it.
It's never become not weird to have people say this. My fight scenes are actually my least favorite things to write or re-read, with very few exceptions such as the Taylor-saving-Missy-from-the-Fallen massacre, and that has less to do with the "fight" and more to do with her mental state falling apart. Certainly my fights aren't as good as a lot of other authors'.

You'd probably enjoy Spells in Silence, then. Hazel has already had several "How does spell work" moments, and will have many many more in the future.

Just don't go hunting Sleeper. Since his power was never explained in canon (or at least not in Worm, I don't know about Ward), it gives me free rein to come up with whatever I want. That is NEVER a good idea! :rofl:

Well, you were just talking about how hard it is to do appropriately even-sided fights...
So here's what's going to happen. We're skipping the Fallen fight because it's just becoming more and more of a millstone around my neck. Next chapter will be the press conference, and then I'm going to try to write that PHO interlude.
Whatever you need to do. If writing out the Fallen fight is causing you this much stress, then just dump the whole thing like a rock.
I'm assuming that the press conference announcing Arcana's decision to join DragonTech (since I believe it's coinciding with handing over the timebubble-popper) will also potentially reveal the other choices from the last Tech vote? So we'd see Missy's new arm design (with "more bark," which now that we know her summons is hilarious in retrospect) and what Sparky's cannon gives us for Tim's Exotic Physics.

And the PHO interlude...There's a lot that can be done with that. Giving us the internet's view on Arcana is one thing, but you could also include several other topics to give us a view of what's going on in the rest of the world, drop new plot hooks or foreshadowing for us to chew on, or just give us something random like a music recommendation thread. And this format could be a way to make the Leviathan Fallen curbstomp more interesting by framing it as a livestream reaction to the Fallen attack in progress and people giving their unfiltered reactions to Arcana's counter attack, potentially being on the scene at the time. Whatever you write Silently, know I will be ready and eager to read it.:)👍

Arc 15 is a social arc, which have been the parts over the last year or two that have become the easiest and most enjoyable to write.
Oh hell yes. During the slow periods this year and my imposed break, I brainstormed several potential social events and I am excited to bring them out for peer review when the eventual vote comes around.
I'm assuming that the press conference announcing Arcana's decision to join DragonTech (since I believe it's coinciding with handing over the timebubble-popper) will also potentially reveal the other choices from the last Tech vote?
(with "more bark," which now that we know her summons is hilarious in retrospect)
Glad the joke works :D
but you could also include several other topics
Oh hell yes. During the slow periods this year and my imposed break, I brainstormed several potential social events and I am excited to bring them out for peer review when the eventual vote comes around.
Why wait? The arc's getting to its end soon, and more time to chew over things would help us better work through the details.
Why wait? The arc's getting to its end soon, and more time to chew over things would help us better work through the details.
You know what? Why not. I'll post them in the order I'd like to see them occur.
  • [] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
    -[] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster went. Was it a successful "Unison?:lol:"
    -[] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
Dragon asked for Taylor to scan her workforce during this last arc, and I fully admit that I'm weak to direct requests from the characters themselves. Scanning Dragon's team gives us new Magiengineers, increasing our total build slots, which allows us to make more every week, as well as potentially moving into artifact and serum territory. It also gives us a new block of character creation that should be under our control, unlike Pentagram. Depending on how the rolls go, might get some interesting potentials to try some things with. And since these are engineers working for Dragon, show off all the ways they could improve themselves and we may get a few interested in mutations
  • [] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
    -[] Go to Earth He to practice Vampiric Ray. Use up some magic first investigating the ruins. Bring Samantha along for a target/companionship as she is also immune to the environment.
    -[] Taylor has a Flare Mana Conversion Affinity that converts Mana into Fire/Radiation . Let's test if that functions in reverse by using Vampiric Ray on the volcanic surroundings to convert Fire/Radiation into Mana.
    -[] Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti. How she got her Flare Mana Affinity or what made her develop Starfield Harvest are on-topic questions to ask.
Quite proud of this social I came up with. Combines three activities in a way that logically functions as a single event. Bringing Vampiric Ray up to Mastery (and possibly finding out if it can convert radiation into mana like Overdrive) should not be done around anything we care about, so going off-world to practice works. Taylor and Samantha are immune to the hellish environment of Earth He, so they can explore it freely. And of course, Orianna has done all of the things that we are practicing, so asking Storm about her history makes sense in this context. Silently has lamented a few times that we haven't explored Earth He more, so there is potentially something juicy to be found on that world.
  • [] Now that the Wolfheads are functionally gone, we should figure out what to target next in Phillie. Track down Circus to get their opinion on what's going on with the city's villains.
This accomplishes a couple of things. One, it gives us a source of intel on the gangs of Phillie that isn't Laura eavesdropping on Winter Hill/her father and potentially getting outed as a hero. Two, Circus is one of the few people we have social counts for obtaining magic that isn't a problematic choice to recruit as a mage, so adding another social tally wouldn't go amiss.
  • [] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
    -[] Join Legend and the current Flight team in Chicago to start a new branch of the Operation.
    -[] Invite Missy along to say hi to her old teammate.
I think it's been stated that Legend wanted Chicago to be the next branch to receive the mage treatment. Pentagram can teach them the attitude and ideals from the ground up, and have a complete set of Guardian Beasts to train up the newbies. Missy can show off her new look to Clockblocker and reconnect with her former Brocktonite. I'm also thinking it's fairly plausible that the Chicago Protectorate has at least one of the guaranteed Linker Cores. On one hand, we have Myrrdin, who is canonically a "magic cape" for the heroes like the Adepts were "magic" for the villains. On the other hand, we also have the second-in-command, Revel, whose abilities are essentially a Deviceless Calamity Witch's. Flight, energy absorption, programmable blasts, that's the bombardment package.
If we wanted another location for a new branch, then my next choice would be New Orleans, since we'd see Kayden and find out exactly what we missed out with her, and Theo, since I have a list of more Breaker forms for him that would cover the entire E88 powersets.
  • [] Spend time with the Enforcers
    -[] Bring Dragon along to speak with AI-friendly people.
    -[] Get a general overview of who's on the crew and where their skills lie.
    -[] Ask for info on Earths 3,4,6-9, and 11.
With the Enforcers, we know only a few things about who is available to help us. We know Lanster, who specializes in shooting and illusions spells (as well as a bind), knows Starlight Breaker and Recursion Field, but cannot fly or teleport. Erga wields an axe, can fly (and possibly teleport), has Recursion Field but only has a Buster-level shooter. Also for fliers there was a spear-wielder, and a sword-wielder who can teleport. There is Sambar, the medic, who also is a teleportation specialist (has Dimensional). Bringing Dragon is flavour so she can talk with people for whom AI is not only expected, but and integral part of their society. And the Enforcers teleported to several Earth's before they got to Earth Bet and ambushed Taylor, so why not grab their notes while we're there.
  • [] Hang out with Epoch and Maclibuin. Formally invite them to join Arcana.
    -[] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and to grease the wheels to get them to join up.
    -[] Bring along Lacey to chat with Mac about Magical healing. Experiment with Maclibuin's Artifact spell to see him make an artifact with another mage's spells.
    -[] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
We have the Linker Core Serum, may as well see if these people, who were willing to be part of a "villain" group, if they would risk a mutation to obtain magic.
Obviously, not all of them would be interested, but we may as well know who to talk to. Some likely joined for a safety in numbers things, or have more personal reasons, but there were likely some true believers as well. I know Argus was a hero, Geomancer's power seemed applicable to a Rogue, and Planeswalker deserves the possibility of getting teleportation without the specific scenarios required.
I know that it was mentioned in the Sunny AAR that Mac and Lacey could have chatted about healing, so bringing it back here works out. Sarah can now offer her perspective as someone who has joined up with us of some of the benefits.