Why wait? The arc's getting to its end soon, and more time to chew over things would help us better work through the details.
You know what? Why not. I'll post them in the order I'd like to see them occur.
- [] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster went. Was it a successful "Unison?
-[] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
Dragon asked for Taylor to scan her workforce during this last arc, and I fully admit that I'm weak to direct requests from the characters themselves. Scanning Dragon's team gives us new Magiengineers, increasing our total build slots, which allows us to make
more every week, as well as potentially moving into artifact and serum territory. It also gives us a new block of character creation that should be under our control, unlike Pentagram. Depending on how the rolls go, might get some interesting potentials to try some things with. And since these are engineers working for Dragon, show off all the ways they could improve themselves and we may get a few interested in mutations
- [] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[] Go to Earth He to practice Vampiric Ray. Use up some magic first investigating the ruins. Bring Samantha along for a target/companionship as she is also immune to the environment.
-[] Taylor has a Flare Mana Conversion Affinity that converts Mana into Fire/Radiation . Let's test if that functions in reverse by using Vampiric Ray on the volcanic surroundings to convert Fire/Radiation into Mana.
-[] Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti. How she got her Flare Mana Affinity or what made her develop Starfield Harvest are on-topic questions to ask.
Quite proud of this social I came up with. Combines three activities in a way that logically functions as a single event. Bringing Vampiric Ray up to Mastery (and possibly finding out if it can convert radiation into mana like Overdrive) should not be done around anything we care about, so going off-world to practice works. Taylor and Samantha are immune to the hellish environment of Earth He, so they can explore it freely. And of course, Orianna has done all of the things that we are practicing, so asking Storm about her history makes sense in this context. Silently has lamented a few times that we haven't explored Earth He more, so there is potentially something juicy to be found on that world.
- [] Now that the Wolfheads are functionally gone, we should figure out what to target next in Phillie. Track down Circus to get their opinion on what's going on with the city's villains.
This accomplishes a couple of things. One, it gives us a source of intel on the gangs of Phillie that isn't Laura eavesdropping on Winter Hill/her father and potentially getting outed as a hero. Two, Circus is one of the few people we have social counts for obtaining magic that isn't a problematic choice to recruit as a mage, so adding another social tally wouldn't go amiss.
- [] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
-[] Join Legend and the current Flight team in Chicago to start a new branch of the Operation.
-[] Invite Missy along to say hi to her old teammate.
I think it's been stated that Legend wanted Chicago to be the next branch to receive the mage treatment. Pentagram can teach them the attitude and ideals from the ground up, and have a complete set of Guardian Beasts to train up the newbies. Missy can show off her new look to Clockblocker and reconnect with her former Brocktonite. I'm also thinking it's fairly plausible that the Chicago Protectorate has at least one of the guaranteed Linker Cores. On one hand, we have Myrrdin, who is canonically a "magic cape" for the heroes like the Adepts were "magic" for the villains. On the other hand, we also have the second-in-command, Revel, whose abilities are essentially a Deviceless Calamity Witch's. Flight, energy absorption, programmable blasts, that's the bombardment package.
If we wanted another location for a new branch, then my next choice would be New Orleans, since we'd see Kayden and find out exactly what we missed out with her, and Theo, since I have a list of more Breaker forms for him that would cover the entire E88 powersets.
- [] Spend time with the Enforcers
-[] Bring Dragon along to speak with AI-friendly people.
-[] Get a general overview of who's on the crew and where their skills lie.
-[] Ask for info on Earths 3,4,6-9, and 11.
With the Enforcers, we know only a few things about who is available to help us. We know Lanster, who specializes in shooting and illusions spells (as well as a bind), knows Starlight Breaker and Recursion Field, but cannot fly or teleport. Erga wields an axe, can fly (and possibly teleport), has Recursion Field but only has a Buster-level shooter. Also for fliers there was a spear-wielder, and a sword-wielder who can teleport. There is Sambar, the medic, who also is a teleportation specialist (has Dimensional). Bringing Dragon is flavour so she can talk with people for whom AI is not only expected, but and integral part of their society. And the Enforcers teleported to several Earth's before they got to Earth Bet and ambushed Taylor, so why not grab their notes while we're there.
- [] Hang out with Epoch and Maclibuin. Formally invite them to join Arcana.
-[] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and to grease the wheels to get them to join up.
-[] Bring along Lacey to chat with Mac about Magical healing. Experiment with Maclibuin's Artifact spell to see him make an artifact with another mage's spells.
-[] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
We have the Linker Core Serum, may as well see if these people, who were willing to be part of a "villain" group, if they would risk a mutation to obtain magic.
Obviously, not all of them would be interested, but we may as well know who to talk to. Some likely joined for a safety in numbers things, or have more personal reasons, but there were likely some true believers as well. I know Argus was a hero, Geomancer's power seemed applicable to a Rogue, and Planeswalker deserves the possibility of getting teleportation without the specific scenarios required.
I know that it was mentioned in the Sunny AAR that Mac and Lacey could have chatted about healing, so bringing it back here works out. Sarah can now offer her perspective as someone who has joined up with us of some of the benefits.