Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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If Mary goes into acting, I wonder 8f she will want to play a Maleficent or Maleficent-like role?
What with her love of pretending to be a dragon and all.

You know it would be pretty cool if Mary did some voiceacting and got to play Astrid in How to Train your Dragon, which I imagine has the potential to be her favorite film series, especially with it being part of Lucasfilms as Dreamworks here. If one of Mary's younger siblings gets into Yugioh I can also see her making a Blue-Eyes or Red-Eyes deck.

He did not get caught and he made it to France.

Sorry my friend, but the world continues to turn.

When that scummy petition by Hollywood to let Roman get away with his crimes is made I want Bruce to take a stand and tell France to give up Roman and let him pay for his crimes. I can imagine that if he was ever asked on the topic he'd say that if he ever ran into Roman he'd beat the man to a pulp and drag him back to America.

Yes and Yes.

Roy actually doesn't know its her, and most people think she's just an Irish fantasy writer who was modestly successful, and whos husband is actually a very big European construction company that can help them build a potential Eurodisney.

Yep.. that will be adorable with more the family in LA.

Lol, I can only imagine Disney people's reaction when she eventually drops the bombshell that she's the Goose's sister. Hey at least we get free Disneyland tickets.

William is still doing construction work? Since he tried to pursue writing with Cat in Hollywood, I imagined that after the car accident he became Cat's editor to spend more time home with the kids and help Cat with her career while also helping with a dream of his, maybe working on scripts proper when they return to LA. Also he owns a construction company? I thought he was just a manager for an Irish company.

Look forward to more fluff action with the Powells and Mary bonding with little Sarah and Bruce. Now with their kids and grandkids all in California, makes you wonder how long Joseph and Sarah will be on the East Coast.

You know with all the bashing that Hollywood receive because of their actions it would be funny to create a movie to just troll them even harder, like with all the stupid actions that they used and just generally dunk on them, like i'm surprised we didn't try to make a movie making fun of them

You know I actually have a film idea in my head called "The Greatest Worst Show Ever Made" which is autobiographical film made by Bruce that delves into the shitshow of MASH season 1 but ends on a high note with him meeting Carrie. If we can't legally do that then we can make a fictionalized version centering on a WW2 movie that also goes to shit and make it semi-autobiographical.

After Empire, I think it'd be worth it to build a distribution company in Australia, Canada, India, Ireland (Europe) and Nigeria (Africa), extending our reach into those regions and helping them grow.

Alternatively, placing them in the future -ollywoods to help pull in some of those directors, helping to capture some of that revenue as well.
1BollywoodMumbai-based Hindi language film industry, India
2PollywoodPunjabi language film industry in India and Pakistan
3Lollywood.Urdu and Punjabi films of Pakistani film industry in Lahore.
4ChhollywoodChhattisgarhi language film industry based in Chhattisgarh, India
5TollywoodBengali film industry in West Bengal, India/Telugu film industry in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
6KollywoodTamil language film industry, based in Chennai, India./Nepal's film industry
7MollywoodMalayalam film industry in Kerala, India
8SandalwoodKannada language film industry in Karnataka, India.
9JollywoodAssamese language film industry in Guwahati, Assam
10OllywoodFilm industry of Orissa, India in Oriya language
11Sollywood y.Sindhi film industry
12DhaliwoodFilm industry of Bangladesh
13KariwoodKarachi based film industry of Pakistan
14KaliwoodNepali cinema based in Kathmandu
15DhollywoodFilm industry based in Gujarat, India in the Gujarati language
16GhollywoodFilm industry in Ghana
17HillywoodFilm industry in Rwanda
18KannywoodFilm industry based in Kano, Nigeria
19NollywoodFilm industry based in Lagos, Nigeria
20RiverwoodFilm industry in Kenya
21SollywoodFilm industry in Sierra Leone
22SwahiliwoodCinema in Tanzania
23UgawoodFilm industry based in Uganda
24ZollyuwoodCinema of Zimbabwe
25ChollywoodPeruvian film industry
26MollywoodMormon film industry in the US
27HallyuwoodSouth Korean cinema

In all honesty, I'm surprised we still haven't decided to create a new center for the film industry elsewhere in America, and move the business there, like Detroit, Atlanta or Tampa. Y'know, for tax reasons.

Certainly not for any other reasons. :p

We don't really need to do that, Lucasfilms has the ability to distribute in all the listed countries, the Toho partnership was mainly to import Japanese films into the US and to have an ally to advertise in Japan.

If we ever expand, let's make something in Texas, we really need the love.
William is still doing construction work? Since he tried to pursue writing with Cat in Hollywood, I imagined that after the car accident he became Cat's editor to spend more time home with the kids and help Cat with her career while also helping with a dream of his, maybe working on scripts proper when they return to LA. Also he owns a construction company? I thought he was just a manager for an Irish company.
He managed to own it thanks to Cat giving him the capital to buy it out from the scummy owners.

Now he's just really like building shit and hey, he does that.

Look forward to more fluff action with the Powells and Mary bonding with little Sarah and Bruce. Now with their kids and grandkids all in California, makes you wonder how long Joseph and Sarah will be on the East Coast.
Joseph will never leave New York, he loves the city too much.

Also his rival is keeping him from really cutting down the bridge there.

And Joseph loves the work.
You know I actually have a film idea in my head called "The Greatest Worst Show Ever Made" which is autobiographical film made by Bruce that delves into the shitshow of MASH season 1 but ends on a high note with him meeting Carrie. If we can't legally do that then we can make a fictionalized version centering on a WW2 movie that also goes to shit and make it semi-autobiographical.
I'd read that!
In all honesty, I'm surprised we still haven't decided to create a new center for the film industry elsewhere in America, and move the business there, like Detroit, Atlanta or Tampa. Y'know, for tax reasons.
You know we could just go to San Francisco or another north bay city. Be close to George and really vitalize the area.
We don't really need to do that, Lucasfilms has the ability to distribute in all the listed countries, the Toho partnership was mainly to import Japanese films into the US and to have an ally to advertise in Japan.

If we ever expand, let's make something in Texas, we really need the love.
Yeah but then we have to deal with Texas politicians and that can never end well.

And the weather there, is terrible.
You know it would be pretty cool if Mary did some voiceacting and got to play Astrid in How to Train your Dragon, which I imagine has the potential to be her favorite film series, especially with it being part of Lucasfilms as Dreamworks here. If one of Mary's younger siblings gets into Yugioh I can also see her making a Blue-Eyes or Red-Eyes deck.
I loved that movie. Even if it had nothing to do with the book save for the name (and for good reason. The book is fun, but adapting it in any way like it was without the changes wouldn't have worked at all).

You know, looking back through the movies made in the 70s and 80s I found a gem of a movie that, unfortunately, we were too late to produce or even distribute: Rollerball. A movie about a dystopian future where the companies rule over every aspect of humanity (even who your spouse) and the way they keep the masses happy is through the sport with the same name, which is supposed to be ultraviolent opium for the masses.

If you disregard the entire violence aspect it turns out to be a very good introspective on the dehumanizing factor when it comes not only to corporations, but also on individuals as well when they see fellow humans just kill, humilliate, or torture themselves for their amusement. It really makes you think about it.

I think that we should try and buy the rights for said movie, and then yeasr down the line we can make a remake.

By the way, @Magoose , is Universal done with their attempt at Iron Lung yet?

Also, you mentioned before that for War of the Worlds Disney had to stop work on The Rescuers, does this mean they no lnoger made The Rescuers as Fox and the Hound? It would make sense considering that they lost a lot of of animators when they came to work for us.
We don't really need to do that, Lucasfilms has the ability to distribute in all the listed countries, the Toho partnership was mainly to import Japanese films into the US and to have an ally to advertise in Japan.
I was more coming at it from the perspective that we gain an in with the local market either before it develops into an -ollywood or build one up, for the explicit reason and gain a resource and talent pool, allowing us to have a much wider international influence which can feed into our various projects.

Want Temple of Doom actually film in the Pankot Province of India, and not on a back lot in England? Contact the Bollywood office, get an estimate of the situation (weather, legal, civil unrest, etc.) and hire the local talent to play the part. Want to have the Battle of Endor shot in the Obudu mountains, making Endor appear a far more alien world to western audiences? Call the Nigerian office. Bruce wants to take a working vacation to Ireland, while at the same time setting up the Irish Office as a direct and superior company to the BBC? Contact the Irish office. Want to have a show like Letterkenny be a part of Lucasfilms, broadcasted/streamed live to all of North America? Contact the Canadian office. Want to have Mission Impossible take an insane variety of countries, as it should as a superspy action flick rival to 007? Contact all the offices, getting local superstars to broaden out the cast and crew.
You know it would be pretty cool if Mary did some voiceacting and got to play Astrid in How to Train your Dragon, which I imagine has the potential to be her favorite film series, especially with it being part of Lucasfilms as Dreamworks here. If one of Mary's younger siblings gets into Yugioh I can also see her making a Blue-Eyes or Red-Eyes deck.
It occurs to me this would a perfect time to bring up the old D&D world heritage post that I think would be a perfect character for her to play...and then act as:
THat is adorable and I love it.

So Instead of the usual reward choices, I will do this:

Reward: Wally and Mary are now the best friends for the rest of their lives. You know not what that means, but something tells me they will change the world.
By the way, @Magoose , is Universal done with their attempt at Iron Lung yet?
They have done it.

Film Quality:
D100 => 95

And it was a damn fine film.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Sep 23, 2023 at 8:46 PM, finished with 85 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sayonara Hokkaido
    -[X] Desprate Flight Fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
    -[X]Cloud City: You need to look at the Cloud City before you leave Japan.
    -[X] Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
    -[X] The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?"
    [X]The Puppet Master: Frank Oz looks at you with a smile. "So you're the one that Jim has been talking about? First things first, Does Mary still want to meet Kermit?"
    [X]Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Mark's face: Okay, a Vader helmet, a smoke screen, and a mask… Um… Mark, get over here, I have an idea?!
    [X]Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
    [X]Desprate Flight fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
    [X]The Secret: George, what the fuck is the big secret. I need to prepare.
    [X]Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.
    [X] Plan Strong-arm of Prepwork
    -[X] Desprate Flight Fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
    -[X] Preparing the Swamp: It smells like shit. It's perfect. Now about the snakes?
    -[X] Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
    -[X] The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?"
    [X]The Vader Issue: Peter and David are… both not happy. David wants to know what the big secret is to improve his performance. And David is trying to get as many sword masters as possible to help him out with this.
Empire Part 3
Empire Part 3

-[X] Desprate Flight Fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome. Rolled:D100 + 50 => 101 (Autopass)

So you were really proud of George for his quick thinking. See the Digital cameras that were prepared were… to put things lightly, very very fragile. The wind speed alone would have caused them to break apart from the G forces.

Of course, there was an almost ingenious way to get around it. The people just… well some engineers just put the case in a small steel box, with only lens getting through the hole.

You really thought that was stupid, that the box would be stupid and crazy.

Well, the other way was throwing a camera operator into a cockpit and praying they would get the shot.

But since the JSDF wouldn't allow that… so the box would do.

All you knew was George was impressed, and said that they were fast.

Also, you owed Eagleman a flight in an F-16.

Reward: You have your battle shots and it would be perfect to add effects in them.

-[X]Cloud City: You need to look at the Cloud City before you leave Japan. Rolled:D100 + 50 => 134

Holy God… It was… Amazing.

Ralph was there, seeing the final touches being placed on it. "You know, I hated that kid… really did for what he wanted to do to my city." He than smiled as the graffiti was painted on it.

"But?" You asked.

Ralph gave a smile. "I'll admit it first. He's got some talent."

You saw Tomino slattering paint onto the wall like a child. "Really? I didn't know?" There was a smile on his face, as if you had allowed him to unleash his inner child, for the first time in a long time.

"Just don't fuck everything up." Ralph replied. "It needs to look good on camera."

Reward: Cloud City is ready.

Unknown Effect on Tomino's mental state. But it's a good thing.
-[X] Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace. Rolled:D100 + 50 => 95

He sat down, enjoying tea as he watched the crew prepare for the final day's shoot. "So, this is how it ends. With a display of speed."

You frowned. "You don't seem too happy?" You asked.

"I am happy, I am very happy that my homeland is shown to have such a brilliant place."

You took a breath. "I still think we over did it on the armor?"

-[X] The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?" Rolled:D100 + 50 => 142

The Lifesized AT-ST that was being moved on the truck was something else entirely, and Mifune laughed. "We're going to have a long time explaining that to the Ministry of Culture."

You laughed. "Well at least the Idiots didn't try to make an AT-AT… but that AT-ST… they told me that it didn't work most of the time, and the Hydraulics needed to be replaced like every ten steps. But would make a wonderful set. For a future battle?"

"I wish that you showed the beauty and strength of my people well… and that of my friends."

Reward: Mifune will have an increase of +20 to SP and Chemistry.

The Boys and girls at ILM made a lifesize AT-ST for the film and shots, just so that they could. It wouldn't be much use as it doesn't work, was brittle and fragile as hell, as it was made of plastic, fiber glass, and prayers, but it did give you an idea.

You hope they didn't get any ideas.


Production Roll:D100 - 80 => -31

You managed to get everything done. And that was something that you did not want to take for granted, and you pretty much did several things that were making you feel good.

So there were some strange things that were indeed happening… like how happy everyone was. Sure it was not like Batman or Conan where they did not like you because you were overstepping your boundaries. Yet in those moments, the crew was honestly glad to be part of something special.

And everyone realized that it was because of you. Without the stress of other things, or disasters that happened, you were honestly just a good person to be around, and to work with, and it was honestly something incredible.

George was jealous at how smooth it was and wished he could just have your luck.

But what really surprised you was Gary and George. They had come to slight blows over several, admittedly minor issues that were almost impossible to reconcile. You honestly thought George was going to not let him back onto the shoot, kick him out, and say what's done is done.

But you heard them both.

And stopped George from making a terrible mistake.

Gary, for all his wishes to make Star Wars Deeper and more lore and plot-driven, was missing the point of the elements that made Star Wars so great. Characters and the Morality tale at play. The simplicity of this tale, not it's world and complexity… though it could play it's part.

George needed to remember that Star Wars was more than a money-making merchandising empire that was paying the bills and keeping the lights on, it was a story that was his creation, the one story he always wanted to make.

And in the end, they both reconciled… though George still thought that the deeper lore was rather silly to think about if he was being honest.

Gary was really wanting to do something that Dave came up with. Some awesome admiral that he didn't have a name for.

Directing Roll:D100 + 50 => 146

You were going to make a better film than George.

You decided to get creative with how to shoot the battle. And it was perfect.

You have 4 Actions: (Time split between London and LA)

[]A Most Pressing Moment: You honestly think that Carrie is worried about the way you are filming the romance. She actually thinks you're being a little too obvious. And wants to make it far more subtle.

[]Making Mark Feel Better: Mark is alone at the Lot with those damn swamps and snakes. And frankly, he's terrible being so isolated. Time to cheer him up.

[]Preparing the Swamp: It smells like shit. It's perfect. Now about the snakes?

[]The Puppet Master: Frank Oz looks at you with a smile. "So you're the one that Jim has been talking about? First things first, Does Mary still want to meet Kermit?"

[]The Vader Issue: Peter and David are… both not happy. David wants to know what the big secret is to improve his performance. And David is trying to get as many sword masters as possible to help him out with this.

[]The Secret: George, what the fuck is the big secret. I need to prepare.

[]Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Mark's face: Okay, a Vader helmet, a smoke screen, and a mask… Um… Mark, get over here, I have an idea?!

[]Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.

AN: Plan format please.

Also, this is going to have a slightly shorter vote, and will be called at noon tomorrow, because something special is coming next turn.
The Boys and girls at ILM made a lifesize AT-ST for the film and shots, just so that they could. It wouldn't be much use as it doesn't work, was brittle and fragile as hell, as it was made of plastic, fiber glass, and prayers, but it did give you an idea.
Lucasfilm really out here just casually revolutionizing warfare by creating the outline for functional mechs without even realizing it.:facepalm:
...I love this quest so fucking much.
[X] Plan Timeshare Strain I: First the F&F Discount
-[X] A Most Pressing Moment
: You honestly think that Carrie is worried about the way you are filming the romance. She actually thinks you're being a little too obvious. And wants to make it far more subtle.
-[X] Making Mark Feel Better: Mark is alone at the Lot with those damn swamps and snakes. And frankly, he's terrible being so isolated. Time to cheer him up.
-[X] Preparing the Swamp: It smells like shit. It's perfect. Now about the snakes?
-[X] Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.
@Magoose, if we don't pick this, will George still present us the surprise but we just aren't "prepared" for it, or do we just miss out on it?
That is a secret.
Lucasfilm really out here just casually revolutionizing warfare by creating the outline for functional mechs without even realizing it.:facepalm:
...I love this quest so fucking much.
No they just might make that gundam statue that's in Japan free standing and can move on its own.
Alright, another good turn. We're doing great guys, now for the Dagobah and beginning of Cloud City.

I like the option with Carrie and the one with mark, focusing on the characters is always good after all. Billy Dee must also be taken as this is the one chance to make sure Lando is presented with a bang. After that, though i woul dlike to give precedence to the swamp, I must go with Oz and Yoda. To get the wise old mast just right is critical to this venture. If we're luck we'll have one more turn to work on the swamp and Vader, but for now let's give the focus to the characters themselves.

[X] Plan It's All About The Characters
-[X] A Most Pressing Moment
: You honestly think that Carrie is worried about the way you are filming the romance. She actually thinks you're being a little too obvious. And wants to make it far more subtle.
-[X] Making Mark Feel Better: Mark is alone at the Lot with those damn swamps and snakes. And frankly, he's terrible being so isolated. Time to cheer him up.
-[X]The Puppet Master: Frank Oz looks at you with a smile. "So you're the one that Jim has been talking about? First things first, Does Mary still want to meet Kermit?"
-[X] Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.
Lucasfilm really out here just casually revolutionizing warfare by creating the outline for functional mechs without even realizing it.:facepalm:
...I love this quest so fucking much.
Just wait some 100 years into the future the japanese will be talking about how Lucasfilm made it the first step for the creation of real mechas and everyone will laugh that what everyone is breaking their heads some guys wanting to create a very damm good film did it 100 years ago kek
[X] Plan Enhancing the Film
-[X]A Most Pressing Moment:
You honestly think that Carrie is worried about the way you are filming the romance. She actually thinks you're being a little too obvious. And wants to make it far more subtle.
-[X]The Vader Issue: Peter and David are… both not happy. David wants to know what the big secret is to improve his performance. And David is trying to get as many sword masters as possible to help him out with this.
-[X]Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Mark's face: Okay, a Vader helmet, a smoke screen, and a mask… Um… Mark, get over here, I have an idea?!
-[X] Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.

Hurts my soul to not pick Mary meeting Kermit, but we do what we must to make Empire the best film possible.
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[X] Plan It's All About The Characters

Don't mind too much for any of the other plans winning, but choosing this so Mary meets Kermit.

@Magoose My Omake hasn't been added to the Apocrypha