Lex Sedet In Vertice: A Supervillain in the DCU CK2 quest

What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Metropolitan Clan, Ch. 29

Petersburg, Virginia
Rear-Line Trenches,
3:40 a.m., July 30, 1864

John Henry- John Henry Irons, newly of the 10th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment, shifted a bit in his dugout. The weight of the pack didn't bother him to speak of, but a buckle was digging into his shoulder. He hadn't expected war to be an exercise in boredom shot through with bits and pieces of terror, but he reckoned that was how it was after all. And this? This was terror.

He'd been stronger than the common run of men for years, now. Most boys filled out and reached a man's strength and weight, he'd just kept on getting stronger. He hadn't bothered to question it, and usually hid most of that raw might to avoid trouble. Being as strong as an ox- not just as a figure of speech, but really as strong as an ox, maybe stronger, might sound good, but it could get a man in trouble if he didn't use his head. It never paid to let a man with a whip let you know everything you could do; either he'd work you half to death getting it, or he'd be afraid.

On the other hand, when he'd finally realized that Mr. Luthor wasn't lying, and that they really were manumitting slaves who exerted themselves on the railroad crews… well, he'd stopped holding back. [1] The pay was good for freedmen. He might even go back to work for the M&O again when the war was over. He… might. The ability to even think about that question, to be captain of his fate, was something he was still getting used to.

Which was why he was here, in the dark, waiting for orders from Colonel Wild- a white man, but an abolitionist at least- about what to do now that they'd been ordered out of the assault every man of them had hoped would break good old Marse Robert's army once and for all.

He was strong and he was tough, maybe tougher than any ordinary man. But his muscles wouldn't stop a bullet; he was sure of that after the quarry explosion in '61. He was scared. But he was here for a reason, and that would have to do.
From down the line, he heard a quiet voice, and a quiet answer.

"What time is it, suh?"

"...Almost four," said the officer, squinting at a pocketwatch in the light of a small candle they'd kept lit in a recess in the trench wall.

The bomb had been supposed to go off between half past three and a quarter to four.

John Henry frowned. Next to him, Israel grunted in the darkness, with only faint hints that dawn might come in a few hours' time. Then his friend spoke. "Where's the Reb-smashing kaboom? There was supposed to be a Reb-smashing kaboom."

Had something gone wrong? They waited tensely, quietly, not wanting to risk somehow giving things away. Maybe Colonel Pleasants' men were having trouble with the fuse. You couldn't drive steel for tunnel-diggers without learning how tricky a fuse could be. They waited. Minutes crept long in the summer night. The horizon behind them was turning blue. It couldn't be more than half an hour to sunrise. The sun that would reveal the attacking men to Confederates with rifles, be they white, black, or green.

Then, half a mile distant or nearly so, ruddy light flamed into being, like the sun rising in the west, in the direction of the Confederate lines. Men looking over the trenches in the dim light of the crescent moon could suddenly be seen clearly, their eyes wide. They tumbled backwards-

Thunder roared. Pleasants must have buried tons of gunpowder under the enemy trenches. A stretch of Rebel line, a hundred yards long if it was an inch, was swathed in flame-shot, volcanic chaos. Light and dark and dust and smoke danced. The echoes vibrated across the landscape. A few tiny bits- of stone or wood or metal or even flesh and bone for all John Henry knew- pattered across the ground near where he stood.

And nothing happened. And nothing happened. Nothing went on happening for such a long time. What could be going on? He could hear sounds, cries, but nothing like the sound of men in front of him attacking or defending a post.

Israel whispered to him, "Do you think Ledlie and his white boys are all asleep?"

"I don't think anyone could have slept through that."

Could they?

The lack of preparation cost Ledlie's division dearly. They did not emerge from their trenches until ten minutes after the explosion, by which point dawn had nearly arrived. This bought the Confederates time to recover from the tremendous stunning effect of the explosion, which had instantly killed nearly three hundred men in a single blow.

Whereas the colored troops had been trained to move around the crater, Ledlie's troops saw it as an enormous rifle-pit and began clambering down the sides to hold it against a counterattack. This was a disastrous mistake. Once inside the steep-sided crater, the Union soldiers would find it hard to climb back out again- they were trapped in an enormous pit. And within minutes after the delayed Union attack reached the crater itself, Confederate reinforcements under Brigadier General Mahone were rushing up to the new hole in their lines from all directions, shelling the troops trapped inside and bombarding them with bullets and shrapnel.

Trapped and exposed, Ledlie's division began suffering terrible losses, while Ledlie himself cowered in a bunker far behind Union lines, drinking liquor. Burnside ordered Ferrero to lead the colored troops into battle to rescue the situation, but their training was no longer of use in context. They had trained to attack in darkness, facing Confederates who would be dazed and immobilized by the gigantic explosion mere minutes before. But by the time they arrived, the sun was up, the explosion was an hour or more in the past, and the Confederates had had ample time to form new lines of resistance to stop any Union attacks from slipping through the gap created by the blast.

It was a frightful slaughter. The colored troops fought bravely, as did the survivors of Ledlie's division, managing to at least push back the Rebels with hand-to-hand fighting- but the effort could not be sustained. Gradually, the Confederates fought their way back to their original battle-lines, recovering all their lost ground except the crater itself. Thousands of Union men were wounded, captured by the Confederates, or both. Despite the hundreds of deaths caused by the explosion, the battle ended with Grant's army having taken over twice as many casualties as Lee's.

It was a horrific example of the limitations of pre-industrial siege warfare techniques, in the face of industrial age firepower and tactics. Grant wrote to the War Department, "It was the saddest affair I have witnessed in this war. Such an opportunity for carrying fortifications I have never seen and do not expect again to have."

Excerpt, Metropolis at War, by Simon Sejret

City Point, Virginia
August 20, 1864
HQ, Army of the Potomac

You are Hiram Grant, called Ulysses by all men. You've settled into a stable headquarters at a manor in this town at the confluence of the James and Appomattox Rivers, eight miles from Petersburg.

You do not rest quietly here. The failure of what the newspapers are calling the Battle of the Crater has left you with few options for ending the siege in victory any time soon. Lee's army is well entrenched, and though you have whittled down his numbers, he still has enough men to be formidable on the defensive. Your efforts to cut the railroads into the city have met with mixed success, and the defenses are so strong that no assault seems capable of triumphing.

At least the news from afair is mostly good. Billy Sherman has the Rebels on the run around Atlanta. You'd expected Joe Johnston's Army of the Tennessee to give him a long, cagey, bloody fight- much like the one Lee's given you. But Jeff Davis must have gotten impatient, and replaced Johnston with the fiery Texan, John Bell Hood. That was a mistake, you think to yourself with a tinge of professional satisfaction that someone else's fight has gone right, thanks in part to your efforts.

You and Billy had worked hard to strengthen the Army of the Tennessee's supply line. That included cartridges for Luthor gun batteries. And Hood, for all his experience at Gettysburg, apparently hadn't taken that threat seriously- from what Meade says, probably because the guns he'd faced at Little Round Top had run out of ammunition, and it had been Chamberlain's bayonets that finally pushed Hood back.

Your friend is too canny to create an opening big enough for an attack to go through easily, and too canny not to make good use of his Luthor guns- as you've tried to do against Lee. And Hood's too bullheaded to stop trying to make an attack work. He's thrown one assault after another against Sherman's army, and they've all ended badly. By the time Billy made it to Atlanta, the rebel forces were so chewed up that they could barely hold the siege lines. He captured the city within a couple of weeks, telegraphing Washington on the ninth that "Atlanta is ours, and fairly won."

That was the same day a rebel saboteur set off a bomb in your ammunition stockpiles, killing hundreds and doing millions of dollars of damage to the wharves of your supply depot.

You take joy in Sherman's success, and wish you could boast of a similar feat of arms. But with the disaster at the Crater, there will be no quick or easy victory. And chewing away at the Confederate lines, one slow assault at a time, soaking the landscape in blood as fall turns to winter and winter to spring, is an idea you like not at all. Pounding on them with siege mortars and huge Dahlgren guns seems to make only limited impressions on their lines.

There may be a way, though. Maybe.

The president sent a letter about this new brainchild of Leland Luthor's in person. You, again, find yourself uncertain. President Lincoln is easily impressed by contraptions, sometimes. On the other hand, Luthor's endless repeaters are the real thing, though they'd be a lot more useful if they didn't jam so often. And it was his ironclad that saved the Navy at Hampton Roads.

Luthor boasts that he's found a way to break the siege of Petersburg, but that his prototypes won't be ready to deliver until some time in September or October.

For the sake of your men, you hope he's right.

[1] Notably, LS&S's decision was motivated by the realization that slavery was going to be abolished in the next 2-3 years in Maryland anyway. The company had a lot of slaves, and always had; Lucius and Leland decided that incentivizing them by 'paying' them 'credit' towards their manumission, even if it meant a loss on the company's theoretical balance sheets, would be more productive than trying to hold onto slaves who could run away at any time in an increasingly abolitionist Union that was actively fighting the pro-slavery CSA. The decision was not, to put it mildly, made out of the kindness of the Luthors' hearts..
I enjoyed it. The loony tunes reference was a bit odd but still entertaining. I also had a weird experience with it since the first time I saw the name Israel I thought that you were maybe trying to obliquely reference Israel Harel but then I realized that was my brain connecting unrelated stuff and it was just a filler name. Still a solid omake and another 500 exp for Simon.
LexCorp Jump City is Different from LexCorp Metropolis, Right?

"No! He did not!" Felicity Smoak asked, knowing the answer even as she asked the question.

"Swear to god: Hal just climbed out of the crashed plane with the crew slapping at his behind to get the fire out. And he turns to me and says "now you can't deny I have a hot ass"," Carol Ferris finished her story by taking a sip of her wine.

Felicity laughed with Carol. At least once a month, Felicity or Carol would make the trip to the other's city to have a "LexCorp Ladies" dinner with all the senior management of LexCorp invited. Most of the time, such as this night, it was just Felicity and Carol since Roxanne liked to do her own thing, Mercy was often doing whatever the right hand person of Lex Luthor did, and Katherine and Pamela tried to spend their off nights together.

"God, the ego," Felicity shook her head.

"Thing is: he does have a hot ass- which makes sense since he is such an ass. I don't miss that, though: flying by the seat of our pants and hoping against hope that THIS crash won't crush my company. LexCorp, at least, has given me the resources to run a normal company."

At that last sentence, Felicity rose an eyebrow.

"Really? A normal company?"

"Yeah- just a normal company with, granted, a few odd projects here and there."

Felicity shook her head," Normal? Well, that may be how things in Jump City LexCorp work but...not what I've noticed in LexCorp tower."

"Now you've got to dish."

"Well, it's not that things are bad. Just...it's like a mix of a mad scientist's dreamhouse and a daycare. So, for instance, I was working in my office the other day on the ISP updates. You know, after launch stuff."

"Don't I know it. Let me tell you about the combat drones' prioritization of rabbits- because they were programmed to act like hawks."

"Yeah. Things like that. So, there I was typing up a storm, when I heard a shuffle above me in the ventilation shaft. And who did I see but the boss' mute daughter in the ventilation shafts looking down at me with a wide smile. And, here is the thing, she could speak! With a stutter, but still she could speak. And guess what her first words to me were?"

"I'm stalking you?"

"Creepy- but, no. She F-bombed me in the cheeriest voice you could imagine. She came to apologize an hour later when it turns out that another kid who is the ward of the company (and how does that work?) played a prank by telling her it was a way of saying hello. So many questions that one incident brings forth. How did Cassandra learn to speak, why did she think it was a normal thing to spy on me while in the vents, and what was she doing in the vents?"

"Well, kids can be weird. Though, I get the daycare thing."

"It's not just that. You know we have an actual two-headed Lion cub wandering Lex's level, right?"

"Yeah, Janus. I get that he's a bit of a mascot."

"Oh, yeah. Super-cute. We even named the durable glass that the new LexPhones are made of LionGlass after him. But, anyways, I was walking around to give Lex a report when I ran into him...wearing glasses on his right head."

Carol frowned at that. She liked animals, "Well, that was just mean. Putting glasses on him."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure that anyone actually put the glasses on him. He turned his right head to me, and meowed. Before using a paw to adjust the glasses."

"That's odd."

"Oh, yeah. And never mind the fact that we have ladies who wear moon crystals on them walking in the R&D halls. It's just...not what I imagined one of the fastest growing companies in the world to be like."

"Well, that's not how I run my branch. But...it sounds like you don't mind."

"Oh, it's interesting. Just...really, really weird. Like, the entire company has a " I'm going to find out that magic really exists and that there is a secret world that I'm as-of-yet unaware of" sort of vibe."

"Ha! That would so be Lex."
And on the other hand we have another omake by Mystery CPU. I missed the MysteryCPU omakes as they tend to be a lot of fun and have excellent elements of comedy to them. The best part about these omakes is that the characters tend to be really grounded despite poking a bit at the ridiculousness of the situation.

It says something that the one thing that keeps me from canonizing this omake is the fact that Janus adjusts the glasses with his paw (which a lions anatomy shouldn't allow it to do) rather than anything else in the omake. I'll be happy to canonize it once that tidbit is changed a bit or if MysteryCPU prefers he can keep it as is and I'll award 400 exp.

All in all it was a lot of fun to read and I look forward to seeing more.
The Metropolitan Clan Ch. 30
The Metropolitan Clan, Ch. 30

Fall 1863

Develop cross country steam propulsion

31 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 28 (reroll bonus) + 35 (reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 100 (second reroll bonus) + 35 (second reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((second reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((second reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) = 381
DC 183 - 10 (Ironmonger) = 173

Revolutionary Ground-Breaking Success

You found it! With the right balancing and design, you devise a modification to a traction engine's driving wheels to do the job. Articulated rails affixed to the wheel, with some freedom to slide and shift under the wheels, can help spread the vehicle's weight over a wider area and provide better traction. With these new 'dreadnought wheels,' your steam vehicle has much less reason to fear the common run of mud, slopes, and slippery patches. The vehicle's progress is slow, and it cannot, for example, cross a trench. But if you can load this engine prototype with armaments, you will have the basis for the land ironclads you dream of. Jin helps with the manufacturing process, and makes a few good, if barely comprehensible, suggestions as to how to attach the rails so that they'll be easily removed and replaced if something breaks.

Leonardo's insightful questions and surprisingly strong intuitive grasp of forces and mechanics help you too. And the sketches he makes after he gets tired of being told to run back and fetch a different wrench three times in a row are quite promising. Such a bright boy!

Dreadnought wheels unlocked. Dreadnought wheels completed. Land ironclad propulsion problem 'solved.' Land ironclad cross-country mobility improves from 'No' to 'Terrible.' Improved transmission machinery unlocked. Improved transmission machinery completed. Land ironclad cross-country mobility improved from 'Terrible' to 'Bad.' Caterpillar track theorized, but not unlocked. Leland-Jin co-op score increases by 0.1. Leonardo-Jin co-op score increases by 0.2. Leonardo learns some Chinese. Leonardo gains progress towards 'Journeyman Inventor' trait. Leonardo invents the ratcheting socket wrench.

(A/N: Wow, I was really not expecting a natural 100 on the second reroll there)

Design land ironclad weapon layout

41 + 17 (Jack Martial) + 13 ((Jack-Charles co-op)*(Charles Martial)) = 71
DC 30
Impressive Success

Reasoning that the land ironclad is something like a ship, Jack Graves calls on Charles from the shipyard to advise him. This results in a great deal of voluble yet (probably?) affectionate cursing in French.

The idea of arming a land ironclad with a conventional cannon is immediately discarded. A cannon is too massive, and there would be no way to provide space aboard the vehicle to reload it without making it impossibly large. Forcing the crew to get out and reload with every shot fired would expose them to the enemy and defeat the entire purpose. The Luthor gun, however, seems very suitable. It's small enough for a single man to control in a tightly enclosed space, and deadly enough to make the land ironclad effective in a pitched battle. Furthermore, it's a breechloading weapon; most maintenance and reloading can be done from inside the armored shell.

There is some debate- one Luthor gun, two, four? Should the guns be mounted in the bow, in sponsons on the side, in an elevated turret projecting above the entire vehicle? Jack settles on two guns, near the bow but facing obliquely outwards at an angle to cover a wider arc. There is some difficulty adapting the guns' water jackets so that they can be fired safely without requiring a massive gap in the armor for the firing slit, but you have something.

Land ironclad prototype with machine guns available.

Undermine government official- General Wolfe

74 + 9 (Christopher Spencer Intrigue assist) - 12 (Wolfe Intrigue) = 71
DC 60 - 10 (The Gun That Broke Pickett) = DC 50
Respectable Success

General Wolfe's doubts about you aren't looking any too smart after what your guns did to Pickett's division. You make time to pen a few letters to the right ears, hoping to get him reassigned to the coast defense batteries of the Nebraska Territory or some other task more worthy of his skills. You're quite busy, but Mr. Spencer is pushing too- forcefully, if without much subtlety.

President Lincoln reassigns General Wolfe- though to oversee coastal defenses of some place that has a coastline, worse luck. His replacement has better sense than to cross you, and contracts for Mr. Spencer's rifle start crossing desks quickly. So do contracts for the .577 Luthor cartridge- by the millions, even the tens of millions.

General Wolfe reassigned to sinecure position, replaced. New chief of ordnance appointed, who expands contracts for Spencer rifle and Luthor gun.

Winter 1864

Design land ironclad armor layout

45 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 16 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) = 96
DC 50 - 10 (Ironmonger) = 40
Grand Success

After propulsion, the second most important aspect of your land ironclad is, of course, the iron cladding. These vehicles will come under heavy fire of all kinds. They must be able to deflect almost any number of bullets, from almost any angle. If you could, you would make them cannon-proof like your warships. But no steam engine remotely practical for a cross-country vehicle can bear the tremendous weight of plate it would take to refuse a solid shot from a three-inch field gun.

As such, and in the interests of keeping your land ironclads from being any larger or slower than they have to be, you pare down the armor to just enough that it will reliably stop bullets from small arms. Testing suggests that half an inch will be quite enough. Jin works on the tempering process, and does well. You sketch out the armor scheme, and think, and think… and tilt some of the plates outward just a bit, to slightly deflect bullets and present greater thickness. Where you can, you use lighter plates to cover parts of the vehicle that you expect will never take fire from point blank range.

And as you observe tests of the new plates Jin has brought from the rolling mill, it occurs to you that even a bullet that doesn't penetrate can be a threat. Flecks and sharp fragments of steel, jarred off the plate, fly from the sites of occasional hits. You wouldn't want to be in the way of that on the inside. Tightly woven cloth isn't a perfect defense, but it helps- and you make a note of that.

Land ironclad armor laid out efficiently. Land ironclad effectively immune to small arms fire, save for large firing ports. Slight reduction to maneuverability malus due to weight savings. Primitive spall liner invented and integrated into prototype design..

Improve machine guns

83 + 15 (Sven Learning) + 13 (George G. Meade Stewardship assist) = 111
DC 59
Grand Success

You normally think of old Sven as a civil engineer, and he's a damn good one for all his faults. But he's no weakling in the field of mechanical engineering, either. He's familiar with practical heavy equipment, and it doesn't take long for him to look over the sheer size of the big artillery carriages used for Luthor guns and see them as needlessly complicated.

The Luthor gun is quite a lot heavier than most surveyor's instruments, but to Happersen the similarities are obvious- as is the solution. Mount the thing on a sturdy tripod. One man with a strong back can carry the gun, even if you'd want it on a horse for any real travel. Another man can handle the tripod. A horse can take both. So much easier, so much less bother- and it frees up more horses to haul ammunition wagons!

Your efforts find a supportive hand from General Meade of the Army of the Potomac. Meade is refitting and retraining his army after the campaign season petered out in December, and he helps you find men from the machine-gun batteries to interview for suggestions. He even arranges leave so that some of the gunners can go to Metropolis for a few weeks and help you design new weapon mounts that are practical.

In February, Happersen takes some time out to design a modified water jacket for the Luthor gun. It works fairly well. You'll be able to use the water-cooled weapon in your land ironclad design without such a broad firing slit. All the better; you don't want bullets finding their way into the fighting compartment at chest height through the one gap that must be there.

Machine gun for use in land ironclads modified to reduce firing slit requirements; major weakness in land ironclad armor scheme avoided. Tripod-mounted machine gun unlocked. Tripod-mounted machine gun complete. Field mobility improved; old artillery carriages abandoned. Luthor guns successfully marketed to U.S. Cavalry as a form of horse artillery.

Spring 1864

Prototype land ironclads

21 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 28 ((Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 16 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 12 ((Lazarus Learning)*(Lazarus-Leland co-op score)) + 48 (reroll bonus) + 35 (reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 28 ((reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 16 ((reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 12 ((reroll Lazarus Learning)*(Lazarus-Leland co-op score)) = 265
DC 200 - 10 (Ironmonger)
Greater Grand Success

It works as well as you'd hoped.

Granted, not as well as you'd dreamed. But then, you'd dreamed of an enormous, forward-rolling fortress twenty yards wide, with delicate linkages to allow you to direct all its tremendous firepower and engines single-handedly, unleashing streams of flame and whirlwinds of poisonous fog and hailstorms of shrapnel-bullets, overrunning the Rebel hosts and driving them before you as their puny cannonballs ricochet powerlessly from invincible Luthor steel, so that your uninterrupted jaunty laughter might make a beautiful counterpoint to their unheeded cries for mercy.

You estimate- without false modesty- that you've pushed the state of the art to something a quarter century ahead of your time. But even so, that might be asking a bit much, you admit. The land ironclads you've designed aren't the ones you dreamed of, but you think they'll do quite nicely.

Jin is confident in his armor plate production process by now. The job's different here than for ironclads; weight savings matter more. But mild Luthor steel will do the trick, you think, thanks to the new miniature engines. The ones that the Oriental himself did a good deal to develop.

Lazarus Lane proves as efficient as ever, maybe more so. He keeps the business details handled, ensures that no delays arise in fabrication, and- importantly- keeps a running estimate of how much the new beast costs, so that you know how much to charge the government.

Leonardo sketches out a beautiful elliptical cam arrangement that the land ironclad's driver could engage with the twist of a lever, that would let the machine store force like a coiled spring and surge forward over obstacles large enough to stop the wheels… in theory. You think it over, you really do. But you decide there isn't room to build it into the machine. Ground clearance is a problem, and you suspect there would be problems from metal wear and other complications. It needs too much work; the really promising bit is the part that lets the driver switch the gearbox on the fly.

Land ironclad prototype assembled, completed, and field-tested. No major technical faults found. No injuries during testing. Leonardo Learning +1. Leonardo learns a lot about analytic geometry, and a little about practical engineering. Leonardo gains progress towards 'Journeyman Inventor' trait. Leonardo Luthor makes minor progress towards manual geared transmission for land vehicles.

Summer 1864

Arm the US Government with your tech

9 + 33 (Leland Luthor Martial with Master Armorer) + 10 (Congressional Gold Medal) = 52
DC 10
Impressive Success

President Lincoln comes down to observe the first squadron of land ironclads, operated by a mixed crew of Navy engineers and LS&S mechanics, experiment with a simulated attack on Fort Hunter's outer earthworks. The sight of them grinding slowly forwards over a muddy field that would likely have bogged down a wagon, let alone any road locomotive or steam tractor you've ever heard of, impresses him.

He's even more impressed when torrents of smoke arise from the fort's firing-pits as the defenders' own Luthor guns lash out at the approaching land ironclads. The gunners and captain duck down and out of sight, leaving nothing but the showers of sparks and ricochets bouncing off their steel armor. They trundle on at a leisurely walk, seemingly untouched by fire that would have butchered a battalion of soldiers in minutes. You note with dissatisfaction that half the garrison's Luthor guns have fallen silent within those same minutes, but that's a problem for another day.

The president reaches out with his long, gangly arms, touching with a certain hesitancy the warm, bright smears where scores upon scores of lead bullets hit one of the land ironclads- the one the Navy crews had informally and jokingly christened USS Ivanhoe, the first ship crazy enough to try sailing on the land. Bullets don't just bounce off Ivanhoe. They splash.

Mass-produce land ironclads

73 + 19 (John Stewardship) + 17 ((John-Henry co-op)*(Henry Stewardship)) + 10 ((Jin-John co-op)*(Jin Stewardship)) + 15 (Henry trait) + 20 (reroll) + 19 (reroll John Stewardship) + 17 ((reroll John-Henry co-op)*(Henry Stewardship)) + 10 ((reroll Jin-John co-op)*(Jin Stewardship)) + 15 (reroll Henry trait) = 198
DC 95 - 10 (Ironmonger)
Tanks That Broke The Ranks Success

The new steam engines, small and finicky as they are, are a real challenge to build in great quantity. The new vehicles are like nothing else, and you have none of the tooling and jigs required to make them in great numbers. Arguments between Henry Turpin's Irishmen and Jin Hao's Chinamen finally get so ridiculous that you throw up your hands in disgust trying to sort them out yourself.

And then John Garrett starts making suggestions. Good ones. He unassumingly takes charge of the mess at the Locomotive Works, which you've repurposed to turn out the very similar land ironclads. And fighting vehicles start trundling slowly out of the factory doors. One after another, then by the dozens.

It's impressive… and a bit concerning. Mr. Garrett seems to take very naturally to the role of telling your men what to do. Very naturally.

But it's going to kill a lot of Rebels.

+48 land ironclads. As per earlier vote, LS&S Locomotive Works repurposed as land ironclad factory, locomotive trickle converted to land ironclad trickle. Production delays avoided. Land ironclads fully ready for shipment next turn. Shipment and setup action unlocked.

Fall 1864

Ship out and set up land ironclads for: Army of the Potomac

75 + 18 (Leland Stewardship) + 15 ((Jack-Leland co-op)*(Jack Stewardship)) + 18 ((Lazarus-Leland co-op)*(Lazarus Stewardship)) - 21 (Zarvona Intrigue) + 11 (reroll) + 18 (Leland Stewardship) + 15 ((Jack-Leland co-op)*(Jack Stewardship)) + 18 ((Lazarus-Leland co-op)*(Lazarus Stewardship)) + 10 (Congressional Gold Medal) = 177
DC 50
Greater Rip-Roaring Success

You leave nothing to chance. The land ironclads are guarded day and night by Graves detectives against any threat, along with a small army of Union soldiers from the garrison at Fort Hunter, and dozens of your own security guards. No one is allowed aboard the steamships transporting them, and the ships are searched for sabotage. Despite the guards, a few powder charges are found- enemy spies are still active in the area, you reflect grimly.

One night in Metropolis, Lazarus Lane personally apprehends a Confederate agent trying to fire a great stack of crates that held Luthor gun cartridges- and many, many tons of powder. The little man was disguised as a Union soldier, but something gave him away to Lane.

Lazarus pursues the enemy spy into the town, leaping onto a great black stallion with fiery eyes whom he finds tied at a water-trough. He gives chase through the darkness, and you have to wonder what guided his course. After hours in hot pursuit, taking a swift hellride dangerously far out into Rebel-sympathizing countryside where bushwhackers are a possible if unlikely threat, Lane finally gets his man. He coils a whip around his ankles after the saboteur's own horse, in blind terror, stumbles into a ditch. Jack Graves is impressed, though he has more than a few harsh words for the security guards who might have allowed tons of ammunition and many lives to be lost through their blindness.

And the spy? It's William Zarvona. Again. The outrageous schemer and pirate who stole one of your ships and sank two others. Who plotted to destroy your factories, and set riots against your warehouses. But this time, you have him, slung over one of your men's saddlebows, and for all his wiliness, Zarvona can't escape you, not now.

Lane sheepishly returns the horse the next day, offering to compensate the owner lavishly… but the owner turns out to be a Union man who is so pleased that he offers to sell the horse to Lane for the sum offered. That beast always did have a devil of a temper.

Lazarus Lane gains a third ??? activation. William Zarvona, Confederate spy ring leader, captured; Confederate espionage operations in Virginia badly disrupted. Graves Detective Agency gains reputation. +0.1 Leland-Lazarus co-op score. +0.3 Jack-Lazarus co-op score. Land ironclads make it to the Army of the Potomac's staging areas without incident.
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The Metropolitan Clan, Ch. 30

Fall 1863

Develop cross country steam propulsion

31 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 28 (reroll bonus) + 35 (reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 100 (second reroll bonus) + 35 (second reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 24 ((second reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 15 ((second reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) = 381
DC 183 - 10 (Ironmonger) = 173

Revolutionary Ground-Breaking Success

You found it! With the right balancing and design, you devise a modification to a traction engine's driving wheels to do the job. Articulated rails affixed to the wheel, with some freedom to slide and shift under the wheels, can help spread the vehicle's weight over a wider area and provide better traction. With these new 'dreadnought wheels,' your steam vehicle has much less reason to fear the common run of mud, slopes, and slippery patches. The vehicle's progress is slow, and it cannot, for example, cross a trench. But if you can load this engine prototype with armaments, you will have the basis for the land ironclads you dream of. Jin helps with the manufacturing process, and makes a few good, if barely comprehensible, suggestions as to how to attach the rails so that they'll be easily removed and replaced if something breaks.

Leonardo's insightful questions and surprisingly strong intuitive grasp of forces and mechanics help you too. And the sketches he makes after he gets tired of being told to run back and fetch a different wrench three times in a row are quite promising. Such a bright boy!

Dreadnought wheels unlocked. Dreadnought wheels completed. Land ironclad propulsion problem 'solved.' Land ironclad cross-country mobility improves from 'No' to 'Terrible.' Improved transmission machinery unlocked. Improved transmission machinery completed. Land ironclad cross-country mobility improved from 'Terrible' to 'Bad.' Caterpillar track theorized, but not unlocked. Leland-Jin co-op score increases by 0.1. Leonardo-Jin co-op score increases by 0.2. Leonardo learns some Chinese. Leonardo gains progress towards 'Journeyman Inventor' trait. Leonardo invents the ratcheting socket wrench.

(A/N: Wow, I was really not expecting a natural 100 on the second reroll there)

Design land ironclad weapon layout

41 + 17 (Jack Martial) + 13 ((Jack-Charles co-op)*(Charles Martial)) = 71
DC 30
Impressive Success

Reasoning that the land ironclad is something like a ship, Jack Graves calls on Charles from the shipyard to advise him. This results in a great deal of voluble yet (probably?) affectionate cursing in French.

The idea of arming a land ironclad with a conventional cannon is immediately discarded. A cannon is too massive, and there would be no way to provide space aboard the vehicle to reload it without making it impossibly large. Forcing the crew to get out and reload with every shot fired would expose them to the enemy and defeat the entire purpose. The Luthor gun, however, seems very suitable. It's small enough for a single man to control in a tightly enclosed space, and deadly enough to make the land ironclad effective in a pitched battle. Furthermore, it's a breechloading weapon; most maintenance and reloading can be done from inside the armored shell.

There is some debate- one Luthor gun, two, four? Should the guns be mounted in the bow, in sponsons on the side, in an elevated turret projecting above the entire vehicle? Jack settles on two guns, near the bow but facing obliquely outwards at an angle to cover a wider arc. There is some difficulty adapting the guns' water jackets so that they can be fired safely without requiring a massive gap in the armor for the firing slit, but you have something.

Land ironclad prototype with machine guns available.

Undermine government official- General Wolfe

74 + 9 (Christopher Spencer Intrigue assist) - 12 (Wolfe Intrigue) = 71
DC 60 - 10 (The Gun That Broke Pickett) = DC 50
Respectable Success

General Wolfe's doubts about you aren't looking any too smart after what your guns did to Pickett's division. You make time to pen a few letters to the right ears, hoping to get him reassigned to the coast defense batteries of the Nebraska Territory or some other task more worthy of his skills. You're quite busy, but Mr. Spencer is pushing too- forcefully, if without much subtlety.

President Lincoln reassigns General Wolfe- though to oversee coastal defenses of some place that has a coastline, worse luck. His replacement has better sense than to cross you, and contracts for Mr. Spencer's rifle start crossing desks quickly. So do contracts for the .577 Luthor cartridge- by the millions, even the tens of millions.

General Wolfe reassigned to sinecure position, replaced. New chief of ordnance appointed, who expands contracts for Spencer rifle and Luthor gun.

Winter 1864

Design land ironclad armor layout

45 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 16 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) = 96
DC 50 - 10 (Ironmonger) = 40
Grand Success

After propulsion, the second most important aspect of your land ironclad is, of course, the iron cladding. These vehicles will come under heavy fire of all kinds. They must be able to deflect almost any number of bullets, from almost any angle. If you could, you would make them cannon-proof like your warships. But no steam engine remotely practical for a cross-country vehicle can bear the tremendous weight of plate it would take to refuse a solid shot from a three-inch field gun.

As such, and in the interests of keeping your land ironclads from being any larger or slower than they have to be, you pare down the armor to just enough that it will reliably stop bullets from small arms. Testing suggests that half an inch will be quite enough. Jin works on the tempering process, and does well. You sketch out the armor scheme, and think, and think… and tilt some of the plates outward just a bit, to slightly deflect bullets and present greater thickness. Where you can, you use lighter plates to cover parts of the vehicle that you expect will never take fire from point blank range.

And as you observe tests of the new plates Jin has brought from the rolling mill, it occurs to you that even a bullet that doesn't penetrate can be a threat. Flecks and sharp fragments of steel, jarred off the plate, fly from the sites of occasional hits. You wouldn't want to be in the way of that on the inside. Tightly woven cloth isn't a perfect defense, but it helps- and you make a note of that.

Land ironclad armor laid out efficiently. Land ironclad effectively immune to small arms fire, save for large firing ports. Slight reduction to maneuverability malus due to weight savings. Primitive spall liner invented and integrated into prototype design..

Improve machine guns

83 + 15 (Sven Learning) + 13 (George G. Meade Stewardship assist) = 111
DC 59
Grand Success

You normally think of old Sven as a civil engineer, and he's a damn good one for all his faults. But he's no weakling in the field of mechanical engineering, either. He's familiar with practical heavy equipment, and it doesn't take long for him to look over the sheer size of the big artillery carriages used for Luthor guns and see them as needlessly complicated.

The Luthor gun is quite a lot heavier than most surveyor's instruments, but to Happersen the similarities are obvious- as is the solution. Mount the thing on a sturdy tripod. One man with a strong back can carry the gun, even if you'd want it on a horse for any real travel. Another man can handle the tripod. A horse can take both. So much easier, so much less bother- and it frees up more horses to haul ammunition wagons!

Your efforts find a supportive hand from General Meade of the Army of the Potomac. Meade is refitting and retraining his army after the campaign season petered out in December, and he helps you find men from the machine-gun batteries to interview for suggestions. He even arranges leave so that some of the gunners can go to Metropolis for a few weeks and help you design new weapon mounts that are practical.

In February, Happersen takes some time out to design a modified water jacket for the Luthor gun. It works fairly well. You'll be able to use the water-cooled weapon in your land ironclad design without such a broad firing slit. All the better; you don't want bullets finding their way into the fighting compartment at chest height through the one gap that must be there.

Machine gun for use in land ironclads modified to reduce firing slit requirements; major weakness in land ironclad armor scheme avoided. Tripod-mounted machine gun unlocked. Tripod-mounted machine gun complete. Field mobility improved; old artillery carriages abandoned. Luthor guns successfully marketed to U.S. Cavalry as a form of horse artillery.

Spring 1864

Prototype land ironclads

21 + 35 (Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 28 ((Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 16 ((Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 12 ((Lazarus Learning)*(Lazarus-Leland co-op score)) + 48 (reroll bonus) + 35 (reroll Leland Luthor Learning with Master Armorer) + 28 ((reroll Leonardo Luthor Learning)*(Leonardo-Leland co-op score)) + 16 ((reroll Jin Learning)*(Jin-Leland co-op score)) + 12 ((reroll Lazarus Learning)*(Lazarus-Leland co-op score)) = 265
DC 200 - 10 (Ironmonger)
Greater Grand Success

It works as well as you'd hoped.

Granted, not as well as you'd dreamed. But then, you'd dreamed of an enormous, forward-rolling fortress twenty yards wide, with delicate linkages to allow you to direct all its tremendous firepower and engines single-handedly, unleashing streams of flame and whirlwinds of poisonous fog and hailstorms of shrapnel-bullets, overrunning the Rebel hosts and driving them before you as their puny cannonballs ricochet powerlessly from invincible Luthor steel, so that your uninterrupted jaunty laughter might make a beautiful counterpoint to their unheeded cries for mercy.

You estimate- without false modesty- that you've pushed the state of the art to something a quarter century ahead of your time. But even so, that might be asking a bit much, you admit. The land ironclads you've designed aren't the ones you dreamed of, but you think they'll do quite nicely.

Jin is confident in his armor plate production process by now. The job's different here than for ironclads; weight savings matter more. But mild Luthor steel will do the trick, you think, thanks to the new miniature engines. The ones that the Oriental himself did a good deal to develop.

Lazarus Lane proves as efficient as ever, maybe more so. He keeps the business details handled, ensures that no delays arise in fabrication, and- importantly- keeps a running estimate of how much the new beast costs, so that you know how much to charge the government.

Leonardo sketches out a beautiful elliptical cam arrangement that the land ironclad's driver could engage with the twist of a lever, that would let the machine store force like a coiled spring and surge forward over obstacles large enough to stop the wheels… in theory. You think it over, you really do. But you decide there isn't room to build it into the machine. Ground clearance is a problem, and you suspect there would be problems from metal wear and other complications. It needs too much work; the really promising bit is the part that lets the driver switch the gearbox on the fly.

Land ironclad prototype assembled, completed, and field-tested. No major technical faults found. No injuries during testing. Leonardo Learning +1. Leonardo learns a lot about analytic geometry, and a little about practical engineering. Leonardo gains progress towards 'Journeyman Inventor' trait. Leonardo Luthor makes minor progress towards manual geared transmission for land vehicles.

Summer 1864

Arm the US Government with your tech

9 + 33 (Leland Luthor Martial with Master Armorer) + 10 (Congressional Gold Medal) = 52
DC 10
Impressive Success

President Lincoln comes down to observe the first squadron of land ironclads, operated by a mixed crew of Navy engineers and LS&S mechanics, experiment with a simulated attack on Fort Hunter's outer earthworks. The sight of them grinding slowly forwards over a muddy field that would likely have bogged down a wagon, let alone any road locomotive or steam tractor you've ever heard of, impresses him.

He's even more impressed when torrents of smoke arise from the fort's firing-pits as the defenders' own Luthor guns lash out at the approaching land ironclads. The gunners and captain duck down and out of sight, leaving nothing but the showers of sparks and ricochets bouncing off their steel armor. They trundle on at a leisurely walk, seemingly untouched by fire that would have butchered a battalion of soldiers in minutes. You note with dissatisfaction that half the garrison's Luthor guns have fallen silent within those same minutes, but that's a problem for another day.

The president reaches out with his long, gangly arms, touching with a certain hesitancy the warm, bright smears where scores upon scores of lead bullets hit one of the land ironclads- the one the Navy crews had informally and jokingly christened USS Ivanhoe, the first ship crazy enough to try sailing on the land. Bullets don't just bounce off Ivanhoe. They splash.

Mass-produce land ironclads

73 + 19 (John Stewardship) + 17 ((John-Henry co-op)*(Henry Stewardship)) + 10 ((Jin-John co-op)*(Jin Stewardship)) + 15 (Henry trait) + 20 (reroll) + 19 (reroll John Stewardship) + 17 ((reroll John-Henry co-op)*(Henry Stewardship)) + 10 ((reroll Jin-John co-op)*(Jin Stewardship)) + 15 (reroll Henry trait) = 198
DC 95 - 10 (Ironmonger)
Tanks That Broke The Ranks Success

The new steam engines, small and finicky as they are, are a real challenge to build in great quantity. The new vehicles are like nothing else, and you have none of the tooling and jigs required to make them in great numbers. Arguments between Henry Turpin's Irishmen and Jin Hao's Chinamen finally get so ridiculous that you throw up your hands in disgust trying to sort them out yourself.

And then John Garrett starts making suggestions. Good ones. He unassumingly takes charge of the mess at the Locomotive Works, which you've repurposed to turn out the very similar land ironclads. And fighting vehicles start trundling slowly out of the factory doors. One after another, then by the dozens.

It's impressive… and a bit concerning. Mr. Garrett seems to take very naturally to the role of telling your men what to do. Very naturally.

But it's going to kill a lot of Rebels.

+48 land ironclads. As per earlier vote, LS&S Locomotive Works repurposed as land ironclad factory, locomotive trickle converted to land ironclad trickle. Production delays avoided. Land ironclads fully ready for shipment next turn. Shipment and setup action unlocked.

Fall 1864

Ship out and set up land ironclads for: Army of the Potomac

75 + 18 (Leland Stewardship) + 15 ((Jack-Leland co-op)*(Jack Stewardship)) + 18 ((Lazarus-Leland co-op)*(Lazarus Stewardship)) - 21 (Zarvona Intrigue) + 11 (reroll) + 18 (Leland Stewardship) + 15 ((Jack-Leland co-op)*(Jack Stewardship)) + 18 ((Lazarus-Leland co-op)*(Lazarus Stewardship)) + 10 (Congressional Gold Medal) = 177
DC 50
Greater Rip-Roaring Success

You leave nothing to chance. The land ironclads are guarded day and night by Graves detectives against any threat, along with a small army of Union soldiers from the garrison at Fort Hunter, and dozens of your own security guards. No one is allowed aboard the steamships transporting them, and the ships are searched for sabotage. Despite the guards, a few powder charges are found- enemy spies are still active in the area, you reflect grimly.

One night in Metropolis, Lazarus Lane personally apprehends a Confederate agent trying to fire a great stack of crates that held Luthor gun cartridges- and hundreds of tons of powder. The little man was disguised as a Union soldier, but something gave him away to Lane.

Lazarus pursues the enemy spy into the town, leaping onto a great black stallion with fiery eyes whom he finds tied at a water-trough. He gives chase through the darkness, and you have to wonder what guided his course. After hours in hot pursuit, taking a swift hellride dangerously far out into Rebel-sympathizing countryside where bushwhackers are a possible if unlikely threat, Lane finally gets his man. He coils a whip around his ankles after the saboteur's own horse, in blind terror, stumbles into a ditch. Jack Graves is impressed, though he has more than a few harsh words for the security guards who might have allowed tons of ammunition and many lives to be lost through their blindness.

And the spy? It's William Zarvona. Again. The outrageous schemer and pirate who stole one of your ships and sank two others. Who plotted to destroy your factories, and set riots against your warehouses. But this time, you have him, slung over one of your men's saddlebows, and for all his wiliness, Zarvona can't escape you, not now.

Lane sheepishly returns the horse the next day, offering to compensate the owner lavishly… but the owner turns out to be a Union man who is so pleased that he offers to sell the horse to Lane for the sum offered. That beast always did have a devil of a temper.

Lazarus Lane gains a third ??? activation. William Zarvona, Confederate spy ring leader, captured; Confederate espionage operations in Virginia badly disrupted. Graves Detective Agency gains reputation. +0.1 Leland-Lazarus co-op score. +0.3 Jack-Lazarus co-op score. Land ironclads make it to the Army of the Potomac's staging areas without incident.
The hype for Lazarus is real here and I'm excited for the way things are going to pan out there. I'm looking forward to his transformation and evolution as a character since what comes next is always fun (depending on how things play out an avatar of the Green might be showing up soon for people unaware even if only tangentially). I don't want to spoil what I think is going to happen but I am excited for it.

Once again 500 exp is earned by Simon Jester.
I enjoyed it. The loony tunes reference was a bit odd but still entertaining. I also had a weird experience with it since the first time I saw the name Israel I thought that you were maybe trying to obliquely reference Israel Harel but then I realized that was my brain connecting unrelated stuff and it was just a filler name. Still a solid omake and another 500 exp for Simon.
Israel was a fairly common male name for African-Americans in the 19th century. And what with the fact that in real life the detonation of the powder charges in the Battle of the Crater was delayed by a full hour due to trouble with the fuses, I found that I could not resist. Some memes' time comes before the memes themselves do.

It says something that the one thing that keeps me from canonizing this omake is the fact that Janus adjusts the glasses with his paw (which a lions anatomy shouldn't allow it to do) rather than anything else in the omake. I'll be happy to canonize it once that tidbit is changed a bit or if MysteryCPU prefers he can keep it as is and I'll award 400 exp.
Hm. We could compensate by giving @MysteryCPU 100 more XP from a horrible write-in vote:

[] Have Dr. Moon surgically modify Janus' paws to give him enough range of motion to adjust his glasses.


The hype for Lazarus is real here and I'm excited for the way things are going to pan out there. I'm looking forward to his transformation and evolution as a character since what comes next is always fun (depending on how things play out an avatar of the Green might be showing up soon for people unaware even if only tangentially). I don't want to spoil what I think is going to happen but I am excited for it.

Once again 500 exp is earned by Simon Jester.


[Busily increases complexity of his Lazarus Lane backstory]

Wouldn't want to disappoint.
Hm. We could compensate by giving @MysteryCPU 100 more XP from a horrible write-in vote:

[] Have Dr. Moon surgically modify Janus' paws to give him enough range of motion to adjust his glasses.
We could but that would make it non-canon. I mean I'm fine with that solution but It is ultimately his call.


[Busily increases complexity of his Lazarus Lane backstory]

Wouldn't want to disappoint.
Don't feel obligated to do so just for me, stick to what you are interested in writing for a narrative.

The Metropolitan Clan so far has never disappointed and considering the fact that this has given me my own inspiration to expand the universe's backstory (for example in my head Lord Shilling's sister, a character unnamed by the comics, married into the Luthor family which has its own interesting repercussions on as it ties a lot of things together. Incidentally I will be covering the American Revolutionary War as an omake you can purchase which will detail some of this stuff). As such go with what you are comfortable with doing since I can always build off of that.
Snowy is up on the character page and I have added the revolutionary war to the list of omakes you can purchase. Things of note that will be discovered in this storyline will be the Origin of the BatCave, Uncle Sam's existence, Tomahawks Rangers and more.

The actual full update will occur tomorrow.
Martial: 1 (Snowy is relatively uncoordinated and doesn't know how to move well with his extra arms. He is not very strong and lacks any semblance of strategy. When he panics he can throw things and occasionally hurt something but he is unable to least very long at all and when facing anything smarter or stronger than him by a significant margin he is virtually helpless due to his problems with moving his own body)
Relationship with Dr. Moon: Snowy is completely and utterly terrified of Dr. Moon and will enter a violent panic upon observing him doing everything in his power to get as far away from the doctor as possible. Dr. Moon is annoyed that he couldn't continue his work with Snowy now that Cassandra is protecting him but views the attachment of the arms as a successful operation despite being aware that they have effectively crippled Snowy's ability to function like a normal monkey.

....goddamnit Moon.
Are we going to have to kill Superman?
Because as I understand it the lex Luthor and Superman can be opposed but they do not have to hate each other.
And on the other hand we have another omake by Mystery CPU. I missed the MysteryCPU omakes as they tend to be a lot of fun and have excellent elements of comedy to them. The best part about these omakes is that the characters tend to be really grounded despite poking a bit at the ridiculousness of the situation.

It says something that the one thing that keeps me from canonizing this omake is the fact that Janus adjusts the glasses with his paw (which a lions anatomy shouldn't allow it to do) rather than anything else in the omake. I'll be happy to canonize it once that tidbit is changed a bit or if MysteryCPU prefers he can keep it as is and I'll award 400 exp.

All in all it was a lot of fun to read and I look forward to seeing more.

Thanks for the kind words. I do enjoy writing omakes with your characters and hope to do more.

In the mean time, modified my omake to remove the paw moving. Instead, Janus is running (to or from, its unclear) because of the sounds of his nemesis.
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Reading the omake tbh it does feel out of place, the switch from formal language to a nickname feels pretty hamfisted.

Since it wasn't getting the results I wanted, I decided to edit it and keep Lex calling Cassandra by her full name. Still, before scrapping the idea completely, I've tried putting the slip only inside Lex's mind. Does it work better?

Could you give me more details? Lex characterization didn't fit his canon self, but I don't think it's that far from his in-quest characterization, particularly when he's dealing with things that are out-of-context problems with him like feelings and family. This may be my biases blinding me to it, but I don't quite see what you're pointing.

I do want to make them better, but bear in mind these short omakes have limited room for character development, and I have limited time to work on them, so some things can only be handwaved.
Are we going to have to kill Superman?
Because as I understand it the lex Luthor and Superman can be opposed but they do not have to hate each other.
We don't but becasue there opposites Lex won't be able to stand him, if we don't kill him we will feel compelled to make his life painful

King crimson mentioned one of our nemesis actions is to create a shell company to make contaminated superman toys to give kids cancer as a fuck you to him

I do know that once superman appears and nemesis actions come into play i want to try and reign in his petty shit to more productive means of FU's to superman.
I think it was mentioned in the beginning that we will be obligated to take actions against a nemesis every second or third turn.
This is a supervillain quest and as such a nemesis can be gained. A nemesis is either given upon selecting a character or if you get thwarted three times by the same hero. Upon gaining a nemesis supervillain actions must be taken against them every so often in place of a regular action. Supervillain actions are a variety of schemes that will attempt to damage the nemesis in some way shape or form. Successful supervillain actions will hurt the nemesis and benefit you while failed actions will do the reverse. The amount of time till the next supervillain action is determined by the success of previous actions and that heroes current state.
Heres what was said at the beginning
We don't but becasue there opposites Lex won't be able to stand him, if we don't kill him we will feel compelled to make his life painful

King crimson mentioned one of our nemesis actions is to create a shell company to make contaminated superman toys to give kids cancer as a fuck you to him
Lead poisoning- but basically yes.

There may be ways to defeat a nemesis without killing them. For example, Joker's nemesis is Batman, but Joker doesn't really want to kill Batman; he wants to convince Batman that his quest to save Gotham and law and order and all that are just a joke.

So if we could, for example, convince Superman to just give up, that the world doesn't need him and he should retire, that might well constitute a nonlethal victory over Superman- since in a real sense Lex is out to prove that the world doesn't need a Superman.

I do know that once superman appears and nemesis actions come into play i want to try and reign in his petty shit to more productive means of FU's to superman.
I'm hoping to constrain it to:

1) Petty inconsequential shit (buy out the Daily Planet and create really obnoxious bureaucratic rules that make his day to day work life unpleasant, calibrating our search engine and social media platforms to promote stories that make him look bad)

2) Stuff that's directly targeted at causing lasting harm and has a minimum of associated collateral damage (to avoid needlessly pissing people off).
LexCorp Jump City is Different from LexCorp Metropolis, Right?

"No! He did not!" Felicity Smoak asked, knowing the answer even as she asked the question.

"Swear to god: Hal just climbed out of the crashed plane with the crew slapping at his behind to get the fire out. And he turns to me and says "now you can't deny I have a hot ass"," Carol Ferris finished her story by taking a sip of her wine.

Felicity laughed with Carol. At least once a month, Felicity or Carol would make the trip to the other's city to have a "LexCorp Ladies" dinner with all the senior management of LexCorp invited. Most of the time, such as this night, it was just Felicity and Carol since Roxanne liked to do her own thing, Mercy was often doing whatever the right hand person of Lex Luthor did, and Katherine and Pamela tried to spend their off nights together.

"God, the ego," Felicity shook her head.

"Thing is: he does have a hot ass- which makes sense since he is such an ass. I don't miss that, though: flying by the seat of our pants and hoping against hope that THIS crash won't crush my company. LexCorp, at least, has given me the resources to run a normal company."

At that last sentence, Felicity rose an eyebrow.

"Really? A normal company?"

"Yeah- just a normal company with, granted, a few odd projects here and there."

Felicity shook her head," Normal? Well, that may be how things in Jump City LexCorp work but...not what I've noticed in LexCorp tower."

"Now you've got to dish."

"Well, it's not that things are bad. Just...it's like a mix of a mad scientist's dreamhouse and a daycare. So, for instance, I was working in my office the other day on the ISP updates. You know, after launch stuff."

"Don't I know it. Let me tell you about the combat drones' prioritization of rabbits- because they were programmed to act like hawks."

"Yeah. Things like that. So, there I was typing up a storm, when I heard a shuffle above me in the ventilation shaft. And who did I see but the boss' mute daughter in the ventilation shafts looking down at me with a wide smile. And, here is the thing, she could speak! With a stutter, but still she could speak. And guess what her first words to me were?"

"I'm stalking you?"

"Creepy- but, no. She F-bombed me in the cheeriest voice you could imagine. She came to apologize an hour later when it turns out that another kid who is the ward of the company (and how does that work?) played a prank by telling her it was a way of saying hello. So many questions that one incident brings forth. How did Cassandra learn to speak, why did she think it was a normal thing to spy on me while in the vents, and what was she doing in the vents?"

"Well, kids can be weird. Though, I get the daycare thing."

"It's not just that. You know we have an actual two-headed Lion cub wandering Lex's level, right?"

"Yeah, Janus. I get that he's a bit of a mascot."

"Oh, yeah. Super-cute. We even named the durable glass that the new LexPhones are made of LionGlass after him. But, anyways, I was walking around to give Lex a report when I ran into him...wearing glasses on his right head."

Carol frowned at that. She liked animals, "Well, that was just mean. Putting glasses on him."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure that anyone actually put the glasses on him. He turned his right head to me, and meowed. And then he scampered away when I heard, and I swear this is true, the screeches of a monkey down the hall."

"That's odd."

"Oh, yeah. And never mind the fact that we have ladies who wear moon crystals on them walking in the R&D halls. It's just...not what I imagined one of the fastest growing companies in the world to be like."

"Well, that's not how I run my branch. But...it sounds like you don't mind."

"Oh, it's interesting. Just...really, really weird. Like, the entire company has a " I'm going to find out that magic really exists and that there is a secret world that I'm as-of-yet unaware of" sort of vibe."

"Ha! That would so be Lex."
And it is good. You've earned 500 exp and the omake is canon.
Are we going to have to kill Superman?
Because as I understand it the lex Luthor and Superman can be opposed but they do not have to hate each other.
You have to destroy Superman. Whether that is ideologically (remove the need for Superman) or physically (Kill him) or some other way is up to you.

Most Nemesis Actions will be taking moves against him but unlike most actions their endgoal is to antagonize and injure Superman rather than achieve something on their own. As such most Nemesis actions are to an extent a burden you need to work around OOC although they can be very useful if they succeed.
I've just read the Lightyear Entertainment Interlude. It was a very interesting look into Ozzie's creative process.

It also remarks again that Lightyear Entertainment is being stretched in terms of money. The action to expand them should be taken next turn now that they're in a success streak and more means of production can allow them to create big moneymakers.
Action Phase 18
Sorry that this update came much later than was planned. I hate sufficient velocity's weird formatting issues. Like I spent about an hour just deleting the blank lines it randomly decided to insert into things for no good reason. I'm really annoyed with it and it makes the action phases a pain to get up because I've got an hour of the most mind-numbing corrections to make for reasons that feel arbitrary. It is just frustrating and I need to vent about it sometimes

Regardless I hope you all enjoy this update. The one upside of all the work I have to do to get things properly formatted means that you have plenty of options to pick from. As such I look forward to seeing what you end up doing especially since this phase is going to come to a close soon (one more turn and then Superman shows up at the end of the turn after that).

Turn 18 Action Vote
Select up to seventeen actions Please remember that there is an hour moratorium on voting and that all votes in plan format will be rejected. Please note that the extra action involving children will only be available during the hero vote.

Business is booming and progress moves ever closer. Your numerous opportunities to expand and improve are all coming into play. You have effectively cleaned house and now can focus solely on crushing your external enemies if you so choose. The future is littered with opportunities and LexCorp shall seize each and every one to make sure it ends up victorious.

Martial: War is an unfortunate thing but it brings out so much opportunity for those who are willing to look past their squeamishness and embrace the opportunity it gives them. LexCorp has been making several huge strides towards cementing itself as a superpower on the world stage and a little more muscle certainly won't hurt in that regard.
[ ] Hire more LexCorp security forces
DC 18 You can never go wrong with having more men. Increasing the amount of combat capable workers you have is always a good thing. With the death of some of your forces in Ignition's attack you need to get more boots on the ground in order to maintain your power

[ ] Train up LexCorp forces
DC 20 Your forces could probably do with some better drilling. If your forces are trained enough eventually they will be able to take on threats more evenly rather than relying on technology and numbers like they do now.

[ ] Train up the police
DC 10 While the police aren't directly working for you they still are under your control. Ensuring that they are all capable and competent will help improve how useful the police are to you.

[ ] Improve LexCorp forces equipment
DC 50 Your forces are equipped with the best equipment money can buy. However you can go even further. By customizing the individuals equipment to suit their needs you can further improve their equipment.

[ ] Fortify LexCorp tower
DC 35 While your security system has effortlessly stopped the assassination attempt the fact still remains that assassins managed to get into your tower.With the hidden weapons systems you have recently discovered how to make you can further improve the security of the building while decreasing the obtrusiveness of your current defenses. Furthermore with your newly created construction company it is easier than ever to build up defenses. With your new forcefield technology improving its defences should be child's play

[ ] Enchant LexCorp tower
DC 56 Rebecca Carstairs had proven that "magic" exists in some form or another. Your building has been enchanted to deal with some of the possibilities of magical threats. However further enchantment can only make your tower more secure

[ ] Fortify Metropolis
DC 22 You have effectively made Metropolis more secure than ever before. However with Intergang riled up is may be best to further fortify Metropolis to ensure that your city remains perfectly safe. With access to forcefields you can make Metropolis safer than it ever was before

[ ] Erect wards around Metropolis
DC 44 Rebecca has offered to create mystic wards around Metropolis to prevent another attack. Rebecca's increased understanding of how wards work will make this action both easier and more effective

[ ] Patrol Metropolis with security forces
DC 2 Your forces are incredibly powerful and have unmatched capability. However they have very little field experience. Why not give your forces some field experience? Sure this will probably increase resentment amongst the police but you can essentially supplant them in every way since your own forces are vastly superior. Furthermore this will let you catch any of the League of Shadows who are hiding in your city.

[ ] Fortify LexCorp's non-Metropolis holdings
DC 138 So far most of the attacks have been concentrated on Metropolis but LexCorp has branches outside of your city. Making them even more defensively formidable will help keep things that way. Forcefields are the natural escalation of your defensive measures and you now have access to them.

[ ] Crush all criminals
DC 77 What few criminals are left in Metropolis are either incredibly smart or incredibly good at hiding. However you are confident if you continue to dedicate forces to the removal of these pests you can continue to succeed and ensure your city remains clear of crime.

[ ] Attack Intergang
DC 78 Fighting Intergang is likely to be immensely difficult given that they have access to alien technology but you are sure that with the League of Shadows assistance you can make due and crush Intergang into the dirt where they belong.

[ ] Attempt to kill the unknown individual and his associates
DC ??? The unknown individual is too potentially dangerous to your operations. As such you have decided to try and eliminate them.

[ ] Summon demons
DC 19 Carstairs apparently has significant knowledge in demonology and can evidently summon demons with a little bit of prep time. Demons could make useful minions and they tend to be physically powerful although you'd have to be wary as not only would revealing that you are working with demons probably turn people against you but demons are notorious for trying to make things worse for everyone who gets involved with them

[ ] Overthrow Qurac
DC 53 Qurac is an unstable middle eastern country with numerous violent insurgent groups attempting to overthrow the government. Sounds like the perfect place to test your weapons and get your forces combat experience. Who knows you may even succeed in taking over the place

[ ] Assist the US Government with the war effort in Santa Prisca
DC 20 The US has declared war on Santa Prisca and Serial Peacemaking can afford to bloody its teeth on the conflict there. As such this is an ideal opportunity for you to kill two birds with one stone. Anything else you collect along the way is merely a bonus. Additionally taking this option will open up the Bane special actions that you can direct him on.

[ ] Support rebels in Polkolistan
DC 15 While you will be the first to admit that there is no love lost between you and Ignition with the world turning against Russia this is an opportunity to snatch up any valuable tech they have there for yourself while also gaining some potentially very powerful allies.

[ ] Overthrow Markovia
DC 106 Markovia is a small European country that is absolutely rich in resources. However, it is ruled by a benevolent monarch who is beloved by the people. This monarch is extremely restrictive of outsiders ability to enter the country. Thus, if you want access to all of their resources the monarchy must be toppled. The country has recovered from its turmoil and come out stronger than ever before

[ ] Overthrow Bhutran
DC 34 With the diplomatic incident the prince caused in China before his banishment the country has been in turmoil. Most of its neighbors do not truly care if this small nation were to fall tomorrow. Bhutran does have a gang problem but you can easily solve that and being able to operate so close to China might help you pierce the veil as to what exactly they are doing there

[ ] Conquer Zambesi
DC 162 With the death of Mustapha Maksai the country has devolved into conflict between multiple different warlords. Conquering the country yourself will likely be hard to keep secret and will face significant resistance but if you could have a country all to yourself the benefits might be well worth it.

[ ] Overthrow Biyalia
DC ??? This small country has finally united for the first time in generations. Overthrowing it would return things to the status quo and potentially let you come to dominate the country. You just don't know how effective such plans will be since the country is a virtual unknown

[ ] Attack Nanda Parbat
DC 45 You have learned from the assassins you interrogated that they came from Nanda Parbat. After researching it a little you have learned that Nanda Parbat is a small isolated city in the mountains of Nepal. Attacking the city may get you into a bit of a diplomatic snafu but the opportunity to completely destroy the League of Shadows might be worth it. If you can get the US military to back you up then you the assault should be significantly easier than it would have been if you were alone. You are no longer at war with the League but attacking early could prevent some unfortunate surprises.

[ ] Combat Training
DC 50 Learning how to fight and further enhancing one's body can only lead to greater and greater successes in future combat operations. Training to improve in a fight can often be brutal but it might be worth it to increase your capability to fight off your attackers (If this option is selected a hero must be assigned to it)

[ ] Build an orbital weapon
DC 32 The space race may be over but the final frontier is still a goldmine of various opportunities. Constructing an orbital weapon will give you firepower that virtually no one else has. You will have to be a bit sneaky in how you describe what you are launching but you are sure you could pull it off

[ ] Begin development of combat exosuit
DC 44 A combat exosuit is an idea you've been floating around for a while. This exosuit would enhance the wearers strength and agility while providing an excellent defense. It may end up being too expensive for mass distribution but it will undoubtedly pave the way for things like private powered armor.

[ ] Equip your forces with improved weapons
DC 23 Your numerous advances in weapons while semi-unconventional could prove useful for your men. Arming them with your newest tech will increase your forces fighting skills.

[ ] Arm the US Government with your tech
DC 10 The US government has always been a useful partner to have for LexCorp. Selling your new tech to them will keep them heavily invested in LexCorp and will earn you friends beyond just General Eiling. You have no intention of letting the US forget just how important LexCorp is to them. With the revelation of the Rocket Red project you are sure that the US government would appreciate being able to even the odds.

[ ] Create another advanced armor
DC 43 Both you and Pamela have new advanced armor. Perhaps it is necessary to give your other important LexCorp employees access to this armor. While production might be difficult keeping your employees safe from the League of Shadows and other threats is a positive benefit.

[ ] Improve flight unit and exosuit integration
DC 24 While you have gotten a working combination of the flight unit and exo-suit there are still a lot of flaws with the current design. Improving upon it further would lead to you having a better model of exo-suit and preventing possible fatalities

[ ] Integrate hidden weapons system into exosuits
DC 5 Your exosuits lack an immediate offensive potential. The hidden weapons system you've developed will help cover this oversight while still keeping the armors friendly looking to the casual observer.

[ ] The note 7 special
DC 4 Cell phones are rather ubiquitous and people don't think much of them. However if built the right way cell phones can be rigged as surprisingly powerful explosives. With your genius you could easily come up with a design that would allow you to remotely detonate your cell phones. Sure you might earn some bad publicity from having your exploding phone kill someone but the ability to surreptitiously assassinate someone is too nice to pass up.

[ ] Improve your PMC
DC 25 Your PMC, Serial Peacemaking, is less impressive than you would like it to be. However there is nothing that the proper application of more men and your brilliance cannot solve. As such you can ensure that Serial Peacemaking is the top of the line PMC before unveiling them to the world at large.

[ ] Tighten security
DC 58 Security has already been increased but it has only been improved to adequate levels. Taking the opportunity to go even further with your defensive measures is only a good thing in your book.

[ ] Create a custom fighter jet for Roxanne
DC 27 Roxanne has shown a talent for flying and is more than happy to risk her life. Developing a custom fighter jet for her will not only act as a good reward but will also help her more effectively defend LexCorp

Diplomacy: Allies are immanently useful. While you have no equal a few friends in the right places can make life so much easier and more effective for you in the long run. As such cultivating relationships and acquiring new acquaintances enables you to more efficiently achieve your objects. The world ought to know it is far better off being Lex Luthor's friend than his enemy.
[ ] Meet with the League of Shadows
DC 18 Somehow after the conclusion of your war you have managed to end on good terms with the League of Shadows. Things have recently soured between you and Ra's and your alliance has come to a close. However you can still attempt to talk to the League and it may hold some value to still twist them to your side.

[ ] Donate to the public
DC 35 Everyone loves a good charity event and you've got the resources to spare to donate to the cause of your choice. When the public adores you the masses will be easy to lead in whichever direction you want them to go. An empire lives and dies by its people and your empire will be the greatest of all time. People are currently quite happy with your actions. At this point donating the same amount would only have diminishing returns making it much harder to increase your public image

[ ] Donate to the police
DC 23 The police are now effectively in your pocket and on your payroll. Still keeping them happier can only help you when it comes time to eventually make use of the police. As such further donations can keep palms greased and people happy

[ ] Have the police publicly endorse you
DC 0 (roll determines how effective the endorsement is) People tend to trust the police as figures of authority and justice. By having the various police who now work underneath you endorse you and your plans you can improve your reputation even further and make those who would challenge you look like fools.

[ ] Donate to the DOMA
DC 25 The DOMA is the successor to the DEO and is certainly less averse to working with you. The proper application of money in the right spots might see this fledgeling organization becoming even more dependent on you and secure you a government agency in your back pocket.

[ ] Donate to guns rights groups
DC 9 The move might be controversial but the damage to Metropolis has created climate in which people want to own guns. Selling your weapons and donating them to guns rights activists will help get them to support you in turn even if such a move may alienate more liberal individuals.

[ ] Give a gift
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the gift) Rewarding others can oftentimes benefit you in turn. Making sure others know you appreciate them will help ensure their loyalty and will bind them closer to you.

[ ] Not a Bribe
DC 10 There are many unelected positions in America that provides large amount of sway over government policy and purchases. It wouldn't be inappropriate to arrange few private lunches with generals, bureaucrats, and scientists here and there to voice the interests of the business world namely your own

[ ] Push for more green legislature
DC 55 With the public now on your side there is more pressure than ever on congress to make laws to protect the environment. Pushing for these laws now will capitalize on the wave of publicity this issue has gotten and will likely earn you respect from Pamela and Mari.

[ ] Meet with the president
DC 54 With every switch in regime comes an opportunity for outsiders to gain power. Meeting with the newly elected president of the United States will give you an opportunity to push your own agenda and find allies on capitol hill

[ ] Meet with Senator Creed Philips
DC 22 General Eiling has asked you to back this man. Speaking with him face to face should help you gain a better understanding of the man. After all if he is going to be using your money you want to make sure you are getting your money's worth.

[ ] Offer to consult with the US government
DC 24 With the revelations of the existence of the Rocket Red program the US has been attempting to match their Cold War rival. Russia did not make use of your expertise. However the American government is likely more than happy to do so.

[ ] Speak with Lucas Fox
DC 28 Speaking with the boy whose college degree you've agreed to fund should be an easy matter. The boy ultimately convinced Lucius to take your deal despite both of their distrust of your sudden generosity. With enough time you could slowly turn him to your side and maybe use him as a hook to get Lucius to jump ships and work at LexCorp

[ ] Speak with Lucius Fox
DC 101 On the other hand you could always speak to Lucius directly. It'll be hard to convince the man of anything considering he doesn't particularly trust you and is rather set in his ways but perhaps a personal meeting might work in your favor. Stealing one of Wayne Enterprises most brilliant workers out from under their noses during your last collaboration probably hasn't earned you too many points with him though.

[ ] Have a meeting with Vicki Vale
DC 20 Vicki Vale has written an article to your specifications and has proven to be a worthwhile investment for you. Perhaps giving her more information would help secure her as an asset and gain you more positive goodwill.

[ ] Take a trip to Gotham
DC 0 (How high the roll does indicates how well the trip goes and who you can meet with) The welcome home party for Wayne brought out a bevy of interesting opportunities. Perhaps the city can offer you more? By meeting with major figures of Gotham and touring the city you can look to see if there are any more opportunities you would like to take. Who knows, perhaps you can discover more about this mysterious Batman who crashed the party.

[ ] Meet with the Queens
DC 45 You didn't attend Oliver's party but meeting with the family after the death of Robert Queen should allow you to gauge where they are. With the tragedy of Oliver Queen now being lost at sea the family is more unbalanced than ever. Perhaps if you are lucky you might be able to begin twisting things to your advantage.

[ ] Meet with Dinah Drake Lance in Star City
DC 12 As a part of the JSA Dinah drake can provide you with invaluable insight into superpowered individuals throughout history and clue you into the network as a whole. On top of that if there is a correlation between genetics and the development of meta-human powers then it might be worth speaking to her children and grandchildren as well.

[ ] Meet with Al Pratt
DC 47 As the member who had the most issues with the JSA and as the only one who was imprisoned by the DEO Al Pratt has some valuable information as to how the community became what it is today. The trouble is the man has become rather paranoid and while his location is listed as living in Ivy Town the man refuses to speak about his past.

[ ] Meet with Charles McNider
DC 53 Meeting with the founder of the DEO will almost certainly put you on watchlists but the opportunity to get at the secrets he knows may well be worth the increased scrutiny.

[ ] Attempt to recruit Grant Wilson
DC 70 The other child of Slade Wilson could prove a useful asset to collect. True you already have Rose who can fulfill most of the functions you'd need but some contingencies and extras never hurt anyone

[ ] Create your own political party
DC 45 Historically creating a new political party has not gone too well for American politicians but with your resources and intelligence you are sure that you can use it as a platform to meet like minded people and boost the success of your own campaign

[ ] Run for Public Office
DC ??? (Dependent on who you are running against and what position you are running for. The available positions are Maryland House of Representatives, and US President which has a DC of 147). Picking these options will lock the hero selected for the action into it for a set amount of turns until the new position is elected. Cassandra Cain, Rose Wilson, Dr. Moon and Jinx cannot run for any position Leonard Snart and Mick Rory cannot run for president and as a convicted felon can be expelled at any time from office if people vote on it and Mari cannot run for Congress or president) Running for public office might not be the most glamorous thing in the world but the soft power these positions can give you is nothing to sneeze at. You can easily see how subverting these things to your own ends would provide you with massive benefits

[ ] Meet with Roman Sionis
DC 34 You know an act of patricide when you see one and the Sionis' death reeks of one. With Roman Sionis now taking the helm of Janus Cosmetics it might be worthwhile to get the measure of the man. It might be worthwhile to see if you can form an alliance of some kind with him

[ ] Meet with Anthony Rommulus
DC 19 This sportsman has enjoyed working with Lightyear Entertainment. As such perhaps meeting with him will enable you to use his celebrity image to generate more good PR for LexCorp

[ ] Meet with Hudson Pyle
DC 29 Of all of the actors who worked with Oswald Hudson is easily the biggest name. As such his schedule is often busy. However he has stated that he is interested in continuing to work on the Mask of Zorro revival and would like to try and meet with someone to discuss the series going forward.

[ ] Meet with Daphne Dean
DC 23 Daphne Dean has successfully directed her first movie at Lightyear Entertainment has agreed to many deals with you and has formed a sort of friendship with Mari. Potentially meeting her again would help you both keep in touch with her and potentially get even more from her.

[ ] Meet with Amber Joyce
DC 44 This reclusive celebrity has been jokingly referred to as a psychic and has successfully predicted many different things. However she is somewhat reclusive. You have somewhat of a working relationship with her. Meeting her again will help you to confirm whether or not these "psychic powers" of hers are real or not. It sounds ridiculous but in a world where magic is a very real thing you cannot dismiss anything out of hand

[ ] Meet with Chloe Decker
DC 27 Chloe Decker is an actress most famous for starring in many Hollywood action blockbusters. She is however a bit tired of being typecast in the same role over and over again and is looking to branch out in her work. This may be an opportunity for you to gain another ally in the industry who can add prestige and popularity to Lightyear Entertainment

[ ] Meet with Randy Booth
DC 33 Randy Booth is a member of the legendary Easy Company and as such is potentially a good source of PR if you can get him on your side. On top of that the units infamous adventures might actually be more than they seemed at first glance. After all if the JSA were present during world war 2 who's to say the Easy Company didn't encounter anything not written about in the history books

[ ] Meet with Saied Kadesh
DC 14 Saied Kadesh is an archeologist and egyptologist with some interesting ideas and theories. The man has recently come back from a dig in Khandaq and uncovered evidence of a figure named Black Adam, who was either a god or a demigod of some form. Saied's theories have gotten no traction in academia but perhaps you can find something of value in them.

[ ] Meet with Hector Ramirez
DC 11 Hector Ramirez is the star of your new Hercules show. As a lead he is fine and he is a bit outshone by all of his castmates but the man is useful and as a former boxer he knows how to fight. He might prove useful to hire on permanently.

[ ] Meet with Jonathan Lord
DC 28 Jonathan Lord is a relatively well known star who often plays opposite Hudson Pyle. The man is on very good terms with Hudson even if he is not quite as famous. As such he could prove useful to hire full time and would be beneficial to deal with

[ ] Meet with Lewis Lang
DC 15 Lewis Lang has apparently published quite the book on Jonah Hex. Speaking to him could set you on the trail of Hex's descendants and potentially net you a decent ally in the professor

[ ] Attempt to meet with Baron Delamb
DC 76 Beron Delamb was the noble who housed Whisper in Markovia. While the man is most certainly a pompous fool his experiments with quixium could prove interesting and he could make a useful patsy. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him but opportunity comes in the strangest places

[ ] Contact Bito Wladon
DC 23 Bito Wladon is a revolutionary you encountered in Markovia who has no knowledge of your identity but was interested in selling you his rather novel sonic weaponry. Getting in touch with him could prove quite beneficial to your long term goals and give you a path forward. For all that the man is a fanatic he is a fairly reasonable fanatic whose ire is directed well away from you making him quite the useful contact.

[ ] Contact the unknown individual in Lascaux
DC 17 The unknown individual who hacked into your network and tapped into the phone lines is hiding in a famous cave in France. Contacting them will give away that you know of their existence but it will allow you to begin making deals with them.

[ ] Offer Lady Vic a loan
DC 8 You have a banking service and Lady Vic has numerous debt problems. You could offer to lend her money at a lower interest rate than what she currently owes the bank of england and have her end up owing you money instead. You can think of worse things than having a world class assassin in your debt.

[ ] Lexpo
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the expo). LexCorp is one of the most powerful companies in the state and can be felt on an international level. You routinely revolutionize multiple scientific fields and yet outside of Metropolis you aren't all that well known. While there is a benefit to being relatively anonymous a man of your greatness deserves to be recognized for his genius. The Lexpo event not only will show the world your genius but it will also attract countless individuals interested in your work to you. (Throw a party and Lexpo cannot occur on the same turn)

[ ] Throw a party
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the party). There is a hebrew proverb that roughly translates to "you only know a man when you have seen him in his joy, in his anger and in his cups". Parties bring out all three in people. Throwing a party is an opportunity to rub elbows with the people of your choice and get them to agree with your way of thinking. (Throw a party and Lexpo cannot occur on the same turn)

[ ] Teach your valuable employees
DC ??? (depends on hero unit selected to teach and be taught and what you want to teach them) Teaching your most valuable employees might end up paying off in the long run. Making Mercy able to complete scientific endeavors or teaching Dr. Isley business management will only make them more useful to you in the long run (This option must have two hero units assigned to it but if successfully completed it will lead to a stat boost in one of the characters given stats)

[ ] Throw a company party
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the party). If you want to help the internal moral of the company a monthly company party might not be a bad idea. Getting your workers to view your company as a sort of extended family buys loyalty and hard work in a way financial compensation just can't quite match.

[ ] Collaborate with a rival company
DC 63 for Stagg Enterprises, DC 1 for S.T.A.R. Labs, 112 for Wayne Enterprises, DC 54 for Kord Communications, DC 86 for Alva Technologies. Sometimes it's better to work with the enemy rather than against them. That said you fully intend to use any information learned to destroy your rivals with later.

[ ] Establish friendly relations with Quarac
DC 82 Quarac doesn't like americans but if you could get into an alliance with the leadership the tumultuous country could serve as an excellent testing ground for your weapons

[ ] Establish friendly relations with Markovia
DC 253 Markovia is incredibly isolationist. Still if you could somehow convince them to give you access to their natural resources it would be a major boon for LexCorp. With the death of the queen King Viktor is now in grief. Perhaps by offering your condolences you can get your foot in the door to reap more rewards.

[ ] Support a warlord in Zambesi
DC 80 Zambesi is currently in chaos. Finding a local warlord you can turn into your proxy should be easy and will allow you to control the country from the shadows if that warlord takes power. The only problem is that you can't get caught supporting them or you may end up facing international scrutiny. (The four warlords with the most power are currently Matthew Bland, Aku Kwesi, Joseph Kijaro and Abraham Attah)

[ ] Establish friendly relationships with Bhutran
DC 38 This is a small country that lives in terror of the nearby China. If you can get passed the fears that working with an American capitalist might draw the ire of China then you can very easily convince Bhutran to work however you want it to.

[ ] Establish friendly relationships with Biyalia
DC 12 With peace for the first time in nearly a century in the country Biyalia would almost certainly be very grateful to have you as a friend. Getting them to work with you might prove very useful and would make you look like a humanitarian

[ ] Buy a sports team
DC 25 Admittedly you don't have much interest in sports but this will make you a more public figure in a positive way and will give you a status symbol to flaunt your rivals with

[ ] Buy art
DC 0 As a man of wealth and taste it is only right that you be able to tastefully display your wealth and taste by buying art and displaying it for all to see. More seriously, art is a very easy way to launder money and diversifying your wealth can only be a good thing especially when arts limited availability only causes the price to spike higher with time.

[ ] Subsume all crime
DC 20 Crime is an inevitability and no man can truly stop it on his own. However by taking control of all crime you can regulate it and make sure it doesn't negatively impact your city. Since there is very little crime right now you can easily arrange the system to go and get things directly under your control

[ ] Create a guideline for crime in Metropolis
DC 23 Currently the criminals in Metropolis aren't very useful to you and actively bring down the city. By establishing a system of benefits for criminals who follow your rules while cracking down on individuals who refuse to cooperate with you can bring the cities criminal element somewhat under control and direct them to more useful purposes.

[ ] Hire Zatana for a show
DC 44 Zatana Zatara is apparently a rather skilled magician and her shows are consistently sold out. Having her perform a show for your employees will keep up moral and allow you to see just how she does her tricks in person.

[ ] Recruit skilled criminals
DC 20 The vast majority of criminals are useless to a man such as yourself. However every so often you need people eliminated or companies sabotaged. Recruiting skilled criminals criminals could help fill this need and give you someone to delegate less savory activities and a scapegoat if worst comes to worst

[ ] Recruit talented scientists
DC 45 You've already expanded the amount of key scientists working at LexCorp but more cannot hope. LexCorp can only grow at an exponential rate if constant upkeep and new blood is brought in. There is a slight risk that something might collapse due to the company becoming too bloated in one section with very little results to back it up so far but you're sure you can handle it

[ ] Recruit skilled doctors
DC 46 With the wide amount of people working with you hiring more doctors might prove useful. Many of your more valuable employees have unique circumstances or mindsets that a medical professional may be able to recalibrate into a more productive frame for LexCorp

[ ] Recruit competent assistants
DC 55 It's so hard to find good help. Mercy is a blessing in her competence but she cannot do everything. Finding someone to help fill in the gaps and take care of things you can't personally oversee would help everything run a lot smoother

[ ] Recruit unusual individuals
DC 46 The world is filled with strange and unfathomable things. As such one must always be on the lookout for a rare opportunity. Unique abilities under your leadership could lead humanity into a new golden age.

[ ] Recruit more occultists
DC 47 Rebecca Carstairs has proven that there is some truth to "magic" being a real thing. Finding more people with supernatural abilities and convincing to work for you can only pay off in the long run.

[ ] Recruit from injured veterans
DC 31 There are numerous veterans who would be glad to work for you and have skills LexCorp could make use of. While there is only a small pool who you feel would be truly dedicated to the company there is no sense in just ignoring a resource

[ ] Recruit more programmers
DC 44 With the acquisition of the programmers from Mockridge's business and the formation Lightyear Entertainment's video game sector you are sure that finding more programmers can only help you get a stronger grasp on that industry. They may even be able to give you the insight to finally get computers working

[ ] Recruit entertainers
DC 35 With the formation of Lightyear entertainment it is best that perhaps you hire more people in the entertainment industry to ensure that your company dominates the vacuum Galaxy Communications is sure to leave behind.

[ ] Recruit Managers and Executives
DC 65 Sometimes you need an individual to be able to manage things. While you've certainly got your own hands full, having someone who is skilled in the art of business could enable you to free up more of your time and focus your efforts elsewhere

[ ] Recruit a Head for Future Construction
DC 30 Future Construction has proven to be a lucrative business. However you do not have the time to effectively run it on your own. As such recruiting someone to become the head of this branch could prove beneficial for you in the long run.

[ ] Make a PR statement
DC ??? (depends on what the message is. A speech vote is rolled if this is selected). Marie Louise Dahl has now become the official LexCorp PR representative. While some of her proposals are outlandish giving a platform to her better ideas might enable her to feel as though she is contributing something to the company and will help ensure that LexCorp doesn't keep the public in the dark

[ ] Start advertising your construction company
DC 21 (DC 15 if Marie Louise Dahl is assigned to this action) Your construction company needs work in order to stay in business. Advertising your services can potentially get you contracts elsewhere. Being able to build more with this company sounds like a good idea to you.

[ ] Look into hiring a new PR representative
DC 46 While Marie is certainly… adequate for the position you always had intended for someone a little more… competent to take the position. Hiring a new PR representative might slight Marie a bit but you are sure you can find work for her elsewhere.

[ ] Give bonuses to employees
DC 0 (the higher the roll the more effective the bonus is) Your employees have done excellent work despite all of the stresses and messes of the past year. Rewarding them will help ensure that everyone knows you reward excellence and hard work in the face of adversity.

[ ] Sell close to home
DC 9 The United States government likes having shiny new toys and LexCorp sells only the best. Sell some of your newest stock to make some money and earn some friends in the military.

[ ] Sell to foreign governments
DC 45 On the other hand we live in a global world. LexCorp can try and make some foreign friends by selling to non-american countries. You'll still make a profit and it will set you up for more relations later on down the line.

[ ] Sell to criminals
DC 15 Selling to criminals is playing the long game. The criminals will be indebted to you for allowing them to compete with the actual authorities and the authorities will need to buy from you in order to keep up and remain able to compete.

[ ] Recruit Lucy Lane as a personal lawyer
DC 33 Right now Lucy works for a form that is in the employ of LexCorp not Lex Luthor. The distinction is rather pedantic but if you want to get her under your thumb it's best to have her working for you personally. Lucy has recently been reassured of your benevolence and as such is easier than ever to fully sway to your side.

[ ] Meet with Lucy Lane to talk about her family
DC 21 Lucy Lane is related to your third biggest problem right now. Granted the reporter is a minor nuisance right now compared to the League and whoever framed you but you didn't get as far as you have by ignoring problems and letting them grow larger. A conversation with Lucy about her family could prove insightful. In the wake of the attack on her sister you now have the pretext for steering the conversation this way

[ ] Schedule an interview with Lois Lane
DC 30 Lois Lane has requested a chance to speak with you. This will give you a chance to put out more statements following your interview with Vicki Vale and it will help you get a bead on just what Lois is up to. Still you aren't sure if you can trust Lois not to twist your words.

[ ] Public speaking tour
DC 15 With the massive shift in the way people communicate thanks to your communications network several prestigious universities and institutions have asked you to give a lecture. There is a slight risk of being attacked while on tour.

[ ] Campaign to get the achievements of one of your workers recognized
DC ??? (dependent on individual and achievement) Your employees have revolutionized the world several times over. While you are quite happy and are deserving of the lions share of the credit it seems wrong to not acknowledge the contributions of others. Campaigning for your workers to receive an award of some kind seems like an excellent way to both acknowledge the contributions of others and earn LexCorp some good PR.

[ ] Call the DOMA
DC 26 While the organization is still fledgling and is only starting to develop you could certainly discuss policy with Agent Prince. Figuring out how the DOMA is going to be shaped can only benefit you in the long run.

[ ] Hand the DOMA Woodrue's journal
DC 11 Clearly this journal contains a lot of information that might interest the DOMA. While it might be dangerous giving a potentially shady government organization access to the pheromone spray, they'll certainly take care of any potential problems Woodrue might cause you and it would earn you good will with the organization. With the death of Woodrue at Agent Prince's hand you know that they are certainly interested in Woodrue's work. With the proof of the possible replication of these powers they are more interested than ever.

[ ] Consult with the DOMA
DC 12 The DOMA is certainly quite busy right now. While they are still just starting up you are sure that they have some interesting data for you to observe. Solving these puzzles not only will help you foster a good relationship with them but it may also give you access to more secrets.

[ ] Meet with General Eiling
DC 27 The good general is less busy now that he has succeeded in his endeavors. You have a working relationship with the man but establishing closer ties and renegotiating certain things could end up only furthering the advantages you have.

[ ] Meet with the Metropolis police force
DC 3 The Metropolis police now pretty much work for you. Meeting them to get a better read on who they are could prove useful to directing and managing them in the long run.

[ ] Head to the Oblivion Bar
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the options of who you can meet there are) Rebecca has detected the presence of a hidden bar filled with magic users. Meeting the various mystical forces out there in the world seems like a good step in the right direction to ensuring that everything works out properly.

[ ] Head to Azarath
DC 45 Rebecca has discovered an entire magical pocket dimension on the west coast near Jump City. Arriving into the pocket dimension could give you some very interesting insight as to what is going on there and could enable you to better understand magic

[ ] Write an autobiography
DC 60 Writing an autobiography can help catapult you into celebrity status. Naturally you'd have to make sure it is tailored for public consumption but it shouldn't be too hard to make your rise to the top palatable for the everyman.

[ ] Take a vacation
DC 0 (the higher the roll the more you can encounter on vacation)
Life is busy. While you thrive on the work not everyone can be as productive as you are in the same environment all the time. Perhaps a vacation is in order? Who knows you may even discover something interesting.

[ ] Have Jarret Parker meet with an employee
DC ??? (A hero unit must be assigned to this action. Taking this action also means that Jarret Parker must be assigned to this action) You have hired a skilled psychologist so that you could ensure that your employees remain stable enough. While you are certain that LexCorp employs some very odd individuals you have no intention of letting their psychosis' blow up on you. As such a meeting with Jarret Parker might be worthwhile to stave off a meltdown. He has already begun to talk to Karl Helfern fairly regularly but perhaps having him meet with other individuals could prove useful

[ ] Attempt to recruit the Kryptonite Man
DC ??? After Nygma's failure to get the so called Kryptonite man to work with you willingly you may need to give the task to someone better oriented to dealing with people. Having a potential source of near infinite power and a metahuman you can freely study would be quite useful. Now if only Nygma hadn't bungled the first contact.

Stewardship: With any company it must grow or die. This is an inevitability of the capitalist system. While you are slowly getting ever closer to getting too big to fail and thus transcending the state of business which the US touts as "healthy" you still must ensure the expansion of your assets. Soon LexCorp will be impossible to remove from the world without spiraling various countries, cities and company's economies into complete and utter destruction. Frankly that is just the way you'd like it to be.
[ ] Hire more workers
DC 12 There are always more people looking in search of a job and with Ignition's attack you need to replace the workers you've lost. Still having more workers is almost certainly never a bad thing.

[ ] Build a new LexCorp building
DC ??? (dependent on the location the building is being built in.) Expansion is always a good thing as it opens up even more opportunities. Building a building in a new city will let you get your foot in the door for affecting that location.

[ ] Finish construction of the LexCorp building in Kyoto
DC 50 (If this action is not taken the DC will drop by 10 each turn until it reaches zero at which point it will automatically be completed) You have begun constructing another new building in Kyoto. Decreasing the amount of time it takes until it is completed could provide you with some very beneficial boosts to productivity.

[ ] Invest in small businesses
DC ??? (dependent on city you choose to invest in. Small businesses can only be invested in cities with a LexCorp building). While LexCorp is gigantic and monolithic as a company perhaps you might want to start investing in local businesses as well. After all if you make LexCorp into a part of the community your company will be even further entrenched in the city.

[ ] Hire a private investigator
DC 58 Too many mysteries have cropped up around you that you can't solve due to constantly having to put out fires. Hiring a private investigator to personally look into these things will ease off the workload from you and will allow you to make more informed decisions.

[ ] Build a new public transportation system
DC 45 Creating a new public transportation will not only generate you some goodwill but it will also give you control over how the city moves.

[ ] Create a charity
DC 0 (the higher you roll the more successful the charity) Creating a charity not only nets you some positive press but it allows you to more easily move around money and get tax breaks. Creating a charity can help cement your legacy and get others to truly believe that you are a good man

[ ] Create an online storefront
DC 45 You have had yet another revolutionary idea. By creating an online website through which people could purchase things (with LexCorp making a small amount of profit on each transaction) you could easily revolutionize how shopping works. If you include having LexCorp do the delivery then you can be sure people will flock to this idea.

[ ] Develop a ride sharing service
DC 24 Your phones are still new enough that everyone is still talking about them. You can capitalize on the hype by releasing a ride sharing service that will revolutionize how people use transportation.

[ ] Improve banking and payment service on phone
DC 36 Your service has slowly been improving over time. While you have managed to improve the service the user interface is still not very good and your initial lackluster launch has led to not a lot of people getting interested in the service. Perhaps you need to overhaul the whole design in order to get the numbers you were expecting and make this service up to the quality LexCorp usually delivers.

[ ] Create a grant
DC 0 (how high you roll determines how effective the grant is) Money is not an issue for you but it certainly is for many other brilliant minds. By giving others the resources they need you will improve your image and possibly be able to recruit bright minds early.

[ ] Buy the Daily Planet
DC 99 Control of the media allows you to spin the narrative in your favor. The Daily Planet is a reputable newspaper that is a fixture of Metropolis. If you can control it your image can be effortlessly maintained. Now if only the owners were more willing to sell

[ ] Buy Kord Communications
DC 336 Kord Communications is currently riding high and dominating the computer market. While it is very expensive and the CEO looks to have no interest in selling you are sure you could buy it out and make some of the profit for yourself

[ ] Purchase the Earthmover 1 drill
DC 23 Faulkner has more than proved his drills viability. You can see numerous benefits of being able to easily drill past the earth's crust to more effectively mine things.

[ ] Buy up Quixium
DC 139 Quixium is a newly discovered substance that has bizarre properties. It is currently the next big thing in the scientific community. Purchasing some can ensure that you remain on the cutting edge of science but there is a high demand for the material. STAR Labs has recently bought up a lot of Quixium

[ ] Expand Ferris Aerospace
DC 14 Ferris Aerospace has repeatedly proven to be a wise investment able to make good on their promises. Perhaps expanding the company can lead to even more impressive results. Plus this option would most certainly remind Carol of the benefits of being owned by LexCorp.

[ ] Expand Future Construction
DC 27 There are still plenty of people looking for a job in Metropolis and Future Construction is still relatively new. Hiring more people would help you get things done more efficiently and cement Future Construction as a major Metropolis employer.

[ ] Expand McCabe Fashion
DC 5 You can further expand this company and land Mari further into your debt. The woman has proven to not be able to tell how you are manipulating her and she'll probably thank you for the opportunity to prove herself and feel more indebted to you and thus work harder for you while in actuality she will owe you more than ever.

[ ] Expand Lightyear Entertainment
DC 28 Making Lightyear entertainment even bigger would enable you to tackle more aspects of media. While children's television, video games, and the news are nice to have under your influence you can't help but think how much more impressive Lightyear Entertainment could be.

[ ] Expand LexCorp
DC 39 While LexCorp has been succeeding and has been growing there has been very little increase in the amount of workers working directly under you. You have bought out several companies to expand your company but you have no intention of ignoring your main legacy to support all of the new additions. A nice booster shot of new workers could prove just the thing to push LexCorp even further beyond.

[ ] Improve your dedicated lab space
DC 24 While you have your own lab space it isn't anything all that impressive and it certainly isn't capable of doing the science you wished you could with it. This is obviously a mistake that you intend to rectify immediately.

[ ] Improve Pamela Isley's lab space
DC 40 Dr. Isley has access to the standard LexCorp labs which are already state of the art. However as very important LexCorp employee you want to be able to exploit her potential to its fullest. Improving her lab space would only increase the wonders she will make for you

[ ] Improve Karl Helfern's lab space
DC 40 Likewise while Karl has proven to be successful with the standard lab upgrading his lab could give you even more successes on his end since he'll have specialized equipment for his projects

[ ] Improve Isley's living quarters in LexCorp towers
DC 20 Pamela's in LexCorp towers is currently rather underwhelming. While she is content with what she has perhaps you ought to reward one of your most loyal subordinates with something a little bit better.

[ ] Improve Katherine Kane's living quarters in LexCorp towers
DC 27 While Katherine's living quarters in the tower are certainly serviceable you are sure that you can do better. Without the threat of Intergang disrupting your plans you can improve her living quarters to what they always should have been rather than the rushed job you have now.

[ ] Build a containment center for Jinx
DC 123 Jinx's powers are immensely dangerous and while intriguing they can have dangerous consequences. Building a place to contain her will be hard and Jinx most certainly wouldn't like the idea of being contained unless you phrase it very well but you are sure that Carl would be more than happy to be put to the test.

[ ] Build dedicated living quarters for Jinx
DC 30 Jinx is a bit spiteful and is somewhat uncooperative towards you. Perhaps building a dedicated living quarters for just her will get her to ease into being a LexCorp ward more easily

[ ] Improve the magic research lab
DC 96 Currently Rebecca's lab is excellent but you can make it even better. This will likely be very costly and tricky to maintain but the benefits of an even better way to research magic could be worth it

[ ] Build a hidden operating room for Dr. Moon
DC 66 Dr. Moon is a thoroughly unpleasant although talented individual. The main problem with him is that you need to keep him thoroughly out of the public eye. As such building a hidden operating room that can double as a laboratory for the doctor could prove to be prudent

[ ] Build a Sewer System
DC 15 The construction of sewers is a rather thankless task but it would provide numerous benefits for you. Not only would it generate more income for future construction but it would most certainly give you a lot of of the books places for you to hide things and store materials

[ ] Build a training room
DC 32 Building a room where you can allow your more uniquely skilled individuals to train to their hearts content could prove quite useful. Of course the room would have to be quite advanced and contain numerous traps in order to challenge individuals like Mari, Cassandra, Pamela and Jinx but you are sure you could manage to make something truly impressive

[ ] Build a sports stadium
DC 23 If you want to get your name out while maintaining some anonymity perhaps constructing a sports stadium is the way to go. On top of the benefits buying a sports team would give you it would also get you a lot of public pride as you have paid out of pocket for the facilities in which the home team trains and plays.

[ ] Build a monument
DC 24 Metropolis is your city, what better way to mark that by making a monument to claim it as your own. A monument not only would proclaim your own greatness to the world but would also allow you to hide things in plain sight. Furthermore a monument could be a rallying point after the troubling times Metropolis has gone through recently.

[ ] Build a shopping mall
DC 12 Capitalism is a beautiful thing. Building a shopping mall would allow you to make some money with Future Construction and rent out space to the companies of your choice.

[ ] Build a university
DC 19 Building a university will allow you to gather young minds in one place. Granted you won't be in control of the curriculum but as the founder of the university you will get a good deal of recognition.

[ ] Build a prison
DC 44 Building a prison will enable you to escape it and smuggle things in and out of there if you ever have a need to do so. You don't ever plan on going to prison but having contingencies in place could prove exceptionally useful.

[ ] Build a nightclub
DC 21 Creating a nightclub will allow you to make money and monitor specific scenes. It's a good way to get your ear to the ground and listen in on the conversations of a set subset of people. People tend to run their mouths when they are drunk or having a good time and a well built nightclub does both.

[ ] Build a supermarket
DC 6 A lot of infrastructure in Metropolis was damaged. Creating a place where a lot of people can go and buy essential goods seems like a way to make money and generate goodwill

[ ] Build a Casino
DC 3 People can sometimes have problems with gambling. Making a casino is a way to exploit those kinds of people. Sure Nevada is the only state that has legalized gambling but you are sure you can make some money off of it and aren't afraid to broaden your horizons.This will most certainly earn you some bad reputation with the most morally uptight of individuals but honestly they'd likely hate you anyways.

[ ] Build an animal shelter
DC 6 Very few people think about animals in the wake of a tragedy like the League of Shadows bombing. Creating an animal shelter will allow you to preemptively curb any problems of strays and will provide you easy access to animal test subjects.

[ ] Restore old buildings
DC 21 Make use of your knowledge of architecture to renovate old crumbling houses. After having rebuilt them all you can make a tidy profit off of having others live there. Alternatively you could restore historical sites for the good PR.

[ ] Build a panic room
DC 16 A panic room would give you a place to hide if worst comes to worst and someone breaches LexCorp tower. You run into all sorts of unsavory people in this business and you can never be too prepared. This option would keep you safe even if your tower is somehow breached and an intruder gets past the defenses.

[ ] Build mining operations
DC 10 A chance for you to seize the means of production. By buying up all of the materials you need to make your tech projects you can mess with their pricing and the business synergy is sure to drive up profits

[ ] Build a conservatory in Louisiana
DC 10 By building a conservatory in Louisiana you can begin to preserve any unique plants there while also having a location in which to do more focused botanical research

[ ] Build apartment complexes
DC 4 You can build apartment complexes available to everyone in multiple locations which you have purchased. The development of these locations could allow you to generate goodwill and potentially gain information on unusual tenants.

[ ] Build housing for LexCorp employees
DC 4 LexCorp has many employees and not enough room to house them all within the tower. As such you can now solve this problem by providing them housing at many of the locations you now own.

[ ] Build a lab in Vlatava
DC 14 Count Vertigo has provided you with a relatively remote area in Vlatava where you can set up a lab and begin investigating various things you'd like to keep out of the public eye.

[ ] Contribute resources to the analysis of superhuman powers
DC 0 (however high you roll will give you more options to pick from but you cannot fail on this action) However many resources you donate to figuring out how superhuman powers work Count Vertigo will do his best to match. As such putting money into this endeavor is now twice as effective as it normally would be.

[ ] Improve Kryptonite mining
DC 78 You have already set up an adequate beginning to your mining operations. Now you can begin to improve them to ensure you have a monopoly before anyone else realizes kryptonite is valuable.

[ ] Improve production facilities
DC 99 By improving your production facilities you can more effectively begin to pump out more products. While you are already fairly state of the art you are sure you can advance things even further.

[ ] Begin production of energy wands
DC 10 The energy wands Rebecca has learned how to make are fairly easily mass produced. However if you get involved with this you most certainly need to keep it on the down low so that the DEO doesn't get involved.With your new production facilities you can quite easily make a large quantity of these wands

[ ] Build another space building
DC 47 You can construct yet another building dedicated to ensuring that Ferris Aerospace is able to remain at the top of its industry. It might be a bit redundant and give diminishing returns and the land will be harder to find but you are certain you can keep increasing how advantageous it is.

[ ] Improve your current space building
DC 30 Your current space building is near state of the art but you are certain that if you improve it you can ensure that it is even better and that your dreams of achieving spaceflight will be well handled.

[ ] Privately fund archeological digs
DC 34 Funding archeological digs will help you get to observe various artifacts that are uncovered. You'd have to deal with individuals technically out of your employ pursuing separate agendas but you are sure you can make it work out in your favor

[ ] Fund Barbara Minerva's expidition
DC 29 Barabara Minerva's expedition sounds promising and if you fund it you might be able to collect any of the valuables she gets on this trip for yourself.

[ ] Create robot animals
DC 15 You have already learned how to make animal like AI with the information gleaned from Ivo's pet project. Now you can start making robotic animals. With this advance will come numerous opportunities to show LexCorp's dominance of the fields of computing and robotics.

[ ] Create combat planes
DC 6 Ferris Aerospace which you have recently acquired and expanded is capable of making state of the art combat planes. Having your company begin producing what they excel at is only good business sense

[ ] Design and produce small combat drones
DC 17 not quite planes but using your flight units, animal-like AI and hidden weapons system you can design semi-small autonomous flight drones that can be used for combat. This advance will reduce the amount of lives lost in conflict and naturally secure the safety of yourself and LexCorp to a greater degree

[ ] Design and produce spy drones
DC 10 Using your cell phone network, your animal-like AI and your flight units you can create small drones that take picture and video of certain activities and stream it back to you. These drones can be designed to look and act like birds or bats enabling you to spy on others without being noticed.

[ ] Begin producing children's television
DC 15 Under Oswald's supervision Lightyear entertainment can end up becoming a household name through quality programming for children. You fully intend to capitalize on your strengths. Oswald has already proven capable at this element

[ ] Release what you have
DC 0 (triggers a subvote automatically) You already have a decent compilation of material from Lightyear Entertainment, you might as well use it for something.

[ ] Begin producing video games
DC 24 with the acquisition of the programmers and your own Lex-Phones as a delivery platform you are sure that video games could prove to be quite a lucrative market for you.

[ ] Begin producing news
DC 35 While you will have to ensure that your news branch of Lightyear entertainment isn't being considered biased being able to freely rewrite the narrative and challenge the Daily Planet's standard of "Truth" could prove very, very useful

[ ] Begin producing merchandising for "The Curse of the Atomic Skull"
DC 0 (rolls determines how popular the merchandise is) Daphne Dean's directorial debut is not a massive success but it has retained popularity amongst critics and has a cult following. By producing official merchandise for the movie you can make more money and potentially leverage the movie into a different field with more success.

[ ] Build food production facilities
DC 6 While LexCorp doesn't make food itself it does have patents to several genetically modified plants. Because of this LexCorp could easily go into business in this field. By creating these production facilities you will show a willingness to step up to the plate and expand LexCorp in new directions

[ ] Cultivate Gingo fruits
DC 29 Growing more of the rare Gingo fruit will ensure that the supply Nygma gave you will last for quite a long time. After all if the fruit proves useful it would pay off to have a large amount of it.

[ ] Restore damaged environments
DC 20 With your rapid plant growth formula you can restore forests and jungles that were damaged by human hands. Not only will this earn you good will but Pamela will appreciate you doing your best to help save the environment from the excesses of humanity.

[ ] Build another supercomputer
DC 54 (DC 43 if Felicity is assigned) LexCorp has obtained the ability to make supercomputers. Making one for your company's, or your own, private use seems like a smart long term investment. You already have one supercomputer up and running building another one in a different location could prove quite useful for you.

[ ] Repair the damaged Supercomputer
DC 0 (will be an autosuccess) Your supercomputer was damaged in the attempt to replicate how the unknown individual was killing people. A simple repair however should put it back in action and ready to be used again.

[ ] Improve the supercomputer you have already built
DC 96 (DC 84 if Felicity is assigned) You have gotten your supercomputer up and running. Now maybe you can see about improving it even further. While it is a useful tool it currently is quite limited. Upgrading it should help you use it more effectively.

[ ] Build a hospital
DC 40 Taking a move from an old rival of yours (Wayne Enterprises) LexCorp could build a hospital. While you want to make sure it could compete with the Wayne's hospital (a daunting task considering their companies specialization) you are sure it could be done. On top of that a hospital would give you easy access to human test subjects to use for less ethical experiments.

[ ] Build an airport
DC 56 Metropolis already has an airport but you are sure someone somewhere could use another one being built somewhere else. This option would also act as a sort of dry run for the building of various compounds you'll need if your space program ever gets off the ground.

[ ] Build an orphanage
DC 34 If you want a safe move to boost PR you can build an orphanage to house youths with no parents. Not only would this option synergize well with an announcement of your adoption of Cassandra Cain to the public but it would also provide you a possible source of human test subjects that people wouldn't go searching for.

[ ] Build affordable housing
DC 24 Even with the damage to Metropolis repaired there are still many homeless people. Building affordable housing would allow you to make a killing off of this demand for housing and would possibly allow you to get your foot in the door for the real estate business

[ ] Build a museum
DC 36 A museum not only will generate some public good will but it will also give a reason as to why you are transporting certain artifacts. Having plausible deniability for any investigation is good especially considering some mystical artifacts might double as culturally significant artifacts.

[ ] Build a University
DC 40 With your own vast swaths of land you can now easily construct a private university at any location of your choosing. By building a state of the art place of education you can get first pick at the best minds of tomorrow.

[ ] Build a boarding school
DC 30 Admittedly this is less useful but having access to numerous children of wealthy and influential individuals could prove quite useful in the long run. On top of that it gives you a place to send Cassandra and Jinx to get a more unified education.

[ ] Build your own custom vehicle
DC ??? (Depends on the type of vehicle made. If a car DC 11, if a boat DC 17 and if a plane DC 6) Having your own personal vehicle is an incredibly useful thing if you need to get around. Sure anything you use for yourself is likely too expensive to be brought to market but the numerous features and the convenience of this option still makes it a useful investment

[ ] Go greener
DC 42 You have only further improved with your capabilities to revolutionize the business world. Going greener will not only earn you good publicity and force your rivals to attempt to match you or look like bad people but it will also demonstrate how far ahead your technology is from everyone elses

[ ] Create Vegan meat substitute
DC 10 A rather niche development but a rather safe one that might lead to some interesting results.

[ ] Create farmland
DC 15 LexCorp has slowly begun edging into the food market and Dr. Isley's research has shown the benefit of being able to grow materials for use in your other projects. Purchasing farmland to make your more expensive organic materials yourself might prove useful.

[ ] Compost
DC 28 One man's trash is another man's treasure. Admittedly a rather cliche phrase but with a new composting program you can use other people's trash to grow things that others treasure and thus make more money. Plus this is a good PR move

[ ] Begin producing pheromone spray
DC 54 The pheromone spray is too useful a tool to allow to go to waste. Creating a secret facility to produce the spray for your own use seems like an excellent way to utilize this newfound discovery to its fullest potential. Getting caught however is very dangerous and you might have to explain why you are suddenly importing rare plants.

[ ] Begin producing combat robots
DC 10 With your factors and the fairly utilitarian design of your first combat robots you can quite easily begin mass producing them on a large scale

[ ] Purchase real estate
DC 0 (I'm going to roll a d100 and how good the land you bought is dependent on how high the roll is) Land is always something that is useful to have. When you own the land you can set the rules on what goes down there

[ ] Invest in a startup company
DC 0 (I'm going to roll a d100 and how good the tech company is and how much it benefits from the investment is dependent on how high the roll is) Sometimes startups can surprise you. By buying up interesting startups early you can expand LexCorp and begin to break into new markets

[ ] Create a specialized lab
DC 34 LexCorp's labs are absolutely state of the art. However as of right now the labs are rather generalized. Constructing specialized labs might make it so that your new discoveries come even faster in certain fields.

[ ] Use rapid growth formula to increase speed of testing cycles
DC 12 One of the biggest issues in testing things is going to be the need to wait for multiple rounds of testing to occur. With your rapid growth formula you can speed up the testing cycle for any test involving plants.

[ ] Create shell companies
DC 55 A rather expensive investment and one that is slightly illegal but if successful will allow you to secretly funnel money and materials without anyone else being the wiser. Having more of them will make it easier to hide things

[ ] Develop Jump City
DC 67 Jump City is a city in relative disrepair. Investing into the community will make LexCorp become more firmly entrenched their and will make the location a superior one

[ ] Develop Coffin Hill
DC 12 Coffin Hill is a small town out in Massachusetts. As you now own the land you can do with it whatever you please. Developing it could end up generating more money for you and potentially gaining more resources.

[ ] Develop area near Blue Valley Nebraska
DC 6 Blue Valley Nebraska is a tiny rural town. However since you own a lot of the land next to it you can develop that area and hopefully reap some rewards.

[ ] Develop Houston Idaho
DC 3 You admittedly bought Houston Idaho on a whim but you can make some good out of it. Developing it further could give you numerous advantages later on down the line.

[ ] Develop Vlatava
DC 20 Count Vertigo has given you free reign and essentially a monopoly in his country. As such you can develop it however you see fit. Building up your ally to become dependent on you not only will give you a more useful ally but will also ensure he cannot betray you.

[ ] Create and sell bulletproof formalwear
DC 16 There is a market amongst the rich and powerful for stylish bulletproof clothes. The market is niche but you could certainly make use of it and your advances in armor make it feasible. You likely won't be able to sell bulletproof clothes to everyone at a reasonable price but you most certainly can sell it to those who can afford it.

[ ] Develop and sell high fashion clothing
DC 28 High fashion clothing is mostly sold towards the wealthy and is stylish and frankly rather expensive. Committing to this area of fashion design will likely earn McCabe Fashion a degree of clout and status although you will make less money than what you would if you sold clothing everyone could afford. This is likely what Mari intended to do when she decided to pay you back by starting a fashion company

[ ] Develop and sell low fashion clothing
DC 2 Low fashion clothing is what the man on the street would buy and wear. Breaking into this market can earn you a lot of money and the material costs are rather low. This will make you a household name but could annoy Mari if she feels you are interfering too much with the business she was given to run

[ ] Develop and sell a new police uniform
DC 16 The police could also benefit from a subtle little nudge in how they think. Studies show dressing differently cause people to behave slightly differently as well. Perhaps you could influence how the police thinks in a rather unobtrusive manner. On top of that an improved uniform could help save more lives if it is properly upgraded.

[ ] Develop and produce personalized uniforms for the LexCorp inner circle
DC 34 Mari has offered to make custom uniforms for the higher ups in the company. Taking her up on the offer will give her something to do that directly benefits you and will allow you to keep valuable employees safe and more certain of their positions.

[ ] Develop and produce Costumes
DC 49 The history of the JSA has caught fire in your mind. A paramilitary unit like that was a marketing dream and might very well be the future of personal security with the new developments surfacing in the world. You are not quite sure how to sell it to the world but you feel developing costumes to catch the public's eye and turn individuals into larger than life symbols is necessary. Granted these costumes need to be of the highest expense if they are going to see use in combat against various otherworldly sources but money is no object to someone like you.

[ ] Develop and produce disguises
DC 26 Being able to hide your identity is always a good thing. Creating some disguises for your use is a rather covert use for a fashion company but it will allow you to disguise important figures in the LexCorp family.

[ ] Develop and produce Spacesuits
DC 14 If you want to properly explore space what you need to do is first construct suits that will let humans properly survive in the harsh environments that exist outside of earth

[ ] Sell Universal Translators
DC 31 (DC 12 if Marie is assigned) The new Lexicon has gotten a good amount of press and is a quality product you believe will revolutionize the world. Now you just need to make sure that everyone else understands just what you have created. Putting the LexCorp PR machine to work selling these could end up making them nearly as popular as the L-Phones

[ ] Begin producing hologram technology
DC 10 Hologram technology is immensely useful. While you won't be distributing the most dangerous aspects of it just yet, you can certainly see a market for illusions cropping up.

[ ] Begin production of nanites
DC 18 Nanotech might be the most important thing you have gained from reverse engineering Intergang's technology. While you have to be careful with how you produce them nanites might just be what allows you to truly push humanity into its glorious destiny.

[ ] Improve LexCorp's services as an ISP
DC 86 (DC 66 if Felicity is assigned) Right now your ISP services have cornered a significant portion of the market and are making you a lot of money as well as allowing you to gather tons of information covertly. However your results could be more impressive. By improving your services you can end up cornering an even bigger part of the market

[ ] Hire Ex-Cons
DC 11 (DC 22 for Leonard Snart) Oftentimes people who are caught breaking the law are utterly unable to get work. This would make them extremely devoted to you if you were to offer them jobs at LexCorp since it would beat every other option they have. On top of that hiring ex-cons may give you good PR and change societal views on certain crimes. Sounds like a win-win-win to you. And you like winning. (Note if this option is selected a sub-vote on the type of ex-con's you hire will occur).

[ ] Renovate your office
DC 14 Your office is what everyone sees when they walk in to meet you. Currently it's not dissimilar from what your father had. It's adequate but for someone as important as yourself more impressive lodgings are needed.

[ ] Buy a house
DC ??? (I'm going to roll a D100 and then that will trigger a list of options which you can then select which each have their own "DC cost" that you can spend the roll to buy). While you may be the face brains and head of LexCorp you are not the company. You need your own private place to live. Finding a suitable place should be easy enough.

[ ] Purchase Risk Management Firm
DC 43 There are quite a few PI and Risk Management Firms whose job it is to minimize the risk of various investments through pro-active investigation. With the recent attack on LexCorp and the industry disruption that Lex plans on doing, it's not a bad idea to buy the largest and most prestigious of these firms for LexCorp's own use. The in-house attorneys at Siegel and Shuster would appreciate it, at least.

[ ] Buy out Sundollars
DC 88 Sundollars is doing remarkably well right now. Perhaps you ought to purchase them before they get to big and make money off of a booming trend.

[ ] Construct servers
DC 26 (DC 6 if Felicity is assigned) Constructing additional servers will allow you to better optimize your phones and will possibly open up other fields like being an internet service provider. More servers means you can handle a larger load of data rushing in all at once

[ ] Construct off the books servers
DC 42 (DC 32 if Felicity is assigned) If LexCorp needs a place to store sensitive data that they most certainly do not want anyone poking around in constructing off the books servers seems like the ideal way to accomplish that task as unlike paper records digital ones can be destroyed with a few keystrokes and no physical evidence.

[ ] Renovate LexCorp Tower
DC 0 (the higher the roll the more stuff you can add and change. Future Construction gives an automatic +10 to the roll. Production facilities give another automatic + 15) Your tower could use some improvements. By modifying the layout and decor of the building you can change how people are affected by the environment. Furthermore renovations would allow you to insert numerous things that previously were not possible to have.

[ ] Develop a social media platform
DC 54 (DC 34 if Felicity is assigned) The internet is still rather new in its current state and isn't thoroughly organized. By creating a revolutionary new type of site in which people would interact with each other and use it to manage interpersonal relationships would allow you to gain a lot of metrics on a lot of people and possibly make a ton of money in advertising.

[ ] Develop a search engine
DC 66 (46 if Felicity is assigned) The success of Buggle makes launching your own search engine incredibly tempting. You are sure that with the right incentives you can easily surpass your rivals in this department even with their headstart

[ ] Develop an online encyclopedia
DC 35 (DC 15 if Felicity is assigned) Alternatively using your online databases you can create an online repository of information for others to browse. While you likely won't make incredible profits off of this, the ability to control the flow of information is incredibly valuable.

[ ] Begin sustainable logging
DC 33 To continue the momentum of your green initiatives and synergize with Future construction you could potentially begin engaging in sustainable logging.

[ ] Begin production of auto-kitchen
DC 18 Automated assembly is not just useful for production you can introduce a limited version of it into the consumers home in the hopes of making a profit. Revolutionizing things people already do has made LexCorp a lot of money before so you see no reason not to attempt it once more.

[ ] Begin production of Venom
DC 6 The formula given to you by Bane is fairly easy to replicate and could prove quite useful. Venom while a steroid, is not yet a controlled substance in the US. As such you could begin to produce the substance to then sell to others now. If you are really lucky then maybe you'll even be able to sell the Venom back to Bane to make back the money you paid him for the formula.

[ ] Build a Kryptonite power plant
DC 52 With your acquisition of kryptonite it stands to reason you can end up creating power plants that will be the future of your cities energy. With this you can end up reclaiming the glory days when the city was entirely dependent on a Luthor for all of its needs. Metropolis has always been yours this is merely another step to further cement that fact.

[ ] Lead an expedition to find rare plants and animals
DC 56 Dr. Isley has pointed out that there are numerous plants animals that could have beneficial effects that the world has not yet discovered. Leading an expedition to find these things could enable you to have a monopoly on some vastly successful new product. With Nygma's recovery of Gingo fruit you have already seen successes come from investing in this area.

[ ] Pressure S.T.A.R. labs to go in a certain direction
DC ??? By exerting your controlling interest you can guide the future of S.T.A.R. labs however you want to. They are currently working on discovering the properties of Quixium (with which they are making rapid progress) creating Promethium (slowly but surely), a perpetual motion machine (which caused an explosion which damaged the companies reputation) and cloning (with which they have failed to make progress beyond cloning sheep). Recently the branch in Metropolis has begun work on something called "Project Atomic Skull" which could prove interesting.

[ ] Purchase more S.T.A.R. labs stock
DC 58 You already have control of S.T.A.R. labs but you lack the majority to push through all decisions on your own. Buying more stock can quickly solve that problem for you and make the company yours in all but name.

[ ] Attend Miabel Lefebvre's magic item black market
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the available options to buy will be). The discovery of a black market for magic items is an immense discovery since notably almost everyone can make use of magic items. Seeing whats available for purchase could give you a leg up on the competition

[ ] Buy Anthony Gallo's casino
DC 26 You are interested in owning a casino but it is simpler to simply buy one than to build one yourself. Gallo has certainly built one you wouldn't mind owning

[ ] Build a secret lab in a remote location
DC 16 You have purchased the remote location of Shishmaref Alaska which is far from any prying eyes. Now you can easily conduct any research you do not want others finding out about at that location.

Intrigue: Secrets and lies are the currency with which one can buy image and appearance on the world stage. The world is volatile and so secrecy must be employed to ensure that you consistently end up on top of things. Such dirty deals are unfortunate but necessary and you will ensure your dominance no matter what happens in the end.
[ ] Investigate inside the company
DC 188 You can never be too paranoid. Investigating inside the company would let you root out spies and figure out if anyone is siphoning money away from where it is supposed to go

[ ] Investigate Russia
DC 261 Russia has been recruiting as many talented scientists as they possibly can. It is ominous that they are gearing up for something but if you can find out what it is that the country is trying to make then you can develop a countermeasure of some kind. With Noi having fled to Russia and Ignition having ties to the country it may be worthwhile to look into them.

[ ] Investigate Oolong Island
DC 134 Oolong Island is a mysterious place which hasn't even been confirmed to exist. The Chinese government has actively denied the island's existence. Maybe there is some truth to this rumor despite the evidence to the contrary.

[ ] Bribe Franklin Berkowitz
DC 75 Franklin Berkowitz is a man of principles in stark opposition to Sackett. He will not be easy to bribe but you're sure that enough money can erode most men's principles

[ ] Investigate Bradford Sackett's death
DC ??? Bradford Sackett apparently committed suicide but the way he died is a bit bizarre especially when you know there is an invisible assassin hanging around Metropolis. Investigating his death could clarify some of the circumstances of what Bradford was involved with.

[ ] Investigate the DEO
DC 254 The DEO was a shadowy government arm that notoriously deals in extranormal affairs. The organization has recently been disbanded in favor of two new organizations. However, the DEO's old files are still immensely relevant to the goings on of the modern day.

[ ] Investigate the DOMA
DC 117 Agent Prince is now the head of the DOMA which has taken over half of the DEO's operations. You are an insider to an extent but you are sure the DOMA is still keeping secrets from you. Snooping around could prove valuable

[ ] Investigate ARGUS
DC ??? ARGUS is another organization that is acting as a successor to the DEO only this time you have no idea what this group does. Finding out information on them is critical as they somehow managed to be even more paranoid and secretive than the DEO.

[ ] Investigate Director Bones
DC 44 You have met with the mysterious head of the DEO. While he hasn't revealed much you can now start looking into who exactly he is to try and get a better understanding of the DEO. Director Bones has officially retired as the director of the DEO and now goes by Mister Bones.

[ ] Investigate Diana Prince
DC 58 On the other hand you could also investigate Diana Prince. This agent is the head of the DOMA which will be replacing the DEO soon. You have since learned that she is an Amazon and has powers that dwarf anything you have seen so far. Being able to learn more about her could prove very useful to you

[ ] Investigate Amanda Waller
DC 72 Amanda Waller is the person in charge of ARGUS. She has a classified history working with the CIA and has a long and storied career of working with the US government but her actual background is well hidden. Getting a read on her could be vital as not only is she a major player she is Director Bones' successor that you were totally unaware of.

[ ] Attempt to locate Themyscira
DC ??? Alternatively if you don't want to deal with Diana Prince you could try and find the Amazons themselves. You know Themyscira is off the coast of Greece but you are unsure of where specifically and you are aware that there are likely magical safeguards. It would likely be a crapshoot but if it succeeds the result might be well worth it.

[ ] Investigate the vanished town
DC 82 Something strange happened in that small town in Louisiana. The results are too similar to how your flesh converting poison works. Perhaps it is best you go and investigate this to figure out what exactly caused this.

[ ] Investigate what happened in Fawcett City
DC 102 Something strange happened in Fawcett city involving the DEO and it may be in your best interest to find out what it is. Solving this mystery could lead to some potentially huge rewards.

[ ] Investigate the disappearing submarines
DC 46 Something is causing submarines to go missing in the area near the oil spill. Figuring out what's causing these mysterious disappearances could lead to some very interesting opportunities. The area has gone dark so it has been harder to find information. If you aren't careful the opportunity to figure out what happened could just pass you by.

[ ] Investigate what Faulkner hit in his demonstration
DC 21 With all of the hubbub over Quixium very few people have noticed that something was off in the tunnel that Faulkner was digging in. The discrepancy didn't pass you by and you intend to figure out what's going on. After all if something as relatively revolutionary as Quixium is left out in the open then what people can't find is likely even more valuable

[ ] Bribe the police
DC 26 You could attempt to directly bribe the police to get them directly on your payroll. This method isn't subtle and some of them might blow the whistle on corruption if you engage in this action. But they already more or less belong to you, this will only make it more literal

[ ] Hide evidence of control of the police
DC 99 There is a trail people could follow to figure out you've got control of the police. Muddying the waters and covering your tracks could help ensure that no one can link you to the police. Still you must be careful that your attempts to hide evidence doesn't create more evidence. The trail is already likely buried but you could bury it even further

[ ] Have the police cause inconveniences for a target of your choosing
DC 18 The police in Metropolis are competent and they in essence answer to you. As such if you want to exert a little pressure you are sure you can convince them to make someone's life miserable. After all people can't scheme against you when they are to bust dealing with parking tickets and other various minor offences

[ ] Hire Lady Vic on permanently
DC 34 Keeping Lady Vic on permanent retainer might prove costly and you'll have to hide the links between an assassin and you company but she has proven that she is competent and capable and having her in your employ could prove beneficial

[ ] Hire Deathstroke for a job
DC 32 Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke is one of the deadliest mercenaries on the globe right now and is constantly in high demand. Hiring him for a job will be very expensive but the man boasts an impressive resume and he always gets the job done once he takes it.

[ ] Investigate the history of the League of Shadows
DC 79 A group as powerful as the League of Shadows couldn't have sprung up out of nowhere. By investigating the groups past perhaps you can find more clues as to how they organization works, who Ra's al Ghul really is and who the person who framed you could be.

[ ] Investigate Nanda Parbat
DC 64 Nanda Parbat is a small isolated Tibetian city but if what the assassins said about it is true there is much more about it than meets the eye. You intend on finding out as much as you can if you intend to retaliate against the League of Shadows for the attempt on your life.

[ ] Locate the Sword of Fan
DC 64 The Sword of Fan is a powerful mystical artifact lost somewhere in Micronesia. Supposedly the first emperor of China used it to unify the country under his reign. Such a powerful tool could prove highly effective for LexCorp's goal

[ ] Locate Excalibur
DC ??? Nygma has confirmed that Excalibur exists. Finding it would give you a massive amount of power and prestige. However you are sure that finding such a legendary sword will be quite difficult.

[ ] Locate Clarent
DC ??? Less well known but arguably still incredibly valuable is the sword Clarent. Finding Clarent could prove very useful even if it is just to keep it out of others hands.

[ ] Locate the Night Blade
DC ??? Most intriguingly Nygma found mention of a sword called the Night Blade which has no restrictions on who can wield it. Finding such an object would grant you immense power if significantly less acclaim than the other two swords created by Merlin

[ ] Search for hidden artifacts
DC 134 (DC 60 if Nygma assigned) There are clearly many hidden secrets in the world at large buried in the ancient past. Having someone put the clues together and seeking them out could prove a useful venture

[ ] Investigate Red Tornado
DC 190 A superpowered android that has been around since the sixties is something definitely worth checking out. Unfortunately there has been little trace of the android on public record. If you can locate it or learn more about it you can use this to revolutionize the whole world.

[ ] Locate T.O. Morrow
DC 67 Alternatively you could track down the androids creator and get your information directly from the source. T.O. Morrow is notably paranoid so you'll have to be careful in how you approach him but if you can get him to work for you it will be a very good day for LexCorp indeed

[ ] Investigate the Blackhawk Squadron
DC 456 There were mentions of the government liaison of the JSA, Blackwing, having been the leader of the Blackhawk squadron. As far as you could tell from your research there was no such unit under this name operating for the allies. Something odd is going on and the mystery might be well worth uncovering

[ ] Investigate Ted Grant
DC 177 Ted Grant is a member of the JSA whose current location is not known. Investigating more into his past could reveal valuable data

[ ] Investigate Theodore Knight
DC 62 Theodore Knight retired from the JSA and moved to Opal City. From there he has worked with the DEO but his address is not listed in any sources you could find. It might be worth looking into the Starman

[ ] Investigate Rex Tyler
DC 295 Rex Tyler has completely and utterly vanished from history and you can find no record of his existence past the year 1967. Something must be going on there and if you can get to the bottom of this mystery you might learn of some very valuable secrets.

[ ] Investigate Charles McNider
DC 365 Investigating the first head of the DEO (and allegedly the most paranoid of the bunch) would be a difficult undertaking but if you do it well you can avoid arousing the DEO's suspicion and learn more about both them and the JSA.

[ ] Investigate Adeline Kane and the middle child
DC 96 Adeline Kane has retreated entirely from public life and she took her mute son with her. It is unknown if Joseph Kane has any powers but you want to get to the bottom of this mystery. Investigating what is going on there could give you some critical insight as to what's going on.

[ ] Investigate Grant Wilson
DC ??? Investigating Grant Wilson would help you understand what kind of person he is making it easier to recruit him and it would allow you to gain a little more knowledge of what his powers are

[ ] Locate Silver Monkey
DC 37 Silver Monkey the assassin who tried to kill you at Wayne's party has escaped custody and is currently an unknown variable. Locating him would help solve any potential questions surrounding what the assassin is up to.

[ ] Locate Murmur
DC 16 Murmur has recovered from his injuries at Katherine's hands and has now escaped Blackgate Penitentiary. You could find some use for the individual if you can direct him and you don't want the maniac to cause you problems later on down the line.

[ ] Investigate the Seven Men of Death
DC 101 This group of elite assassins has a rotating membership. The current seven members of the group have been outed by Lois Lane's article. Figuring out more about them could help you deal with them as you'll most likely come into contact with them.

[ ] Investigate David Cain
DC 54 David Cain is one of the high ranking League of Shadows members who was outed by Lois Lane's article. The man shot the agents who came after him but was eventually forced to abandon his daughter. David Cain is a skilled assassin who has apparently been looking for a way to create the perfect warrior. Finding out more about him could be beneficial.

[ ] Investigate David Cain's other children
DC 74 it is likely that David Cain had other children in his attempts to create a super assassin. Finding them could give you more useful easily manipulatable pawns like Cassandra.

[ ] Investigate Lady Shiva
DC 28 Lady Shiva was another member of the League of Shadows outed by Lois Lane's article. Unlike the other members she didn't run once outed with the government hunting her down. Instead Shiva promptly murdered absolutely everyone who came after her with ruthless efficiency before slinking off into some hiding place. People have caught her on video extensively and her martial arts skills are terrifying. Perhaps by researching her you could find some kind of weakness to exploit?

[ ] Investigate the Armless and Legless Master
DC 35 This pair of martial artists were noted by Talia to be quite talented individuals who could potentially teach Cassandra a thing or two. Finding out more about them could give you another asset to use.

[ ] Investigate Natas
DC 48 Natas is a brutal mercenary who specializes in transforming people into deadly warriors. It is unknown what he wants but he can train individuals to rival or exceed the League of Shadows. Learning more about him could help teach you his methodology.

[ ] Investigate the Seven Deadly Brothers
DC 123 Of all of the martial artists Talia mentioned the Seven Deadly Brothers are both the most and the least mythical. The Seven Deadly Brothers are rumored to be supernaturally powerful. Unfortunately they are also in the employ of the Chinese government. Still learning more about them could help ensure that you know what you are dealing with.

[ ] Investigate Richard Dragon
DC 77 Richard Dragon is an incredibly secretive individual. The wandering warrior is considered one of the best martial artists on the planet, able to go toe to toe with Lady Shiva and even win. However his nomadic lifestyle makes him exceptionally hard to find and his independent streak makes him hard to recruit. With a little digging though you are sure you can find a way to convince him to stay in your employ.

[ ] Investigate Baron Delamb
DC 236 Baron Delamb has apparently been engaging in human experimentation. You never actually met the man despite having been thoroughly aware of who he was. Perhaps further investigation is warranted to see what dark secrets you can unearth. It was easy enough to connect him to having harbored Whisper A'Daire so the projects he is keeping secret surely could potentially be even more damning to his character

[ ] Locate Intergang
DC 37 The more of Intergang you can locate the more effectively the League of Shadows can burn them out root and stem. Eradicating them should now be a priority thanks to your alliance. While you know where the leaders are pinning down the remnants should not be neglected.

[ ] Locate Kobra
DC 64 Kobra is not too well known to you. Still hunting them down after you find them seems like a good way to avenge the loss of Karl's son.

[ ] Locate Tobias Whale's blackmail
DC ??? If Tobias Whale has various deadman switches to disseminate the information he has threatened you with then he must be keeping it off of his person. Finding where he is keeping this and removing any copies of this information from play will help defuse a potential liability that could blow up in your face

[ ] Compile a blackmail file
DC ??? (dependent on hero unit selected for this, Mercy DC 354, Pamela DC 47, Ivo DC 16, Katherine DC 60, Rebecca DC 51, Roxanne DC 201, Carol Ferris DC 144, Karl Helfern DC 25, Mari McCabe DC 123, Lois Lane 379, Lucy Lane DC 75, Talia al Ghul DC 534, Bruce Wayne DC ???, Sapphire Stagg DC 19, General Eiling DC 2, Tobias Whale DC 301. If any hero unit discovers you have a blackmail file on them their trust in you will be severely damaged and they will do their best to destroy the file) People often say things that they really shouldn't over the phone. By compiling the best bits of the various things people say over the phone you can create a blackmail file in case you need to coerce someone to do your bidding. Granted people don't like getting blackmailed so if it is discovered you are doing this people might come to distrust and despise you but you can see the contingency as well worth having earned a little scorn.

[ ] Install signal jammers in LexCorp Tower
DC 48 Installing signal jammers would help you hide information and make it harder to infiltrate LexCorp. While it would most likely mess with the ability to call inside of the tower it is a small price to pay for security.

[ ] Hide the Sword of Beowulf
DC 7 The current hiding place for the Sword of Beowulf is incredibly underwhelming right now. With a little more dedication you are sure you can find a better hiding spot for an artifact like this.

[ ] Terminate an employee
DC ??? (Dependent on the hero unit you attempt to terminate) Unfortunately sometimes people no longer manage to remain worthwhile investments. LexCorp refuses to commit to the sunk-cost fallacy. As such dead weight must be removed from the company. You intend to give your no longer useful employee their final severance package.

[ ] Steal Art
DC 32 You are a man of wealth and taste. However art is subjective and many people would deliberately raise the price on you knowing that you are rich. Stealing art though, enables you to acquire interesting pieces for your collection without paying a cent. If you get caught though things might not be so great.

[ ] Sabotage a rival company
DC 3 for Stagg Enterprises, DC 3 for S.T.A.R. Labs DC 125 for Wayne Enterprises, DC 107 for Kord Communications, DC 64 for Alva Technologies, DC 62 for Queen Industries. Everything is fair play in the corporate world and making sure your rivals can't compete with you through unsavory means is fair play. You're sure everyone else would like to do the same to you. You're just so much better at it than them.

[ ] Purchase controlling stock from a rival company
DC 40 for Stagg Enterprises, 146 for Wayne Enterprises, DC 71 for GothCorp, 92 for Alva Technologies, 63 for Queen Industries. There is no need to sabotage your competition if you simply buy them out. Using your vast wealth you can buy up these companies and turn them to your own ends. It is a fitting end to your opposition for them to only make you stronger.

[ ] Commit tax fraud
DC 20 A relatively easy way to make money is to commit tax fraud. Sure it's illegal and it might get the IRS to investigate you but it is a very low effort way to make a lot of money for yourself

[ ] Create a cult of personality
DC 10 Creating a cult of personality around yourself is something you can do to heavily indoctrinate those working under you to comply with your every wish and whim. However those outside of the cult are likely to view you far more suspiciously afterwards.

[ ] Bribe politicians
DC 5 There is a joke that states that the word politics is derived from the latin prefix poly meaning many and ticks a type of bloodsucking insect. Most politicians can be swayed by generous "campaign donations" to write policy favoring you. However there is no guarantee that the motion would pass and it wouldn't be a long term investment since politicians are often facing reelection and so shift their stances to match what they think will keep them in office. They'd need constant reminders that you not the people are what determines their policy making

[ ] Build surveillance satellites
DC 32 Spy satellites are not a new concept. However with your recent uptick in security they seem like a wise investment on your part. Having your own spy satellites not linked to the government seems like an ideal after all the law hasn't really had to deal with a private citizen using this technology to monitor others so legally you are in the clear

[ ] Upgrade the surveillance system in LexCorp
DC 62 there is no such thing as too paranoid. Being able to plant even more bugs and cameras can only help you in the long run, especially now that the tower has been breached once. You do not want a repeat incident. Furthermore most of your surveillance is focused inwards. Perhaps you should focus on outwards surveillance as well

[ ] Infiltrate the government
DC 46 The government is one of LexCorp's biggest business partners but they refuse to share much of their intel with you as it is "need to know". Plant spies in their organizations and bugs in their products. That way you'll know exactly what the US government wants to keep in the dark.

[ ] Infiltrate Santa Prisca
DC ??? With all the chaos going on right now it would be quite easy to slip an agent into the war torn country to make sure that Vincent Edge doesn't make it out alive again. You've learned from your infiltration of Markovia and thus now know how to better tackle this kind of operation.

[ ] Create a worldwide spy network
DC 72 LexCorp is rather in the dark about the internal affairs of countries outside of the US. While you do get the big news you still are unaware of what lies in the dark. This will not stand. Establishing an international spy network will help fill you in on details you otherwise wouldn't have been aware of

[ ] Investigate the vanishing Lex-Phone
DC 36 One of your Lex-Phones in Central City has been sending bizarre signals as apparently it vanishes from one side of the city to the next. Investigating this strange phenomena could yield some pretty interesting results.

[ ] Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
DC 55 Hiring a skilled mercenary team will allow you to carry out covert operations more easily. However they will charge more money the harder the job is and you don't expect mercenaries to stick around to get the job done. Hiring mercenaries does give you a level of plausible deniability when conducting these covert operations

[ ] Run background checks
DC ??? (DC 10 for Pamela Isley, DC 12 for Lois and Lucy Lane, DC 32 for Ivo, DC 16 for Katherine Kane, DC ??? for Cerise Orielle) Information is important. Not knowing your employees history almost cost you in your interview with Lois. While it didn't this time you want to avoid making the same mistake twice. A simple background check can verify if a person is on the level.

[ ] Acquire test subjects for Helfern
DC 25 Dr. Helfern needs test subjects for his experiments to rapidly make progress. You are sure you can find some living creatures no one will miss for the good of science. You just have to make sure that people remain unaware of this testing. While he has been able to make breakthroughs some more testing could prove useful

[ ] Acquire test subjects for Dr. Moon
DC 21 Dr. Moon is far less picky than Dr. Helfern when it comes to which test subjects he is willing to use but his work would potentially be an even worse PR disaster. Still giving the man a distraction of some kind might keep him well away from the public.

[ ] Investigate Intergang
DC 48 The reveal of Intergang having ties to actual aliens was certainly a surprise. Investigating into them further should ensure that they have no more hidden surprises for you. You would hate to get into even more of a mess than what they have already caused for you

[ ] Investigate Avruskin
DC ??? You don't know who this Avruskin is but this man is Ignition's superior and operates independent of Intergang. While you know he is a Polkolistan national you don't know much more than that. Finding out just what kind of man is pulling Ignition's strings could be the difference between life and death. Considering what he is scheming and that his machinations have affected the whole world it would pay to be aware of your enemies

[ ] Kidnap a member of Intergang
DC 18 Capturing a member of Intergang could prove useful. If they have information you can gather it through some forceful persuasion and if they know nothing you can use them as a human test subject. It will have value no matter what you do.

[ ] Locate Bruno Manneheim
DC ??? Bruno Manneheim is hiding somewhere in the arctic circle and has recovered from his injuries. Finding him and finishing him off could prove critical to ending your war with Intergang.

[ ] Utilize your phone network to gather data on Intergang
DC 63 Developing a program to flag certain references and build a data set indicating likely Intergang members and what their next move is will prove extremely useful for LexCorp's end of the bargain with the League and will help ensure that you stay safe

[ ] Hack into government records
DC ??? The US government clearly has a lot of interesting data they are hiding from the public. Perhaps you ought to figure out just what they are up to

[ ] Hack into a rival companies records
DC ??? Likewise it is never good to underestimate your opponents. Breaking into their records will enable you to gain some valuable information to give you a leg up on the competition

[ ] Develop an algorithm to track the Batman
DC 94 The Batman is a persistent factor in Gotham. Figuring out who he is and where he comes from via an algorithm that will monitor all of his movements in Gotham might prove useful

[ ] Investigate Kobra
DC 10 Learning who Kobra is what their motives are and where they are located will allow you to overcome any threat they might pose to you. You can easily make use of your LexPhone network to gather the necessary data and if Kobra continues to make things unstable then this information will become very valuable to those who want to establish their own order.

[ ] Investigate the Leyline in Jump city
DC ??? Their is a powerful Leyline on an island off the coast of Jump City. Investigating it could yield more information about magic, Leylines and even potentially Azerath itself.

[ ] Investigate the unknown individual
DC 88 The unknown individual's appearance has only lead to more questions than answers. While Nygma has gathered what the individual is doing the fact that the group hiding in the caves in Paris consisted of a brain in a jar, a beret wearing monkey, and a women whose shape constantly shifted makes things even more puzzling. Looking deeper into these individuals could help you figure out more about them.

[ ] Inform the French government about the unknown individual
DC 28 The French government probably doesn't appreciate having bizarre murderers in its country. Sure it might be a bit tricky to convince the government to act on your information without tipping off the unknown individual but the ensuing results could give you a better gauge on the individuals in question

[ ] Surreptitiously collect the materials the police have taken from Whale's dead bodyguards
DC 6 While the weapons employed by Whale's bodyguards are not as efficient as some of the other things you have found and their powered armor had quite a few flaws it is still something that is potentially worth collecting. You just don't want anyone to know that you are collecting them right now.

[ ] Hide something in the Derelict Middleton Warehouses
DC ??? You can choose to hide things inside of this location as you are sure nobody is looking for anything in there. However depending on what exactly you choose to hide it may attract more attention from people

[ ] Improve the Dark Side Bar's hidden areas
DC 17 The Dark Side Bar is a small bar in New York that you could easily expand and use as a front for various illegal operations and meeting with criminals. Expanding it is immensely easy as it already has access to a hidden tunnel system and a few backrooms.

[ ] Steal 40 cakes
DC 77 LexCorp plans on breaking into the food production market as they already have several patents on genetically modified food. However you want to make sure your entrance into this market is perfect. Thus you plan to steal forty cakes from Metropolis' most successful bakery. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

Learning: The boundaries of human knowledge are pushed ever forward no matter what you do. As such it is imperative that you remain at the forefront of the race to learn as much as possible. This is especially relevant now that you have begun encountering individuals who might even be able to compete with your mind (although they certainly cannot best you) and the various aliens and outsiders involving themselves in human affairs. You will find all the answers you need to ensure that the future you desire is what shall come to pass.
[ ] Learn about more biology
DC 54 Learning about biology would give you a greater understanding of how life works the secrets of our genome and so much more. You will be able to build a better human cure diseases and improve the frailties of flesh.

[ ] Learn about genetics
DC 35 Genetics is a potentially untapped gold mine of information and power right at your fingertips. Understanding how the basic coding of humans works will allow you to improve upon natures design and eventually maybe even grow your own lifeforms from scratch.

[ ] Learn more about the brain
DC 47 The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It is central to how we think and function. If you can unlock the secrets of this organ than you can learn how to control, improve and manipulate the minds of others.

[ ] Learn more about cybernetics
DC 58 On the other hand if you want to improve humanity an easier solution would be to replace the hardware altogether. Cybernetics is the field of integrating machinery into living creatures. The avenues this opens up is incredible and you can't wait to see what lies down that road

[ ] Learn about chemistry
DC 33 Chemistry is a practical field. The science of substances will allow you to create new polymers and metals to build your products with. You can also develop chemical weapons with this knowledge although you would have to do so in secret

[ ] Learn about physics
DC 74 Physics is the study of the fundamental forces of the universe. By applying the greatest mind in the world (your own) to this particular endeavor you could fundamentally alter the way the world is understood. Pursuing this realm of knowledge would lead to things straight out of a science fiction novel like disintegration rays, teleporters and force fields.

[ ] Learn about Kryptonite
DC 44 Kryptonite is a strange semi-stable material that gives off a unique form of radiation not found in any other material on earth. You believe that by analyzing Kryptonite you could possibly find the next great power source. Who knows maybe you could even weaponize it the same way people weaponized nuclear power

[ ] Learn about robotics
DC 35 Robotics is the field of constructing automatons to help make tasks easier for humanity. There is a great deal of potential in this field especially in military fields

[ ] Learn about psychology
DC 56 While not a hard science like what you normally prefer psychology is still very useful for you to learn. Learning psychology will allow you to pick apart how others think and thus twist them to your own ends.

[ ] Learn about sociology
DC 42 Gives a lot of the same advantages as psychology but instead allows you better understanding of the masses. An individual can be smart but people as a collective are easily lead by someone who knows what they are doing

[ ] Learn more about engineering
DC 18 A general all purpose field of study that can yield results in a variety of different fields. It's always nice to go back to what you know

[ ] Learn about military strategy
DC 14 Business is much like war. You excel at business strategy so it stands to reason that you'll excel at war strategy. The conflict with the League of Shadows has demonstrated that there is a need for you to understand warfare. You refuse to let this hole in your knowledge remain unaddressed.

[ ] Learn more about space
DC 5 Additional research is required before the SpaceLex program can truly get off the ground. Being able to understand how to navigate space and construct things for that harsh environment offers numerous opportunities and benefits for oneself. On top of that you do rather like the idea of being the man who conquered the final frontier.

[ ] Learn about the ocean
DC 28 Equally as mysterious as space but much more easily accessible is the depths of the ocean. Studying the deep could provide insight into our planet and open up new avenues for technology. Also if you want to get into the shipping industry it might be best to get a leg up on the competition

[ ] Learn more about computers
DC 56 (DC 36 if Felicity assigned) Computers are a relatively new field that tends to have an increasingly large amount of influence in how the world is run. With the internet in its fledgling state it may be worthwhile to learn as much as you can to dominate this relatively young field.

[ ] Learn about magic
DC 83 Rebecca Carstairs proves that something supernatural does exist. However if you can figure out how magic works despite Rebecca's complete and utter lack of teaching ability then you could crack the code on how magic works. Rebecca has already increased your knowledge of magic by leaps and bounds so you can only wonder what else you can figure out. After all, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science and you excel at science and Rebecca is quite skilled at magic. Furthermore with Cerise around you can delve deeper into the ways magic works

[ ] Learn about Demonology
DC 50 (30 if Carstairs is assigned) Rebecca Carstairs has some knowledge on how to summon demons. You'd like to know a little bit more about the subject before dealing with them. Demons are notorious for harming those who summon them in some way and knowledge of something previously unknown to you can only help.

[ ] Learn about the Tantu Totem
DC 170 (DC 70 if Mari is assigned) Mari McCabe has brought with her a mystical artifact known as the Tantu totem which she claims gives anyone of a specific bloodline the ability to take on the traits of any animal. This seems like an immensely interesting artifact and researching it could lead to some very interesting results

[ ] Learn more about Leylines
DC ??? Rebecca has discovered the existence of Leylines which have a correlation to magical locations. Investigating further into them can only yield better results.

[ ] Learn about possession
DC 22 Using Rebecca's knowledge of exorcism you can reverse engineer how to possess other beings. This skill could prove immensely useful if used well. LexCorp could always benefit from being able to literally do a hostile takeover.

[ ] Learn about flight
DC 13 Rebecca has learned how to fly using magic. Further investigating the phenomena could teach you how to improve upon it or possibly even replicate it yourself.

[ ] Learn magic yourself
DC ??? (Lex Luthor must be assigned to this action) Rebecca has begun uncovering how magic works. Perhaps it's time you tried your hand at sorcery. Increasing your personal power will help you even out the playing field when more powered individuals inevitably get in your way

[ ] Learn about Nth Metal
DC ??? Nth Metal is a material with incredibly bizarre properties. Studying it could lead to massive breakthroughs. You don't know quite what to expect since it manages to defy even your understanding of the universe.

[ ] Learn about nanotech
DC 222 Nanotechnology is an incredibly useful field for you to begin investigating. If you can master it then theoretically you can command and control the fundamental forces of the universe. Such power is utterly impossible to match.

[ ] Learn about cold
DC 89 Cold is one half of what makes up thermodynamics. With the aid of Dr. Fries Wayne Enterprises has made some steps forward into this field. However you are sure you can overtake them swiftly and effectively.

[ ] Learn about heat
DC 36 Alternatively you could look into the over end of thermodynamics to try and get a better understanding of how to master thermodynamics. Heat is far easier to work with than cold and could give you some impressive results.

[ ] Learn about mirrors
DC ??? Normally you would dismiss mirrors as a dead end but considering the magical significance of reflections perhaps it is best to look into this and learn how mirrors function on a more metaphysical level.

[ ] Learn about the Gingo fruit
DC 48 The Gingo fruit is a rare plant that is rumored to have unusual properties. Investigating the fruit will yield results on if there is something special or not about it.

[ ] Learn about Venom
DC ??? The mysterious substance whose formula you were given by Bane could prove quite useful for many things down the line. However before you begin working with it you would be best served understanding how the drug actually works.

[ ] Learn about metahuman abilities
DC ??? Count Vertigo has made a deal with you to begin learning about metahuman abilities. By learning about his power hopefully you can extrapolate that to even more abilities. This is potentially a massive watershed in the development of improvements to the human race

[ ] Improve Kryptonite batteries
DC 62 Making your Kryptonite batteries more compact and efficient will help you to revolutionize the way energy is used. Already you can begin to take the industry by storm so improving what you have con only help you more ruthlessly crush the competition.

[ ] Improve holograms
DC 32 Hologram technology will be the key for creating illusions in the future. While the tech might seem unassuming at first it can later be used to extremely effective purposes once you've developed it. You look forward to seeing what this branch of tech can really do.

[ ] Improve universal translator
DC 99 The universal translator isn't perfect despite being fairly incredible. Messing around with it is very hard due to the immense and utterly bizarre coding and database but if you can improve upon it you might reap massive rewards.

[ ] Improve tractor and repulsor beams
DC 49 Improving this technology will allow you to essentially effectively mimic telekinesis through the use of machinery. The sheer amount of power this could give you is intensely useful.

[ ] Improve signal jammers
DC 31 Improving the strength and utility of your signal jammers will help ensure that LexCorp remains safe and secure for a long while. It's always good to retain some measure of privacy

[ ] Improve artificial gravity generators
DC 68 What you have now for artificial gravity generators is a very energy intensive device. If you can make it more energy efficient or find an effective power source you could end up creating the future of both space travel and life on earth.

[ ] Improve 3-D printers
DC 106 3-D printers right now are incredibly useful for production. Imagine how much more efficient everything could be if you were to make these printers even better. You imagine that this must be somewhat like what Henry Ford felt when he created the assembly line. You are on the verge of changing manufacturing evermore.

[ ] Improve wards
DC 19 Wards are an essential part of defending against magic. While your warding capabilities are stronger learning more about it can only further increase your defensive capabilities

[ ] Improve phones
DC 77 If you want to dominate the cell phone market you need your product to blow every competitors' out of the water. You're sure if you devote a little bit of time to this relatively minor task then you can easily revolutionize the whole market and thus dominate the field. Only the best for LexCorp

[ ] Improve prosthetics
DC 62 Your have been improved even further with the collaboration with Wayne industries but it is still not enough. Going in further on this might allow you to end up making your prosthetics far superior to basic human limbs.

[ ] Learn from the Project Atom data
DC 67 Project Atom is a government attempt to make a nuclear powered super soldier the likes of which the world has never seen. Learning from the Project Atom data General Eiling has sent you could help get you the capability to create this for yourself. You have reached near the end of the capabilities of what you can achieve without access to the alien engine used by General Eiling

[ ] Learn from the Red Tornado data
DC 78 The Red Tornado data while incomplete and full of holes is utterly fascinating. If you can reverse engineer and replicate T.O. Morrow's results then you will have successfully created synthetic life. The possibilities are astounding.

[ ] Attempt to recreate Johnny Sorrow's slipstream device
DC ??? An old enemy of the DEO and the Justice Society acquired an experimental prototype that let him effectively teleport by moving through the space between dimensions. This capability could prove immensely useful although the fact that the main user vanished off the face of the planet is not reassuring at all.

[ ] Develop a working decoy bot
DC 26 With your false flesh and your knowledge of technology you could construct a robot that looks like a person. It won't fool anyone up close and can't do much more than walk in a predetermined or random pattern but being able to fool snipers is still very valuable.

[ ] Develop Venom distributors
DC ??? Venom works best via injection directly into the bloodstream. By developing a distribution system that would allow an individual to use it more effectively than a needle you can improve the usability of the substance

[ ] Improve bone growth formula
DC 145 (DC 85 if Helfern assigned) The current version of the bone growth formula is likely superior to what you have had before. However you still haven't tested it and are unsure of quite how well it will actually work. Perhaps further refinements are necessary before you begin testing it. You've now got a version that should work but you are confident it can be further refined

[ ] Consult on Project Atom
DC 44 This project personally intrigues you and you could see the value in consulting on it. General Eiling is a practical man and is eager to see what insights you can bring to his pet project. While the subject matter is certainly difficult and esoteric you are confident you can master it. Your results with just a fraction of what Eiling has made the man even more eager to get a success out of you.

[ ] Improve poisons
DC 12 You touch based poison is rather useful but you can see a need to alter and experiment with it a bit. The poison is potent but still rather obvious. Improving it will boost your own assassination capabilities. Furthermore your plant based poison that specifically targets humans also has its own problems. Improving upon it will make it easier for you to develop anti-human countermeasures.

[ ] Improve rapid growth formula
DC 46 Your rapid growth formula will vastly increase crop yield and make you rich. However you believe that you can further improve the formula. It might be a bit of a longshot but you can easily see this investment becoming well worth it.

[ ] Improve plant vocalization
DC 26 While you have discovered how to make screaming trees (which is rather odd if a surprisingly decent security measure) improving on plants ability to vocalize could yield valuable results.

[ ] Improve augmentations
DC 37 You have a few cybernetic augmentations that people could start to take. Improving upon those augmentations could allow you to further advance potential cyborgs in the future. A better humanity is just around the corner

[ ] Have someone get cybernetic implants
DC ??? Cybernetic implants could allow a human to be greater than their flesh and blood bodies would have allowed them. Taking the first steps into the future is an excellent way to get ahead of the curve as humanity evolves into something more than human.

[ ] Have someone take the Bone Growth Formula
DC ??? The Bone Growth Formula will allow a person great physical strength and durability at the cost of a hideous visage. It is already immensely useful for you to have employees take even if it does have its drawbacks.

[ ] Have someone receive the language learning spell
DC ??? This spell will allow an individual to learn language far faster. While it is to an extent obsolete it is something useful to teach your underlings and the lack of a drawback makes it a very appealing prospect.

[ ] Improve learning program
DC 72 Your learning program is rather inefficient right now compared to what it could be. Improving upon it would likely allow your AI and computers to become that much more effective.

[ ] Improve weapons
DC 9 LexCorp is at its heart a weapons company. As such it would be remiss of you to ignore the cornerstone with which it was built. Improving your weapons is likely to improve your companies stock as a whole and make your regulars very happy.

[ ] Improve missiles
DC 24 Your tracking missiles were a significant achievement. You can now build on that achievement even further to ensure that LexCorp missiles are hands down the best in the world.

[ ] Improve Flight unit
DC 57 Making your flight unit more useful could potentially lead to some big discoveries in fields which require propulsion. The sky is the limit with this kind of technology.

[ ] Improve Lasers
DC 38 Your company has made numerous advancements into laser weaponry. While this is ahead of the world it is not significantly so. Improving upon your lasers could push you forward even farther than before.

[ ] Improve armor
DC 39 Defense is as important as offense in warfare. LexCorp is the leader in weaponry so should also be able to produce the world's greatest armor to completely dominate the military market. On top of that armor would be very useful at stopping further assassination attempts.

[ ] Improve Exosuits
DC 46 Your exosuits are still rather rudimentary. Perhaps by looking for ways to improve them you can gain even greater rewards and improve on the concept as a whole.

[ ] Improve AI
DC 93 Your current AI only manages to reach the level of animals. By researching more heavily into AI you can develop all sorts of products that will help LexCorp dominate countless markets and push humanity to the future

[ ] Improve Planes
DC 28 Ferris Aerospace has a history of innovating airplane design. Putting some more research into the matter might help them make a big discovery that will let them revolutionize the industry

[ ] Improve solar panels
DC 35 Right now solar panels are the best source of green energy you have. Improving them even further can help make it easier for you to go green and will likely have a positive impact on the environment

[ ] Improve tracking chips
DC 17 Right now your tracking chips are a little too fragile for your tastes and they can't survive being immersed in water. Improving these chips should make them a little more practical to implement

[ ] Develop Space Station
DC 62 With your advances in spacefaring tech and your knowledge of advanced architecture you could likely set up your own personal space station. It most certainly will be costly but the bragging rights alone make this an option well worth it.

[ ] Develop space shuttle
DC 24 You can also possibly develop a vessel designed solely for traveling through space. Once you manage to achieve manned space flight numerous other options in the stars will open up for you.

[ ] Improve spacefaring plane
DC 12 Alternatively you could stay a little more grounded and focus on improving what you've already got

[ ] Develop out of atmosphere telescopes
DC 6 By developing out of atmosphere telescopes you can gain a better view of what is going on in the cosmos which would allow you to learn more about the universe

[ ] Develop space rovers
DC 12 By developing various remotely manned machines you can explore the cosmos without putting human life at risk.

[ ] Develop better auto-correct
DC 46 Auto-correct is something that is already used across the globe. By improving it you can once again demonstrate the superiority of LexCorp projects. While the project is naturally difficult due to having to understand the many numerous complexities of language it would eventually allow you to develop speech to text program, auto cyphers and advanced decoders.

[ ] Improve combat robots
DC 12 You already have the most basic designs of the combat robots available. However they are not very impressive. As such you can improve upon your initial design and end up creating the next evolution in combat technology.

[ ] Improve service robots
DC 34 You have already created basic service robots. Continuing into this field could see your robots being present in every household and becoming a facet of everyday life all across the world much like the Lex-Phone has.

[ ] Design a ration package utilizing the rapid growth formula
DC 9 The capability to quickly grow food is always useful. You could quite easily design a ration pack that would allow food to be grown in emergency situations thereby saving a lot of lives. A bit of a niche tech but still something that could prove useful

[ ] Design an indoor farm
DC 44 With your knowledge you can easily figure out ways to work around one of the biggest problems of farming which is space. While the problem is relatively complex you have no doubt that your mind can easily find a solution to this problem and completely revolutionize yet another new field

[ ] Improve pheromone spray
DC 60 (DC 20 if Pamela Isley assigned) The pheromone spray is an immensely useful tool. The current version was based off of an incomplete paper Pamela wrote in graduate school. You are sure if Pamela is able to work on the formula she will be able to greatly improve it from its current state.

[ ] Research integrating animal and plant biology
DC 305 Your recent success in this field has left you incredibly hopeful for more progress in this field. You have gone far beyond what Woodrue wrote and Pamela has redefined how biologists look at life. A similar success to what you have previously done could give you immense power.

[ ] Research botany
DC 50 (DC 10 if Pamela Isley assigned) Dr. Isley has an in-depth knowledge of plant life and has given numerous suggestions as to how they can be used to create products that will make LexCorp money. Looking into this field may net you numerous bonuses

[ ] Research Hydroponics
DC 35 A new way to farm sounds like an excellent way to support LexCorp's image and make a lot of money in the process. If it truly is successful perhaps you can further expand your synergistic businesses in the food sector.

[ ] Create the automobile of tomorrow
DC 18 By reinventing the phone LexCorp was able to make a mint and expand in a hitherto unseen way. Perhaps by redefining another machine that everyone uses (the automobile) you will be to replicate the success. Rebecca's first attempt while impractical laid the groundwork for further refinement

[ ] Attempt to recreate the experiment that enhanced Slade Wilson
DC ??? You are not sure if the experiment can be properly replicated but if it can be then you have access to a replicable super soldier formula which people would pay exorbitant sums for not to mention it would allow LexCorp far more military might than ever before

[ ] Study Rose Wilson
DC ??? As the offspring of a supersoldier with some unusual capabilities Rose Wilson could be the key to cracking a replicable supersoldier formula. The results you could get from this are absolutely massive

[ ] The A.M.A.Z.O. project
DC 250 (DC 175 if Ivo assigned) This is Dr. Ives personal obsession. The A.M.A.Z.O. project is a project to create the perfect machine body that a human mind can be uploaded to. While not likely to prove useful immediately the side benefits could be significant. If Dr. Ives is not assigned to this he will be displeased. (This option must be successfully cleared 10 times before being completed).

[ ] Meditate
DC ??? Some introspection and insight can lead to interesting results and thought processes. Perhaps this is needed for you to break into completely unheard of heights? (a hero must be assigned to this action).

[ ] Research alternative medicine
DC 46 You don't personally put much stock into alternative medicine but you don't see any reason to leave a single stone unturned. If you do find something successful with this then you can laugh at everyone who might mock you for this seemingly ridiculous enterprise.

[ ] Create a hair formula
DC 92 Numerous people have been creating "Hair grow sprays" to scam people out of their money. If you can successfully create an actual hair growth formula then you will outright kill the market and have tons of insecure men lining up to buy your product.

[ ] External education reform
DC 45 Begin teaching the youth of Metropolis by building schools and instituting a new educational program. By cultivating the next generation you will be able to begin cultivating more resources for yourself to use later on. Plus it never hurts to slip in a little more propaganda

[ ] Develop countermeasures to pheromone spray
DC 60 (DC 20 if Pamela is assigned) the pheromone spray is a useful tool but as it is right now it is too powerful. Developing countermeasures will ensure that it could never be used against you.

[ ] Develop a laser defence system
DC 42 Lasers can effectively be used to disrupt missile fire. Having this countermeasure in place will make your buildings more secure and will be a major market for the military to buy into

[ ] Develop Melting Weapons
DC 33 Honestly this just seems like an interesting project to get started on. This sort of weaponry would undoubtedly violate the Geneva convention but you are sure the government or even your own forces would appreciate having this in their back pocket.

[ ] Investigate lost civilizations
DC ??? Perhaps there is some element of truth to most myths out there. Sending Nygma out to look for these legends will keep him out of your hair and will keep him occupied while potentially giving you a very valuable resource.

[ ] Study Mythology
DC 16 Normally you'd have dismissed mythology as stories made up by primitive people that got proved as outdated and incorrect but with the existence of magic you have to reconsider that stance. Perhaps there is some small element of truth to these tales. Either way researching mythology certainly can't hurt. With your new knowledge that confirms the existence of the Greek Pantheon finding out what is and isn't true should be easier than ever

[ ] Learn about the Sword of Beowulf
DC 18 Despite Rebecca's research into the matter, things about this magical artifact just don't add up. A little more research into the subject certainly wouldn't hurt.

[ ] Learn about the Sword of Fan
DC 67 Ra's story about the sword of Fan was certainly interesting but you'd like to have something a little more conclusive than a legend to understand what the artifact does.

[ ] Learn about the Green
DC ??? There is some strange force in the universe that seems to facilitate chlorokinesis. You don't know what it is but investigating it further can help you figure out what is going on with that. Discovering a new fundamental force of the universe would shatter traditional understanding of our world. Pamela has proven that humans can interact with this force and confirmed that it exists beyond all reasonable doubt.

[ ] Use the perfected human plant integration
DC ??? (It is different for every character who can do so. DC 45 for Karl DC 30 for Roxy, DC 70 for Cassandra, DC 123 for Mercy, DC 221 for Carol. If no hero is assigned then a random employee will become the user and the DC will be 90) The perfected formula is a breakthrough in transhumanism. It will allow you to create powered individuals to serve as the vanguard for the new era. Pamela in particular has expressed a willingness to evolve into something beyond the boundaries of human. While you can't undergo the procedure yourself there are plenty of individuals in LexCorp who could use the boost

[ ] Attempt to reverse engineer the Super-Tank captured in Markovia
DC ??? You have captured a tank that seems to be using highly advanced potentially alien technology to improve its offensive capabilities. Reverse engineering it can allow you to take these advancements for yourself.

[ ] Study Whisper's corpse
DC ??? Whisper A'Daire is an alien who apparently was capable of energy projection. Studying her relatively intact alien corpse could allow you to gain a better understanding of both her powers and of alien physiology.

[ ] Study Woodrue's remains
DC ??? Woodrue's remains behave absolutely bizarrely as they seem to still retain some semblance of life. Studying the samples Agent Prince sent you could yield interesting results and prevent unfortunate surprises.

[ ] Test Venom compatibility
DC ??? (Human-Plant Integration formula DC ???, Bone growth formula DC ???, conventional steroids DC ???, Whisper's Corpse DC ???, Gingo fruit juice DC ???) Venom is an interesting substance that could potentially be combined with other substances to generate interesting effects.

[ ] Write-in
All write-ins are subject to QM approval. Upon being approved the option will be sorted into a category and given a DC. It will then be inserted into the options for this vote and the next few votes going forward. On top of that successful write-ins will give 100 exp which can be donated to any stat.

-[ ] Doubling down
You can burn one action to double down on an existing action. Doubling down means I will roll two dice. If the second roll is higher than the first I will take the average of the two and that will become the new roll.
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Hmm, maybe we should hold off on further Vertigo/Vlatava actions until we've had the actual meeting with him? Unless they involve keeping promises we made.

@King crimson

Didn't you say that buying real estate would make setting up a secret lab for Doctor Moon easier? The DC didn't go down, which is odd if so. And that was the main reason we took that action in the first place- we're trying to get him somewhere we can keep him out of sight.
@King crimson

Didn't you say that buying real estate would make setting up a secret lab for Doctor Moon easier? The DC didn't go down, which is odd if so. And that was the main reason we took that action in the first place- we're trying to get him somewhere we can keep him out of sight.
It did go down technically but it didn't look that way because I split it into two options. There is an option to give him a secret operating room (which is in Metropolis and has the same DC as before) and there is this option as well
[ ] Build a secret lab in a remote location
DC 16
Which is near the bottom of stewardship actions. I split it into two things, sorry for the confusion.

On that note I did forget to include a repair supercomputer option which I'll now be adding in.
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It did go down technically but it didn't look that way because I split it into two options. There is an option to give him a secret operating room (which is in Metropolis and has the same DC as before) and there is this option as well

Which is near the bottom of stewardship actions. I split it into two things, sorry for the confusion.
Come to think of it there's also a "secret lab in Vlatava" option. If we build such a lab could it be used by/for Doctor Moon?

On that note I did forget to include a repair supercomputer option which I'll now be adding in.
Thanks I was gonna ask about that.
Come to think of it there's also a "secret lab in Vlatava" option. If we build such a lab could it be used by/for Doctor Moon?
Yes you could. Although it would also have to be used to investigate Metahuman powers as well since that is what Vertigo would push for heavily.

I've added in the supercomputer repair option.