Okay, so... cycling back around to the perennial "what should we try to do next turn" question. Not going to answer that. Just going to try to collect together the things that are
particularly worth doing
this next turn for one reason or another.
- At least one or two actions on the direct PR push to shape reactions to this horrorshow. As part of this, Oswald needs to be making TV in some fashion..
- Some sort of cold-related research action for Caitlyn and Louise. We're going to lose Louise soon, we want to burn off some of that coop score (so as to improve Caitlyn's with Pamela) and this actually is a good time for improving the Cold Engine if we can manage it. The kind of free energy you can get out of the Kryptonite/Cold Engine paradigm is going to be a really very valuable commodity in the rebuilding... and given that we're rebuilding, we can build it in from the start.
- Low-DC food creation actions that leverage plant growth formula. People are going to need food, so it's quick money and good PR, and we can afford to do it without much/any hero support. In some cases, this will involve using Plant Growth formula in ways that may wind up eventually generating supervillains. For the moment, that's acceptable.
- Rebuilding Metropolis. Carol/Nathan for that. Ideally involving heavy use of kryptonite (in a way that allows for easy Cold Engine integration later).
- Possibly other rebuild actions.
- Hiring the desperate (assuming reasonably low DC) Direct PR bump, and an easy influx of employees. "Easy influx of employees" is a valuable thing.
- Provide Black Adam/Diana/Tala with information on Dekan Drache/Faust (in descending priority order). Should be low DC, makes Faust's life harder, and these are valuable relationships to have.
- Build Pharmaceutical Lab (we want to keep the D'Aramis sisters. This is how we do that thing.)
- Scavenge the corpse of STAR Labs - either recruit away most/all of its scientists, or buy it out while it's in its current severely distressed state (and thus the DCs are, presumably, lower) (This assumes that we can't recruit away most/all of its scientists as part of a loot pick from the event))
- Do things to recruit Raven (the actual timelines here are not entirely clear... though there are reasons to believe that they are not
Things that there are reasons to do
soon, but that we might or might not want to do
- Rebuild the other cities with LexCorp towers in them. (The only reason this isn't on the
first list is that I'm not convinced we'll ahve enough hero assets to do both at once.)
- Increase the size of Future Construction
- Renovate Caitlyn's Heat Chamber
- Get better hooks into Dakota City - do more prepwork so that we can be there recruiting when stuff starts to go down. If nothign else, prioritize it in the rebuild.
- Respond to the various other megacorps who dared challenge us in areas we had claimed for our own - ie, vendetta-driven R&D. (We can't really afford to do this immediately, other than maybe low-DC stuff like releasing the autokitchen, but we'll want to do it
pretty soon.)
- Maybe one more good shot at the Bone Growth Serum? (preferably not Dr Moon - the point of this is for the quality of life stuff)
- More personal development actions for Cass. More!
- Recruit Criminals (once we can spar the rogues to do it). More rogues more better!
- Start working on Gingko fruit
- Push the LexCar again. Possibly meet with Keystone Motors prior to this, to see if we can activate a good car-focusd stewardship hero with a relatively low DC action.
- Combat training for our superhero types
- Costumes for our superhero types
- We have an obligation to build ODIN.
- Do we still have any obligations from Japan and/or Bialya?
Non-actions that I would strongly recommend (but don't actually know how to vote for):
- Pull Pamela back. She's already been at EPA longer than normal, and she's done about as much with the place as we coudl reasonably expect. Let's get her back home and working for us full-time again. She'll be happier
and more effective.
Oh... and if we still have a shot at it, we should absolutely send Pamela in to try to recruit some STAR Labs scientists. Toss on some relatively gentle "You are relaxed and feel generally happy and chill at the moment" pheremones or something similar to get them in a receptive mood, present an appropriate spiel, and see how many we can peel off with the offer of being able to actually get back to work... though at this point it's probably too late. I only just realized that that was the way to do it just now, on the re-read. Bah.
I also ran into *this* useful quote worth considering...
This is by no means a guarantee of how to find Farmer Brown but I can give you some advice. Look at the relevant traits of Enoch Brown and figure out which ones would let you search for him most effectively (as well as which hero unit you might want on the action) as well as what are the traits that would let you search for him and a viable replacement to him.
There are a lot of ways you could search for him which might be more effective than looking in Gotham City itself and fishing for him that way. You have a few different ways to try and recruit any one target and so you can potentially try multiple approaches to recruit them.
So that's something worth considering.
this is when I wrote a post like this a while back. It has some differences