Okay. It seems like we're coming to, if not agreement, then somethign resembling not arguing too hard ont eh facts fo the case. I personally am getting tired. I do have one last point to make, though.
Once again just because Lex has always had security so far doesn't mean that will always be the case and just about anyone with a gun is a threat to his life
This isn't true, though, in a few different ways. First, we have a hero unit who's officially assigned as his bodyguard. So... he pretty much always *will* have security. In general, he'll have more than that, but at bare minimum, he'll have Lady Vic. In general, though, he pretty much only ever goes to places that are LexCorp property and places that are under the control of nominal friendlies. Almost invariably, if a firefight breaks out, he's going to have at least some of the bystanders be on his side.
Second, he's constantly wearing high-end bulletproof formalwear, which mean that "rando with a gun" is actually pretty low-threat as far as he's concerned. He also carries a firearm of his own. At 16, Martial is his lowest score, but it's still not terrible. We've happily hired heroes with 16 as their high score before. He's not
amazing, but he does okay... and if we are truly worried about this, there are much cheaper, easier, and more certain ways to increase his "available at all times" level of personal protection. We basically haven't bothered with them, because we haven't been interested. Still, if you want to improve his walking-around gear as far as combat-effectiveness is concerned (
please after we're done with the initial desperate rushing about to handle the post-brainiac issues) I'm willing to support you on that. There might even be a few where we could get away with trying it without hero support.
Third, like I said, he has plot armor. so even if he does get attacked, and we roll
really poorly, the outcome isn't going to be "Lex dies". Whatever it is that does happen is almost certain to be recoverable in some fashion. Like, literally, Lois Lane was laid up in the hospital, and we didn't take a shot because we didn't believe that it could kill her, and Lex is another tier up in terms of Major Character from her. If things go quite poorly, I could see having him in the hospital (and thus unavailable) for a turn, or something like that. That would
suck, but it wouldn't be the kind of "prevent at all costs" existential threat that we need to worry about even or small chances within small chances within small chances.
Specifically, the following would have to happen.
- Lex is outside of his heavily protected zones. This happens, but is not common
- He didn't bring significant security with him (other than Lady Vic), and does not have significant allied security on site. This *could* happen, but would be quite rare
- Lex
specifically is attacked while there. this is necessary, because otherwise Plot Armor will trivially route their success thresholds away form harming Lex. It's
also going to be pretty rare. Lex is actually quite good at not drawing personal ire of the kind that becomes physical threat.
- The attacker rolls well. Lex and Lady Vic roll poorly. This can happen, but it's certainly a meaningful filter.
That's all the stuff that's required to plausibly have a violence-based attack have a direct impact on Lex himself... and with that kind of stacked rarity filters, the potential downside really is manageable.
And that's completely fine, I disagree with you and personally believe it just makes sense for Lex to want to know magic because he couldn't stand not knowing something that major and being reliant on other for it but I completely understand just not liking the idea
Oh, I think it's fine that he
wants it.
That makes
perfect sense. I just think that he's a better character if he doesn't
have it. I mean, this is Lex Luthor. Having relatively petty reasons to feel envious and aggrieved is
perfectly in character.
I wouldn't even mind that much if he got a very thin level of magic - enough to understand it a bit better, and interact with it meaningfully, but still cleaving pretty close to the scientific paradigm, and correspondingly weak. I mean, I think it would be a waste of the kind of hero team that can pull a 200+ DC, but I wouldn't
hate it, because it would mean that the magic was still a relatively unimportant part of the character... but the more powerful the magic is, the more it starts to change things. A Lex that
can fly effortlessly at will is a Lex that
would fly effortlessly at will, just to quietly show off all the time... and that kind of thing makes "I am a mage" more and more of his identity. I don't want him to be redefined like that.