I'll clarify my intent since you seemed to misunderstand it. A basic wetware computer is bigger than a conventional computer currently being sold in quest. A conventional computer the size of a basic wetware computer is better than a conventionally sized conventional computer. Therefore a conventional computer the same size as a basic wetware computer is better by a larger degree.
Granted this is not an inherent thing. Wetware and conventional computers can reach parity at some point.
Oh no I understood what you meant I was just clarifying that my initial question was in regards to comparing the basic wetware computer to what would have been its mechanical computer equivalent in age but you inadvertently answered that anyway
All nervous systems can be construed as simple wetware computers. Therefore it stands to reason that someday wetware computers could match that size and complexity. Something like Megaphragma mymaripenne suggests that you'll be able to make wetware computers smaller than 1/5th of a millimeter if you put enough effort into developing it. IRL as far as I know the world's smallest computer is 0.3 millimeters. This means that hypothetically speaking you'll be able to get just as small as a conventional computer.
That's good to know
Wetware computers can find their uses and they can be competitive with conventional computers but if you want to make something that's better at doing what conventional computers do, you're generally better off making a better conventional computer.
I'm really torn here, on the one hand I do appreciate how useful the wetware computers could theoretically be but at the same time it's opening up a whole new field of high DC actions that we might never do in order to help with other actions we might never do all while also giving up the opportunity to improve our regular computers at all
@drake_azathoth but I just don't think the wetware computers are worth it
[X] [Plan] Mechanical Over Wetware
-[] [Inch] Get no improvements to LexCorp tower's defenses but gain a large DC drop of 20 next turn
-[] [SCU] Enable LexCorp to easily access any metahuman awaiting transfer to a prison (5 points)
-[] [SCU] Allow LexCorp to plant spyware in the SCU headquarters (30 points)
-[] [SCU] Create an informal system to allow LexCorp to post "bounties" for certain metahumans (21 points)
-[] [SCU] Replace all vehicles used by the SCU with Kryptonite powered ones where possible (7 points)
-[] [SCU] Enable LexCorp to freely remove any evidence the SCU has from lock-up under the pretext of analysis (2 points)
-[] [Bill] Make it so that only the DOMA can approve of a sponsor in order to be able to legally sponsor a superhero (20 points)
-[] [Bill] Push against giving the president any special powers regarding superhuman sponsorship (20 points)
-[] [Bill] Allow superpowered criminals amnesty for non-heinous crimes if they can find a sponsor willing to draft them as soldiers or superheroes, and pay an indemnity to clear their name to be paid to the victims families (20 points)
-[] [Bill] Make it so that any costumed vigilante who operates without a sponsor is effectively treated as potential murderers and will be arrested on sight (20 points)
-[] [Bill] Push for the Bill to be completed as fast as possible (10 points)
-[] [Bill] Begin taxing superheroes and their merchandizing at a flat rate (6 points)
-[] [Demon] Meet with Talia and Ra's al Ghul to discuss alien invasions, Atlantis and long term alliances
-[] [Richter] Agree to create new combat capable aircraft or drones for General Richter in exchange for a lot of money and her tacit support in getting LexCorp more backing with the US military
-[] [Richter] Provide General Richter with blizzard blanket drones in exchange for General Richter's meteorological data
-[] [Costume] Caitlin Snow
Caitlin's powers necessitate that any costume designed for her use must be built around interacting with her powers. This means that the costume must hold up under extreme cold and that there must be at least one place for her to vent and draw heat from. However with this complication also comes an opportunity to design a costume that Caitlin can make use of and would be easier for her to wear in her day to day life than what she currently has.
--[] [Design] Cold Kryptonite suit (62 points)
The cold kryptonite suit is a compromise between power and comfort. Gauntlets, boots and a chest piece each with a kryptonite based heating system installed in them make up the bulk of costume and provide it with most of its weight. However Caitlin's head, shoulders and fingers are all exposed so that she may freely use her power and draw heat from the environment around her. This suit is essentially equivalent to walking around with multiple bombs strapped to her but one advantage it does have is that Caitlin can modify the energy being put into the kryptonite in her suit enabling her to ratchet up her power to be even more devastating for short periods of time. This costume is one Caitlin would be comfortable wearing and would let her effectively interact with others
-[ ] [Costume] Siobhan McDougal
--[ ] [Design] Skulls, Spikes, Light Armor and Leather (5 points)
This costume is one which appeals more to Siobhan's usual aesthetic. The black leather jacket with silver spikes, motorcycle pants, lace up combat boots and studded black fingerless gloves give this a unique and striking silhouette. The more punk aesthetic naturally pairs well with Siobhan's skull like face as the Silver Banshee and gives her a distinctive style and appeal. It's unlikely to be everyone's favorite design but it's one Siobhan likes and it could find its own invested audience. The additional armored plates subtly woven into the jacket and pants do give this look a bit of defense even if Siobhan's powers would be doing the majority of the heavy lifting in a serious fight.
-[] [35 Points] Reduce the cost of Pharmaceutical Lab
-[] [Comp] Stable simple AI (30 points)
-[] [Comp] Improved machine learning (27 points, can be taken repeatedly)
-[] [Comp] Cloud computing (19 points)
-[] [Comp] DNA spectrography program (17 points)
-[] [Comp] Improved arithmetic logic units (5 points, can be taken repeatedly)
-[] [Bone] Increased blood cell production (28 points)
-[] [Bone] Reduced throat complications (1 point)
-[] [Freeze] More compact grenades (7 points, can be taken repeatedly)
-[] [Freeze] Ease of constructions (3 points, can be taken repeatedly)
-[] [Freeze] Easier to throw grenades (16 points, can be taken repeatedly
-[] [Whale] Agree to not directly attack Tobias Whale's holdings if he agrees to never directly attack LexCorp's holdings
-[] [Brain] Agree to help the Brain gain temporary amnesty and a reduction of sentence for him and the Brotherhood of Evil in exchange for his aid in dealing with an alien invasion.