Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

year 43, week 42, Part 2
"I am not the kind of person who lives up to the ideals you talk about," Ling Qi said, breaking the silence that had begun to stretch on. "But you know that already, right?"

Cai considered her words, regarding her measuringly from her higher seat. "An ideal is the end of a path, not it's beginning. I myself am flawed, purposely so, but this remains true."

"I'm not even sure I believe it is possible to achieve what you want," Ling Qi replied, lowering her head.

"Yet, you are not certain that it is not," the heiress replied shrewdly. "The question lies solely in whether you would walk the long path toward justice at my side. If I have been unclear before this point, Ling Qi, answer me this question. "Are you truly satisfied with the world as it is?"

"Talking about the world is a little grandiose, don't you think?" Ling Qi asked wryly. "Affecting such a thing is beyond my reach."

"Is that so?" Cai Renxiang replied, the eyes splashed over her chest now focusing upon Ling Qi. "I had thought you more ambitious than that. Do you not seek the highest levels of power?"

"In cultivation, of course," Ling Qi replied, frowning. "But that is a personal matter, not trying to affect the entire empire."

"You will never achieve those heights then," the other girl replied, the light around her strengthening with the conviction in her words. "Cultivation affects the world around you. Even those who focus inward shape the world with their steps, even if those effects might be small. The notion that a man or woman may live only for themselves, unlinked to the world is childish and pathetic. Leave such thoughts to barbarians and those lonely souls who would rather spend a thousand years in a cave or a meditation chamber seeking power without purpose beyond its own propogation."

"...I would probably call it beastly, rather than childish," Ling Qi replied after a moment, letting out a small laugh. "A child simply doesn't know better, but adults can still be the most vicious beasts of all, you know?"

"You would know better than I, perhaps," Cai admitted. "Which is why I reach out to those such as you and Gan Guangli, to ensure that my path does not become corrupted in ignorance. I do not have my Mother's perception. Many things are hidden from my eyes and ears. I do not expect to achieve my ideal without struggle or pain. So I will ask again. Are you satisfied, Ling Qi?"

"No, I'm not," Ling Qi sighed, closing her eyes. "I am selfish though, and often thoughtless toward others. Is that truly what you want in a retainer?"

"I believe you do yourself too little credit, there is potential in your resolve," she replied, rising gracefully from her seat, looking down at Ling Qi. "Should you stumble on the path behind me, I will see you guided back."

Ling Qi supposed that her thoughts must have been obvious then, as she stood herself. She clasped her hands in front of her and bowed low at the waist. "I will accept your generous offer then, and swear to serve you in honour and good faith." Meizhen's lessons served her well once again.

"I am glad," though she could not see the heiress' face, she could hear a note of relief in the other girls tone. "Raise your head, Baroness Ling. Though there is much to do to confirm your position, there are some matters which must be resolved before we leave this room."

Ling Qi straightened up, raising a curious eyebrow. "What would those be?"

"Ensuring that you have a regalia worthy of a retainer of the Cai clan," Cai Renxiang replied. "As I have done for Gan Guangli, I will do for you," she looked down as she spoke, and Ling Qi followed her gaze. The heiress plucked at her sleeve, working the fine cloth between her fingers. "However, in this, I also give my first command. You will not speak of this, to anyone," she met Ling Qi's eyes, as she spoke, her voice stern.

"I can hold a secret, Lady Cai," Ling Qi reassured her. She already had a few after all.

"Good, it is not my displeasure you risk should you reveal this," Surprisingly, a thread quickly came loose from the weave of her gown, a glowing string so bright that it was difficult to look directly at. It coiled around Cai's fingers like a living thing as she tugged it free. "Take this. I will bring you to a room where you may disrobe and leave your gown for the afternoon, while Liming's thread integrates itself."

Ling Qi tentatively took the thread from the heiress's offered hand. It pulsed with warmth against her skin, beating like a heart in a way that was slightly unsettling. She quickly stored it away in her ring, but the warmth remained, heating the plain iron band on her finger. "Thank you very much. May I ask if there is anything else we need to see too?"

"Matters of resource, primarily," Cai Renxiang admitted, looking her over. "My dispensations are limited in the Outer Sect, and though you have made few requests of me. I am inclined to see your equipment improved. Under my current budget. I am willing to comision a talisman from a professional craftsmen for your use, it's quality limited only by what your current cultivation can make use of."

"I suppose my current equipment is not of the highest grade, comparatively," Ling Qi said wryly. "Thank you for your generosity."

"The craftsmen of the outer sect are promising students, but students they remain," Cai agreed. "In the future, I shall ensure you some number of green stones as well, to aid your growth, but under my current budget, I will only be providing one per month. I have no doubt that you will use this resource efficiently."

"That is one thing I am pretty good at," Ling Qi agreed. "Ah… do we need to do some kind of public ceremony? I had read that there was more to swearing vassalage than this?" She wasn't looking forward to it if so.

"That is something to be left for later, once our time in the Sect is complete, however, I will require more of your time, yet," Cai replied serenely, heading for the exit. "Come, let us get you changed, so that we may go to the Sect's office while your garments are adjusted.

"Why do we need to go to the Sect office?" Ling Qi asked, curiously. She knew she would need to adjust the way she spoke to Cai in public after this, but the heiress didn't seem to mind her continuing to be somewhat casual in private.

"To take care of the paperwork of course,"Cai said blandly, opening the door to the room. "There is a significant amount which needs be done to legally bind our arrangement, transfer your tuition debt, and other such matters. I am afraid your presence will be required for a few hours yet."

Ling Qi's eyes narrowed even as she felt coldness in her gut. Just how much paperwork were they talking about? She couldn't shake the feeling that she had glimpsed a slight smile on the other girls face as she turned away either. Was this girl relishing the thought of putting her through this…?

Cai Renxiang had a disturbing number of spare outfits squirreled away in her wardrobes and closets, made in many sizes, but it did mean the light blue gown she picked out fit with only a little adjustment. Leaving her gown behind in Cai's mansion was uncomfortable though, but less so than the mind numbing hours that followed, reading through page after page of legal documents and signing again and again.

In the end, things would not change a great deal in immediate terms. Ling Qi would have to be more careful of her words and actions in public spaces, but she was intending to do that anyway. Right now the only major task Cai wanted her to accomplish was placing well in the tournament, which meant focusing on her cultivation. She would also be expected to join Cai Renxiang and Gan Guangli for training and review of the 'governments' status each week, above and beyond anything brought to the overall council.

It would allow either her or Guangli to raise issues if needed and let Cai give them instruction. It was for that reason that Ling Qi held off on mentioning Yan Renshu for now. She wasn't yet sure if she wanted to escalate it beyond a personal issue.

She also found herself a bit distracted by her newly improved gown, when the bureaucratic torture ended.

Swaying Twilight Gown:

A many layered gown of water smooth black silk with prominent white hems and a dark blue mantle split down the center like a pair of wings and embroidered with patterns of white lotus flowers. It's train trails behind the wearer, never touching the base earth. A finely painted silk panel is affixed to the front, displaying curling vines and white petaled azalea flowers, spotted with red like drops of blood. Made by an apprentice of the Duchess Cai, and infused with a thread from the spirit Liming, it's craftsmanship is near unparalleled, though its potential still sleeps. Armor 4. Reduces the cost of Darkness and Water and Wind arts by 3 to a minimum of one. Provides an additional four die to defense in low light and darkness, and two under normal light. Provides a four die bonus on intimidate and stealth tests. Self Repairs. Durability 15
-Wings in Shadow: At the cost of three qi per turn, provides flight at the user's speed, or negates any damage from a fall of two hundred meters or less
-Twilight Beauty: For one qi per turn, the user may reduce light levels to low within fifty meters.

It somehow managed to fit even more comfortably than before, the fabric feeling as light as air and comfortably cool on her skin. It also seemed completely impervious to moisture, which made her climb up the mountain to see Zeqing the following day quite a bit more comfortable.

Talent 6 + YSS 35 + Zeqing 15 + Dark Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 10 + Lung 10 + Manual 6 = 103 dice + 10 autos (Music 5, Imperial 5).
3 3 2 5 2 2 4 1 3 4 4 7 6 6 1 3 10 3 1 3 6 6 7 3 6 3 1 6 9 8 8 3 2 10 9 3 3 2 5 5 8 1 2 5 8 2 8 7 6 10 9 1 8 7 5 5 1 6 1 9 5 8 3 7 7 1 1 2 5 8 6 4 10 9 8 7 2 7 5 8 9 5 10 6 4 7 10 4 4 10 5 8 8 7 6 6 10 9 7 4 8 5 9. 51 successes

Rerolling 10
7 7 6 5 2 9 4 5 5 2. 6 successes. 10 auto. 71 total


1/4th to spiritual. Improves Resilience and Resolve
17 to spiritual

Spending the morning on a high cliffside, breathing in the crisp mountain air and practicing her singing made for an nice, relaxing morning. Her own voice still paled in comparison to Zeqing's, but she felt that she was improving quickly. It was amusing to see Hanyi stubbornly pushing through simpler voice exercises. It seemed Zeqing really did understand her daughter well. The little ice child had a wide competitive streak and really hated losing.

Ling Qi thought it was rather cute if she was honest, though that might be due to Zeqing preventing the little girl from sulking too much. With the sun passing its zenith, she headed down the mountain, planning to meet up with Suyin for a little research time. Though it had fallen by the wayside, Ling Qi hadn't forgotten some of the ideas she had thought up in regards to the guardian formations. She met her friend at her home, and joined her in her workshop to study.

"So you won't be staying in the Sect?" Li Suyin asked as she sketched out a potential design on a wide sheet of paper, splayed over the same worktable that had doubled as a medical bed.

"Yes, I feel like it would be kind of foolish to pass up an opportunity like this," Ling Qi replied, with a sheepish shrug, her own inkbrush scribbling in details within the wider pattern.

"I can see why, to think the heir to the duchess herself would offer you such a position," Suyin said, her lips pursed as she carefully laid out the strokes to one of the larger characters.

"What about you, Li Suyin? Gotten any offers yet?" Ling Qi asked lightly, not wanting to seem like she was rubbing her good fortune in her friends face. Suyin had reached mid yellow in spiritual a little while ago, and from the intensity of her aura, her reserve of qi was getting pretty respectable as well.

Li Suyin glanced away, seeming a little embarrassed. "...One or two. Senior Sister Bao's comments on their quality were rather colorful though. I think I will remain with the Sect for a time yet… Father spent a decade of his savings and a hefty loan on the tuition, so I want to learn as much as possible, before making any further choices."

Ling Qi was glad her friend wouldn't be on the front lines at any point. She might not be the gentle girl she had been at the start of the year, but she still couldn't picture her as part of a military unit. "Speaking of low quality," Ling Qi added thoughtfully. "Did that Huang Da keep bothering you after he stopped sniffing around me?"

Li Suyin grimaced. "... A little, yes. I have not seen him in over a month though. I believe he has gone into closed door cultivation," she shook her head, dismissing the subject. "Shall we try activating the new mobile formation then?"

She wanted to offer help, but it seemed like Li Suyin wanted to handle things herself, she would have to trust her friend to come to her if she needed help. "Right, I'll handle the North and East Gates?"

"And I will activate the South and West ones. Start at the end of the three count…" Li Suyin said, looking down at their work intently. They counted down together, and channeled qi into the openings around the patterned circle…

The muffled explosion that followed blew the shutters on the workshops windows open, and scattered the birds roosting the roof.

...It was a good thing that they had decided to practice with paper,leaving them covered in fine ash rather than showered with splinters or shards of stone. Ling Qi grimaced as she brushed the smoldering embers which had landed in her hair onto the floor and stamped them out.

Li Suyin's spirit chittered worriedly from atop her masters head in the aftermath, having come rushing out of the cozy nest built into the ceiling the moment the blast had been unleashed. The fuzzy pink arachnid was two hand lengths across now. She still looked Ling Qi with eight glistening eyes brimming with suspicion too.

"I am fine Zhenli, "Li Suyin's soothed, despite her face being splotched with soot. She gently shooed her spirit down onto her shoulder, where the fuzzy arachnid clung like a particularly sullen shoulderpad. "We didn't make any errors though, I am sure of it," Suyin added, sounding frustrated.

"Which means there must be some problem with our theory," Ling Qi sighed. "I guess this means we start over from scratch?"

"It seems we have little choice," Li Suyin huffed, brushing her hand across the ashen tabletop. It shimmered wetly for a moment, moisture rising from the wood to carry the mess into a bucket at the far end of the table. "Perhaps we should modify the scouts first? We might gain some insights into the more complex formation that way."

Ossuary Scout 4/6
Li Silk Guardian 3/9

In the end, they didn't manage to make any workable improvements by late afternoon, when Suyin had to return to the Medicine Hall, and she had to go train with Su Ling, but they were slowly working out some ways to improve on the formations further. They weren't going to give up though, and Ling Qi had an idea for getting them through this rough patch. She just had to figure out where Xuan Shi had disappeared to.

The next few days passed in relative peace as Ling Qi continued her cultivation and visits to friends and mentors alike, while doing some research on the two tasks she had set for herself this week. The mountain indicated to her in her moon quest was known for being haunted by spirits of darker nature, creatures of poison and ambush, who beguiled the senses and preyed on the unwary.

Which wasn;t terribly surprising, if there was something that would be useful to her there. Still, it would pay to be mentally prepared for that kind of thing. To that end, she tentatively set the date for her expedition at the end of the week, since it was rather far away to boot. She would rather resolve her other obligations in case it took longer than she thought.

On the other hand, the Sect job was looking like it wouldn't be terribly difficult. It seemed that the spirit she was tasked with dealing with had settled in at a thick grove of fir trees a ways north of the village and remained mostly static, going by spotty guard reports. Luckily it still hadn't harmed any humans, though one hunter reported seeing the muddy hulk bodily lift a great Emerald Boar with one arm and break the beasts spine over it's knee.

Given that such creatures high second grade and two meters tall at the shoulder at their smallest, Ling resolved not to let the thing catch her.

She brought Zhengui along for her hunt this time, though she kept him dematerialized in her dantian after impressing on him the seriousness of the situation. It was late evening when she descended the mountain, and headed out the north gate of the village, following the road only a short way before splitting off to head toward the grove where the spirit had been spotted.

Ling Qi slipped easily into stealth, a light jump carrying her up into the branches of the trees, where she could ghost along without a sound. A year ago, the branches would have bent or broken under her weight, and she would have had a hard time balancing on the thin wooden limbs even if they hadn't. Now it was as easy as walking across flat ground, and not a single leaf rustled in her wake as she darted through the forest canopy like a shadow.

Animals and spirits alike took no notice of her passage as she moved through the woods toward the targets grove, and soon enough she began to see signs of it. Places where the brush was trampled down, or masses of damp clay and loam clung to tree trunks and lower hanging branches. Even now a wisp of mixed earth and water qi remained in the material.

It didn't have the sickly feel that she remembered back from the mission with the shaman though, so that eliminated one possibility she had considered. The grove itself was rather pretty, a regular circle of tall fir trees, in which wispy, barely material first grade wind spirits danced, causing the branches to rustle and sway even in the absence of external wind.

If she did not already have the snowfield Zeqing had shown her, she might have found some good use for it as a site to cultivate wind arts in. As it was though, she merely made sure to remember the location, someone else might make better use of it.

The spirit she was hunting wasn't present at the moment though. There was a small hill of river clay in the center of the grove, with a vaguely bowl shaped depression in its top, and plenty of mud smeared across the trunks though, so it seemed the information wasn't wrong.

With that in mind, Ling Qi found a good hiding place, and settled in to wait.

Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + Speciality 1 + Passives 0 + Equip 4 (Robe 4) + Buff 2 (EPC 2) + 2 autos (SCS)= 19 dice + 9autos.
3 8 8 8 5 8 6 2 4 6 6 5 1 4 4 2 4 2 1. 4 successes. 13 total


10 6 2 5 5 5 6 9 1 3 10 6 1 10 7 2 9 1 10. 7 successes. 16 total
Bare Pass

She spent a little under an hour crouched in the tree, calmly meditating on the meanings of the qi flows within the Thousand Ring Fortress art, since she was in such a heavily wood aligned area. Zhengui had dozed off a little. She wanted to scold him, but she couldn't quite bring herself too.

Her patience was rewarded when her ears caught the distant sound of lumbering footsteps. They were loud and unsubtle, like boots caked in wet mud. Within a few minutes, she caught a glimpse of the creature, four meters tall and nearly as broad at the shoulder, it was a veritable mountain of river mud and black loam, rushes, weeds and moss sprouted from its half liquid surface, swaying as it walked. There was a sort of lump at the top of its shoulders, but she would be hard pressed to call it a head.

It's other features were crude too, with thick three fingered hands big enough to wrap entirely around her waist and stumpy legs lacking any definition. Still, it's qi felt natural enough, it had the earthy feel of a mud slick riverbank, placid and unthreatening. She supposed she could see how it might frighten someone with less sharp senses though.

She was about to lower the bow she held in her hands and climb down to try and communicate with it, when she saw something that send a chill down her spine. There was a human head embedded in its chest, halfway down the bulk of its torso. It had young male features that might have been handsome without the corpsely pallor. She couldn't sense a single drop of qi or life from the person either.

Her lips setting into a thin line, Ling Qi's bow came back up, and she nocked an arrow, taking aim for the space directly between the creatures shoulders. She could feel a concentration of qi there, and it would be her best guess at a vital point.

Ling Qi activates crescents grace, attacks with falling star shot
Surprise Round
Dex 6 + Archery 6 + Passives 8 (FZ 4, FSA 4) + Equip 4 (Bow 2, Pin 2)+ Speciality 1+ Activation 10 (tech 7, dot 3)+8 SCS = 43 dice
6 4 7 2 4 2 6 3 9 6 10 3 1 6 8 6 4 3 4 7 1 7 6 1 1 9 2 2 3 1 6 9 4 2 2 7 5 7 1 6 4 2 8. 11 successes

Stamina 7+Toughness 7+Passives 9+ Amorphous Earth 8(3 dot, 5 tech)+Equip 2. 33 dice. +1 cultivation auto.
6 5 5 4 6 2 5 8 4 6 1 10 5 5 6 3 8 9 7 7 7 6 9 10 7 6 1 6 9 1 7 6 5. 12 successes. 13 total


Round 1

??? Activates Azure Crane Flight, Attacks with Black Diamond Talon.
Dex 7+ Unarmed 7+Passives 8+ACF 5+Equip 2+BDT 6. 35 dice. +2 auto(1 cult, 1 spec)
5 1 10 10 7 4 4 9 3 7 5 8 1 7 1 6 9 8 6 6 1 7 7 9 9 10 6 3 9 3 1 5 3 2 4. 15 successes. 17 total

Ling Qi activates Deepwood Vitality
Dex 6 + Dodge 6 + Passives 8 (TRF 4, AS 4) + Equip 4 (Robe 4)+CG 6+DV 5 = 35 Dice
2 7 1 7 9 7 8 2 3 9 3 8 6 6 10 8 7 1 1 2 2 6 1 4 9 6 6 7 1 9 5 2 5 6 1. 13 successes.

4 damage+4 semi perfect earth damage. Armor Pierce 3.

Ling Qi's armor negates 2. 4 qi spent to negate additional two. Ablative health boxes take 2
2 damage dealt to health.

However, she must have made a mistake in drawing on so much qi, because a moment before she released the sparking missile from her bow, the creature jerked, and as her arrow howled toward it in a blinding bolt. The mud that comprised it flowed apart, a perfect circle the size of a small tree trunk opening and allowing her arrow to sail through harmlessly to explode when it embedded in the creatures nest of mud, showering the clearing with dirt.

She had only a moment to curse the failure before she saw the eyes of the corpse face snap open. A moment later, she was hurling herself backward as a tall, lanky boy burst from the beasts chest as if propelled by a rocket, trailing mud and dark earth. He wore the tattered remains of an outer disciples grey robe, little more than the scraps of the sleeves and a ragged stretch of cloth across his back, and… yes, that was a bearskin tied around his waist, and nothing else.

All of that vanished from her mind in an instant though as she saw the gleaming black claws of glimmering black crystal that had consumed his hands, each talon was half the length of her forearm, and she could already trace the path they would take, slashing across her chest. Deep green qi surged from her channels shrouding her in an aura of vitality even as she darted away from the strike, but she still felt a stinging pain as two of those talons cut through her gown and qi to score the flesh of her shoulder.
"Don't hurt Big Sister!" The dual voiced cry erupted from just beside her, and she glanced to the side to see Zhengui briefly suspended in midair as ash gushed out to engulf her opponent, followed by a hissing glob of molten venom. He nimbly dodged the latter and fell back before the the former, but she could already see in his eyes that he wouldn't back off for long, and Zhengui was already falling to the forest floor a few meters below. She should, drop down to better support him, but…

Feeling outward with her qi senses, Ling Qi had a feeling that she had made a mistake in haste. "Sect Brother," She called, even as she dropped down, keeping a careful eye on both the boy and the beast now lumbering forward to join him. "Are you in your right mind?"

Her voice caused the boy, in the middle of plunging back to earth himself, to blink, his expression of absolute concentration faltering. "...Eh?"

"I apologize for attacking your spirit beast," she apologized as she landed lightly next to Zhengui, resting a hand on his shell and shooting him a calming look. Zhen continued to glare at the body, burning venom dripping from his fangs, but Gui merely blinked up at her, surprised. "I had thought that you had been consumed."

The boy frowned at her as he landed himself, he was as tall as Gan Guangli at his baseline, but much lankier. He was also really ragged looking, his hair was long enough to reach the middle of his back, but tied into a messy tail, and there was his state of dress to consider. The only talisman Ling Qi could see on him were a pair of crude wooden bangles around his wrists.

...Which made the power and speed of his strikes all the more alarming, he was a step above her in the third realm too.

"You are not here for a duel?" he cocked his head to the side, and Ling Qi couldn't help but picture a curious dog in his place. He sounded a little disappointed.

"I was sent out to investigate, your bound spirit has been frightening villagers," she replied carefully. She hadn't been able to sense his qi at all in there. "May I ask what you were doing?"

"Cultivating of course," he replied, as if stating the obvious, the glimmering claws crumbling away from his hands as he crossed his arms over his bare chest. He was ridiculously pale, like he hadn't seen the sun in ages. "Lanhua, what have you been doing?" He turned his head to look at the lumbering golem striding up behind him. It made an odd burbling sound, which he seemed to understand. "She has been minding her own business," he said turning back to Ling Qi with a frown.

"Yet, frighten people she has, you are quite close to the village, you know," Ling Qi replied dryly, stroking Zhen soothingly.

"Ah… we are," he glanced around, scratching his head. "Did I misjudge the distances again?" He murmured to himself. "Well, no harm," he shrugged. "I will just move on a ways."

"Ah… do you mind if I ask you something?" Ling Qi asked, causing him to pause in the middle of turning away. "While I only arrived this year, I do not think I would miss someone of your strength, Sect Brother…"

"Shen Hu," he introduced himself after a moment's thought. "I have not been on the mountain since last year. Too many distractions," he explained with a shrug, seeming to already be losing interest in her. "Ah… I can't go too far though, or I'll miss the tournament again, maybe that little lake to the west…"

Ling Qi grimaced as the somewhat spacey boy took his leave It looked like there was another potential obstacle in the tournament, she could still feel the stinging pain of those claw wounds, even though her gown had already repaired itself. As if there wasn't already enough competition for those spots. She'd have to let Cai Renxiang know what she had found here. Then again, she might already know, due to Fu Xiang, but if this guy had wandered off into the woods for a year, the information dealer might have assumed him dead.

"Are you alright Big Sister?" Gui asked, while Zhen continued to stare daggers at the boys back.

"I'm fine Zhengui, just a little scratch," She reassured him. "Why don't we get a few cores before we go home," she added, to distract Zhen from his temper. This hadn't taken as long as she thought.

She did wonder what the Elders were playing at though. Surely Elder Ying at least had to have been aware that the 'monster' was just a weird disciple. She supposed trying to figure out what an Elder was thinking was mostly futile though.

After a bit of hunting, she headed back to the mountain under the cover of night, letting her minor wounds heal while she meditated and recovered her qi. In the morning, she left a message with her new liege lord and headed to the Sect office to collect her reward.

+25 Sect points

With most of her tasks done for the week, she returned to the dragon's vale to cultivate, and spent another training session with Su Ling, before rejoining Li Suyin in the afternoon, where she laid out her idea.

"I am not sure if it is appropriate to bother him like this," Li Suyin said uncomfortably as they walked the path toward Xuan Shi's workshop. A quick visit to Gan Guangli at the training fields had pointed them to where the reclusive boy had holed up in recent weeks. "I am sure he is very busy…"
"He might not seem like it, but Xuan Shi is a pretty friendly guy," Ling Qi reassured her as the building came into view. It was more of a low hill of rock than a building, with a pair of smoking chimneys disgorging fragrant, qi charged smoke. There were no windows, but there was a single door on the front side, carved from a single piece of wood. "I don't think he would mind answering a few questions. "Besides, he could probably use a conversation, if he's really been in seclusion for a month."

Li Suyin sighed a little, it was pretty similar to the way Meizhen sighed when she felt Ling Qi was being unreasonable, but she let it pass without comment. "I will trust your judgement," she said aloud, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself.

Ling Qi came to a stop as they reached his doorstep, and after a moment of searching, she found the formation Gan Guangli had mentioned and put her finger in the center of it. Channeling a tiny thread of qi into it, she was pleased when she heard the deep ringing of a bell echoing from the inside, just as Gan had said it would. That was a useful little trick.

She waited patiently as a minute or two passed, Li Suyin shifting nervously beside her. Eventually though, she caught the sound of movement, and the faint tinkle of the metal rings on Xuan Shi's staff. A moment later, she stepped back to give the door room to creak open, revealing a blinking Xuan Shi in his usual high collared robe, though she could see his hat hanging from a peg on the wall behind him. He seemed politely bewildered by their presence.

"...Sister Ling?" He greeted after a pause. "The council lays silent, the mountain peaceful. Has the princess of strife broken her bond?

"Nothing so serious," Ling Qi reassured him. "This is merely a personal call."

She saw him glance over at Li Suyin, who smiled weakly, offering a silent bow of respect. "...I see," he said, his expression unreadable. "What quest brings you to my abode then?"

"Well it's a little embarrassing to admit, but I was hoping for some advice again," she admitted, catching a flicker of something in his eyes as she did. "My friend and I were working on a formations project and I was hoping you might have a word of wisdom or two?"

She subtly nudged Li Suyin, who very much did not squeak in alarm like a frightened mouse… or so she would tell anyone who asked. "Ah, honored Brother Xuan, we are having some trouble modifying a housing guardian formation toward greater mobility. While I would not dare ask for your personal secrets. I had hoped that you might be able to point out which portions of my general knowledge are lacking."

Whatever strange expression he had before, Xuan Shi looked down at the back of Li Suyin's head with resigned amusement, before looking back to Ling Qi. "...A boon of knowledge then, of course. Enter then, and partake of my hospitality, such as it is. This one has some hours to spare while certain processes complete."

Li Suyin seemed relieved, but Ling Qi just nodded, for all his demeanor, Xuan Shi was a generous sort.

His home was small, and a bit claustrophobic for Ling Qi's taste, but it was clean and well ventilated… somehow. The furnishings were spartan though, the table they sat at to have tea was a plain thing that wouldn't have been out of place in the lower ring of Tonghou… well it's state of repair aside. Xuan Shi was able to help them through their block, pointing out some faulty assumptions in the foundations of their logic for the modification. Suyin's hands were little more than a blur as she took down every word Xuan Shi said in her notes.

Of course, there were downsides, a formation like the Silk Guard was not meant to be mobile, and while it could be made so… it came at cost, such a formation would only last twenty four hours or so at best, before the strain broke things. So it would be rather expensive… it did mean that her idle dream of mounting one on Zhengui was not impossible though. In the long term, she would probably want to invest in a talisman for the purpose, but a short lived formation was fine for the tournament.

They would still need to work on it further to iron out the kinks though.

White Room 30 + YSS 35 + Lan Lan 5 + Pills 6 + Larceny 5 = 81 + 11 autos (Talent 6, Bronze 5)
8 9 6 2 4 8 4 10 7 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 7 3 10 5 1 3 6 7 2 5 3 1 9 1 2 6 2 9 10 7 8 5 8 5 7 9 7 8 2 8 8 8 2 9 4 2 3 9 10 4 5 3 4 4 5 8 1 6 6 2 3 4 7 10 10 3 9 6 10 2 5 9 9 9 9. 41 successes

Rerolling 7
2 5 9 8 9 6 4. 3 successes. 55 total.
55/31 New Meridian opened

24 to spiritual

With everything else Ling Qi had done this week, taking the next morning off to cultivate with Xiulan in the White Room was a nice little break. In her fuzzy memories of rainbow silk and warm waters, she could recall the sheer ease with which the impurities that blocked the meridian she was clearing flowing away like mist under the morning sun. Soon she would be able to practice Zeqing's gift without having to change the elemental attunement of her other meridians.

It was also nice to see some of the stress lines she had begun to notice forming at the corners of Xiulan's eyes smoothed away for the moment. In the wake of their cultivation time ending, the two of them had gone back to one of the upscale teahouses in the center of town to relax, and let the fuzziness in their heads fade.

"What a wondrous place," Xiulan mused, leaning back against the padded bench. "I do not believe I have ever opened two meridians with a single effort before," she could see the girl smiling behind her thread of gold veil.

"It is pretty amazing," Ling Qi replied freely, sipping a bit of the warm tea from her cup. It was a mild flavor, and for the moment she savored her ignorance of what that might mean. She had a feeling that she would be learning more than she had ever wanted to know about tea in the days going forward. "I had thought I was nearing my limit before Lady Cai opened it for our use."

"And yet you likely had more open then, than I do now," Xiulan shot back, only a tiny touch of bitterness in her voice.

"...I'm a little surprised that you haven't refused me yet," Ling Qi replied quietly, looking down.

Xiulan was silent for a moment, and Ling Qi couldn't miss the conflict in her eyes. "I cannot afford pride of that sort. You are my friend, I will simply have to accept your generosity in this. Do not think that I will not repay you in the future."

Ling Qi nodded, accepting the word with the seriousness that they were due, before cracking a smile. "Well, for starters, do you know a good site for cultivating fire arts? Zhen can't get much use out of the place where I am training his brother at the moment."

Xiulan raised an eyebrow, looking surprised. "Not what I meant, but I am surprised you did not ask sooner. I cannot share my sister's site, but I will make a list for you."

"Hah, well, you know how I am sometimes," Ling Qi replied, with a self deprecating smile.

Xiulan rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I worry for you. I am going to go away for a time and return to find you mossed over in a cave somewhere."

Ling Qi's smile turned a bit sad, in the future, it wasn't likely that she would be seeing Xiulan very often… but no matter which path she took, she would be leaving something behind. "You'll have to stay in contact then, and make sure I don't forget anything important."

"Hmph, you likely will not need me for that," Xiulan replied, looking down at her own cup. "You will have a fief to oversee after all. You strike me as the responsible sort."

Ling Qi nodded, by now, her status as Cai Renxiang's retainer had begun to spread. "I'm sorry, but…"

"Do not be, such an offer is not one the Gu clan can compete with," Xiulan replied. "Still… I will keep in touch, as I am able, I will remain in the Sect, and thus the province for some time, regardless of what happens."

"I appreciate it," Ling Qi replied quietly glad for the reminder that the Sect wouldn't be terribly far away, before sighing, breaking the somber mood, she would have to at least meet Tai at some point to politely turn down the offer in a formal manner, but for now, she didn't want to think on such things. "So, what other inner Sect gossip has your sister been telling you? Even if I won't be there long, I'd like to know what I am getting into…"

She was glad for the pleasant hour or so of conversation that followed, even if much of it was just laughing over the personal foibles of individual inner sect disciples. She did learn some interesting things though.

The Inner Sect ranked its disciples, from one down to whatever number matched the current amount of disciples, but it wasn't as simple as a measure of power. There were typically around one thousand Inner Sect disciples, and for the ranks under five hundred, individuals could challenge one another freely to shift rank around. However, to enter the top five hundred, one had to have contributed to the Sect in significant ways to be allowed to challenge for position.

Another ledge stood at the top one hundred and the top ten, where only those who had served in the Sect military in some capacity for an extended period could stand. Higher ranks of course came with greater resources and access to Sect materials.

She also learned far too much about the romantic inclinations of her Senior Brothers and Sisters. It seemed that Gu Yanmei was an inveterate hoarder of gossip, despite the personality that Ling Qi had previously observed.

Once she parted ways with Xiulan, Ling Qi began her preparations for her expedition out to the cave the moon had shown her, picking up Zhengui from the garden and ensuring that all of her pills and salves were stored away in her ring.

Not wanting to burn too much qi, she made the journey on foot, reaching the mountain where her target was only a bit over two hours later. She was immediately struck by the sense of foreboding which shrouded that short, stumpy mountain peak, and the the impenetrability of the shadows that clung like thick webs to the branches beneath the canopy of the trees.

Ling Qi advanced carefully under those shadows, suffused with the tranquility of her perception arts. Misleading illusions parted before her like cobweb before a brush, and hissing, shadowy thing fled her presence, only visible as wriggling shapes in the corner of her eye. Yet still, the air was heavy with foreboding, and the deep earthy scents of fungus and rot. Pale lichen grew on trees and rocks, and thick mushroom groves littered the loamy ground. After the first one released a cloud of qi qi infused spores at her approach, Ling Qi took to avoiding them as she could.

Yet she found her passage was far from unbarred, shadowy shapes, like the ghosts of dead trees reached from the darkness to catch at her gown and hair, only to be sundered by the flash of her flying sword. Slithering masses of insects with a deer's skull worn like a macabre 'helmet', spat sickly qi at her from afar, their writhing forms baring the vague shape of men, and hungry white worms, similar to those used by Yan Renshu emerged from the dirt to snap and spit.

Her flute called up a tight veil of mist that shrouded her movements and tore to shreds the things that approached her, but she kept it close, wanting to avoid riling the whole forest up, and to get further practice with her sword. The swarm spirits shrieked as the qi infused steel carved them to pieces, or Zhengui's fiery venom cooked them until they popped and burst, sundering their 'heads' and leaving the masses of vermin to disperse in her wake as she played her melody and continued her path through the haunted forest.

Wits 4 + Composure 5 + Passives 3 ( AM 3)+Discerning 4 = 16 dice. +7 auto
4 9 7 9 7 2 9 6 4 3 4 3 5 10 6 8. 7 successes. 14 total

10 9 9 6 7 4 10 7 9 5 1 8 8 4 3 8. 10 successes. 17 total

Yet, still despite her sharp senses, she found it difficult to maintain her path, she knew where the cave would be from her map, yet she continually found herself being turned around, not by illusion, but as if the space she was in folded strangely upon itself, such that passing through an arch of branches might leave her walking in the opposite direction a hundred meters away.

There was something broken here, Ling Qi could feel. It wasn't like the ruin left by the shaman's destruction, a sickness or wound in the process of healing. No, the atmosphere of this place instead brought to mind a twisted, crippled limb, damaged fundamentally, never to fully heal. It made her skin crawl.

Constantly keeping her technique active to penetrate the veils of this place slowly began to wear on her as well. There was a subtle drag at her qi as well, she found her ability to recover in mid combat weakened, as if the earth was drinking in the residual qi that she would have used to recover.

By the time she reached the yawning mouth a the cave, in a lifeless clearing stripped of all but a few scattered bones, human and otherwise, more than eight hours had passed. She had come here in the afternoon, and now it was night. Zhengui drooped tiredly beside her, and her own qi was low as well. She could recover with a pill or two… but no, her intuition told her that the path ahead would be more draining still. She had no doubt that the heavy fog that shrouded this part of the mountain would be no easier to navigate by air either.

However… she didn't want to be stuck in some dank mountain cave when her mother arrived. She had figured out the path, and as twisty as it was, it hadn't actually changed. Space was weird and broken here, but the destinations when blinking from one place to the next were consistent. It would only take an hour or two to get back here, now that she had the path.

...She would just have to return and finish this another day.

Dexterity 5/45
Stamina 16/35

Intelligence 7/35
Wits 22/25
Resolve 8/35

Presence 10/20
Manipulation 7/45
Composure 7/35

+4 to Domain Cultivation

Bureaucracy 3/6
Investigation 3/15
Formations 7/21
Occult 4/15

Athletics 4/30
Stealth 5/30
Survival 15/15 New dot gained!

Expression 11/42

Dodge 2/30
Archery 2/28
Resilience 3/21

+10 successes to Qi
+5 to Argent Current
+16 Successes to Phantasmagoria

Income: 115 red Stones, 1 Green Stone

Cai Renxiang will commission a talisman from a professional craft cultivator for your use. What would you like?
-[] Object Type(sword, belt, shoes etc.)
-[] Up to four effects go here (eg. Bonus to attack, reduction of X element or meridian, Skill bonus, etc.)

Fewer than four abilities will result in the others being more potent. In the case of weapons, increased DV, armor piercing or range takes one slot

You have five major actions and three minor. However, I will allow up to two minor actions which are tied to major ones.

However this week, your mothers arrival will consume one Major and one minor. In addition, due to your new position, one major every other week must be [] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang

[] Train at the vent with Su Ling
-[] Any
[] Train Music arts with Zeqing
[] Take a job
-[] Specify
[] Visit the Archive
-[] Search for a technique
-[] Study or improve formations
-[] Study another subject
[] Train with Gu Xiulan
-[] Defensive Arts only
[] Train with Meizhen
-[] Any
[] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang

-[] Any
[] Cultivate in the White Room
-[] What?
-[] With who?
[] Go into the cavern, finish your quest
[] Take care of Yan Renshu
-[]Bring the matter up to Cai Renxiang
[] Cultivate on your own
-[] Any

[] It's time for testing! You should work for some prototypes. Suyin has invited you to join her in her mentors workshop to do some more experimentation
[] Continue training Zhengui in the Vale, and make sure to pay some attention to Zhen as well... maybe you can get Heizui to contribute?
[] Well, you've taken the plunge, Cai's invited you out to train. Time to work on your understanding of her further
[] Sixiang shouldn't be a problem for the moment, but you are interested. She said she was a muse after all, maybe she can help you improve your music?
[] Meet Gu Tai, and give him the polite refusal. It just wasn't going to happen
[] Hanyi and Zhengui have been playing on occasion, maybe you should join them and see what they're actually up too.
[] After hearing of your encounter in the woods, Gan Guangli announced that he wanted to challenge the strange boy. You... might be interested in watching.
Year 43, week 43, Part 1
"So that's how it is then?" Gu Tai said, shaking his head disappointedly, looking out over the gardens..

They had met in a private room at the same establishment where they had met for lunch, at Ling Qi's request, and she hadn't wasted any time laying out the situation, not wanting to lead Xiulan's cousin on now that her decision was fully made.

"It is," Ling Qi said, raising her head as she straighten up from her polite bow. "I am sorry to have wasted your time."

"Do not concern yourself over that," Gu Tai dismissed, turning to face her. "It is not as if I had no other reasons for being here," he said with a small shrug. "And I can hardly blame you for your choice."

"So everyone says," Ling Qi said wryly. Most everyone who knew seemed to think she had made the obvious and self evident choice. "Still, for what it is worth, thank you taking the time to help me with Zhengui, and your advice. I… find that I didn't dislike the idea of taking your offer the way I did when we first met."

"There is some honesty," the older boy chuckled. "Let me reply in turn. I am truly disappointed, though we have only known one another briefly. I found you to have a certain charm that I am unlikely to find elsewhere, but such is life. One cannot grasp all the treasures before their eyes."

Ling Qi found her cheeks heating slightly, and so she looked away from his earnest expression. "You are not what I expected when Xiulan began talking about this sort of thing," Ling Qi grumbled, crossing her arms. "It was supposed to be easy to dismiss you."

He laughed. "I shall accept your compliment Miss Ling. I would keep that caution though. You will see far more suitors than I in the coming years, and though it pains me to say it, the average young master is a cut below in charm and chivalry," his grin made it clear that he was jesting.

So Ling Qi simply snorted, rolling her eyes. "Well I am glad to see your pride has not been wounded too terribly by rejection," she replied dryly.

He sketched a slightly facetious bow, his smile still in place. "We Gu are a resilient lot, you will find, our pride is not so easily extinguished," his expression became a bit more serious as he straightened up. "I do hope that you can see it in your heart to remain in communication with my dear cousin though… I do fear that her drive might become consuming, it is a flaw of ours."

Her own smile wilted a bit at the reminder. "I am not just going to leave my friends behind," she replied determinedly. "If my cultivation cannot even allow me to keep in contact with a friend a few leagues away, than what good is it?" She wasn't a helpless mortal, trapped by the confines of the totems keeping the spirits at bay.

"A good answer," Gu tai replied wisely, a smile tugging at his lips once again. "It is too easy to forget, under the mountain of responsibility and duty, that cultivation is ultimately an exaltation of self. I do believe I will hear your name again in the future."

"I will choose to hear that as a compliment," Ling Qi replied, he wasn't wrong, she thought, but it wasn't so simple either. One's self did not have to exclude ties to other people, that responsibility and duty. Doing so was a lonely and empty path, bereft of any real happiness.

"I did mean it as one," he replied lightly. "Goodbye, Ling Qi."

"Goodbye, Gu Tai," she replied, matching his bow. It was unlikely that would meet again.

Parting ways with Xiulan's cousin, Ling Qi was left feeling contemplative as she walked the path back toward the outer sect mountain at an unhurried pace. She knew, that things were going to be changing soon. She had not even been on this mountain a year, so why did it feel painful to think about leaving?

Because this last year felt more vivid than the last three combined. Her life before had been a blur of hunger, fear, and pain. Even at it's lowest, when she was being stalked by that creep Huang Da, or hunted by Sun Liling, or freezing in the midst of blizzard, it didn't compare. Fleeting moments of helplessness couldn't compare to years of hiding and scratching in the dirt for scraps. Their greatest impact came from reminding her of older memories.

However light their touch had been, the Sect had been the ones to give her the opportunity to become more than another flickering, ephemeral mortal existence. She grimaced a little at that thought. It was arrogant, and she felt guilty for having it. She was expecting her Mother soon after all, and she was a mortal, she shouldn't think of them that way.

"Ah, is that the heady aroma of brooding I sense in the air?" A light voice said, roughly two centimeters from her ear.

Ling Qi stiffened, but very deliberately didn't spin around to face the sudden source of body heat against her side. "...Sixiang, you shouldn't startle people like that," she said tightly, giving the rainbow haired spirit a withering look.

The spirit laughed, and a quick glance told Ling Qi that the spirit was male at the moment, from the slightly deeper tone of his voice, and the lump on his throat. "Shouldn't I? Aren't humans at their most honest when surprised?

"Even so, it's kind of rude, not to mention likely to get you attacked," Ling Qi replied, resuming her walk. She heard the flutter of cloth as Sixiang followed after her, falling in at her side.

"Well, I've never died before, so that could be interesting too," the spirit said with a smile, his black eyes glittering with mirth. "I wonder how it compares to the ending of a dream…"

Ling Qi shuddered, the utter guileless curiosity in the spirits voice was a little unsettling, given the subject matter. "Dying is a more permanent thing. You don't get to just go on afterward."

"Are you sure?" Sixiang asked, cocking his head curiously. "How do you know, a dreamer cannot return to a dream after it ends, after all, even Grandmother cannot do such a thing."

Ling Qi shook her head, she wasn't a pious sort, so she only had a vague understanding that the spirit dissolved with death, returning to the world, or at most lingering in an ancestral shrine, or at the site of death, she supposed now she knew that a cultivator could become a spirit as well. "Are you saying that no one has ever dreamed the same dream twice? That seems unlikely," Ling Qi replied.

"Well of course you can't," Sixiang replied, sounding bemused. "Since you will have become different by the time you next dream, of course the dream will have changed as well."

Ling Qi narrowed her eyes in thought, but shook it off, this kind of conversation was just distracting. "Did you need something then?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Well, no," Sixiang said with a shrug, and Ling Qi twitched as the spirit shifted slightly before her eyes, losing a few masculine features and gaining a few feminine ones. "I just have a nose for the mood of artists you know? You're definitely in the sort of mood which breeds new works," a smile touched her thin lips as she spoke. "It's positively… enticing," she added, the eagerness in the spirit's voice made Ling Qi uncomfortable.

Sixiang wasn't wrong though. She was expecting Mother to arrive sometime today, so she had been a bit lost for what to do while waiting… but perhaps a little composition would clear her head. "You might be right," Ling Qi admitted. "I was intending to seek you out anyway, later this week. Do you want to come along and give me some critique?"

Sixiang clapped her hands in delight, the air around her glittering with her emotion. "Of course. I was hoping you would ask. I've wanted to try the making of the friends! We can speak of attractive males and tie each others hair in the braid knots!"

"...Too much," Ling Qi said flatly, stopping to stare dully at the display.

"Ah… was it?" Sixiang asked, pressing a finger to the corner of her lips. "I thought it was fairly tasteful."

"I know you can speak proper imperial," Ling Qi replied dryly. "Messing up your grammar on purpose is just silly."

"Hm, I see," Sixiang mused. "The glitter was good though?"

"...I am in no position to object to the glitter," Ling Qi sighed. "Come on, I know a few good places to compose."

Sixiang nodded happily, following after her as Ling Qi resumed walking. "Is hair braiding completely out of the question though?"

"...Why," Ling Qi replied, eyeing Sixiang's shifting rainbow locks. "Can't you just make it look however you like?"

"Well of course, but where would the fun in that be?" Sixiang asked, giving her a dubious look.

"Maybe another day," Ling Qi said, shaking her head, giving up on trying to understand the spirits motivations for the moment.

Talent 6 + YSS 35 + Zeqing 15 + Dark Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 10 + Lung 10 + Manual 6 = 103 dice + 10 autos (Music 5, Imperial 5).
7 1 5 1 4 1 9 8 1 8 7 9 6 6 9 1 3 6 10 7 9 4 10 6 4 7 7 6 7 9 6 6 1 2 6 4 2 4 3 2 2 9 1 9 7 1 2 1 6 3 7 6 8 8 1 2 6 7 7 3 7 2 8 7 3 5 2 6 10 5 8 3 5 10 4 1 2 5 3 9 7 9 4 6 8 6 7 4 2 4 8 1 5 5 7 10 1 9 5 10 5 4 5. 64 successes

Rerolling 12
2 8 2 8 3 8 6 2 10 10 3 4. 5 successes, 10 auto. 79 total

Second cycle achieved
70/250 Third Cycle

1/4th to spiritual. Improves Resilience and Resolve
19 to spiritual

Attributes: Yin, Water, Dark
Current Meridians: Lungx2(water), Arm 1(dark)
Needed Meridians: Arm(3), Lung(6)
Max Level 6

Passive Effects
Cold effects by the user gain armor piercing 2
User gains armor 3 vs cold effects
Basic unarmed and music attacks by the user gain one bonus cold damage
The user receives a three die bonus to all expression based offensive clashes
The user gains a two die bonus on all intimidate tests

Springs End Aria: oo
Cost 5 qi
The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. Enemies within fifty meters suffer a three die penalty to spiritual defenses as the song saps their will, and the user gains a three die bonus to their own spiritual defense.The user becomes the nexus of the cold, draining the energy from their opponents attacks. Unsuccessful clashes vs the user allow them to recover one qi per three spent on the clash by their opponent(min. 1). This effect lasts six turns.

Hoarfrost Caress: ooo
Cost 6 Qi
The user's song becomes the howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter as they focus the expression of their will upon a single enemy. This triggers a spiritual attack with a bonus of five and an additional armor piercing of two. On a successful clash, the target finds frost spreading across their body as their blood and qi alike runs sluggish. This attack is DV 4, and deals semi perfect damage. On damage, the target suffers a four die penalty to all clashes for the next two turns. On hit, Damage is applied again on the following turn.

70/250 Third Cycle

Whatever one could say about Sixiang's conversational habits, she was rather good at critiquing performances, and over the course of the next few hours, Ling Qi was sure she had figured out where her performance of the Frozen Soul Serenade's flaws were. She would have to wait until she had time to speak and practice with Zeqing to be sure, but it seemed that she had finally mastered the arts basics.

She would have continued on to more recreational pursuits then, but the arrival of a fluttering paper bird put an end to Ling Qi's idle cultivation. Her Mother's carriage had arrived. She hurried to make her excuses to Sixiang, he seemed bemused by her sudden urgency.

It took only a few minutes to fly down the mountain, the wind making the silk of her gown flutter and snap as she sped down, a dozen conflicting thoughts and scenarios going through her head. Thankfully, she managed to calm herself enough to avoid causing a stir by flying right over the town, setting down a few hundred meters outside the walls.

Even on foot though, she didn't waste any time, weaving her way through the town streets, paying only minimal mind to her surroundings. Very soon, she reached the other side of town, and caught sight of gates, where a carriage surrounded by a small troop of first and second realm cultivators was being unloaded.

She caught sight of her Mother a moment later, standing a few strides away from the carriage. The sight brought her up short. Her Mother was still a short, dainty woman, though it seemed all the more exaggerated now, her Mother's head would probably only come up to her chest, even counting the braided bun her hair was tied up in. Her clothes were plain but clean and unfrayed, which was a step up from how she had looked the last time Ling Qi had seen her.

Her face had more more wrinkles than Ling Qi remembered, lines at the corners of her eyes and mouth, no longer concealed by cosmetics, and she no longer had the sort of doll like pale skin that she recalled being popular among the… clientele. None of that is what brought her up short though. Rather, it was the firm reminder that her Mother was mortal.

Ling Qi hadn't paid any mind to mortals in months. Not since reaching second realm really, in her busy mind, they were basically just slow moving graceless obstacles to move around when coming to the village with Xiulan, but seeing her Mother drove home how much Ling Qi herself had changed, and how wide the gap between mortal and immortal was.

Her mother's skin looked coarse and rough to her eyes, every blemish standing out like an eyesore. Her aura, something she had become used to seeing as just another part of the people around her, was a flickering, weak thing, barely visible, a single sad and worn musical note whispered on the breeze. She could read the older woman's face like an open book, see the mixture of wariness and cautious wonder she regarded the cultivators guarding her with. Ling Qingge felt helpless and afraid. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop even now, like a dog that had been kicked too often, but there was an ember of hope there too, and Ling Qi's eyes followed it down to where a small hand grasped at her Mother's dress.

That would have to be her half sister then. The tiny girl clinging close to Ling Qingge, wore a simple child's dress, much like Hanyi's save in quality, and wore her hair in a pair of pigtails. She also had more of her mother in her than Ling Qi ever had, in features and complexion. The little girl was peering around with the sort of open wonder that only a child could manage, she couldn't be more than three years old.

Now that she was so close, only a hundred odd meters away, Ling Qi found herself hesitating. What would she even say, how would she greet her Mother? What if she ended up making a scene out in the street? Maybe she should just wait, and let the older woman settle into the inn room Ling Qi had arranged for her until the small house in the village was done being set up.

[] Forget everything else. You want to welcome your Mother.
[] Hold off, wait until she's settled in, so that you can reunite with her in private.
Year 43, week 43, Part 2
AN: This one scene got pretty long, and I figured folks would appreciate getting it sooner, rest will be up in couple days.

She was being ridiculous, Ling Qi knew. She had rushed down here, only to falter at the finish. There was no reason to hide and wait. She wasn't so awkward and lacking in social grace that she she couldn't even greet her Mother in public without causing a scene.

...Besides, as much as she might like to hug her Mother, looking at her now, mortal and frail… Ling Qi was pretty sure that she wouldn't want to do anything too sudden anyway. So, with that in mind, Ling Qi took a deep breath, composed herself and resumed walking forward. The guards noticed her approach first, to their credit. There was a fraction of a second where the two men watching the street she was approaching from tensed, but they seemed to recognize her. When the two clapped their fists together and bowed, it drew the attention of the others, including her Mother.

She almost hesitated at the sudden attention, and the shows of respect from men years older than her, but then her attention went back to her Mother, and she saw the alarm and fear in the older woman's eyes. The tension in her muscles as she prepared to kowtow was obvious. It might have hurt a little, but Ling Qi was sure that she wouldn't have recognized herself either.

"Mother, it's so good to see you again!" She called as cheerily as she could, as she swept past the bowing guards.

Her Mother's previous alarm dissolved into confused disbelief as the older woman froze in the middle of bowing her head. Ling Qi could practically read her thought process as her eyes flicked back and forth, searching for anyone else who Ling Qi's words could have referred to. Of course, her Mother was a well composed woman, so the whole thing only took a second or so. It made Ling Qi even more aware of how much her senses had changed.

"Ling Qi?" Her Mother asked, daring to raise her eyes slightly, she was still worried and disbelieving, and her words were quiet and hesitant.

She wasn't surprised that her Mother was so worried about giving offense. Her only experience with cultivators… as far as Ling Qi knew, were those rough types that actually made use of the establishment she had worked at. "I know I've changed quite a lot," Ling Qi replied, instead of voicing any of that, as she came to a stop in front of the older woman, her gown swaying in the phantom breeze. "...Please raise your head," she added more quietly as, after a moment's hesitation, she reached out to take one of her Mother's worn hands in her own.

Finally, her Mother straightened enough to look up and meet her eyes, and though there was still a mix of emotion there, she could see the recognition as well. "Ling Qi," the older woman breathed for a second time. "You are truly…"

"Momma?" Ling Qi's attention was drawn downward as a much younger voice spoke up. Looking down, she saw the little girl half hidden behind her Mother looking up at her with wide eyes. "Is that a fairy?" Her grammar and pronunciation was still childish and poorly enunciated, but in a way Ling Qi found cute.

Ling Qingge glanced helplessly at her, a shadow of her worry still present, but Ling Qi just smiled back, and after a moment, her Mother smiled back, even if the expression was a wan thing. It seemed to help that introducing her younger daughter seemed to give her something concrete to fall back on. "Biyu, this is your Elder Sister Ling Qi."

Ling Qi reluctantly released her Mother's hand, in favor of lowering herself into a crouch to meet the younger girl eye to eye. "Hello Little Sister, I'm sorry we haven't met before," she said lightly, briefly glancing back up to meet her Mother's eyes. There was more than one layer to that apology.

Biyu blinked shuffling a step away from Mother to look at her more closely, her lips turning down in a childish frown. "Pretty Sister," she said proclaiming her judgement. "Will Biyu sparkle?"

She was never going to hear the end of that was she? "Maybe someday," she said, patting the little girl on the head, with as feather light of a touch as she could manage. She stood up again, meeting her Mother's eyes. "Why don't we go inside. There is no reason for us all to stand outside in the sun, while these g… fellows take care of the luggage," she almost slipped into more casual speech there.

"If it will not be any trouble," her Mother hedged, glancing at the guards, who appeared to be studiously not paying direct attention to them. There were few curious civilian stragglers… and at least one gray robed outer disciple that Ling Qi could see, though. "I do not wish to impose on anyone." The words seemed almost mechanical, a wrote response often repeated.

Ling Qi looked to her right, meeting the eyes of one of the two men directly guarding her Mother, they were both mid second realm, with more potent qi than similarly ranked disciples she knew. The benefit of experience she supposed. The rest of the entourage was still taking care of the carriage and luggage. "It will not be any trouble, right?"

The man bowed carefully one hand clasped in the other. "Of course not Lady Ling, we will stand guard where ever you have need of us."

Ling Qi pretended not to notice the flicker in her Mother's eyes, it seemed that she was having a rough time processing the situation still. "Well, then, I know a nice little teahouse in only a few streets from here. I think you deserve to have something nice after such a trying journey Mother," the better part of a week stuck in a small place with a child Biyu's age. Ling Qi did not feel that she was exaggerating.

"...Of course, thank you very much Ling Qi," Ling Qingge replied with a hesitant smile. Ling Qi hoped a nice, mellow blend would help calm her nerves.

Cai was already getting to her, wasn't she?

Acquiring a private room at the nearby establishment was the easy part, Ling Qi mused. Figuring out how to talk to her Mother again was much harder, even once they had left the guards to stand outside the door. Mother seemed as unsure as she was, and Ling Qi did not miss the glances the older woman stole at her now and then, in what was probably the closest the older woman could really come to fidgeting.

Biyu was the only one not particularly affected by the atmosphere, quickly distracted by the flowering plants and silk painting decorating the rooms walls. "There's nothing dangerous in here," Ling Qi said, noticing her Mother about to call Biyu back. It would take more than a three year old mortal girl to damage anything in a room meant for cultivators as well, not that she was particularly concerned by that.

"As you say," her Mother said quietly, the instinctive air of submission her Mother gave off irked her a little, but that feeling wasn't directed at the woman beside her. "Ling Qi, I do not…"

Whatever she was going to say was cut off as Ling Qi wrapped the shorter woman in a hug. Ling Qi was careful, she was never more aware of the power her cultivation than this moment, with her arms wrapped around a woman who was no more durable than a bundle of sticks to her. "I'm sorry Mom," she said softly.

Ling Qingge had stiffened in alarm at first, but those words seemed to erase her tension, and after a moment, Ling Qi felt her Mother return her embrace. "Foolish girl, what have you to apologize for?" Her voice was choked and uneven with emotion.

"Not appreciating the things you did for me. Leaving you alone," Ling Qi said, closing her eyes. It seemed so obvious in hindsight, teaching her to read, the strict education, those were not the actions of an uncaring parent, even her Mother's fretting over Ling Qi's feminine lackings were hardly unreasonable in that light

"I did little enough, and you have grown beyond my every expectation," her Mother replied, defeated, leaving unsaid the fact that Ling Qi had done it almost totally without her. "Your choice was the right one. I could not have…"

"Maybe not, but you would have tried," Ling Qi replied firmly, reluctantly letting go of her Mother. "And… I appreciate that, now." She glanced over to Biyu, but the little girl was busily peering between the fronds of the potted plant in the far corner. "Let me be the one to do so now."

Her Mother sighed, stepping back from their embrace as well, a touch of moisture at the corner of her eyes. "Have I truly grown so old already?" She asked, a touch of real humor in her voice. "That I must give myself over to my daughters care?"

"Of course not," Ling Qi replied with a smile of her own. "Your daughter merely wishes to share her great fortune."

There was a faint knock at the door then, in the style Ling Qi recognized as the attendant arriving to take their order. "Let's… sit down then, we have quite a lot to talk about."

Well, Ling Qi did at any rate, after they had given their order, Ling QI began to explain in more detail, her experience over the past months, and her situation as things stood now, her vassalage to Cai Renxiang, and everything else, pausing only for as long as it took their attendant to lay out the tea and leave.

"Such things are difficult to comprehend," Ling Qingge said, looking down at her cup, as Ling Qi finally fell silent. Biyu had since fallen asleep on the padded bench that lined the wall, the fatigue from the trip catching up to her. "That you would speak directly to the heiress of such an exalted house, let alone be recruited by her… You must excuse me, such things are beyond my experience."

Ling Qi was glad that she had not references Meizhen or their… interpersonal troubles. Her mother was too young to have heart troubles yet. "Yet, I did notice that you had some knowledge of nobility," Ling Qi replied carefully. "You have not said as such directly, but…"

Her Mother's expression grew more tired, but she nodded without looking up. Ling Qi hoped that her Mother could unlearn that habit one day. "It is… a long tale, but you deserve to know of such matters. I cannot rightly consider you a child any longer."

"There is no need to get into painful details Mother," Ling Qi replied, she didn't want to burden the older woman even more on her first day. They had plenty of time to talk.

"I will spare such things," Ling Qingge replied, falling silent as she considered her words. She sipping quietly from the cup in her hands before finally raising her eyes. "I was born under the name He," she began self deprecation visible in her eyes. "They were no family of import, just one of the many servant clans beneath the Liu family that govern Tonghou and the surrounding regions."

Ling Qi nodded, that explained why her Mother would have the education she clearly did. Bigger clans usually had a bunch of unranked mortal and common cultivator clans beneath them after all, taking care of day to day minutiae, or so she was learning as she slowly educated herself on such matters. "Were any of them cultivators?"

"A bare handful, but I was never considered for such things," Ling Qingge replied shaking her head. "So I was not educated in such matters. I will not bore you by speaking of that life… but one day I caught the attention of a young master of the Liu. My father was overjoyed of course, and quickly began moving to have me recognized as a concubine, but being a foolish, rebellious girl… I ran," her Mother actually met her eyes then, a slightly bitter smile on her lips. "You see why I could not be angry at you, Ling Qi?"

"I suppose so," Ling Qi said, glancing away uncomfortably. "If I may ask, what happened?"

"I lived freely for a few months," her Mother replied wistfully. "I made questionable choices… though I do not regret you Ling Qi, some of the decisions involved were not my best." She shook her head, her eyes dropping back to the tabletop. "I could escape notice forever though. My father expelled me from the family, in hopes of limiting the Liu's retaliation. He succeeded I suppose, the man who had wanted me was satisfied with ensuring that that the only occupation I could find was the one which he felt I deserved."

Ah, her teacup had frozen, she would have to apologize to the owner, Ling Qi thought absently. Thankfully the effect was localized, so Mother hadn't been disturbed. One thing stood out to her though, an opening to a question she had never really considered, beyond assuming the answer to be 'one of her clients'. "If I may ask, Mother, you said that came, before…"

"Your Father was an entertainer from the south, who came to the city with a trade caravan," Ling Qingge replied, understanding her question immediately. "He promised me that he would help me leave the city," she continued, closing her eyes. "A lie of course, he vanished the day before father found me, let that be a lesson Ling Qi, not to accept the promises of men without assurances."

Ling Qi sighed. She hadn't expected anything happy of course, but it was a little depressing. "It doesn't matter now," she replied firmly. You are my Mother, and anyone who wants to cause you trouble will have to go through me," she continued with confidence. She supposed that was one certain benefit of Cai Renxiang's patronage. She doubted such a small grudge would be worth crossing that line for a viscount family.

For them anyway. Ling Qi wasn't sure how she felt yet.

Mother seemed less sure, but she simply accepted Ling Qi's word with an acknowledging dip of her head. Their conversation turned to lighter things after that, avoiding more serious topics. By the time they left the teahouse more than an hour had passed, and Biyu had stirred from her nap, full of energy once more. She escorted her Mother to the house the Sect had arranged for them, a tasteful two floor building with a small garden and a couple of servants to take care of things. After looking over the defensive formations and giving the guards a quick review, she left, promising that she would return to help her Mother with arranging things the following day.

Ling Qi felt lighter than she had in some time
Last edited:
Year 43, week 43, Part 3
-[X] Overflow to spiritual, vent drip to AC, Grinning Moon successes to PLR
-[X] Buy/use stuff
--[X] Use two YSS, two virtual YSS
--[X] Heavy Rains Pill (15 RSS), 10 Dice Wood Pills (30 RSS), 5 Dice Water Pills (10 RSS), 5 Dice Darkness Pills (15 RSS)
--[X] Monthly green stone from sect (200 RSS)
--[X] Total: 270 RSS, 2 YSS
-[X] (MAJOR) Mother
--[X] (minor) Mother
-[X] Train Music arts with Zeqing
-[X] Cultivate in the White Room
--[X] (MAJOR) Open Lung Meridian
--[X] With Gu Xiulan
-[X] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang
--[X] (minor) Well, you've taken the plunge, Cai's invited you out to train. Time to work on your understanding of her further
-[X] Go into the cavern, finish your quest
-[X] (minor) Continue training Zhengui in the Vale, and make sure to pay some attention to Zhen as well... maybe you can get Heizui to contribute?
-[X] (minor) Sixiang shouldn't be a problem for the moment, but you are interested. She said she was a muse after all, maybe she can help you improve your music?
-[X] (minor) Meet Gu Tai, and give him the polite refusal. It just wasn't going to happen

"So, do you think I should be concerned?" Ling Qi asked, carefully balancing on her toes atop one of the thinnest pillars in Cai's training grounds. While this place wasn't specifically good for cultivating wood aspected qi, it's nature did provide a certain resistance that was useful for refining control.

"No, most likely not," Cai Renxiang replied. She was seated, cross legged on a much wider pillar, the wide blade of her saber laid across her knees. "While true feuds merit such concerns, it would be highly irregular for mere Sect competition to endanger outside parties," She continued, not opening her eyes nor moving a muscle. "Breaking the Sect's protection in such a way would demand a harsh response."

Ling Qi nodded, carefully threading qi up from her precariously balanced toes to slowly spin out into the many rings of her armor. It was slow going, fighting against the stony mountain qi that suffused this place. She had thought so, when reviewing the Sect's rules, of which there were rather more than first indicated, but it was good to receive confirmation. "I'm glad. I think I will still be adding more security to the house anyway."

"It cannot do harm," Cai Renxiang agreed. "However, in the future, unless you wish to walk the path of professional formations artist. You will want to contract such work out."

She narrowed her eyes, but simply huffed, knowing that the serious girl did not mean any insult to her skills. Ling Qi could admit that formations were more of a hobby than a serious part of her skillset at the moment. Well, making them anyway. She was quite good at breaking them, or so she thought. "Will I be troubled for what I did?" Ling Qi asked absently.

"Any who would begrudge you a filial greeting to your Mother will already have a low opinion of you do to your lack of pedigree," Cai replied bluntly, opening her eyes. "Simply be aware of such things, and act accordingly." She stood smoothly, her saber now grasped in her right hand. "Did your review of my tax collectors go well?"

Ling Qi nodded shallowly, as the dark green qi coalesced, a shell hovering just over her skin, patterned like ancient bark. "They never saw me," she replied cheerfully. "Well, they didn't recognize me anyway. Her skills at disguise had been left to rust somewhat, so it was good to get some practice. "Not that I mind, but that was kind of sudden, why did you decide to check in on them now?"

"It does officials well to inspected both openly and secretly," the heiress replied, running her finger along the blade of her saber. "It is one of the duties you will have in the future, as well."

Ling Qi hid the grimace that wanted to surface, and hopped over to a slightly wider pillar, where she could put both feet down. "Well, I wrote up what I saw, did you want that now?" That kind of thing was somewhat boring, she wasn't sure how she felt about having to spend time watching coin counting types do their thing… She knew what Cai would say though, if she didn't feel that doing a job herself was the best use of her time, she would just have to get a subordinate for it.

...And given her own still latent deception of the heiress, she would probably have to be careful with that.

"When we are finished here," Cai replied evenly. "Are your defenses prepared?"

Ling Qi felt the heavy wood natured qi thrumming along her spine, layers of defense spun in the air over her body, and nodded. Even then, being fully prepared for the exercise. It was difficult to fight her instinct to dodge when Cai's heavy saber crashed down on her like an avalanche. Even having prepared for it, she was forced to flex her knees, bending with the power of the blow as she caught it on her crossed forearms. The sharp report of the stone cracking under her feet rang in her ears as she pushed herself back, leaping to a thicker and sturdier pillar.

Cai didn't give her any reprieve though, and this time the edge of her blade burned with heavenly light, carving a blinding arc through the air as it struck her side. Eliciting a grunt of pain as it carved through her armor with a high pitched metallic shriek. It failed to draw blood though, even as it carved through the effects of Deepwood Vitality. Ling Qi moved the power behind the blow, letting it fling her a a few meters to the side to alight on another platform.

"Such a defense," Cai mused, standing with her blade in both hands on the pillar where Ling Qi had been standing. "One would not expect it of you."

"I might prefer to dodge, but I like being able to take a hit too," Ling Qi replied, renewing her defensive arts, feeling her way toward the refinements that would carry her to the next level of mastery. She was still a survivor at heart she supposed, whatever other trappings she might have picked up.

"An admirable view," Cai acknowledged. "If one has the dedication to cultivate both. Allow me to apologize for underestimating your ability," for a wonder, there was a note genuine contriteness in the other girls voice. Somehow, Ling Qi didn't find it comforting though. They were both limiting themselves, Ling Qi to defense and her Argent arts, and Cai solely to her saber arts, but…

Cai Renxiang blurred in her vision, and Ling Qi flung herself to the side as the white gowned heiress crashed down on her position, splitting the top of the pillar in twain under the force of her strike. Ling Qi raised her arms into the stance of the Argent Storm, as rock tumbling down into the water below, and Cai's blazing saber carved an arc of molten light through the air toward her side. Even under all of her defenses, the power of the blow send a jolt of pain up her arm as she deflected it, and struck out with her free hand, a boom of thunder accompanying the blow.

She struck Cai just below the ribs, and winced as she felt her knuckles bruise. She may as well have punched a solid block of steel. She had only a moment to react as Cai turned her deflection into a spinning chop, her long hair fanning out behind her as Ling Qi was once again forced to cross her arms in a hard double block. She felt bruises forming across her forearms as she was flung downward, cracking the side of the pillar her feet impacted against as she caught herself. A few graceful leaps between pillars carried her back to the top, where Cai waited patiently for her.

Her arms already felt like jelly, Ling Qi noted with a grimace. Still, this was only a spar, so her liege waited patiently as she caught her breath. "You know," Ling Qi said, shaking her right arm to return feeling to her hands. "Why is it that you're the one of only disciple I've seen with a saber? It sure seems effective," she grumbled, Su Ling used one... and Fan Yu she supposed, but no one else she remembered.

"The straight sword is considered the more noble weapon, complex and elegant, beautiful in motion," Cai Renxiang replied serenely, the light behind her sparkling pleasantly. Ling Qi thought she was enjoying this. "While the single edged blade is a commoners weapon, simple and wild, unrefined in it's arts," she flicked the curved saber in her left hand, flinging the rock dust that had accumulated on its gleaming surface away. "My honored Mother disagrees with that notion, that there can be no beauty or depth to the saber's motion," Cai continued, bringing her hands back together in her two handed starting stance. "She is correct in this, I think."

Cai's motions didn't have Meizhen's sinuous grace or Sun Liling's light, frenetic motion, but Ling Qi could see her point. Her attacks brought to mind an avalanche that she had watched from a high cliff with Zeqing, the unstoppable flow of tonnes of snow and rock rumbling downward. "Well, I can hardly disagree, melee weapons are not my strong point," Ling Qi replied lightly.

Cai inclined her head fractionally. "Your skill at archery should be sufficient to silence detractors in that regard, You will want to reach at least a mortal's mastery in a weapon for the future though, as a matter of status," she said without recrimination. "Are you prepared to continue?"

Ling Qi nodded, resuming a fighting stance. "Yeah, you can go a little harder though," she knew she would regret those words, but Meizhen had shown her that she grew the quickest when fear was in her thoughts.

"...I see," Cai Renxiang said thoughtfully. "Very well, I will cease holding back."

Talent 6 + YSS 35 + Renxiang 5 + Mystic Vale 9 + Pills 10 + Spine 4 + Heart 10 + Zhengui 10 = 89 dice.
9 10 5 5 9 9 3 6 1 5 8 10 2 4 4 5 2 8 6 10 2 4 3 7 4 9 1 3 2 2 9 2 3 5 6 1 3 10 8 3 5 5 4 8 8 7 2 1 7 9 1 8 4 5 4 9 3 6 3 6 9 1 9 1 5 5 3 7 4 10 1 10 4 7 7 3 3 10 4 9 8 4 8 1 10 4 1 2 9. 51 successes

Rerolling 10
3 6 9 3 9 5 9 9 6 10. 3 successes. 54 total


5 domain experience(+7 for FSS, forgotten last week)

Site Acquired
Dawn Pillars: A field of tall pillars of regenerating stone, suspended over clear water. Provides seven bonus dice toward Heaven and Mountain Arts, and five bonus successes toward qi.

That set the tone for her training that week, between hard sessions with Cai, and increasingly strict lessons with Zeqing, who seemed to regard her growing mastery with a sliver of pride that only made her an even harder taskmistress. Ling Qi found her singing abilities growing quickly under Zeqing's effort, and though she couldn't match the snow woman's haunting, heart stirring voice, she knew that she was probably better than a mortal could hope to be at this point.

In her rest periods, she made sure to continue visiting her Mother regularly, helping her settle into her knew home. There were some moments of awkwardness, when Ling Qi displayed inhuman ability… entering via a second floor window, hefting an entire wardrobe without strain, and other such things. It was so easy to forget the limits of what a mortal could do, after spending most of a year immersed in cultivation. Taking little Biyu for a short flight probably didn't do her Mother's heart much good either, even if the little girl had been overjoyed.

She would be more careful in the future.

White Room 30 + YSS 35 + Lan Lan 5 + Pills 6 + Larceny 5 = 81 + 11 autos (Talent 6, Bronze 5)
3 1 7 1 6 1 10 6 9 4 8 2 3 7 6 3 6 5 9 6 3 6 6 4 6 9 1 10 3 5 3 5 7 9 8 2 1 7 9 2 2 8 5 4 6 1 9 2 7 7 9 9 4 4 3 9 2 3 1 4 9 3 1 5 3 8 9 3 6 7 6 7 5 1 10 10 1 8 3 7 6. 40 successes

Rerolling 9
4 2 3 7 7 2 9 4 9. 5 successes. 11 auto. 56 total
56/32 New Meridian open!


Another relaxing session in the White Room was enough to unseal another of her meridians, and ensure that she could have Zeqing's art available at all times as well, Ling Qi was feeling more confident in her abilities than ever.

Which made things with Zhengui a bit frustrating.

"Don't wanna practice anymore," Gui muttered rebelliously, scuffing at the grass with one of his front limbs. "It's boring, Big Sister, can't we do something fun?"

"Hmph, Lazy Gui is right," Zhen hissed, looking incredibly bored, and maybe a bit hungry. "For once."

Over the course of the week, Ling Qi had found her spirits cultivation plateauing. With all of his basic abilities worked out, there was only the long haul of polishing his abilities a little bit at a time, and Ling Qi was being swiftly reminded that Zhengui really was a child still. It didn't help that he was surrounded by tasty things he couldn't sample in the Vale. Still, this was the first time he had really defied her like this.

"It might be boring, but it's important," Ling Qi scolded, looking down on Zhengui with her best disappointed expression, the way Zeqing did when Hanyi was slacking off. "Didn't you say you wanted to be able to protect me?" She asked.

"But Gui is already tough and strong!" the tortoise protested, craning his neck to look up at her.

"And Zhen's Fang's are sharp! Big Sister should hunt with us instead," Zhen added.

It really was odd, they were both positively rebellious. Ling Qi narrowed her eyes, studying the young spirit and the emotions she could feel through their bond, there was more to this. "...Zhengui, are you jealous?"

Gui shuffled his feet, looking shamed, but Zhen met her eyes definitely, sparks dancing in the air around his flickering tongue. "Big Sister does not need to play with the Ugly River Eel. Big Sister should play with Zhengui."

Ling Qi's eyebrow twitched as she heard the rumbling of the water in the river behind her. She spun around, jabbing a finger in the direction of the looming reptilian beast rising from the waters. "Do not even start," she said flatly.

"You expect me to simply accept such an insult?" Heizui scoffed, looking down at her. "There are limits to my hospitality, human!"

"He is a child," Ling Qi replied flatly, not letting her gaze waver, though she did prepare herself to defend if necessary. "Is your pride truly so fragile?"

"Zhen is not a child!" the ashen serpent hissed back petulantly, making Ling Qi frown more deeply.

"You see, the little worm is an adult, let him speak his insults without clutching your skirts, human," Heizui replied smugly.

"You will both stop," Ling Qi snapped, turning back to face Zhengui, shooting the dragon a dirty look. "Gui, I am disappointed in both of you. I worked hard to give you the opportunity to train here, you are going to make your Big Sister sad if you waste the chance." The tortoise looked down, chastised. "Zhen, do you think I will be happy if you start a fight you cannot win?"

"Zhen can…" the serpent began, affronted.

"You can't," Ling Qi replied bluntly. "Heizui is nearly as a strong as me," it was a little satisfying, watching the smug expression the dragon had developed since she began scolding Zhengui sour. "Do you think you can beat your Big Sister?"

Zhen still looked defiant for a moment, but then his head drooped, and his gaze went to the side. "...No."

"Then you both need to keep working hard," Ling Qi said, crossing her arms. "You are going to have to help me fight many strong opponents. I do not want you to get hurt, so you need to toughen yourself, if you do want to do fun things, you will just have to make progress, won't you?"

"Sorry Big Sister," they said together, she detected only minimal sulkiness. If he worked hard for the rest of the week she would have to give him a break to do something fun though.

She turned back to Heizui as the two of them got back to their training. "And you," she said, glaring up at the dragon. "Do you not have anything better to do? You aren't going to get stronger by lazing around, staring at Zhengui and I."

"I am ensuring the little glutton does not damage anything," Heizui scoffed, sinking back down into the water.

Ling Qi gave him an unimpressed look. "I am sure," she replied blandly. "Zhengui is a good boy, and I am here. You should stop slacking off," it was a bit of work keeping her speech more formal, but it was good practice she supposed.

"You speak as if you are not doing the same. Do you not owe me a song, human?" Heizui shot back, baring his fangs at her.

"Which I will give you later," Ling Qi replied. "And my name is Ling Qi, there is no need to speak to me that way," she raised her chin a bit, to give the impression of looking down on him. "If you want to hang around, you can at least contribute. Zhengui could use something to defend against."

"Oh?" Heizui replied imperiously. "Not afraid that I would hurt the precious little child?" Ling Qi saw Zhen twitch, but her spirit didn't speak up beyond some low grumbling.

"I trust that you would be reasonable, or I would have to tell your Mother that you are bullying children instead of training," it was a bluff, she could give a message to Zeqing, but she had no idea if the elder dragon would even care.

Heizui sank back into the river with a grumble, and Ling Qi simply shrugged, turning back to Zhengui, her own mastery of Thousand Ring fortress was useful in instructing him on improving his defenses.

By the next days session, her efforts bore fruit, and the young dragon deigned to join for a bit. He seemed to enjoy irritating Zhen, and Ling Qi didn't see a reason to stop it. Heizui's provocations had gotten Zhen worked up and cultivating hard after all. Gui's determination was quieter, but after the first time the dragon bowled him over with minimal effort, he doubled down on his training as well.

Mid Yellow(5)
Mid Silver(5)

Strength: oooo->o
Dexterity: oo
Stamina: ooooo o

Intelligence: ooo
Wits: oooo
Resolve: ooooo->o

Presence: ooo
Manipulation: oo
Composure: oooo


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Qi: 40->45

Speed: 18

Initiative: 13

Armor: 5->7 (15/15)

Athletics: ooooo->o
Stealth: ooo
Survival: ooooo
Empathy: ooo
Intimidate: ooo

Natural Weapons: oooo->o
Power: oooo
Toughness: ooooo->o
Resilience: oooo->o

Gui Chomp: DV 3
Zhen Bite: DV 4->5.

Once the rest of her affairs were settled for the week Ling Qi, turned her focus once again toward the quest she had received from the New Moon. Her progress through the twisted and blighted terrain went much more quickly this time. As distorted as the paths were, they were at least static, allowing her to progress much more quickly than she had the week before.

Soon, she was back outside of the cave entrance where she had left off. After inspecting the bare stone of the cave mouth for formations or traps, Ling Qi slipped inside, merging with the shadows that lined the interior

Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + Speciality 1 + Passives 0 + Equip 8 (Robe 4+ Slippers 2 + Band of Occulision 2) + Buff 4 (EPC 4) + 2 autos (SCS)= 25 dice +9 autos.
8 10 10 3 6 3 1 2 6 8 7 2 10 4 10 2 3 5 7 2 1 2 8 5 7. 10 successes. 19 total

Roll 2
7 4 6 9 10 3 2 4 7 3 8 10 1 8 10 2 9 8 1 2 7 10 10 1 7. 14 successes. 23 total

Int+Inv+mirror=12 dice. 7 auto
4 5 7 3 8 3 10 1 10 7 2 7. 6 successes. 13 auto

The tunnels of black rock that bored deep into the core of the mountain were no less twisted and broken than the outside. Here though, the pallor of death hung more heavily. A constant susurrus of sound assaulted her senses, a million tiny voices buzzing like a vast swarm of insects, rendering whatever they were saying unintelligible. It quickly grew bad enough that she pulled her flute and called her mist, wrapping herself in a cloak of loneliness and solitude to hold back the incessant weight of the voices.

She was glad she did, too, as she proceeded deeper, the caverns came to life with great blooms of fungus and lichen clinging to the damp rock, and every damp, clammy breeze carried with it deep green, almost black clouds of spores. The shadowy hunger of her mist took on a matching form to keep it out, a million black insectile speckles buzzing through the mist, devouring the spores before they could reach her. Ling Qi continued on though, following the circuitous paths deeper into the mountain. Several times, she encountered man made gates, built into the side of the tunnel, shattered and broken, the formations carved upon them beyond repair, but it did make her feel like she was traveling in the right direction.

Finally though after hours of painstaking spelunking, and sneaking silently past the lumbering fungal creatures that stalked the ways, Ling Qi reached the bottom.

The tunnel she had crept down came to an end at the shore of a lake of viscous black fluid. It wasn't water, Ling Qi was sure enough of that. It was utterly opaque, and glimmered strangely under the faint light of glowing lichen that coated the ceiling. It formed a wide lake stretching away in both directions. Several meters away, an island of stone rose from the black muck. It was littered with bones, carpeting the ground such that there was nothing visible beneath the yellowed carpet of human remains.

She thought they were human anyway, the skulls visible seemed strangely shaped. They didn't hold her attention though. In the center of the island was a single corpse, seated on a twisted throne of rotten wood. Roots and branches speared their way between bones and intertwined with mummified flesh, and black flowers bloomed from empty eye sockets. The corpse was taller than a normal man, even sitting down, and a pair of pronged, branching horns sprouted from its forehead. A glimmering viridian spear taller than Ling Qi, was planted in the rock and bones to its right.

Most importantly, she could see the source of the black liquid. It seeped slowly from beneath the tattered lower of the open chested robe the corpse wore, running sluggishly downhill into the pool. More than anything she saw with her physical sight though, what Ling Qi could feel through her spiritual senses brought her up short. The fluid was liquid darkness, purer than the qi flowed in her meridians, cloaking her from sight. It was a sucking, hungry void drinking in even the simple qi of air and rock. The island beyond though… she couldn't look at it for long. The fractal web of twisted energies she saw there made her head pound after only a few seconds of viewing.

Looking away from it, however, drew Ling Qi's attention to something rather newer, a shining plaque of steel laid into the floor just a short distance from the shore of the 'lake'

Alone, even the strongest foundation crumbles.

Brave Disciple, treasures lie in the darkness, yet beyond lies only death.

Know thy limits, and let not greed be your end.

Ling Qi couldn't help but smile, it seemed even a place like this was known to the Sect. The small part of her excited by the discovery of something new was a little disappointed, but she supposed it was silly to expect the Sect not to know of any major sites on their land. They probably exploited it for treasure materials themselves, and by discovering it, she earned the right to take a few. Still, she couldn't help but wonder. Crouching down, Ling Qi picked up a stone, and gently tossed it across the lake.

The moment it crossed into the broken field of qi that covered the island, the stone exploded into powder. No, more accurately, it aged. In the fraction of a second that she had to watch it, she had seen pockmarks and cracks forming at impossible speed across the rock.

Which left the lake she supposed, as the plaque said. Expressing from her ring a small tree branch she had taken from outside for just this kind of purpose, she prodded at the liquid, and noted the way that the bark came away withered and gray. As she thought, it drank in Qi and vitality.

She would only get a few tries to grab something out, however… there were signs of where the treasure lay, places where the smooth surface of the liquid was troubled it's flow diverted by objects beneath the surface.

In the end though, all she could do was guess.

-Adds twenty dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green Appraisal(8)
-Adds fifteen dice to Physical cultivation up until Bronze Appraisal(8)
-Adds fifteen dice to the cultivation of all Yin aspected Arts
-Adds ten dice to the cultivation of Moon natured arts
-Grants the user a two 'virtual' stones of up to Yellow grade per week
-Allows the user to bind spirits of up to Grade three
-User receives 15 successes toward increasing qi each week.
-User may apply successes on stealth and larceny tests during the week as bonus successes on spiritual, physical, Moon or Yin aligned arts, as selected at the start of the week. Bonus successes cap at thirty.
-User may reroll a single investigation or perception test per week
-User receives a three die bonus toward perception and investigation tests
-User receives between 1 and 30 successes toward spiritual, physical, Moon, or Yin aligned arts when discovering unknown information or hidden treasure, depending on value.

Umbral Shard: A sharpened length of frozen darkness, like a miniature hole in the world. It drinks in light, qi and blood alike, with no sign of ever growing full.

Rotting Pod: A hard, leathery pod, snatched from something growing beneath the darkness, shaking it reveals the sound of sound of seeds within. It smells faintly of rot though.

Entropic Mirror: A pane of reflective material, harder than any glass, sifted from the muddy bottom. In it your reflection is a staring skull, and all the world is dead.

Strength 1/25
Dexterity 7/45
Stamina 17/35

Wits 23/25
Resolve 10/35

Manipulation 8/45

Bureaucracy 4/6
Investigation 5/15
Politics 1/15

Athletics 6/30
Stealth 7/30
Expression 13/42
Intimidation 4/9
Streetwise 2/12
Subterfuge 4/12

Dodge 3/30
Unarmed 7/12
Resilience 4/21

10 successes to qi
5 successes to Argent Current
30 Successes to Phantasmagoria

Income 100 Red Stones

You have five major actions and three minor. However, I will allow up to two minor actions which are tied to major ones.

In addition, due to your new position, one major every other week must be [] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang(fulfilled)

[] Train at the vent with Su Ling
-[] Any
[] Train Music arts with Zeqing
[] Take a job
-[] Specify
[] Visit the Archive
-[] Search for a technique
-[] Study or improve formations
-[] Study another subject
-[] Look into the items you found during your quest
[] Train with Gu Xiulan
-[] Defensive Arts only
[] Train with Meizhen
-[] Any
[] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang

-[] Any
[] Cultivate in the White Room
-[] What?
-[] With who?
[] Take care of Yan Renshu
-[]Bring the matter up to Cai Renxiang
[] Cultivate on your own
-[] Any

[] It's time for testing! You should work for some prototypes. Suyin has invited you to join her in her mentors workshop to do some more experimentation
[] Zhengui did a good job, take him out on a hunting trip, and maybe start working on getting him ready to introduce to your family.
[] Playing music with Sixiang was fun, even if you didn't get to do as much fun composing as you might have liked. See if the muse has any suggestions.
[] Meizhen has been withdrawing a bit again. See what you can do to talk her back out of her shell, and ask about what has been bothering her
[] Hanyi and Zhengui have been playing on occasion, maybe you should join them and see what they're actually up too.
[] After hearing of your encounter in the woods, Gan Guangli announced that he wanted to challenge the strange boy. You... might be interested in watching.
[] You want to spend some more time with your Mother and little sister. Surely you can think of something that won't be awkward
[] Zeqing wanted to speak with you about something aside from your lessons, indulge her?

You may also at any time going forward vote for the talisman you would like Renxiang to have crafted for you, same format as last time.
Last edited:
Ling Qingge Interlude
"Alright, I think that was everything, right Mother?" said the little god with eyes like ice, her casual manner as she dusted her hands off at odds with the scintillating power that suffused every motion.

"Yes," Ling Qingge agreed, though she was sure that her daughter could sense her unease. It was said that one could conceal nothing from an immortal after all. "You need not tarry here. You must have other business to attend too," that much at least had not changed, her daughter still wore her feelings openly, and she had seen her eyes flicking toward the sky through the open window, measuring the position of the sun.

Ling Qi smiled at her, and for the second time that day, Ling Qingge felt herself swept up in an embrace from her long absent daughter, which she carefully returned. It was impossible to miss the careful tension in that embrace though, as if Ling Qi were worried that she might shatter if the young girl wasn't careful. Maybe she would, at that. "I have missed you," she said quietly. "Thank you for coming Mother."

"There is no need for that," Ling Qingge replied quietly. "I am the one who should be giving thanks," it was strange, none of the silly stories told to little girls were about a prodigal child coming to sweep one away. She thought she might prefer this though. "Now go, I am sure you are busy."

Her daughter stepped back, examining her with eyes that Ling Qingge had trouble meeting, and then nodded. "I'll be back tomorrow. Get some rest Mother, you deserve it." And like that, she was gone, a flash of shadow and a rustle of the dining room curtain the only sign of her passage. Biyu was asleep in the bed prepared for her, and so for the first time in many days, Ling Qingge was alone.

She closed her eyes for a moment, and took a shuddering breath. It was hard to accept, still, that this was real. Ling Qingge had thought herself prepared for what it meant, to have a cultivator for a daughter. After all, she had some experience. The guardsmen she had served, were not so different than mortal men, though the bruises they left often lasted longer. So, stronger, perhaps, and with an intensity and vigor that normal folk lacked, but not fundamentally different.

She could remember her great uncle, the clan head of the He, a graying man said to be nearly two hundred years old, yet even the authoritative patriarch she recalled from her early memories paled compared to her daughter. For all that he had seemed an unshakable pillar of the clan, he was still just a man. Her daughter on the other hand... it was difficult to describe.

She had felt her, before she had seen her, a presence like the first kiss of winter cold drifting on the fall wind, like the feeling in ones bones when the rains were coming and the mist would soon drift in, casting the world into dreamlike haze. That feeling had only intensified upon seeing her, and it made Ling Qingge wonder, the old judge who had visited her did not seem so intense, save for a moment when he had dismissed a frivolous excuse from one of her creditors. Was making oneself seem human merely a skill her daughter lacked, or did she simply not see any reason to bother?

She supposed, if she still knew her daughter, that it was more likely that the girl simply wouldn't have considered the matter. She could not quite put to words what made her daughter seem inhuman now, perhaps it the too quick movements of her limbs, the faint glow in her eyes, or even the strange way that she breathed, so slow and shallow, the rise and fall of her chest barely visible to the eye. A hundred little things, that made her seem more like a spirit from a cautionary tale than a young girl.

Yet it had all faded away when they embraced. Beneath the cold and unsettling breeze, Ling Qi was warm and welcoming, a blazing hearth on a cold winter night, reminding her of better times, and uncorrupted memories of her own long deceased Mother, singing her to sleep while the cold southern winds rattled the shutters. She had accepted it then, that this strange spirit-girl truly was her daughter.

If only she could feel confident that she could be a mother to such a person.

Reaching the pantry, she began to absentmindedly look through the things she had been given, eventually plucking a bundle of tea leaves from the little drawer that contained them. The variety made her shake her head. How long had it been since she could afford anything but the cheapest blends?

It made her wonder, if she had not been so foolish, where that girl would stand today. Objectively, she knew that she had made the wrong choice all those years ago. Whatever rumors that the servants spun of Master Quan, it would have been better to submit. One rough man would have been preferable to an endless parade of them. Perhaps she might have even had a modicum of respect

Would Ling Qi even now, be exalted for her talent, a respected rising star within the house of Liu? The only place where she had ever glimpsed those with a presence like her daughters? She thought of the her daughters smile then, and her bright blue eyes. Even touched by ice, they brought to mind another set. Her lips twisted into a scowl as she she retrieved everything she would need to prepare her tea.

That man… even now, thinking of it made her heart hurt. It made her wonder if seeing those eyes and that smile had made her harsher with her young daughters poor attention span and flighty demeanor. He had promised her so much, promised to take her far away from the petty politics of Tonghou… and one morning, he had simply never arrived. He had simply left, stealing alone from city in the early morning hours. A fool as well as a liar.

She supposed that, in the end, it was a silly thing to consider, the past could not be changed, and Ling Qi would not be the same girl with a different father. Besides, she had apparently hitched her fortune to the house of Cai.

That alone was an absurd thought, making the situation all the more surreal. Dukes and duchesses were as far beyond the Liu as they stood above the He. She could still recall the day that the duchess had come to Tonghou, when she was a young girl of six. She could remember huddling between her Mother and Father in the family compound, with the rest of the mortal members of the clan, and though she had never seen the Lady Cai, she could remember the terrible, crushing presence that had descended upon the upper ring of the city along with the rows of white helmed guards, and lingered there, oppressive and heavy, making it difficult to so much as breath.

Some tiny part of her, the part that had taken a certain vicious pleasure in seeing those Liu lapdogs driven off like whipped dogs by the old judge, imagined her fathers expression, if he knew now where her daughter stood. It was only a small part though, for Ling Qingge had long moved past such childish fancies. Especially since there were far more prominent concerns.

So she feared for her daughter, feared that her little deity would offend one far greater, and suffer all the more for it. Afraid that this dream would shatter, and leave her once more at the cruel mercy of the men of Tonghou. What could she do though? She was just an old and soiled woman, here only because her daughter still retained some affection for her, despite her failures. She had nothing to offer, nothing to do. At best, she could give some feeble advice and listen to whatever woes her daughter deigned to share.

All of this was more than she deserved, and if not for Biyu's sake, she might have refused it out of a simple shame. She could not imagine that associating with her would do much for her daughters standing in the eyes of her peers.

Yet how could she be anything but pleased, to have her family whole once more?

Truly, Ling Qingge thought as she began to prepare her tea, she was a selfish woman, through and through.
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Year 43, week 44, Part 1
-[X] Overflow to Qi, vent drip to AC, Moon successes to SCS
-[X] Buy/use stuff
--[X] Use two YSS, two virtual YSS
--[X] Heavy Rains Pill (15 RSS), 10 Dice Wood Pills (30 RSS), 5 Dice Water Pills (10 RSS), 5 Dice Darkness Pills (15 RSS)
--[X] Total: 70 RSS, 2 YSS
-[X] (MAJOR) Train Music arts with Zeqing
--[X] FSS
--[X] (attached minor) Zeqing wanted to speak with you about something aside from your lessons, indulge her?
-[X] (MAJOR) Train with Gu Xiulan
--[X] TRF
-[X] (MAJOR) Take a job
--[X] Haunted Mansion
-[X] (MAJOR) Cultivate in the White Room
--[X] Leg meridian
--[X] With Xiulan
-[X] (MAJOR) Visit the Archive
--[X] Look into the items you found during your quest
--[X] (attached minor) Meizhen has been withdrawing a bit again. See what you can do to talk her back out of her shell, and ask about what has been bothering her
-[X] (minor) Playing music with Sixiang was fun, even if you didn't get to do as much fun composing as you might have liked. See if the muse has any suggestions.
-[X] (minor) Zhengui did a good job, take him out on a hunting trip, and maybe start working on getting him ready to introduce to your family.
-[X] (minor) It's time for testing! You should work for some prototypes. Suyin has invited you to join her in her mentors workshop to do some more experimentation

A tremendous crash rang through the forest as Ling Qi sprang lightly through the branches. Behind her, a trunk crashed to the ground with a splintering boom as the beast chasing her bulled its way through the thick trees, like a ground level avalanche. Her cloud forged bow hung from her hands in a loose grip, residual sparks from the shot fired still crackling along the metallic string.

Despite the noise and fury so close behind her, Ling Qi wore an amused smile as she floated from branch to branch, disturbing the narrow spans no more than a falling leaf as the breeze sent her elaborate gown, fluttering like a shadow on the breeze. Soon, the clearing ahead resolved itself, and she alit on the last branch hanging over the stone strewn field. Her next leap carried her across the field, to alight on the highest branches of an evergreen on the far side.

Just in time too, as her pursuer smashed its way into the clearing with a bone shaking roar. Towering a full three meters tall at the shoulder and bristling with metallic black fur, the huge bear fixed its beady eyes on Ling Qi, standing so smugly in the open. The arrow shaft sticking out from its shoulder, surrounded by charred fur, quivered in the wind as claws as long as daggers dug through soil and roots, and the brute erupted into a loping charge.

Ling Qi merely cocked an eyebrow and waited, standing at ease on a branch thinner than her wrist as the beast closed. As the Black Steel Bear's front paw found purchase on the jagged boulder in the center of the field, the ground beneath it erupted. Twisting, brown and green vines, some little more than pale creepers and others, the gnarled roots of centennial trees sprouted like worms, coiling about the beasts hind legs and yanking, even as the boulder it had trodden upon shifted and came to life itself.

The beast faltered, it's momentum snapping several of the thinner roots even as its suddenly unsure footing ended its charge. As a black blur shot from the ground and smoking fangs dug into fur already scorched by lightning, the beasts confusion transformed swiftly from confusion to pain, it's roar rattling the stones in the clearing as smoke and the scent of burning flesh poured from the wound.

The hulk of fur and muscle jerked back, a slap of its paw knocking the serpentine head away, tearing searing hot fangs from the bears flesh. The bear reared, rising on its hind legs as it let out another bellow, tearing its right leg free of the of the entangling roots. At the beasts feet though, green eyes blazed from under the dirt, and a vital light flooded across the stony shell and the sinuous length of the black serpents body, washing the dazed look from burning eyes.

Rearing back, Zhen spat, a hissing, molten glob of superheated venom splashing across the rearing brutes eyes and muzzle. Ling Qi winced as the bear screamed, an ugly, pain filled sound far away from the roars it had emitted before. Still, she watched silently as the mountain of muscle crashed down on Zhengui's back, the bears massive paws pounding down onto his broad shell, cracking the ground for meters around from the raw force.

Yet the emerald glow only grew greater, and the binding roots more numerous, digging into the bears hind legs as they coiled and grew. She watched as Zhen struck again and again, fangs digging into soft flesh and leaving behind burning, boiling wounds. The beast's blows and attempts at escape grew increasingly frantic until at last the the bear collapsed, its strength spent, one last rattling growl escaping its throat.

"Did you see Big Sister! I didn't let it get away!" Gui's excited, childlike voice broke the atmosphere of the scene as he scrabbling out from beneath the fallen bear, stubby claws scratching at the dirt.

"Hmph, obviously Big Sister was watching Zhen, who did all of the real work," his other half hissed haughtily, his poise somewhat ruined by being dragged along and forced to slither out from under the mass of burning fur and muscle.

"You both did well," Ling Qi said as she leaped lightly down to ground level. "I knew you could do it," she added with a smile as she crouched in front of her spirit, offering the both of them affectionate rubs on the head.

They both preened under her attention, though of course, Zhen was more obvious about it. "Can we eat now Big Sister?" Gui asked, looking up at her excitedly.

"You'll have to wait until after I finish skinning it," Ling Qi replied firmly. While Gui did lean toward eating vegetation and Zhen toward meat, to be frank she was sure they could both eat almost anything, and would if given the chance. She made a mental note not to let them do so around Biyu or Mother, Gui was a messy eater, which could be a little disturbing when he wasn;t just tearing into fruit and vegetables.

"Zhen can have the core, right Big Sister?" Zhen hissed, swaying eagerly back and forth. "He did the killing after all."

"You will split it," She replied. "And Gui will not hog all of the meat, right?" She added warningly.

"...Right," Gui replied reluctantly.

Smiling, Ling Qi set out to take care of the messy work of cleaning her kill, and carving out Zhen sized chunks for his convenience. She was very careful with the measurements too, as funny as it was to see Zhen bloated from trying to swallow too much, they did have other things to do today. Eventually, all that was left as a piled fur and cracked bones. They had some value, but Gui like the marrow enough that she wasn't inclined to tell him no.

"While we're resting," Ling Qi said from her seat on a flat stone, sending the skin into her ring, along with her portion of the meat, for a later meal. "Have you been working hard on being small?"

Gui blinked slowly at her, his bright green eyes half lidded. He started to respond, but it was interrupted by a yawn, allowing Zhen to answer first. "Of course, Zhen would not waste Lady Cui's time," he replied haughtily.

Lady Cui, huh? Ling Qi thought wryly, that was a new one. She supposed it wasn't exactly wrong though, since Cui really was Meizhen's cousin. "Oh, why don't you show me?" She asked. Zhenguo being able to become a less threatening size was pretty integral to her plans for introducing him to the rest of the family without causing undue alarm. He could control his body heat well enough already, enough to not burn anyone anyway, so really it was his size that remained an issue.

"Can't we wait a little bit Big Sister?" Gui complained, though not too strenuously she noted.

"We don't need to do much practice yet," she replied soothingly. "Can you just show me? Big Sister misses being able to carry you."

That was enough to quell any remaining grumbling from the young spirit. The two of them both closed their eyes, and she could feel their intense concentration through their bond as the spirit gathered his qi and… twisted it, in a way that was hard to describe. His bulk shimmered before her eyes, wavering for a moment, before shrinking inward.

"Ugh, it feels weird," Gui murmured. He was only the size of a big dog now, and it only lasted a moment before he returned to his normal size with a pop of displaced air.

"Like crawling back into an old skin," Zhen added, shaking himself as they resumed their normal size.

"Good job," Ling Qi repeated, reaching out to pat them both on the head. "I'm sure you'll get it with a little more work."

Their little nature trip continued for another few hours, though nothing quite so exciting as their last encounter happened. Zhengui was pleased to get out and do something a little more exciting and Ling Qi was happy for the small break it represented too.

It didn't stop her from using the enticement of another trip before Zhengui, if only he could further master the size changing technique. It really would make things much easier if he could manage to become a more reasonable size.

Still, traipsing about in the woods and cleaning carcasses was dirty work, and Ling Qi was glad to see the shimmering inside of the White Room alongside Xiulan after she had settled Zhengui down for a nap in the garden.

White Room 30 + YSS 35 + Lan Lan 5 + Pills 6 + Larceny 5 = 81 + 11 autos (Talent 6, Bronze 5)
4 3 10 5 4 6 5 4 5 2 9 7 2 2 8 2 9 5 3 4 10 1 5 4 7 1 4 7 4 2 3 8 6 2 2 1 9 6 5 5 7 5 1 10 7 1 1 7 5 5 2 6 5 8 10 3 8 3 10 1 6 4 10 4 7 1 4 7 8 10 3 6 5 6 6 3 6 8 1 2 3. 48 successes

Rerolling 9
2 9 10 8 2 7 5 9 2. 4 successes. 11 auto. 63 successes

63/33 New Leg Meridian Opened!
30 to qi


Another befouled meridian yielded to the cleansing pressure of her qi in the aftermath, bringing her one step closer to being able to utilize all of her arts at once. She was thankful for the White Room in that regard, she was sure that she would be having difficulties otherwise. Gu Xiulan was prospering with her immersion in the room as well, though her scars hadn't faded, and glimpses beneath the wrap on her arm still showed the limb to be a ruin, her cultivation had surged up to the peak of second realm again.

Ling Qi could feel the faint cracks of a breakthrough beginning to spread through her aura, and her friend was clearly feeling better for it, even if Ling Qi could still see the lingering traces of pain in her every movement.

Still, they were both busy, so the two of them did not linger in each others company long after sharing a post Room meal. Xiulan returning to her training and Ling Qi heading off to the archive to do some research. While she intended to ask Meizhen for some advice on her treasures, she didn't want to head down to the lake empty handed either. The days when she was entirely clueless about such things had passed after all.

So, with the time of her meeting in mind, Ling Qi went to the archive and settled in for some research, and then, when the sun began to near the horizon, she headed down to the lake, to join Meizhen in her meditative… fishing.

She still wasn't sure how something so common counted as a noble hobby, but she didn't feel the need to question Meizhen on it either. She was a little disapointed at the other girls lack of reaction when she informed her of what she had found.

"Oh, you've found more treasures then?" Meizhen asked calmly from her seat at the lakeside, her white gown somehow untouched by stains of dirt or grass. She glanced only briefly at Ling Qi as she sat down beside her friend, her own gown billowing around her legs in a faint breeze.

"It's less fun when you don't react you know," Ling Qi replied with a huff.

"I am no longer surprised by your fortune," Bai Meizhen replied. "And you did sound quite certain, when we left the market. As for the rest… I do not find it shocking that the Sect has access to a Weilu tomb, that clan left many ruins."

"Weilu?" Ling Qi asked curiously, glancing at the still lure bobbing in the lake waters. "I came across that name a few times looking around, but the books never explained what that was."

"The Weilu were the rulers of Emerald Seas during the time before the Sage," Meizhen replied. "The Horned Lords of the South. They were also the first of the founding families to fall."

Ling QI frowned, feeling slightly alarmed. "Ah, is that so? I didn't mean to do anything so disrespectful, I assumed the corpse was a barbarian or a spirit..." she was surprised the Sect would so easily allow the defilement of the tomb of such an important figure

"The overwhelming pride and isolationist nature of the Weilu was well known, few were sad to see them fall. I feel no offense, the Bai do not worship the dead the way others do," her friend replied, and Ling Qi boggled at how bad they must have been, for her Bai friend to comment on it. "I presume if the Sect allowed you entry, that there is no crime against propriety."

Ling Qi nodded readily enough, dismissing the subject for now, ancient history was just that. With a flick of her wrist, she expressed the black shard from within her ring. She held it gingerly, not wanting to cut her fingers on the edge as she had done before, when dredging it up. "Well, anyway, I wanted you to take a look at this. I think this will make a good material for my flying sword from what I've read."

Finally, Meizhen looked her way fully, examining the length of black… material held across her open hands. "...I do not disagree, I suppose you were able to pick out the grade."

"After some studying, yeah," Ling Qi grimaced, reading the auras of objects in such detail was hard. "It's a fourth grade material, right?"

"Only just," Meizhen replied. "Yet it is still above the resources one would expect of a new baronial clan. It is likely you will not be able to fully access the power of a weapon crafted with it, as you are."

"Like with your own sword," Ling Qi mused, she knew her friend was still teasing out abilities, but her sword came from the scale of a seventh ranked spirit beast, so that was to be expected. She dismissed the shard, frowning at the oily, clinging sensation it left in her hands, as if trying to drag her qi into the ring with it. "What about this?" She asked, expressing the pane of glass. She avoided looking down at the grinning skull it reflected back. "I couldn't really find anything in the archive."

Her friends lips briefly curled in disgust. "Fourth Grade as well, but I would not suggest keeping it. Death qi is notoriously unwieldy and unpleasant," Meizhen looked away, and Ling Qi noticed unsettlingly that it did not reflect her friend as a worn skeleton, but as a pair of greedy golden eyes, staring up from a pit of abyssal dark. "Contact an auction and use the proceeds to fund your fief, but if you must use it, a ward against curses and spiritual assaults would be the best use."

Ling Qi dismissed the mirror back into her ring. "What makes it worse than any other uncommon element?" Ling Qi asked

Meizhen was silent for several seconds, and then shook her head. "Life and Death mark a cultivator more deeply than other elements, and with less investment. I will say no more on the matter," she replied with a note of finality.

Ling Qi nodded, to be frank the mirror made her skin crawl, she wasn't sure if she would follow Meizhen's advice, but she didn't really know what to do with it either, the archives information on death qi was exceedingly sparse. She toyed with the idea of bringing out the pod as well, but they were merely second grade seeds with a yin wood nature, hardly worth troubling her friend over, though they did seem to be alive still, despite their situation, which implied a certain hardiness. Perhaps she could plant them later, when she had a proper home to work with.

Falling silent for a time, she observed her friend out of the corner of her eye, noting the slight signs of tension and stress visible if one really knew how to look. There was another reason she had come here. "May I ask what has been troubling you lately?" She asked, leaning back to look up at the darkening sky. "You haven't even been having your tea in the mornings lately. I kind of miss you, you know?"

Meizhen didn't visibly react to her words, and the silence between them stretched for several long seconds. "Familial concerns, there is nothing which you might help with."

Ling Qi held back a grimace, glancing at her friend again. "Maybe not, but if it's nothing secret… I can still listen, you know?" She asked carefully. She didn't want to press too hard.

She caught a faint sigh from the pale girl. "I have learned that my Aunt Suzhen will be coming to observe my performance," Meizhen replied quietly. "I do not wish to disappoint her when she is taking time from her important duties for such a frivolous thing," Meizhen paused a beat, her brows drawing together. "My father will be coming as well," she added, as if that were but an afterthought.

"I'm not sure where the problem is," Ling Qi responded with a frown. Meizhen rarely spoke of her family, but when she did the Aunt she admired was the one who came up. "You aren't losing confidence in your ability to match Sun Liling are you?"

"...Not as such," Bai Meizhen replied, not looking up to meet Ling Qi's eyes. "I worry, for what it means. Despite my childish wishes to be acknowledged by her, now the implications of it seem more dire."

Ling Qi did her best to hold back an exasperated sigh. "You are going to have to explain that one to me."

Meizhen shot her a disgruntled look, and Ling Qi felt a faint chill in the air, not born of any physical source. "Despite my dilute blood, I bear the colors of the Serpent Queen. I am expected to have the ability to lead," she said quietly. "Yet I would much prefer to simply cultivate in peace, rather than taking part in struggles for rank. Until now, I was largely able to do so, because of my circumstances."

Ling Qi looked away as she began to understand. It was hard to remember that her friends clan wasn't just a family, not even a big one. Much like the other oldest clans, their members could fill several large cities on their own, if you included all the sub clans and branches. The Bai in particular had some kind of odd ranking system based on coloration and physical traits too, if she remembered the texts right. "So… you're worried about getting drawn into your families politics more, win or lose?"

"It seems you are capable of listening," Meizhen replied with the smallest huff. "And so I am torn between pride and concern for the future."

"I do pay attention when you speak… most of the time," Ling Qi shot back teasingly. "But all the same… you can only control your own actions, you know," Meizhen had not given her a positive impression of her peers in her own family, though she only spoke about such things obliquely. "Do you really think you would have escaped that sort of thing forever?"

"No," her friend said, closing her eyes. "In the wake of this last year, it simply seems real, rather than a far off worry for the future. It is already too late for me to remain to the side of the struggles for position among my cousins, as it is."

"Then you should be pleased that you'll be starting with an advantage," Ling Qi replied firmly. "Will any of them have defeated the granddaughter of your clans great enemy?

"That assumes my victory," Meizhen pointed out dryly.

"If you lose, it'll only be after you batter that top heavy, bloodthirsty bimbo to the edge of death," Ling Qi replied crassly. "Do you really think that won't count for anything?"

Ling Qi felt a thread of satisfaction as Meizhen gaped at her, the fishing pole in her hands drooping as she clapped a hand over her face. "Ling Qi you cannot speak of a princess in that way. Were you not paying attention to a single thing I have taught you?" Which was a little rich considering that she called Liling 'Barbarian', but Ling Qi supposed her friend was the one with higher status.

"I did, I just know how to ignore it when I need to break my friend out of a rut," Ling Qi replied, sticking out her tongue childishly. "Seriously Meizhen, do you have any reason to step off your path at this point?"

"I never stated that my worries were a matter of logic," Meizhen replied a bit waspishly, adjusting her grip on the slumping fishing pole.

"Sorry," Ling Qi replied. "But I don't think I'm wrong, you know."

"Of course you don't," her friend said with a faint shake of her head. "Still, even if I feel you underestimate the stakes involved… thank you for your efforts."

"I would be a poor friend if I didn't at least try to cheer you up," Ling Qi replied, before allowing silence to lapse for a time. "...On that note, do you think Cui has forgiven me yet?"

"I would not pin too many hopes on that, "Meizhen replied dryly. "Perhaps in another year or two."

Well, that was unfortunate, at least Meizhen's cousin didn't seem to extend the grudge to Zhengui.

She stayed with Meizhen for the rest of the evening, quietly mediating. She departed the lakeside only when Meizhen did, to spend the rest of the night intermittently cycling her qi and musing on new melodies. In the morning, when the light of dawn began to touch the horizon, she set off to meet Li Suyin, who had renewed her invitation to join her at Bao Qingling's workshop for a little more practical testing of their formation work.

The journey to the older girls workshop took her off of the outer sect mountain and deeper into the range, not far enough to intrude on the Inner Sect, but still about as far in as the Dragon's Vale, which did remind her that she would need to stop by to play a few songs and gather the potent wood qi for her continued cultivation of Thousand Ring Fortress.

For now though, she merely landed at the top of the bulbous structure which clung to the wall of the canyon below. It was shaped vaguely like a gourd, with a smaller bulb stacked atop a larger one. Chimneys of metal and stone poked out of the structure at odd angles, billowing colorful and aromatic medicinal smoke. Most of the structure however, was composed entirely of thick white webbing. Somewhat disturbingly, Ling Qi could see disturbances in the air where spirits of wind had been captured in the webbing, and even as she watched, arachnid legs as long as her arm poked out to drag a struggling spirit inside.

Happily, she didn't have too long to contemplate this before she felt the approach of Suyin's qi, and an entrance opened in the top of the structure, webs parting smoothly to reveal a ladder leading down, and of course, her friend Suyin poking her head out of the top, a bright expression on her scarred face. "Ling Qi! You made it, I'm so glad! I've made much progress on the scout formations, and I think the advanced form may have application in the guarding formation, but I need to review some portions of the manual before I can begin applying the transformative and fusion characters to the third layer of the power array, and..." her friends words came in a continuous stream, speaking of modifications more quickly than Ling Qi could easily keep track.

"Hold on Suyin," Ling Qi said, raising a hand to cut her off. "I get that you're excited, but maybe we should head inside first?"

Suyin blinked, and then looked sheepish. "...My apologies. It's just I've been very excited with my progress. Would you please come in?"

Ling Qi nodded, offering her friend a smile to show that she wasn't offended. The tunnel leading down into the workshop was kind of claustrophobic, and the feel of so many skittering spirit spiders all around them gave her a case of goosebumps, but otherwise their entry went by in comfortable silence. A quick walk down the rightmost tunnel at the three way intersection at the bottom of the ladder brought them to a room a bit bigger than Suyin's workshop at home, furnished with tabletops other worksurfaces glued to the walls, often at heights and angles left them impossible to reach from the floor. It was also positively saturated with the skeletons of birds, ranging from the tiny to the huge.

It was also occupied, Li Suyin's mentor, Bao Qingling, looked much like she had the first time Ling Qi had met her at the medicine hall. An unhealthily pale girl with dark circles under her eyes, with black hair gathered into a thick braid wrapped twice around her neck. Rather than a gown, she wore a set of dark brown, bulky leathers, including boots and gloves that left her looking a bit shapeless, especially with the thick work smock she wore, stained and scorched in many places.

Unlike before though, Ling Qi could feel her qi more clearly, she was at the fourth level of the third realm, and her aura felt… jagged and murky. Like a deep pit full of sharp stone, concealed by thick clinging mist and webs.

"Senior Sister Bao," Li Suyin greeted as she caught sight of the older girl. "Thank you for allowing me to bring my friend here today."

"Thank you for having me Senior Sister," Ling Qi added politely, offering a bow of her own.

The Inner disciple studied her for a moment, then nodded once crisply. "You are welcome. In this room at least. I ask that you remain in this room however," she said, her words uncolored by anything but polite disinterest. "It would be unfortunate if excessive curiosity were to cause us friction," she added bluntly. Ling Qi supposed she could understand, the story of what she had done to Yan Renshu was probably open knowledge at this point.

"I will of course respect Senior Sister Bao's privacy, it would be very rude for me to repay your kindness to my friend and hospitality with treachery," Ling Qi replied politely.

"Quite," Bao Qingling replied without humor, before nodding to Li Suyin. "Do not forget to your schedule, Junior Sister Suyin," she said simply. "Junior Sister Ling… give my regards to Lady Cai, if you would," she added, before stamping her foot once on the floor. A split second later, the webbing under her feet parted with an odd stretching sound, and the older girl vanished into the resulting hole. Ling Qi caught a glimpse of chitinous legs and gleaming eyes, as well as a pair of oddly human hands, composed of gleaming black chitin, in the moment before it closed again.

"Huh, I wonder what that was about," Ling Qi mused, eyeing the floor a bit more warily now.

"Ah, the Bao family is a count clan which administers the southwest under the Cai family directly," Li Suyin responded cheerfully. "Senior Sister was just offering her respects I'm sure."

"I really do have to do some more research," Ling Qi sighed. Perhaps she could speak to Cai about that, learning from her would probably be more fruitful than poking through books on the matter, and she could pick up what the heiress thought of the various players. "Well, why don't you show me what you've been working on."

"Yes! I've discovered how to activate the fusion formations in the advanced scouts without… untoward amounts of blood," Li Suyin began excitedly, leading her over to a wide surface scattered with a score of tiny bird skeletons and strewn with papers packed with notes and calculations. "As you can see here, it was simply a matter of…" She began to explain, going through her proofs as Ling Qi leaned over her shoulder.

Ossuary Scout: oo(0/6)
Cost 8 Red Spirit stones
Duration: two weeks
By carefully inscribing the bones of a small animal such as a mouse or frog or bird. You may imbue it with animating qi. The scout has a single health box, and no ability to attack, and moves at a speed of 12, or 15 in flight. The scouts stealth and perception are equivalent to the creators without any auto successes granted by cultivation or arts. While the scout does not share senses with the user, upon touching the scout and speaking a set activation word, they will receive a vision of what the scout saw and heard in the eight hours. For the purposes of opposed rolls, scouts count as two levels below their creators cultivation.

Ossuary Horror: ooo (Unlearned 4/9)
Cost: Requires multiple ossuary scouts, see below. 10 Qi

The tiny scouts created by the Ossuary Scout Formation are but a small part of the whole, when the time for observation has passed, they can be gathered to fight on their masters behalf. The construct created by the activation of this formation has a cultivation level equivalent to the number of scouts used to create it divided by three. Eg. A Horror created from 15 scouts would have a cultivation level of 5. The constructs cultivation level cannot exceed it's creators.

The horror has a movement of 21 and an initiative of 15. It's base combat statistics are as follows.

Offensive Clashes: 15 dice, plus 3 for every cultivation level above 4
Defensive Clashes: 12 dice, plus 3 for every cultivation level above 4
Armor 2 Durability 5(increases to 3 and 8 at cultivation 7)
DV 4 Armor Piercing 2
Health 4+1 for every cultivation level above 4

No more than one horror may be commanded at a time, on creation, the horror may be assigned one arm based and one spine or leg based technique from the users roster, each of which it may use up to three times. Techniques must be two dots or below.

Li Silk Guard 5/9

By the time Li Suyin and she had finished working through her improvements, and Li Suyin had demonstrated her new formation, merging a great swarm of little sparrow skeletons into a bony horror in the vague shape of a large eagle, there was really only one thing to say.

"You really are great at this kind of thing Li Suyin," Ling Qi laughed peering into the empty 'eye' socket of the 'eagle' now perched on Suyin's work surface. It's head was made of a dozen tiny skulls, partially merged together, it was a fairly creepy effect. "Are you sure you really want to just show me all of this? You had to practically rebuild the formation from scratch."

"I don't mind at all," Li Suyin replied, shaking her head. "It is your treasure that allowed this anyway, and… I do not feel as if there needs to be transactions between us."

She eyed her friend for a moment, sensing no insincerity from the other girl. Well, there was hesitation, Li Suyin likely still felt like she owed her too a degree, but she wasn't going to push the matter. "Well, I won't complain then," Ling Qi said lightly. "But next time you have some free time, I'm taking you out for some exercise, you've been neglecting your physical cultivation again," she scolded teasingly.

"Eh? But I have so much to do," Li Suyin protested, waving her hands. "Surely such things can wait until next year."

"Nope, not going to let my friend develop bad habits," Ling Qi replied, crossing her arms playfully. "You're at least going to start coming out for some evening exercise with me. I don't want you getting pale and squishy on me."

"S-squishy?!" Li Suyin replied, looking a little affronted as the skeletal birds on her shoulders took flight at her sudden motion of her head as she looked down at herself. "...Um, I haven't really gotten so bad… have I?"

"Nope, which is why we're going to start," Ling Qi said lightly. "But… later, you have to attend your Senior Sister, right?"

"Yes," Li Suyin replied, still looking a little distracted. "Let me show you out."

AN: So looks like circumstances conspired to make me a liar, sorry about that doods.

In any case, I saw the discussion going on in the gap here and it does have some merit. The pacing is dragging a fair bit, so I'm going to put it up to vote on whether we accelerate the turns a little in the home stretch.

If folks vote for acceleration, you will get to vote for training plans, and I will choose minors myself to move along the remaining plot threads we still have at this point to write between the dice rolls and such. I will still give you guys input on which characters get the screentime though. You may also vote for your talisman as you can during all voting periods.

[] Accelerate
[] Status Quo
temp-weapon vote
Alright guys, time to compile a voting list out of the suggestions offered. These are the ones I found most compelling as choices. I have attempted to avoid too much overlap in the choices made, which is why some were not selected. There will be some remixing and editing as I distill the suggestions into voting options.

[] Night Blooming Lotus Blade:

A half blooming lotus made of black metal forms the base, carved with silvery filigree patterns on it's curving petals, and from the centre emerges a long smooth spike of pitch black, carved from an Umbral Shard. The emerging spike appears to consume all light it touches, and the lotus blades surrounding much of it's length are sharp enough and positioned such that glancing blows can turn into messy wounds. A majestic and beautiful weapon, but equally ominous and cruel. Dexterity+Stealth. DV 9. AP 4. Deals 3 semiperfect damage on a successful hit, and deals one additional bleed per turn for three turns. Gains a two die bonus for each point by which it's users initiative exceeds that of it's target to a maximum of 10. Health 10

A featureless chakram which spins through the air, letting out a sharp whistling sound despite not having holes in it to facilitate such a thing. The note it plays as it flits through the wind is the dying wail of qi and air being dragged into it's pitch black depths, along with something more.

Possible Effects: Environmental Qi drain and AP, with potential bonuses to draining Qi upon successful clashes with other Domain Weapons and Arts?

Yue shi =
lunar eclipse 月食
musician 乐师
Even more and more 越是
The Darkest Night
Very light, this razorsharp Vantablack double-edged Chakram is almost completely silent in flight, and so dark it looks like a hole in reality rather than a true material object. You are slightly worried about it as you often end-up losing track of it.
Darkness Element.
Improved Initiative.
Improved Damage Value.
Improved Armor Penetration.
Improved Damage to all offensive clashes against unaware targets.
Night's Eye
A flawless disc of pure midnight, set with a droplet of argent liquid in the very center. In darkness, the Eye moves unseen, consuming the essence of what opposes it. In light, the Eye opens, and the Eye turns reflective, releasing that which it had stolen from its foe back onto the source.

The punnery on and Ling Qi-ness both amuse me here, so I've done a bit of work to combine the various chakram ideas into something fun

[] Sharp Note/Yue Shi(to be decided if selected)

A matte black, featureless chakram which spins through the air, letting out a sharp whistling sound despite not having holes in it to facilitate such a thing. The note it plays as it flits through the wind is the dying wail of qi and air being dragged into it's pitch black depths, along with something more. DV6. AP 5. Dexterity+Expression. Darkness Deals two additional semi perfect damage on hit. While active, this weapon reduces the qi recovery abilities of enemies by three each turn, and halves the effects of recovery items. When damaged, or upon winning a defensive clash, this weapon releases a counter attack at the aggressor, which, on hit drains an amount of qi equal to the amount the target has spent in the last turn(Max 8). Health 12

A jagged shard of darkness, unrefined and pure, with none of the additions that would make it resemble a weapon. If anything it is more ragged and brutal than the fragment it was carved from. Its edges have edges, not that they can be seen, as the weapon absorbs any light or qi that would be used to sense it.

Suggested effects: Can use stealth with the same bonuses as the wielder, extra dice if striking before the target has acted or from stealth, ap/semiperfect/damage bonuses.

[] Night's Edge
A jagged shard of darkness, unrefined and pure, with none of the additions that would make it resemble a weapon. If anything it is more ragged and brutal than the fragment it was carved from. Its edges have edges, not that they can be seen, as the weapon absorbs any light or qi that would be used to sense it. DV 12. AP 6. Dexterity+Stealth. Darkness. Each turn, this weapon makes a stealth attempt with the same pool as it's wielder as an instant action. When attacking an unaware opponent, this weapon receives a ten die bonus to it's pool, and deals four additional semi perfect damage. If striking the same target twice in a row, on the second attack, one of this damage becomes perfect. Health 10

A twisting obsidian blade that releases a mist between its coils. It pulses frequently, sending small burst of boundless Hunger, coveting all before it's glorious sight. The holes that line it's white bone hilt release a terrifying inhuman whistling screech as it soars through the air.
Status effect - left to QM as I would love to see what he could do with this
Edit: did I do good senpais D: it's my first time trying to be creative like this ~~

[] Singing Mist Blade

A twisting obsidian blade that releases a mist between its coils. It pulses frequently, releasing bursts of boundless Hunger, coveting all before it's glorious sight. The holes that line it's white bone hilt release a terrifying inhuman whistling screech as it soars through the air. DV 8. AP 4. Dexterity+Expression. Darkness. This weapon provides a five die bonus to all offensive musical arts cast by its user. This weapons basic attack targets spiritual defenses and strikes a fifteen meter radius. On hit the targets receive a two die penalty to spiritual defenses, which stacks up to five times and lasts five turns. If a target has three or more stacks on them at the start of their turn, they must make a five success resolve test or lose two qi for each stack. Health 9

[] Tailor's Regret
A single, large sewing needle which reflects no light. It weaves through the boundary of light and dark, slipping between enemy defenses and perceptions unpredictably to do its work. Seeming to evade detection the harder one looks, trailing umbral threads, bone-piercing cold, and the fresh well of blood drawn are the only hints it ever existed. DV 8. AP 4. Dexterity+Stealth. Darkness. Each turn, this weapon makes a stealth attempt with the same pool as it's wielder as an instant action. Against unaware targets, this weapon receives two additional DV and AP, and deals one additional perfect damage on hit. Targets damaged by this weapon have their dexterity and dodge reduced by 1. If Dexterity is reduced to zero, the target becomes immobilized. This effect counts as a three die darkness technique technique for the purposes of dispelling. Health 10

A thin, sharp hole in the world, this flying weapon has made use of a rare umbral shard by pounding it flat and then shaping it thin. It is powerfully attracted to qi and barely visible, even during the day.
It is also, clearly, a chopstick.
A scoundrel's tool, its shape reflects its purpose. It drinks in qi with staggering ease, but is, relatively speaking, less deadly than other flying weapons of its calibre, and, indeed, can be worn safely as a hair ornament by a third realm cultivator.
Instead, during a successful clash where it successfully drains (insert appropriate number) qi, it can instead 'eat' the opponent's lowest level passive buff and apply it to Ling Qi, her spirit beasts, or itself.
Larceny + Dexterity
Qi Drain
Buff Stealing

[] Real Bat
A thin, sharp hole in the world, this flying weapon has made use of a rare umbral shard by pounding it flat and then shaping it thin. It is powerfully attracted to qi and barely visible, even during the day. It is also, clearly, a chopstick. A scoundrel's tool, its shape reflects its purpose. It drinks in qi with staggering ease, but is, relatively speaking, less deadly than other flying weapons of its calibre, and, indeed, can be worn safely as a hair ornament by a third realm cultivator. DV 4 AP 2. Dexterity+Larcency. Darkness. On hit, this weapon drains an additional 3 qi, for every three qi drained this way it may attempt to dispel a technique of one dot, to a maximum of three dots at nine qi. This dispel attempt receives a five die bonus in addition to any the user may have. On successful dispel the sword applies the dispelled technique to the user or their spirit beast. Techniques applied this way have a duration equivalent to the turns the original user had left. Active effects of stolen techniques cannot be used. Health 10

[] Lace of Loss
A wide web of ever shifting intricate loops and knotwork arranged in a spiraling pattern reminiscent of a whirlpool dragging unfortunates to their demise in sunless depths. The floating fabric's hunger is comparable; even the slightest brush against the diaphanous edge will set it to greedily lap up the qi of the unwary. DV 4. AP 0. Dexterity+Larceny. Darkness. On hit, this weapon will grapple with its target, using its normal dice pool. While targets grappled by this weapon may still move and attack, they receive a four die penalty to all clashes, and lose three qi per turn while they remain grappled. In addition, when beginning a turn grappling an opponent, this weapon will attempt to dispel the targets lowest ranking buff, with a bonus of four. For every three qi this weapon absorbs, it regains one health. Health 6

Okay Doods, my brain is now pretty fried from all this mechanical nonsense, so have it. This vote will be APPROVAL based. You may each vote for multiple weapons, in this case, up to three per person. Have at it.
Last edited:
Year 43, week 44, Part 2
The last notes of Ling Qi's newest attempt at composition drifted away on the wind, sending their faint ripples through the flow of the worlds qi. Yet for all their technical perfection, Ling Qi remained unsatisfied with the work. The melody she was trying to compose still rang hollow in both her ears and her more spiritual senses.

"Looks like you still can't quite manage upbeat, huh?" Sixiang said, from where he lounged, resting against the spindly trunk of one of the scraggly trees that clung to the cliff face that overlooked the lower reaches of the mountain. "You're such a gloomy girl," he teased. The androgynous spirit, wore a robe of pale rose pink today, which hung open across the chest, leaving his current gender rather obvious.

"I am not gloomy," Ling Qi shot back a bit irritably. She frowned in consternation, toying with her flute. "Be serious. What is it I am lacking here? I wanted to compose something cheerful for Mother. Spring and summer motifs should be perfect for that, shouldn't they?" While she hadn't much free time this week, what she did have had been spent stopping in to at least greet Mother each day.

"Wellll," Sixiang began, idly kicking his legs, unmindful of the scattering of stones it sent tumbling down the crumbling cliffside. "Limiting yourself to mortal comprehension is quite a handicap, but I don't really think that's your problem. You're not so far from the mortal world as all that," he mused.

"Then what is?" Ling Qi asked, frustrated. "I've tried so many different forms and arrangements, yet none of them ever seem right."

"Well, like I said, you're a gloomy girl," Sixiang replied matter of factly. "Of course you can't give life to that kind of melody, thinking like you do." He waved his hand flippantly. "Don't get me wrong, you can arrange a few cheerful phrases, but that's hardly the sort of optimism that your trying to convey, right?"

She gave the spirit a dirty look. "You're really good at not answering questions properly, you know?" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Well of course," he replied, sticking out his tongue childishly. "If I was direct, I'd be one of those hard nosed, pushy sun spirits, you know?"

Ling Qi let out an annoyed huff, but closed her eyes, surrendering the point. For several minutes, she remained silent, thinking on her failures and Sixiang's words. "...I just don't think that way, do I?" She mused, breaking the silence.

"Yep," Sixiang agreed. "You don't have that kind of expectation that things will go well, so of course you can't put it into song."

She grimaced, it was true. Though things had been going well, better than she could have realistically hoped a year ago. Some part of her was still waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the things she had built to come crashing down around her ears. For all that had happened in the last year, and for all that she had changed… some things were simply slow to fade.

"Well, a different theme would probably work better for now," Sixiang offered cheerfully, breaking Ling Qi out of her thoughts. "Changing yourself is slow going for a human, or so I've heard," he said with an air of received wisdom.

"I suppose so," Ling Qi said."I'm still not gloomy," she added, shooting a scowl at the relaxing spirit as she raised her flute to begin another attempt.

"Then why do you always dress like you're headed to a funeral?" Sixiang teased. "You're just missing the mourning veil."

Ling Qi huffed and didn't respond, so what if she wore somewhat somber colors, that didn't make her gloomy. Besides, there was no point in wearing anything else given the quality of her gown.

...She resolved not to express that to Xiulan, lest the other girl drag her out for emergency shopping. Then again, that too was something that had faded, it was difficult to match the almost fanatically driven Xiulan of today to the one who would spend time frivolously poking around a tailor's shop.

Ling Qi grimaced and dismissed the thought, they could all take a breath when the tournament was over.

"See, I can practically see the cloud over your head," Sixiang said lightly, drawing a snort from Ling Qi. Maybe the spirit wasn't wholly wrong.

"Fine, why don't you show me how it's done then," Ling Qi shot back. "Since I apparently can't manage."

"Hm… I suppose I can play a piece or two," he mused, "If only to lighten the atmosphere a little."

Ling Qi closed her own eyes as a set of reed pipes coalesced from shimmering mist in the spirits hands. Relaxing herself, she focused on the faster tempo of the song flowing from Sixiang's pipes.

There was definitely something in the spirits notes that she lacked, but… she knew somehow that it wouldn't be so simple as copying phrases and notes. For all that she was composing for her Mother… she couldn;t be satisfied by a piece that was only competent on a mortal level.

As much as she found herself enjoying trading melodies with the spirit, with the passing of another hour, Ling Qi took her leave, with the promise to meet the next day and continue their exchange. Descending the mountain, Ling Qi then made her way toward Xiulan;s increasingly charred training grounds.

Talent 6 + YSS 35 + Lan Lan 4 + Mystic Vale 9 + Pills 10 + Spine 4 + Heart 10 + Zhengui 10 = 88 dice.
8 10 8 8 8 10 9 1 9 9 10 2 3 6 5 6 8 4 7 10 9 9 3 3 2 7 9 5 8 3 1 7 4 10 7 1 9 5 3 9 6 4 3 10 1 7 5 8 2 3 7 1 3 1 3 4 7 1 10 6 5 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 5 8 10 2 1 4 2 2 2 8 1 4 1 10 4 5 10 8 1 9. 48 successes

Rerolling 15
4 8 9 2 3 5 2 5 2 2 8 8 6 9 2. 9 successes. 57

Xiulan's mastery of her arts was growing pretty swiftly she found, even the girls lightest attacks burned blue with heat, and her stronger ones could be compared to Lady Cai's Light Art's in appearance, if not effect.

She spent the rest of the afternoon with her friend, and though she left feeling sweaty and a bit overheated, she didn't regret it. Xiulan did mention that she would be busy with closed door cultivation in the immediate future though, so she would have to find a different training partner in the following week.

After cleansing herself, and taking a light meal in the evening, Ling QI spent most of the night in meditation, leaving early in the morning to report for the Sect Job she had accepted. The directions given at the main hall sent her down the mountain to meet the person who had put the request on the board in town. Rather than the disciple and owner of the mansion himself, the job giver turned out to be a rather elderly woman in the first realm, waiting for her at the edge of the mansions grounds.

"So, this is the place," Ling Qi mused, looking up at the peaked roof visible of the wooden barrier that surrounded the grounds. "Do you mind if I ask why the home got into this state?"

"Of course, honored Miss," the elderly woman, who was the head housekeeper and the only member of the staff still around, said as she lead her toward the gates. "The house staff was called away by the Lord Seung, for other duties, and the Young Master has been too occupied with his Sect duties to approve new hiring, and so we have fallen behind."

Ling Qi considered those words for a moment, and the short woman who had spoken them. There was pretty obviously some details being left out there, but it would be rude to press. "Ah, what unfortunate timing," Ling Qi mused. "And what has caused the house spirit to grow so unruly? While I have little practical experience with such matters, my studies have indicated that such spirits are usually rather tame."

They reached the gates then, and Ling Qi glanced over them, taking in the security arrays visible to her eyes, woven into the carvings on the wooden doors. It didn't seem like anything she couldn't bypass with focused effort. She made sure to keep some attention on her companion though. "You are correct of course, Miss," the housekeeper agreed. "House spirits are friendly things… but this property only recently came under the ownership of the Clan Seung. The house spirit does not yet recognize it's new owners," she explained, fishing a flat grey disc from her sleeve. She pressed it to the indent in the center of the gates, and it shimmered, causing them to swing open.

"I see," Ling Qi said with a frown. "How was anyone living here at all then?"

"The staff had been performing the proper rites to suppress and suborne the spirit, after the Young Master enacted a sealing," The old woman sighed. "When they were called away, those rascals failed to do their final duties, and so the spirit broke free. These old bones were not up to the task of suppressing it at that point I am afraid."

Ling QI nodded, looking past the gates and across the garden inside. The flowerbeds and grass had an unkempt look to them, and the windows seemed dark, she could feel a fairly potent presence from the place, though it was riddled with weakness pulling it down into the second realm. "I see," she had only briefly encountered the concept of house spirits, as a subset of object spirits, things like this must really make property transfers among immortals a pain. "What need I do then?"

"The Spirit Tablet lies in the second basement," the elderly woman explained, even as she pressed the disc that had opened the gates into Ling Qi's hand. "And this will disable the locks," she continued pragmatically. "You need but reach the Tablet, and sprinkle this across its face," she continued, adding a vial of red powder and a few sticks of rather expensive looking incense to the kit. "Then perform a pacification rite."

Ling Qi nodded, she was familiar enough with basic spiritual rites at this point, though she didn't recognize the powder, studying it for a moment, she frowned… dried blood? It was the blood of a potent cultivator too, by the aura. She… supposed that made sense, if this was meant to bind the spirit to a new master and he wasn't present. "Consider it done then," Ling Qi said, putting on a smile. "I will be back shortly."

"Spirits bless you honored disciple," The old woman said, bowing deeply. "You have my thanks."

Ling Qi nodded absently as she stepped inside, putting the woman from her mind as she focused on the task ahead. She could feel the spirits qi, threaded all through the structure. Avoiding it's attention wouldn't be easy.

Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + Speciality 1 + Passives 0 + Equip 8 (Robe 4, slippers, band) + Buff 2 (EPC 2) + 2 autos (SCS)= 23 dice + 9autos.
3 1 2 7 9 1 3 2 5 2 5 1 1 1 4 4 9 5 1 10 7 7 1. 6 successes. 15 total

4 4 7 1 9 6 6 6 7 3 6 4 1 5 7 10 7 10 2 8 4 6 2. 8 successes. 17 total
First roll bare pass

Second Roll
7 10 8 3 7 9 3 4 9 8 7 3 3 9 10 3 3 9 1 9 9 2 6. 13 successes. 22 total

Ling Qi let the edges of her being fray into the shadows as she crept across the grounds, melting into the shadows cast by the wall under the late afternoon sun, maintaining a slow pace as she eyed the vast, complex web of spiritual awareness that engulfed the house. It might have been a beautiful thing once, but now it was laced through with lines of wrath and disgust, and ragged holes, where something new was growing.

It felt like studying a tapestry, which was being replaced thread by thread with a whole other weaving, the holes were places where new and old had torn apart, and the dark lines… well that was where the metaphor broke apart a little. Still, she supposed she should be glad for it, as she very nearly allowed her qi to trip the web at her first step, so dense it was. If it had been whole… well, it seemed like she wouldn't simply be able to rest on her laurels in the future, when it came to sneaking.

Her near failure only made her more determined though, and soon Ling Qi made it onto the porch, taking one careful step at a time. There were no eyes to hide from here, only the spiritual senses of the house itself, and so she had to adjust her method of skulking, leaving aside her focus on the physical aspects. While she did have the key, Ling Qi did not want to alert the spirit, and so instead of the door, she crept around the perimeter until she found an open window, leading into the kitchen. Such things could usually be relied upon, it seemed, even in a cultivator house.

That wasn't to say that there weren't alarm formations layered around the window, but she managed to bypass them slipping between the figurative 'bars'. Inside though, things changed. As Ling Qi slipped down the dimly lit halls, she could feel a pressure on her back, the weight of the house spirit, an incoherent mass of negative emotion that raised the hairs on her neck.

Decorative vases rattled, and floorboards creaked without rhyme or reason, and out of the corner of her eyes, she would often catch movement. Shadows crawling unnaturally on the walls and faintly human silhouettes passing from room to room. The sounds were the worst though.

From the moment that she entered the building, the faint sound of sobbing had reached her ears, unending and uninterrupted, save by an occasional snippet of feeling-that-became-words.

Where have you gone…

Ling Qi simply grit her teeth though, doing her best to ignore the grief pressing down on her like the cold pressure of a lake in winter.

Come back, please!

It was hard though, as the visions in the corner of her eye grew more numerous, the indistinct figures of people going through the motions of daily life, happy and sad. It made it difficult to not jump when one of the sightless wraiths would pass right by or through her. A child chasing a ball, a proud woman sweeping down the hall, trailed by the images of handmaidens, men deep in arguments, their words garbled beyond recognition.

Please do not leave me…

She soon found the door leading to the basement, and here she finally made use of the key, for there were no other entrances to be found.

Usurper… Thief…

She grimaced as she felt the attention redouble, and the house grow darker still. She darted her way down the stairs as the volume of the sobbing grew greater, and took on a furious edge. Still, she slipped undetected through the web of the spirits attention, for all that she could hear the furniture rattling even as the door behind her swept shut with a loud bang. It new someone was here, but it had not 'seen' her yet.

Ling Qi slipped between wine racks and storage shelves as she made her way down to the second level of the basement, ignoring the crashing sounds of things falling behind her as the shelves rocked and the ground quaked. The second floor was thankfully bare, most of it's contents apparently removed, leaving only empty alcoves. Only one remained full, an ornate little shrine holding a stone tablet as wide as her hands placed together and only a few centimeters thick. Characters were carved in it's surface, but they were unreadable, as if the stone had melted like wax, leaving the characters warped and broken.

The sobs rose into a shriek as Ling Qi darted forward and popped the stopper off the blood vial with her thumb, and a quick flick of her wrist sprinkled the coppery scented dust over the warped tablet. It gleamed as it landed upon the stone and the foundations of the house shook violently for a moment.

...And then all was still and silent. Ling Qi grimaced as she felt something like pain shoot through the web of spirit all around her, and the feeling of grief and fury rose. For the moment though, the spirit was impotent, and so she did not waste any time lighting the incense and beginning the pacification rites.

By the time she was done, the the web around her was reduced to a fuzzy cloud, barely coherent, and the last feelings of struggle had faded.

Ling Qi grimaced, that had been far more unpleasant than she had expected, even if she had avoided real conflict with the spirit. If she ever purchased a house old enough to have a spirit, she would definitely have to make sure the thing wasn't hostile first.

+25 Sect points

Talent 6 + YSS 35 + Zeqing 15 + Dark Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 10 + Lung 10 = 97 dice + 10 autos (Music 5, Imperial 5).
6 3 3 2 1 3 4 8 9 4 1 3 5 5 7 9 7 6 3 2 7 9 3 3 5 4 4 9 5 10 4 3 2 9 6 4 3 9 1 2 4 1 4 9 5 2 9 1 8 2 2 4 2 7 9 8 2 4 7 7 3 10 1 6 8 6 9 1 6 9 4 9 9 9 9 6 10 8 8 9 1 2 3 2 8 3 9 9 6 7 7 1 7 7 6 6 4. 49 successes

Rerolling 9
4 2 8 3 5 6 5 8 3. 6 successes. 10 auto. 65 total

1/4th to spiritual. Improves Resilience and Resolve

Later, once she had returned the key and collected her wage in Sect points, Ling Qi made her way up the mountain to join Zeqing for further lessons, over the course of the week, she had felt that she was making good progress further mastering the Serenade and improving her singing ability. When she arrived at the black pool though, she found only Hanyi waiting.

The little spirit was perched on the stone bench where she sat with Zeqing, kicking her bare feet idly when she arrived. "Hiya Big Sister," the little spirit said cheerfully, she held a little snow mouse in one hand, caught by the tail. The beast squeaked and kicked as she poked at it, trying to escape the snow girls grasp. "Momma is gonna be a little late today, Auntie Xin came to talk about grown up stuff."

"That's fine," Ling Qi replied, glancing at the little girls prize as she seated herself on the bench beside her, the snow crunching faintly under her weight. It no longer melted and soaked her gown though. "Hanyi, why are you… playing with that?"

The blue skinned little girl blinked, looking up from the distressed animal trapped between her fingers. "Oh! I was being a good girl and practicing, like Momma said," she answered, with a grrin the cried out for praise as only a child's could. "I caught the mousey 'cause he couldn't resist my voice!" She added, puffing her chest out proudly.

Ling Qi glanced at the struggling animal, a weak first grade beast, and calmly patted the little spirit on the head. "Good job. You should play around with it like that though," she added, not wanting to make Hanyi get into a huff.

She pouted a little. "Big Sister acts too much like Momma," she huffed. "But fine, I won't play with my food anymore," Ling Qi blinked, nonplussed. She had never seen either the mother or daughter spirits eat anything, so what did she…

The mouse let out a strangled squeak and twitched violently then, frost spreading across its fur and skin as it visibly withered and blackened in the little spirits grasp, like a corpse left to freeze on a mountaintop. Hanyi let out a delighted sound, and Ling Qi caught the slight shimmer in the air as she breathed in the stream of heat that arose from the beasts remains. "Hehe, don't tell Momma I was snacking before dinner, okay Big Sister?" Hanyi said, looking up at her as she tossed the remains aside carelessly. The carcass landed in a heap of snow with a soft sound, disappearing from sight.

"...Sure," Ling Qi said, she supposed it wasn't the weirdest thing she had ever seen. "Have you been getting along with Zhengui?" She asked, in an effort to change the subject.

Hanyi pouted, crossing her arms. "He's being a big jerk-y head," she huffed. "He keeps saying he's too busy to play. 'Cause he has to beat up an eel. I don't get it. I'm way more fun to play with than some doofy eel."

Ah, it looked like Zhengui might have taken to training with Heizui a little too well. "I'll have a chat with him," Ling Qi said. "About not neglecting his friends."

"He's a big jerk," Hanyi sniffed, eyeing her suspiciously. "I just want my sled back, it's not cause I miss him or something."

"Of course," Ling Qi replied, hiding her grin with her sleeve, that was kind of cute. It did remind her that she would be leaving the mountain in years to come though. What would happen then?

Thankfully Zeqing arrived soon, before Hanyi could pick up on the drop in her mood. Allowing her to forget the future for the moment and immerse herself in her lessons.

Later though, as the finished up and the sun sank below the horizon, casting the ravine into darkness, she found herself reminded.

Zeqing now sat beside Ling Qi, and Hanyi lay with her head in her Mother's lap, tired out from several hours of hard practice. Asleep, the little spirit shimmered in and out of solidity, blue flesh fading to reveal swirling snow before fading back in again. The elder spirit rested a hand of transparent ice on her daughter's head as the two of them watched the last light fade from the sky.
"I have heard that you will be leaving the Sect," her teacher said quietly, without any accusation in her tone.

"I will," Ling Qi replied, not looking over. "I am incredibly thankful to you and the Sect… but I want to make something that is mine."

"I understand," Zeqing replied, bringing relief to Ling Qi. "Still, it will be… less interesting without you. You have been a good student."

"I will still be here a year yet," Ling Qi replied, before her features fell in a frown. "...Assuming an Inner Sect student can visit this peak."

"It should not be difficult to obtain dispensation, so long as you do not interfere with the operation of the outer sect," Zeqing replied without worry. "I suppose a year still seems like a great length of time to you."

"It does," Ling Qi admitted quietly. "I have been happy here for the most part. I think I want that year to seem long."

Zeqing let out an amused laugh, like the tinkling of crystal chimes on the wind. "What an honest answer."

"I try," Ling Qi replied with a grin. "Sometimes anyway."

The spirit gave a shallow nod in reply, brushing her fingers through Hanyi's hair. "Let me ask you then, what do you think of my daughter?"

Ling Qi blinked, glancing at her musical mentor sidelong. "She can be… difficult, and maybe a little spoiled," Ling Qi replied, thinking back to the girls cries of unfairness at the end of their game of tag. "...but I think she is a bit lonely too."

Zeqing did not reply for a time, and her billowing hair blocked her features from sight as she lowered her head. Ling Qi remained silent until she spoke again. "So you see it as well," Zeqing mused. "She has shown much more cheer since that spirit of yours began coming here," the ice spirit said.

"I hope Zhengui has behaved himself," Ling Qi replied, aware of how territorial Zeqing could be.

She flicked her sleeve in dismissal of the words. "Once I might have scoured the mountain clean to remove the presence of a beast like him, but it no longer bothers me," she replied. "But… I cannot say that seeing my daughter with so joyful in the presence of another does not… vex me in some ways," she added, her voice growing dark.

Ling Qi shifted uncomfortably as the temperature dropped. "...Will it be a problem?"

"I will not let it be," Zeqing replied, her blood red lips curving down in a frown. "I am not as I was. The same instinct which demands that her joy be in me alone are the ones which would cause me to devour her as well. Humanity is a vexing thing, bringing such uncertainty."

"I don't think you regret it though, do you?" Ling Qi replied carefully.

"I do not," Zeqing replied. "Yet… I know one day I will need let her go," Ling Qi flinched at the icy wind that cut through her defenses, chilling her to the bone the moment those words left the spirits mouth. "That is the human thing to do, is it not?"

Ling Qi shivered as the snow and ice slashed through the air around her, leaving only the mother and daughter spirits untouched. "...Maybe," she admitted. "Do you think that would help her?"

"She will not ever be more than she is, if she remains," Zeqing replied, her soft voice audible over the shrieking wind. "And that no longer seems as acceptable as it was. Did you know, that before I began teaching you, the thought of teaching my daughter never crossed my mind as more than an idle fancy, to pass the nights?"

The wind was quieting down, thankfully enough, the snowfall growing slower and gentler. "You seem very proud of her progress though," Ling Qi said, looking over at them.

"I am," Zeqing replied. "And such is my conflict. I wish to see my daughter mature, but she cannot do so with me," the spirit sounded as if those words physically pained her, and well… perhaps they did. "Do you understand my meaning, Disciple Ling Qi?"

Ling Qi nodded. "I will be happy to continue my lessons Teacher Zeqing, alone and alongside your daughter. As your student, I am her older sister, in a way, after all," she replied carefully. "I will of course look after my junior if need be."

Zeqing nodded shallowly, straightening her shoulder as the last of the whipping wind faded. "I speak only as a consideration for the future," She said, still somewhat stiffly. "A year remains to us after all, and the future may bring change."

Dexterity 8/45
Stamina 18/35

Intelligence 9/35
Wits 2/35
Resolve 12/35
Manipulation 9/45
Composure 9/35

+11 domain successes

Formations 9/21
Occult 5/15

Athletics 8/30
Ride ⅚
Stealth 10/30

Expression 15/42
-specialty: Vocals gained

Dodge 5/30
Resilience 5/21

+15 successes to qi
+5 to Argent Current
+30 to Sable crescent Step
+8 to Sable Crescent Step

Income: 115 Red Stones

Okay, so the next voting period will cover weeks 44 and 45, which will be closed cultivation weeks, as discussed previously. So you will have 12 major action slots which may be devoted to training since you are doing this across two weeks and particular cultivation may be selected up to twice without penalty. Similarly, you may assign the white room up to two times, Meizhen up to two times, etc.

[] Train at the vent with Su Ling
-[] Any
[] Train Music arts with Zeqing
[] Take a job
-[] Specify
[] Visit the Archive
-[] Search for a technique
-[] Study another subject
-[] Look into the items you found during your quest
[] Study Formations with Li Suyin
-[] Select up to two formations
[] Train with Meizhen
-[] Any
[] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang
-[] Any
[] Cultivate in the White Room
-[] What?
-[] With who?
[] Cultivate on your own
-[] Any

Now this time, the minor actions will be voted for separately from the training plan, and will operate off approval voting. Cai Renxiang will not be included, since she will be getting some automatic scenes due to the chosen path. As before with the weapons, you may vote for up to three minor options.

[] Su Ling and the Ma Sisters are looking to acquire spirit beasts, maybe you can help a bit?
[] Zhengui and Heizui could use a bit of extra attention to be sure that their interactions don't get unhealthy
[] Tag along to make sure Zhengui and Hanyi get along the next time they play
[] Be prepared to take Xiulan out for some fun, whether in commiseration or celebration
[] Learn of the ancient and venerable art of... fishing. Meizhen will be happy to show you, you're sure, and perhaps you can leanr more about her family.
[] Mother has had some time to settle, so you should spend some more time with her, and see if she needs anything
[] Sixiang will be casting off their physical form soon enough, and you have had some fun. See if there is something the spirit would like to do before they go?

Do not worry about voting for talisman sales or purchases or the status of your materials, we will do that later, same goes for Yan renshu
Last edited:
Year 43, week 45-46 Part 1
-[X] EPC Bonuses if any to PLR, Vent Drip to 2xAC, Overflow to qi, White Room with Xiulan
-[X] drugs:
-[X] 1st week pills:
--[X] use: SLP, GSS, (plus 3x virtual YSS)
--[X] buy, outer market: Sturdy Oak Pill (18), Qi Sea Pill (35), Heavy Rains Pill (15) = 68 rss
--[X] buy, inner market: 5-dice earth (10), 10-dice water (30), 10-dice dark (40), 10-dice music (40), 20-dice qi (60), 5-dice Meridian (25) = 205 rss
-[X] 2nd week pills:
--[X] same as first, only 10-dice meridian pills instead of 5 (60)
--[X] total for both weeks: 2x SLP, 2x gss, 581 rss
-[X] training:
-[X] 1st week cultivation:
--[X] Train Music arts with Zeqing: FSS
--[X] Train with Meizhen: Arm meridian
--[X] Train at the vent with Su Ling: AE
--[X] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang: SCS
--[X] Cultivate in the White Room: Leg Meridian
--[X] Tutor: FVM & Lung meridan, topics: Domain & Expression (ask for Ruan Shen if possible?)
-[X] 2nd week cultivation:
--[X] Train Music arts with Zeqing: FVM
--[X] Train with Meizhen: FSS
--[X] Train at the vent with Su Ling: Lung
--[X] Cultivate with Cai Renxiang: Leg meridian
--[X] Cultivate in the White Room: Head Meridian
--[X] Tutor: SCS & AE, topics: Domain and Spiritual defence (Or Domain/Occult if it fits more)

"Haah!" Ling Qi let out a cry of triumph as the guandao in her hands punctured the stone pillar in front of her with a thunderous crash , sending up a cloud of powdered rock as she pulled it top the side, carving through the stone to tear gleaming metal blade free trailing an afterimage of glittering white light. The pillar was but one of many, ruined and broken around her, and with no more in easy reach, Ling Qi leaped lightly to another pillar, the corona of light surrounding her causing the shadows among the pillars to flicker madly.

While the guandao had been a passing fancy of the first realm, when she was just coming into the superhuman strength of a cultivator, Ling Qi had found herself choosing it once again for this exercise. Maintaining her Sable Crescent Step under the burning weight of Cai Renxiang's Glorious Heavenly Legion art, was kind of like weight training in a way. Swinging around a weapon was more entertaining than just jumping about, and it let Cai practice more of her own arts techniques while they were at it.

Cai herself was seated atop one of the tallest pillars in the lotus position, though to Ling Qi's sight, she was essentially a blazing star fallen to earth. Only the improvement of her senses allowed her to see the girls silhouette in the center. As Ling Qi landed atop an intact pillar, the stone beneath her quaked as a massive shadow leapt from the cloud of rockdust on the opposite side of the pillar field. Gan Guangli soon landed atop a pair of pillars, one foot on each one. He towered nearly four meters high, and glowed with the same light as Ling Qi.

The exercise was coming to an end though, and so that light began to fade. "Report improvements," the heiress said crisply, her voice ringing over the field.

"I could truly feel your burning wrath infusing my fists!" Gan Guangli announced, thumping his fist against his metal clad chest. "It was as if nothing could stand against my might!"

Ling Qi shot the boisterous young man an amused glance as she spoke up herself. "I'm not the strongest physically, but I was able to cut through stone as easily as I could dirt or wood. I think you have it."

Cai Renxiang let out a pleased hum, opening her eyes to survey the destruction the two of you had wrought. "Very good," she said with a nod. "Gan Guangli center yourself and consider insights you have gained toward the nature of Light. Ling Qi, let us resume our discussion of court etiquette and clan structures. We will resume active exercises in one half hour."

Ling Qi allowed the effects of her art to fade, finally ending the irritating itching that came from the two conflicting elements, and let out a sigh of relief, stretching her arms over her head. The pillar field shook as the the shrinking but still gigantic Gan Guangli took a seat on one of the largest pillars. "Lady Cai, if you don't mind, can I ask you something before we start our discussion?" She asked as she hopped to a pillar closer to the heiress' position.

"You may," the girl replied, the only sign of her exertion from covering the entire field in light a few beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Why focus on an art like that right now?" Ling Qi asked. "Something like that isn't going to help in the tournament much."

Cai Renxiang considered the question for a moment. "There is no danger of failure for me," she stated bluntly. "I have no doubt that the Sect and the Duchess have arranged things such that I will place highly, and while taking the top place might be a boon, it is more important to set the foundations for my future as a commander and ruler."

Ling Qi blinked as she took a seat on a pillar across from the heiress. She had an inkling that the tournament brackets would be… arranged, but hearing it stated aloud still left her with a slightly sour feeling. "...I see," she said, and some of that ill feeling must have escaped into her tone, as Cai peered at her with a slight frown.

"I do not say these things in boast," the other girl noted. "Too be frank, I regard dueling ability as tertiary at best. I am merely grateful that I have the opportunity to focus on other things."

"That's a little odd, considering the Duchess' policies, isn't it?" Ling Qi replied lightly, to show that her disquiet had simply been passing irritation.

"If I come to occupy the pinnacle of power that my honored Mother does, it will be many centuries hence," Cai replied, just a tad dryly. "I cannot rely on overwhelming power as she does."

"Still, are such techniques really so important?" Ling Qi asked. "In the end, aren't armies only important for holding territory, since the greatest cultivators cannot be everywhere at once?"

"You underestimate the imperial armies, Miss Ling," Gan Guangli said, looking up from his own meditations. "A well lead division might be able to match and slay even a fourth realm cultivator or spirit, if that cultivator lacks strong support of their own, and perhaps even hold the line against one of the fifth, until a counter can arrive" Ling Qi didn't miss the way her fellow vassals eyes and voice lowered as if recalling something painful.

"Such considerations break down at the highest reaches of cultivation, but Gan Guangli is correct," Cai Renxiang resumed smoothly. "Though the theory remains valid even then. The difficulty there lies in gathering so many of the fourth realm and above together in such a group," the Lady shook her head slightly in consternation. "Even then, a cultivator with an army at their back will always prevail against a lone peer or near peer, barring rare circumstance."

Ling Qi considered that. She supposed if you put a few hundred yellow cultivators together than even fairly weak support arts could create a pretty frightening increase in power, though there were still limits in that, as implied by Guangli. She inferred from his tone that 'holding the line' against a fifth realm cultivator probably just involved less fending off and more not instantly being destroyed. "Alright, looks like I'll have to study tactics a little too," Ling Qi said. "My apologies for the delay in our discussion, Lady Cai. What was it that you wanted to discuss today?"

"The structures of a conventional imperial clan, and the titles and rankings therein," Cai replied. "While there are many variations, it is important to understand the basic template first and foremost, that you might understand those who are now your peers,"

Ling Qi nodded, settling herself into a more comfortable position. "Understood, so how does it differ from how mortals organize their families?"

"There are many similarities," Lady Cai admitted. "The mortal ways in the empire do originate from the same source."

"The Sage Emperor," Ling Qi concluded thoughtfully. "I suppose that makes sense."

"Indeed," her liege replied, seeming satisfied, explaining this kind of thing was something Cai Renxiang enjoyed, Ling Qi had come to know. "The culture of the Sage's original kingdom became the bedrock of the empire you know today, though it has changed in many different ways, due to intermixing with the practices of of the other kingdoms, and the simple passage of time."

That made sense she supposed. "So, how do imperial clans differ from mortal families?"

"The differences are rooted in the greater lifespan and personal power of cultivators," Lady Cai answered. "Namely, in the generational strata of clan positions. At the peak of any clan is it's Matriarch or Patriarch, whose position is determined by raw cultivation level and age. Their peers are in turn the clans Ancestors. They are the eldest generation of a clan, typically those in their last century or half century of life."

Ling Qi had a feeling that such people were significantly more potent than the doddering, invalid grandpa's she would associate with the concept of eldest among mortals. "So what is the difference between a patriarch and a clan head?" Ling Qi asked. "It sounds like those people would be in charge."

"In theory, they are," Cai admitted. "In practice, the eldest generation is focused solely on cultivation, and emerges only in times of trial for a clan. The day to day operation of a clan falls to, the next generation, the Clan Head and the Elders. It is the cultivation of this generation which determines a clans rank among the nobility, though a Patriarch is in practice never more than one realm above their Clan Head."

"Why is that?" Ling Qi asked with a frown, before answering her own question. "Ah… well I guess at that age, climbing two realms would be pretty difficult."

"That is true," the heiress replied. "However, the simple matter is that such a Patriarch or Matriarch would almost certainly emerge from seclusion to use their newly extended life to resume command and reinvigorate the younger generations."

Well, that made sense as well. "Understood. I am guessing that doesn't happen often though," Ling Qi said thoughtfully. "It sounds like that would be… chaotic."
"Such times are great opportunities, but also great risks, yes," Cai agreed. "The lower ranks are more mixed, and indeed in lower ranked clans are typically one and the same. Below the Clan Head is the Clan Heir, and their contemporaries are lifeblood of the clan, performing most of the necessary duties, such as serving in the military, working in ministry employ or working in a clans crafting houses. Beneath them are those known as young masters and misses, cultivators of age with us or somewhat older, who have yet to accept much responsibility and who are given freedom to develop their cultivation."

Ling Qi supposed that it would make sense for there to be more and more of divide between the two as a clans top level of cultivation, and thus lifespan grew, though their must be a lot of exceptions. Wasn't Han Jian an heir? "Just how old can one be and still be a 'Young Master'?" Ling Qi mused, thinking of her Mother's tale.

"It varies," Cai Renxiang replied, closing her eyes for a moment. "Among the highest ranked clans many do not receive serious responsibility before their first centennial, but among most the topmost age of such individuals is closer to thirty or forty."

"I'm not going to be taken seriously at all, am I?" Ling Qi said with a rueful grin. No wonder new clans had such troubles growing. Any established clan head would probably see her as a precocious child at best.

"I will not deny that such considerations are an issue," Cai Renxiang replied stonily, drawing Ling Qi's gaze back to her face. She supposed that her words applied to Cai as well. "While few in the province will dare be openly contemptuous, achieving true respect and recognition will be difficult, for all of us."

"Just one more mountain to climb," Ling Qi replied flippantly, breaking the somewhat somber atmosphere before it could form. "They'll respect us when our feet are trampling their heads."

"Well said Miss Ling," Gan replied with a laugh, and if Ling Qi's eyes didn't lie, she even saw a hint of mirth in Lady Cai's eyes.

"Such sentiments are best reserved for times of privacy, but I will not disagree," Cai replied, fully serious again after barely an eyeblink. "Did you have any further questions, before we continue?"

"A couple," Ling Qi replied, her own smile fading. She was a bit reluctant to seem ignorant, but this question niggled at her, evidence on it seemed contradictory at times. "What sort of status do women have, in normal situations. Those like the duchess and yourself are obvious exceptions to any rule, but among mortals…" She grimaced, the idea of going back to that was repellant.

Cai Renxiang simply nodded though. "A reasonable concern. I will not lie, the typical imperial clan favors male inheritance and position, not to the extent of excluding truly talented women," she explained in an unhurried tone. "Typically, women are favored for inward facing positions, managing internal clan assets and activities, while men are favored for outward facing ones."

"Which naturally includes leadership roles," Ling Qi replied wryly.

"Just so," Cai replied. "Keep in mind that this varies greatly by clan, depending on their origin and descent. I speak only of the common practice of Celestial Peak influenced clans."

"I do wonder just what variations there are, that you see the need to keep bringing them up," Ling Qi mused

Cai Renxiang closed her eyes, letting out a soft 'hmph' the closest the girl would come to a laugh. "I could speak of the labyrinthine and impenetrable relations between the eight sub clans of the Bai," she said in a measured tone. "I could speak of the Zheng, who recognize no patrilineal descent nor marriage, and whose male scions sow bastards as a farmer sows rice. I could speak of the many, many legal snarls that result from the Xuan's unique interpretation of land right and property, or the indecent cavorting of those who hold the old Weilu ways dear," she met Ling Qi's eyes then. "Any of these subjects could occupy a day or more, let us focus upon the foundations first."

She briefly saw Guangli slowly shaking his head over the heiress' shoulder, his expression grave, and laughed nervously. "Ah, of course, forgive my musing. Please resume your explanation, Lady Cai," who knew the infinite variation in custom and law was such a sore spot for the girl.

Frozen Soul Serenade
FSS with Zeqing:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Zeqing 15 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 25 + Lung 10 = 122 dice + 10 autos (Imperial 5, Music 5).
2 4 2 6 7 2 2 3 9 8 4 1 3 4 3 3 4 3 7 5 10 4 10 8 10 9 10 8 5 2 7 6 7 1 3 4 2 5 8 3 4 3 3 9 6 8 1 1 10 10 5 1 3 7 9 2 5 10 1 9 3 10 7 10 10 9 5 3 5 4 5 9 6 10 7 1 7 9 4 8 8 8 9 2 4 9 6 1 8 6 1 1 7 7 2 8 8 6 1 2 1 5 2 6 6 10 8 2 9 1 10 8 1 10 10 6 8 5 6 5 2 7. 60 successes

Rerolling 14
2 7 4 4 3 5 9 2 7 2 6 4 4 1. 10 successes. 10 auto. 80 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.
302/1200 Spiritual
54/200 Domain

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
10 5 5 3 6 5 5 1 9 9 10 8 10 7 6 6 5 7 6 3 7 4 4 10 8 8 10 10 6 7 7 8 1 1 10 8 5 4 8 5 4 7 2 3 5 10 9 1 6 6 4 4 1 9 5 9 6 4 10 3 2 6 2 2 7 1 10 3 6 9 8 1 8 1 4 4 10 4 7 7 1 10 2 1 10 7 1 7 2. 41 successes

Rerolling 10
9 2 7 6 9 10 10 6 7 3. 2 successes28 auto. 71 total
+2 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
6 3 6 3 5 4 2 1 8 10 10 3 6 8 8 3 4 2 6 6 5 1 8 4 9 2 5 3 8 1 9 5 6 7 7 2 10 9 2 9 10 2 1 6 1 10 10 7 1 7 2 7 8 1 1 6 4 7 10 3 10 9 7 5 5 3 8 6 3 9 4. 34 successes

Rerolling 8
2 7 3 7 8 10 2 4. 4 successes. 38 total


Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Meizhen 5 + Pills 16 + Larceny 5 = 77 dice + 5 autos (Bronze 5)
6 2 10 2 10 2 7 8 6 1 5 8 1 5 1 9 3 1 9 2 6 8 10 6 2 2 4 2 7 1 5 3 4 6 4 3 8 2 2 5 2 7 3 4 1 5 4 5 5 5 7 2 2 6 7 5 9 1 7 6 1 3 8 6 1 3 10 10 5 2 4 8 10 8 4 10 3. 46 successes

Rerolling 9
7 2 10 6 4 6 7 5 9. 3 successes. 5 auto. 64 total
33 to qi
+1 qi

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
3 2 1 3 8 7 4 8 5 2 3 1 6 2 2 5 1 1 9 2 10 6 10 9 10 8 1 8 9 8 4 3 9 4 5 6 3 1 3 9 4 8 10 1 9 3 8 1 6 6 3 7 3 4 5 4 3 7 1 1 5 7 6 3 2 2 9 4 2 1 5 7 10 4 8 10 8 7 3 3 4 5 1 8 10 5 2 2 4. 53 successes

Rerolling 12
9 2 3 3 8 6 5 6 4 4 2 10. 7 successes. 28 auto. 88 successes
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
9 7 7 10 2 7 1 9 7 2 3 8 3 4 4 9 5 9 8 5 6 1 9 10 1 10 6 6 6 10 4 7 9 2 8 2 8 8 10 6 1 5 3 5 10 8 4 4 6 3 8 2 4 7 1 6 8 8 1 6 10 6 4 8 8 1 1 7 10 1 3 10 5 5 5 4 3 10 9 8 4 7 1 9 5 3 5 4. 41 successes

Rerolling 10
3 9 3 5 10 2 5 5 5 2. 8 successes. 49 total
+1 qi

Abyssal Exhalation
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Su Ling 5 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 20 + Lung 10 = 107 dice + 5 autos (Imperial 5).
9 10 6 9 6 1 8 2 6 2 8 4 6 6 7 2 3 7 5 8 5 4 2 9 8 10 8 3 1 6 6 2 7 3 10 5 3 10 6 9 3 3 4 8 10 1 10 3 7 6 10 4 10 3 4 9 2 2 1 4 7 8 5 5 1 7 9 5 6 5 3 8 9 9 5 1 9 6 3 7 2 4 2 3 6 6 1 9 7 1 2 5 1 7 9 3 3 8 7 8 4 2 7 4 10 3 4. 53 successes.

Rerolling 9
6 5 9 8 8 2 5 1 2. 5 successes. 5 auto. 63 total
Third Breath Attained

1/4th to spiritual, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
8 6 4 6 3 4 7 3 2 4 10 5 3 4 2 8 8 10 1 2 5 1 7 4 10 3 3 3 8 8 5 6 4 8 1 8 3 9 2 4 2 1 10 7 6 1 4 5 2 6 9 9 7 5 2 8 9 4 2 6 3 6 3 8 6 5 8 8 4 9 4 7 2 5 3 9 6 8 4 9 4 2 7 2 8 8 9 6 3. 47 successes

Rerolling 5
1 2 7 2 4. 4 successes. 28 auto. 79 successes
+1 qi
Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
9 1 10 8 6 5 1 5 9 2 4 1 6 1 1 6 10 6 10 2 4 5 6 10 7 8 2 9 8 5 1 9 7 3 6 2 7 9 6 8 10 1 10 7 4 1 4 5 8 5 6 3 9 4 3 7 1 4 7 9 8 7 7 4 9 4 7 8 4 4 5 3 7 6 1 10 6 6 4. 36 successes

Rerolling 10
8 8 9 10 9 8 2 8 4 1. 3 successes. 39 total
+1 qi

Sable Crescent Step
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + CRX 5 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 15 + Spine 4 = 96 dice
8 7 4 8 3 1 2 10 1 9 3 10 3 3 3 1 1 1 7 8 9 5 8 9 4 8 4 6 5 1 10 4 7 3 1 2 6 3 1 6 3 5 5 5 7 10 5 8 2 3 7 2 8 4 10 1 3 5 8 10 5 8 3 2 2 6 5 7 8 7 4 2 2 1 6 10 10 2 7 3 5 5 4 2 10 5 4 5 10 1 4 4 10 8 7 2. 57 successes

Rerolling 11
8 8 1 8 4 5 7 5 6 3 9. 5 successes. 62 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
9 6 8 2 6 3 1 9 5 7 9 4 7 6 10 8 9 1 1 4 10 1 7 4 9 8 9 8 8 6 8 6 1 7 10 9 10 10 9 6 8 7 2 4 4 1 1 3 1 3 8 2 3 4 5 1 1 3 1 8 9 8 6 1 6 7 1 5 6 9 3 5 8 4 8 1 6 10 5 8 2 2 10 6 7 4 7 7 9. 38 successes

Rerolling 14
4 10 10 3 4 2 10 2 5 6 9 9 10 9. 6 successes. 28 auto. 72 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
5 9 6 10 5 9 7 8 4 3 2 4 10 7 2 6 6 5 10 4 5 9 9 2 7 3 1 9 8 2 10 2 2 7 1 7 5 9 6 10 3 7 6 3 6 7 8 1 4 9 6 8 10 4 1 8 8 1 7 5 4 8 9 6 5 1 4 1 10 9 1 2. 33 successes

Rerolling 7
1 10 7 10 9 8 9. 1 success. 34 total

Leg meridian in white room with Xiulan:
White Room 30 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Lan Lan 5 + Pills 16 + Larceny 5= 101 dice + 11 autos (6 White Room , 5 Bronze)
10 6 4 7 10 9 10 10 3 8 4 10 3 6 1 9 8 4 4 1 4 4 7 9 2 6 1 10 5 7 4 4 4 9 2 3 8 2 5 2 9 8 2 3 3 4 3 2 9 6 3 2 1 9 1 5 6 3 4 10 1 9 6 5 10 9 9 7 2 5 8 10 2 1 5 7 4 9 8 4 5 2 6 7 10 8 1 8 2 7 7 3 7 4 9 6 3 9 4 4 6. 52 successes

Rerolling 8
2 8 7 5 6 8 7 10. 2 successes. 11 auto. 65 total
65/32 Leg Meridian opened
33 to qi
+1 qi

Bonus Qi roll in white room:
White Room 30 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 113 dice + 16 autos (6 white room, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
10 6 5 8 2 3 8 9 4 5 6 7 10 5 8 7 2 6 5 1 6 6 9 10 5 7 4 9 9 4 5 8 9 9 7 2 1 4 3 5 1 10 3 10 4 2 8 5 9 2 5 7 10 5 6 4 4 2 2 2 5 7 1 5 5 7 7 8 10 1 4 2 10 8 1 4 1 1 8 9 2 5 5 3 9 3 7 2 4 8 5 10 4 5 4 1 1 2 10 3 2 3 6 2 10 9 7 10 9 6 10 2 10. 61 successes

Rerolling 10
4 9 10 2 10 1 6 8 8 1. 4 successes. 16 auto. 81 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
7 7 7 5 8 2 8 1 5 8 9 9 8 4 8 5 2 6 10 6 5 5 6 9 9 8 7 10 7 6 2 5 3 8 10 10 9 9 2 5 8 3 5 6 6 2 10 9 9 9 6 5 6 1 4 6 10 10 5 6 6 6 1 10 5 2 9 6 2 2 2 9 4 7 4 1 10 6 9 9 6. 30 successes
Rerolling 4
4 8 1 7. 2 successes. 32 total

Forgotten Vale Melody
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Ruan Shen? 15 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 35 + Lung 10 = 132 dice + 10 autos (Imperial 5, Music 5)
5 7 9 2 2 3 5 10 2 9 6 9 3 7 2 10 10 4 4 4 5 9 9 9 2 7 9 9 2 5 7 6 3 5 10 5 7 4 6 10 3 1 8 7 10 1 7 9 7 10 2 1 8 1 10 1 9 10 9 1 6 7 8 9 2 7 5 10 3 2 10 7 2 9 3 1 10 1 2 6 10 3 8 9 5 7 1 6 9 1 6 6 8 5 4 9 4 10 8 8 1 9 4 5 8 8 7 7 9 8 4 10 1 1 9 5 10 9 10 8 2 7 3 9 4 9 7 9 10 6 6 3. 54 successes

Rerolling 12
3 4 7 10 2 7 8 6 8 6 7 1. 4 successes. 10 auto. 64 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
8 5 2 3 8 9 3 9 1 6 7 5 1 10 6 1 6 4 4 2 7 3 2 8 3 6 10 5 8 3 1 7 8 2 1 7 3 4 5 5 1 4 1 1 3 7 3 8 2 8 1 8 1 2 5 3 10 4 9 7 9 2 3 6 5 6 4 9 9 9 4 9 2 4 1 6 2 5 6 3 3 8 10 3 10 7 7 9 2. 50 successes

Rerolling 11
6 9 7 7 10 1 3 7 2 10 3. 4 successes. 28 auto. 82 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
1 7 10 8 5 1 6 7 10 2 9 7 1 4 8 3 4 9 2 7 7 2 6 6 10 2 2 10 1 7 6 3 6 5 10 10 5 7 8 6 1 9 3 1 2 2 6 8 1 9 4 7 10 1 4 2 3 6 3 5 4 8 7 9 2 8 10 9 5 10 4 5 8 8 7 1 10 2 8 2 1 2. 39 successes

Rerolling 10
9 10 9 1 9 5 6 9 8 8. 2 successes. 41 total
+1 qi
Lung Meridian
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Ruan Shen? 15 + Pills 16 + Larceny 5 = 87 dice + 5 autos (Bronze 5)
7 10 6 8 2 4 9 7 5 5 4 5 3 9 6 2 5 10 5 8 8 8 10 6 3 4 5 6 6 1 10 4 2 7 3 3 10 2 9 6 6 2 2 1 3 7 2 7 6 8 6 5 8 5 2 10 10 7 5 5 7 4 10 8 2 3 2 1 6 2 8 3 4 9 3 8 7 4 6 3 4 1 9 1 8 1 10. 44 successes

Rerolling 6
7 6 8 2 3 2. 3 successes. 5 auto. 49 total
16 to qi

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
9 7 4 2 5 5 2 9 9 10 4 7 7 9 4 3 5 9 7 1 9 10 4 2 3 4 9 2 9 10 10 7 8 3 1 4 7 2 4 8 4 7 4 10 5 9 4 9 10 2 2 10 2 5 1 4 8 10 5 9 1 6 5 1 9 7 4 7 9 8 4 2 4 10 3 1 10 6 1 9 10 2 9 3 7 1 8 6 10. 44 successes

Rerolling 8
2 8 7 4 7 10 10 8. 2 successes. 28 auto. 74 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
8 9 4 4 8 5 4 7 9 6 5 3 7 2 7 2 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 7 2 5 1 9 10 9 2 8 9 5 3 6 1 8 2 9 3 8 3 1 9 1 4 3 5 8 3 5 1 5 4 4 1 6 4 1 6 5 10 4 1 2 9 3 9 2 1 3 9 3. 48 successes.

Rerolling 12
10 3 7 9 3 1 3 5 1 4 1 1. 9 successes. 57 total
+1 qi

Total Qi gained 15

Adjustments: Total qi 14

With the tournament looming closer by the day, Ling Qi's days swiftly became a blur of cultivation and training, but, busy as she was, Ling Qi did not forget to keep up with her obligations and responsibilities. She made sure to have a talk with Zhengui regarding Hanyi, and though, she didn't have time to watch over their interactions, Hanyi appeared to be much less grumpy when she next saw the snow spirit, and Zhengui was a little less hyperfocused on showing up Heizui.

In regards to the young dragon, she finally felt confident enough to request the right to invite someone else, the arrogant young dragon hemmed and hawed for a time, but a demonstration of her growing mastery of the Frozen Soul Serenade did remind him of where they stood. Enough to agree to meet the person she wanted to invite anyway.

...She still wasn't quite sure of what to make of the meeting between Meizhen and the dragon. The boastful Heizui seemed almost immediately cowed by her presence, and spent the day alternating between staring at her with wide eyes and diving into the river when Ling Qi called him on it.

Her friends aura must be much more powerful than she thought it was.

Still, he didn't object to her coming back, so with that resolved, Ling Qi turned her focus fully to her training, but that didn't mean that she kept solely to herself, between sessions with Cai and Su Ling, she had also requested a tutor for the week, and given the subject matter, she hoped to catch the interest of one of her previous tutors.

A hope which she swiftly found fulfilled as she received the paper crane with the details of the meeting place at the base of the mountains.

"A good day to you, Junior Sister Ling," Ruan Shen greeted her, waiting in almost the same place where he had met her the first time. "I see the last few months have been kind to you indeed," the handsome boy added light, pushing himself up from the pillar he leaned against to stand straight and offer a shallow bow.

His eyes were as sharp and evaluating as they were before, but Ling Qi restrained her reaction to a slight blush and offered him a smile and bow in return. "It was more a matter of hard work than kindness," she replied lightly, studying him in turn. He was at the fifth level of the third realm.. His aura felt a bit more intense than before. "Senior Brother Shen has not been idle either, I see."

He waved a hand dismissively. "A paltry accomplishment, when placed against the beauteous flowering you have undergone, Junior Sister. You have proven yourself a talent to watch, or so I think."

"Thank you, Senior Brother," Ling Qi replied, keeping the awkward fluttery feeling in her belly from touching her voice. Did he have to sound so… earnest when praising her like that? "You are too kind."

"As the lady says," he replied, amused. "Would you walk with me then, that we might discuss your curriculum?"

"Of course," she replied. "I hope you weren't put off by the simplicity of my request," she added as they moved away from the main road, to walk one of the paths through the lightly wooded lower reaches of the mountain.

"I admit to some confusion," he agreed amicably. "What is it about the subject of meridian cleansing which troubles you?"

She didn't want to admit that it was partially to avoid selecting something he was not knowledgeable in, so thankfully, she did have some legitimate questions as well. "To be honest, it is in regards to the White Room Lady Cai has so generously provided us," she replied.

"Such good fortune," he mused with a sigh. "Ah, that I might have been a few years younger. I'm afraid the workings of such a wonder are beyond me."

"That is fine," Ling Qi replied, enjoying the play of sunlight through the leafy canopy they walked under. "It's just… while it is a great boon. I do not quite understand why it is as sought after as it is," she hadn't wanted to ask Cai herself and sound potentially insulting. "What I have been able to find says it has to do with its effects on meridians, but that does not seem as if it would be enough."

He regarded her with a raised eyebrow, pausing in his stride. "I understand that you have quite a talent, but…" he frowned. "Ah, I think I might see from where your confusion springs," he concluded, pounding his fist against his palm. "Fifty four."

Ling Qi blinked in confusion. "Fifty four…?" She asked. "Is that some limit on the number of meridians one can have?"

"It is no hard limit, and the number varies a bit, but any cultivator will reach the point where clearing further channels becomes exponentially more difficult. The difficulty escalates greatly again at around one hundred and eight. A tool such as a White Room is invaluable at that level, where medicines which can boost ones efforts become rare treasures," her tutor explained patiently.

That was what was meant about it having greater value at higher realms she supposed. "And I suppose that this is such common knowledge that no one bothers to say it," Ling Qi sighed.

"As you say," he agreed. "Do not blame the Elder teaching the basics too much though. It is hardly something relevant to most who would need to know."

In other words, it was unlikely that most commoners would ever reach that limit. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Let us just find a place to play, Senior Brother."

"Very well, I would not deny a lady's request," he replied cheerfully. "Though I saw that you wished to continue mastering the Melody of the Forgotten Vale, I am curious what other songs have found their way into your repertoire."

Ling Qi glanced away, feeling a little embarrassed, for she remembered the last time he had tutored her and his words about the Melody. Spirits above, he was going to think her a gloomy girl indeed, just as Sixiang had said, if all she could show was the bleak Frozen Soul Serenade. "Well…" she began, toying with a loose strand of hair, it wouldn't do to make him think she still only had one melody though. "I do have one other," she admitted reluctantly.

He gave her a curious look. "So reticent… Just what manner of song have you learned, Junior Sister?"

"I suppose I can just show you," Ling Qi said, taking in a deep breath as she prepared to sing the first wordless note.

Seeing her song freeze over the clearing and end the life of flowers and small animals alike did not exactly do much to disprove Sixiang's assertion. It was far easier to pretend that the Serenade was less bleak when singing in the middle of a blizzard. Thankfully Senior Brother Shen did take it in stride, strumming a tune that melted away the ice and brought new flowers into bloom.

The rest of the week passed quickly enough, with her qi reserves soaring day by day as the powerful medicinal energy pulsed through her channels and dantian. It was hard to feel like she hadn't wasted her earlier pills, even though she knew she couldn't have achieved what she had without using them back then.

Musings on medicinal efficiency aside, Ling Qi did find herself distracted one final time, toward the end of the week as she began to prepare her purchase list of cultivation aids for the next week. Su Ling, who had been helping her practice the art she had stolen from yan Renshu, asked her to meet up at the outskirts of town, where she was preparing for another expedition with the Ma sisters, apparently, she wanted some advice before they set out.

Curious, Ling Qi made her way down to their encampment, pausing to greet her Mother and Biyu on the way. She had been too busy to visit her Mother much in the last few days, but she fully intended to rectify that starting tomorrow. She could tell that her Mother was starting to feel restless after all.

That was a concern for another day though, and Ling Qi soon found her way to where Su Ling and the other girls were camped, following the trail of their qi. Su Ling had recently caught her cultivation up to the mid second realm, making it a bit easier to track her down.

Ling Qi tried not to take too much amusement in the jolt of alarm that went through the three girls as she dropped soundlessly from the trees, casually deflecting the impromptu missile, of a skinning knife that Su Ling had flung her way. "Hey, that's a little rude, don't you think?" She said playfully to her friend, crossing her arms.

"Don't jump out of the trees like a spook then," Su Ling huffed. "Give me back my knife," Ling Qi laughed at her irreverent tone, both out of genuine amusement and to show that she wasn't offended, and let poor Ma Jun calm down.

The knife was embedded to the hilt in the tree behind her, but a quick tug pulled it out, and she tossed it back to Su Ling, who caught it between her fingers. "So, what did you want to ask me about?"

"Moon Spirits," Su Ling replied bluntly. "I know you cultivate that kind of thing, and I've seen you chatting with that spirit that's been poking around everywhere."

Ling Qi blinked, nonplussed. "What for?" She asked. "I don't really think you should hunt those…" Ling Qi felt a little uncomfortable about the idea of harvesting moon fairies for cores, even if she knew intellectually that it wasn't really any different from hunting grade one or two beasts.

Su Ling shook her head though, slipping the knife back into her belt as she stood up from the tree stump she had been seated on and dusted off her pants. "Nah, I'm looking to bind one. There's… like placation rituals and offerings and such, right?"

"I didn't really think that would be your type of spirit," Ling Qi mused, glancing over the camp. Jun and Lei were packing up their things as they prepared to move on. "I don't mind, but do you mind if I ask why?"

Su Ling grimaced, her pointed ears flicking irritably. "...The old Monster is a master of illusion, if I'm not gonna develop that stuff, I need someone who can, right?"

Ling Qi nodded, understanding now. She doubted Su Ling would be comfortable binding a fox spirit, so a moon spirit would probably be the next best thing for that kind of role. "Sure thing then," she agreed. "I know a good place to attract Moon Fairies."

"Thanks," Su Ling replied, giving her a nod. I can't show you much else when it comes to tracking, but…"

"Consider it payback for the lessons I already received," she replied dryly. "Or donate a few cores to Zhengui. He's going to eat me out of house and home, I swear," Ling Qi huffed. "How about you two, are you going to be binding moon spirits too?"

Ma Jun glanced, the bells in her hair jingling. "Ah… perhaps? If I could bind a spirit skilled in song like Sir Sixiang, that would be wonderful," Ling Qi watched the girls cheeks flush with a flat expression… had Sixiang been flirting around the mountain again?

"Heh, Sis can't get a boyfriend, so she wants to make one," Ma Lei teased, causing her sister to splutter. "Don't worry about me. I'm gonna save up, and buy myself a puppy," she said with a serious nod. "It'll be great! And adorable!"

Ling Qi stared at the exciteable, tomboyish girl for several seconds, and some part of her mind imagined the girl with floppy ears and a wagging tail. "...Fitting," she said, dismissing the fantasy. "Well, like I said, there's a tower a long ways south and east of here, where you can probably attract some fairies, but you absolutely can't go inside, understand?" She began.

Su Ling and Ma Jun approached, listening intently while she explained the proper rites and offerings, while Ma Lei finished up the camp packing. She made sure to reiterate her warning to avoid the towers interior several more times, just to be sure, but she was pretty sure that they got the idea. Su Ling was way more cautious than her anyway. She saw them off after she had told them what she knew, and then headed back to the mountain, to prepare for the next week.

Attributes: Earth, Dark, Yin
Current Meridians: Lungx3
Needed Meridians: Arm(5), Lung(7)
Max Level: 8

An art designed by a wanderer of the deep paths under the earth, where things best not seen gnaw at the foundations of the world. Yet in the darkness, he found truth. That earth and darkness are as one, devouring all things in the end. This art allows its user to surround themselves with that power, and consume the energy of their foes, and call upon the things that lie in the dark.

-User gains a four die bonus to spiritual defences
-The user regains two qi per combat turn as long as an enemy has been damaged that turn
-The user gains a four die bonus to perception against any target touching the ground
-The user gains a stacking one die bonus to offensive clashes each time the user damages an enemy. Stacks decay after one turn. (Max 8)
-Constructs created by Abyssal Exhalation are unaffected by the negative aspects of Abyssal Exhalation techniques

Breath of Stygian Depths: oo
Cost 6 qi
The user exhales, expelling the hunger that lies within their soul into their surroundings. This qi takes the form of poisonous purple mist and stretches to encompass up too fifty meters around the user, reducing lighting to low. The user clashes with all targets within range with a four die bonus, on hit, the target suffers a two die penalty to defenses for the turn and loses four qi. This effect repeats each turn for three turns after. In addition, all targets suffer two points of armor degradation per turn spent in the mist. The user may exclude a target from the mists effects for two additional qi per target.

Crawling Horror: ooo
Cost 9 Qi
Effect may only be used in low light or darkness. The user shapes their qi into the mold of the the things which crawl far below the earth. This wormlike creature forms within five meters of the user and acts last in the turn. The worm has four health boxes and six qi, in addition to armor 2(durability 5). It uses the user's attributes for defense and offense, with a ten die bonus to both pools, and use the techniques dots in place of a mastery. A worms melee attacks are DV 4, with one point of armor penetration. On hit, targets struck by the worm are grappled, suffering a four die penalty to defense in addition to being unable to move until they break free. Worms may expend 3 qi to give their attack a four die bonus and one additional point of semi perfect damage on hit. Up to three additional worm may be summoned for 4 additional qi each. Worms count as Mid Yellow/Silver combatants and last five turns, or until destroyed.

Black Earth Voraciousness: ooo
Cost 8 Qi
The user fills their body and mind with a terrible unending hunger, and lashes out with strands of spiritual power to drain their foes of power. This technique may target one enemy or all targets save the user and their bound spirits within forty meters. If used on a single target, the clash receives a five die bonus. On hit, the target suffers a DV 5 attack, dealing one additional point of semi perfect damage. Against targets who have been damaged by breath of Stygian Depths in the last turn, this attack has 4 AP and deals one additional semi perfect damage. Against targets grappled by Worm constructs the attack has DV 7 and inflicts an additional two die penalty to all defense clashes. The user receives two qi back for each point of damage dealt with this technique. This recovery only applies to targets which have a qi pool.

Third Breath 0/250
Last edited:
Year 43, week 45-46 Part 2
"So, what do you think?" Ling Qi asked as the last notes faded into the evening air. She still hadn't come up with something satisfactory on her own, so she had simply returned to practicing the compositions Mother had sent her.

"I think you have surpassed me by a great deal," her Mother replied wistfully. They were seated on a blanket, laid across the porch overlooking the small garden that lay behind the house. To Ling Qi's eye, her Mother's condition had not improved too much. Some part of her was still expecting a reversal Ling Qi suspected, not for any logical reason, but simply… habit.

"Maybe," Ling Qi allowed, knowing that there was no point in lying about that matter. "But that doesn't change the skillfulness of your composition," she said with an encouraging smile. "I would like to hear your own take on the composition, if you don't mind."

Her Mother looked a bit uncertain as Ling Qi offered her the flute, but after a moment, reached out to take it, though she did so gingerly, as if handling something priceless. It was only after it was in her hands that her Mother's brows furrowed. She traced her fingers over the wood. "This is…"

Ling Qi glanced away, slightly embarrassed. "...It was yours, yes," she admitted. "I… I am sorry. It broke after it was knocked from my hands in a fight, and I wanted to be able to keep using it." She left out the fact that it had taken a spear through the stomach to disarm her.

Ling Qingge, looked down at the polished instrument in her hands, a mix of nostalgia and concern on her face. "It is a small thing," she replied quietly. "Why in the world would you have a flute in your hands during a… fight, though?" Her mother asked uncertain and a bit out of her depth.

Ling Qi grinned cheekily. "My music is one of the most feared weapons on the mountain," she replied lightly. "Men cower and dragons bow before my melodies!"

Ling Qi's not inaccurate boast had the desired effect of making her Mother smile, though she had a feeling her Mother didn't quite believe her. "I see, if this old flute has given you some protection, then I have no complaints," her fingers still lingered on the mouthpiece, the most intact part of the old flute, though.

"It did," Ling Qi agreed quietly, looking out over the little garden, lit by the colors of sunset. "I would really like to hear you play again."

Her Mother only hesitated a moment longer before raising the flute to her lips, and as she began to play the first melancholy notes of her song, Ling Qi closed her eyes and let herself focus on the music. Ling Qingge really was very good, near as good as a mortal could be, even with the little hitches and hesitations born of a skill that had fallen into disuse, she could hear that. It fed another ember to the resentment in her heart that had been born of her Mother's story. She knew in her heart that even without her old family, Mother could have made a living from her skill.

It made her wonder, what things could have been like. Then again, perhaps that was simply the nature of the song she was listening too, that spoke of mistakes made, opportunities lost, and the wish for something better

Eventually, the song came to an end leaving Ling Qi and her Mother to sit in comfortable silence, watching the sun sink beneath the horizon.
"I have lost my touch it seems," Ling Qingge mused, eventually breaking the silence. "Perhaps it is for the best that this is yours now," she continued, slipping the flute back into Ling Qi's hands.

"You have time to practice again, if you would like, though you are better than you give yourself credit for," Ling Qi pointed out, bringing her thoughts back to the present. "Mother, is there something lacking here?" She asked, for all that she had changed, she was still rather blunt.

"How ungrateful would I have to be, to say that there was?" Ling Qingge asked, raising an eyebrow. "I have a home, equal to any in the middle districts of Tonghou. I have everything I need to care for Biyu, coin for luxuries, and even household servants to perform every task."

She shifted uncomfortably, household expenses were only a few red stones shaved from her pill furnace income. She… hadn't really considered how excessive that might seem to her Mother. How quickly she had forgotten the value of a silver coin. "Yet you aren't happy, not really," Ling Qi replied, looking down at the ground. "I try to make as much time to visit as I can, but with the entry tournament approaching…"

"Ling Qi," her Mother began, sounding pained. "Do not ever think that you have done wrong," Ling Qi was surprised to see her Mother reach out and put one of her hands over Ling Qi's. Mother was still reluctant to initiate physical contact most of the time. "I simply… do not know what to do with so much free time. The men and women working in this household hardly need oversight from one such as I, nor do I know them well enough to be comfortable in giving it."

"Even with Biyu running about?" Ling Qi replied with a smile, raising her head.

"Even so," Ling Qingge replied dryly. "That girl is too much akin to her sister. She does not appreciate it when I… hover."

Ling Qi let herself laugh, recalling when she had come by earlier in the week and taken the task of watching her younger sister. Only to be bored silly watching the little girl intently searching through the garden, refusing help as she attempted to hunt down and catch one of the little frogs which lived in the central pond. "I suppose so," she mused. "Should I dismiss some of the servants? They work for the sect, so they would not be losing their livelihoods," perhaps that would prove a solution.

Ling Qingge did not answer at first, gazing out over the garden. "...No. You are a noble lady now, and having a household staff is part of such things. What message would it send to your peers, to have your own Mother doing menial tasks?" There was none of the arrogance that might have accompanied such words from another, simply understanding.

Ling Qi blinked, she hadn't even really considered that when seeing to the household. She had just wanted her family well taken care of. "Well, to be honest. I hadn't thought of that… but if it would make you happy, I wouldn't mind losing a little face," Ling Qi admitted. "In the end… I won't receive much respect until I make some achievements for myself, or so I think," Cai's patronage would prevent her from being openly dismissed… but Clan Ling consisted of one cultivator and two mortals right now. Even she could see how families with dozens or scores of members would regard her as little more than an upstart, even ignoring her own young age

Her Mother pursed her lips and shook her head. "I would not demand such, not merely for my own satisfaction," she answered with a hint of finality. Silence fell between them again after that, Ling Qi and her Mother both falling into their own thoughts.

This time it was Ling Qi who broke the silence. "I mean what I say. Perhaps I am overcompensating, but… Mother, if you want something, please just ask."

Her Mother let out a humorless laugh, shaking her head slightly. "You are too generous Ling Qi. You will have to reign in that impulse, else Biyu will become a spoiled girl."

"Maybe so," Ling Qi replied in an amused tone, letting the deflection and change of subject lie. "You know," Ling Qi began carefully. "If you need something to occupy your time, you could always attempt to cultivate, at least a little."

Ling Qingge frowned, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes deepening. "I was given to understand that I am too old for such things," and not talented enough to be selected to begin with, was left unsaid.

"I've been doing a little studying on that," Ling Qi replied. "In your situation, it shouldn't be completely impossible," highly unlikely maybe, and a struggle to even awaken, given the dearth of medicines that an adult mortal could safely handle, and the reduction in quality of the medicinal energies from all their impurities, she had come across oblique mention of a few options. "It might take a very long time… but even a little cultivation would…" she trailed off, not quite able to put it into words. It would let her Mother live a little longer, and healthier.

Mother met her eyes for a moment before looking away, expression wistful. "If you believe it possible, it would be rude of me to refuse," she said, looking back over the garden. "What would I need to do?"

"Well, I can show you a couple of breathing exercises to begin with," Ling Qi replied, a hint of excitement entering her voice. "Firstly you should close your eyes, and focus on the feel of the air entering your lungs…"

There was no progress that night of course, but Ling Qi couldn;t quite bring herself to care.
FVM with Zeqing:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Zeqing 15 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 35 + Lung 10 = 132 dice + 10 autos (Imperial 5, Music 5)
9 9 10 7 10 6 3 8 8 2 8 1 1 9 9 6 4 4 1 7 4 3 3 2 1 2 9 1 9 4 7 10 2 6 6 3 1 10 10 10 3 10 2 3 8 1 10 1 6 10 7 2 5 1 3 5 4 3 8 3 7 4 2 8 9 9 3 1 8 2 3 10 3 4 2 1 6 3 1 2 2 8 3 6 10 7 3 4 10 10 6 6 5 9 5 3 7 7 5 6 1 7 5 3 1 8 3 8 10 6 9 3 5 3 1 4 2 5 7 1 6 2 6 10 10 2 2 8 9 8 3 9. 69 successes

Rerolling 16
5 1 10 9 5 4 3 5 9 2 3 9 3 1 6 6. 10 successes. 10 auto. 89 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
9 5 2 9 1 7 2 5 5 4 5 10 5 10 7 7 10 2 3 6 2 7 1 7 2 4 8 10 9 5 2 9 1 5 7 1 3 8 5 7 4 10 6 10 1 5 6 3 8 10 10 9 9 10 7 10 5 5 1 3 1 2 1 2 6 10 4 8 9 1 6 4 2 3 3 2 7 9 6 4 10 5 5 8 6 3 9 10 7. 45 successes

Rerolling 9
10 6 6 1 1 4 2 2 9. 5 successes. 28 auto. 88 successes
+1 qi
Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
2 1 3 9 5 6 4 5 5 7 10 1 7 3 9 10 2 4 4 6 2 4 9 7 8 7 2 7 9 3 3 3 3 8 1 9 3 6 3 9 2 4 1 10 8 9 9 10 5 4 7 6 7 5 4 6 1 7 4 2 9 8 4 3 5 6 3 8 1 7 8 4 3 9 5 10 9 3 1 3 6 7 10 4 3 3 1 4. 48 successes

Rerolling 8
2 6 2 7 6 6 6 6. 2 successes. 50 total
+1 qi

FSS with Meizhen:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Meizhen 5 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 25 + Lung 10 = 112 dice + 10 autos (Imperial 5, Music 5)
1 3 6 4 10 8 1 3 5 4 8 9 5 9 4 1 7 8 6 6 3 1 3 10 9 10 6 1 4 4 8 6 9 5 2 8 2 2 2 9 7 2 7 1 10 10 3 9 8 10 4 10 1 6 2 9 7 9 1 2 2 10 8 2 4 1 2 8 2 3 6 8 6 4 10 6 6 3 4 5 4 9 4 4 6 7 5 2 7 5 5 1 7 2 2 10 4 3 9 5 8 6 4 3 10 6 10 5 8 5 9 3. 58 successes

Rerolling 10
1 10 4 4 9 5 7 2 2 9. 6 successes. 10 auto. 74 total
289/250 Third Cycle Achieved. Green Appraisal required for fourth cycle
39 to qi
1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
3 1 5 8 5 4 2 9 4 2 7 9 10 10 9 2 2 10 6 7 9 1 6 4 4 1 5 4 1 5 6 3 8 10 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 8 9 9 10 7 2 3 6 9 1 5 10 6 8 5 6 5 9 8 1 6 3 8 7 5 3 2 2 4 9 10 4 7 10 3 3 3 7 1 2 7 7 1 2 6 7 9 10. 44 successes

Rerolling 8
3 1 9 9 4 8 1 8. 4 successes. 28 auto. 76 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
9 7 10 7 6 6 1 3 2 7 3 1 10 5 9 1 4 7 10 2 7 7 9 1 3 2 9 5 3 8 5 4 6 4 10 2 1 2 4 2 8 9 4 10 3 3 2 8 1 1 9 9 9 7 9 4 8 9 8 2 8 2 5 4 7 6 7 8 8 2 1 7 10 7 6 4. 36 successes

Rerolling 7
3 6 1 7 8 9 5. 3 successes. 39 total
+1 qi

Lung Meridian at the vent with Su Ling:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Su Ling 5 + Pills 21 + Larceny 5 = 82 dice + 5 autos (Bronze 5)
10 8 4 5 3 7 9 2 8 2 8 1 9 1 8 7 8 1 2 6 5 9 4 5 3 3 3 10 8 8 8 7 7 4 3 9 10 1 3 8 5 10 10 3 2 9 1 9 1 2 6 8 3 1 2 7 3 4 6 10 3 6 9 10 9 1 10 10 4 2 9 10 3 1 4 4 1 4 4 2 6 9. 42 successes

Rerolling 10
2 8 4 2 4 4 6 5 2 9. 7 successes. 5 auto. 54 total
54/37 New Lung Meridian open
17 to qi

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
3 5 3 10 8 4 10 1 3 2 5 9 8 6 9 1 10 3 4 2 5 1 4 2 5 10 3 8 7 6 10 9 1 4 10 10 7 9 10 2 2 7 10 9 2 8 9 3 2 4 5 7 7 10 10 1 9 2 9 5 9 8 6 1 3 7 1 9 6 2 10 9 8 2 8 2 1 8 4 3 2 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 3. 42 successes

Rerolling 9
8 9 10 1 9 3 8 5 2. 4 successes. 28 auto. 74 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
5 6 9 10 9 5 8 1 1 6 6 6 4 2 2 6 1 1 4 7 1 5 7 9 4 2 1 2 4 5 3 8 10 4 7 9 8 6 1 10 1 6 6 7 7 9 2 10 1 7 6 1 4 4 9 9 5 2 1 10 6 5 9 5 8 7 5 8 2 5 7 5 10 4. 37 successes

Rerolling 11
7 9 2 3 8 5 4 7 8 4 8. 5 successes. 42 total

Leg Meridian with CRX:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + CRX 5 + Pills 21 + Larceny 5 = 82 dice + 5 autos (Bronze 5)
1 7 9 6 5 7 10 3 2 8 1 4 9 5 1 6 4 3 6 5 10 1 3 6 7 3 9 2 9 8 3 2 4 3 7 1 9 6 3 10 3 6 6 3 10 6 9 3 8 4 9 7 5 2 3 1 6 1 4 6 10 8 7 3 1 5 5 9 10 10 1 5 5 6 9 6 3 7 8 1 3 8. 41 successes.

Rerolling 10
1 7 7 5 10 1 4 1 4 5. 7 successes. 5 auto. 53 total
53/38 Leg Meridian opened
15 to qi

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
10 1 4 4 6 7 4 1 10 2 5 7 4 6 7 8 8 3 4 1 5 8 3 4 10 10 10 1 1 3 5 2 5 8 7 10 6 10 2 5 2 9 4 7 4 10 4 3 4 10 3 8 7 7 3 8 6 2 8 6 4 3 9 8 2 7 9 8 7 3 4 10 1 7 6 6 8 1 8 2 2 10 1 8 6 4 5 3 7. 44 successes

Rerolling 8
2 2 9 3 5 8 7 5. 5 successes. 28 auto. 77 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
10 5 4 3 9 6 8 10 1 3 5 1 8 8 5 2 7 6 2 5 8 8 6 10 6 1 7 2 10 3 6 2 7 10 6 6 7 3 5 8 5 1 8 4 8 4 5 5 2 8 9 9 5 6 9 1 8 5 2 10 9 9 1 8 10 6 3 7 8 9 6 4 2 3 7 9 8. 33 successes

Rerolling 6
7 6 4 6 10 10. 1 success. 34 total
+1 qi

Head meridian in white room with Xiulan:
White Room 30 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Lan Lan 5 + Pills 21 + Larceny 5= 106 dice + 11 autos (6 White Room , 5 Bronze)
6 6 3 6 5 9 2 3 4 6 8 3 1 4 8 7 1 3 9 8 2 7 8 2 8 7 9 3 6 4 2 1 9 6 8 5 6 10 8 9 5 7 3 7 3 1 4 5 5 4 2 8 1 2 9 10 10 10 2 6 3 5 8 4 1 6 10 6 5 9 7 9 8 1 8 10 3 1 4 7 4 7 6 6 8 5 5 8 6 8 3 8 3 2 3 5 7 5 2 1 3 10 2 10 1 9. 52 successes

Rerolling 10
9 5 5 4 1 7 7 10 10 2. 5 successes. 11 auto. 68 total
68/39 New Head Meridian open
29 to qi

Bonus Qi roll in white room:
White Room 30 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 113 dice + 16 autos (6 white room, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
1 7 9 7 4 6 10 8 6 4 10 9 7 5 2 10 3 9 5 8 2 10 6 7 10 2 6 8 4 7 8 4 5 6 10 10 4 1 9 9 6 8 9 2 4 3 4 6 1 10 3 5 9 10 1 8 3 9 8 8 7 5 1 1 3 2 2 6 4 10 6 10 9 6 3 2 8 6 7 9 7 1 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 2 3 9 6 5 1 8 9 2 5 4 1 2 3 9 8 8 10 5 5 8 5 2 9. 54 successes.

Rerolling 9
5 3 2 6 5 4 9 7 9. 5 successes. 16 auto. 75 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
9 5 5 7 3 4 10 9 6 2 9 10 3 6 3 1 3 5 7 6 3 1 2 3 3 1 4 2 4 3 2 2 8 8 10 2 1 9 2 9 2 1 10 4 6 2 7 9 6 3 6 1 5 7 5 7 9 8 8 3 3 1 4 2 8 4 3 9 4 4 9 6 6 8 1. 43 successes

Rerolling 8
1 4 7 5 1 9 10 10. 4 successes. 47 total
+1 qi

AE :
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Tutor 10 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 20 + Lung 10 = 112 dice + 5 autos (Imperial 5).
1 1 10 7 4 10 3 3 1 2 7 5 9 2 7 4 7 10 6 8 2 7 2 5 9 8 10 10 4 2 1 6 2 10 2 7 1 6 9 2 8 7 8 8 1 4 1 9 5 8 6 7 4 10 3 5 9 2 4 4 5 5 10 7 6 1 3 9 7 4 10 6 2 9 5 4 2 6 5 7 5 10 5 1 1 7 5 10 1 10 3 5 6 2 3 4 5 8 2 1 3 3 8 6 1 2 10 4 9 6 2 4. 61 successes

Rerolling 13
1 1 1 9 6 7 7 1 2 2 4 3 1. 9 successes. 5 auto. 75 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
5 4 1 10 9 3 4 6 7 5 9 7 5 7 3 6 4 4 10 3 2 5 4 2 6 1 4 10 3 8 1 7 1 3 6 1 7 2 9 4 6 7 2 10 3 4 7 9 9 8 1 2 2 4 3 9 6 6 10 8 5 1 7 6 5 4 8 2 7 6 5 2 3 6 4 7 1 2 7 1 10 7 2 3 2 6 2 9 3. 49 successes

Rerolling 8
4 8 2 3 4 2 3 2. 7 successes. 28 auto. 84 successes
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
10 9 8 4 6 8 1 10 10 3 1 5 6 3 7 3 6 7 4 2 7 8 1 6 6 3 1 4 4 3 1 5 3 1 8 8 10 10 9 10 2 9 6 10 1 2 2 7 1 5 10 7 3 1 5 10 3 7 4 8 9 6 2 3 8 9 10 8 10 8 9 2 7 4 1 7 8 4 5 8 9 5 4 3. 40 successes

Rerolling 10
7 3 6 9 5 10 10 2 1 4. 5 successes. 45 total

Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Tutor 10 + Black Pool 6 + EPC 15 + Pills 15 + Spine 4 = 101 dice
4 9 2 1 5 7 6 1 6 8 7 5 9 5 6 4 9 3 9 9 7 6 2 10 5 4 7 6 3 5 3 6 5 5 8 9 3 5 1 8 2 7 3 10 3 10 6 2 4 4 10 3 9 3 2 5 7 10 10 1 5 4 8 1 10 6 2 2 10 2 2 2 1 4 3 5 5 8 6 9 3 6 1 3 10 2 7 6 1 8 6 7 2 4 10 1 1 1 5 10 4. 56 successes

Rerolling 11
9 2 6 9 6 4 10 8 3 3 7. 4 successes. 60 total

1/4th to spiritual, 1/10th to domain, improves resilience and resolve.

Bonus Qi roll:
Talent 6 + YSS25 + GSS20 + Pills 33 + Larceny 5 = 89 dice + 28 autos (18 Mystic Vale, 5 Green, 5 EPC)
4 2 5 7 1 10 7 6 3 2 2 8 2 2 7 8 10 1 4 6 10 1 1 9 8 3 6 2 9 9 1 4 10 7 2 2 9 8 7 1 10 1 9 3 2 7 10 3 8 5 8 7 7 1 5 4 5 10 6 3 10 8 6 1 6 7 3 4 7 1 5 6 1 5 10 4 1 1 9 10 6 8 7 2 8 3 8 5 5. 44 successes

Rerolling 13
1 5 9 1 5 10 8 9 4 2 7 9 7. 6 successes. 28 auto. 78 total
+1 qi

Reroll all successes thanks to Qi Sea pill
6 7 4 1 6 10 4 9 3 8 3 10 9 2 4 10 1 5 7 5 1 4 2 10 1 9 5 10 7 7 8 4 5 2 5 10 3 8 1 5 7 5 4 7 7 10 7 7 4 5 4 4 8 7 6 1 7 2 2 3 8 9 9 4 10 3 6 5 2 6 9 8 10 3 6 8 2 2. 39 successes

Rerolling 6
4 1 8 9 7 10. 2 successes. 41 total
+1 qi

Ling Qi made sure to visit her Mother every evening, whether to chat, or visit Biyu, or simply have a cup of tea or discuss music, or take another try on getting her Mother to feel her dantian. It was a nice way to wind down after a day spent in rigorous cultivation. She found herself reaching new levels of understanding in both of her musical arts, under the tutelage of Zeqing and Senior Brother Shen alike.

Zeqing's proud smile when she managed to properly unleash the power of Forgotten Vale Melody filled her with a paradoxical warmth. The techniques potency had increased greatly, the phantoms of dissonance growing from shadowy flickers to ominous wraiths, while it grew ever easier to be lost in the mist.

Things didn't all go well though. Ling Qi had taken to checking on Xiulan every other day or so to see if she had emerged from seclusion, and what she found one morning turned her stomach a bit. Her friend had succeeded in breaking through… but reaching the Green Soul stage had only exacerbated her wounds. Flames now openly burned on the girls arm, snapping and crackling loudly and carrying the scent of burnt flesh, from a limb that was now nearly skeletal.

It was clear her friend could still feel every inch of the ruined limb though, because in helping her friend from the meditation room to her bedroom, she had actually been able to see the tears of pain in the corners of her friends eyes. Thankfully, the resistance to heat granted by her connection to Zhengui was enough to let her safely help Xiulan rewrap the limb in the flame retardant linen bandages, which she had been covering it with.

She knew her friend though, and so she didn't express a word of pity, only congratulations for her accomplishment. She strongly suspected that the proud girl was thankful for it.

She wondered if it was a good thing that she could now so easily hide her disquiet to have a cheerful little celebration in Xiulan's dining room, having just witnessed what she had. Then again, her composure was hardly something to be considered, compared to Xiulan, who was back to her usual self in barely any time at all.

With some reluctance, she soon left Xiulan to her own devices, to meet up with the tutor she had hired with some of her remaining Sect points. It seemed that the inner sect lacked in prominent darkness cultivators.. Or at least none of them were up for tutoring, but the lesson on domain effects and spiritual matters was helpful anyway, and the heavily veiled and shrouded young lady who had answered her request had a few insights to offer for her arts, even if she only used darkness techniques in a tertiary role.
Attributes: Yin, Water, Dark
Current Meridians: Lungx2(water), Arm 2(dark)
Needed Meridians: Lung(6)
Max Level 6

Passive Effects
Cold effects by the user gain armor piercing 4
User gains armor 5 vs cold effects
Basic unarmed and music attacks by the user gain two bonus cold damage
The user receives a four die bonus to all expression based offensive clashes
The user gains a two die bonus on all intimidate tests

Springs End Aria: oo
Cost 5 qi
The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. Enemies within fifty meters suffer a four die penalty to spiritual defenses as the song saps their will, and the user gains a three die bonus to their own spiritual defense.The user becomes the nexus of the cold, draining the energy from their opponents attacks. Unsuccessful clashes vs the user allow them to recover one qi per three spent on the clash by their opponent(min. 1). Enemies without qi suffer one cold damage per turn. This effect lasts six turns.

Hoarfrost Caress: ooo
Cost 6 Qi
The user's song becomes the howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter as they focus the expression of their will upon a single enemy. This triggers a spiritual attack with a bonus of five and an additional armor piercing of two. On a successful clash, the target finds frost spreading across their body as their blood and qi alike runs sluggish. This attack is DV 6, with one bonus damage, with all damage being semi perfect. On damage, the target suffers a four die penalty to all clashes for the next two turns. On hit, Damage is applied again on the following turn.

Winter Eternal Cadenza: ooo
Cost 8 Qi
The completing half of the Spring's End Aria, a song with it's roots in the bleak, frozen lands that lie beyond the Wall. Usable only while Spring's End Aria is active, this technique unleashes if only for a moment, the absolute cold of a winter without end. This technique triggers a spiritual attack against all enemies within fifty meters at a bonus of two. This attack is DV6, and deals semi perfect damage. The user gains one qi for each point of damage dealt to a target which has at least one level of cultivation. On hit, targets have their speed penalized by 5 and their initiative by 2, as well as suffering a two die penalty on all clashes, this effect lasts two turns.

Locked until green Appraisal

Even with all of her progress, Ling Qi was surrounded by reminders of the time passing, with each day of training. Zhengui was growing again, visibly so, as his cultivation rose in potency. When She sparred with Meizhen, further mastering the art Zeqing had given her, she couldn't help but notice the increasingly definition and independence of her friends shadow, and Cui once again vanishing to wherever it was that she went when she was growing and shedding.

Most urgently, she had begun to notice a certain wispiness about Sixiang while trading musical tips. The edges of the spirits body were beginning to grow blurry, trailing away into smoke whenever the spirits attention wandered. It was becoming increasingly obvious that his time was coming to an end.

Knowing this, Ling Qi had thought to ask Sixiang if there was anything he wanted to do before he lost the chance. It was a decision she came to regret almost immediately, when she saw the speculative gleam in the spirits glittering black eyes.

Sixiang wanted to attend a human party. Because apparently that was a thing on the Outer Mountain. Among the older years, there was a little bi-weekly gathering of various semi important disciples. This was the group that she and Fu XIang had helped Lady Cai pacify, in a time that now seemed very long ago indeed. Sixiang had attempted to attend previously, but had been rebuffed at the door.

...Much to her regret, getting an invitation was as simple as speaking with Cai Renxiang. Unsurprisingly, she was on the invite list, but had been too busy to attend for the most part. She strongly suspected that her liege was a little too pleased to pass off the invitation to her.

Which was how she ended up standing at the edge of a little banquet hall, feeling incredibly awkward as she held a conversation with the girl whose bedroom she had broken into during her first mission from Fu Xiang.

"It is regrettable that Lady Cai herself could not afford to attend," the perfumed, impractically dressed girl in front of her said, seeming perfectly sincere and polite. "Not that I am displeased by your presence, Miss Ling. It is a delight to have a rising star such as yourself attend in her place."

Ling Qi kept her expression perfectly pleasant, doing her best to keep her eyes on the girls face and not the ridiculously elaborate arrangement of flowers and ornaments in the girls hair. It was a bit hard to look at Wen Ai and not feel a pang of old jealousy. The girl was more than a head shorter than her, dainty and pale, the very picture of a traditional beauty. "Lady Cai expresses her great regrets in being unable to attend," she replied formally. "And I thank you for accepting my humble presence in her stead," she added with an appropriate bow. Her eyes wandered a bit as she bowed, the little hall was full of a score or so of late second realm disciples. Wen Ai herself was the only one who had pierced the barrier to reach the third realm, and even then her aura had the slightly wobbly feel of a recent breakthrough.

Wen Ai's smile had an indulgent cast, Ling Qi thought, but perhaps she was just being unkind because she didn't want to be here. "I do not mind at all, it is a shame that you have not had a chance to attend more of these little gatherings, given your talent," she continued on, her voice sweet, melodious, and just a touch empty. "And your companion! Where did you find such a rare spirit?"

Sixiang, standing beside her, glanced over, his head cocked slightly in curiosity as he examined the little clumps of people quietly conversing throughout the hall. The currently male spirits expression was bemused, and a bit disbelieving.

"Just a bit of good fortune," Ling Qi replied lightly. "I am afraid I might find myself in a little trouble if I was more exact," she replied, lying through her teeth.

"Of course," Wen Ai replied, seeming to accept her answer. "We all must keep our little secrets," there was definitely an edge there, she wasn;t just imagining it. "In any case, please enjoy Miss Ling, I am afraid I must greet the next guest. I do hope we can speak later though. I am of course honored to finally be receiving some further attention from Lady Cai."

Ling Qi murmured an agreement as they were allowed to get out of the entranceway and proceed into the banquet hall. "Why isn't anyone dancing?" Sixiang asked, nonplussed.

"I do not believe it is that kind of party," Ling Qi replied quietly, tweaking the flows of air around them so that their words remained audible only to them.

"How can you have a party without dancing?" Sixiang asked, sounding scandalized.

"You did say that you wanted to see a human party," Ling Qi shot back, amused. At least she wouldn't suffer alone. "This is how human's do it," she said lightly. "We stand around and talk while pretending we like each other."

She then flushed a bit as a young man nearby shot her an amused look over his cup. Even if people couldn't hear her, they could probably read her lips, or even hear through more esoteric means. Thankfully, he waved off her budding apology with a gesture of his hand. It seemed like she had been lucky there. No one else seemed to be paying attention.

"The wine is even watered," Sixiang muttered, part of the right side of his face briefly dissolving into multihued mist. They came to a stop near the refreshment table.

"I am sure there will be music later," Ling Qi offered in consolation. There was a little stage for that off at the other end of the hall.

"Maybe I should go up there…" the spirit mused, narrowing his eyes.

"Sixiang, no using any weird techniques to liven things up," she said flatly. "You wanted the proper experience after all."

"Hmph, your surprisingly mean spirited," he huffed, giving her a mock glare.

"I don't want to have to explain a sudden riot to Lady Cai," Ling Qi shot back smoothly.

"Fair," Sixiang huffed, crossing his arms as he observed the people around them, frowning slightly. "I wasn't expecting it to be like home, but still…"

"There are parties and there are parties," Ling Qi replied with a shrug. She was going to have to mingle at some point. It would look bad for Lady Cai if she didn't. "It's a context thing."

"Well how was I to know that," Sixiang murmured, a slightly childish pout on his face.

"I'm sure you'll learn," Ling Qi replied. "Well… I don't know how things will be, after you… dissolve?" She wasn't sure of the correct terminology.

"I think I might like a human binder, at least for a time," Sixiang mused. "Of course, I wouldn't really be all that useful, so who knows.

"What do you mean?" Ling Qi asked, Sixiang had the highest cultivation she had seen among disciples and their spirits.

"I am only just third realm myself, the rest was grandmother making sure I could handle trouble on my vacation," Sixiang replied. "Plus, you know, I am a muse. I don't like fighting much."

She supposed he had a point. Many would want a more combat oriented spirit. She glanced at Sixiang, she still wasn't certain herself what she wanted to do about the spirit in that regard. "Well, regardless, wish me luck. I need to go have a chat with some of these fine ladies and gentlemen," she said a touch dryly.

Sixiang chuckled. "I can give you some advice if you like."

She raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Sixiang waved a hand dismissively. "No one will hear, besides, even if it's not as much fun, sweet talking is in my realm, gloomy girl."
"Don't call me that," Ling Qi sighed. "I'm not making any promises about following your advice, especially if it's weird."

"Of course," Sixiang replied, lips curling up into a too confident smirk.

She wasn't sure whether to be pleased or disgruntled by the end of the party. Finding out that a literally inhuman fairy was better at small talk with other people than she was stung a little bit.

Attribute: Darkness, Water, Music, Yin
Current Meridians: Heartx2, Lung x2
Needed Meridians: Heart(7)
Max Level: 8

There are many forgotten places in the world where human kind does not tread easily. This technique is a part of the chronicle of a long dead wanderer, composed into music and offered to the smiling moon. It speaks of mist covered valleys hidden deep in the mountains and the mischievous and hungry spirits that wait in the dark, and the loneliness of the wanderer's path.

Passive Effects
-Adds three bonus die to all music based expression rolls
-Adds five bonus dice to all attempts to resist dispels on water and darkness techniques
-User receives no penalties for acting in low light or darkness-Permanent
-User receives three bonus die on defense against sound and music based techniques
-Expression is used as Mastery when using this art(does not receive the previous passive bonus when used this way)
-Instruments wielded by the user may be used to make sound based melee attacks at up to ten meters range. These attacks may be used in conjunction with appropriate arts without interrupting the melody. DV equals manipulation or expression, whichever is higher.
-An additional three qi may be spent to 'hold' the arts effect for one turn as if playing had continued. Cannot be used if art is interrupted by hostile action.

Mist of the Vale: ooo
Cost 5
The users melody causes a light mist to roll forth from their instrument. The mist is filled with deceptive shadows and sounds, and weakens the light within to low light. The mist spreads to cover a sixty meter radius centered the user. An additional ten meters of radius may be added for two qi, up to a maximum radius of one hundred twenty meters. All single target techniques targeted at the user or an included ally suffer a automatic three dice penalty. The user gains a four die bonus at stealth attempts within the mist. The user may waive the negative effect on up to three allies, while paying two qi for each additional ally included. This technique persists as long as the user continues to play and up to four turns afterward, regardless of weather conditions.
--Diapason of the Lost Traveler
The mournful sound of the lost traveler is an integral part of the melody, no longer player separately. The user clashes with all enemies within the mist with a bonus of three dice. On hit the targets perception rolls take a three die penalty, and attempts to leave the mist or move toward the user or an included ally result in the target doubling back unless a 6 success perception test is passed. Enemies within twenty meters of the user or an included ally do not need to make this check. Additionally the target suffers a four die penalty to defense while under this effect. Lasts for as long as the target remains within the mist. Counts as a two die effect for the purpose of dispels.

Dissonance of Night's Terror: ooo
Cost 6
Instant(If used the same turn as Mist of the Vale)
May only be used within Mist of the Vale. The users music grows low and eerie, punctuated by high, sharp notes, while the mists darken with indistinct and predatory shapes. Enemies within the mist suffer from immaterial attacks of phantasmal nightmares every turn. These attacks are DV 4 melee attacks, made with a two die bonus. On hit, targets suffer a three die penalty to their defense dice pools. This penalty stacks up to three times. In addition, on damage targets suffer one additional bleed damage the following turn.This effect activates immediately after the users turn when activated, and immediately before in all proceeding turns.

Starlight Elegy: ooo
Cost 7
The mournful and despairing tune saps the energy of those not insulated from the mist, making their limbs heavy and their thoughts clouded. The user clashes with all enemies in the mist with a bonus of two dice. On Hit, targets suffer a three die penalty on all clashes, and lose three qi per turn spent in the mist. Affected targets must make a four success resolve test or lose their active action the first turn after being affected. This effect persists until a target leaves the mist.
--Despair of the Lost
Alternatively, the power of the Elegy may be focused on a single target, drowning them in the endless mist, leaving them to wander as if alone and far from from home. When used in this manner, the clash receives a three die bonus. On hit, the target receives the normal effects of the starlight Elegy. In addition, the user makes a stealth test roll. The target and their allies must surpass the users stealth in order to perceive one another, which they may attempt each turn. While under this affect, allies cannot target or affect the victim deliberately, nor may the victim target them, although passive effects still reach them if in range. The victim also suffers a three die penalty to all offensive clashes while under this effect.

Seventh Measure 1/500

Strength 2/25
Dexterity 12/45
Stamina 21/35

Intelligence 11/35
Wits 5/35
Resolve 16/35

Manipulation 11/45
Composure 10/35

Occult 8/15
Politics 4/15

Athletics 10/30

Expression 20/42
Socialize 5/9
War 3/6

Dodge 8/30
Heavy Polearms 2/9
Resilience 8/21

+10 successes to Argent Current
+15 successes to qi
+15 successes to PLR

Income: 145 Red Stones

Okay, so, finally got this done. Before we proceed into the weeks advancing we have one last plot thread to tie up. So this vote is going to be about Yan Renshu.

[] It's time to finish this, one way or the other, infiltrate Yan Renshu's base and break the back of his operation for good.
-[] Invite Meizhen along
[] Take the matter of Yan Renshu to Cai Renxiang.
[] Let it go. Remain on guard, but leave it be.
[] Write-In