We have, actually. We have been using 5/5.5 a week on average.
Ah. You are probably counting the Class action as 2x. Makes sense, I suppose.
Moreover, we haven't been shooting ahead of our peers. We have managed not to be scrub-ified, which is good, but we aren't beyond our peers.
I've been treating the Golden Fields Group as a rough measuring stick in terms of what our peers are. Pretty sure we've matched and/or surpassed everyone in that group at this point.
More broadly, judging by the peacekeeping meetup, there are only around two dozen Outer Disciplines who have even made it into Yellow or Silver at all. Going from being a mortal to being among the top 25 is more than a little respectable, I think.
I think we are talking about different things though, because you are saying "it's better to constantly improve our multipliers for later", when I am saying "It is better to both max out the multipliers and actually use them". There is a limit to the possible multipliers we can have. We can have only one site at a time for each cultivation, for example. We can only take a certain limit of spirit stone a week. There are limited numbers of existing pills we can have access to. There is a limited amount of help our friends can give. And so on and so forth. We have been maxxing out, or close to maxxing out, our multipliers. Maybe instead of throwing 30+ dice we could have been throwing 40+... Except that at a certain point we need to actually use those dice to do something.
Certainly, there are limits - but I disagree that we've been maxing them out. Look at the Argent Vent; it gives us 5 autosuccesses and 8 dice, not to mention a free yellow stone each week. Obviously, that is a top-tier location and we shouldn't expect benefits like that often - but nevertheless I think that shows that there are SIGNIFICANT advantages to be had.
Yes, those kinds of benefits come at the cost of actions - but think about it this way. Right now, we are moderately secure in our position, and can expect to continue cultivating for tens of weeks yet. Even if it takes us e.g. 3 actions to find a location half as good as the Argent Vent, that means it costs something like 30*3=90 dice worth to find something that nets us about 10 dice worth per turn. That pays off in full in just two months, and plus we can do stuff like sharing it with our allies for additional bonuses, social or material.
There is a second limiter, that is we can only do, if we want to be efficient, one of a type of cultivation per week.
We can do AT MOST one of a type of cultivation per week to be efficient. Doing more loses efficiency because doubling up only gives half-gains for actions past the first, but doing
less doesn't actually cost us efficiency. Of course, if you skip a week only to double up next week that is inefficient, but I think we've established that we have enough fruitful actions to do each week that we'd never
need to double up to get a good use out of our time.
So basically, skipping a type of cultivation on a give week just means we prioritize whatever we are doing instead higher then said cultivation; it is an opportunity cost, but not an efficiency cost. Unlike the skipping and then doubling-up example, there is no alternative sequence of actions that achieves the same results but strictly better.
However, the price to pay for each non-cultivation action is "pushing back by a week" when we can get the nice threshold where we can actually improve our multipliers.
Let's give another example: The Argent Vent. We couldn't take the argent vent before week 9, when we did take it, because it needed Ling Qi, Su Ling and Li Suyin to have already improved their perceptions significantly as well as be combat capable. Going after it before that time wouldn't have helped.
That is a good point; certainly, frontloading has some value by virtue of enabling opportunities we might otherwise be unable to achieve. This benefit should be weighed when considering whether we should prioritize immediate power versus growth boosters.
What you seem to be saying is somehow "It's better to always stack the multipliers for the future actions that need them"
Not so much? What I'm saying is that I don't think the 4-cultivation-actions-a-week is a good rule of thumb, and that we should be evaluating the merits of faster cultivation relative to the merits of additional growth boosters instead of saying that we somehow NEED to take some number of cultivation actions a week. I could be convinced that cultivation now is more valuable than looking for new multipliers; I am just of the opinion that that is a debate that needs to be made, rather than one that has already been decided in favor of the former option because doing otherwise would be "falling behind".