The Promise
Bai Meizhen dragged herself out of seclusion within her room for the first time in several days, utterly exhausted. Granted, if she were anywhere else, she would have suppressed any outward showing of weakness, but within the walls of her home she felt safe to let it show. As she left the room, she heard her roommate, and only friend, call out to her. It took her a moment to register what Ling Qi had asked, as well as process her half sarcastic little quip, once again showing just how tired she was. Still, her friend showed both concern over her condition, yet trust that she could take care of herself. Ling Qi's simple acceptance that she was and would be fine, when not dealing with an injury from a battle, was one of the best things about her friend, in Meizhen's opinion.
She approached her friend at the table, and sat across from her, letting a little more of her exhaustion show. A part of her mind was screaming at her for displaying any weakness to someone who may become an enemy, but for a couple reasons Meizhen ignored said part. Firstly, because if she treated Ling Qi in such a way, it would mean needing to maintain her guard even when at home. It was something she had done for the first month, but over time, she found her guard relaxing around LIng Qi, and nothing had happened yet. As such, having a place where she didn't have to remain quite as guarded was of great benefit.
Secondly, Ling Qi's blunt honesty and her tendency not to hide her opinion of anyone made it difficult to keep her guard up around the girl. Much like she had seen mortal girls swoon over even the most ugly of puppies, simply because the animals lacked guile; Ling Qi wore down her guard. Still, it felt... good to have a friend she could trust to such a degree. It honestly made her feel uncomfortable any time she thought about their friendship coming to an end, though Meizhen found herself feeling curiously excited when she considered the girl becoming strong enough that the two could be sparring and training partners.
All these thoughts flickered through Meizhen's mind in the time it took her to sit across from Ling Qi and formulate a response to her question. "Well enough, I will be prepared to begin the breakthrough to the Green Soul Realm within the month." Having done so, she then turned her mind to other things. The first, of course, being if any events of note had occurred while she was secluded. Ling Qi told her about the fight she had witnessed between Ji Rong and Xuan Shi, and Meizhen picked up on the subtle twitch in Ling Qi's face when she mentioned that she was once almost betrothed to the man. Once again, there was a reaction from a part of herself that she suppressed, though this time it was from a part of herself that she wouldn't even acknowledge existed. After all, there were certainly other reasons for Ling Qi's reaction than the thought of her being betrothed, and Bai Meizhen was obligated to marry someone for the good of the family and the continuation of the line, anyway.
Still, when Ling Qi offered her a cup of tea, Meizhen couldn't help the thrum of gratitude, nor the slight surprise, at the gesture. If her father saw such, he would certainly be less than pleased with the frankly startling display of vulnerability, but in that moment, Meizhen just couldn't bring herself to care. Soon, two cups of tea were prepared, perhaps not to the standards of her family, but well enough and the gesture on Ling Qi's part made up for what the tea lacked in refinement. As Meizhen sipped her tea, her friend spoke again.
"So, do you think I'm strong enough to help you yet? I like to think I kept my promise on not taking too long," Meizhen looked up from her tea to see a charmingly roguish grin on her friend's face, and she found herself momentarily wishing her friend were male. After all, a man with such talent whom she could trust to that degree would be far more than she could generally expect to receive, especially with her family being currently out of favor with the Imperial Court. The fact that Ling Qi was approaching her about fulfilling the promise made between them at what was reasonably the first opportunity certainly didn't hurt. Still, such was not the case, nor would it ever be. Besides, Meizhen had seen how Ling Qi's eyes would linger on some of their more swarthy male counterparts. Even if Meizhen were willing to entertain such shameful notions, LIng Qi's interests clearly wouldn't be compatible with her. Maybe if her body type were closer to that barbarian Sun Liling's, but perhaps it was better this way. Better that such impossible fantasies remain firmly impossible.
So, Bai Meizhen confirmed for her friend that she was indeed strong enough now, and made plans to proceed to the door she had found on the mountain later that night. That would give her time to get a little rest, help preserve the secrecy of their discovery, and hopefully give Meizhen a bit of time to get her emotions fully back under her control.
Omake A/N: Now, I sincerely doubt this will be canon for obvious reasons, but I can always hope.