Nah, gotta destroy them huts
Actually, back when talking with Yrsillar about the possibility of a battleflute, and how would it compared, how much DV we could get, what would we be losing out on using it when compared to actual weapons, etc, he did mention how at best, a battleflute would get similar stats to the throwing knives.
Now you look at the weapon's we've seen so far. The Staff, which had a comparable DV but was obviously an
extraordinarily powerful caster weapon, while all the rest had significantly higher DV and not only that, but they had properties that made them intrisically better in their roles of being weapons in the forms of hefty Qi cost reductions, extra die, or special abilities, such as AP and sending flying slashes of wind.
From his statement we can conclude each weapon has a standard, a floor and a cap on how strong it is. From improvised weaponry, such as throwing knives and flutes, to legit swords, like the saber, to crushing, specialized high tier weapons, like the guais.
But it's not about the DV. Yeah, you are right, a DV of 100 doesn't really help fight a peer.
However, look at the Guais. Besides de fuck-off awesome support to two distinct elements, it
ignored up to three points of armour.
The sabers gave more offensive dice and
attacked from range.
It stands to reason there is only so much you can cram into a weapon, and that smaller or improvised stuff simply won't have the same performance as actual weapons for the same money.
So getting ourselves a longbow with, say, DV 8, AP 2, +3 offensive dice when equipping Wind arts, -2 Qi for Wind, would be a
phenomenal increase in our power, and well bellow the top tier in what we've seen from weapons.
With a weapon such as our throwing knives, any amount of armour, for example, will seriously clockblock us. A lucky roll gets wasted on low DV. You can't really cram extra damage die. You risk losing them.
They are a improvised weapon at worst, back up at best.
Why spend resources raising the DV to equal what actual weapons have as standard? Those weapons would use the same money to get serious additional benefits.
And here's another thought: Getting a good perception art, maybe one that hooks up to our spine, and a longbow, would make hunting beasts
much easier. And those give a lot of money for the more dangerous ones, besides XP. Anything would be dead before they got close to us, or almost there.
We have stealth and speed, and are naturally inclined towards ranged combat due to Wind nature. It's a winning combination that unfortunately doesn't work if we have to bust out mist and then knives in order to fight.