So, huh.
Looking at the latest update, I'm trying to wrap my head around how Meizhen could have been touched by only four attackers. Even assuming that three of the four were yellow (highly doubtful) as we know at least one was not, That still doesn't quite explain it by itself.
The 'leader' actually didn't attack but boosted the other three, so she only got 3 attacks on that turn, one of the three was red/gold, and if I'm reading it right the known red/gold disciple was the second one, so the stacking debuff should have been at most -3. If the person who touched her was yellow/silver, this does mean he himself only had to go through 2 auto-success to touch her, and he 'only' had -5 dice penalty to his attack (-Mist, -Eye from Meizhen), while she had -3 to her defense (stacking debuff), discounting her wounds/etc.
So we basically have, in what I consider to be a best-case scenario for the enemy set up, yellow/silver attacker with 10 dice (15 without debuffs) against Meizhen with -3 penalty to her dice pool and 2 auto-success. The only way I could see him touching her at all would be either him getting 10 success or some such and her being unlucky on her dice, or the wound penalties to be
much greater than what I had assumed.
Basically, here is what I had thought Meizhen's defensive pool to be: Dex 6 + Dodge 6+ Mantle Tech 4+ Art 3 + Robe 3 -multiple attacker bonus 3 -wounds 3, so 16 dice after the penalties.
Assuming that she wasn't just ridiculously unlucky where 10dice of yellow/silver opponent beat her 16+ 2 auto-success, then I am thinking
@yrsillar either has aggravated wounds give a wound penalty no matter how many healthboxes one has, or that Sun Liling's technique gives stacking penalty to every wounds she deals.
I'm thinking the latter, as I'm even doubting the attackers were yellow/silver except for the one we happened to target. In a case where her dice pool was reduced to 0, then the stacking debuff could instead get her to 3 auto-success +1 dice, which would not be unlikely to beat.