Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

We are disguised, so while it's possible he'll find out who we were it's unlikely.
Our height is really unhelpful when it comes to anonymity. That said, I don't think we have anything to fear from the guy.
Anyone up for just washing our hands and going back to try to pull the same sort of thing again?
Well, one of them has to have the sun token.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

You know I didn't even know Xianxia was a thing before I found this quest? Funny how stuff works out.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

You know I didn't even know Xianxia was a thing before I found this quest? Funny how stuff works out.
Same here :D
Especially ironic, since I've basically been writing something like Xianxia for my dissertation the last few months. :rofl:
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
Real convincing when we wear the same uniform, live in the same sect and have been repeatedly told of how we must work together when serving the empire. We'd sure seem trustworthy after shortsightedly murdering a fellow sect member through trickery for selfish reasons. That's the sort of person I'd cultivate for a position of responsibility.

Not really?

Teamwork and loyalty to the empire was tested during the first test. That's why it was in teams. This test is, and I quote, "one of resourcefulness and character, and as such, is to be began alone. Do not expect to find your previous allies here".

This is basically the Chunin exams, in the forest. Except we're by ourselves and not in a team. We're supposed to be tricking and fighting our fellow sect members here. We're not going to have points taken off because we blindsided him. And given that the other settings were a mountain and a lake, I'm inclined to believe that ambushes are common and maybe even encouraged.

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.

Ambivalent on whether we should kill or save him. Saving him would take more time, but I don't want ourselves to become a cold killer so soon. And @Sirrocco has a point about what path we want to take our cultivation in, although I will point out there is a difference between supporting our allies and supporting our enemies. I don't think many people would take it kindly if we were to show compassion to, say, a barbarian. The dude in the well is not at that level, but he was definitely pushing it.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

If well boy doesn't already have a name, I'm voting for the 提米, or Tímǐ. :V

Despite the damage he's taken, I doubt he's dead-dead yet unless the rules of round 1 are different from the rules of round 2. In round 1 we saw competitors vanish in a burst of white flame which would presumably be visible to us unless shenanigans. Personally, I think this vote isn't actually possible - if he's dying, he'd have been vanished back by the judges, if he isn't, then we don't need to stabilize him. It is, however, a nice thought, and would make a nice addition to our characterization.

If he is down there dying, then he might actually be part of the test and not an actual competitor in which case I'm not sure what the judges are looking for, but I know what I hope Ling Qi would do.
There was a flare of blue white energy, that might have been either the well-spirit or the test protecting his head. The well spirit could possibly have simulated the thumping sound as the boy was ejected from the test normally?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Pay someone to throw a new rope down the well in the event the well eats the rope anyways.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
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There was a flare of blue white energy, that might have been either the well-spirit or the test protecting his head. The well spirit could possibly have simulated the thumping sound as the boy was ejected from the test normally?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Pay someone to throw a new rope down the well in the event the well eats the rope anyways.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

I like the thought, but this is a well surrounded by warning signs, that everyone is staying way the heck away from. Convincing natives to come near here isn't going to be entirely trivial (okay, Cultivation advantage says it'll be easier than it might be, but still not *entirely* trivial), and it'll take time to actually go find one... and then find another rope.

The Well is likely to mess with us to a degree... but I don't think it's going to mess with us *that* hard.
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@Sirrocco Good point, we don't want to lose time to over-preparing.

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest) | Page 30 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
No. of Votes: 12

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Recruit a couple of the locals to help in getting the boy to a doctor through what money we have left over (half now, half after). Warn them of dire consequences to failure to save a disciple's life if they look unreliable.
-[X] Descend into the well, loot the boy then tie the rope around him and have the locals drag him out of the well and take him to a doctor. Make sure the locals drop the rope back down when he's untied.
-[X] Continue onwards in exploring the well.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Gank him if he yet lives, while monologouing about the reason so the elders know you only did it/tried to do it because you fear for your and your friends lifes if he does not die.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 26
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
Locking up.

Alright looks like you guys are taking the well trial as well as at least showing some basic concern for your fellow disciple.

As a minor gm note since I saw it come up, but unless you have an some manner presence affecting or hypnotic art your cultivation will not typically apply to social rolls
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Ah. Interesting. It seems he may have been *even more of a scrub than we thought*.

It does mean that there's a real advantage to eventually getting one of those presence-affecting arts. Not saying that we should prioritize it in the short term, but it's almost certain to be worthwhile eventually.

So, @yrsillar, that raises a question. The areas where physical cultivation gives a cultivation autosuccess advantage are pretty obvious. What are the areas where spiritual cultivation gives a cultivation autosuccess advantage, if social isn't (by default) it?
My favorite part of Ling Qi's character thus far is that as a support-type who plays music, buffs speed in a radius around her, and can throw weak projectiles at enemies, if she picks up a healing / water aura, our Lucio build is complete.

... Of course, after that, we should upgrade our projectiles to become sleep darts and we can aim for the other OP support in Ana.
So, @yrsillar, that raises a question. The areas where physical cultivation gives a cultivation autosuccess advantage are pretty obvious. What are the areas where spiritual cultivation gives a cultivation autosuccess advantage, if social isn't (by default) it?
When we have a contest with another cultivator where any of our arts apply. So any kind of fighting only currently.

So, huh, spiritual cultivations give auto-successes to contests, while physical one gives auto-successes to physical effort (running, endurance, possibly training) but not in contests.
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When we have a contest with another cultivator where any of our arts apply. So any kind of fighting only currently.

So, huh, spiritual cultivations give auto-successes to contests, while physical one gives auto-successes to physical effort (running, endurance, possibly training) but not in contests.
Huh? but it seems like physical cultivation clearly would apply in the case of, say, trying to murder each other with spears, whether or not there was an applicable art. Having a skin of steel that the foe's feeble strength cannot pierce doesn't just *go away* because we're fighting with Mystical Spear Arts. Does it?
Huh? but it seems like physical cultivation clearly would apply in the case of, say, trying to murder each other with spears, whether or not there was an applicable art. Having a skin of steel that the foe's feeble strength cannot pierce doesn't just *go away* because we're fighting with Mystical Spear Arts. Does it?
My impression is that that would be spiritual cultivation, not physical cultivation. Maybe it changes at higher level, but physical cultivation seems more about giving better training dices for str/sta/dex and less about 'pecs of steels', while spiritual cultivation could be 'turns skin into steel'.
It's a bit wibbly since I'm still developing the system, but yeah both kinds of cultivation apply in contests, it's just conditional on whats going on. Two people clashing with spears will both be using physical, but if you're shooting arrows at somebody and they're responding by trying to wrap you in illusion, you'll be comparing physical to theirs, while they compare spiritual to yours.

That said the 'default' actions for spiritual are mostly the mental stuff, as well as things like perceiving spiritual phenomena. It's a lot narrower than what default physical applies too, with the caveat that with the right arts, spiritual can be expanded to cover almost anything in the right situation. Which is why 'basic' cultivaters like town guards tend to focus physical since they don't have access to lots of arts.

'course that doesn't mean physical is lesser than spiritual, it's just focused differently.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.