Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Maybe we should, you know, actually check the disciple wasn't teleported out before we go and recruit locals?

I'd assume they'd have teleported him out before he potentially broke his neck or skull after the fall?


If he is still alive, which I doubt, we are shanking him and stealing his shit.

This be Xianxia, a chump like him dying is nothing. Either the Elders have measures in place to prevent such, in which case it doesn't matter, or they don't, in which case they don't care, and thus, it doesn't matter.

But the image matters. It matters a lot. Demonstrating ourselves to be a typical xianxia protagonist will get us killed or sidelined because lol, we don't have heaven/the author sucking us off under the table and fudging fate to make sure we succeed regardless of how stupid we are.
No, this isn't being a typical xianxia protagonist. Hell, what we already did? Initiative, lateral thinking, keeping collateral low? That should count for a whole lot, and is the opposite of typical MC.

Typical protagonist is going full arrogant young master. And killing people because they breathed wrong nearby. Like this dude.

But there is a line between benevolence and practicality.

Being stupid would be causing a fucking havoc, spreading word there is a fallen disciple, which would most certainly attract more of them, spend precious time (and here is a reminder we are on the clock), risk the treasure we got from the Great Spirit of the Moon, risk losing our looted staff, risk losing our Moon token, risk losing the loot from this guy, and risk losing our lives, for fucking nothing.

Because I repeat myself: if anyone at all that matters cares about this, their measures outstrips any we could take. If they don't care, we shouldn't either.

This a guy that would have snapped our neck had the rolls been different, and not felt a thing besides elation from the loot. Hell, he wanted to sacrifice us on the well's traps. I don't know if you realize it yet, but people don't play with kid's gloves on here.

So stop trying to play paladin and start thinking as the underdog in a Might-Makes-Right world.
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This a guy that would have snapped our neck had the rolls been different, and not felt a thing besides elation from the loot. I don't know if you realize it yet, but people don't play with kid's gloves on here.

So stop trying to play paladin and start thinking as the underdog in a Might-Makes-Right world.

"Maybe be should put in some modicum effort into making sure we didn't just kill a fellow disciple in a system that clearly values cooperation between soldiers and which has a non-zero chance to be watching right now."

"lol, stop white knighting."

Whatever you say, man. I'd rather not have to explain why we leave some guy to die to whoever's watching. Even if their measures are better, we still need to put in the appearance of giving a shit because that's something they care about.
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"Maybe be should put in some modicum effort into making sure we didn't just kill a fellow disciple in a system that clearly values cooperation between soldiers and which has a non-zero chance to be watching right now."

"lol, stop white knighting."

Whatever you say, man. I'd rather not have to explain why we leave some guy to die to whoever's watching. Even if their measures are better, we still need to put in the appearance of giving a shit.
Here's an explanation: "He was an enemy."

Another:" I was on a time sensitive mission. "

He is a hostile. He is a little shit.

If he was important enough to merit such efforts, other people would have taken care of it. If he wasn't, it doesn't matter.
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Here's an explanation: "He was an enemy."

Real convincing when we wear the same uniform, live in the same sect and have been repeatedly told of how we must work together when serving the empire. We'd sure seem trustworthy after shortsightedly murdering a fellow sect member through trickery for selfish reasons. That's the sort of person I'd cultivate for a position of responsibility.

Try again.
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[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.

Pretty sure the test yanked him, and if not it still isn't our problem provided he's out for the count. We were already shown that it's appropriate to use lethal level force.
Have you read the same first test as I did?

Y'mean the test that emphasised teamwork, conducted by the guy who says things like this?

He is silent for several seconds after that rounding the end of the row and beginning a walk down the one occupied by Ling Qi. "The same can be said for the Sect and the Empire. No province would find the same prosperity, the same safety on it's own." Ling Qi's breath hitched as she felt her body begging to be allowed to collapse. "No soldier survives a battle on his own. He survives with the support of his squad, which survives with the support of its battalion. A General without his men is no better than a head without a body. An army without a general is no more than a body without a head!"
I'd assume they'd have teleported him out before he potentially broke his neck or skull after the fall?
I'm unsure about that. I think we really should check his body and loot it before doing anything else.
But the image matters. It matters a lot. Demonstrating ourselves to be a typical xianxia protagonist will get us killed or sidelined because lol, we don't have heaven/the author sucking us off under the table and fudging fate to make sure we succeed regardless of how stupid we are.
Yeah, I do think that if he is still down there, giving basic first aid or sending him to the doctor would be well seen by both the disciple and the sect elders.

Anyone up for just washing our hands and going back to try to pull the same sort of thing again? If we pile up the bodies high enough at the bottom of the well, that'll break our fall when we need to go down ourselves.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
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[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.

I don't see the appeal in trying to save his life. Honestly our actions were based on ganking him while he was weakened anyways. That's pretty much what we did. Let's finish this objective up ASAP. Grab his token + the well token and we have the set.

On another note we're pretty damn deceptive. I'm liking how that went.
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

I don't think it's worth going all out to try to save this guy, especially since there's a large chance that it wont' matter one way or the other (either he's been saved by fiat, or he's dead), but putting in a small amount of effort because, all else being equal, you'd prefer that random classmates be alive rather than dead? That seems reasonable and worthwhile. It shows a *bit* of compassion, and moderate compassion tempered by practicality feels about right to me.

Also, for those thinking that we should go all out... this guy *is* all Young Master... which means that he's likely to do an awful lot of oppressing commoners if he manages to survive to graduation, including semi-frequent death threats. He's a pretty unpleasant character overall.

I'm not worried about getting him to a doctor because it's just not efficient. Moving him with the rope and then dragging him across the city is more likely to kill him than stabilizing him and leaving him here for a few hours, and if he hasn't been grabbed by Mystic Fu before the test is done, he's pretty much guaranteed to be grabbed once it's over.

Also, I notice that we had a one-point physical cultivation advantage on this guy, and equal on spiritual cultivation, in spite of the fact that he started out as a noble. This guy is a *scrub*, and is highly unlikely to ever amount to anything meaningful (which means he'll have about enough skill to oppress peasants and not a whole lot else). Failing the test and getting looted is only going to confirm that scrub-nature that much harder.
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[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

I don't think it's worth going all out to try to save this guy, especially since there's a large chance that it wont' matter one way or the other (either he's been saved by fiat, or he's dead), but putting in a small amount of effort because, all else being equal, you'd prefer that random classmates be alive rather than dead? That seems reasonable and worthwhile.

Also, for those thinking that we should go all out... this guy *is* all Young Master... which means that he's likely to do an awful lot of oppressing commoners if he manages to survive to graduation, including semi-frequent death threats. He's a pretty unpleasant character overall.

He's likely to seek revenge on US if he survives. He won't appreciate us saving him, he'll just be pissed his lost to a trick.
He's likely to seek revenge on US if he survives. He won't appreciate us saving him, he'll just be pissed his lost to a trick.
He's a scrub. If we allow ourselves to be guided by fear of what the scrubs we leave in our dust do, then we'll never get anywhere. I'm not suggesting we do it for the appreciation. If I wanted appreciation, I certainly wouldn't be voting to loot the guy.
He's likely to seek revenge on US if he survives. He won't appreciate us saving him, he'll just be pissed his lost to a trick.
We are disguised, so while it's possible he'll find out who we were it's unlikely. And, yeah, he is a scrub. I think our advantage was in spiritual cultivation though, not physical?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.

I'm really hoping he has Red Spirit Stones.
If he lives, gank him fast, one less enemy. We have to think of our future, the elders won't give a shit, that is a xianxian novel. Hell, they know it is probable the arrogant shite will try to make our life hell if he survives. And he has probably got a good chance to do it too! He is a young master, ergo has connections, even if only other disciples. Do you want to get ambushed later on in the story by a group of people and get stomped by them?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Gank him if he yet lives, while monologouing about the reason so the elders know you only did it/tried to do it because you fear for your and your friends lifes if he does not die.
We are disguised, so while it's possible he'll find out who we were it's unlikely. And, yeah, he is a scrub. I think our advantage was in spiritual cultivation though, not physical?

The social attacks were straight across. The attack from surprise got a cultivation autosuccess. Now, his base dex+dodge pool was 6, but the cultivation advantage is ours.

If he lives, gank him fast, one less enemy. We have to think of our future, the elders won't give a shit, that is a xianxian novel. Hell, they know it is probable the arrogant shite will try to make our life hell if he survives. And he has probably got a good chance to do it too! He is a young master, ergo has connections, even if only other disciples. Do you want to get ambushed later on in the story by a group of people and get stomped by them?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Gank him if he yet lives, while monologouing about the reason so the elders know you only did it/tried to do it because you fear for your and your friends lifes if he does not die.

Telling the elders that we're afraid of a scrub *might* not be the best thing in the world for trying to impress them.

Also, this is important... your emotional makeup *matters* in terms of how you can cultivate. Compassion is going to lead to different tendencies than cold-blooded murder. Right now, we're building towards being someone who's particularly good at helping allies. To me, that suggests that a measure of compassion will serve us better than fear or sociopathy. What in ourselves *do* we wish to Cultivate?
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If he lives, gank him fast, one less enemy. We have to think of our future, the elders won't give a shit, that is a xianxian novel. Hell, they know it is probable the arrogant shite will try to make our life hell if he survives. And he has probably got a good chance to do it too! He is a young master, ergo has connections, even if only other disciples. Do you want to get ambushed later on in the story by a group of people and get stomped by them?

[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] Gank him if he yet lives, while monologouing about the reason so the elders know you only did it/tried to do it because you fear for your and your friends lifes if he does not die.
I thought we were trying to avoid being a typical Xianxia protagonist?
[X] Descend into the well… what's done is done. Take anything useful and complete the trial
-[X] Make sure the rope is well secured to multiple objects rather than just the well. You don't want to chance the well pulling some trick that leaves you stranded.
-[X] If he is alive but dying, try to stabilize him before you continue with the test.
There is a difference between ganking because you are annoyed and ganking because you are worried for your friends.
There is a difference between ganking because you are annoyed and ganking because you are worried for your friends.
Our friends have even less to worry about with this guy than we do. We're still on the low end of this particular power curve... and this guy *really* isn't well-positioned to catch up in the long run.