Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
Something like that is going to soak up a huge amount of enchanting resources that could have gone into something else. If that is his strategy I think we are pretty set. We just have too much damage negation to be particularly worried about dispel a buff on damage dealt.
We do in the early stage unfortunately. Our damage negation takes time to ramp up to full power, and Ji Rong's build can probably pull a nasty alpha up. If we can never get our defense to keep up, he'll beat us in the same fashion we've beaten others--because every turn he dispels us is another turn he can ramp up even further without us matching his pace.
It's very much a winning strategy against Ling Qi as publicly known. And Ji Rong's probably been kitted out to break her over his knee after the dunking Guangli got, hence why he conspicuously didn't use either his weapon or his Domain Weapon--to avoid tipping us off.