Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Grandfather caught her easily as she embraced him, not rocking back even a step. Right here, with his beard tickling her cheek and his heavily calloused hand resting affectionately on her head, Sun Liling could forget the troubles and humiliations of the last year. Even if his true body was back in the capital, it still felt the same. The one place in all the world that was utterly safe, where she could allow herself a little weakness. "Grandpa, I've missed you so much," she murmured, her voice muffled by the thick red fabric of his robe.

"Likewise, my little warrior," The elder cultivator replied quietly, his deep voice softened by affection. Though she wasn't looking at his face, Sun Liling knew that the dark crimson eyes, and stern, craggy features which sent courtiers and soldiers alike scurrying, would be lit by love that belonged only to her.

It's odd to say this but Liling's kind of adorable here.
Unless the system just gets ignored, a quick lesson really can't do very much. The Elders only give 30 dice to cultivation actions and he'd need to give hundreds to impact the tournament.
Resources are another matter, but they aren't mentioned.
Insights dont take much time.

Zeqings Trial-By-Blizzard was over in a fairly short amount of time and resulted in an incredibly potent change to Ling Qis arsenal with the Music Meridian.

Granted, Meizhen will likely benefit as well from some insights into Abyssal Cowls successor art and the abilities of her flying sword.

But still. It'll be a hell of a fight all the same.
Insights dont take much time.

Zeqings Trial-By-Blizzard was over in a fairly short amount of time and resulted in an incredibly potent change to Ling Qis arsenal with the Music Meridian.

Granted, Meizhen will likely benefit as well from some insights into Abyssal Cowls successor art and the abilities of her flying sword.

But still. It'll be a hell of a fight all the same.
Granting the equivalent of a tribulation insight is an example of the system being ignored, yes.
To be fair, those insights seemingly require being pushed to the very limit. I kinda doubt that Sun Shao is going to push his daughter so hard right at the tournament?
To be fair, those insights seemingly require being pushed to the very limit. I kinda doubt that Sun Shao is going to push his daughter so hard right at the tournament?
A White is probably a better teacher than Zeqing, especially when you consider he himself mastered and made his name from those arts.
Well, the real interesting part of the Sun Liling interlude for me wasn't her relationship with Grandpa or the advancement of her arts, since we knew just about all of that. For me, it's this segment:
Snorting, she turned away and closed her eyes, letting out a breath in accordance with, her art of cultivation, allowing a trickle of energy to cycle through her Ajna chakra and calm her emotions. It was just so damned annoying, how useless these easterners were.
Especially the second sentence—that she calls Empire scions from the central provinces "easterners." While we knew she was culturally more Red Jungle than Empire, but the extent is still startling.
We don't know and won't know until the fight, because unlike Liling's gramps, Shenhua gives no fucks and isn't leaning on the Elders to get that kind of information and manipulate the match-ups.
Though thinking about it, she actually might be, but she's certainly not telling CRX anything.
I'll personally be a little miffed if we run into another opponent carrying expensive custom made anti-Ling Qi gear to a fight that we have to jump into on a moment's notice. Signing up for Team Cai was supposed to be a shield against the political bullshit that Ling Qi can't do anything about personally.
Signing up for Team Cai was supposed to be a shield against the political bullshit that Ling Qi can't do anything about personally
Um. No.
The SECT was explicitly the option that had us avoiding political bullshit. Cai route was supposed to put us squarely in the middle of politics, though admittedly there was an expectation of having more tools to fight back with at some point.
A White is probably a better teacher than Zeqing, especially when you consider he himself mastered and made his name from those arts.

Quality of the teacher has staggeringly little to do with insights, it relies on the student reaching a singular moment of enlightenment brought on by great pressure.

Zeqing throwed Ling Qi into the blizzard so that Ling Qi will either adapt or die. The battle against Heizui took from dawn to dusk to finish being the longest consecutive battle that Ling Qi fought and where her art was repeatedly dispelled and recasted.

Is Sun Shao really going to push his granddaughter so hard right now?

EDIT: In fact Sun Shao is actually inhabiting Sun Liling from Insight because as long as she thinks he will pull her ass out of the fire she will never feel truly cornered.
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Um. No.
The SECT was explicitly the option that had us avoiding political bullshit. Cai route was supposed to put us squarely in the middle of politics, though admittedly there was an expectation of having more tools to fight back with at some point.
It might have helped if the thread had internalised just how much of a sociopathic pass or die tiger mother the Duchess was.
and we can eliminate the 4 nameless because that would be boring
Ehh... not necessarily. We could learn their names, and they could have exceedingly interesting abilities and means of fighting us.

That being said, 3 of them will probably be fed to the monsters to guarantee that they make it into the inner sect. That leaves another 1 that we could potentially have, but I have a feeling either Ji Rong or Kang Zihao will be getting that. (Probably Kang Zihao because of his connections to the Emperess)
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Um. No.
The SECT was explicitly the option that had us avoiding political bullshit. Cai route was supposed to put us squarely in the middle of politics, though admittedly there was an expectation of having more tools to fight back with at some point.
Um. Yes.

Joining up with Cai was supposed to put us in the middle of politics on our level. We would take on Cai Renxiang's enemies as our own and be expected to be friends with her friends. That has played out as expected.

Compared to pure neutral Ling Qi, being on team Cai was also supposed to give us a high level patron who had at least a passing interest in us not being randomly screwed over by other high level people.

To discover that Shenhua is not only not holding up an umbrella against the storm but is actually strapping a lightning rod to our backs puts the whole deal with Cai in a very different light.
Um. Yes.

Joining up with Cai was supposed to put us in the middle of politics on our level. We would take on Cai Renxiang's enemies as our own and be expected to be friends with her friends. That has played out as expected.

Compared to pure neutral Ling Qi, being on team Cai was also supposed to give us a high level patron who had at least a passing interest in us not being randomly screwed over by other high level people.

To discover that Shenhua is not only not holding up an umbrella against the storm but is actually strapping a lightning rod to our backs puts the whole deal with Cai in a very different light.
What are you talking about.

Shenhua making things difficult as trials for Renxiang to overcome has been known for a long time. Same thing of her monstrous tendencies.

Hell, this tournament fuckery the Sun are getting up to is also completely known. What we didnt expect was for Liling to go as far as she has, not that she wouldnt try and pull crap like this in the first place.

Dont try and sell this as being hoodwinked when everything was long since spelled out for us.
Most of this is conjecture anyway.

While it's pretty clear that Sun is pulling some strings, we don't actually know to what extent. Could be something as small as just knowing what the match ups are in advance.

As for Shenhua, I imagine she's willing to overlook this kind of thing only to a point. The whole point of this is to test her daughter, not crush her utterly. Allowing too many people to run roughshod over her daughter looks bad for her too, after all.

And let's be honest, nothing that has happened has been beyond CRXs ability to overcome, at least in theory.
Even GG vs JR+LF was GG+ Yellows he has personally trained.

Shenhua is putting hard mode testing of her daughter because she wants CRX to earn every single boons she gives her, but hard mode still means having a chance of victory.
What are you talking about.

Shenhua making things difficult as trials for Renxiang to overcome has been known for a long time. Same thing of her monstrous tendencies.

Hell, this tournament fuckery the Sun are getting up to is also completely known. What we didnt expect was for Liling to go as far as she has, not that she wouldnt try and pull crap like this in the first place.

Dont try and sell this as being hoodwinked when everything was long since spelled out for us.
Speaking of hoodwinking... you can point me to the predictions in this thread that Shenhua would stand idly by or actively participate as Ling Qi's chances for promotion are sabotaged, yes? Was that part of the pitch when we were voting to join team Cai? Sign on the dotted line to make sure everybody we fight from now on has a bunch of extra time and money devoted to preparing anti-Ling Qi equipment? I don't remember it.

I do remember thinking that Cai's trials would be like the war games in the outer sect. I thought that because the example we had of one of Cai's trials was the war games in the outer sect.

Getting roped into fights against our peers that we might not want was indeed part and parcel of the Cai package. Getting randomly screwed by higher level people is new.
Basically, it's not a proper test if there's no chance of you succeeding. Shenhua is perfectly fine with other people cooking the books against her progeny and their retainers, but she wouldn't approve of a "Zero chance of success" bit like it would be throwing Liling into the same cage match as Ling Qi and Kang Zihao for instance, because that's an execution, not a test.

She wants Renxiang to have to work for every scrap of assistance and resources, and as her retainers, we carry some of that load. But that's fine, because while she has ridiculously overinflated expectations, she also grants suitable rewards for meeting them. Access to the White Room for the better part of a season was a ridiculous boon for Renxiang's faction.

So yeah, she's fine with making us suffer, and stacking the deck against us to the point where we must excel beyond common sense to achieve. It defeats the purpose though of an actually impossible task to be assigned, not the least being that it makes Shenhua look bad in the eyes of most of the Empire--including her actual peers. Because it'd imply that she can't properly calibrate her examinations.

Any one of these tests must have an avenue to take to achieve victory, or it defeats the purpose. Shenhua doesn't expect us to succeed (The first attempt at a masterwork is rarely what you take to the submission board after all), but she also is willing to be pleasantly surprised at all turns, and provide rewards commensurate with her expectations for meeting them.
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Basically, yeah. Shenhua isn't stingy with rewarding those who meet her exceedingly high expectations, which is probably her sole virtue.
Oh god more anti cai salt...

Look, cai already hooked us up with a dress that let's us fly and is pretty dank ( something no one else has shown the ability to do besides cai herself )

A fairly powerful flying sword.

Lessons on the history and political situation of the current noble houses as well as an introduction to two of the more powerful houses in the region. Both of whom we made fairly good impressions .

And we still have our actual fief to look forward to which we haven't even touched yet because were still in sect portion of story.

If they truly were trying to fuck us over we would have found ourselves in a round with both liling and kang.

So far GG is the only person with less then favourable odds because ji rong was there but even then he somehow was able to be in a round with several of his trained allies/minions.

Sure we got placed with shen but he was never intended to take us out either, their plan was to humiliate/injure us with the assassin mook squad. And it didn't pan out.

So can we just .like. Chill