Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

in fairness to the old man, it really was a close thing with Sun, and would have changed so much if we had sided with her.
Ling Qi was kind of a massive lucky swing for the Bai, given the sheer effect she had over the course of the year. Grandpa I think WOULD have been right had things gone into a Thunderdome, and frankly we did alot to shut down whatever Sun got up to.
...Personally? If we ever get paired with Sun on any offical mission I'm very much for treating her kindly and fairly, and not carrying a grudge. Yes it's going to probably make her want to slam her head into the nearest tree, but I dunno if there's any way for her to not look back on this year and go 'what if I had just said yes to the commoner!'.
maybe it's just the phrasing that's confusing me (or my complete lack of understanding of process. ok, that's the most likely reason), but 'transcribing' the rolls should be the easiest/most trivial part of this whole mess, a simple copy/paste

heck you could have an app automatically put the result in the clipboard so you don't even need to copy, just paste

i only keep bringing this up because it sounds like yrs is doing this the hard way (or the 'not easiest way' at least)
To me it seems like a case where every individual step isn't that bothersome, but in aggregate they become unwieldy, cumbersome, and draining because you wind up just having to do so much.
...Personally? If we ever get paired with Sun on any offical mission I'm very much for treating her kindly and fairly, and not carrying a grudge. Yes it's going to probably make her want to slam her head into the nearest tree, but I dunno if there's any way for her to not look back on this year and go 'what if I had just said yes to the commoner!'.
That... is probably not happening:

Sun Liling: oooo
-Intense Dislike

To put it in perspective, LQ dislike of Sun is at the same intensity as her love/fondness for Zhengui and Meizhen.
Once again, Sun Liling cursed her own poor judgement, which had handed the Bai a strong piece. Looking back, it would have been a much better move to isolate the snake further. If she had just spent a bit of effort being friendly, she was sure that the lonely commoner she had met that day would have latched on to her as strongly as she had the Bai.
You could have had it all!
I think it is time that your old grandpa showed you a new trick or two.
Oh. Well, fuck.
The really interesting thing is.

Sun Liling hates looking at herself in the mirror, just seeing herself reflected irritates her.

Self-Awareness is not a thing she cares to indulge in.

I suspect she would never manage to successfully cultivate the Argent Mirror.
If we ever get paired with Sun on any offical mission I'm very much for treating her kindly and fairly, and not carrying a grudge.

Anyone I would have supported holding a grudge against is far behind in our dust.

The sole exception could be Lu Feng, if he gets one of the "yrs being vague" by passes into Inner.
Ling Qi was chasing him around the mountain to… some effect. Her mist seemed incapable of holding him stationary and so he kept retreating and rapidly moving towards another target of his.

"So, Hanyi. What should Ling Qi be doing here to beat the boy? It doesn't appear that what she is doing is very effective right now."

"Ummm… be faster? Call him a cheater? Because he is totally cheating right now."

"Perhaps, but listen closely now because you may one day find yourself in a similar situation. Of hunting a beast that can outpace you, but is too weak to confront you. Find the thing the beast must have, and then take it for yourself. Find the thing the beast wants, and hold it close to your heart.

It will force the beast to confront you, for if he does not have that which you have taken he will surely perish. If he must face you and can no longer flee, then the battle has already been won. So, what can Ling Qi do here to force the boy to confront her?"

"Big Sister could… capture a couple of the rabble and cage them in a single location? If the Dirty Mud Boy is trying to beat up all of the rabble, then holding some of the rabble near her would force him to come to her."

"Quite right, Hanyi. Good job. You'll have to tell her that when next she comes to practice and train. She can be forgiven though, afterall she is so very young, even amongst her kind."

The battle took quite a while to end but it was enjoyable to watch. A game of hide and seek where the rabble were always the losers. Eventually, though, Ling Qi and the boy were the last ones in the stage, and the mountains began to dissolve around them. It was quite the humorous show. Perhaps the next round would be just as entertaining

Ling Qi - War: o (3/6)


At least she also has

Intelligence: ooooo (20/35)
Wits: ooooo (17/35)

And 1v1s don't require war per se. :rofl: Thankfully.
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allowing a trickle of energy to cycle through her Ajna chakra and calm her emotions.
I'm really interested to learn more of what the Sun learnt in the Western Territories but can't imagine we'd hear much about it in character.

Still enjoying seeing Liling though, I actually quite like her as a character. She's been said to be spoiled but that's pretty much because she's the only monster with a positive home life. It was nice to see more of that too.
The really interesting thing is.

Sun Liling hates looking at herself in the mirror, just seeing herself reflected irritates her.

Self-Awareness is not a thing she cares to indulge in.

I suspect she would never manage to successfully cultivate the Argent Mirror.
Personally? My read is that she didn't even get ahold of the Argent Arts, or they were offered (powerful family perks yo!) but she took her own family arts, and didn't have time to get the Argents due to fighting that loosing war against the Cai.
Like if we had backed her she might have looked into the Argent Arts and picked them up but without them? Well...
Noting that its in genre. Eating humans is noted to be one of the ways that a supernatural beast in the mythology awakens to intelligence and power.
They're like...1/3 of the antagonists in Journey to the West, while we know of at least two extremely powerful spirits that eat people(SnowMom and FoxMom).
I'm pretty sure it was hinted or even stated that the boss spider that got drunk with Li Suyin also did that when people annoyed her.
I think you want to capitalize the "s".
I will have to come by and reclaim the formation after the tournament however, my dear husband would be quite cross with me should he learn that this particular formation had disappeared."
You use the word "formation" twice in this sentence, after using it in the prior sentence as well. It might flow better to replace the first use with "item" or something like that.
So...who is our next opponent?
There is no firm answer as to who our next opponent is.

There has been a lot of speculation though. Out of the 15 possible adversaries, we can fairly reliably eliminate 4: Sun, Cai, Bai, and Shen Hu. Shen Hu because we just faced him and a rematch right away would be boring, and then the 3 monsters because it is a non-zero chance that we might beat them.

That leaves Han Fang, Ji Rong, Xiulan, Chu Song, Wei Ai, Kang Zihao, Han Jian or the 4 other nameless people.
Poor sect. Having so many different powerful groups leaning on them. They have to work hard to play them against each other in order to maintain any automy.
Poor sect. Having so many different powerful groups leaning on them. They have to work hard to play them against each other in order to maintain any automy.
why do you think the sect elder got Jiao to join the sect?
the guy used to work for their ministry of integrity.

bet he has dirt on everyone and the skills to get more.