Okay, after some thought:
There are three groups fighting here (called A,B,C for ease of interpretation). Possible scenarios:
Ideal Defense: A and B fight, C takes the fort, C defeats the winners of A and B all members being roughly equal.
- We can assume that anyone going the aggressive route is going to wind up as either A or B in this scenario should it come to pass. We should not let it come to pass.
Allied Siege: C takes the fort, A and B ally, both gang up on C. Result is a bit up in the air.
- I don't really see this happening when the time limit is a mere two hours and all teams have an impetus to compete, but maybe someone on the opposing side is super good at social combat, or the other two teams know each other or one team is overwhelming enough to threaten the weaker team into attacking on the offchance the stronger team is weakened enough that the weak team can come out on top.
Siege in Waves: C takes the fort, A attacks, then B attacks the group that is winning.
- Again, result is a bit up in the air, but probably favors B depending on how devastating the ambush is.
There are variations on that theme, but anything else starts getting a little overambitious, I think, on the part of the defenders. The allied defense (C and B in the fort versus A) is so unlikely I'd wager it impossible unless one of the groups we're against is just that OP in which case all bets are off.
Ideal Offense: A and B fight, C moves in to mop up.
- Basically the same as Ideal Defense, minus the fort. You'd somehow need to engineer a scenario like this one because the likelihood of ALL the teams choosing to go offensive seems a bit remote.
C shows up on A or B's radar, rabbits away and gets A or B to pursue to some sort of strategic location.
- Needs a rabbit.
- Probably the only way to engineer an ideal offense. But you'd need 1) to know where both A and B are, 2) get both groups to commit to an offense. It's probably within a scout specialized team's capabilities, not ours.
- Unless we are willing to rabbit, not very practical.
Attack Attack Attack
C goes after A and B before either can get to the fort.
- Unless you're at an overwhelming advantage in terms of fighting ability, I don't see why you'd do this.
We're in a three-sided war and this isn't a RLS game where the resources spent to fight can be recovered by conquering another side. Whoever can stay out of the fighting the longest has the advantage because this is very much a case of 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you weaker.'Neither Qi nor health is can be trivially recovered so we should do our best not to waste them.
So, after all that I guess what I think we should do is:
Go Camping: C goes near the fort, then hides. Waits for A and B to show up and tear each other up, then goes in for the kill. Dangerous, if either of the other teams can scout worth a damn.
- This ofc assumes we are operating on real world logic and not 'NO THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL CHUNKS OF XP WE GOTTA COLLECT THEM ALL.'
- Also, it runs the risk of alienating our noble-bred allies because this is definitely the sort of scavenger-like strategy a girl raised by the streets would come up with, not those raised in a more martial culture. Given that our strategy relies on everyone staying patient and not breaking cover, their impatience and dislike is actually dangerous.
- Finally, relies on the fort not providing such a defensible location that one team could conceivably hold off two.