If there is no wind, Ling Qi can effortlessly add some for dramatic effectThe question is, does Ling Qi's hair wave in a non-existant breeze?
Why do I get the feeling she is looking for fun events to drag Ling Qi to... maybe she'll find an Elder trial.Placated by Ling Qi's agreement the spirit, which she thought was a girl again, hopped back a step, leaving her personal space. "Well," she said, drawing out the word. "You seemed pretty fun, so I figured I'd come take a look around for awhile. Don't worry," she added waving a hand. "I won't impose. I'm just going tohave a look around the mountain,"
I definitely think that we should focus our money on talismans, and that next week should be a meridian week.
Well I would love to do a meridian week, I feel that there might be a couple more pressing matters that we should do.I definitely think that we should focus our money on talismans, and that next week should be a meridian week.
It's only embarrassing if you let it be embarrassing, so since you can't decide... it's cool!With a bit of rising suspicion, she began to cycle her qi, letting cool darkness flow through her meridians… and sure enough, she caught faint twinkling sparkles like dim stars in her hair.
...She wasn't sure if that was embarrassing or cool.
Becoming an anime character is sadly inevitable on the road to cultivation.It's only embarrassing if you let it be embarrassing, so since you can't decide... it's cool!
Also, with background music, and flashes of silver around us, and twinkling hair we will be extremely striking if only for how different we are from everyone around us.
Oh damn did I read that wrong, damn meizhen is such a hard person to please lately...I get why she is mad..but there's only so much we can do.
Part of me wants to wait until we're training phantasmagoriaDDR and EPC together to buy a moon pill.
That part of me is outweighed by the part that wants to root on that small chance of EPC5.
Oh damn did I read that wrong, damn meizhen is such a hard person to please lately...I get why she is mad..but there's only so much we can do.
I'd be a bit surprised if there's actually an inner sect disciple who does EPC and is available to tutor us, personally. I do want to focus on EPC insofar as we are able, though. The enticements of laying a strong foundation, potentially getting a free green stone a week, potentially being able to bind a grade 3 spirit, and advancing in the cool moon route stuff are quite attractive to me.Next week I really want to tutor EPC5 and PLR. We'd get to meet another moon cultivator and it should be worth it for good narrative alone.