Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

How do the various arts granted to us by our various spiritual acquaintances compare to the arts an established clan might have access to?
Oh hey! Our first Moon Art that isn't EPC!

Interesting how it's Yang aspected though. I like it though! It's an augment to our mobility and what looks like our first honest to goodness buff.
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Ok, that was good. I think that whatever benefit we would get was dependent on the week we went, by the way. It would govern the Moon we would meet.
Ok, that was good. I think that whatever benefit we would get was dependent on the week we went, by the way. It would govern the Moon we would meet.

Yeah, this was very nice though. We got a stealth drip (Not a maxed one, but 19 successes is still 19 successes we wouldn't have otherwise had), and we got a second Leg Art--one that seems to give us an illusionary step to augment our ninja step even.

Plus, Moon, Lung, it's another one of those Arts that goes wonderfully with our choices in Breakthrough.

But yeah, I suspect that it wasn't "When you go is what benefit you get", but instead, it was a benefit tailored to the Route we chose.
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Holy cow, a Yang Moon art. @yrsillar, it's not music right? Also, movement. Niiice.

[] On the back of a silver winged moth with lovely, silken fuzz like a pillow made of dreams
[] Leaning on the shoulder of a laughing girl with hair that shimmered in the colors of a rainbow

Is this a new spirit get? Mmmmh. I think moth or kid both sounds good to me. Hard to say.
Girl might be another "Moon Fairy" like Xin was.

But I'm fine with either TBH.

Anyway, before we start hashing out Plans in earnest, we need to determine what we need to take.

Needs are the Market, Needs are finishing our Breakthrough, and so on.
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The moth sounds more interesting. Prefer animal spirits really. Though it could have nothing to do with binding a new one. Would be amusing to do so just as Meizhen does though.

For minors, I want the SuMa and Han Jian ones, since they've waited a long time. Zhengui also suggested we see Xiulan or Meizhen so we ought to see our roomie since she's available.
Moth is cute, Magic Pixie Rave Girl might help with our music though.

Anyway, looks like Closed Door won't be viable this week, but I think we can manage to make all of this work if we're willing to risk losing a minor action.

4x Breakthrough, If we don't need the fourth, we do Zeqing Training for FSS, if we don't need the third, we can fit a different Major in there, like Dragon or a Mission, and attach someone else to that.

5th action on EPC--attach SuMa.

Minors, one on Meizhen, one on Han Jian, and a trip to the Market?
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