People with omake points: would you consider leveling Archery up so we can break through with it maxed?
I'd suggest holding off until the week ends. For one thing, Archery progress is quite possible for the base raid - how much is unknown. For another, once the week ends then we'll be in position to figure out what kind of breakthrough we want Ling Qi to go for - and what major actions are available for week #37.
For example, I advocate a two-week breakthrough, allowing actions that can have minors attached to them, making it less obvious what Ling Qi is up to, giving her some ability to catch "opportunities" or to play defense against an attack. That also means that Ling Qi has one more week to squeeze in just a touch more on progression.
For another, I'm not sure that a 'soft-capped' mastery will offer a breakthrough bonus. Meanwhile, Archery is a skill that Ling Qi advances reasonably often, as she'll usually use it a bit during various jobs or expeditions. Moreover, it's a somewhat 'fungible' skill, in that she uses several skills to accomplish the same end (victory in combat) and combat is often multiple rolls using multiple attributes, skills and masteries.
She has other skills, however, that are "single points of failure" when they're used - that is, she gets one roll and that determines complete success or failure. Here are all the skills that are within 6 of improving:
- Strength 4 ==> 18/20
- Composure 5 ==> 20/25
- Bureaucracy 2 ==> 0/6
- Investigation 4 ==> 9/12
- Medicine 2 ==> 1/6
- Occult 4 ==> 10/12
- Politics 4 ==> 8/12
- Athletics 6 ==> 17/21
- Survival 5 ==> 9/15
- Empathy 5 ==> 11/15
- Socialize 2(?) ==> 2/6
- War 2 ==> 2/6
- Archery 6 ==> 14/20
- Spears 2 ==> 0/6
- Resilience 5 ==> 14/15
- Swords 2 ==> 0/6
(Manipulation 6 is also only 8 away, at 27/35.)
In particular, things like Politics and Investigation could become more important as Ling Qi firmly settles among the top of the year and people start making plans and plots to get a position in the tournament. Her being able to navigate the treacherous waters a die better is actually more valuable than being able to shoot arrows a die better, in my opinion. I'd suggest people pick whichever of the 'social' skills progresses this week that're within striking distance and dinging those.
And if there *are* breakthrough bonuses from soft-capping attributes or skills... I feel like Manipulation or Athletics might be better to push over the top than Archery. The former is an attribute and is useful for the aforementioned social rolls, and the latter, along with Stealth, is what deals with mobility for Ling Qi. Archery, on the other hand, is only one of several masteries (one of three skills that apply to ranged, in fact - Throwing Knives and Expression being the other two)