Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Other stuff that I didn't manage to say. Ideally, we can grow powerful enough to spend time with Meizhen without needing to be terribly subservient to general politics, and then can come and go as we damn well please.

But also, I want to give her time to move on and potentially develop feelings for someone who will make her happy. Not giving her any breathing space and also potentially tainting our friendship isn't really conductive to my hopes for Meizhen.
Honestly, even if we did reciprocate Meizhen's feelings on the matter, it might *still* be better for us both if we were to go with Cai Renxiang. We wouldn't have nearly so much backstabbing floating around, it would get Miezhen away from the toxic little hellhole that her family has become, and while Cai would be only too happy to exploit Miezhen's feelings for us, she'd be so *much* nicer about it.

Frankly, I'd imagine Meizhen could use that favour to be placed in the Cai court as an ally of the heiress.
Yeah. Basically this.
Honestly, even if we did reciprocate Meizhen's feelings on the matter, it might *still* be better for us both if we were to go with Cai Renxiang. We wouldn't have nearly so much backstabbing floating around, it would get Miezhen away from the toxic little hellhole that her family has become, and while Cai would be only too happy to exploit Miezhen's feelings for us, she'd be so *much* nicer about it.

Yeah. Basically this.

I agree.

Like, it's nice to get that out into the open, but she's right in that this probably wouldn't be the best choice for us.

I'm still in favor of the Cai option though, as the option that best supports our long term development. Even though it gives me a sad that we'd have to pass up DUNGEON ADVENTURE TIME on the Cousin Tai opportunity.
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What we need to do is find Meizhen a girlfriend.

It might actually pretty funny if we set her up with Renxiang. Would certainly be a way to square the circle of working for CRX while staying around Meizhen.
Frankly I would go with the Gu Offer. It has potential for growth without the issues of the Bai and Cai.

The only problem is that they're literally settled on a barren desert wasteland. Though Zhengui being Wood/Fire means that he'd be an excellent bet for terraforming.

I imagine we'll get some more context on the CRX option too this turn.
The only problem is that they're literally settled on a barren desert wasteland. Though Zhengui being Wood/Fire means that he'd be an excellent bet for terraforming.

I imagine we'll get some more context on the CRX option too this turn.
Yes, but hostile environment and wild life that wants to kill us is something that Ling Qi is very well equipped to deal with. The politics of the Cai and the Bai however, would take a life time to learn, if she even survives that long under such a context.
Well. Sabotage Su Liling cultivation operation is a go.

I am going to psuh for an art to sneak around so we can fuck with Sun.
Honestly the Gu's offers isn't bad and would certainly fit ling qi more than intrigue and politics plus with the help of Zengui it may be possible to restore golden fields to it's former glory.
Once Zhengui comes out of his evolution I think we should go talk to the dragon. We should see if it is possible to plant Zhengui in the grove for a week or three and see what it does to his growth. Alot will obviously depend on if they can get along, but whatever inner disciple set that dragon up there made a good choice and we should try to imitate it.
Once Zhengui comes out of his evolution I think we should go talk to the dragon. We should see if it is possible to plant Zhengui in the grove for a week or three and see what it does to his growth. Alot will obviously depend on if they can get along, but whatever inner disciple set that dragon up there made a good choice and we should try to imitate it.

We should definitely strive to do some research first though, to make sure we know how to approach a young dragon in a means that won't give offense.
I am really happy about having asked Bai, not because of the offer, but because Qi came clear about her past,
It wasn't exactly nice but it had to be done.
Like cleaning a wound.
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Once Zhengui comes out of his evolution I think we should go talk to the dragon. We should see if it is possible to plant Zhengui in the grove for a week or three and see what it does to his growth. Alot will obviously depend on if they can get along, but whatever inner disciple set that dragon up there made a good choice and we should try to imitate it.
And then, at some point in the future, we end up with a bunch of very strange eggs.
Well, the good news is that we got a full stack of training done on FZ at least thanks to the EPC bonus!

Praise the Moon!
What a great scene. Meizhen scenes have been some of the best parts of the quest - the boundary talk from someone who knows Ling Qi and who Ling Qi will listen to and Ling Qi's full revelation of her background to Meizhen (finally!). Although I have to say, I do think it's funny that coming in, it was like blind leading the blind, but Meizhen might be the more socially well adjusted of the pair.

I'm inclined to agree with Meizhen's analysis, and it's good for Ling Qi (and the quest!) to realize that Meizhen might still be around in Cai-Land (if Meizhen defeats Sun Liling in the tournament). No wonder she was pushing us to take Cai's offer. It's probably much harder for her to justify going to Gu-Land since, as a ducal house, her family will probably be much more skeptical of the need to send an apparently promising cultivator off to the hinterlands / a viscount house.
I do wonder if there is a sun cultivation art of the Gu's and if so what if both that and EPC were both activated at say Dawn at the same time.
Well for me at least the Cai offer remains the firm leader. It leaves us with a nice combination of politics and border fighting rather than just one or the other.
Yeah, plus, as was already said. The CRX offer still lets us be friends with Meizhen--especially if she ends up beating Sun Liling and burns her favor to be a... Semi-formal ambassador to a neighbouring Ducal house?

I wouldn't be surprised actually if that's her gameplan here.
... Getting Meizhen to share with the benefits of the Mystic Vale. That would be crazy good for her cultivation. Not as good as us mind you, but still crazy good.
The boundary talk was really good to have. I do feel like if we did ask Meizhen to make us handmaiden, it's still unlikely Ling Qi would ever be attracted to her in the way Meizhen wants. Regardless of if we managed to weather the Bai family rivalries or whatever, we'd remain at best a chain on Meizhen's heart and at worst a bleeding hole in it. Having seen her feelings from her own mouth, I can't justify requesting to stay with her because of the obvious toll it's going to take on her. It's too much to ask of Meizhen for our own selfishness, even if she apparently would grant it. So that has very little to do with politics or opportunities for me.
That site! That offer! Those feels!

Methinks we'll need to acquire some Heaven Spirit Cores or something as a friendship offering/treat/bribe for the dragon. Add that to the geopolitical and historical research in the archives, methinks.

Considering it's a Sect Job, presumably others have tried various means of cultivating there. Maybe the dragon is known to string silly cultivators along for more treats without ever actually letting them meditate there. That, or agree, and then eat them when they are too immersed to react in time.

Though there's always the chance that Ling Qi is the first person silly enough to try befriending this dragon. Protagonist powers, activate!
"Well at least he's honest," LIng Qi said, studying him critically despite her flippant response. He wore a sort of loose vermillion jacket patterned like the feathers of a bird open over a more tightly fitting black silk shirt with red highlights along its center. He wore a familiar bright red fingerless glove over his right hand. He had a lean sort of build, similar to Han Jian.
Ling Qi review: "Not enough beef"

Overall the Gu offer just didn't appeal at all to me on any level. Oh well. At least that's dealt with.

It was beautiful, a lush, verdant valley, bursting with life. The water of the river was clear and fresh, sparkling under the light of the moon and stars, and mist that drifted from the river lent the place a mystical air. The qi too was rich and wholesome, filling her with vital energy.

Mystic Vale: Grants bonus successes equal to talent multiplied by cultivation realm to physical, spiritual and qi cultivation, Grants nine bonus dice to Wood, Earth, and Water Art cultivation.

This on the other hand, is AMAZINGLY attractive!
Like, holy shit.
If not for the dragon it'd be a battlefield.

Wonder if we can befriend the dragon for access :p

Those stealth rolls were terrible, but fortunately not terrible enough.

Meizhen stared at her for several seconds in silence, before looking away, her right hand clenching on her her gown. "It is amazing," she replied, a little quietly. "How cruel your earnesty can be at times Qi."

"I'm sorry Meizhen," she replied, looking down, guilt creeping into her tone. "I just… I want to know."

"Nothing would stop me from visiting you in Cai Renxiang's domain," Meizhen pointed out softly. "Given my relationship with her, it is even fairly likely that I may receive assignment to the duchess' court as a liaison."
...ah, clever snek. Meizhen could arrange permanent assignment to Cai's court, which frees her to visit Ling Qi more or less whenever they want.

An awkward, lingering silence fell between the two, which lasted for several minutes before Meizhen finally broke that silence. "Should I defeat Sun Liling publically and completely during the tournament, I believe Grandfather would be willing to grant me a minor favor if I request it," the pale girl said, plucking at the hem of her sleeve. "To that end, I could take you as my official handmaiden, rather than selecting one from among the Xiao clan, as is traditional."
That might be the easy part, if Sun is wasting her time on her faction and chasing Ling Qi.
Bai meizhen shook her head. "Understand, Ling Qi, that the Bai do not countenance weakness. My… feelings for you are a large one. I do not doubt that my cousins would make things incredibly difficult for you, in the process of undermining my position. You would suffer for accepting such a thing. I do not doubt that whatever you might feel, you would come to resent me, assuming you survive the internal politics of my clan," she clutched her sleeve tightly. "Please, accept Cai Renxiang's offer, or even that of the Gu Clan, or stay on in the Sect. It… would be better for the both of us."

Ling Qi sighed unhappily, if Meizhen was so certain, perhaps it was a bad idea. Still it rankled at her. Surely she could handle some backstabbing cousins.

...She wished that she could believe that.
...I think I agree with Meizhen, if she feels the Bai internal politics are so toxic she'd rather have us be on the literal other side of the country.

She'd know.