Regarding Cai vs the Sect...
More thoughts on this!
We know that even should we be Cai's vassal, we can also be a part of the sect. It will just take a lot more work and effort on our part in that regard. However, this also handily helps with concerns that we won't have access to arts to choose from should we be Cai's vassal. Problem with this is that if there is a conflict between a Sect interest and a Cai interest we would have to choose the Cai interest, which may severely hurt our reputation and standing in the Sect.
Another thing to note is that we are aware that the Sect is struggling financially, so I'm not sure how much support they can afford to give us even if we stick with them for 8 years, while it appears that Lady Cai has nearly limitless cash at her disposal. Alas, that cash comes with strings attached, lots of strings attached. I'm sure that the sect will have strings attached to their funds as well (sect missions come to mind) but probably not as many strings as being a vassal to Cai.
I'm not saying we go full time HitQi, but merely that I don't get the abject disgust to killing this guy and that on their sleep. I'm sure no one will object to killing people in combat, the only difference is how much you stack the deck.
Ling Qi (and we as well) gets quite the thril from sneaking around. Stealth kills are much the same.
I like the pair of Grinning Moon and Bloody Moon, they are the twin crescents!
Ultimately, it's a good fit for our skillset (as soon as we patch up our damage), it's a good fit thematically with following the two aspects of the crescent Moon, and stealth playthrough is downright awesome.
Well, I'm going to have to disagree with you on the difference between assassinations and killing in combat.
I do agree with you that stealth runs are extremely awesome, but I feel that assassinations are a bit too... boorish for the level of complexity and choices that FoD supplies.
For instance, instead of killing a person we can instead plant incriminating evidence that he is a traitor who is supplying critical weapons and talismans to rebels against the Emperess or Duchess. Rebels, I might add, that we created specifically for this purpose by creating a false contact point for dissent against the tyrannical regime. In this way, we call down the Ministry of Integrity, and rather than assassinating all of the dissenters one by one we capture them all in one fell swoop.
We let some escape, of course, to tell the tales of the false contact furthering the distrust between members of a rebellion and fracturing the rebellion further creating a situation where they can not trust any other "dissenters" outside of 2 or 3 people. This effectively cuts off the rebellion's ability to get organized and pose a legitimate threat to the Cais or the Emperess.
Much smoother than crawling through 30 houses and assassinating each one.